"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Haykihoe | SEF | 海基會
Siaukihoe | Consumer Council | 消基會
Tiexnkihe | Department of Electrical Engineering in a college | 電機系
auxkihii | a kind of herring, Opisthopterus tardoore | 後鰭魚
ciøq kihoe | take advantage of the opportunity | 借機會
hør kihoe | do things just at the right moment; strike while the iron is ht | 好機會
hør-kihoe | a good chance | 好機會
iokteng kihan | stipulated duration | 約定期限
kaycied kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
kayseg-kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
khvoax kihoe | look for a chance; opportunity | 看機會
kiha | under | 旗下
kihaai | machine; machinery | 機械; 機器
kihaai-kangtheeng | mechanical engineering | 機械工程
kihaan | starve and cold | 饑寒
kihaan-kaupeg | suffer from hunger and cold | 飢寒交迫
kihai | machine | 機械
kihaihoax | mechanization; mechanized | 機械化
kihaihoax-poxtui | mechanized troops | 機械化部隊
kihaisw | a specialist of machine | 機械師
kihan | deadline; a time-limit; time limit; deadline | 期限
kihau | medicines with miraculous efficacy | 奇效; 期效; 有效期; 期待; 期候
kiheeng | deformity; malformation; deformities of a person (when an organ or limb is abnormally developed) | 畸形
kiheeng-koaezong | strange; uncommon form | 奇形怪狀
kihengjii | deformed child | 畸形兒
kihex | trade based upon contract | 期貨
kihii | apear fish | 旗魚; 丁挽舊旗魚
kihiøh | minor details; branches and leaves | 枝葉
kihngf | famine; famine | 饑寒
kihoaxn | fantasy | 奇幻
kihoe | opportunity; chance | 機會
kihoe-kinterng | equal opportunity | 機會均等
kihoe-zwgi | opportunism | 機會主義
kihoe-zwgixciar | opportunist | 機會主義者
kihoex | goods to be delivered at a specified time | 期貨
kihofng | to ridicule; to deride; to satirize | 譏諷
kihofng-ixsiok | strange habit and custom | 奇風異俗
kihog | to pray for blessings; pray for good luck | 祈福
kihuu | swordfish | 旗魚
kihw | skin and flesh | 肌膚
kihø | (n) banner; under the auspices of the flag; showing the flag while actually doing a crime; army signal; flag; title; rallying point | 旗號
kihøo | geometry | 幾何
kirmcie-kihan | period of prohibition | 禁止期限
lixiong kihoe | take advantage of an opportunity | 利用機會
longgiap-kihaai | farm machinery | 農業機械
løkihoad | labor law | 勞基法
ngkihoef | yellow gardenia | 黃梔花
siaukihoe | consumer foundation | 消基會
sioxng kihoe | watch for a good chance | 找機會
sitkhix kihoe | miss a chance or opportunity | 失去機會
sun-kihoe | take advantage of the opportunity | 順機會; 趁機(會)
taxngkihai | heavy machinery | 重機械
tea-kihan | limited period | 短期限
zhørkoex kihoe | let an opportunity slip by | 錯過機會

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