"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Oafnzuie laan kiux kixnhoea | Aid; if not immediate; is useless. (Lit. It is difficult to put out the fire in one's neighborhood with distant water.) | 遠水難救近火。
hoekixn | handkerchief for woman | 花絹
kixn | silk | 絲綢; 絹
kixn'iuo | only have | 僅有
kixn'oar | near; approach | 近倚; 接近; 靠近
kixn'oexpefng | the near by guards | 近衛兵
kixn'ui | to guard the nearby | 近衛
kixn'ui'ar | nearby; neighboring; vicinity | 近位仔; 無遠的地方
kixn'yn | immediate causes; immediate cause | 近因
kixnbiø-khisiin | familiarity breeds contempt (Lit. One being near the temple is apt to insult the gods.) | 近廟欺神
kixnbiøxkhisiin | showing a dismissive and indifferent attitude towards those around you | 近廟欺神
kixnbuun | the things heard recently | 近聞
kixnchyn | close relatives; near relatives; close relative | 近親; 新親
kixnchyn-kiet'hwn | intermarriage | 近親結婚
kixngarn | close eye | 近眼
kixnhae | (of lands) near the sea; coastal; adjacent seas; home waters | 近海
kixnhorng | recent situation; Recent circumstances | 近況
kixnjidlaai | lately | 近日來
kixnjidlai | lately | 近日來
kixnjidtiofng | shortly; in a few days; one of these days | 近日中
kixnjiin | intimate (Catholic) | 近人
kixnjit | lately; recently; in the past few days; within | 近日
kixnkaw | suburbs; outskirts | 近郊
kixnkhorng | recent situation | 近況
kixnkii | recently | 近期
kixnkin | near, recently | 近近
kixnkor | the period between now and the Middle Ages | 近古
kixnlaai | recently; lately; in recent times; recently; of lat | 近來
kixnliin | close neighbor | 近鄰
kixnlo | shortcut; short cut | 近路; 捷徑
kixnnii | recent years | 近年
kixnpvy | close to the edge; near to the edge | 近邊
kixnsex | modern times | 近世, 近代
kixnsi | nearsightedness; myopia | 近視
kixnsixkviax | spectacles for near-sightedness | 近視鏡
kixnsu | the recent things | 近事
kixnsvoaf | close mountain; the nearby mountain | 近山
kixnsyn | near to body; close to body | 近身
kixntai | modern times | 近世; 近代
kixntai-susiorng | modern thought | 近代思想
kixntaixhoax | modernize | 近代化
kixntaixsuo | modern history | 近代史
kixntofng | the Near East | 近東
kixnzeeng | approach, draw near, come to meet | 近前
kixnzog | recent works (of a writer artist; etc.) | 近作
kixnzuie | near the water | 近水
kixnzuie-lautaai | vantage ground | 近水樓台
oafnchyn putjuu kixnliin | A neighbor at hand is better than a relative far off | 遠親無如近鄰
oafnsuie-kixnhøea | a distant water is unable to put out the near-by fire (entirely inadequate means) | 遠水近火
peng'vi-kixnjiin | easy to approach; easy to get along with (said of one's personality) | 平易近人
phakixnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路

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