"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kip

Zhud Aikipkix | Exodus (Protestant) | 出埃及記
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
ciukipiør | periodic table (physics; chemistry); statistical entry made on a weekly basis | 週期表
guikip | connoting risk and danger; urgent; pressing; hazardous; in a state of emergency | 危及
hoxhoea bogkip | too late to regret something (useless crying over spilled milk) | 後悔莫及
huikipheeng | hangar | 飛機棚
huikiphiøx | airplane ticket | 飛機票
kiofngkipciar | supplier | 供給者
kip | reach to, come up to, amount to | 急; 及; 到達
kip'eng | (for) urgent use or need | 急用
kip'heeng | to walk hurriedly; to start doing something immediately | 急行
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kip'heeng-kwn | rapid march, forced march | 急行軍
kip'hengchiaf | express train | 急行車
kip'hengkwn | forced march | 急行軍
kip'hoe | class meeting (at school) | 級會; 班會
kip'hux | give; pay | 給付
kip'iaux | to need urgently; urgent | 急要
kip'iong | for urgent use or need | 急用
kip'sienhofng | an eager champion | 急先鋒
kipaang | a storage for textile machinery; engine room; engine room | 機房
kipboong | in a great hurry, in haste | 急朦; 急忙
kipbu | pressing and urgent business | 急務
kipchied | urgent; anxiously (awaiting; etc.) | 急切; 迫切
kipchiog | hurried, in hurry | 急促
kipcirn | emergency | 急診
kipcirn-seg | emergency ward | 急診室
kipcirnphaix | radical; extremist faction | 急進派
kipcirntofng'goaan | extremist | 急進黨員
kipcirntorng | radical political party | 急進黨
kipcixn | to forge ahead vigorously; rapid advance | 急進
kipcixn-hunzuo | radical element | 急進份子
kipcixn-susiorng | radical ideas | 急進思想
kipcixn-zwgi | radicalism; extremism | 急進主義
kipcynseg | hospital emergency room; emergency ward | 急診室
kipefng | (in military) to attack by surprise; troops used for such purpose; a surprise attack | 奇兵
kiphaux | cheongsam; all-purpose long gown with a high stiff collar worn by modern Chinese women | 旗袍
kiphiøx | air ticket; passenger ticket | 機票
kiphor | a manual on chess; a collection of records of famous chess-plays between experts; contemporary and ancient | 棋譜
kipjim | class teacher | 級任
kipjim-tøxsw | home-room teacher; the teacher in charge of a class | 級任導師
kipkeg | rapid and drastic (cf. [[kipkek]] 急劇) | 急激
kipkek | rapid and drastic | 急極
kipkib | hastily, urgently | 急急
kipkiuo'iøh | first-aid medicine | 急救藥
kipkiuohoad | first-aid methods | 急救法
kipkiuosviw | first-aid kit | 急救箱
kipkiux | first-aid; emergency-treatment | 急救
kipkiux-paw | a first-aid packet | 急救包
kipkiux-zam | a first-aid station | 急救站
kiplaan | time of trouble; a crisis; an emergency; a disaster | 急難
kiplan | misfortune; grave danger; help in crisis | 急難
kipliuu | swift currents; a torrent | 急流
kippeg | urgent; pressing | 急迫
kipphwn | to walk hurriedly | 急奔
kippiexn | a quick turn of events; an emergency; a crisis | 急變
kippvi | acute disease; sudden illness | 急病
kippøx | a urgent report | 急報
kipsexng | hasty; always in a hurry; acute (disease); impetuous temper; impatient | 急性; 性急
kipsienhofng | an eager champion, a zealous vanguard | 急性風
kipsii | urgent time | 急時
kipsiuu | sell urgently | 急售
kipsixn | an urgent letter | 急信
kipsiøar | porcelain medicine pot; small thin flat-bottomed earthen pan for warming things quickly | 急燒仔
kipsog | quick, rapid | 急束; 急速
kipsox | mathematical progressions | 級數
kipsu | urgent business | 急事
kipsw | an urgent need | 急信; 急需
kipsøx | impatient, impetuous, passionate | 急燥
kipthviax | sharp pain, sudden pain | 急信; 銳痛
kiptien | an urgent cable | 急電
kiptix | quick-wittedness; calm and quickly responsive mind | 急智
kiptoxng | the emergency brake | 急擋
kiptviuo | class leader; monitor | 級長; 班長
kipuii | main periodic fertilization; fertilizers applied to soil before planting | 機肥
kipurn | root; foundation or base; fundamental | 基本
kipurn-goanlie | a basic principle, a fundamental principle | 基本原理
kipurn-kaoiok | fundamental education | 基本教育
kipurn-kiernsied | capital construction | 基本建設
kipurn-tieseg | basic knowledge | 基本知識
kipvoaa | chequer; chessboard; chess or draughts board | 棋盤
kipwnkym | fund; foundation | 基本金; 基金
kipzexng | acute case (disease); an emergency; sudden illness | 急症
korkip | in consideration of; in view of; to care about; to take something into consideration | 顧及
køkipchiaf | car de luxe | 高級車
køkipphirn | first-class article | 高級品
laai-putkip | too late; unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it | 來無及
laiputkip | to be too late to | 來無急; 來不及
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
luixkip | involve (others) in trouble | 累及
luxnkip | talk about; as regards; with reference to; touch upon (in an exposition or argumentation) | 論及
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phoeakipphirn | rationed goods | 配給品
phoeakipzexng | ration cards; ration coupons | 配給證
phofkip kaoiok | universal education; compulsory; mandatory education | 普及教育
phofkip | widespread; universal; available to all; widespread | 普及
phøkip | extend over | 波及
piekip | secret | 祕笈
pientioong bogkip | beyond one's influence; beyond one's reach; out of range | 鞭長莫及
pofkipphirn | supplies | 補給品
pofkipsvoax | line of logistic support; supply line | 補給線
pofkipzam | supply depot | 補給站
putkip | be inferior to; unequal to | 無及; 不及
siabkip | extend over; concern; deal with; refer to; touch on | 涉及
thekip | to mention, to speak of | 提及
toaxkipaai | big-name (actors or actresses); leading (movie stars or other performing artists); noted person; influential | 大枝牌; 紅人
ykip | and; also; with; in addition; and; as well as; both…and | 以及
zhokippafn | first grade class | 初級班
zhorchiuo putkip | be caught unawares or unprepared; be taken by surprise | 措手無及
zwkiparn | motherboard | 主機板

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