bøkef bøkiarm | neither too much nor too little; nothing added nothing taken away; no more; no less | 無加無減; 無多不少
cietkiarm | discount | 折減
kakiarm | more or less | 加減
kekiarm | more or less; either much or a little; more or less; as much as possible | 加減; 多多少少; 盡量; 多少
khahkiarm | less | 較減
khaokiarm | deduct | 扣減
kiarbang | hope | 寄望
kiarbe | sale on consignment | 寄售, 託售
kiarbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場; 寄木場
kiarbong | set one's hope on | 寄望
kiarbøe | sale on consignment | 寄售; 託售; 寄賣
kiarcvii | a remittance, to remit | 寄錢
kiargu | to sojourn | 寄留
kiarhiøq | stay for a short time | 寄歇; 寄憩
kiarhoad | sending method, method for sending out; to send forth, to mail | 寄法; 寄發
kiarhoex | entrust or consign goods to be kept; sold or sent | 寄貨
kiarhuix | postage | 寄付; 寄費; 捐獻
kiarhux | donate; contribute; donation | 捐獻; 寄付; 贈與
kiarhøex | to send or mail goods | 寄貨
kiariorng | send a child to another family for temporary care, depend on others for a living | 寄養
kiariøqpaw | stored medicine package in the old days | 寄藥包
kiarkhaf | stay at; stopover at | 寄腳; 寄跤; 寄居; 逗留; 客居; 寄宿
kiarkhngx | to place or leave (a thing) in (another's) custody | 寄放
kiarkimpho'ar | bankbook; passbook | 寄金簿仔; 存摺
kiarkw | live temporarily (with a family; in a place) | 寄居
kiarkym | save; deposit | 寄金; 存款於銀行
kiarliuu | live temporarily elsewhere | 寄留
kiarm ? | Are …? How could …? | 莫不(是)
kiarm høeasiu | have one's life shortened by Heaven on account of wickedness | 減壽; 減歲壽
kiarm | Are …? How could …? | 豈; 檢; 鹼; 減
kiarm'aq | sword scabbard or container | 劍法; 劍鞘
kiarm-bøeq | Do you want to...? | 減無
kiarm`khix | subtracted; decreased | 減去
kiarm`khylaai | to decrease; to subtract; to reduce | 減起來
kiarmchiuo | swordsman; a fencer | 劍手
kiarmhoad | swordsmanship | 劍法
kiarmkheq | a swordsman; a fencing master | 劍客
kiarmkiab | knight-errant; a swordsman who champions the cause of the downtrodden; an outlaw champion of the poor and oppressed; one who fights rather than submit to injustice ─ an ideal of chivalry and honor; popular in legend and novels | 劍俠
kiarmlaan | Gladiolus; sword lily; sword orchid; gladiolus | 劍蘭; 唐菖蒲
kiarmpvix | handle of a sword | 劍片; 劍柄
kiarmsiaux | scabbard | 劍鞘
kiarmsiefn | an immortal swordsman; shrewd man; man of outstanding ability | 劍仙; 精通者
kiarmsiux | the a sheath of a sword | 劍鞘
kiarmsurn | sword bamboo shoots | 劍筍
kiarmsut | fencing; the art of handling a sword; fencing; swordsmanship | 劍術
kiarmsw | swordsman | 劍師; 劍客
kiarmteg | sword bamboo | 劍竹
kiaroe | to send word; to convey a message; send a verbal message | 寄語; 寄話; 託人帶話
kiarphef | send a letter; mail (post) a letter | 寄信
kiarphoef | send a letter | 寄批
kiarphøef | to send or mail a letter | 寄信; 寄批
kiarsaxng | to mail and send | 寄送
kiarsefng | parasitism; to be a parasite (on); to be parasitic (on) | 寄生
kiarsefng-thaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsengthaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsiaux | to have one's debts in book | 寄數; 寄帳; 掛帳
kiarsiog | lodge; stay in a place away from home | 寄宿
kiarsioksefng | boarding pupils | 寄宿生
kiarsiuu | to consign for sale | 寄售
kiarsve'ar | hermit (soldier) crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kiarsvear | hermit (soldier) crab | 寄生仔
kiarsvethaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarsvi'ar | a hermit crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kiarsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 寄聲; 揚言(威脅); 放言
kiarsvithaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarsvy | be a parasite | 寄生
kiarthak | attend as an extra student; be boarding student | 寄讀; 借讀
kiarthog | to consign or commit (soul to God; emotions to writing; etc.); entrust to the care of someone; entrust or commit soul to God; emotions to writing | 寄託
kiarzeng | to mail and send a gift or present | 寄贈
kiarzhngf | entrust a warehousing company with merchandise or a rice-mill with crops | 寄倉
kiarzhud | send out | 寄出
kiarzoe | probation; suspend sentence; reprieve | 寄罪; 緩刑
kiarzuun | to deposit (money) | 寄存
kiarøh | to place or leave in (another's) custody for school | 寄學; 借讀
laixkiarmkiaxm | sharp sword | 利劍劍
limkiarm | make an inspection of; make a search of | 臨檢
pakkiarm | northern District Prosecutor | 北檢
putkiarm | undisciplined, unrestrained | 無檢; 不檢
sankiarm | decrease; cut | 刪減
siahkiarm | curtail; cut down (a budget) | 削減
siokkiarm | reduce; lessen; to decrease | 縮減
siongkiarm | reduce | 相減
siøfkiarmkheq | little swordsman | 小劍客
thefkiarm | physical exam | 體檢
tiafmkiarm | check, examine | 點檢
u kef bøo kiarm | increase steadily; get steadily worse or serious | 有增無減
zakiarm | check up; inspect | 查驗
zengkiarm | increase or decrease | 增減
zhaikiarm | reduce personnel or staff | 裁減
zhekkiarm | reduce | 促減; 切減
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]