"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Køeathaau-kiaugvo | hubris | 過份驕傲; 過頭驕傲
haygoa kiaupaw | overseas Chinese | 海外僑胞
iong kiau`ee | pry; prize | 用撬的
karnkiau | curse; curse with vile language | 臭罵; 惡言罵; 惡言罵人
kiau ciøqthaau | pry up the stone | 撬石頭
kiau laang | swear; curse (at people) | 罵人
kiau | straighten; correct; curse with dirty words | 矯; 撬; 謾罵; 挍
kiau'ar | overseas Chinese; person living abroad | 僑仔
kiau'iam | beautiful; gorgeous | 嬌豔
kiau'ioong | lovely apperance; beautiful appearance | 嬌容
kiau'iorng | to grow up in soft surroundings; to live a sheltered life | 嬌養
kiau'oaf | a beauty | 嬌娃
kiau`khylaai | pull out with a nail puller | 撬起來
kiaubiin | people resident at foreign country; alien; emigrants; persons who reside in a country other than their own; alien residents | 僑民
kiaubok | a tall tree; a large tree | 喬木
kiaubu | affairs concerning nationals living abroad | 僑務
kiauchiaf | sedan; limousine | 轎車
kiauchiefn | to move into a new and better house (an expression used in congratulation); celebration of moving to new house or official post | 喬遷
kiaugo | proud; arrogant; haughty | 驕傲
kiaugvo | proud; arrogant; haughty | 驕傲
kiaujii | a beloved son | 嬌兒
kiaukar | to twist; to twine; to wring | 交絞; 翻滾; 翻騰
kiaukar-thviax | acute or gripping pain--as caused by cholera; appendicitis; etc. | 交絞痛
kiaukheq | a son-in law | 嬌客; 僑民
kiaukhix | pride | 嬌氣; 驕氣
kiaukiaw | arrogant | 嬌嬌
kiaukw | to reside in a town or country other than one's own; live abroad | 僑居
kiauky | reside in a town or country other than one's own | 僑居
kiaunngr | delicate and soft; tender | 嬌嫩
kiaupaai | bridge | 橋牌
kiaupaw | person living abroad; fellow countrymen overseas | 僑胞
kiaupefng | An army which is cocksure about its invincibility | 驕兵
kiauq | to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir | 攪
kiausefng | oversea Chinese students | 僑生
kiauseg | haughty expression; proud look | 驕色
kiausiofng | overseas businessman | 僑商
kiausioong | a lofty pine | 撬松; 喬松
kiausiw | bashful; modest and retiring | 嬌羞
kiausøf | (v) incite disharmony; stir up tensions among others | 教唆
kiautihtiq | delicately pretty; affectedly sweet | 嬌滴滴
kiaux | call; shout | 叫
kiauxkhuy | pry open, wrench open | 撬開
kiauxkoaan | raise up with a lever | 撬高
kiauxmngg | pry; open door | 撬門
kiauxphuu | raise up with a lever | 撬浮
kiauxtør | upset by leverage | 撬倒
kiauzhef | a beloved wife; charming wife | 嬌妻
kiauzofng | disguise; disguise one's dress | 喬裝
kiauzw | delicate and beautiful | 嬌姿
kixkiauxkiøx | make noise | 喧鬧聲
thihkiau | iron bridge | 鐵撟
zhankiauar | upstart; nouveau riche | 田驕仔; 大地主
zhøq-karnkiau | scold with obscene language | 罵姦撽; 謾罵; 辱罵

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