"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kirn

Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
baaikirn | bacteria | 黴菌; 細菌
baikirn | virus; ばいきん | 細菌; 黴菌
bogkirn | hibiscus | 木槿
bø'iaux bøkirn | let it go; it doesn't matter; pay no attention; not be concerned | 無要無緊; 無重視; 不放在心上
bøo iaokirn | unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind | 無要緊
bøo tvafkirn | unimportant; not serious; never mind | 無打緊
bøo-tvafkirn | without too much importance | 無打緊
bøtvafkirn | very affable; compliant; accommodating; not only but also | 無打緊
chiaau khaq kirn | set forward or advance clock or watch | 調較快
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciaqkirn | eat rapidly | 吃緊
ciuxkirn | hurry; hasten; make haste | 就緊; 趕忙
cviakirn | before long; soon; in no time | 很快
giamkirn | rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit | 嚴謹
iaokirn | essential; urgent; crucial; important; serious | 要緊
joaxkirn | how fast, how quick | 多快; 偌緊
juo-kirn | become faster | 愈緊
khahkirn | hurry | 較緊; 趕緊
khinkirn | diligent and careful | 勤謹
khukirn | restrained and cautious--implying social timidity | 拘謹
kirn kegkirn | hard to do | 慢極慢; (快極快)
kirn kviaa | hurry up | 緊行
kirn laize | come on in and sit | 快來坐
kirn | fast; hurried; only; fast; urgent; important; tight; to press | 緊; 僅; 瑾; 謹; 堇; 快; 急
kvoafkirn | in a hurry; immediately; quickly; hurry up!; in haste; make haste | 趕緊; 趕快
kynkirn | tightly; firmly; closely | 緊緊
paxng bøiaux-bøkirn | Let it go as if of no importance; give no notice to something; to disregard; treat a matter as of no consequence | 漠無關心
pekkirn | impend; march on; come near (place; time) urgently | 迫緊; 逼緊
siong kirn | fastest | 上緊
sixkirn | quickly; hastily | 趕緊; 趕快
svasekkirn | viola tricolor | 三色堇
thør kynkirn | demand payment urgently | 要得很急
toxkirn | earthworm | 杜蚓

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