"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bexkirmtid | cannot keep from 'laughing, crying, etc' cannot stop 'sthg which is happening' | 未禁得; 情不自禁
boexkirmtid | cannot keep from 'laughing, crying, etc', cannot stop 'sthg which is happening' | 未禁得 ; 情不自禁
cibkirm | collection of heterogeneous passages from various literary sources; a hodgepodge | 集錦
kirm | brocade; tapestry; brilliant and beautiful | 錦
kirm'aq | to forbid and detain or imprison | 禁押
kirm'iefn | to prohibit opium; to prohibit cooking; smoke rising from the imperial palace | 禁煙
kirm'iog | forbidden | 禁約
kirm'iok | restrain the passions; mortification; abstinence | 禁慾
kirm'iong | prohibit to use; forbid to use | 禁用
kirm'oe-kwn | janitor | 禁衛軍
kirm'ui-kwn | imperial guards | 禁慰軍
kirm'un | prohibition of transport; to embargo | 禁運
kirmbeng | prohibition | 禁命; 禁令
kirmchviux | forbidden to sing | 禁唱
kirmciah | (religious) fast; abstinence; fast (religious); to diet; fast | 禁食; 齋戒
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kirmcie ciaqhwn | No smoking! | 禁止食薰; 禁止吸煙
kirmcie hengsuo loxkefng | Don't drive on the shoulder (freeway) | 禁止行駛路肩
kirmcie hoarnbøe | prohibition of sales | 禁止販賣
kirmcie thengchiaf | No parking! | 禁止停車
kirmcie zhutparn | suppress publication | 禁止出版
kirmcie | to forbid; to prohibit; to ban | 禁止
kirmcie-kihan | period of prohibition | 禁止期限
kirmcie-kikafn | period of prohibition | 禁止期間
kirmcie-pai'ar | prohib sign | 禁止牌仔
kirmciog | forbid a soldier to leave the barracks on holidays as a form of punishment | 禁足
kirmciuo | to prohibit use of alcoholic drinks; refrain from drinking | 禁酒
kirmheeng | forbidden to walk | 禁行
kirmhoad | the forbidden law | 禁法
kirmhwn | No smoking allowed; give up smoking | 禁煙; 禁薰
kirmhøea | prohibit fire | 禁火
kirmhøex | contraband; prohibited merchandise | 禁貨
kirmjiø | retain urine too long | 禁尿; 忍尿
kirmkaix | forbiddden and abstain | 禁戒
kirmkarng | the forbidden harbor; seaport; port | 禁港
kirmkhafn | forbidden edition; a banned publication; forbid publication | 禁刊
kirmkhao | to prohibit a person to talk | 禁口
kirmkhi | avoid a thing from medical or superstitious reasons; taboo; be heedful of what is taboo | 禁忌
kirmkhuix | hold (bate) one's breath | 禁氣; 憋住呼吸; 閉氣
kirmkhw | restricted area | 禁區
kirmki | a taboo | 禁忌
kirmkiofng | the forbidden palace | 禁宮
kirmkox | confinement; imprisonment; to prohibit entry into government service | 禁錮
kirmkux | forbidden sentence | 禁句
kirmkvaf | confinement; imprisonment | 禁監
kirmkør | forbidden fruit | 禁果
kirmlah | hunting prohibited | 禁獵
kirmlaqkhw | game preserve; game sanctuary | 禁獵區
kirmlaqkii | closed season (for hunting) | 禁獵期
kirmle | official prohibition or restraint; interdict; official ban or restraint | 禁例
kirmleng | prohibition; ban; interdict; ban; an interdict | 禁令
kirmlo | the forbidden road | 禁路
kirmpaai | the forbidden bulletin board | 禁牌
kirmphirn | prohibited article | 禁品
kirmpix | imprison; confine; lock up | 禁閉
kirmsviaa | the forbidden city | 禁城
kirmsw | a banned book | 禁書
kirmte | forbidden terrain; area declared out of bounds | 禁地
kirmtiaau | forbidden article; section; clause etc of an agreement; pact; treaty; law; etc. | 禁條
kirmtoo | to prohibit slaughter of animals; forbid the killing of animals (as in a drought) | 禁屠
kirmtøe | forbidden ground; area declared out of bounds | 禁地
kirmzeaphirn | prohibited goods | 禁制品
kirmzex | prohibit; restriction; ban; an interdict; contraband | 禁制
kirmzex-phirn | prohibited goods, contraband | 禁制品
kirmzheq | prohibited book; banned book | 禁冊; 禁書
kirmzhuix | no food allowed | 禁喙
kirmzoat | forbidden and isolated; banned and separate | 禁絕
peg buu kirmkhi | nothing to be superstitious about ─ no restrictions of any kind here by way of taboo | 百無禁忌
uikirmphirm | contraband | 違禁品
uikirmphirn | contraband | 違禁品

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