"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kioxng

Auciw kioxngtongthea | European common market | 歐洲共同體
akioxng'ar | (abbreviation for) Chinese communist (party; regime; etc.) | 阿共仔
kioxng køex uu kiuu | supply has outstripped demand; excessive supply | 供過於求
kioxng put'exng kiuu | supply is unable to meet the demand; deficiency of supply | 供無應求
kioxng | provide; to supply; to offer | 供
kioxng'iong | shared | 共用
kioxng'iuo | owned by all; owned by both; common (traits; customs; etc.); joint ownership; ; hold a thing in common; common (traits; customs) | 共有; 總計
kioxngbeeng | (in physics) resonance or sympathetic vibration; (to inspire) the same feeling in others; resonance; sympathetic vibration; the same feeling in others | 共鳴
kioxngbengciar | sympathizer | 共鳴者
kioxngboo | conspire; scheme together; to plan together; collaborate; collude; collusion | 共謀
kioxnggi | to discuse together | 共議
kioxnggiap | common property; (in Buddhism) common karma; jointly possess estate (property; industry) | 共業; 共有之產業
kioxnghiorng | enjoy together | 共享
kioxnghoan | accomplice; conspirator; joint offender | 共犯
kioxnghong | offer sacrifices in worship; provide for one's parents | 共奉
kioxnghøkog | a republic | 共和國
kioxnghøo | a republic; the republican form of government | 共和
kioxnghøo-kog | republic | 共和國
kioxnghøo-zerngthea | republican form of government | 共和政體
kioxnghøo-zerngti | republican government | 共和政治
kioxnghøo-zwgi | republicanism | 共和主義
kioxngkax | covalence | 共價
kioxngkax-kien | covalent bond | 共價健; 共價鍵
kioxngleg | conjugate, conjugated | 共軛
kioxngleg-he | conjugating system | 共軛系
kioxngleg-siangteeng-kiexnkied | conjugated double bond | 共力雙重鍵結; 共軛雙重鍵結
kioxngsarn | communization; all things in common; communism | 共產
kioxngsarn-hunzuo | communist | 共產份子
kioxngsarn-torng | Communist Party | 共產黨
kioxngsarn-zwgi | communism | 共產主義
kioxngseg | common consensus | 共識
kioxngsiaux | common debts; common accounts | 共數
kioxngsu | be a colleague | 共事; 同事
kioxngthofng | to share and flow unobstructed; common; general. (archaic) | 共通
kioxngtoong hurntox | strive united | 共同奮鬥
kioxngtoong keng'eeng | joint operation; operate jointly (business) | 共同經營
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kioxngtoong koanli | common rights | 共同權利
kioxngtoong pixkøx | co-respondent in a suit | 共同被告
kioxngtoong seng'oah | collective life; community life; live together | 共同生活
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kioxngtoong suxgiap | joint undertaking (enterprise) | 共同事業
kioxngtoong tauzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngtoong zhutzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngtoong | common; share by all; to cooperate in (an undertaking; etc.); co-operation; common; collaborate | 共同
kioxngzex | celebrate together in worship | 共祭
kioxngzhux | coexist | 共處
kioxngzorng | altogether; in sum; in all; in total | 共總; 總共
kioxngzuun | to co-exist; to survive together; coexistence; live together | 共存
kioxngzuun-kioxng'eeng | mutual well-being and prosperity | 共存共榮
kioxngzuxittoong | all meet together in one place | 共聚一堂
kioxngzøee | altogether | 共齊
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
thekioxng | to provide, to supply, to offer | 提供
tongkafm kioxngkhor | stick together through thick and thin; sharing joys and sorrows; share bliss and adversity together | 同甘共苦

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