"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kngr

aukngr | bronchia | 喉管; 氣管
bihuihkngr | capillaries | 微血管
bii-hoehkngr | capillaries | 微血管
bykngr | small rice measure | 米捲; 量米罐
chiuxny-kngr | rubber tube | 樹乳管
chviuxkngr | elephant's nose | 象鼻; 象管
ciaqkngr | esophagus, gullet | 食管; 食道
cidkngr toarar | a reel of tape (i.e. for the electric recorder) | 一卷帶子
cikhiekngr | bronchi; bronchial tubes | 支氣管
ciofngkngrhaang | lottery store | 獎券行
hefkngr | fire tub - bamboo for blowing fire for cooking | 火管
hekngr | shrimp roll | 蝦捲; 蝦卷
hiekngr | (n) windpipe | 肺管; 支氣管; 氣管
hoefkngr | fire tub - bamboo for blowing fire for cooking | 火管
hoehkngr | vein; blood vessels | 血管
huihkngr | vein; blood vessels | 血管
hvixaau-kngr | eustachian tube | 咽鼓管; 耳喉管; 耳咽管導管
høefkngr | bamboo tube used for blowing a fire | 火管; 火筒
itgo-jixkngrchid | When you are dealing with money you have to be very clear and detailed. (Lit. one is one; five is five etc.) | 一清二楚
jiøxkngr | urethra | 尿管
kekngr | fried spring roll shape food wrapped with tofu skin | 雞卷
kenngxkngr | egg rolls | 雞卵卷
khie'kngr | windpipe | 氣管
khie-mngkngr | be absolutely horrified | 起毛管; 毛骨悚然
khiekngr | windpipe | 氣管
khiekngr-chietkhaisut | tracheotomy | 氣管切開術
khymngkngr | goose bump | 起毛管
kngfkngr | rolled up | 捲捲
kngr | roll (classifier of things that can be rolled up) | 卷; 管; 捲
kngr`khylaai | to roll up | 捲起來
kngrar | thick wooden load | 槓仔
kngrciafm | steel needle | 鋼針
kngrgee | steel teeth | 鋼牙
kngrhvi'ar | pierce the ears | 穿耳仔
kngrkhiim | piano | 鋼琴
kngrkhiim-iefnzaohoe | piano concert; piano recital | 鋼琴演奏會
kngrkhiim-kaf | pianist | 鋼琴家
kngrkhiim-phvoaxzaux | piano accompaniment | 鋼琴伴奏
kngrkhimkaf | pianist | 鋼琴家
kngrkhoef | steel helmet | 鋼盔
kngrkud | reinforced bar | 鋼骨
kngrkvoa | copper coins used in temple workship | 貫捾
kngrkwn | rebar | 鋼筋
kngrkyn | steel bars; steel rods; wire mesh | 鋼筋
kngrliefn | curl up (as a leaf) | 卷萎
kngrpafng | steel plate | 鋼板
kngrparn | steel plate | 鋼板
kngrphvi | to pierce through the nose; nose paracentesis; make a hole in the nose (of an ox) in order to put in a ring | 穿鼻
kngrpid | fountain pen | 鋼筆
kngrsvoax | steel wire | 鋼線; 鋼絲
kngrsy | steel wire | 鋼絲
kngrsøq | wire rope | 鋼索
kngrtefng | steel nail | 鋼釘
kngrthaux | thoroughly; to understand thoroughly | 穿透; 貫透
kngrthiq | steel | 鋼鐵
kngrthofng | to have a thorough understanding | 貫通
kngrtiaau | steel wire | 鋼條
kngrtøf | steel knife | 鋼刀
koekngr | fried spring roll shape food wrapped with tofu skin | 雞卷
koenngxkngr | egg rolls | 雞卵卷
kongkngr | rectal tube | 肛管
le'kngr | spiral tube | 螺管
lekngr | spiral tube | 螺管
limpaf-kngr | lymphatic gland | 淋巴管
luikngr | percussion cap; detonator | 雷管
meqkngr | blood vessel | 脈管
mngkngr | pores | 毛管; (孔)
mokngr | pores | 毛管; (孔)
moseakngr | a capillary | 毛細管
mosøeakngr | capillaries | 毛細管
na'aau-kngr | esophagus, gullet | 嚨喉管
na'aukngr | windpipe; gullet | 嚨喉管
nngxkngr | egg rolls | 卵捲
paikhix-kngr | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
piejiøxkngr | urinary passage; urinary canal | 泌尿管
punkngr | blow-pipe | 吹管
sidkngr | esophagus, gullet | 食管
siøfkngr | type of cuttlefish | 墨魚; 柔魚; 小烏賊; 小卷; 鎖卷
su'iukngr | pipeline (for transporting petroleum) | 輸油管
sujiøxkngr | ureter | 輸尿管
sunngxkngr kietzad | female sterilization; ligation of the fallopian tubes | 輸卵管結紮
sunngxkngr | oviduct; fallopian tubes | 輸卵管
sviakngr | larynx | 聲管; 喉管
søfkngr | Formosan squid | 烏賊; 鎖管; 柔魚
tangkngr | brass tube | 銅管
thihkngr | iron pipe | 鐵管
thørkngr | sheath | 透管; 套管
tihkngr | medicine dropper; eye dropper | 滴管
toaxkngr | large pipe, large tube, large scroll | 大管; 大管子
tvafkngr | bile duct | 膽管
tvoaa-kngrkhiim | to play piano | 彈鋼琴
uixkngr | gastrostomy tube | 胃管
zharngmokngr | get goosebumps | 氅毛管; 起雞皮疙瘩
zhaxng-mngkngr | feeling uneasy | 氅毛毛; 起雞皮疙瘩
zhunkngr | spring rolls; meat and vegetables rolled within thin pancakes eaten as a snack | 春捲
zoafkngr | paper roll | 紙捲
zuykngr | water pipe | 水管

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