"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Anpeeng kofpør | Fort Zeelandia in Tainan; built by the Dutch in the 17th century | 安平古堡
Baxnkog imphiaw | International Phonetic Alphabet | 萬國音標
Baxnkog konghoad | International Law | 萬國公法
Biaulek-koan | Miaoli County | 苗栗縣
Binkoaan zhopo | Fundamental Knowledge in Democracy; a book dealing with the procedures of parliamentary rule; authored by Dr. Sun Yat-sen | 民權初步
Binkoaan zwgi | principle of democracy | 民權主義
Binkoaan zwgy | Three Principles of the People (nationalism; democracy; livelihood); by Dr Sun yet-sen; founding father (國父) of the Republic of China | 三民主義 (民族主義; 民權主義; 民生主義)
Binkog | republic; democracy | 民國
Bongkoflaang | Mongolians | 蒙古人
Bongkofzexng | Mongoliad | 蒙古症
Bongkofzhafn | Mongolian barbecue | 蒙古餐
Bongkor taixhw | medical quack | 蒙古大夫
Bongkor | mongol; Mongolia | 蒙古
Bykog Lampag Ciernzefng | U.S.A. Civil War; 1861-1865 | 美國南北戰爭
Bykog Sinbunzhux | United States Information Service | 美國新聞處
Bykog Toglip Ciernzefng | U.S.A. War of Independence | 美國獨力戰爭
Bykog Zhamboo-siwtviuo Liensek-hoexgi zwsek | Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff | 美國參謀首長聯席會議主席
Bykog koahpaw | hamburger | 美國割包; 漢堡
Bykog kok'hoe | U.S.A. Congress | 美國國會
Bykog | the United States of America; U.S.A. | 美國
Bykog-laang | American | 美國人
Bykog-oe | American | 美國話
Bykog-seg | American style | 美國式
Bykok'hoax | subject or subjected to U.S.A. cultural influence | 美國化
Bykoklaang | U.S.A. citizen | 美國人
Bykokzex | made in U.S.A | 美國製
Chi-kongsor | | 市公所
Chitkor | a village in Tainan County | 七股
Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Cianghoax-koan | Changhua County | 彰化縣
Ciernkog | the Warring States | 戰國
Cinkog | Qin dynasty of China | 秦國
Ciukofng | an ancient character | 周公
Cixn-kog | A country in ancient China | 晉國
Enghioong lankøex byjinkoafn | Even a great hero has difficulty getting by a beautiful woman. Many heroes have been conquered by a beautiful woman. (Samson and Delilah) | 英雄難過美人關
Engkog Onghuy Tae'annar | Britain's Princess Diana | 英國王妃黛安娜
Engkog bunhaghe | Department of English literature | 英國文學系
Engkog bunhagsuo | history of English literature | 英國文學史
Engkog bunhak | English literature | 英國文學
Engkog kaohoe | Anglican Church | 英國教會
Engkog | England; England | 英國
Engkok'oe | English | 英國話
Engkoklaang | the English | 英國人
Engkokliau | made in England | 英國料
Gilaan-koan | Yilan County in Taiwan | 宜蘭縣
Gvafkog Sw | The Epistle of James (Protestant) | 雅各書
Gvafkokpeg Sw | The Epistle of James (Catholic) | 雅各伯書
Gvofkor | a city in Taipei County of Taiwan | 五股
Hankog | Korea | 韓國
Hankok'oe | Korean language | 韓國話
Hankoklaang | Korean people | 韓國人
Hoalieen-koan | Hualien County | 花蓮縣
Hoanteakofng | Vatican | 梵蒂岡; 梵蒂崗
Hoatkog | France; France | 法國
Hoatkok'oe | French language | 法語話
Hoatkoklaang | French people | 法國人
Hofkopøo | aunt tiger - a fable character | 虎姑婆
Hongzeakog Hoe | Franciscans; OFM (Catholic) | 方濟各會
Hudkog | India; the country where Buddha was born; the Buddhist kingdoms | 佛國
Hunliim-koan | Yunlin County | 雲林縣
Id sitciog seeng chienkor-hin | A moment's error will bring about sorrow for a thousand years | 一失足成千古恨
Iongkofng-hoat'axn | sunshine law; I.e.; disclosure of assets | 陽光法案
Itcioxng kofng seeng baxnkud kof | general achieves renown over the dead bodies of 10,000 soldiers--The achievements of a general cost thousands of lives | 一將功成萬骨枯。
Itkoarntø | religious sect combining Confucian; Buddhist; Taoist features | 一貫道
Iwerngkofng | A lonely soul without a master | 有應公
Kagi-koan-chi | Chiayi County-City | 嘉義縣市
Kaoteeng-kongsaekoarn | Apostolic Delegation | 教廷公使館
Kaoteeng-kongsaix | Apostolic Internuncio (Catholic) | 教廷公使
Khappakog | Habacuc (Catholic) | 哈巴谷
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Khofngzwkofng | Confucius | 孔子公
Kiuokokthoaan | National Salvation Group; patriotic group | 救國團
Koankofng | the god of war and chivalry | 關公
Kykofng | a city in Lienchiang County | 莒光
Køhioong-koan | Kaohsiung County | 高雄縣
Laixbongkor | Inner Mongolia | 內蒙古
Lamhuy Kioxnghøkog | Republic of South Africa | 南非共和國
Lamkoarn | song of southern dialect | 南管
Lamtaau-koan | Nantou County | 南投縣
Liaukog | Laos | 寮國
Lienhabkog anzoaan lysuxhoe | U.N. Security Council | 聯合國安全理事會
Lienhabkog hiernciofng | U.N. Charter | 聯合國憲章
Lienhabkog taixhoe | U.N. General Assembly | 聯合國大會
Lienhabkog | Allies; the United Nation | 聯合國
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
Loe-Boxngkor | inner Mongolia | 內蒙古
Logkog | a city in Nantou County | 鹿谷
Lømar Teakog | Roman Empire | 羅馬帝國
Mafkoantiauiog | Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) | 馬關條約
Mafkofng | Makung; harbor of the Pescadores | 馬公
Mafnykog Hok'ym | Gospel according to Mark (Catholic) | 瑪爾谷福音
Ngciøqkofng | Yellow Stone | 黃石公園
Niawchykhafng oea-kaq cviaa oankongmngg | hollow out a rat hole until it becomes an arch ─ make a trifling matter become very serious; make a mountain out of a molehill | 鳥鼠洞挖成拱門; 小事變成大事。
Niko'afm | nunnery; Buddhist nun's temple | 尼姑庵
Oexlykonghoe kaotoo | Methodists | 衛理公會教徒
Oexlykonghoe | Methodist Church | 衛理公會
Pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
Pasukoax | Pasch (Catholic) | 巴斯卦
Patkoarsvoaf | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山
Paukofng | Pao Cheng (99-1063); an upright official known for his stress on the dignity of law | 包公
Phoankor | legendary creator; first ruler of the universe | 盤古
Phvekofng axn | famous Chinese novel (fore-runner of modern detective stories) authored by 貪夢道人 of the Ching Dynasty | 彭公案
Phvi'oo-koan | Penghu County | 彭湖縣
Pintofng-koan | Pingtung County | 屏東縣
Saikofng khaq gaau hoesviu | Is the student greater than the teacher? (Lit. Could the Taoist monk be smarter than the Buddhist priest?) | 道士怎能強於和尚
Samkaekofng | gods of heaven; earth and water | 三界公
Samkog | the three kingdoms; Wei; Shu and Wu; which existed in China from AD22 to65 | 三國
Samkokcix | History of the Three Kingdoms | 三國誌
Satbøfnie sioxngkoaxn | get at the truth step by step; often by round about way (Lit. To get a melon you have to haul in the vine.) | 撒母耳上卷
Sengkofng | a city in Taitung County | 成功
Sengkongniar | Mt. Seng-kong ─ an army camp between Taichung and Changhua | 成功嶺
Serngkefng-konghoe | the Bible Society | 聖經公會
Serngkoaf | hymn, chant | 聖歌
Serngkonghoe kaotoo | Anglicans | 聖公會教徒
Serngkonghoe | Church of England | 聖功會
Serngthea høkofng | monstrance (Catholic) | 聖體豪光
Sexng Hongzeakog Hoe | Order of St Francis (Catholic) | 聖方濟各會
Siawjinkog | Land of the Pygmies | 小人國
Siaxkaokoarn | Social Education Center | 社教館
Sinkofng | a city in Taichung County | 神岡
Sinkorng | a city in Taichung County | 神岡
Sinteg-koaxnchi | Hsinchu County-City | 新竹縣市
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Sohoaf konglo | Eastern Taiwan's High Way | 蘇花公路
Tailaam-koan | Tainan County | 台南縣
Tailamkoan | Tainan county | 台南縣
Taioankoaf | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌
Taioankoaiaau | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌謠
Taipag-koan | Taipei County | 台北縣
Taipakkoan | Taipei county | 台北縣
Taitafng-koan | Taitung County | 台東縣
Taitiofng-koan | Taichung County | 台中縣
Taixkofng hoexgi | Ecumenical Council | 大公會議
Tekkog moa'ar | rubella; German measles | 德國麻仔; 麻疹
Tekkog | Germany; Deutschland; Germany | 德國
Tekkog-laang | German | 德國人
Tekkok'oe | German language | 德國話
Tekkoklaang | German | 德國人
Thaekog | Thailand; Thailand | 泰國
Thaekoklaang | Thai | 泰國人
Thoankoafnkhw | regional administration in charge of conscription and mobilization; somewhat like a draft board | 團管區
Thofti-kofng | local god of crops | 土地公
Thoftixkofng | god of agriculture | 土地公
Thokkoarn lysuxhoe | The Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations) | 託管理事會
Thvikofng | the god of heaven | 天公
Thvikongsvef | the birthday of Thi-Kong | 天公生; 玉皇大帝誕辰
Thvikongsvy | Birthday of the Jade Emperor | 天公生
Thvikongzor | god | 天公祖
Thøhngg-koan | Taoyuan County | 桃園縣
Tionghoaa Binkog | the Republic of China | 中華民國
Tionghoaf Binkog | the Republic of China | 中華民國
Tiongkog Ginhaang | Bank of China | 中國銀行
Tiongkog bunhoax | Chinese culture | 中國文化
Tiongkog | China | 中國; 支那
Tiongkog-laang | Chinese person | 中國人
Tiongkog-oe | Chinese language | 中國話; 中國畫
Tiongkok'hae | China Sea | 中國海
Tiongkok'oe | Chinese language (Mandarin is the one generally referred to) | 中國話
Tiongkokji | Chinese characters | 中國字
Tiongkokseg | Chinese fashion; Oriental style; a la chinoise | 中國式
Toaxkongsafn | a southern Taiwan city | 大岡山
Zeakofng | monk who helped the poor | 濟公
Zhengteakog | Qing Empire | 清帝國
Zhofkog | a kingdom in ancient China | 楚國
Zhutkokkie | Exodus (Catholic) | 出谷紀; (出)
Zhvekongkao ciah-bøo sae | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zusexng siongthongkofng | Communion of Saints (Catholic) | 諸聖相通功
Zwkoafn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 梓官
aekog kongzex | government bonds | 愛國公債
aekog uxntong | patriotic movement | 愛國運動
aekog | patriotic; patriotic | 愛國
aekog-ciar | a patriot | 愛國者
aekog-zwgi | patriotism | 愛國主義
aekoksym | love of country; patriotism | 愛國心
aekokzwgi | patriotism | 愛國主義
aekox | kind assistance; patronage; take loving care of; customers kind patronization of a store | 愛顧; 照顧
afn kikoafn | set a trap | 安機關; 設機關
afnkofng | grandfather | 祖父
ahkofng | male duck | 雄鴨子
aikoaf | mournful song; dirge; elegy | 哀歌
akkoaan | be in the power or authority; be in command; hold the reins | 握權
akof | aunt (father's sister); aunt (father's sisters) | 阿姑; 姑母; 姑媽
akofng | grandfather | 阿公; 祖父
amkoef | pickled cucumbers; large and long sort of cucumber much used salted | 醃瓜; 花瓜; 越瓜
angkoef | red melon | 紅瓜
angkof | red mushroom | 紅菇
angkofngsay | big red crab | 紅管西
angkongpøar | aged couple | 翁公婆仔; 老夫妻; 老伴
angkorngkoxng | crimson; cardinal red | 紅貢貢; 深紅
angkukoea | turtle-shaped rice cake with stuffing made of peanuts; red colored | 紅龜粿
anpafng texngkog | give peace and stability to the country | 安邦定國
aokor | rotten stuff | 漚古
armkoad | secret knack; secret trick | 暗訣; 秘訣
armkongciao | a night bird(owl); a guy who stays up late; owl; person who sits up late at night; night owl | 暗公鳥; 暗光鳥; 夜貓子; 貓頭鷹
armkozee | cicada; a large insect that makes a shrill sound | 庵埔蟬
arngkoax | urn cover | 甕蓋
arnkoaxn | protocol | 案卷
auxkoex | some other time; later; on another occasion; next time; in the future | 後次; 下次
auxkofgoeh | next month | 後個月; 下個月
axmboekoay | a tadpole | 暗梅胿; 蝌蚪
axmkoef | pickled cucumbers | 醃瓜
bafnkoaf | funeral dirges | 輓歌
bafnkoef thiutiin | trace the vine and get a melon; get a clue and follow it up step by step; so as to learn the truth of a matter | 摘瓜抽藤; 追根究底
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
bahkoear | farm raised chicken | 肉雞仔
bahkof | king mushrooms | 肉菇; 初茸
barn koefcie | pick fruits | 挽果子; 摘水果
batkorng | mentioned | 曾講
baxnchviafkorng | don't speak just now | 慢且講; 先別說
baxnkoaxn kazaai | very rich; wealthy | 萬貫家財
baxnkoaxn | very rich; wealthy | 萬貫
baxnkof | youngest aunt | 慢姑; 最小的姑媽
baxnkofsiongsyn | from ancient times always new | 萬古常新
baxnkog | international; world wide; all countries; all nations; all countries; all kingdoms | 萬國
baxnkor | through the ages; forever; a very long time; eons ago; eternity; extremely ancient times | 萬古
be koarnsix | detest; to disdain | 未慣勢; 無習慣
be koeachiuo | unable to do something successfully | 未過手
be koeagiexn | insatiable taste or craving for pleasure; never satisfied; always requesting or asking for more | 無過癮
be koeazuie | impervious to water; waterproof | 未過水; 無透水
be sengkofng | it will fail (not be successful) | 袂成功
befkoax | outer jacket of Chinese dress | 馬蓋; 馬褂
befngkofng | to storm; fiercely; launch a fierce attack | 猛攻
begkoafn | contemplation | 默觀; 靜觀
begkoankitør | contemplative prayer | 默觀祈禱
bengkoaf | famous song | 名歌
bengkog | allies; united countries; allied nations | 盟國
bengkorng | states clearly; brings to light says | 明講
bengty korbun | ask about something one already knows | 明知故問
bengty korhoan | willful offence; break a law purposely | 明知故犯
beqkoo | sweet gruel from wheat flour | 稀粥; 麥糊
bexexngtid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未用得講; 無可以講
bexhaokof`tid | can't eat (vulgar); bad looking | 未孝孤得; 難吃; 難看
bexhaokotid | can't eat (vulgar), bad looking | 難吃, 難看
bexkoaix`tid | not to be blamed | 未怪得; 怪無得
bexkoex`tid | not to be blamed | 未過得; 日子難過
bexkofngtid | won’t accept criticism | 袂講得
bexkog | sell one's country; to be a traitor to one's native country | 賣國
bexkokloo | traitor who sells his country's secrets | 賣國奴
bexkokzhat | one guilty of treason | 賣國賊
bexkortid | unbearable; beyond endurance | 未顧得; 顧無得
bexsaytid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未使得講; 無可以講
bexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
biedkog | destroy a country | 滅國
biefnkorng | not need to say; exempts discussed; indescribable; says nothing of; no need to speak; no need to talk about it; there is nothing that need be said; don't talk about it | 免講; 無用講; 不必說; 免談
biexnbien siongkoafn | gape at each other 'in danger, etc, unable to move' | 面面相關
bikoafn | microscopy | 微觀
bikofng | a gleam | 微光
bin'ix kikoafn | people's representative body | 民意機關
binkafn korsu | folk tale; folklore | 民間故事
binkoaan hoat'axn | civil rights bill | 民權法案
binkoaan | citizens right; civil rights; rights of the people | 民權
binkoaf | folk songs | 民歌
binkog | republic of; republic | 民國
binzok zuxkoad | national self-determination | 民族自決
binzuo kog | a democratic state | 民主國
binzwkog | democratic country or state; democratic state | 民主國
bixkoad | undecided; unsettled | 未決; 尚未決定
biøxkofng | temple-keeper; temple superior | 廟公
boadkog | the last nation | 末國
boafnkoaf | elegy; funeral hymn; elegy | 輓歌
boahkoo | smear | 抹糊
boe koeamngg | said of a girl not yet married although betrothed | 未過門
boexkofngtid | won’t accept criticism | 袂講得
boexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
boexkox`tid | be unable to | 未顧得
boexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
bofngkoex | just getting on so and so | 罔過; 得過且過
bofngkorng | talk with some reservation; talk without purpose; just talk on and on with little purpose | 罔講; 姑妄言之; 隨便說說
bogkoaf | papaya | 木瓜
bogkoaix | no wonder; no wonder that; please excuse | 莫怪; 怪無得; 難怪; 怨不得
bogkoef | papaya | 木瓜
bogkoekengciøf | plantaion, Musa paradisiaca | 木瓜芎蕉
bogsukoarn | The Manse, The Parsonage, the pastor's residence | 牧師館
bogsw-koarn | pastor's residence. The Manse, the Personage | 牧師館; 牧師住宅
bongkog | be conquered by other country; conquered country; subjugated nation; fall of a nation; national doom | 亡國
bongkokloo | refugee | 亡國奴
bongkor-paw | Mongolian tent | 蒙古包
bongkox | death | 亡故
boxek kongsy | trading company or firm | 貿易公司
boxkoafn | collect money; appel for subscriptions; raise money; collect contributions | 募捐
boxngkoea | rice offerings at the grave on Ching Ming Festival | 墓粿; 清明掃墓之祭品
bu'ieen bukox | without cause or reason; no kith and kin | 無緣無故
budkoaan | property rights | 物權
buhan kongsy | ordinary business partnership | 無限公司
bukoafn | no relationship; no concern; no connection; to have nothing to do with | 無關
bukoaix | no wonder | 無怪
bukof | innocence; innocent; the innocent; not guilty | 無辜
bukofng siuxlok | get the reward without real achievements or contributions | 無功受祿
bukox | without reason; without cause or reason | 無故
bunhoax hoattat ee kokkaf | nations where civilization and enlightenment flourish | 文化發達的國家
busiong kong'eeng | matchless honor; the highest honor | 無上光榮
but kog iuo lui | Each thing has its classification | 物各有類
but kog iuo zuo | Everything has its owner | 物各有主
buthaau kong'axn | an unverified case | 無頭公案
buxnkoaxn | questionnaire | 問卷
bwkofng | martial arts; military achievements; fighting skills | 武功
bwkog | homeland; motherland | 母國; 祖國
bwkuxkofng | uncle on the mother side | 母舅公
bykoafn taixhofng | beautiful and dignified | 美觀大方
bykoafn | stylish appearance; beautiful; handsome; beautiful sight or view | 美觀
bykoax | divine by rice | 米卦
bykoo | rice paste | 米糊
bysudkoarn | art gallery | 美術館
bø'ieen bøkox | without cause or reason; no relationship; without rhyme or reason | 無緣無故
bøexkoaix`tid | no wonder | 沒怪得
bøexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
bøexkorng`tid | cannot discuss | 講無得; 未講得
bøexkox`tid | unable to take care | 顧無得; 袂顧得; 顧不得; 未顧得
bøfkoaan | matriarchal power | 母權
bøfkog | native country | 母國; 母國(祖國)
bøhan-kongsy | an unlimited company, ordinary partnership | 無限公司
bøieen bøkox | without cause or reason; no kith and kin | 無緣無故
bøkoaan | having no power or authority | 無權
bøkoafn | to have nothing to do with, have no connection with | 無關
bøkoaix | no wonder | 無怪
bøkoarn | no matter whether | 無管; 不管
bøkof | innocent, guiltless | 無辜
bøkofngbøtvax | silent | 無講無呾
bøkorng-bøtva | silently | 一聲無響; 無講無錯
bøkox bixnphoee | shameless; doesn't guard her (his) reputation; has no self-respect | 無顧臉皮
bøkox | gratuitous, causeless, with no reason | 無故
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
bøo koanhe | have nothing to do with; regardless of; it matters little | 無關係
bøo kongpvee | not fair | 無公平
bøo kongpvii | unfair | 無公平
bøo kongtø | not fair | 無公道
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøqkorng | don't explain; don't discuss; don't speak; moreover; besides; in addition | 莫講; 何況; 況且
bøsu-bøkox | nothing happened | 無緣無故; 無事無故
bøthaau kong'axn | murder case which has no clue to its solution; a charge against a person or persons unknown | 無頭公案
bøthaau-kong'axn | unsolved misery | 無頭公案
bøxkoea | grind rice into pulp using stone mill to make rice cake | 磨粿
chiafmkorng | instrument used for taking samples of rice out of unopened bags | 插管; 驗米器
chiakofhix | Taiwanese Drama | 車鼓戲
chiakor | car drump | 車鼓
chiamkoaan | exceed or usurp authority | 奪權
chiaptøxkoong | kleptomania | 竊盜狂
chiarmkoaan | to intervene somebody's affair without authorization | 僭權; 越權
chiaukoex uxsoaxn | exceed the budget | 超過預算
chiaukoex | exceed; be more than; excel; surpass; overtake | 超過
chied khaikoafn | switch on or off | 切開關; 開開關
chiekoafn | crown of thorns | 刺冠; 茨冠
chiekoarn engjii | test tube baby | 試管嬰兒
chiekoarn | test tube | 試管
chiekoaxn | examination papers | 試卷; 考卷
chiekoe'ar | cucumber | 刺瓜仔; 大黃瓜
chiekoear | cucumber | 刺瓜仔
chiekoef | cucumber | 刺瓜; 黃瓜
chienchiuo-koan'ym | a Bodhisattva with thousand hands | 千手觀音
chienkii pekkoaix | all sorts of strange things | 千 奇百怪
chienkoafn | On the burial day to remove the coffin outside | 遷棺; 出葬日棺木移到外庭
chienkofput'hiuo | immortal, forever remembered | 千古不朽
chienkor put'hiuo | immortal; forever remembered | 千古無朽
chienkor | through all ages; long; long time; ancient times; (used in mourning) in eternity | 千古
chietkoaq | cut | 切割
chikor | shares owned | 持股
chimciaxm kongkhoarn | use official money for a purpose not originally intended | 侵佔公款; 挪用公款
chimhai koanli | encroach upon the privileges of another | 侵害權利
chimkog | ravine | 深谷
chimthwn-kongkhoarn | to graft, to misappropriate | 深吞公款; 侵吞公款
chinkekofng | father-in-law | 親家公
chinkoaan | the right to assume guardianship for one's own children before they come of age | 親權
chinkoanciar | person in parental authority | 親權者
chinkoaxn | family members | 親眷
chiongkoad | fight | 衝決
chiongkoafn | extreme anger that makes the hair stand on end and raises the cap one's wearing | 衝冠
chiongkoaxn | longitudinally; endlong | 縱貫
chiongkofng | confiscate; impound; seizure; confiscated; confiscate; confiscation | 充公
chiongkoong | run rampant | 猖狂; 猖獗
chiorngkoaxn | run lengthwise through | 縱貫
chiorngkoaxn-svoax | the railway or highway running the length of Taiwan | 縱橫線; 縱貫線
chiukof | red-mullet | 鰍鮚; 秋姑魚
chiukof-hii | red-mullet | 鰍鮚魚
chiuxlengkoo | gum arabic; mucilage | 樹乳糊; 橡皮膠
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxny-koo | rubber cement | 樹乳糊; 樹奶糊; 漿糊
chiuxny-korng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiwkofthaau | elbow | 手鼓頭; 手肘
chiwkor | upper arm; fleshy part of the forearm | 手鼓; 肱; 上臂; 下臂
chiwsef giaqkoaan | beg humble person forgiveness | 手梳攑懸; 高抬貴手
chixkongsor | city administration office | 市公所
chiøf kokkog | very energetic and vigorous; to be full of vitality (of males) | 精力旺盛
chiøkoef | puberty rooster | 𪁎雞
chvikoef | frog | 青蛙
chvikonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
chvikoong | (adj) flustered; (adj) in a difficult situation; hasty; hurried; impatient; short-tempered | 青狂; 生狂; 冒冒失失; 性急; 慌張
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
chviuokoaf | to sing; sing songs | 唱歌
chviux-koantiau | to make high sounding speech | 唱高調; 唱懸調
chviwkof | Taiwanese folklore competing to grab an award on a stage built by bamboo | 搶孤
chviwkofng | steal credit for | 搶功
chviwkox | try to beat others in making purchases like in time of war; shopping rush | 搶購
chykhakkoea | salted turtle cake made by sticky rice | 鼠麴粿
ciafng'ag zerngkoaan | hold the reins of government | 掌握政權
ciafngkoaan | to control | 掌權
ciafngkoarn | to be in charge of; to administer; to command; control; oversee | 掌管
ciah y koeakoex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 吃他過過; 吃定了他
ciah-bøe koeachiuo | get caught trying to deceive someone or steal something; get caught taking a bribe; no time to finish this meal | 吃無過手; 得不到手
ciamcieen korhiø | very cautious (Lit. look forward and backward) | 瞻前顧後
ciamkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
ciamkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
ciaokoarn | take care of; certainly; surely; take care of; manage; keep safe | 照管; 管理
ciaokorng | in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally; as a rule; ordinarily | 照講; 照理說
ciaokox | see after; attend on; care for; take care of | 照顧
ciaolie korng | speak according to reason | 照理講
ciaosiong-koarn | a photo studio | 照像館; 照相館
ciaosiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
ciapkoarn | take over the management or administration; The government will take over the company. | 接管
ciapkoealaai | take over, receive, to pass | 接過來, 遞過來
ciaq laikorng | come to talk | 才來講
ciaqkoay | had a good lesson | 食乖
ciaqkoex | have been eaten | 吃過
ciaqkoxngkong | To eat and not work; a parasite | 食; 空空 只食會吃; 無會做事
ciarkof | Formosan Hill-partridge; Formosan Tree-partridge; Arborophila crudigularis; Formosan tree-partridge | 鷓鴣
ciarkof-zhaix | an edible red algae | 鷓鴣菜
ciarkox thesii | decline or reject with an excuse or pretext | 藉故推辭
ciarkox | to find an excuse; avail oneself of an excuse or pretext | 藉故
ciarkozhaix | red algae | 鷓鴣菜
ciarm'iwkoaan | rights of tenure | 佔有權
ciauthaixkoaxn | free ticket | 招待券
cibkoaan | centralization of state power; concentration of authority; centralization of authority; concentration of power | 集權
cibkor | collect capital in order to establish a business | 集股
cibsw kofng'eg | canvass various opinions and benefit from them | 集思廣益
cibsw-kofnggi | to gather public opinion | 集思廣義
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidkoafar | a few | 一寡仔
cidkoaq | one cut | 一割
cidkoar | some; a little; some | 一些; 一寡
cidkoaxn | a scroll | 一罐; 一卷
cidkoeh | one section | 一截
cidkoex | once, one time | 一過
cidsiekoex | all over the places | 一四界
ciefn koea | fry steamed cakes | 煎糕
ciekoaan | sovereign | 至高
ciekofng | absolute justice; absolutely unbiased | 至公
cienkofng cixnkhix | nullify all previous efforts; turn all previous labor to naught | 前功盡棄
cienkofng | previous efforts | 前功
ciernkoaf | a battle-march, a war song | 戰歌
ciernkofng | battle achievements; military exploits; distinguished service in war | 戰功
ciernkog | warring countries | 戰國
ciernkor | a war drum | 戰鼓
ciernpaixkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
ciernserngkog | victorious nation | 戰勝國
ciernsii kokzex konghoad | wartime international law | 戰時國際公法
cietai ciekofng | greatest and most unbending | 至大至剛
cihzøx nngxkoeh | be broken in two | 斷成二段
cimkorng | crab's pincer | 蟳管; 蟹鉗
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
cinkhongkoarn | vacuum tube | 真空管
ciofng kofng por zoe | make up for faults by one's merits | 將功補罪
ciofng kofng siok zoe | atone for mistakes by meritorious service | 將功贖罪
ciofngkoaan | be in power or authority | 掌權
ciofngkoarn | take charge of; supervise; manage | 掌管
ciofngkoaxn | lottery; lottery or raffle ticket | 獎券
ciokkofng | candlepower | 燭光
cipkoaan | assume authority, take a position as authority | 執權; 執行職權
cipkoad | to make a firm decision; obstinate; stubborn | 執決; 固執; 堅持己見
cipsykoad | very obstinate | 執死決; 頑固; 固執
ciqkof | coated tongue | 舌菇
cirnkofng | make an assault; attack | 進攻
cirnkoxng | to pay tribute; offer tribute (said of a vassal state) | 進貢
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cit'ui koaan ee kaosu | high rank priest | 職位高的教士; 修道院院長
citkoaan | authority of a position or office; authority for exercising or discharging one's duties | 職權
citkoex | this time | 這過
citkofgoeh | this month | 這個月
ciuxte kaykoad | settle or solve a problem right on the spot | 就地解決
ciwkoar | widow | 守寡
ciwkoarn | tavern | 酒館
ciwkoong | dipsomania; temporary mental disorder after too much alcohol | 酒狂
ciwseg koeato | excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 酒色過度
cixnkoarn | although; notwithstanding; in despite of; even if | 儘管
cixntiofng pørkog | be loyal and patriotic | 盡忠報國
ciøh'oe-korng | suggest with hint, for instance | 借話講
ciøhkoex | please let me pass | 借過
ciøkor | to raise capital by floating shares; solicit shareholders; call for capital; go public | 招股
ciøqiuu kongsy | petroleum company | 石油公司
ciøqkoafn | stone coffin; stone coffin | 石棺
ciøqkor | stone drum | 石鼓
ciøqthaau kofng | stone idol | 石頭公
ciøqthaukofng | stone God | 石頭公; 石偶像
ciørtiexnkofng | X-ray | 照X光
ciøx-tiexnkofng | take an X-ray | 照電光; 照X光
cviaa laang-koaan | about as high as a man's height | 將近一人高; 近人高
cviaa-kikoaix | very strange | 很奇怪; 誠奇怪
cviakoaan | very high | 很高; 誠懸
cviakofgoeh | almost one month | 成個月; 將近一個月
cviarbin kongkeg | frontal attack | 正面攻擊
cviarbin-kongkeg | a frontal attack | 正面攻擊
cvikoafn | money supply; short of money | 錢關
cviukoo | paste; starch | 漿糊
cviuokoear | pickle | 醬瓜仔
cviuokoef | pickles; pickled cucumbers | 醬瓜
cviuxkoaan | go up high | 爬高
cviwkoaxn | lottery ticket | 獎卷; 獎券
cyhuikoaan | right of command | 指揮權
cykoarn | by all means; just | 只管
cytafng kofngsay | irrelevant; mislead with talk; talk nonsense; try to avoid the main theme by talking about something else (Lit. point to east and talk west) | 指東話西
efkor | short and stout | 矮胖; 矮鼓
efkor-efkor | short and stout | 矮鼓矮鼓; 矮胖
efngkiuo tionglibkog | country neutral (by policy) | 永久中立國
efngkoad | to part forever; to separate forever; be gone forever--to die | 永訣
efngkoex | formerly; in olden times | 以前; 永過
efngkor | ancient; very very old | 永古
efngkox | permanently fixed | 永固
ekoea | grind rice paste to make rice cakes | 挨粿
engkoafn | crown | 榮冠
engkoarnsix | idiomatical | 用慣勢; 用慣
engkof | flourish and withered | 榮枯
engkofng | gloria; halo; glory | 螢光
engkongbo | fluorescent screen; luminescent screen | 螢光幕
engkongthea | fluorescent object | 螢光體
erngkong'ar | unowned ashes | 應公仔
exkoeh | the lower part of the body | 下截; 下半節
exkog | lower jaw | 下顎; 下巴
gaau kiernkor | very superstitious and observant of old rites; believe in omens | 會見古; 禁忌多; 易責怪人; 很會見茍
gafnkaix koaan | have one's standards set high | 眼界高
gafnkofng oafntai | foresight | 眼光遠大
gafnkofng | foresight; vision; discernment; power of judgment | 眼光
gaukox | well take care of (child, sick person) | 賢顧
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gengkox | clot; coagulate; solidify; solidification; become solid | 凝固
gexsut-koarn | art museum | 藝術館
giamkaf koafnsog | exercise strict discipline over (juniors or subordinates) | 嚴加管束
giaqkoaan | hold up high; lift up high | 攑懸; 舉高
ginhaang konghoe | banker's association | 銀行公會
giogthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture | 虐待狂
gixbu koanliam | sense of duty | 義務觀念
gixkoad | formal decision; decide or resolve (at a meeting) | 議決
gixkoad-axn | resolution, act | 議決案
gixkoafn | voluntary contribution; voluntary donation | 義捐
gixkoat'axn | resolution (at a meeting) | 議決案
gixkoatkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 議決權
goadkofng-kheg | the moonlight melody | 月光曲
goadkuiekoafn | laurel wreath | 月桂冠
goankox | die-hard; old-fashioned; unprogressive; unyielding; stubborn | 頑固
goanzuo-korzø | atomic structure | 原子構造
goaxkaw koanhe | diplomatic relations | 外交關係
goaxkoafn | outer appearance; outward appearance | 外觀
goaxkoaxnchi | counties other than one's own | 外縣市
goaxkofng laixexng | enemies without and treacherous help within | 外攻內應
goaxkofng | maternal grandfather | 外公
goaxkog | foreign countries; foreign country | 外國
goaxkog-laang | foreigner, alien | 外國人
goaxkok'hoex | imported goods; commodities of foreign make | 外國貨
goaxkok'oe | foreign language | 外國話
goaxkokgie | foreign language | 外國語 (話)
goaxkokguo | foreign language | 外國語
goaxkoklaang | foreigner | 外國人
goxkog | to betray country | 誤國
goxkunkoee | knuckles | 五筋膎
gui zerngkoaan | usurped authority | 偽政權
gukofng isafn | determined effort can move a mountain; Where there's a will; there's a way | 愚公移山
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gvafkoafn | grace; concinnity; nice appearance; fine sight | 雅觀
gvaixkoaq | to reap, to mow | 刈割; 艾割
gvexkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gviakoafn | receive a coffin | 迎棺
gvixkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gvofkoafn | the five senses organs (ears | 五官
gvofkog | the different grains of harvest; five major grain; grains of all kinds; food crops; our country | 五穀; 我國
gvofkog-pekkør | all the agricultural products | 五穀百果
gvokoehhii | tilapia | 吳郭魚
gvokoehhuu | tilapia | 吳郭魚
gykor | archaize; imitate the style of ancient writers | 擬古
gyn'afkoaf | kids songs | 囡仔歌
gyn'ar-koaf | children's songs; children's folk song | 囡仔歌; 童歌; 兒歌; 童謠
gynnafkoaf | children's songs | 囡仔歌; 童謠
ha-koaxn | second volume, second book | 下卷
habciorngkog | federation of states | 合眾國
habkofng | make a united attack; join forces against; unified attack | 合攻
habkor | to pool capital; to enter into partnership; go into partnership with | 合股
habkor-jiin | business partner | 合股人; 股東
hae kof ciøh noa | for ever and ever | 海枯石爛
haixkoaekoaix | old and shabby | 害怪怪; 老舊; 破舊
hakofng | golden sunlight | 金光; 霞光
hanggiap kongsy | shipping company | 航業公司
hangkhofng-kongsy | airline company | 航空公司
haokof | havig free food; taking advantage | 孝孤; 吃; 祭孤魂; 祭無緣佛
harmkoaxkoa | reckless and careless in managing affairs; absurd; nonsensical | 諏掛掛; 馬虎極了; 荒謬極了
harmkoftioxng | abdominal dropsy | 臌古帳; 肚脹
harmkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 諏古; 譀古; 誇大的故事; 無實之事; 荒謬
hatbiefnkoaan | exempt from | 豁免權
haux-kongmar | family shrine for ancestors | 孝公媽; 祭供祖先
hauxkoaf | school song; college song | 校歌
haxkoaxn | Chronicle (1; 2) (Protestant) | 下卷; 歷代誌略 (上; 下卷)
haxnkofng | a welder, a welding worker | 焊工
haykoaan | sea power | 海權
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
haykoafn | custom; customshouse (sea barrier) | 海關
haykoafn-søex | customs due, duty | 海關稅
haykoecie | little dazzled clam | 海瓜子
haykog | maritime nation | 海國; 海邦
haysiong lwkoarn | floating hotel | 海上旅館
hefkimkof | firefly | 火金蛄
hefkoebør | turkey hen which is used to describe talkative women | 火雞母
hefkoef | turkey | 火雞
hekoee | shrimp paste | 蝦膎
hekof | the locust shrimp | 蝦蛄
hekog | return home | 回國
hekophiag'ar | fam shrimp | 蝦蛄擗仔
hekox | review | 回顧
hengkoarkud | clavicle | 胸掛骨
hengkoarn | high official's home away from home | 行館
hengsuo-koaan | the right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengswkoaan | right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzerngkoaan | administrative power; executive authority | 行政權
hengzexng-kikoafn | administrative organization | 行政機關
hengzexng-koaan | executive authority | 行政權
hexkoatsym | take a firm resolve | 下決心
hexngkoea | make a present of cakes and various other things that have been offered to the spirits | 送粿; (家有喜事時)
hiakorng | leg of the boots | 雨靴; 靴管
hiekoarn | theater | 戲館; 戲院
hien-kaukoafn | deal in dash | 現交關; 現金交易
hienkoafn | (n) vestibule; entrance (hall) | 玄關
hienkoax | remove the cover; take the cover | 掀蓋; 翻蓋子
hiernkofng | to offer credit; give credit for some good work you did to someone else | 獻公; 獻功
hietkof | anemia | 血枯; 身衰停經
hiexnkorng | speak in person; explain clearly face to face | 現講; 當面說; 當面講明白
hikii-kofkoaix | strange; bizarre; odd | 稀奇古怪
hikor | fiction, fictitious | 稀古; 虛構
hikox | fictitious; trumped up; invent; to frame | 虛構
himhie-jiogkoong | be beside oneself with joy | 欣喜若狂
hiofng-kongsor | government office for rural administration | 鄉公所
hiofngkoafn | tax office, toll-gate | 薪關
hionghioong-kongkoong | lacking self possession; nervous and excited | 雄雄狂狂; 慌慌張張
hiongkongsor | a government office in the village; public office in charge of the administration of a group of villages | 鄉公所
hiongkoong | hasty; hurried; madness; acting violently | 慌狂; 匆忙; 倉皇; 慌張; 莽撞
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hiorngkoafn | tax office | 餉關
hipkoax | cover to retain heat | 翕掛; 蓋蓋; 悶掛
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hito kong'ym | idle away time; waste one's time | 虛度光陰
hiukoarn | resting hotel | 休館
hiøxkox-cy-iw | worry about the past and the future | 後顧之憂
hmlangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
ho toaxzuie koaq`khix | be washed away by flood | 被大水割去
hoafn-koealaai | turn over | 翻過來
hoafnkoax | change mind | 變卦; 反卦
hoafnkofng hogkog | counter attack and restore one's country | 反攻復國
hoafnkofng taixliok | counter attack the mainland | 反攻大陸
hoafnkofng | counter attack; fight back | 反攻
hoafnkongkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反光鏡; 反射鏡
hoafnkorng | reply to criticism | 反講
hoafnkox | look back; to review; reflect; reflection | 反顧
hoahoaf kongzuo | playboy; a fop | 花花公子
hoahoaf-kongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoahoakongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoaikor | to look back upon the past | 懷古
hoakoafn | corolla; gaily decorated hat or cap | 花冠
hoakoaxn | corolla | 花冠
hoakoef | red-light district | 花街
hoakongciøh | granite | 花崗石
hoakonggan | granite | 花岡岩
hoan'egkoaan | translation rights for a book | 翻譯權
hoanhym-kofbuo | be overjoyed; very pleased; dancing with joy | 歡欣鼓舞
hoankoef | papaya | 番瓜; 木瓜
hoarhak-korzøxseg | chemical structural formula | 化學構造式
hoatgieen-koaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatgienkoaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatkoea | leavened cake; an expression meaning to make money; become rich | 發粿
hoatkof | go moldy; get musty | 生霉; 發霉; 發菇
hoatkofng | to shine; to give out light; to emit light | 發光
hoatkongthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatkoong | hysteric; go mad; to go crazy; frenetic; to go off one's head | 發狂
hoatlunkofng | recent kind of meditative community | 法輪功
hoatsefng koanhe | establish relationship; have something to do with; have an affair with | 發生關係
hoaxnkoafn | a eunuch | 宦官
hoaxnkoeasid | commit a fault | 犯錯失
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hoea'un kongsy | forwarding agency | 貨運行; 貨運公司
hoefkimkof | firefly; glowworm | 火金姑; 螢火蟲
hoefkofng | attack by setting fire to enemy ships or camps | 火攻
hoefkongsym | very angry and anxious (Lit. like fire burning the heart) | 火攻心
hoekoafn | crown of flowers | 花冠
hoekoef | cucumber | 花瓜
hoekog | return to one's country | 回國
hoekongciøh | granite | 花崗石
hoekonghoafnciaux | momentary return to consciousness before death | 迴光反照
hoekor | drum | 花鼓
hoekorliok | memoirs | 回憶錄; 回顧錄
hoekox | look back to the past | 回顧
hoexkoarn | a club house; guild(of a clan | 會館
hoexoankog | member nation | 會員國
hofkoad | to reject, to veto, a veto | 否決
hofng'afkoef | free range chicken | 仿仔雞
hofng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方括弧; 方括號
hofngkor | imitate old fashion; manners; furniture | 仿古
hogkor | to revive old traditions; restoration of old days; go back to the old | 復古
hokhib khiekoafn | respiratory organs | 呼吸器官
hokkofng | devil fish, devil ray | 蝠魟; 魔鬼魚; [*]
hokof | a moat; a ditch; a trench | 壕溝
hokofng | arclight | 輻光; 弧光
hokofng-tefng | an arc lamp | 輻光燈; 弧光燈
hong'oexkoafn | defense taxes | 防衛捐
hongheeng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方形括弧
honghofng-kongkoong | lacking self possession; nervous and excited | 慌慌狂狂; 慌慌張張
hongkhofng koarhø | registered air mail | 航空掛號
hongkhofng kongsy | an airline | 航空公司
hongkoafn | macro | 宏觀
hongkoaxn | air pump; pump (for bicycle or basketball) | 風罐; 打氣筒
hongkofng | scenery; an elegant style; outlook; scenes | 風光
hongkofng-uyzeg | high merit and great achievements | 豐功偉績
hongkoong | crazy, insane, mad | 風狂; 瘋狂
hongkor | hair dryer; windmill; winnower | 風鼓; 簸穀機; 鼓風器
hongsiok sibkoaxn | customs and habits | 風俗習慣
hor-kopøo | the tiger-lady | 虎姑婆
horsuokorng | hose | 水管
hoxkoaix | toad; big frog | 雨怪; 水中蟾蜍
hoxkog | to guard the country | 護國
hoxngkoafn | a phoenix coronet | 鳳冠
hoxngkofng siwhoad | law abiding and God fearing; be just and respect the law | 奉公守法
hoxngkofng | carry out official duties | 奉公
hoxngkofng-siwhoad | carry out official duties and observe the laws | 奉公守法
hoxsiong koanhe | mutual relation | 互相關係
hudchiwkoef | chayote | 佛手瓜
hudsiuo-koef | chayote, christophine, vegetable pear, Sechium edule | 佛手瓜; 梨瓜
huixkox | your patronage; be my customer; patronize my business establishment; your kindness; favor or patronage | 惠顧
hukor | fiction, fictitious | 虛構
hukox | fictitious; trumped up | 虛構
hunkoaan | decentralization of authority | 分權
hunkoaq | separate off; segmentation; partition; divide land into parts | 分割
hunkoarn | to be put in charge of | 分管
hunkofng-hunseg | spectroscopy analysis | 分光分析
hunkonggii | spectroscope | 分光儀
hunkongkhix | spectroscope | 分光器
hunkongkviax | spectroscope | 分光鏡
hunkongsy | branch office or company | 分公司
hunsaykok'ar | ash tray | 煙灰缸
hunti ee kokkaf | nation with a divided government | 分治的國家
hunzuo-korzø | molecular structure | 分子構造
huoiongkog | satellite state; vassal or dependent state | 附庸國
huokog-kiongpefng | enrich the nation; and increase its military power | 富國強兵
huosiogkog | appanage | 附屬國
huosiok-kog | a dependent state, a vassal state | 附屬國
hurntø koan'uy | teaching and guiding authority | 訓導權威
huxkoaan | parental rights | 父權; 婦權
huxluo soafnkwkoaan | female suffrage | 婦女選舉權
huxluo zhamzerngkoaan | the right for women to participate in public affairs; women's rights | 婦女參政權
huxn putkox syn | do something regardless of personal safety | 奮無顧身
huxnkor | partener shares; have shares in a joint business venture | 份股; 認股
huxzex-kog | debtor country | 負債國
hviukobahbee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hviukobahmoee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hviukoef | asian melon; the muskmelon; muskmelon; cantaloupe | 香瓜
hviukof | mushroom; edible dried mushrooms | 香菰; 香菇
hviuvii koe'ar | fruit of the citron tree | 香櫞瓜仔; 佛手瓜
hviw-koe'ar | fruit of the citron tree | 香瓜仔; 佛手瓜
hvoaai`koex | crossover; athwart; thwart; traverse | 橫過; 橫越
hvoaikoaxn konglo | highway running from east to west; Cross Island Highway in Taiwan | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-konglo | the cross-island highway; east-west highway | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-svoameh | mountain range running from east to west | 橫貫山脈
hvoaikoong | rafter, ceiling joist | 橫栱
hvoaikoxng | strong transverse bar for a door | 橫槓; (門閂)
hvofkoad | to veto, to reject, a veto | 否決
hvofkofng | flames | 火光; 火焰
hwnkoea | yellow gelatinous confection made from green beans | 粉粿
høefkimkof | firefly; firebug | 火金姑; 火金蛄; 螢火蟲
høefkofng | to attack by setting fire to enemy ships or camps | 火攻
høekog | return to one's country | 回國
høekox | to look back to the past; to review | 回顧
høfkorng | easy to speak; easy to bargain or deal with | 好講; 好商量
høkof | a trench; ditch | 壕溝
høkofng | dazzling ray; flashing light | 幻光; 豪光
høkox | why; for what reason; For what cause? | 何故
høpeeng kaykoad | amicable settlement | 和平解決
hør koeajit | lead an easy life | 好過日; 日子好過
hør kofng'oe | easy to bargain or deal with; easy to persuade | 好講話; 好商量
hør-kofng'oe | easy to talk to | 好講話; 好說話
høxkog-iongbiin | bring disaster upon the state and the people; harm the state and injure the people | 禍國殃民
iafkoeafchiaf | illegal passenger transport | 野雞仔車
iamkoaq | to castrate | 閹割
iamkoef | capon | 閹雞
iaokoad | critical knack; the key to do something successfully; secret of doing something | 要訣
iarkoaxn | bore, tired of | 厭煩; 厭倦
iarmkoan | tiresome | 厭倦; 疲倦
iarmseakoafn | pessimistic view of life, pessimism | 厭世觀
iaukoaix | a monster; demons; goblin; apparition; specter; demon; siren; a Circe | 妖怪
iaukoeaky | hungry for too long a time | 餓過飢; 肚時間越過
iaukofng | to seek credit on accomplishment | 邀功
iaumoo-kuykoaix | evil spirits of all kinds | 妖魔鬼怪
iaxkafn-kongkeg | night attack | 夜間攻擊
iaxkofng | emit light at night | 夜光
ibut-swkoafn | materialistic conception of history | 唯物史觀
iedkoaxn | grade examination papers | 閱卷
ienkorng | lead pipe | 鉛管
ienkox | a cause; reason; relation; connection | 緣故; 關連
ikoafn | clothes and hat; the gentry; gentlemanly appearance | 衣冠
ikoafn-khimsiux | gentleman in appearance but beast in conduct; wolf in a sheep's skin | 衣冠禽獸
ikoaix | weird | 異怪
ikoarn | hospital | 醫館
imkoaf | licentious songs | 淫歌
imkofng | one's unpublicized good deeds or virtues | 陰功
inkofng syboong | suffer death in the line of duty | 因公死亡
inkofng | because of public business | 因公
inkør-koanhe | causation; causality; causal relation | 因果關係; 因果律
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
iongkoaxn | stocks | 融券
iongkofng hoarnhoad | have a face radiant with well-being | 容光煥發
ioxngbexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用不慣
ioxngbexkoaxn | unaccustomed to the use of | 用不慣
ioxngbøexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣勢
ioxngbøexkoaxn | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣
ioxngkofng | diligent in learning; study or work hard | 用功
ipboxngkoea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
irmkoe'ar | salted cucumber; pickled melon | 蔭瓜仔; 醬瓜
irmkoear | salted cucumber, pickled melon | 蔭瓜, 醬瓜
irmkoef | pickled cucumbers | 蔭瓜; 醃瓜
isefng-koarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 醫院
isengkoarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 私人醫院; 診所
isw-konghoe | medical association | 醫師公會
it'ix-koheeng | do something against the advice of the others | 一意孤行
itkiexn-jukox | become fast friends at the first meeting | 一見如故
itkoad | a showdown | 一決
itkoad-zhuhioong | fight it out; compete for the championship | 一決雌雄
itkoaxn | consistent; constant; from beginning to end; unswerving | 一貫
itkoaxn-zok'hofng | consistent way of doing things | 一貫作風
itkoaxn-zokgiap | integrated operation (said of factories); through process | 一貫作業
itkor | one share | 一股
itsy-putkoax | not a stitch on; stark naked | 一絲無掛
ittefngkog | first class power | 一等國
iuciaqkoea | fritters of twisted dough; neck-tie (a slang) | 油食條; 領帶
iuhuixkog | favored nation (in international treaty) | 優惠國
iukoarnchiaf | tank truck | 油罐車
iukog | to be concerned for the country; deep valley | 憂國; 幽谷
iukog-iubiin | be concerned over the fate of the nation | 憂國憂民
iukorng | oil pipe; oil pipeline | 油管
iukox | mail order | 郵購
iuokof | young and tender mushroom | 妙菇; 幼菇
iusiefn-koaan | preferential right, first right | 優先權
iusienkoaan | preferential right | 優先權
iuthaixkoaxn | complimentary ticket; a free ticket (for a show); discount ticket (for shopping in a certain store) | 優待券
iuzhangkoea | rice cake with fried onions ingredients | 油蔥粿
iwhan kongsy | limited liability company | 有限公司
iwkoaan | have the authority, have the right | 有權
iwkoae | abduct; kidnapping; allure into evil | 誘拐; 拐誘
iwkoafn | to have something to do with; have something to do with; to concern | 有關
iwkoafn-hongbin | authorities concerned; interested parties | 有關方面
iwkoafn-tongkiok | authorities concerned | 有關當局
iwkofng | contribute to the success of ...; distinguished service | 有功
iwkofng-bøsviuo | Deserving of recognition for services rendered; but didn't get any | 有功無賞
iwzengjiin ciongseeng koarnsiok | The lovers finally got married | 有情人終成眷屬。
ixkog | foreign country; foreign country; strange land | 異國
ixkog-zenglu | foreign sweetheart | 異國情侶
ixkog-zengtiau | exotic touch or mood | 異國情調
ixkorthea | isomer | 異固體
iøgyn'afkoaf | lullaby | 育囡仔歌
iøkoflofng | drum toy witha pendant | 搖鼓瑯
iøkor | a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy); rattle-drum; small drum with a handle and two suspended beads; one on each side; which beat the drum when the handle is twisted | 搖鼓; 博浪鼓; 浪鼓; 搖鼓兒
iønakoaf | lullaby, cradle song | 搖藍歌; 搖籃歌; 搖籃曲
iøqkoaxn | medicinal jar | 藥罐
iøqkofar | medicine pot | 藥鈷仔
jiafmtiøh phvae-sibkoaxn | infected by bad habits | 染到壞習慣
jibkoafn | have one foot in the grave | 入棺; 入關
jibkog | enter the country | 入國
jibkor | become a shareholder | 入股
jibtviukoaxn | ticket of admission | 入場券
jidgoat bukofng | The sun and the moon are dimmed (often used to mean darkness in a figurative sense to describe life under tyranny; foreign occupation) | 日月無光
jidgoat tiongkofng | The sun and the moon shine again (used figuratively to describe a joyful event such as the downfall of a despot; liberation from enemy occupation) | 日月重光
jidkofng siautok | disinfect by exposing to the sunlight | 日光消毒
jidkofng | sunlight; sunshine; sunbeams | 日光
jidkofng-ciet'iog-sikafn | daylight saving time | 日光節約時間
jidkofng-ek | sun-bath | 日光浴
jidkofng-liauhoad | sun cure | 日光療法
jidkofng-tefng | fluorescent lamp | 日光燈
jidkong'egseg | solarium | 日光浴室
jidkong'ek | sun bath | 日光浴
jidkongleeng | solar energy | 日光能
jidkongtefng | fluorescent light; fluorescent lamp | 日光燈
jidthaukofng | sun | 日頭公; 太陽公
jiedkoong | fanatical; enthusiastic; feverish; wild excitement; grow excited; feverish delirium; frantic | 熱狂; 狂熱
jiet-kofng-tongliong | mechanical equivalent of heat | 熱光當量; 熱功當量
jinbeng-koanhe | matter (case) of life and death | 人命關係
jinbeng-koanthiefn | Human life is of utmost importance | 人命關天
jinbiin-kongsia | people's commune (in Communist- controlled mainland China) | 人民公社
jinkhao koeaseng | overpopulation | 人口過剩
jinkhao koeatøf | overpopulation | 人口過多
jinkoaan | human right | 人權
jinkoaan-soangieen | Declaration of Human Rights; Bill of Rights | 人權宣言
jinkofng | artificial | 人工
jinkofng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jinkofng-tiehui | artificial intelligence | 人工智惠; 人工智慧
jinsengkoafn | view (philosophy) of life; outlook on life | 人生觀
jinsu-koafnlie | personnel administration | 人事管理
jinsu-koanhe | personnel connections | 人事關係
jinzø-kongmngg | artificial anus | 人造肛門
jiogkoafn | young man | 弱冠
jiogkog | weak nation | 弱國
jiogthea-koanhe | sexual relations | 肉體關係
jip kokzek | acquire citizenship | 入國籍
jitoong-kofngporkiok | radio play for children | 兒童廣播劇
jiuu leeng kheg kofng | The soft will conquer the hard.--soft and subtle approach can disarm a man of hot temper; a soft answer turns away wrath | 柔能克剛
jixkof | second aunt | 二姑; 二姑媽
jixmkor | to become a shareholder; to subscribe to corporate shares | 認股
jiøxkoarn | a ureter; a urinary canal | 尿管
jukox | like an old friend (literally said of a new acquaintance); as it has always been; as usual | 如故
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
juxkog-piexnbiin | enrich the state and accommodate the masses | 裕國便民
kafkofng-zeasw | attain private or personal ends in the name of official duties | 假公濟私
kafmkag-khiekoafn | sense organs | 感覺器官
kafmkoafn | sense; sense organ; sense | 感官
kafmkoafn`ee | sensuous | 感官的
kafmkofng | affected by light (as photo-film); be exposed to light; sensitization | 感光
kafmkongzef | sensitized | 感光劑
kafmkongzoar | sensitive paper | 感光紙
kafngkor | tell stories | 講古; 講古,講故事
kakkor | a ritual instrument used when performing rituals | 角鼓
kakoafn | cap a boy as a symbol of his coming of age (at 20) | 加冠
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kakoaxn | wife and children | 家眷
kamkoef-khoftix | Nothing is perfect. Good advice is never pleasant it hear. (Lit. sweet melon with a bitter stem; good medicine is bitter ─ a flaw in a precious stone; a fly in the ointment.) | 甘瓜苦蒂; 良藥苦口
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kanggiap-kokkaf | industrial nations of powers; developed countries | 工業國家
kankhofzexkoax | very painful and sad | 艱苦罪過
kankhor-zexkoax | unwilling | 艱苦濟掛; 心無甘情不願
kankoaq | Tonkin kudzu vine | 葛藤; 乾葛
kankof | dry and die | 乾沽
kapikoarn | coffee-house; tea-room | 咖啡館
kapikoaxn | coffee pot | 咖啡罐
karkoay | tame; punish someone as a lesson (warning) | 教乖; 教訓; 馴乖; 馴服
karkox | architecture | 架構
karmzhatkoaan | power of control (one of the five powers of the government specified in the constitution of the Republic of China) | 監察權
kauciernkog | belligerent, enemy nation | 交戰國
kaukoafn | trading; purchase; deal; do business with; to buy | 交關; 採購; 買
kaukoankheq | customer | 交關客; 買客
kaukoaq | complete a business transaction | 交割
kaukoaxn | hand in the examination paper; complete an assignment | 交卷
kaukor | copulate, copulation | 交配; 交媾
kauthofng-kikoafn | means of communication; traffic facilities | 交通機關
kauthofng-suxkox | traffic accident | 交通事故
kauvoa koksw | exchange of credentials | 交換國書
kaw peqkoaxn | turn in a blank examination paper | 交白卷
kawkoaix | naughtiness; balky; mischievous; pig-headed | 狡怪; 頑皮; 狡猾
kaxngkog | same country | 同國
kaykoad | solve; settle; settlement | 解決
kaykoad-paxnhoad | solution (of a problem) | 解決辦法
kaykoafn | transform; present a new look; change the appearance of; change its appearance (as a city or building); to assume a new look | 改觀
kaykox | dismiss; lay off | 解雇; 解僱
keakoafn | pass | 過關
kef-kofng'oe | make an unwelcome remark | 加講話; 多講話; 講廢話
kefkofphog | pretend to be knowledgeable | 假古博
kefkofzuy | play cute | 假古錐
kefkokpiq | play singular | 假嘓鱉
kefkuie-kefkoaix | feign to be a devil or a monster ─ pretend or feign (not to know; to be ill; deaf; dumb) | 假鬼假怪; 裝瘋賣傻
kefkuykefkoaix | pretending | 假鬼假怪
kefngkoafn | sight | 景觀
kegkoaan-kokkaf | dictatorial nation; dictatorship; totalitarian nation | 極權國家
kegkofng | aurora | 極光
kekoafn | cock's comb | 雞冠
kekoaxn | wife and children | 家眷
kekoeahoef | cockscomb (a flower) | 雞冠花
kekoex | cock's crest or comb | 雞冠
kekofng'oe | say more than has to be said | 多講話
kengkoarn | take charge of, have charge or be in charge of | 經管
kengkoex | go through; by way of; progress (of an affair or illness); lapse (of time) | 經過
kengkof-sutkoar | have compassion on the orphan and the widow | 矜孤恤寡
khaekoad | summarize; generalize; capsule; recap | 概括
khaekoafn | a general view | 概觀
khaekoaq | to generalize | 概括
khafn-kofngkøx | to put an advertisement | 刊廣告
khahkorng | speaking even more; no use | 較講; 再怎麼說
khaibengkog | enlightened nation | 開明國
khaikoad | to generalize, to summarize | 開決
khaikoafn | switch; a switch (Lit. open-shut) | 開關
khaikoafn-giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein; exhumation | 開棺驗屍
khaikoaq | to generalize, to summarize | 開闊
khaikog | found a country or state | 開國
khaikog-goanlør | elder statesmen or generals who participated in the founding of a new nation or dynasty | 開國元老
khaikog-kieliam | commemoration of the foundation of a country | 開國紀念
khakoong | wooden stocks for punishment | 腳梏
khangkoafn'ar | empty bottle | 空罐仔; 空瓶子
khangzhuiekorng | speak without evidence | 空口講; 空嘴講
khankoax | be concerned for; feel anxious about | 牽掛
khankof | net fish from the sea | 牽沽; 網魚 (打魚之一種)
khankofng | lead a man to a house of ill repute, to pimp | 牽公
khankong'ar | lead a man to a house of ill repute; to pimp | 牽公仔; 拉皮條
khantngg-koarto | be deeply concerned | 牽腸掛肚
khao toat thienkofng | ingenuity that rivals the work of God (often referring to a work of art) | 巧奪天工
khapkog | whole country | 闔國
khapte-kongliim | please come with your whole family (a conventional term used in Chinese invitation cards) | 闔第光臨
khaq-uxlaang korng | more people say; said by more people | 較有人講
kharmkoax | cover; cover | 蓋蓋; 崁蓋; 蓋蓋子; 蓋上蓋子
kharnkox | look after | 看顧
khauqkhauqkorng | constantly talking | 愕愕說; 說個無停
khawkoad | magic formula; a set of practical methods put in words for easy memory | 口訣
khaxm zhuokoax | roof a building | 蓋厝掛
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khehkoafn | objective; objectivity; objective view | 客觀
khehkoafn-sexng | objectiveness | 客觀性
khehkoafn-zwgi | objectivism | 客觀主義
khehkoanlun | objectivism | 客觀論
khehkoanteg | objectively | 客觀德; 客觀的
khehkoarn | inn; small hotel; hotel (obsolete expression) | 客館
khekkoafn | objective | 客觀
khekkof | eastern cuckoo | 杜鵑
khekog | valley; canyon; gorge | 溪谷
khengkog | cause the downfall of a city or an entire country | 傾國
khengsviaa-khengkog | exceptionally beautiful woman for whose sake a city is ruined or a country lost | 傾城傾國
kherngkofng | to celebrate a victory or a success | 慶功
kherngkong'iexn | dinner party in celebration of triumph; victory party | 慶功宴
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khia-toaxkor | occupy large share | 佔大股; 豎大股
khiaxkoong | strong upright bar; fastened inside of a door | 豎槓; 豎閂
khiaxkor | have a share in a business | 認股; 立股份; 豎股
khidko'ar | boil paste | 樁糊仔; 煮漿糊
khidkoo | stir paste | 樁糊; 煮漿糊; 攪拌糊
khie'koaan | renounce a right, quit or withdraw | 棄權
khie'koafn | organ of the body | 器官
khiechiaf-lykoarn | motel | 汽車旅館
khiekoaan | renounce a right, quit or withdraw | 棄權
khiekoafn | organ of the body | 氣官
khiekoarn | windpipe | 氣管
khiekofng | konghu; yoga-like art of breathing strength into one's body (in Chinese boxing) | 氣功
khienkoax | worry over | 牽掛
khinkofng | konghu | 輕功
khipkorng | a sucker, a siphon | 吸管
khitciah kvoar biøxkofng | A homeless beggar expelled the superior of the Buddhist temple in which he asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is other's. The camel got his head into the tent | 乞丐趕廟公; 鳩佔鵲巢
khixkoea | dried persimmons | 柿粿; 柿干
khoaekofng | fast break (in basketball) | 快功; 快攻
khoakog-kongsy | a transnational corporation, multinational corp | 寬國公司
khoankorng | vast; broad; spacious; extensive; wide | 寬廣
khoarkog-kongsy | a transnational corporation, multinational corp | 跨國公司
khoarnkoafn | persuade one to donate, raise money | 款款; 勸捐
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khoataixkoong | megalomania; megalomaniac | 誇大狂
khofkoef | bitter gourd; bitter melon | 苦瓜
khofngkhaix-koankhw | sacrifice one's life heroically for justice; die heroically in battle | 慷慨捐軀
khofngkox | consolidate; confirmation; solidify | 鞏固
khofpie korng | for example | 可譬講
khornggiabkoaan | mining rights | 礦業權
khornggiap-kongsy | mining company | 礦業公司
khorngkoarn | control | 控管
khorngzex-koaan | control, domination | 控制權
khudkoo | stir paste | 攪糊; 作漿糊
khuikoafn giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn-giaxmsy | to open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khukongsor | city hall; county hall; ward (district) office | 區公所
khvekog | ravine; dell; valley; a defile | 坑谷; 澗谷
khvikoafn | mourning family with coffin | 纏棺; 出殯時孝男孝女捉緊棺木
khvikox | strong enough to prop up or support | 撐持; 纏顧
khvoarkoaxn | used to see | 看慣
khvoarkoeakoex | despise; slight | 看過過; 看透; 看無順眼
khvoarkox | to look after; take care of; watch over; take care of | 看顧; 照顧
khvoax-bøexkoaxn | detest; to disdain | 看無慣
khvoax-koarnsix | used to seeing; accustomed to seeing | 看慣勢; 看慣
khykoong | lose one's mind; madness | 起狂; 抓狂
khykor | start up | 起鼓; 開始工作; 戲開始
khøfkoad | can decide | 可決
khøfkoafn | sizable; be worth seeing; considerable (sum of money; losses) | 可觀
khøfkoaxn | exam paper | 考卷
khøfkofhagciar | archeologist | 考古學者, 考古學家
khøfkofhagkaf | archeologist | 考古學者, 考古學家
khøfkofhak | archaeology | 考古學
khøfkor | archeology; study the life and culture of ancient people | 考古
khøfkor-hagciar | archeologist | 考古學者
khøfkor-hagkaf | archeologist | 考古學家
khøhagkoarn | science hall | 科學館
khøhak-koarn | science building | 科學館
khøkorngsi | could be | 可說是
kiamkoarn | to also look after; to also have charge of; also look after; also take charge of | 兼管
kiamkoea | salty rice cake | 鹹粿
kiamkogkef | salty baked chicken | 鹹焗雞
kiamkogkoef | salty baked chicken | 鹹焗雞
kiamkox | to look after both sides; look after both sides; take care of the needs of both parties | 兼顧
kiamsokoef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
kiapkoafn | rifle a coffin | 劫棺
kiapkofng | to attack from both sides | 夾攻
kiauxkoaan | raise up with a lever | 撬高
kiawkoaxn | hand in examination papers | 繳卷
kiaxkor | shareholding | 豎股; 持股
kieciar-konghoe | news men's association; federation or league | 記者公會
kiekofng | to record a merit; recorded as worthy of merit | 記功
kienkoad | firmly (opposed to); determined; resolute; determined; decisive; resolute | 堅決
kienkox | strong; durable; solid; firm and solid; firm; secure; strong and lasting | 堅固
kiernkoaix | mind; take offence; take amiss; be somewhat displease at a slight fault or lapse in politeness | 見怪
kiernkofng | to make contribution; distinguish oneself; render a service; do a meritorious deed | 建功
kiernkog | Plans for National Reconstruction; to establish a nation; found a nation | 建國
kiernkor | superstitious; make fetish of | 迷信; 建鼓
kiernkox | construct | 建構
kiernlip kongløo | achievement of great meritorious acts | 建立功勞
kiernsied-kongsy | construction company | 建設公司
kietkox | structure; (of a writing) the arrangement of ideas; composition | 結構
kiheeng-koaezong | strange; uncommon form | 奇形怪狀
kikii-koaekoaix | strange; odd; amazing | 奇奇怪怪
kikikoaekoaix | strange; odd; amazing | 奇奇怪怪
kikoafn | am prgamozatopm; a machine; a secret; organization; a mechanism; structure | 機關; 奇觀
kikoafn-chiaf | a locomotive; an engine | 機關車
kikoafn-chiuo | locomotive engineer | 機關犛; 機長
kikoaix | odd; surprising; strange; mysterious; improper; it is strange that... | 奇怪
kikoanchiaf | locomotive | 機關車
kikoanphaux | rapid-fire gun; machine gun | 機關砲
kikoanpøx | government party paper; paper published by an organization | 機關報
kikoanzhexng | a machine gun; machine gun | 機關鎗; 機關銃; 機關槍
kikofng | distinguished service; meritorious deed; distinguished merit; remarkable or unique achievements | 奇功
kikor | (in military) the flags and the drums--instruments of giving orders; the flags and the drums ─ instruments for communicating orders (in military) | 旗鼓
kikox | an organization; organization; a mechanism; structure | 機構
kiliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權, 居留權
kim'ioong-kikoafn | banking organ; financial organization | 金融機關
kimciamkof | flammulina enoki | 金針菇
kimkoef | pumpkin | 金瓜; 南瓜
kimkofng | hard metal; a Buddhist god sometimes identified with Indra; precious and hard ─ can injure but cannot be injured | 金剛
kimkongciøh | diamond | 金剛石; 鑽石
kimkongkefng | famous Buddhist classic; the diamond sutra | 金剛經
kimkongsoaf | emery | 金剛砂
kimkor | amberfish, blue mackerel scad | 金鼓; 銅鏡魚參
kinkog | female; woman; womankind; women's decorative articles | 巾幗
kinkog-enghioong | heroine | 巾幗英雄
kinpurn kaykoad | radical solution | 根本解決
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
kiofngkox | consolidate; confirmation; solidify | 鞏固
kiongkoaan | brute force; might | 強權
kiongkog | a powerful country | 強國
kiongkox | strong and tough; strengthening | 強固
kionglegkoo | strong adhesive | 強力膠
kiongzeakoaan | power of compulsion or coercion | 強制權
kioxng'iwkoaan | common rights | 共有權
kioxnghøkog | a republic | 共和國
kioxnghøo-kog | republic | 共和國
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kioxngtoong koanli | common rights | 共同權利
kirmkox | confinement; imprisonment; to prohibit entry into government service | 禁錮
kiukoeq | be afraid of involvement, cringe | 縮缺; 畏縮
kiuokog | save the State; country; nation | 救國
kiuokog-zwgi | doctrine of national salvation | 救國主義
kix lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kixnkor | the period between now and the Middle Ages | 近古
kizuxkoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
kiøo køex koayar ciu parngtiau | be ungrateful; forgetful of benefits received | 橋過柺仔就放掉; 過河拆橋
kiørkorng | to say by shouting | 叫講
kng'afkoax | lid of a jar | 缸仔蓋; 缸蓋
ko | walk alone | 怙*
ko'aizuo | father-and-motherless orphan (used in obituaries) | 孤哀子
ko'ar | starch; paste; paste for gluing; paste-like food | 糊仔; 罟仔; 魚網; 漿糊
ko'iaa | a son-in-law | 姑爺
ko'ii | sisters of a one's parent | 姑姨
ko'irn | entice; lure | 鉤引
ko'iuo | only have | 孤有
ko'iøh | medical plaster of black ointment | 膏藥
ko'iøqar | put on a plaster of herbs like a poultice; apply a plaster (to a wound) | 糊藥仔; 敷藥
ko'khiaxzhux | solitary house; isolated dwelling | 孤徛厝; 獨門獨戶
ko'khor | lonely and helpless; poor and friendless; alone and helpless | 孤苦
ko'khut | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic | 孤僻; 性情古怪
ko'khut-siaxng | unneighborly, unsociable | 孤僻樣
ko'ngg | dry and yellow | 枯黃
ko'wn | disappoint someone | 孤溫; 辜恩
koa'aau | one's singing voice; one's vocal talent as a singer | 歌喉
koa'ar | a song; a kind of poem with rhythms and rhymes suitable for use as lyrics in songs | 歌仔
koa'ar-hix | Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koa'ar-kheg | a song; to tune; a ballad | 歌仔曲
koa'eng | sing hymns; sing praises of (Catholic) | 歌詠
koa'iaau | popular song | 歌謠; (曲)
koa'oong | very accomplished male vocalist | 歌王
koaafhix | musical drama, folk opera, Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koaan kex | high price | 懸價
koaan svoaf | high mountain | 懸山
koaan | high; tall; elevated; loud; power | 高; 懸; 權
koaan-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, systolic blood pressure | 高血壓
koaan`khylaai | to raise; elevated | 高起來
koaarn'koankoaan | extreamly high | 高高高
koabee | lover of song; fan of a singer | 歌迷
koabuo | singing and dancing; song and dance | 歌舞
koabwkiok | musical; operetta | 歌舞劇
koabwthoaan | song and dance ensemble | 歌舞團
koachiuo | singer | 歌手
koachviux | to sing; to chant | 歌唱
koachvy | a singing star; an accomplished vocalist | 歌星
koacip | collection of songs; song-book | 歌集
koad hvi'ar | slap the ears | 打耳仔
koad | decide; settle; knack; include; decide; determine; to kill; execute; decidedly | 決; 抉; 筈; 秘訣; 括; 訣; 摑; 鴰; 聒
koad-syciexn | a fight to the death | 決死戰
koad-zhuhioong | fight it out | 決雌雄
koae | stick; a cane | 柺; 拐
koae'oe | an absurdity, an odd expression | 怪話
koae'vi | strange | 怪異
koae`laang | to kidnap a person; to abduct | 拐人
koae`zhao | abduct | 拐走
koaebut | monster; monstrosity; an eccentric person; monster; apparition | 怪物
koaechiuo | digger | 怪手
koaeciao | strange bird, freak bird | 怪鳥
koaeheeng | strange appearance | 怪形
koaehiexnsiong | strange phenomenon; disagreeable occurrence | 怪現象
koaehofng | whirlwind | 怪風; 疾風; 旋風
koaei | supernatural events | 怪異
koaejiin | peculiar person | 怪人
koaekhar | strange | 奇巧; 奇怪
koaekiet | an extraordinary person; an outstanding person; a man among men | 怪傑
koaekoaix | unnatural; strange; odd | 怪怪; 無對勁; 不自然
koaelaang | a strange person, a peculiar person | 怪人
koaemih | freak, monster, demon, ghost, specter | 怪物
koaepheg | unreasonable; eccentric; perverse | 乖僻
koaephiaq | eccentric; strange-acting; eccentricity; strange habit; odd behavior | 怪僻; 怪癖
koaepve | strange disease, unusual disease | 怪病
koaepvi | abnormal (strange) disease | 怪病
koaesiaau | monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon | 怪迢
koaesiux | a rare animal (especially large sized ones); strange animal; monster (beast; animal) | 怪獸
koaesoad | strange statement | 怪說
koaesu | strange happenings or things; How strange!; very strange affair; happening | 怪事
koaesut | strange skill; sorcery; witchcraft | 怪術; 妖術
koaesviu | a whims | 怪想
koaetaam | weird talks; accounts of something uncanny; weird talk; talk foolishly | 怪談
koaethay | monster (obstetrics) | 怪胎
koaetø | bi wibder tgat...; small wonder that... | 怪道
koaevi | strange; unusual; weird; supernatural events | 怪異
koaezexng | abnormal disease | 怪症
koaezoe | blame | 怪罪
koaezong | strange condition; strange appearance; strange at appearance (shape) | 怪狀
koaf | melon; pumpkin; cucumber; squash | 瓜; 歌
koafhu | widow | 寡婦
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koafn | shut (a door); imprison | 關; 關卡; 捐
koafn'ar | a can; a jar; a jug; small wide-mouthed jar | 罐仔
koafncvii | to take care of money | 管錢
koafngak | wind music | 管樂
koafnhad | to have jurisdiction over; to have control over; jurisdiction; control; exercise control over | 管轄
koafnhad-hoaxn'uii | sphere of competency | 管轄範圍
koafnhatkoaan | jurisdiction | 管轄權
koafnhieen | wind and string instruments | 管絃
koafnhieen-gak | symphonic music | 管絃樂
koafnhien'gak | orchestral music | 管弦樂
koafnhiengak | orchestral music | 管絃樂
koafnkaux | training; to discipline; direct and teach | 管教
koafnkax | sure to make (a person feel or act in some predicted way) | 管教
koafnkef | housekeeper; run one's home; steward; to keep house | 管家
koafnkef-pøo | a housekeeper | 管家婆; 婆婆媽媽
koafnkepøo | house keeper | 管家婆
koafnkhw | the administrative region; district under control | 管區; 轄區
koafnkhw`ee | police officer who is in charge of the area; patrol | 管區的
koafnkox | to control and take care; watch over and take charge of | 管顧; 照顧
koafnlaang | manage people | 管人
koafnlie | to manage; to administer; to handle; to take care of; management; control; to supervise; take charge of; manage | 管理
koafnlie-hoad | management method | 管理法
koafnlyciar | administrator; caretaker | 管理員
koafnlyjiin | administrator; manager; supervisor; trustee; custodian | 管理人
koafnlykiok | administration department | 管理局
koafnlykoaan | authority over | 管理權
koafnlyoaan | caretaker; keeper; administrator; manager; janitor | 管理員
koafnsiaux | book-keeper; a type of steward who keeps the accounts | 管數; 管賬
koafnsiaux`ee | steward who manages accounts | 管數的; 管賬的
koafnsog | to control; to restrain; to discipline; restrain; to discipline; control | 管束
koafnsu | a housekeeper or shopkeeper; effective; useful; to take care of; to administer | 管事
koafnthai y | don't care about him | 無管他
koafnthai | to pay attention to | 管待; 理會; 理睬
koafntviuo | superintendent; curator; head of a library; institute | 館長
koafntø | religious sect combining Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist features | 管道
koafntøo | (esp. said of a married woman or an employee) to clear up everything and run away; to abscond | 捲逃
koafnzex | to control | 管制
koagvi | dry and hard | 枯硬
koah'aau | cut one's throat | 割喉
koah'aix | to give up what one treasures; to give up something reluctantly; give away or part with what one loves | 割愛
koah'irn | discount | 割引
koahbaq | to cut the meat | 割肉
koahciaxm | annex and occupy | 割佔
koahcih | to cut the tongue | 割舌
koahhex | batch of goods | 割貨
koahhoea | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割火, 割香, 進香
koahhoeq | cut the carotid of a fowl for blood-letting | 放血
koahhoex | order large quantity goods | 批貨
koahhuiq | to give up the blood | 割血
koahhviw | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割香; 進香
koahhwn | to divide up; to cut apart | 分割
koahhøea | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割火; 割香; 進香
koahhøex | to buy the wholesale goods | 批貨; 割貨
koahjiong | cede to a foreign country | 割讓
koahkex | wholesale price | 割價; 批發價
koahkhuy | to cut open; cut open | 割開
koahkym | gold paper goods used for worshiping | 割金
koahlea | circumcision | 割禮
koahniu | to cede (land or territory) | 割讓
koaho | very accomplished female vocalist | 歌后
koahpaw | Taiwanese burger | 割包
koahpe | harrow to even up the field; a harrow with knife-like blades | 犛耙
koahpox | cloth made of vegetable fiber | 割布; 葛布; 纖維布
koahsiofng | wound by cutting | 割傷
koahtiin | leather-leaf millettia | 割藤; 雞血藤; 皮葉粟
koahtin'ar | wild inedible grass that creeps and spreads fast | 割藤仔; 野生的一種蔓草仔
koahtiu | to cut off unhulled rice | 割稻
koahtiuafbea | get something for nothing | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuafboea | sit back and enjoy the results | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuar | harvesting rice | 割稻仔
koahtiøh | suffer a cut; be cut (by a chip or fragment) | 割傷
koahtng | to cut off; to sever by cutting; sever (a rope or relationship) | 割斷
koahtofng | assign, allot, divide to, allotment, assignment | 割通; 配額
koahwn | carve up; dismember; divide and distribute; apportion; to partition; dismember | 瓜分
koahzhao | to cut grass; to mow grass | 割草
koahzhao-ky | mower | 割草機; 除草機
koahzhawky | lawn mower | 割草機
koai | stubborn; contrary in temper; to sprain (the foot) | 拐; 絆倒
koai`tiøh | stumble | 絆倒
koai`tør | to trip over; to trip | 絆倒
koaiaau | popular song | 歌謠
koaikhar | clever; ingenious; obedient and intelligent (children) | 乖巧; 乖順
koaikhiao | well-behaved and intelligent (child) | 乖巧
koaikoay | sib; ossove dpco; e; an endearing name for children | 乖乖
koaix | freak; monster; demon; ghost; specter; strange; uncanny; monstrous; to blame; marvelous; find fault with; monster; goblin | 怪
koaix-hiexnsiong | a strange phenomenon | 怪現象
koaix-putteg | no wonder | 怪無得
koaix`laang | to blame on someone else | 怪人
koaixbiu | contrary, perverse | 荒謬
koaixkyn | a sprain | 扭筋
koaixphiaq | contrary, perverse | 執拗
koakad | melon vines--a multitude of relatives; connected; involved; related; complications | 瓜葛
koakek | opera | 歌劇
koakheg | popular song | 歌謠; 歌曲; (曲)
koakiok | opera | 歌劇
koakoaf | tough (of vegetables) | 瓜瓜; 比較老 (菜類)
koakør | apple | 瓜果; 蘋果
koaluo | songstress; female singer | 歌女
koan | county; prefecture; county | 倦; 縣
koan'aix | caring | 關愛
koan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
koan'ek | one's right and advantage, right and profit | 權益
koan'iaux | bigwigs; topdogs; powerful persons; confidential | 權要; 關?; 關鍵
koan'ie | highchair | 高椅
koan'ieen | listen what people say | 觀言
koan'ii | in regards to | 關於
koan'immar | goddess of mercy Kwan-yin | 觀音媽
koan'imteeng | temple of Kwan-yin | 觀音亭
koan'imteg | phoenix bamboo | 觀音竹
koan'iuo | own by government | 官有
koan'iuo-tøe | land owned by government | 官有地
koan'ui | high position | 高位
koan'uu | regarding, concerning, in connection with, in respect of | 關於
koan'uy | an authority (in certain sphere of knowledge); power and prestige | 權威
koan'w; koan'ii; koan'uu | concerning; with regard to; regarding | 關於
koan'ym | high-pitched tone | 高音; 懸音
koan'ym-teg | broad leaved lady balm, Hedge bamboo, Koanyin bamboo | 高音竹; 觀音竹; 筋頭竹
koan-zernghuo | county government | 縣政府
koanbiern | elegant; officially; royal crown; official hat; elegant and stately | 冠冕
koanbo | to collect contribution | 捐幕; 捐募
koanbok | coffin | 棺木; (棺材)
koanbong ee thaixto | waiting attitude | 觀望的態度
koanbong | wait-and-see attitude; to wait and see; hesitate | 觀望
koanboo | intrigue; tactics; schemes | 權謀
koanbuu | crested bunting (bird) | 冠鵐; 鳳頭鹀
koanchied | be deeply concerned | 關切; 關心
koanciaux | to notify; to inform; to take care of; to look after | 關照
koancied | joint; articulation | 關節
koancied-iam | arthritis, rheumatism | 關節炎
koanciet'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanciexn | witness a battle, observe a military operation | 觀戰
koancioxng | the audience or spectators | 觀眾
koanciøx | take care of, look after | 觀照; 關照
koancvii | contribute; donate (as money) | 捐錢
koangii | expedient; temporary (measure; etc.) | 權宜
koangiin | to donate money; contribute funds | 捐銀; 捐款
koangoadhoe | moon viewing feast | 賞月會
koangoat | to view the moon; enjoy the moonlight | 觀月
koanhan | limitation of power or authority; jurisdiction within certain limits; authorized limit of rights; competence | 權限
koanhang | contribution, donation, subscription | 捐項
koanhe | relation; relationship; connection; ties; relation; connection; with reference to; have to do with | 關係
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koanhexciar | persons concerned | 關係者
koanhexsuu | relative clauses; relative pronoun; adverb | 關係詞
koanhiexn | to donate; to contribute; offer money; donations | 捐獻
koanhiexn-ciar | a contributor, a donor | 捐獻者
koanhiøqlaan | blossomless orchids | 觀葉蘭
koanhoaai | concerned; to show concern; concern; concern oneself about | 關懷
koanhoef | enjoy flowers | 觀花
koanhoeq | donate blood (public) | 捐血
koanhoong | the seal of a government agency; a military position at a strtegic point on the border; oblong official seal | 關防
koanhu | widower; bachelor | 鰥夫
koanhuiq | donate blood (public) | 捐血
koanhw | widower (col. sybor`ee) | 鰥夫
koanhøea | to view clearly | 觀火
koanjiet | high fever, high temperature | 高熱
koankarm | one's feelings or emotional reactions after seeing or reading something; impression | 觀感
koanke | height; pitch; sense of propriety; high and low; skilful and unskillful | 高低; 懸低
koanke-kefng | rooms not in the same level | 高低間
koanke-kharm | high and low stairs or steps | 高低階
koanke-thaau | high and low ends | 高低頭
koankeg | boxing; boxing art; to strike with fist | 拳擊
koankex | high price | 高價; 懸價
koankexkefng | one shoulder lower than the other | 高低肩
koankexkharm | sudden change of level (on a road or terraced hill-side) | 高低坎
koankhao | customs station | 關口
koankhaq | video game - level | 關卡
koankhax | a customs station or barrier; check point customs barrier | 關卡
koankhiaw | stilts | 高蹺
koankhiw | dark cuckoo dove | 長尾鳩
koankhix | to cast away, to abandon | 捐棄
koankhoarn | to donate money; to contribute money; money donated | 捐款
koankhvoar | donate money; contribute funds; sum collected or subscribed; collect funds | 捐款
koankhvoax | to look at; to observe or inspect; to see; look at attentively | 觀看
koankhw | die for one's country or duty; sacrifice one's life | 捐軀
koankiah-øee | high-heel shoe | 高跟鞋
koankiaqaføee | high-heeled shoes | 高屐仔鞋
koankib | high in rank (grade; quality) | 高級
koankien | a key point; a key (to a problem); an important turning point; a hinger | 關鍵
koankiu | coffin | 棺柩
koankoaan | high | 高高; 懸懸
koankoax | coffin lid | 棺蓋
koankofng | to see the sights; tourism; sight-seeing; go sight-seeing | 觀光
koankofng-kheq | tourist, visitor, sight-seer | 觀光客
koankofng-lyheeng | sight-seeing tour | 觀光旅行
koankofng-lysia | tourist hotel | 觀光旅社
koankofng-suxgiap | tourism | 觀光事業
koankofng-thoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koankongthoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koankox | to be concerned and take care of (someone) | 關顧
koankwn | first place (in a contest); the winner; champion | 冠軍
koankym | to donate; to contribute | 捐金; 捐款; 捐獻
koanlaau | tall buildings; skyscrapers | 高樓
koanlai | one's sphere of authority | 權內
koanlap | to buy a government appointment with grain or money | 捐納
koanlarm | inspect, look carefully at | 觀覽
koanlat | authority, power | 權力
koanleeng | authority; power; (in law) exercise of one's rights; power; authority; competence | 權能; 權力
koanleeng-ky | (hoarhak) a functional group | 權能機; 官能基
koanlek | authority; power; power; authority; influence | 權力
koanli | right; power; authority | 權利
koanliam | a concept; an idea or view; idea | 觀念
koanlieen | (have) a causal or sequential relationship; related; connected; involved | 關連; 關聯
koanlixciar | rightful person | 權利者
koanlixkym | key money, premium | 權利金
koanløqym | one kind of hypnotism and mesmerism | 高落音; 一種降靈術或催眠術
koanmoo | to emulate the good points of others; to compare notes; see the good in another and strive to emulate it | 觀摩
koanmoo-hoe | invited meeting of observation | 觀摩會
koanpefng-seg | a military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式; 觀兵式
koanpexng | authority; power; authority; power; legal competence | 權柄
koanpiexn | to adjust oneself to changing situations; conditions; etc. | 權變
koanpix | to close; to close down (as a store; plant; etc.) | 關閉
koansex | power and influence | 權勢
koansiern | baptism performed under special circumstances (as for a non-believer at the point of death) (Catholic) | 權洗
koansiorng | to see and enjoy | 觀賞
koansioxngtaai | an elevated stand or platform on which one can see far and wide to observe heavently bodies; an observatory | 觀象臺
koansiux | good-looking; pretty; cute | 娟秀
koansoad | to negotiate; to use one's influence to lobby illegally | 關說
koansoex | customs dues | 關稅
koansut | craft or tact (in handling things; etc.) | 權術
koansuu | (in English grammar) the article | 冠詞
koansvoaf | high mountain | 高山; 懸山
koansw | an expert in the art of boxing; a boxing master | 拳師
koansym | to be concerned about; to show concern; concern; give attention to | 關心
koansøex | customs duty; tariff; tax; taxation; customs duties; tariff duties | 關稅
koantaai | high platform, high tower | 觀台; 高臺
koantaang | to divine; to resolve doubts by an application to spiritual being; perform incantation to call the spirit to the medium or sorcerer | 扶乩; 乩童做法請神鬼附身
koantah`ee | high hills shoe | 高踏的
koantax | coffin pall made of cloth or some other rich material | 棺罩
koanterng | high class | 高頂
koantex | Kwanti, god of businessman | 觀帝
koanthaau | juncture; moment; boundary; border; key point | 關頭; 瓶頸
koanthiøo | a crucial moment | 關頭
koantiarm | one's view on a certain matter; a point of view; point of view; one's ideas or opinion concerning something | 觀點
koantiau | high tone; high key; the soprano | 高調; 高音調
koantioxng | scepter, baton, crosier, mace | 權杖
koanto | altitude; height | 高度; 懸度
koantoa | tall and strong; big and tall | 高大
koantvoaa | a high altar | 高壇
koantøf | knige with a five-to-six foot handle for fighting on horseback; so called for it's believed to be the weapon used by Kuan Yu; peculiar hooked spear or halberd | 關刀; 大刀
koanzad | joint; articulation | 關節
koanzad-iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzat'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzax | crafty and dishonest; expediency in disregard of moralioty | 權詐
koanzeeng-korau | to hesitate to make a move | 觀前顧後
koanzeg | power and responsibility | 權責
koanzeng | to contribute, to subscribe, to donate | 捐贈
koanzengkorau | cautious and thoughtful | 觀前顧後
koanzhad | to observe | 觀察
koanzhad-lek | power of observation | 觀察力
koanzhad-oaan | observer | 觀察員
koanzhatlek | power of observation; insight | 觀察力
koanzhattiarm | point of view; view point | 觀察點
koanzheg | to observe and survey | 觀測
koanzo | contribute to; endow; contribute; endowment | 捐助
koanzux | concerned; show concern | 關注
koapho | a book of songs | 歌簿
koaphor | music scores | 歌譜
koaq beqar | reap wheat | 割麥子
koaq bongtngg | perform (undergo) an operation for appendicitis | 割盲腸
koaq pauphøee | circumcise | 割損; 割包皮
koaq tiuar | harvest rice | 割稻
koaq tngto | hurt the bowels with poison; wound the heart with severe grief | 斷腸
koaq zhuiechiw | to blame | 刮鬍子
koaq zhuiecih | cut out the tongue in punishment | 割舌頭
koaq | cut by drawing the knife along; to wound by cutting; reap; perform an operation; be washed away (by a flood) | 割
koaq`laang | give for others to sell | 割人; 批發給人
koar | few; widowed; few; some | 寡; 些; 少許
koaraang | to hang red silks for congratulation on the opening of a new shop; a sign of repentance by perpetrator of an offense by hanging a piece of red silk or cloth at the door of his victim | 掛紅
koarbang | wait and see | 觀望
koargai | to meet many obstacle and obstruction; to hinder; to block | 罣礙; 掛礙; 阻礙; 掛牽
koarhaux | to wear mourning | 帶孝
koarhø | to register, registered mail | 掛號
koarhø-phøe | registered letter | 掛號信
koarhø-phøef | registered letter | 掛號批
koarhø-zhux | a registry, a register office | 掛號處
koarhøxhuix | registration fee (hospital) | 掛號費
koarhøxphøef | registered letter | 掛號信
koarhøxsixn | registered letter | 掛號信
koarix | anxious about; to mind | 掛意; 掛心
koarkaw | coupling links | 掛鉤
koarkhag | with shell; meat with shell | 帶殼; 連殼
koarkii | to hoist a flag, a hanging flag | 掛旗
koarkoafn | (liteally) to hang up one's official cap--to quit or resign | 掛冠
koarkui | pregnant; said in blame of unmarried woman; swollen ear (of grain about to burst; just before chhut-sui | 充穗; 懷孕; 大肚子
koarleeng | odd (as; 50-odd); more than (used after a round figure; as 一千掛零) | 掛零
koarli | be anxious | 掛慮
koarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
koarlu | to be worried or anxious about | 掛慮; 掛牽
koarlui | to involve (another) in | 掛累
koarmi | dried noodle | 掛麵
koarmiaa ee angbor | husband and wife only in name | 掛名的夫妻
koarmiaa | in name only; nominally; titular; only in name | 掛名
koarn engsu | be a meddler; to be a busy-body; meddle with other's affairs | 管閒事
koarn | percussion cap; detonator | 管
koarn'afthad | cork or stopper for a bottle | 瓶子塞
koarn'ag | to water (field, flower, etc.) | 澆灌
koarn'ar | bottle, jar | 罐仔; 罐子
koarn'iong | be in common use; idiomatic; habitual | 慣用
koarn'iong-gie | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-guo | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-hoad | common usage | 慣用法
koarn'ioxnggie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
koarn'ioxngkux | an idiom | 慣用語; ( 慣用句)
koarn'uu | used to | 慣於
koarn`laang | to control and take care of a person | 管人
koarnboarn | to pour water to the rim | 灌滿
koarnbok | shrubs | 灌木
koarnchi-hoad | gavage, feeding with stomach tube | 灌飼法
koarnchiaang | purge the bowels; to remove poison from one's stomach by means of laxative or saline | 洗腸
koarnchviuophvix | to cut a phonograph record | 灌唱片
koarncioxng | tree fern, fern (osmunda) | 灌蕨; 貫眾
koarnciuo | force one to drink liquor | 灌酒
koarncviw | to fill the crevices between bricks; etc. with mortar to make the foundation; wall; or pavement secure; grouting; to fill the space between bricks with mortar; to make the foundation; wall or pavement secure | 灌漿
koarnhoan | habitual criminal; habitual offender | 慣犯
koarnhofng | to pour wind into something; inflate with air; pump up the tube of a tire | 打氣; 灌風; 輪胎打氣
koarnjip | to pour something into | 灌入
koarnkhaix | to irrigate; irrigation | 灌溉
koarnkox | to care for; to concern about affectionately; care for; to be affectionately concerned about | 眷顧
koarnkud | zygomatic bone | 顴骨
koarnkunkii | the championship flag; the pennant | 冠軍旗; 優勝旗
koarnkwn | first place (in a contest); the winner; champion | 冠軍
koarnky | an old trick | 慣技
koarnle | usual or customary practice; custom; established practice; custom; usage; precedent; convention | 慣例
koarnlien | experienced, thoroughly acquainted | 慣練; 熟練
koarnloaan | to admire; to feel attachment to someone | 眷戀
koarnsexng | inertia; inertia (physics) | 慣性
koarnsiax | dormitory for married employee | 眷舍
koarnsiofng | brokerage firm | 券商
koarnsiok | dependents; family; wife and family | 眷屬
koarnsix | accustomed to (doing; the climate); familiar with | 習慣; 慣勢; 慣於
koarnsngx | calculated at; equivalent to (said of the value of property; possession; etc.) | 貫算; 折算相當於
koarnsuu | an article (grammatical) | 冠詞
koarnsw | indoctrinate | 灌輸
koarnsøea | lavage, washing out an organ | 灌洗
koarnthaau | canned food; tinned meats or fruit | 罐頭
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
koarnthied | thoroughly; from the start to the end; to carry out; thoroughly; carry out; from beginning to end; from start to finish | 貫徹
koarnthofng | to have a thorough understanding; to have a thorough knowledge of; have a thorough understanding | 貫通; 灌通
koarntng'iøh | enema; clyster | 灌腸藥
koarntngg | to give an enema or clyster; give an enema | 灌腸
koarntoxkaau | pour water into a hole in order to catch cricket; describe someone drinks a lot of beverage or water | 灌杜猴; 灌蟋蟀; 形容喝大量飲料
koarnzhat | a confirmed thief | 慣賊
koarnzhoafn | penetrate; pierce through; understand thoroughly | 貫穿
koarnzhoaxn | customarily; always; usually; logical connection; to string or thread together; to connect | 貫串; 慣常
koarnzhwn | military dependent's | 眷村
koarnzngf | canned | 罐裝
koarnzofng | file; dossier; folder; archives; record of cases | 卷宗
koarnzuie | to blow water into (meat; chicken; etc) so as to increase weight before marketing; to pour water into something; torture a person by pouring water into his throat and nostrils; inject water (into meat to make it heavier) | 灌水
koarnzuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koarnzux | pour out or into | 灌注; 貫注
koarpaai | hang out a signboard; go into practice (said of lawyers; doctors); to hang out a bulletin board listing the current exchange rates | 掛牌
koarphaang | to hang up a sail (of a boat) | 掛帆
koarpiern | to hang up a (wooden) tablet | 掛匾
koarsoaix | to take command | 掛長; 掛帥; 掛率
koarsuie | to hang up to look good | 掛水
koarsym | to worry; have on one's mind; worry about; troubled in mind; to worry | 掛心
koartoo | to hang the picture; wall map; picture or scroll to illustrate a book | 掛圖
koartvoaf | (said of a traveling Buddhist monk) to lodge in a temple for the night | 掛單
koarzefng | pendulum clock | 掛鐘
koarzhaecie | mustard seed | 芥菜子
koarzhaix | leaf mustard; mustard-plant | 芥菜
koasiab | rough and bitter | 粗澀
koasiong | to read a book aloud musically; to sing praises | 歌誦
koasoxng | to sing praises | 歌頌
koasuu | lyrics; words of a song; lyrics; words of a song; verses of songs | 歌詞
koasviaf | the singing voice; the vocal part in a performance | 歌聲
koasy | songs; to sing poems | 歌詩
koasøx | (adj) not interesting | 枯燥
koat'hofng | blow | 刮風
koat'hoo | parenthesis; bracket; brackets; parentheses | 括弧
koat'hø | parenthesis; brackets; sign of aggregation (in mathematics) | 括號
koat'ix | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koat'oo | parentheses, brackets | 括號; 括弧
koatbok | to marvel at someone's progress of improvement | 刮目
koatchihioong | make victory and defeat, make success and failure | 決雌雄, 定勝負
koatchiwtee | hit palm of one's hand | 打手心
koatciexn | fight a decisive battle | 決戰
koatcix | to make up one's will | 決志; 立志
koatgi | a resolution (reached at a meeting); a decision; to decide; to resolve; decide by a majority vote after a vote; resolution; decide; resolve | 決議
koatgixaxn | resolution | 決議案
koatgixliok | register of decisions; resolution | 決議錄
koathviaf | an entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers; night club; entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers | 歌廳
koatiau | melody of a song | 歌調
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
koatjieen | resolutely; firmly; in a determined manner | 決然
koatjiong | to cede (land or territory) | 割讓
koatkhiaux | formula for remembering | 訣竅
koatliet | break off relations | 訣裂; 決裂
koatpiet | farewell before die | 訣別
koatpiet-suu | farewell address | 訣別辭; 臨別贈言
koatpiøf | winning the bid | 決標
koatsaix | the final (of a contest; race; etc.); the finals; the decision (of a contest; race) | 決賽
koatsexng | certain to bring victory; to fight a decisive battle | 決勝
koatsie | certain to bring death; to fight to death | 決死
koatsngx | final financial statement | 決算
koatsoarnjit | the day for closing the (business) books | 決算日
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
koatsoaxn | final financial statement; closing accounts; balance an account | 決算
koatsyciexn | life-and-death war | 決死戰
koatsym | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koatsytui | forlorn hope; death band; suicide squad | 決死隊; (敢死隊)
koattaux | duel | 決鬥
koatteng | decide; determine; settle; determination; decision | 決定
koatteng-tek | decisive, crucial | 決定得; 決定性的
koattoaxn | to determin; to decide; to make a decision; to conclude; decision; determination | 決斷
koattoaxn-lat | power of decision | 決鬥力; 決斷力
koattoaxn-lek | power of decision | 決鬥力
koattox | a duel; to fight a duel | 決鬥
koattvia | decide, determine, settle | 決定
koattør | to knock down; to floor | 決倒; 擊倒
koatvoaa | vocal circle or group | 歌壇
koatzheg | an adopted policy; decision | 決策
koatzhuhioong | make victory and defeat; make success and failure | 決雌雄; 定勝負
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koatzoat | make an irrevocable decision to terminate relationship | 決決; 絕交
koax bagkviax | wear glasses (ring; wrist watch) | 掛眼鏡; 戴眼鏡
koax bagkviax`ee | bespectacled | 掛眼鏡的; 帶目鏡的
koax befvoaf | wear a saddle | 掛馬鞍
koax ciaupaai | hang up a sign-board | 掛招牌
koax viuthaau bøe kawbaq | sell dog meat while hanging sheep's head outside the shop as advertisement ─ to cheat | 掛羊頭賣狗肉
koax | hang up; suspend; to worry; think of; anxious | 掛; 帶; 蓋
koaxn hofng | Inject air into tires or balloons, etc | 灌風
koaxn iøqar | force one (a child) to swallow medicine | 灌藥
koaxn tngg | cleanse the intestines | 灌腸
koaxn | pour into (a throat or similar aperture); pour in (through a river-mouth as a high tide); force (someone) to drink; can; jar; ticket; certificate; first-rate; be superior | 罐; 卷; 灌; 觀; 券; 眷; 悁; 貫; 盥; 冠; 捲; 串; 慣
koaxn'ioong | looked weary or tired | 倦容
koaxn-hof zuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koaxnbiin | populace of a county | 縣民
koaxnchi | city; county | 縣市
koaxngixhoe | prefecture assembly | 縣議會
koaxngixoaan | member of a prefecture assembly; assemblyman | 縣議員
koaxnhatchi | city governed in and by the surrounding county | 縣轄市
koaxnhuo | county government | 縣府
koaxnlai | within the county | 縣內
koaxnlip | under prefecture management; prefecture | 縣立
koaxnlip-haghau | Schools established by Hsien; Prefecture Schools | 縣立學校
koaxnlip-pvexvi | prefecture hospital; county hospital | 縣立醫院
koaxntai | to be tired; worn out | 倦怠
koaxntviuo | the head of a county government; a county magistrate; prefecture governor; a mandarin | 縣長
koaxnzexng | county administration | 縣政
koay | well-behaved; gentle; obedient (child) | 乖
koay'iuo | to lure away, to decoy, to abduct | 柺誘; 拐誘
koay'oafn | to turn the corner | 柺灣; 拐灣
koayar | cane; walking-stick; climber's pick | 柺杖
koaybøe | abduct or kidnap and sell; engage in white-slavery | 拐賣
koayiuo | abduct; kidnapping; allure into evil | 誘拐; 拐誘
koaykhix | swindle | 拐去
koaykoae`khix | swindle | 拐拐去
koaykuxn | abductor, swindler | 柺子; 拐架者
koaylaang | swindle someone | 拐人
koaylong | poison a man's mind against another; delude into a quarrel with another | 挑撥
koayphiexn | to abduct; to kidnap; swindle; allure into running away | 拐騙
koayzao | carry off by trickery abduct; kidnap; swindle | 拐走
koazheq | a songbook | 歌冊; 歌本
koazhvef | singing star | 歌星
kobok | a dry wood | 枯木
koboong | the area between the heart and diaphragm; describe incurable situation | 膏肓
kobuo | sisters of one's father | 姑母
kochviar | for the time being; in the meantime; to let be | 姑且
kociao | a lonely bird; an isolated bird | 孤鳥
kociarng | to clap the hands; to give applause | 鼓掌
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
kociuo | buy wine | 沽酒; 購酒
kocviaa | entreat; implore; coax; implore with sweet and soft words | 懇求; 姑情; 姑成; 好言勸誘; 誘哄
kocvie | a dry well | 枯井
koe | stubborn; contrary in temper; to sprain (the foot) | 扭傷; 拐逆
koe'aftiin | melon-vines | 瓜仔藤
koe'ar | general name of melon (gourd) | 瓜仔
koea khaf | foot rest | 跂跤
koea | correct; to change; modify; alter; transform | 改
koea'aau | pass through the throat; be swallowed | 過喉
koea'au | later on; some later | 過後
koea'exlafng | armpit | 過腋下
koea'ia | pass the night | 過夜
koea'ix | peace of mind | 過意
koea'oef | make a new plant by tying mud on a branch | 過枝; 接枝
koea'orng | die; past (affair) | 去世
koeaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
koeabak | look over list so as to check or approve | 過目
koeaberng | brave; fierce; ferocious; esp. appearance | 過猛
koeabin | out of danger | 過面
koeabirn | too keen; nervous; over-sensitive; allergic | 過敏
koeabynzexng | hypersensitivity; allergy | 過敏症
koeachiuo | pass from one man to another (money; things etc.); do something successfully | 過手; 得手
koeacie | be cooked | 煮過
koeaciorng | I don't deserve your praise. (a polite expression) | 過獎
koeafbak | night blindness like chicken eyes | 雞仔目
koeafkviar | chick | 雞仔囝
koeaflo | streets | 街仔路
koeafnii | pickle | 瓜仔哖
koeagiexn | do something to one's heart's content; satisfy the urge of an addiction | 過癮
koeahae | go over the sea; cross the sea | 過海
koeahii | mandarin fish | 鱖魚
koeahin | recurrent hatred | 記恨
koeaho | transfer of ownership (of bonds; stocks; property) from one person to another | 過戶
koeahoea | be fried or roasted excessively | 過火
koeahofng | well ventilated | 透氣
koeahun | taking more than one's share; acting in an overbearing or unjust manner; go beyond the bounds | 過份
koeahwn | too ripe (fruit) | 過熟
koeahøo thiahkiøo | show no gratitude for past favors | 過河拆橋
koeajit | pass (spend) the day, to live | 過日
koeakaix | pass over the border | 過界
koeakeahak | accounting | 會計學
koeakeahoad | the accounts law | 會計法
koeakeanito | fiscal year | 會計年度
koeakef | pass from house to house gossiping | 過家; 串門子
koeakelo | cross the street | 過街路
koeakerng | pass through; in transit | 過境
koeakerng-chiamzexng | transit visa | 過境簽證
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
koeakex | accounting; accountant; paymaster; treasurer | 會計
koeakhieseg | past tense | 過去式
koeakhix ee taixcix | past events; things of the past; things that have come to pass | 過去的事
koeakhix | go across | 過去
koeakhix-hunsuu | past participle | 過去分詞
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
koeakhuix | breathe one's last | 斷氣
koeakiamzuie | travel far overseas | 過鹽水
koeakii | overdue; expired | 過期; 過限
koeakiøo | go across a bridge | 過橋
koeakoafn | go through a checkpoint; pass a critical test; weather a crisis with success; run the gauntlet with flying colors | 過關
koeakoex | look down on; unpleasing to the eye | 過過; 無過如此; 不順眼
koeaky | excessive hunger | 過飢
koealaai | come over | 過來
koealaau | be stale (e.g.; fish) | 過留; 無新鮮
koealangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koeali | filter; to strain | 過濾
koealiawkoex | forget the past easily; letting time pass without executing the talked of project; having had the experience several times | 早過了; 過了就忘了
koealiawsii | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
koealiawtai | old affairs that are quite past and should not be brought up again | 過了代; 已過的事
koealiong | exceed one's capacity; said especially of wine | 過量
koealiuu | carefully selected out of a lot | 過留; 經過揀選
koealixkhix | filter; strainer | 過濾器
koealo | go along a road; pass by | 過路
koealoo | rap the object you want around the incense burne | 過爐
koealoxlaang | passer-by; pedestrians | 過路人
koealoxsoex | a toll | 通行稅
koealøo | overwork; fatigue with too much labor; over-exert oneself | 過勞
koeamee | stay overnight | 過夜
koeamiaa | transfer | 過戶
koeamii | to pass the night, to stay over night | 過暝
koeamngg | pass through the door of another family ─ be married | 過門
koeani'axm | New Year's Eve | 過年暗; 除夕
koeanii | celebrate the New Year | 過年
koeanii-exhngf | New Year's Eve | 過年下昏; 除夕
koeaorng | die | 過往
koeapaang | be adopted (as a son) | 過繼
koeaphiøx | be bleached | 過漂
koeaphoee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 長新皮 (傷口)
koeaphof | change bed | 過鋪; 換床睡
koeaphøee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 過皮; 長新皮; (傷口)
koeapong | weigh | 過磅
koeapvoarsox | the majority; more than half | 過半數
koear | streets | 街仔
koeasek | too ripe | 過熟
koeaseng | surplus | 過剩
koeasiaux | switch debtor | 過數
koeasid | errors committed unintentionally; faults | 過失
koeasid-sionghaixzoe | unintentional injury | 過失傷害罪
koeasid-tiesyzoe | unintentional homicide | 過失致死罪
koeasii | pass the proper time; out of season; outdated | 過時
koeasii-laqjit | last year's calendar ─ useless | 過時日曆
koeasym | feel at ease; be relieved | 心安
koeasyn | die; to pass away (a polite term) | 逝世
koeatafng | pass the winter | 過冬
koeatang | too heavy; overweight | 過重; 超重
koeatangciao | migratory birds | 過冬鳥
koeataux | some time past midday | 過晝; 過午時
koeateeng | process | 過程
koeathaau | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeathay | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
koeatheeng | in the process; in the course of | 過程
koeathng | be warmed over again | 煨過
koeatid | not to be blamed | 怪不得
koeatien | conduct or transmit electricity; short-circuit | 通電
koeato | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeato-sitai | period of transition | 過渡時代
koeatoxkii | period of transition | 過渡期
koeatoxngjii | hyperactive child | 過動兒
koeatvia | make a contract and pay the deposit; engage oneself to a girl | 訂婚
koeatø | excessive, excessively, too much | 過度
koeatøf | superabundance; too much | 過多
koeazeq | pass a festival; celebrate a festival | 過節
koeazexng | be past cure (remedy; treatment); incurable | 逾醫; 無可救藥
koeazhar | be fried | 炒過
koeazhef | after the first ten days of a month | 過初; 過了月初
koeazhuix | pass on a message to third person | 過嘴; 傳話給第三者
koeazhøx | wrong doing; fault; mistake; error | 錯過
koeazuie | has been washed; cross the water in a boat; across the water; pass over the water | 過水; 過洋
koeazuo | be cooked | 煮過
koeazwchiuo | executioner | 劊子手
koebaq | chicken meat | 雞肉
koebeeng | cotton caterpillar | 瓜螟
koebefzuy | chicken butt | 雞尾脽
koebofng | chicken legs and the part connected to the body | 雞摸
koebøfphee | goosebumps | 雞母皮
koebøfthaang | scarab beetle | 雞母蟲
koebør | hen | 雞母
koechi | shopping streets | 街市
koechviw | Japanese butterfish, silver carp, Psenopsis anomala | 瓜鯧
koecie | melon seeds | 瓜子
koeciuo | sesame oil chicken | 雞酒
koee | salmon | 鮭
koef | chicken | 雞; 瓜
koefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
koefar | pho | 粿仔
koefcie | fruit | 水果
koefcybaa | large rodent that eats fruit | 水果貓
koefcychiu | fruit trees | 果子樹
koefcyciab | fruit juice | 果子汁
koefcycviux | fruit jam; jam; preserves | 果子醬
koefcyhngg | orchard | 水果園
koefcyphøee | the skin of a fruit | 果子皮
koefcytiaxm | fruit shop | 水果店
koefcyzaang | fruit tree | 果子樹
koefhiøh | leaves for making rice cake | 粿葉
koefhiøqar | leaves of bamboo or banana used for holding rice cakes before they are steamed | 包粿葉
koefixn | pastry's model | 粿印; 做糕類的印模
koefte'ar | flour sack | 粿袋仔
koefto | likes to eat rice pudding or rice pastry | 粿肚; 愛吃糕類的人
koefva | stuffing for rice cakes | 粿餡
koefzaxng | Hakka rice ball | 粿粽
koefzhex | dry grounded sticky rice | 粿粞
koeh | vacancy; to lack; imperfection; pile up; repeat | 疊; 截兌
koeh'ar | sickle | 鍥仔
koehefng | chicken breast | 雞胸
koehii | grunt fish | 郭魚
koehiøqthaang | Formosan cucurbit leaf beetle | 瓜葉蟲; 臺灣守瓜
koehlangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koehniaw | plant for decoration of used in mediciane | 蕨貓
koejiin | melon seeds | 瓜仁; 瓜子
koejiuu | fragrant pittosporum | 雞棠
koekafng | cock | 雞公
koekag | cock; rooster | 雞角; 公雞
koekak'afchiaf | toy for toddler to learn how to walk | 雞鵤仔車
koekex | crest | 雞髻
koekhaniao | chicken claws | 雞跤爪
koekien | chicken gizzard | 雞肫
koekngr | fried spring roll shape food wrapped with tofu skin | 雞卷
koekui'ar | ballon | 雞胿仔
koekuy | chicken crop | 雞胿
koelafm | chicken coop | 雞籠
koeleh | bamboo hat | 竹帽; 瓜笠; 斗笠
koeleqar | bamboo hat made of bamboo leaves | 瓜笠仔
koeliuu | Taiwan beech | 雞榆
koelo | street; thoroughfare ─ (doesn't include the shops on both sides) | 街路
koemngzherng | dusting gadget made with chicken feathers | 雞毛筅
koenng | eggs | 雞卵
koenngxkngr | egg rolls | 雞卵卷
koenngxkøf | cake | 雞卵糕
koenoa'ar | a hen that has not laid eggs yet | 雞僆仔
koepaai | chicken breast and legs | 雞排
koepaklai | chicken giblets | 雞腹內
koepvee | melon shed; framework for melon vines; trellis for cucumbers; melons | 瓜棚
koeq | to smear; to doodle; scrape; plunder | 刮; 塗抹
koesayun | good luck like being hit by bird poop | 雞屎運
koesit | chicken wing | 雞翼
koetaai | chicken lice | 雞𧉟
koetax | chicken coop | 雞罩
koethaau | street | 街頭
koethøar | midsize chicken | 雞桃仔
koetiaau | chicken coop | 雞牢
koetiin | melon vine | 瓜藤
koetix | melon stem; melon base | 瓜蒂
koex gvofkoafn | kind of solitaire played with dominoes | 過五關
koex | time, instance, occurrence | 過
koex`laai | come | 過來
koextiøh | be sprained | 扭到; 扭傷
koezef | pass a festival, celebrate a festival | 雞災
koezefng | be past cure (remedy, treatment), incurable | 雞精
koezhee | tools for catching chickens | 雞箠
kof | ditch; waterway; moat; stream; gutter; drain; mushroom | 溝; 姑; 菇
kof-khachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 孤跤手; 單單一個人; 獨自一人
kofaftefng | lantern for Lantern Festival | 鼓仔燈
kofar | a drum | 鼓仔; 小鼓
kofar-tefng | lantern for the evening of lantern festival | 股仔燈; 鼓仔燈; 提燈
kofbiø | ancient temple | 古廟; 古潮
kofbok | ancient wood | 古木
kofbong | ancient grave (tomb) | 古墓
kofbudsiofng | antiquities dealer | 古物商
kofbunhak | classical literature | 古文學
kofbunsw | ancient documents | 古文書
kofbunthea | archaic style | 古文體
kofbuo | to rouse; to stir up; to excite; to dance for joy; to rejoice; encourage; inspire; cheer up | 鼓舞
kofbut | antiques; ancient remains; things that are ancient; antiques; curios; relics | 古物
kofbut-siofng | the business-man deals with antiques | 古物商; 舊貨商; 收破銅爛鐵
kofbuun | ancient written language; an old Chinese literary style; ancient writings; classics | 古文
kofchi | stock market | 股市
kofchiu | ancient tree | 古樹
kofchiuo | drum player; drummer | 鼓手
kofchviar | against principle | 苟且
kofciofng | be out of order, go wrong, hindrance, hitch, breakdown | 故障
kofcioxng | be out of order, go wrong, hindrance, hitch, breakdown | 故障
kofcvie | ancient well | 古井; 鼓井
kofcvii | ancient money; ancient currency; ancient coins; ancient money; old coins | 古錢
kofgak | loud music; drum music; ancient music; Chinese classical music | 鼓樂; 古樂
kofgieen | ancient language | 古言
kofgoarn | curios; antiques | 古玩
kofgoarn-tiaxm | the store of antiques | 古玩店
kofgoeh | month | 個月
kofguo | ancient language | 古語
kofgvai | wormwood | 古蒿
kofgvar | graceful and refined (usually said of buildings; works of art; etc.) | 古雅
kofhak | ancient studies | 古學
kofhek | to confuse by magic or witchcraft; to derange; to enchant | 蠱惑
kofhoad | ancient method | 古法
kofhofng | ancient practices--usually connoting honesty and simplicity; ancient-style poetry | 古風
kofhuii | ancient porcelains | 古磁
kofhun kongsy | joint-stock company | 股份公司
kofhun | shares or stocks (in a business concern) | 股份
kofhun-iwhan-kongsy | limited-liability company | 股份有限公司
kofhun-kongsy | liability company | 股份公司
kofhy | 70 years of age; seventy years old | 古稀
kofhøex | antiques; things that are ancient | 古貨; 估貨
kofie | antique chair | 古椅
kofielaang | honest person | 古意人
kofitiaxm | secondhand clothing store | 估衣舖
kofiuo | traditional | 古有
kofix | guileless, docile, meek | 古意; 誠實
kofji | ancient words | 古字
kofjieen | exactly as one expected | 果然
kofjiin | ancient people | 古人
kofkeatvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofkex | estimate | 估計; 估價
kofkex-tvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofkhaf | stockholder | 股腳; 小股東; 股東
kofkhie | exert, oneself, encourage, rouse | 鼓起
kofkhoaan | equity | 股權
kofkhoarn | old style | 古款; 古體; 舊式
kofkie | Chinese matrimony vine | 枸杞
kofkied | small, well-made, desirable, useful, pleasant, intelligent | 鼓潔; 小巧
kofkoaan | ownership of a share or stock | 股權
kofkoaix | strange; queer; anachronistic; eccentric; very peculiar; very different from what was expected | 古怪
kofkor | ancient | 古古; 斑雞魚
kofky | a stock trick, an old trick | 古機; 古技
kofkym | the ancient and modern times; ancient and modern times | 古今
koflaai | since ancient time | 古來
koflaang | each person; every individual | 各人
koflaang-gieen | ancient proverb, old maxim | 古人言
koflaihy | very rare since ancient time | 古來稀
kofle | encourage; encouragement; ancient laws or customs | 鼓勵; 古例; 傳統習慣
koflea | ancient propriety; ancient rules of politeness; ancient ceremonies | 古禮
kofli | dividend for shares | 股利; 紅利
kofloksogkor | outdated and weird | 古橐?古
koflør | old; antiquated; ancient | 古老
kofmoh | ear-drum, tympanic membrane | 鼓膜
kofng seeng beeng ciu | achieve success and acquire fame; be successful and famous | 功成名就
kofng sviaa | to attack a city | 攻城
kofng sw | public (official) and private affairs | 公私
kofng sym | to launch a psychological offense | 攻心
kofng | light; brightness; naked; shining; bare; empty | 光; 攻; 光亮; 功
kofng'ar | a tube; a pipe; pot; tank; jar | 管仔; 廣仔; 落水金剛; 罐子
kofng'exlaai | can be said | 說得來; 會說
kofng'ioong | diffuse far and wide | 廣揚; 宣揚
kofng'oe | make a speech; to talk | 講話
kofng'oe-tiofng | the line is busy | 講話中
kofng'uxtvia | determined | 說有定
kofng-lioxngzuo | photon, light quantum | 光亮子; 光量子
kofng-sw | both public and private interests | 公私
kofng`ee | belong to the public | 公的
kofng`sie | to attack to death | 攻死
kofngbeeng | to make (a point) clear by explanation; make (a point) clear by explanation; explain a matter clearly | 講明
kofngbexcin | impossible to said it all | 說不盡, 說不完
kofngbøtvia | discuss but cannot agree | 沒說好
kofngchincviaa | propose a marriage as a matchmaker | 說親成
kofngchiørkhef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kofngchiørkhoef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kofngchiøx | kidding; joking matter; go back on one's words; joke; to jest | 講笑; 說笑話; 開玩笑; 戲言; 說笑
kofnggi | the wider sense (of a term); the broad definition | 廣義
kofngheeng siexnsu | perform good deeds extensively; be philanthropic; widespread benevolence | 廣行善事
kofnghoad | way of saying, expression | 講法
kofnghoan | broad, wide, widespread | 廣範
kofnghoaxn | extensive, comprehensive | 廣範
kofnghøo | negotiate peace | 講和
kofnghør | to make a deal with | 講好
kofngkaux | talking at, talking about | 講到
kofngkaw | make friends extensively; have a large number of friends; extensive acquaintanceship | 廣交
kofngkex | bargain; haggle; talk price; haggle over price | 講價; 殺價
kofngkhie | talking about; mention; speak of | 講起; 提起; 提到
kofngkhoaq | wide; extensive; vast; broad | 廣闊
kofngkofsiefn | man who makes his living by reading or reciting histories or historical novels | 說書的
kofngkor | tell a story; tell ancient stories | 講古; 講故事
kofngkor-siefn | story-teller | 講古仙
kofngkox | announcement, advertisement (V.N.) | 廣告
kofngkørhuix | outlay for advertisement | 廣告費
kofngkørlaan | advertisement column | 廣告欄
kofngkøroe | a poster, poster painting | 廣告畫
kofngkørtvoaf | handbill | 廣告單
kofngkøx | to advertise; to publicize; to give publicity to; advertisement | 廣告
kofngkøx-kongsy | advertising agency | 廣告公司
kofnglaai kofngkhix | say repeatedly; blame each other | 講來講去
kofnglaai | having brought this up… | 說來
kofnglaai-kofngkhix | to talk repeatedly | 講來講去
kofngliawkorng | said again and again | 講了講
kofnglie | be amenable to reason; be reasonable; settle disputes by appealing to reason and arguing it out in public | 講理
kofngpeqzhat | lie | 講白賊
kofngphexngzøe | talk too much | 講比多; 說太多了
kofngphoax | tell the main point; give the answer; disclose the secret; reveal the trick | 講破; 揭穿; 說破
kofngphog | wide; extensive | 廣博
kofngporkiok | brocast series | 廣播劇
kofngpox | telecast; to broadcast; to telecast; broadcast | 廣播
kofngpox-oaan | an announcer | 廣播員
kofngpox-tiexntaai | broadcasting station | 廣播電台; 廣播電臺
kofngpørkiok | radio drama; radio play | 廣播劇
kofngpøroaan | radio; television announcer | 廣播員
kofngpøx | telecast; to broadcast; to telecast; broadcast | 廣播
kofngpøx-cietbok | radio program; a broadcast; television program; a telecast | 廣播節目
kofngpøx-tiexntaai | broadcasting station; radio station | 廣播電台
kofngsiaau-kofngphvi | scold someone criticize behind him (slang) | 講迢講鼻; 罵他人在背後批評; (粗話)
kofngsngfchiøx | joke; make fun of; jest | 開玩笑
kofngsngr | joking | 說耍
kofngsvoax | pipeline | 管線
kofngtafng-kofngsay | chat; talk about many things or about everything and anything; to gossip about others faults (often falsely) | 談天說地; 閒聊; 背後批評
kofngtai | vast; extensive; large; vast; profound | 廣大
kofngtai-bupiefn | vast and boundless (e.g.; the mercy of God) | 廣大無邊
kofngthaoky | tell it with all the particulars | 講透徹
kofngthawkhuix | relieve one's mind or feelings talking it out with another | 講出氣
kofngthioxng | to make fun of | 說暢; 說著玩
kofngthonghøo | collude secretly with each other | 講通和
kofngthongthaux | discuss together | 共通透
kofngthvy-kofngte | talk of everything under the sun | 談天說地
kofngtien | radio and television | 廣電
kofngtoaxoe | talk proudly; big; boastfully | 說大話
kofngtva | make a mistake in speaking | 講錯
kofngtviuu | a square (in a city); a plaza; plaza; the town common; the city square | 廣場
kofngzeeng | to ask for leniency for someone else; to intercede for; ask for leniency for someone else; intercede; conciliate; make an appeal | 講情; 傳情
kofngzhud | speak out | 講出
kofngzhøx | to say it wrong; make a mistake in speaking | 講錯
kofoarn | curio; antiques | 古玩
kofoe | ancient paintings; old painting; picture | 古畫
kofparn | inactive; dumb; anachronistic; out of date; old-fashioned; square; inactive | 古板; 死板
kofphaix | The Conservative Party | 舊派; 古派
kofphiøx chixtviuu | stock market | 股票市場
kofphiøx | stocks; shares; stock certificate | 股票
kofphog | simple and unsophisticated | 古樸
kofpurn | subscribed capital (of a business firm) | 股本
kofput | ancient Buddha | 古佛
kofpy | ancient stone tablet; an ancient pavilion built over a stone tablet | 古碑
kofpør | castle | 古堡
kofseg | dividends; old style | 股息; 古式
kofsengbudhak | paleontology | 古生物學
kofsengbut | extinct plants and animals | 古生物
kofsengtai | Paleozoic era | 古生代
kofserngsor | Limbo (Catholic) | 古聖所
kofsexng | the early sages | 古聖; 先聖
kofsngx | estimate | 估算
kofsuo | ancient history | 古史
kofsviaa | ancietn city; old city; ancient city; town | 古城
kofsviaf | sound of drum | 鼓聲
kofsw | ancient books | 古書
kofsy | ancient-style poetry; poems composed by ancient scholars | 古詩
koftaang | ancient-copper | 古銅
koftai | ancient times; the ancient periods | 古代
koftai-suo | ancient history | 古代史
kofteeng | ancient pavilion | 古亭
kofteng | determine (a price), value | 估定
koftengpun | large rice-storage vessel built up of wattled bamboo on a cartwheel foundation | 竹製穀倉
kofthea | ancient-style | 古體
kofthefsy | ancient-style poetry | 古體詩
kofthuii | drum hummer; the hummer to beat a drum; drumsticks | 鼓槌
kofti | drum stick | 鼓箸
koftiau | ancient tune-anachronistic; out-dated | 古調
koftiern | classics; classical | 古典
koftioxng | abdominal dropsy | 臌帳; 蟲脹; 肚脹
koftoan | ancient records | 古傳
koftof | the old capital | 古都
koftofng taixhoe | shareholders meeting; stockholders conference | 股東大會
koftofng | shareholder or stockholder; shareholder | 股東
koftofngtiaxm | antique shop | 古董店
koftong | to encourage; to hearten | 鼓動; 鼓勵
koftoong | agree without giving serious consideration | 苟同
koftorng | antique article; bric-a-brac; antique; strange but interesting; useless article or person; curios; antique | 古董
koftu | drum stick | 鼓箸
koftviuo | head of a division (under the control of kho-tiu) | 股長
koftw | shareholder; stockholder | 合夥; 股份
koftø | ancient ways-usually connoting honesty and simplicity; time-worn roads; ancient paths | 古道; 古訓
kofy chixtviuu | second hand clothing market | 估衣市場
kofy | secondhand clothes | 估衣
kofym | prounciation of characters in ancient times; thyme according to such pronunciation | 古音
kofzaflaang | the ancients | 古代人
kofzar | far back in history; long long ago; ancient; once upon a time | 古早; 很久以前; 古時
kofzar-kofzar | once upon a time, long long ago | 古早古早; 很久以; 前
kofzeg | relices; ancient remains; historic sites; historic remains | 古蹟
kofzex | ancient system; ancient institute | 古制
kofzhad | an ancient temple | 古剎
kofzhef | suona | 鼓吹
kofzhehoef | morning glory | 鼓吹花
kofzheq | ancient books; lianhuanhua (graphic novel); books of ancient stories | 古冊; 古書; 故事書
kofzhoef | suona | 古吹; 嗩吶
kofzhoehoef | morning glory | 鼓吹花
kofzhux | ancient house | 古厝
kofzhuy | promote; inspire a person with; inculcate (an idea or a doctrine) in another | 鼓吹
kofzhøef | trumpet | 鼓吹; 喇叭
kofzoaan | to manage barely to survive | 苟全
kofzofng | ancient costumes | 古裝
kofzuo | stockholder | 股主; 股東
kofzuy | cute, sweet | 古椎; 古錐; 可愛
kofzvea zuykef | A frog in a well knows nothing of the great ocean. ─ a person of very limited outlook and experience | 井底之蛙
kofzvea | old well; wells (in general) | 古井; 鼓井
kofzvefzuie | well water | 古井水
kofzw | ancient book | 古書
kog phøx kaf boong | country defeated and home lost | 國破家亡
kog | chuckling; cackling noise made by a fowl | 咯; 各; 國
kogan | widow | 孤雁; 孤雛; 寡婦
kogkogkiøx | cackle | 閣閣叫
kogkok kiøx | cackling of a hen (said also of a person talking on too much without ever stopping) | 喀喀叫; 喋喋無休
kohaang-togchi | having a monopoly because of exclusive possession | 孤行獨市
kohang | single; only; sole; individual event | 孤項; 單項
kohu | ungrateful; unappreciated; behave ungratefully; requite kindness with ingratitude; disappoint; be unfaithful to a person | 辜負
kohuun | wandering ghost; disembodied spirit with no one to make offerings to it | 孤魂
kohux | ungrateful; disappoint; unappreciated | 辜負
koiaa | address for a man by his wife's family and servant | 姑爺
koii | aunt on the father side | 姑姨
koiøh | plaster | 膏藥
koji'vi | an orphanage, an orphan asylum | 孤兒院
kojii | an orphan | 孤兒
kojii-vi | an orphanage | 孤兒院
kojivi | orphanage | 孤兒院
kok | chuckling; cackling noise made by a fowl | 咯
kok'eeng suxgiap | government enterprise | 國營事業
kok'eeng | government operation; state operated (company) | 國營
kok'ha | sire; your (his) excellency; your honor! | 閣下
kok'haang | each and every trade; all professions; various callings | 各行
kok'hak | national literature; classical literature; the study of the national classics | 國學
kok'hang | each and or every item; each kind; each thing; each item | 各項
kok'hangkokgiap | all the industry and business | 各行各業
kok'hau | primary school | 國校
kok'ho | each household; each family | 各戶
kok'hoad | the laws of the land; or the laws of the nation; national law | 國法
kok'hoaf | national flower | 國花
kok'hoan | state offender | 國犯
kok'hoe gixoaan | member of the National Assembly | 國會議員
kok'hoe | the parliament; diet; congress; etc. of a nation; national assembly | 國會
kok'hoef | national flower | 國花
kok'hongbien | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kok'hongbin | each aspect; every viewpoint; every angle | 各方面
kok'hoong | national defense | 國防
kok'hu | Father or founder of a nation; father of the country | 國父
kok'huun | national spirit | 國魂
kok'huy | national emblem | 國徽
kok'hø | the official name of a nation; title of a reigning dynasty | 國號
kok'høex | homemade article; native goods; native products | 國貨
kok'iexn | a statte banquet | 國筵; 國宴
kok'iuo chienchiw | each shows a unique quality; each has a unique style | 各有千秋
kok'iuo puttoong | each different | 各有無同
kok'iuo sor tioong | each one has his own gift (good point); each has a unique merit | 各有所長
kok'iuo zaisafnkiok | The Bureau of National Assets (under the Ministry of Finance) | 國有財產局
kok'iuo zaisarn | national assets | 國有財產
kok'iuo | nationally owned; state-owned | 國有
kok'iw | to be concerned over the nation; national mournful | 國憂
kok'iwte | nationalized land | 國有地
kok'ixn | official seal of national | 國印; 國璽
kok'kaizaan | all social strata | 各階層
kok'oaan | cabinet ministers | 閣員
kok'oe | Chinese painting | 國畫
kok'oong | a king; a monarch | 國王
kok'ui | everybody; ladies and gentlemen! | 各位
kok'un | the destiny of the nation; national destiny | 國運
kok'uo | rain for grain (the term that falls on or about April 20th) | 穀雨
kok'uy | national prestige | 國威
kok'viu | each and every style; all styles | 各樣
kok'y | Chinese herb doctor | 國醫
kok'ym | the sound system of the national language | 國音
kokaix | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic | 孤介; 孤僻
kokbiin kengzex | national economy | 國民經濟
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin seng'oah | national life | 國民生活
kokbiin sinhuxnzexng | citizen's identification card; ID card | 國民身份證
kokbiin softeg | national income | 國民所得
kokbiin susiorng | national sentiment | 國民思想
kokbiin taixhoe-taixpiao | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國民大會代表; 國代
kokbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokbiin tøxteg | national morals | 國民道德
kokbiin uxntong | popular (national) movement | 國民運動
kokbiin zengsiin | national spirit | 國民精神
kokbiin zuxkoad | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokbiin | a citizen; the people; citizens of a country; nation; national | 國民
kokbiin-goaxkaw | people-to-people diplomacy | 國民外交
kokbiin-haghau | national primary | 國民學校
kokbiin-kaoiok | national education; compulsory education | 國民教育
kokbiin-nikym | National Pension Program | 國民年金
kokbiin-siøfhak | primary school | 國民小學
kokbiin-taixhoe | national assembly | 國民大會
kokbiin-tionghak | junior middle school (from the seventh to ninth grade) under the nine-year free education system introduced in Taiwan in 1968 | 國民中學; 國中
kokbinkoaan | people's rights | 國民權
kokbinpefng | militia; a militiaman; citizen soldier | 國民兵
kokbu | business of the nation; national business | 國務
kokbu-khefng | Secretary of State | 國務卿
kokbu-vi | the Department of State (of the U. S. Federal Government); the cabinet (of the early Chinese republican government) | 國務院
kokbunhe | Department of Chinese | 國文系
kokbuun | the written national language; national literature (language) | 國文
kokbuxkhefng | Secretary of State (of the U.S. Federal Government) | 國務卿
kokchiuo | athletic representative of one's country | 國手
kokcin sofleeng | each does the best he can | 各盡所
kokciorng | every kind; all kinds; various kinds | 各種
kokgak | the traditional Chinese music | 國樂
kokgie | national language; Mandarin | 國語
kokgoa | outside the country; overseas; abroad | 國外
kokguo | the official national language | 國語
kokhor | lonely and wretched | 孤苦
kokhud | solitary; without relatives; without an heir | 孤零; 無後嗣
kokhudsexng | eccentric; idiosyncratic; unsociable; un-neighborly | 孤癖性
kokhut | without an heir, unsociable | 孤𣮈
kokhut-sexng | unneighborly, unsociable | 孤僻性
kokied | collusion; collaboration | 勾結
kokiet | dried up; exhausted | 枯竭
kokkaf anzoaan hoexgi | National Security Council | 國家安全會議
kokkaf ciesiong | National interest is above everything else | 國家至上
kokkaf khøhak uyoanhoe | National Science Council | 國家科學委員會
kokkaf kibit | state secrets | 國家機密
kokkaf koanliam | sense of nationality | 國家觀念
kokkaf zwgi | nationalism | 國家主義
kokkaf | a nation; a country; kingdom | 國家
kokkafn | disloyal to the nation; a traitor to the nation | 國奸
kokkaix | all circles; national boundary; all walks of life | 各界; 國界
kokkaux | state religion | 國教
kokkaw | diplomatic relations | 國交
kokkay | all levels of the society | 各階
kokkef | every household | 各家
kokkek | Peking opera | 平劇; 北京戲
kokkerng | national boundary; frontier | 國境
kokkhexng | the National Day (of a country); national celebrations | 國慶
kokkhoarn | each and every article (of a document); all the articles; various articles | 各式; 各款
kokkhox | national coffers; national treasury | 國庫
kokkib | various levels, every level | 各級
kokkii | the national flag | 國旗
kokkiok | Peking opera | 國劇
kokkoaan | the power of the nation; the authority of the nation; national sovereignty | 國權
kokkoaf | the national anthem | 國歌
kokkofng | national glory | 國光; 國公; 魔鬼蓑鮋
kokkog | every country; every nation; each country; each and every nation (country); all countries; various nations | 各國
kokkvia | each and every item; all the items; various items | 各件
kokkwn | a sovereign; an emperor; a king; sovereign; king | 君王; 國軍; 國君
kokkøx | each; every | 各個
koklaang | each person; every individual | 各人
koklai | inside the country; domestically or internally; within a country; domestic | 國內
koklaixgoa | domestic and foreign | 國內外
koklan | national crisis (trouble; affliction) | 國難
koklek | national (i.e.; solar) calendar | 國曆
koklip haghau | National (state) School | 國立學校
koklip | (of an institution) nationally supported or operated; national; instituted or founded by the country; national | 國立
koklui | the various items; each and every item; all the items | 各類
koklør | ministers, old national celebrities | 國老; 闆老
kokof | alone; only | 單單
kokoo | to stick together; to paste together; gelatinous; sticky | 糊糊; 糊爛的
kokpee | state compensation | 國賠
kokpex | national currency | 國幣
kokphvix | state movies | 國片
kokpiet | individual; isolated (case); separate; individually | 各別
kokpiq | singular; eccentric; contrary | 奇異; 古怪
kokpoee | state compensation | 國賠
kokpvoax | fifty-fifty | 各半
kokpyn | a state guest; a government guest | 國賓
kokpør | a national treasure; national currency | 國寶
koksafnchiaf | domestic car | 國產車
koksafnphirn | national products | 國產品; 國產
koksaix | an envoy of the nation; emissary of the nation | 國使
koksarn | national products | 國產; 國產品
kokseg | all colors; various colors; each and every color; all kinds | 各色; 各式
kokseg-kok'viu | all sorts; kinds; varieties; various | 各式各樣
kokseg-thienhiofng | beauty of a woman or a peony | 國色天香
koksex | national strength; the situation a nation faces | 國勢
koksexng | the surname of the royal family | 國姓
koksi | affairs of the state; national policies | 國是; 國策
koksiofng | a martyr to the national cause | 國殤
koksiør | elementary schools | 國小
koksoeakiok | tax bureau | 國稅局
koksoex | national revenue | 國稅
koksofng | national mourning | 國喪
koksu | affairs of the state; national policies; government; national affairs | 國事; 各事
koksuix | national cultural heritage | 國粹
koksuo | national history | 國史
koksuo-koarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
koksut | Chinese boxing | 國術
koksw | credentials (of a diplomat); documents exchanged between nations | 國書
kokswkoarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
koksøex | taxes collected by the national government | 國稅
koksøex-kiok | the Department of taxes collection of the national government | 國稅局
koktai | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國代; 國民大會代表
kokte | various places; localities; everywhere | 各地
koktefng | the state emblem, the national emblem | 國徽; 國徵
kokteg kisor | each gets the position or the result he prefers; each in its proper place | 各得其所
koktek | enemy of the nation | 國敵; 國家的敵人
kokteng karjit | national holiday | 國定假日
kokteng kyliaxmjit | national commemoration or memorial day | 國定紀念日
kokthaix bin'afn | country is prosperous and people live in peace | 國泰民安
kokthaix-bin'afn | the country is prosperous and at peace; and the people live in happiness | 國泰民安
kokthea | political system of a country; national prestige; national constitution; national prestige | 國體
koktheh | house built by the government for less fluent citizens | 國宅
kokthie | national shame or humiliation | 國恥
kokthor | the national territory, the realm | 國土
koktiofng | junior high school | 國中
kokto | institutes of a country; national spendings; administration of a State | 國度
koktoe | everywhere | 各地
koktof | the national capital; the capital | 國都
koktø | institutes of a country, administration of a State | 國道
koktøe | everywhere | 各地
kokud | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic | 孤骨; 枯骨
kokviar | a male bereaved of his father; an only son | 孤囝; 獨生子
kokvoar | the formal first-person designation used by the ruler in former times; alone; a bachelor | 孤寡
kokwn | solitary; single; alone; helpless; unaccompanied; friendless | 孤軍
koky | the only branch | 孤枝
kokzeahoad | international law | 國際法
kokzeasexng | international | 國際性
kokzeeng | circumstances of a nation; current condition or situation of a country and its people | 國情
kokzeghoad | naturalization laws | 國籍法
kokzek | nationality; citizenship; one's nationality | 國籍
kokzex boxek | international trade | 國際貿易
kokzex hoatteeng | international court of justice | 國際法庭
kokzex hoexgi | international congress | 國際會議
kokzex hunzefng | international complications | 國際紛爭
kokzex imphiaw | the International Phonetic Alphabet | 國際音標
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
kokzex koafnlie | international management | 國際管理
kokzex koanhe | international relations | 國際關係
kokzex konghoad | international public law | 國際公法
kokzex lienbeeng | League of Nations | 國際聯盟
kokzex texui | international status | 國際地位
kokzex tiauiog | international treaty | 國際條約
kokzex | international; national debt (loan) | 國際; 國祭; 國債
kokzexng | politics of the nation; political situation of the nation; State affairs; policy; administration | 國政
kokzhat | a traitor of the nation; traitor to the nation | 國賊
kokzheg | affairs of the state; national policies | 國是; 國策
kokzhuix | national cultural heritage | 國粹
kokzhux | from place to place; everywhere; everywhere; various places; all the places | 各處
kokzof | every category | 各組
kokzok | each and every race; all racies | 各族; 國族
kokzoxng | state funeral | 國葬
kokzu | each; respective; individually | 各自
kolao | mean (disposition); small and petty in dealing with others | 孤癖
koleeng | forlorn, desolate | 荒涼; 孤零; 絕望
kolii | orphant | 孤兒
kolip | isoated; unaided; isolation; be isolated; stand alone; be helpless; be friendless | 孤立
koloo | a human skeleton | 骷髏
komof | having no brother; sister or son | 孤毛; 無親無戚
komof-zeqzerng | having no relatives and children (a curse) | 絕子絕孫
komoo | loner | 孤毛
kong'afn | public security; public safety | 公安
kong'axn | a case of law | 公案
kong'eeng suxgiap | public enterprises; government-owned businesses | 公營事業
kong'eeng | glory; honor; glory; honored | 光榮
kong'eg | public interests or welfare; public good; public benefit (interest); common good; the common weal | 公益
kong'erng | raging waves | 狂浪
kong'iau | brilliance; splendor; glory | 光耀
kong'iaux | essential points; summary; outline | 綱要
kong'iern | stage shows for the public | 公演
kong'iog | treaty; covenant; public promise; commitment | 公約
kong'ioksox | common factor (math.) | 公約數
kong'iong tiexn'oe | public telephone | 公用電話
kong'iong | for public use; public (telephone) | 公用; 功用
kong'iuo thoftøe | public land | 公有土地
kong'iuo zaisarn | public property | 公有財產
kong'iuo | owned by the public | 公有
kong'ix | public opinion | 公意
kong'ixn | official seal | 公印
kong'ui | post; station | 崗位; (職務)
kong'uii | besiege | 攻危; 圍攻
kong'uo | an apartment | 公寓
kong'y zeato | socialized medicine | 公醫制度
kong'y | doctor for the public | 公醫
kong'ym juu cvix | Time flies like an arrow | 光陰如箭
kong'ym su cvix | Time passes as fast as a flying arrow | 光陰似箭
kong'ym | time | 光陰
kong'yn | general benefit | 光蔭; 公恩
kongbeeng ee tøxlo | the illuminative way | 光明的道路
kongbeeng zerngtai | pure-minded and upright; fair and square; openly | 光明正大
kongbeeng | honest; just and upright; promising; great exploit (achievement) | 光明; 功名
kongbeeng-zerngtai | honest; just and upright | 光明正大
kongbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite | 公民投票
kongbiin | citizens; civics | 公民
kongbiin-tauphiøx | all the citizens decide by voting | 公民投票
kongbinkhøf | civics | 公民科
kongbinkoaan | civil rights ─ including election; recall; referendum and initiative | 公民權
kongbo | public cemetery | 公墓
kongbok | a detailed outline | 綱目
kongbong | cemetery; tomb or graveyard of kings or nobility; public cemetery | 公墓
kongboong baxntng | shining in all directions; radiance; radiant | 光芒萬丈
kongboong | shining; radiance; brilliant rays; radiance; ray or flash of light | 光芒
kongbor | an area on 100 meters square | 公畝
kongbu | official matters; business; duties etc. | 公務
kongbu-jin'oaan | government employees | 公務人員
kongbunsw | official dispatch | 公文書
kongbut | public; government property | 公物
kongbuun | anus | 肛門; 公文
kongbuxjin'oaan | civil servants | 公務人員
kongbuxoaan | government employees; office-bearer; functionary; civil servant | 公務員
kongbøe | public sale | 公賣
kongbøexkiok | monopoly bureau | 公賣局
kongchiaf | a public bus; an omnibus; a official bus | 公車
kongchiofng | licensed prostitute; licensed prostitution | 公娼
kongchiøq | meter | 公尺
kongchyn | arbitrator; mediator; arbiter; middle person | 公親; 仲裁人; 和事佬
kongciaux | shine; illumine | 光照
kongciaxm | attack and occupy | 攻佔; 攻佔,攻取
kongcid | public office; official position; government employment | 公職
kongciog | a title of nobility; duke | 公爵
kongcioxng | the public; the community | 公眾
kongcvii | public funds; public money; public money (fund); state expense | 公錢; 公款
kongcyn | one liter; 1000 cc | 公升
kongge | stalwart; tough and determined; resolute; unwavering; gift of fortitude (Catholic) | 剛毅; 堅強有決斷
konggi | justice; righteousness; just; fair | 公義
konggiap | real estate of many family members | 功業; 公產
konggieen | wild words; nonsense; incoherent talk; boastful talks; bragging | 狂言
konggiin | public money | 公銀; 公款
konggixhoe | councils; public meeting | 公議會
konggoaan | in the year of our Lord...; A.D. of Christian calendar | 公元
konggu | apartment | 公寓
konggvi | rigid, rigidity | 剛硬
konghaam | an official letter | 公函
konghae | the high seas; mare liberum; the high seas | 公海
konghaghau | public school | 公學校
konghai | public nuisance; environmental pollution; public nuisance; environmental pollution | 公害
konghak gikhix | optical instruments | 光學儀器
konghak | optics; optical | 光學
kongham | to succeed in capturing (a city; a fort; etc.) by attack | 攻陷
konghao | cry out in pain | 狂吼; 狂哮
konghap | photosynthesis | 光合
konghau | efficiency; effect; efficacy (of a method or medicine) | 功效
konghiujit | holiday | 公休日
konghngg | public park; a public garden | 公園
konghoad | public law | 公法
konghoafn | to rejoice with wild excitement; to be carried away by wild pleasure or joy; to revel | 狂歡
konghoancied | carnival | 狂歡節
konghoe | a union; league; society; federation etc. of a certain trade; as lawyers; medical practitioners etc. | 公會; 工會
konghoextngg | public meeting hall | 公會堂
konghofng | violent wind | 狂風
konghofngpøxuo | violent wind and rain; violent storm | 狂風暴雨
konghofngtaixlong | wind and stormy waves | 狂風大浪
konghok | a city in Hualien County | 光復
konghoo | the first and second of old China's fivergrad of nobility; old Chinese official rank | 公侯
konghoong | air defence | 空防
konghuix | government expense; public expenditure; government funds | 公費
konghunbør | common denominator | 公分母
konghunzuo | common numerator | 公分子
konghuxn | public or general indignation | 公憤
konghuy | glow; brilliance; splendor; glory | 光輝
konghw | skill; time and energy expended on work | 功夫
konghwn | centimeter; cm | 公分; 功勳
kongjieen | openly; in public; open; publicly | 公然
kongjiet | fanatic; unreasonably enthusiastic; wildly zealous; fanatical | 狂熱
kongjim | generally recognized; generally acknowledged; public recognition and approval; authorized | 公認
kongjin | generally recognized; generally acknowledged | 公認
kongjip | to attak into (a city or a territories) | 攻入
kongkaf | the nation; government; public etc. as distinct from private; nation; government; public (as distinct from private) | 公家
kongkafng | duty; obligation; volunteer duty | 公工; 義務工
kongkar | leisure after public duties | 公假
kongkaux | public servants and teachers | 公教
kongkaux-jin'oaan | government employees; staffs of public schools | 公教人員
kongkax | to honor with one's presence | 光駕
kongkef | own jointly, hold in common | 公家; 共有; 平分
kongkeg | to attack; to assault; attack; take the offensive; criticize | 攻擊
kongkerng | circumstances at a given time and place; scene; a sight | 光景
kongkhay ciøpiøf | open tender; competitive bidding; public tender | 公開招標
kongkhay | to make public; open (letters; etc); to exhibit; open to the public | 公開
kongkheg | one gram; gm; gram | 公克; 攻克; 攻剋
kongkherng | hectare | 公頃
kongkhoarn | public funds (money); government funds | 公款; 公金
kongkhox | government treasury | 公庫
kongkhuy | mutually (bear) burden of responsibilities | 共開; 同負擔
kongkhvoar | public funds | 公款
kongkhørpiør | class schedule | 功課表
kongkhøx sikanpiør | class schedule | 功課時間表
kongkhøx | school work; lessons; studies; lessons (at school) | 功課
kongkhøx-piør | schedule of classes | 功課表
kongkiong hokli | public welfare | 公共福利
kongkiong khiechiaf | omnibus; a bus | 公共汽車
kongkiong lixeg | public interests | 公共利益
kongkiong oexsefng | public health; public sanitation | 公共衛生
kongkiong suxgiap | public enterprise (undertaking) | 公共事業
kongkiong thoanthea | public organization | 公共團體
kongkiong tiedsu | public order; public peace and order; law and order | 公共秩序
kongkiong tiexn'oe | public telephone | 公共電話
kongkiong tiexn'oexteeng | public telephone booth | 公共電話亭
kongkiong tviusor | public place | 公共場所
kongkiong | public (relations; health; etc); owned and shared by all | 公共
kongkiong-khiechiaf | city bus | 公共汽車
kongkiong-oexsefng | public health, public sanitation | 公共衛生; 公共衛生署
kongkioong | firm and uncompromising | 剛強
kongkngr | rectal tube | 肛管
kongkoaan | civil rights; civic rights | 公權
kongkoad | common decision; to decide by the majority; resolutions by the majority | 公決
kongkoafn | rest-house for traveling officials, a residence (polite expression) | 公關
kongkoarn | a city in Miaoli County | 公館
kongkofng-jienjieen | openly; in public | 公公然然
kongkoong | urgently; quickly; very anxious; very anxiously | 狂狂; 急急忙忙
kongku | instrument, tool | 工具
kongkuxn | a bachelor or unmarried man | 光棍
kongkwn | one kilogram, km | 公斤
kongkym | public funds (money); government funds | 公款; 公金
kongkyn | kilogram; kg | 公斤
kongkør | achievement and result; Buddhist (Taoist) mass for dead person die | 功果; 替死人祈禱 (做法事) 來幫助死人升天
kongkøx | a proclamation; a public announcement; declaration; public (official) notice; notify publicly | 公告
kongleeng | function; use; effect; use | 功能
konglek | efficacy; effectiveness; potency; potentiality | 功力; 功效
konglerng | program; guiding principle | 綱領
kongli zwgi | utilitarianism | 功利主義
kongli | utility; material gain | 功利
konglie | kilometer; an axiom; self-evident truth; universal principle | 公里; 公理
konglieen | light year | 光年
konglii | millimeter | 公釐
kongliim | (usually used in an invitation) Please grace our place with your presence; arrival of a visitor (Lit. brightness approaching ─ polite expression) | 光臨
konglin | accepted by the public | 公認
konglip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
konglip | public; established by the public; publicly established | 公立
konglo | highway | 公路
konglo-kiok | highway bureau | 公路局
kongloan | be crazy, be mad, furor, craze, madness | 公亂; 狂亂
kongloxkiok | Department of highway transportation | 公路局
konglun | public opinion | 公論
konglut | public law, common law | 公律
kongløo | contribution; merit; services; merits; meritorious deeds; recompense | 功勞
kongmafpaai | ancestral tablets | 公媽牌; 祖先靈位
kongmar | ancestors | 公媽; 祖先; 祖宗
kongmar-paai | ancestor memorial tablet | 公媽牌; 祖先牌位
kongmngg | anus | 肛門
kongniuo | 100 grams | 公兩
kongpan | to take care of (some business openly; to manage in public; state owned; state run | 公辦
kongpeeng | just; fair | 公平
kongphaq | attack, assault | 攻打
kongpheeng | open comment; public comment; to criticize in public | 公評
kongphoax | to attack and conquer | 攻破
kongphvoax | to judge in public; public trial; bring (a case; person) to trial | 公判
kongpiao | make public, announce, proclaim | 公表; 表明
kongpoexsox | (in math.) common multiple | 公倍數
kongpok | public servant; government officials | 公僕
kongpox | to make public; to promulgate; to announce; public proclamation; promulgated; make public; announce | 公佈
kongpui | to bark wildly; to utter wild words; to yell like a mad dog; to yell nonsense | 狂吠
kongpvee thaixgu | treat fairly | 公平待遇
kongpvee | not fair | 公平
kongpvii | equitable; fair; equity | 公平
kongpwn | equally divided | 公分
kongpø | wild; fierce; furious | 狂暴
kongpøo | parents of one's husband | 公婆
kongpør | government insurance for public servants; government health insurance | 公保
kongpøx | an official bulletin; gazette; communique | 公報; 公佈
kongpøx-susiuu | take private revenge under guise of public justice | 公報私仇
kongsaekoarn | legation | 公使館
kongsaix | (in diplomacy) a minister | 公使
kongsaix-koarn | legation | 公使館
kongsarn | government or public property | 公產
kongsefng | a liter; 1,000 cc.; 1 L | 公升
kongsefngzhad | general examination (Catholic) | 公省察
kongseg | a formula; formula | 公式
kongsex | the offensive | 攻勢
kongsexng | a crazy personality; violent personality | 狂性
kongsi | (in law) public summons; (in law) service by public notification | 公示
kongsia | commune (Chinese Communist terminology) | 公社
kongsied piexnhoxjiin | public defense counsel | 公設辯護人
kongsied | public established | 公設
kongsiin | (in old China) a vassal or subject by meritorious service; (in modern sense) one who has made significant contribution to a specific task; meritorious statesman | 功臣
kongsiorng | violent thinking; wild views (of something) | 狂想
kongsiorng-kheg | rhapsody | 狂想曲
kongsirm | public trial | 公審
kongsirnlek | credibility | 公信力
kongsiuo | offense and defense; offense and defense | 攻守
kongsixn | believe fanatically, fanatical belief, religious fanaticism | 公信; 狂信
kongsoarn | public election; open election | 公選
kongsog | speed of light | 光速
kongsor | office; public place; office | 公所
kongsox | public prosecution; public prosecution; lawsuit | 公訴
kongsu | government office | 公署; 公事
kongsu-kongpan | public affairs should be managed with equity | 公事公辦
kongsuo | government office | 公署
kongsviaa | to attack a city | 功城
kongsw hab'eeng | state and private joint ownership | 公私合營
kongsw | public affairs, official business or duties | 公私
kongsy | a company; a firm; a corporation; trading company | 公司
kongsym | attack intelligently | 功心
kongsymphvoax | general judgment (Catholic) | 公審判
kongtaau | public ballot, public voting | 公投
kongtao | decaliter | 公斗
kongteg | an achievement or contribution; achievement or contribution to general welfare; virtuous deeds | 功德
kongteg-sym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
kongtek | luster; common enemy; public enemy | 光澤; 公敵
kongteksym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
kongteng | to conclude or sign (a contract; agreement; treaty; etc) openly; determined by the public | 公訂; 公定
kongtexngkex | official price | 公定價
kongthea | luminous body | 光體
kongtheeng | civil engineering | 工程
kongthengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
kongthiefn-hoarjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongthiefn-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongthiorng | public cemetery | 公塚
kongthok | major field, to study the major course, to study hard, to study | 公讀; 攻讀
kongthviaf | common central hall | 公廳; 正廳
kongtiabphvix | CD-ROMs | 光碟片
kongtiap | CD-ROMs | 光碟
kongtien-hauxexng | photoelectric effect | 光電效應
kongtng | decameter | 公丈
kongtngg | a court of law; court (obsolete) | 公堂
kongtoan | open decide; open decision | 公斷
kongtoat | to attack and take it with force | 攻奪
kongtoaxn | arbitration; impartial judgment | 公斷
kongtuxn | metric ton; 1000 kg; 1 Mg | 公噸
kongtvar | to attack; to raid; to invade; mount an attack; assault | 攻打
kongtø | justice; reasonable (prices); fair; impartial; just | 公道
kongtøxlaang | center person; peacemaker; adjusts the person; lu zhonglien | 魯仲連; 和事佬; 調人; 中人
kongzeg | meritorious deed, distinguished service | 公積; 功績
kongzekkym | reserve fund | 公積金
kongzerngjiin | a notary public; notary (public) | 公證人
kongzex | government bonds; public debt; public memorial ceremony | 公債; 公祭
kongzexng kiet'hwn | marriage legalized by a notary only | 公證結婚
kongzexng | to legalize an act or document by a notary public; to notarize; impartiality; just; fair | 公證; 公正
kongzexng-kiet'hwn | married by a justice of the peace | 公證結婚
kongzhaai | open judge; open decide | 公裁
kongzhaan | public field; public agricultural land | 公田
kongzhae | the luster; honorable; reputable; luster; brilliance; very richly decorated | 光彩
kongzhaf | (in math.) common difference | 公差; 數學公差
kongzhay | official assignments (usually involving travel); bearer of dispatch | 公差; 差遣
kongzhef | official errand | 公差
kongzhuo | attack and occupy | 攻佔; 攻取
kongzhux | public real estate (of same clan) | 公厝; 同族的共有房屋
kongzhuxn | decimeter | 公寸
kongzoarn | (said of the earth or other major planets) revolution around the sun; revolve round the sun | 公轉
kongzofng-iauxzor | reflect glory on one's ancestors | 光宗耀祖
kongzor | ancestor | 公祖; 祖先
kongzuo | a princess; polite designation for another's son | 公主; 公子; 光子
koniuu | young lady; Miss; Lady; unmarried girls | 姑娘
konor | childless old people | 孤老
konor-vi | nursing home for childless old people | 孤老院
koo bøextiaau | paste does not stick | 糊無住; 貼不住
koo | glue; paste; plaster; glue; paste; to glue; to paste | 糊; 敷; 貼; 爛
koo`khix | become pulp | 糊去; 煮爛
koo`tiaau | to stick tightly; to adhere tightly | 糊住
koo`tiøh | to stick to | 糊著
koong | eccentric; mad; crazy; mad; crazy; crazy about; in a hurry to; anxious to | 狂; 栱; 俇; 椼; 栱,
koong`khix | crazy | 狂去
kophiaq | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic; holding oneself aloof; disinclined to associate with others | 孤僻; 孤癖
kopiao | cousin | 姑表
kopiao-cymoe | paternal female cousins; a-ko's daughters | 姑表姊妹
kopiao-hviati | paternal male cousins; a-ko's sons | 姑表兄弟
kopiin | lonely and poor | 孤貧
kopud-jiciofng | to have to; must | 孤無而終; 不得已
koputciofng | cannot but; have no choice but; cannot help but; having no alternative but to do it; unavoidably; be compelled to do | 姑不將; 不得已; 無得不
kopvee | scaffold beside the altar | 孤棚
kopvii | scaffold beside the altar | 孤棚
kopøo | grand aunt; maiden lady; paternal grandfather's sister or any old woman of same clan and same genealogical rank; respectful address to old woman of same surname; a dedicated church woman similar to a Sister | 姑婆
kor lagzap | cobalt 60 | 鈷六十
kor zhek'ar | winnow un-hulled rice | 簸穀仔
kor | strong, firm, sturdy, secure, fixed, stubborn, render stable | 鼓; 估; 股; 古
koraix | cherish; treasure; take good care of | 顧愛; 抬愛; 愛護
korbea | buy | 購買
korboea | buy | 購買
korbun | an adviser; a consultant; a counsellor; advisor (as of a company) | 顧問
korbun-thoaan | advisory group | 顧問團
korbut-tiongsym | shopping center for second-hand goods | 購物中心
korbøea | buy; purchase | 購買
korbøeflek | purchasing power | 購買力
korchiu | an old tree | 古樹
korchviax | to employ or to hire | 僱請
korcib | obstinate; obstinacy; remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn | 固執
korciofng | a bug or breakdown (of a machine); malfunction; failure | 故障
korcioxng | hindrance; obstacle; difficulty; trouble; to break down | 故障
korcit | chronic illness | 痼疾
korhap | sexual intercourse | 性交; 媾合
korhii | carp (fish) | 鯉魚
korhiofng | native place; land; or province; hometown or village; homeland; birthplace | 故鄉
korhngg | one's hometown and the countryside around it | 故園
korhngg`ee | the person who is taking care of the garden or the park | 顧園的
korhoan | to offend knowingly or willfully; willful offense; offend willfully | 故犯
korhøo | to make peace | 媾和
koriuo | intrinsic, innate | 固有; 故友
koriuo-bengsuu | proper noun | 固有名詞; 專有名詞
koriuo-bunhoax | traditional culture (of a nation) | 固有文化
korix | deriberately, intentionally, purposely | 故意
korjieen | indeed; doubtless; even though | 固然
korjiin | old friend; former wife | 故人
korkafng | a hired labborer; to hire a laborer | 雇工
korkaw | an old friend | 故交
korkheq | clients; customers; patrons | 顧客
korkhiafm | modest; humble (Lit. over modest) | 謙遜; 過謙; 故謙; 謙卑
korki | scruples; fear; misgiving | 顧忌
korkib | consider even,, take into consideration also | 顧及
korkiofng | former palace; The Imperial Palace | 故宮
korkip | in consideration of; in view of; to care about; to take something into consideration | 顧及
korkiu | old friend | 故舊
korkog | one's mother-land | 故國
korkvaf | to look after the prison; to take care of the prison | 顧監; 看守監獄
korkveee | watchman | 更夫
korkvef | keep watch | 守更
korkvey`ee | watchman | 顧更的
korkvy | night vigil | 顧更; 守夜
korkw | former residence | 故居
korlang'oaxn | does not liked by the others; loathsome; inspiring dislike by one's appearance; action or manner | 顧人怨; 討人厭
korli | show concern about; be worried about | 顧慮
korliam | to care for; to be worried about | 顧念
korlie | home village; home town; native heath | 故里
korlieen | of course | 固然
korlo | monitoring the street | 顧路
korlu | show concern about; be worried about | 顧慮
kormee | keep night watch | 守夜
kormii | night vigil | 顧暝; 守夜
kormngg | guard the gate against invaders | 守門; 看門
kormngg`ee | doorkeeper | 看門的
korng bøexlaai | can not express it properly; can not speak so as to accomplish the purpose | 講無來
korng bøexliao | can not be fully told (since it is so great or long); can not enumerate all of them | 講無完
korng bøexsoaq | talk without the least intermission; keep on chattering | 講無停
korng bøexthofng | can't get through with my meaning; he is impenetrable: he won't listen | 講無通
korng bøloxlaai | cannot express it properly | 講無來
korng hausiauoe | bullshit | 講嘐潲話
korng kaux zøx kaux | practice one's promise | 說到做到
korng laang ee tngtea | criticize others; talk about the shortcomings of others | 說人長短
korng mxcvia'oe | conversation disagreeable; without actually quarrelling; have no topics of common interest | 糊說八道
korng nar bycyn | say in vain; say for nothing | 比喻說了也沒用
korng toaxsviaoe | brag | 講大聲話
korng | say; to talk; tell; to discourse | 講
korng'oaan | Taiwanese port ball | 貢丸
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
korng-goxng'oe | say absurd things; Nonsense! Don't be silly! | 說傻話
korng-peqzhat | to tell a lie | 講白賊
korng-putpeeng | complain of unfairness, grumble | 講無平; 發牢騷
korng-tøxlie | preach, speak justice, speak fairly | 講道理
korngcvii | squeeze money | 槓錢; 敲竹槓
korngguun | tribute money | 敲銀; 貢銀
kornghiexn | contribution; render services to | 貢獻
korngkarn | a lever | 槓桿
korngkhva'ar | sodomy (slang) | 槓坩仔; 雞姦; 男色
korngkw | to end up with nothing | 摃龜; 落空
kornglea | the presents offered as tribute | 貢禮
korngløo | to beat a gong | 摃鑼
korngmih | goods offered in tribute | 貢品; 貢物
korngphirn | articles of tribute | 貢品
korngphoax | to break; to smash; to break with a blow; to shatter | 敲破; 打破
korngsie | smash to death, beat to death | 摃死; 打死
korngthngg | the candy offered as tribute | 貢糖; 精緻糖
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
korngtoan | satin | 貢緞
korngzefng | to knock a bell; strike a bell with a stick | 敲鐘
korngzhuix | to smash to pieces | 摃嘴; 摃碎
koroaan | employee; underlings in government offices | 僱員; 雇員
korpexng | mergers and acquisitions | 購併
korpurn | to take care of the foundation; to take care the capital | 顧本
korpvi | to take care of the patients | 顧病; 照顧病人
korseeng | form; compose; constitute; organize; organization; construction; to form | 構成
korsiorng | an idea; a conception; a plan; a scheme | 構想
korsiuo | to defend or guard firmly; to adhere to; to stick to; guard and watch carefully | 固守; 看守
korsiøq | to value; to care for | 顧惜
korsu | story; stories; historical stories; old or past events | 故事
korsvatngx | to survive - ask for meals | 顧三頓
korsw | to weigh something mentally; to reflect | 構思
korteng zupurn | fixed capital | 固定資本
korteng | to fix; to make immovable; unfluctuating; fixed; firm; not movable; fixed; stationary; regular | 固定
korteng-parn | splint | 固定板; 夾板
korthaix | solidity; solid | 固態
korthea | a solid (as distinct from a liquid or a gas); solid (body) | 固體
korthea-ciaqmih | solid food | 固體食物
korthor | homeland | 故土
kortiautiaau | keep and guard carefully | 顧牢牢; 看得緊緊的
kortiaxm | look after a shop; manage a shop; mind the shop; tend the shop | 看店; 照顧店舖
kortiern | personal exhibition | 典故
kortix | to buy and install | 購置
kortiøh | show special consideration to | 顧到
kortof | a former capital | 故都
kortoo | composition | 構圖
korty | an old friend | 老友; 故知
korviar | different; peculiar | 異影
korviu | different; peculiar | 異樣
korzhux | stay home | 看家; 顧厝
korzoaan | for the interest of the whole; for the sake of the country; organization; etc. | 顧全
korzuo | employer; employer (This term is only used on official documents). In colloquial Taiwanese usually thau-ke is used. Under the influence of Mandarin lau-pan is frequently used | 雇主
korzø | structure; framework; build; formation | 構造
korzøxseg | structural formula | 構造式
koseg | to be indulgen; to be over lenient toward; to be easy with; to spoil (a child); (a policy of) appeasement | 姑息
kosngf | unneighborly and unfriendly; e.g.; unwilling to lend a hand or do a favor; selfish and disobliging | 孤霜; 個性孤獨; 孤癖吝嗇
kosu | solitary islet | 孤嶼
kosviaa | solitary city; an isolated city | 孤城
kosvy | bear one child only | 孤生; 獨生
kosyn | one lonely and friendless person | 孤身; 單身
kosøx | dry; listless; languid | 枯燥
kotaa | dried and charred | 枯焦
kotaf | dry and withered; dried up (trees) | 枯乾; 乾枯; 枯焦
kotak | unneighborly and unfriendly; e.g.; unwilling to lend a hand or do a favor; selfish and disobliging | 孤各; 孤獨; 癖吝嗇
kotay | ancient times | 鮕鮘
koteazhuo'ar | house alone by itself | 孤塊厝仔; 獨屋
koteazhux | solitary house; isolated dwelling | 孤塊厝; 獨門獨戶
kotefng | lonely and helpless; poor and friendless | 孤丁
kothioong | hookworm | 勾暖; 鉤蟲
kothofng | to bring about unobstructed interlow of (feelings; ideas; etc.); to act as an intermediary for promotion of mutual understanding or bridging the gap of differences; bring about unobstructed interflow of (feelings; ideas); to act as an intermediary for promotions of mutual understanding or bridging the gap of differences | 溝通
kotiaau | glued | 糊住
kotiaau`leq | glued or pasted firmly | 糊住的; 黏住
kotiaule | glued or pasted firmly | 糊住, 黏住
kotok | solitary (orphan or widow who lives alone) | 孤獨; 狐獨
kotviu | uncle (father's sister's husband); husband of father's sisters | 姑丈
kotvoaf | single; alone; helpless; friendless; unaccompanied; solitary; solitary; alone | 孤單; 狐單
kotør | a solitary island; an isolated island | 孤島
kovoaxsør | mutually marry daughter to each other | 姑換嫂
kown-huxgi | act ungratefully after receiving kindness; favor | 辜恩負義
kox bixnphøee | take care of one's reputation; have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kox bixnzuo | have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kox taixkiok | pay heed to the whole matter; for the interests of the whole | 顧大局
kox zeeng bøo kox au | Take care of what is in front of you but not what is behind you. ─ Not to consider consequences | 顧前無顧後
kox zhuix bøo kox syn | care only about food; careless about one's dress (appearance) | 只顧吃的; 無顧穿的
kox | take care of; be considerate of; take into consideration; employ; to hire | 雇; 顧; 故; 照顧; 只顧; 看; 僱
kox-kaki | egotistical, selfish | 顧自己; 只顧自己
koxkvia'ee | walk alone | 用走的
koxng | beat; strike; strike or beat with an instrument or implement; to beat; give a blow | 貢; 摃; 俇; 打; 誑; 廣; 擊
koxng-khva'ar | buggery, sodemy | 摃鍋仔; 男色; 雞姦
koxng-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 摃電報
koxng`cih | to hit to break | 打斷
koxng`tiøh | was hitted; was beatted | 摃著; 打著了
kozoar | (in medicine) a kind of edible film for wrapping medicine of bitter taste; paste paper | 糊紙
kozuo | a male bereaved of his father | 孤子
kozux | (of a gambler) to stake all on a single throw of the dice | 孤注
kuiekog | (a polite expression) your country | 貴國
kuikofng | to give the credit to; to hold someone responsible for a success; give credit for | 歸功
kuikog | to return to one's fatherland; return to one's native land | 歸國; 規國
kukoaix | odd; queer; eccentric | 古怪
kukoax | divination on tortoise shell | 龜蓋; 龜卦
kukofng | to claim credit | 居功
kuliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
kunchym-tiekox | deep-rooted; time-honored; firmly established; deeply entrenched | 根深蒂固
kunkoaan | sovereignty; monarchical power | 君權
kunkoaf | war (marching) song; martial chant | 軍歌
kunkoaxn | military dependants | 軍眷
kunkofng | military achievements; meritorious military service; military merits (services) | 軍功
kunkog | military country; militant nation | 軍國
kunkog-zwgi | militarism | 軍國主義
kunsu korbuxnthoaan | military advisory group | 軍事顧問團
kunzuo kokkaf | monarchy | 君主國家
kunzwkog | a monarchy | 軍資國; 君主國
kuozai lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kuxkoafn | former appearance; previous look; former condition | 舊觀
kuxkofng | grand-uncle (grand-mother's brother) | 舅公
kuy kong'eeng ho .. | give glory to...; glorify | 歸光榮給 …
kuykoaix | ghosts and monsters; specters; evil sprites; ghosts and goblins | 鬼怪
kuymngg-koafn | the gate to the land of ghosts | 鬼門關
kuymngkoafn | front door of Hades | 鬼門關
kvafkorng | Is it possible...?; Do you really mean to say...?Is it true that...? | 敢講; 難道
kvar khix mxkvar korng | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kvar korng | courageous enough to express one's beliefs | 敢講
kvekor | watchman's drum | 更鼓
kvi'afkoea | yellowish jelly made of flour together with a little alkali | 鹼仔粿
kviekoex | have seen | 見過
kvikor | large drum on which night watches are signaled (obsolete) | 更鼓
kvoafkoong | in haste, in a flutter | 趕狂; 趕忙
kvoakoarn | hepatic duct | 肝管
kvoakor | stocks held by the government | 官股
kwnzuie-koaxn | thermos bottle; vacuum bottle | 滾水罐; 熱水瓶
kwnzuykoaxn | thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
kyn'iaux-koanthaau | critical moment | 緊要關頭
køeakoafn | go through a critical period | 過關; 得逞
køehkofng | eastern cuckoo | 雞公
køehkongciao | | 郭公鳥
køekoafn | cock's comb | 雞冠
køhkoar | more | 更寡; 再多一些
køkoafn | high ranking officers | 高官
kørjinkoaan | personal rights | 個人權
køsog-konglo | freeway; speedway; superhighway | 高速公路
laam-koan'ym | tenor | 男高音; 男懸音
laaokopøo | old lady | 老姑婆
labkoafn | pay tax | 納捐
labkoex | paid | 納過
labkoxng | to offer tributes as a vassal state | 納貢; 進貢
lafmkoaan | to grab power; be in the saddle | 攬權
lafmkongsøq | cable | 攬綱索
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lagkoaan | grab power | 抓權
lai'afkoef | musk-melons | 梨仔瓜
lai'ekorng | come to talk | 來的講
laikoex | have come | 來過
laikorng | come to tak | 來講
laixgoaxkofng | grandfather and maternal grandfather | 內外公
laixkofng | grandfather; the art of building up one's strength through breathing and other exercises of the internal organs; exercise and training of internal organs to develop uncanny strength; feats; endurance (in Chinese boxing) | 內公; 內功?; 祖父
laixkofng-goaxexng | attack (an enemy) simultaneously from within and without; subjected to synchronized attack from within and without | 內攻外應
lamhvoaikonglo | Southern Cross-Island Highway | 南橫公路
lamkoarn | southern music orgin from China; songs in Amoy colloquial | 南管
lamkoef | pumpkin | 南瓜
lamlie koanhe | relations between the sexes | 男女關係係
lang cvikor | play the tambourine | 舞手鼓; 弄鼓
langkoanharntoa | big guy | 人懸漢大
langkorng | it is said that | 人說; 據說
lankoafn | (n) difficult point; a crisis; difficult to pass over (like a mountain pass) (as when things are burdensome and poverty makes it difficult to pass the new-year season and pay the debts); barrier; obstacle | 難關
lankoaix | no wonder; no wonder that | 難怪
lankoarn | intractable, difficult to deal with | 難管
larngkoex | next | 閬過
lau-kongkuxn | old bachelor | 老光棍; 老練的騙子
lau-zofkofng | father's father's father; paternal great grandfather | 老祖公; 曾祖父
laukoex | flow past | 流過
laukoong | strong wall-to-wall beam on which a loft can be laid | 橫樑
lauxakofng | old man | 老頭子; 老人
lauxangkongpøar | old couple | 老翁公婆仔
lauxkoaf | old song | 老歌
lauxkoebuo | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxkoef | old street | 老街
lauxkofng | husband | 老公
lauxkoftorng | antique; an ultraconservative | 老古董
lauxkofzuy | old and being cute | 老古錐
lauxkong'ar | old man | 老頭仔; 老人
lauxkoniuu | old spinster; old maid | 老姑娘
lauxkopøo | old aunty | 老姑婆
lauxkorkheq | old customers | 老顧客
lauxkotvoaf | old and lonely | 老孤單
lauxtoaxkofng | old man | 老大公
lauxzofkofng | male ancestors | 老祖公
lauxzwkox | old customer | 老主顧
laxm'iong citkoaan | misuse one's powers; abuse one'so+D318 authority; wide misuse of official authority | 濫用職權
laxmsarm korng | talk at random; speak falsely | 亂散講
laxngkoayafhoef | play ? | 弄枴仔花
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
lefkoaxn | gift certificate; gift coupon sold by a shop; which the recipient may convert into goods | 禮券; 禮卷
lefngsu koafn'oaan | staff of a consulate | 領事館員
lefngsu-koarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngsuxkoarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
legsuo-koafn | historical view or concept | 歷史觀
lengkoaf | spiritual song | 靈歌
lengkoafn | emperor's crown | 龍冠
lengkofng | natural inclination for goodness in a person (in Buddhism); strange light; divine light | 靈光
lengkor | ring and drump | 鈴鼓
lengkoxng | big guns | 龍槓; 大砲
liah-sykoad | persistent; stubborn | 掠死訣; 固執
liaqkoaan | to grab power | 掠權
liaqkoong | ecstasy | 捉狂
liaqzwnkorng | though it was ... | 若準講
liaukoex | pass by | 蹽過
liauxkoarn | a lumber company | 料館
liauzhakoarn | timber shop | 撩柴館
liaxmkoa'ar | sing | 唸歌仔
liaxmkoaf | to sing songs | 念歌; 唸歌; 唱歌
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-koaan | legislative power | 立法權
libhoatkoaan | legislative authority or power | 立法權
libkofng | to render distinguished service; a achieve distinction; establish one's merit; perform meritorious acts | 立功
libkog | to found a kingdom; or create a nation; found a state | 立國
libkor | invest in shares | 入股
lidkongtefng | fluorescent light | 日光燈
liedkog | the different countries; the nations of the world; all countries; various kingdoms various states or nations | 列國
liedsegkoaan | right of entry | 列席權
lien khiekofng | practice breathing; imbibe energy | 練氣功
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
lienhap kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap-kog | the United Nations | 聯合國
lienhap-kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienkoad | link | 連結
lienkoafn | end of a year | 年關
lienkoarnsexng | continuity | 聯貫性
lienkoaxn | be connected; links; connection; links; link; string together | 連貫; 聯貫
lienkoaxn-sexng | continuity | 連貫性
lientaix-koanhe | direct succession; affiliated relationship; associations | 連帶關係
liexnkoaf | practice singing | 練歌
liexnkofng | practice | 練功
liko'afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
likoafm | nunnery | 尼姑庵
likof | nun | 尼姑
likof-afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
likovi | a nunnery | 尼姑院
linkoaxn | milk jug | 奶罐; 乳罐
linkog | neighboring states | 鄰國
linlongkor | a rattle | 麟籠鼓; 玲瑯鼓; 撥浪鼓
linsimputkor | immortal | 人心無古
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liofngkofng | slack | 兩光
liofngkongliofngkofng | slack | 兩光兩光
liogkog | the Six countries | 六國; 五穀
liongsw hengkog | Good teachers can help bring a nation to power | 良師興國
liorngkoaan | jump to reach out | 躍高
liuhengkoa'ar | pop songs | 流行歌仔
liuhengkoaf | popular song | 流行歌
liuhofng chienkor | hand down a fine reputation; be honored by all generations | 流芳千古
liukofng | snake; serpent | 巨蟒 [*]
liukongzuxn | Liugongjun which is a system of canals in Taipei | 瑠公圳
liuxkoea | steam the hardened rice cake | 餾粿
lixhai-koanhe | have a concern in | 利害關係
lixkoaan | rights and privileges | 利權
loaxnkoaf | love song | 戀歌
loaxnkorng | (n) ballocks; blather; (vi) blather; talk nonsense; drivel; to make irresponsible remarks; speak foolishly or recklessly; speak without thought or regard for facts and truth; say what should not be said | 亂講
loaxnloaxnkorng | to talk nonsense | 亂亂講
loexkofng | the exercise and training of internal organs to develop uncanny strength; feats; endurance (in Chinese boxing) | 內功
loexkorsuun | steroid | 內固醇
loexkox buiw | no anxiety about the home or family | 內顧無憂
loexkox cy iw | worries about trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexkox | to look after domestic affairs | 內顧
loexkox-cy-iw | worries for trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexzo cy kofng | through the assistance of one's wife | 內助之功
lofkofciøh | an ultra-conservative | 老古石; 硓𥑮石; 花崗岩; 老古板
logko'afmoaai | muddy | 漉糊仔糜
logko'afmoee | muddy | 漉溝仔糜
logkoafn zwgi | optimism | 樂觀主義
logkoafn | optimism; donate; donate voluntarily | 樂觀; 樂捐
logkobe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkobee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoaai | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoee | muddy | 漉糊糜
longgiap-kog | agricultural country | 農業國
longkoad | sweep the board | 囊括
loxhoad chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮衝冠
loxko'afmoee | muddy | 路溝仔糜
loxkobee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxkomoaai | muddy | 路糊糜
loxkomoee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxng kor | drumming | 挵鼓
loxngkoaan | abuse one's authority | 弄權
loxngkoad | to sweep up everything | 弄決
loxngkuie-loxngkoaix | set people against one another by carrying tales; cause others to quarrel; tease dogs and make them fight | 弄鬼弄怪; 挑撥離間
ludsw konghoe | bar; law association | 律師公會
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
luii kor | drumming | 擂鼓
luikofng sihnax | thunder and lightning | 雷電交加
luikofng | thunder God; god of thunder | 雷公
luikofng-bin | a ferocious face | 凶惡貌; 雷公面
luikofng-ciao | Lagopus mutus | 雷公鳥; 雷鳥
luikofng-zhuix | loud voice | 雷公嘴; 大聲公
luikongsexng | bad tempor | 雷公性
luikor | to beat a drum | 擂鼓
luixkor | drumming immediately; drumming one after another | 礌鼓; 擂鼓; 緊接打鼓
luo-koafnkef | woman head servant | 女管家
luo-koazhvef | female singer | 女歌星
luxncinkorng | speaking the truth | 論真講
luxnkofng hengsviuo | reward according merits; evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luxnkofng-hengsviuo | to evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
lwjinkog | country with females only | 女人國
lwkoaan | women's rights | 女權
lwkoarn | hotel; inn | 旅館
lwkoaxn | the female members of a family | 女眷
lwkongzuo | princess | 女公主
lyjinkog | kingdom where all the people are females | 女人國
lykoaan uxntong | women's lib | 女權運動
lykoaan | women's rights | 女權
lykoarn | hotel | 旅館
lykoaxn | female members of a family | 女眷
lykongzuo | your daughter (a polite reference to another's daughter); daughter of a famous personality | 女公子
lym`koex | have drank | 啉過
lysiofngkog | an ideal state; a Utopia | 理想國
lysuxkog | member country of the United Nations Security Council | 理事國
løfkofciøh | coarse coral; coral reef | 珊瑚礁
løkofsay | gong and drum master | 鑼鼓師
løkofzhef | gong | 鑼鼓吹
løkor | gongs and drums | 鑼鼓
løkor-tin | array of gong and drum | 鑼鼓陣
løkox | secure | 牢固
løo jii buu kofng | toil in vain; fruitless attempt | 勞而無功
løo-jii-bukofng | work hard but no reward | 勞而無功
løqkoex | fell | 落過
løqkvekor | midnight drump | 落更鼓
maekorng | say no more | 莫講
maftøx-sengkofng | to win success immediately upon arrival; to gain an immediate victory; to win instant success | 馬到成功
maix korng | Don't talk; Don't tell. (him) | 無要說
maixkog | quisle; treason; betray country | 賣國
maixkokzhat | one who collaborates with an enemy country; a traitor (to one's country) | 賣國賊
meqkor | pulse drum | 脈鼓
mexkoeaaq | scolded | 罵過矣
mixhwnkoea | flour kueh | 麵粉粿
mixhwnkoo | roux | 麵粉糊
mixsvoarkoo | noodle paste | 麵線糊
mngkoong | strong upright bar fastened inside of a door; for keeping out robbers | 門樑; 門栱; 門閂; 閂門的大橫槓
mngxkoaxn | interrogative | 問卷
mngxkoex | asked | 問過
mngxkorng | ask | 問講
moafsiekoex | everywhere | 滿四界
moelangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
mokoarn hiexnsiong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon | 毛管現象; (作用)
mokof | mushroom; white mushroom | 蘑菇
mozhaykoaxn | lottery slip | 摸彩券
muilangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
mxkoafnlaq | don't care | 毋管啦
mxkoarn | be unwilling to oversee, no matter whether, no matter which, unaccustomed to | 毋管; 不管
mxkoarnsix | not accustomed to | 毋慣習; 不慣
mxkoaxn | not accustomed to | 毋慣; 不習慣
mxkoeasym | cannot bear the thought of it (e.g., of leaving one's family to go abroad), feel very much grieved and dissatisfied with one's self for what one has done (e.g. for injuring one's own child) | 過意不去, 不放心
mxkorng | won't say | 毋講
neakoaan | lift one's feet on toes | 墊高
ng'kogkef | play hide-and-seek | 捉迷藏
ng'kogkøef | play hide-and-seek | 掩咯雞
ngf koaf | yangko; a popular rural folk dance in China | 秧歌
ngkhofkoef | hid and seek | 掩苦雞
ngkimkoarn | gold pavilion | 黃金館
ngkoe'ar | musk melon; cucumis melo | 香瓜仔
ngkoef | cucumber | 黃瓜; 小黃魚; 胡瓜
ngkogkef | hide and seek | 掩咯雞; 捉迷藏
ngkogkoef | play hide-and-seek | 掩咯雞
niar`koex | had received | 領過
niauthauciawkog | owl | 貓頭鳥國
niekoaan | lift with tip-toe | 踮高
nikoafm | nunnery, Buddhist nun's temple | 尼姑庵
nikoafn | the end of the year (when all accounts have to be settled); so called because it is like a mountain pass; not easy to cross | 年關
nikof | Buddhist nun | 尼姑
nikof-afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
nikoftefng | nicotine | 尼古丁
niukoong | ridgepole | 棟樑
nngfkoax | soft bone of a baby's skull | 軟掛; 軟頭蓋骨
nngrkoex | climb through | 穿過
nngxkoarn'ar | two cans | 兩罐仔
noafkoea | knead dough for cakes | 揉粿糰
noaxkobee | soft mud; mire | 爛糊泥; 爛糊糜; 爛泥
noaxkokoo | broken is unable to withstand; pulpy; rotten is thin; rottenly sticks | 爛糊糊; 殘破無堪; 稀爛
noaxkomoear | muddy | 爛糊糜仔
noxhoad-chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮沖冠
nuix`koex | crawl; creep; reeve; cross | 穿過
nykor | ear-wax | 耳垢
oadkoaan | go beyond one's commission; act without authorization; overstep the bounds of one's own authority | 越權
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
oankofngmngg | round doors, mostly without door panels | 圓栱門
oankongkiøo | round column bridge | 圓栱橋
oankongmngg | arched doorway; hollow out a rat hole until it becomes an arch ─ make a trifling matter become very serious, make a mountain out of a mole hill | 彎栱門; 圓栱門; 拱門
oaqkoex | survived | 活過
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oefaftangkoef | shorty | 矮仔冬瓜
oexkoafn | talk off | 話關
oexsefng kokkaf | satellite (country); satellite nations | 衛星國家
oexzhvef kokkaf | satellite (country); satellite nations | 衛星國家
ofngkor | in ancient times | 往古
okongzuyseg | lake light | 湖光水色
okorng | oboe | 黑管; 烏管
okutkoef | silky chicken | 烏骨雞
ongkoaan | authority of a king; imperial powers | 王權
ongkoafn | crown | 王冠
ongkof | husband's parents | 翁姑
ongkog | kingdom; realm | 王國
opeh-korng | talk nonsense; drivel; (adj) babbling; (n) nonsense; blather; guff; waffle; (vi) blather; haver | 亂講話
opeqkorng | say any old thing | 黑白講
othngkoea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
oxkoea | cakes made of rice and taro | 芋粿
oxkoefkhiaw | Taiwanese taro pastry | 芋粿曲
paai`koex | arranged | 排過
padkog | other countries | 別國
paekoex`ee | worshiped | 拜過的
paekongmar | worship ancients | 拜公媽
pafnkoaan chimhai | infringement of copyright; literary piracy | 版權侵害
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
pafnkoaan swioxnghuix | royalties on books | 版權使用費
pafnkoaan | copyright | 版權
pafnkor | a small drum | 板鼓
pagkengkoaan | rights of tenant farmer | 租耕權
pahhex kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahhoex kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahhøex-kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahkog | grains of all kinds | 百穀
paihoee koanbong | take an observer's seat; see but cannot make up one's mind; wait and see; wait for the dust to settle | 徘徊觀望
paikhiekorng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paikhix-korng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paisietkoarn | discharge tube | 排泄瓶; 排泄管
paix kongmar | worship ancestors, reverence, honor the ancestors | 拜公媽
paix zofkofng | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paixciernkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
paixkog | a defeated nation; ruined country; ruin a nation | 敗國
paizuie-korng | drainage pipeline | 排水管
paizuykorng | drainpipe | 排水管
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
pakkoarlo | a meaze | 八卦路; 迷陣
pakkoarn | northern wind instruments; northern style orchestration | 北管; 北管曲
pakkoax | the Eight Diagrams in Chinese mythology | 八卦
pakkoef | northern squash | 北瓜
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
pan konghoea'ar | play house; playing at house keeping | 辦公夥仔; 辦家家酒
pan-konghøea | [[paxnkonghøefar]]; play house (children) | 辦公夥; 扮公伙; 家家酒
pan-konghøea'ar | play | 辦公夥仔; 辦家家酒
pang'okkoafn | house tax | 房屋捐 (稅)
pangkoafn | house tax | 房捐
pangkoafn-soex | property tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansoex | house tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansøex | house tax | 房捐稅
pangkog | countries that have formal relationships | 邦國
parkoaan | hegemony; tyranny; authority of a powerful feudal prince; hegemony | 霸權; 篡奪別人的職權
parkog | the domination of one nation over its allies | 霸國
parngkoaan | decentralization | 放權
parngkof | scatter caltrops; thistle on the road or field so that thieves will injure their bare feet | 佈鐵蒺藜
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
patkoarsvoameh | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山脈
patkoarsvoaterng | top of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山頂
patkoax | the eight diagrams in Chinese mythology; Ba-kua; the EIGHT DIAGRAMS; consisting of an arrangement of single and divided lines in eight groups of three lines; used as an amulet | 八卦; 椰子蟹
patkor | old fashioned, corny, trite | 八哥; 八古; 八股
pauafkoea | bun kuih | 包仔粿
paukoad zaixlai | include in it | 包括在內
paukoad | include; cover; embody; add in; contain; include; comprise; contain; to cover; to embrace; take in; be covered; stipulated or contained in a contract or agreement | 包括
paukoarn | take care; manage | 包管
paukog | corn | 包穀
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
paxkoafn | quit | 罷官
paxnkoex | done | 辦過
paxnkofng sikafn | office hours | 辦公時間
paxnkofng | work for public office; do business with the public; transact official business; do office work; attend to business | 辦公
paxnkofng-seg | office, department room | 辦公室
paxnkofng-tøq | office desk | 辦公桌
paxnkonghefar | child's play | 扮公伙仔
paxnkonghoefar | child's play | 扮公伙仔
paxnkonghuix | special administration allowances (paid to the head of an office in addition to the regular salary) | 辦公費
paxnkongkehoea | child's play | 扮公家伙
paxnkongkehoefar | child's play | 扮公家伙仔
paxnkongseg | office; office space | 辦公室
paxnkongthviaf | place for transaction of public business | 辦公廳
paxnkongtøhterng | office desk | 辦公桌頂
paxnkongzhux | office | 辦公處
peakog | my (self-depreciatory term); our country | 敝國
pefkoafn | guard a gate in a pass | 把關
pefngkoex | turn upside down | 翻過
pefngkofng zhwlie | act strictly according to official procedures or rules | 秉公處理
pefngkofng | act justly | 秉公; 秉公處理
pehkoaan-pehke | climb about everywhere (like overactive child) | 爬上爬下
pehkoanpehke | up and down | 𬦰懸𬦰低
pehkofng | the father of an elder uncle; paternal grandfather's elder brother | 伯公; 伯祖父
pehkongzor | elder brother of great-grandpa | 父公祖; 曾伯祖父
pengkoaan | military leadership; military power; authority to make military decisions | 兵權; 平權
pengkofng-bagkviax | flat light glasses | 平光目鏡
pengkongkviax | flat light mirror | 平光鏡
pengkyn texkoaan | equalization of land rights (envisaged by Dr Sun Yat-sen; with a three-fold measure ─ purchase of private land at the values declared; levy of land tax at the land value assessed and government takeover of increment of land value) | 平均地權
peqhietkiuu koeatøf | leukemia | 白血球過多
peqkoaxn | eastern white stork | 白卷; 白鸛
peqkof | white mold | 白黴; 白霉
peqkofng | albino | 白公; (患皮膚色素缺乏症之人)
peqkorng | to waste one's breath; to speak in vain; might as well not have said it at all | 白說; 白講
peqzaxmkoef | white chicken meat | 白鏨雞
pexkofng tie'ixm`ee | obtained by inheritance | 受祖蔭的
pexkongsarn | ancestral estate | 爸公產; 祖產
pexkongzor | legacy; inheritance | 爸公產; 祖產
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
phafngkoex | spinned | 紡過
phagkoex | exposed to the sun | 曝過
phahkoealaai | hit it back | 拍過來
phahkoex | hit | 拍過
phahkogkef | cackling of a hen (as after laying an egg) | 喀喀啼; 母雞下蛋後的叫聲
phahkokkef | a groaning sound made by a hen after laying an egg | 拍咯雞
phahkor | beat a drum; to drum | 打鼓
phahløkor | play gongs and drums | 打鑼鼓; 敲鑼鼓
phahløqkofng | confiscate | 打落公; 充公
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahzhuiekor | gossip; | 拍喙鼓
phangkoear | cantaloupe | 芳瓜仔
phangkoef | musk melon; cantaloupe | 香瓜; 芳瓜
phangkorngkoxng | sweet smelling; savory; appetizing | 香噴噴
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phaq zhaekor | make the slightly higher ridges in a vegetable garden for planting vegetables | 造菜圃種菜
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq-kogkef | hen cry; cluck-cluck cries | 咯咯啼; 母雞叫聲
phaq-kongkef | share the cost | 打公家; 共同出錢
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
phawkoex | ran | 跑過
phaykorng | hard to say | 歹講
pheakor | allotment | 配股
phengkor | estimate; evaluate | 評估
pherngkox | hire | 聘僱
phiauviuu koeahae | sail across an ocean | 漂洋過海
phiauzurn kokgie | Mandarin Chinese; Mandarin | 標準國語
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phienkoeakhix | fooling people | 蹁過去
phienkoealaai | fooling people | 蹁過來
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phiørkoaxn | ticket | 票券
phiørkoex | be bleached | 漂過
phoankor | P'an-Ku, originator of heaven and earth | 盤古
phoarkoafn | broken coffin | 破棺
phoarkoef | reaching 16 years of age (said of a girl); deflower a virgin | 破瓜
phoarkokoo | ragged (clothes); smashed to smithereens | 破糊糊
phoarkor | broken drum | 破鼓
phoea'exkoex | suitable worthy of | 配得過; 配得上
phoeaexkoex | suitable worthy of | 配得過, 配得上
phoeakor | allotment | 配股
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phogkofng | exposure (in photography) | 曝光
phogkofng-piør | photometer, exposure-meter | 曝光錶; 曝光表
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokkor-thongkyn | knowledgeable | 博古通今
phokkorng | full of air and protrude | 凸管; 凸起而內包空氣
phokong'efng | dandelion; cow weed | 蒲公英
phongkofng | bladder (physiology) | 膀胱
phorngkorng | convex tube | 凸管
phoxngkofng | a bladder | 膀胱
phuloxngkoxng | float | 浮浪貢
phuu iuciaqkoea | deep fried twisted dough sticks | 炸油條
phvae-kofng'oe | difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; not easy to communicate | 歹講話; 難開口,; 難說服; 無好說話
phvaixkor | carrying a drum | 揹鼓
phvarkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 荒謬; 虛構的故事; 無實之事
phvaykoex | hard to get by | 歹過
phvaykorng | hard to say; hard to speak (out); not suitable to talk about; hard to explain | 難講; 無好講; 說不定
phvaysex-korng | excuse me | 歹舒講; 無好意思
phvaytangkofng'ar | bad copper tube | 歹銅管仔
phvixkoex | smelled | 鼻過
phvixkorng | nasal cavity; nasal passages | 鼻管; 鼻孔; 鼻腔; 鼻樑
phvixuixkorng | nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管
phvoarkoad | pronounce judgment; legal decision; legal judgment; verdict; sentence; to hand down a sentence; to judge | 判決
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoarkoatsw | verdict; sentence in writing | 判決書
phyju korng | for an example (e.g.) | 譬喻講
phynkoarn | quality control; relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 品管
phøkofng | the glisten of waves | 蒲公; 波光
phørkoea | some kind of rice cake | 泡粿
phørkofng | in vain; useless | 破功
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
pi pøfhoxkog | protectorate | 被保護國
piakkofti | drumsticks | 煏鼓箸
piakkor | drum | 煏鼓
piawbixnsiong ee koanhe | external relations | 表面上的關係
piawkoad | decide by vote; put to a vote | 表決
piawkoatkoaan | the franchise; the right to vote | 表決權
piefn`koealaai | turn over | 扳過來
piekoad | secret method; secrets of an art; a key to | 密訣; 祕訣; 竅門; 秘訣
piekoafn sitai | period of isolationism | 閉關時代
piekoafn | to shut the entry, shut the gate | 閉關
pien'egkoarn | compilation library | 編譯館
pienkoaf | compose a song | 編歌
pienkoafn | border | 邊關
pienkor | make up a story | 編古; 編故事
piernkoax | to change plan originally pledged or known; break one's promise; change one's mind | 變卦
piernkox | unexpected; unforeseen happenings; accident; misfortune; mishap | 變故
piexntongkoax | bento box cover | 便當蓋
pikoaf | song of lament; elegy | 悲歌
pikoafn zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義; 厭世主義
pikoafn | disappointed; pessimistic; pessimism; to look on the dark side of; in despair | 悲觀
pikoafn-ciar | a pessimist | 悲觀者
pikoafn-zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義
pin'gikoarn | funeral parlor; cemetery | 殯儀館
pingikoarn | a funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pinhae konglo | highway along the sea | 濱海公路
pinkoarn | guest-house; inn; hotel | 賓館
pirngii-koarn | a funeral home | 殯儀館
pirngikoarn | funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pitkoax | pen cap | 筆蓋
pitkorng | pen tube | 筆管
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixgek-koong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
piøfkoad | to put to vote | 錶蓋; 表決
poadkoafn | pull off | 拔關
poaqkoax | divine with turtle shells; to divine by the Eight Diagrams | 卜卦
poarnkofng poarnthok | work half a day; study half a day; to work one's way through school; a self supporting (working) student | 半工半讀
poarnkuikoarn | semicircular canal | 半規管
poaxnkog | treasonable; treachery; commit high treason; sedition | 叛國
poaxnkokloo | traitor (to one's country) | 叛國奴; 賣國賊
poeako'ar | plaster paste | 塗糊仔
poekoaan | fly high | 飛懸
poekoex | fly over | 飛過
poephvoaxkoex | accompanied | 陪伴過
pokciawkoax | divine by having a bird pick out one lot from several | 卜鳥卦
pokkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
pokkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
pokkox | refute | 駁顧
pokong'efng | dandelion | 蒲公英
pokongzhao | dandelion | 蒲公草
pongkoafn | to be on the sidelines; to observe from the sidelines; stand by; remain a spectator | 旁觀
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar | on looker; bystander | 旁觀者
pongkofng kietciøh | calculus of the bladder; bladder stone | 膀胱結石
pongkofng | bladder (physiology) | 膀胱
pongkofng-iam | cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongkong'iam | inflammation of the bladder; cystitis | 膀胱炎
porkog | eastern cuckoo | 布穀; 杜鵑
porkog-ciao | the cuckoo | 布穀鳥
portexhiekoarn | puppet show theater | 布袋戲館
porzhankorng | farming tube | 佈田管
poxkongtaqtao | don't have money | 步光踏斗; 形容一毛錢也沒有
poxngkofng | the bladder | 膀胱
poxpo koarnsw | instill | 步步灌輸
pudkofng | Buddha | 佛公
pukongzhaix | kale | 羽衣甘藍; 芥藍
punkoekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkoekuy | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿
put'gvafkoafn | awkward, ugly | 無雅觀; 不雅觀
put'koansym | indifferent, indifference | 無關心; 不關心
putkoad | irresolute, undetermined | 無決
putkoafnsii | anytime | 無管時
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putkoarn | to disregard; disregard; neglect; let it be as it is; no matter which... | 無管; 不管
putkoaxn | unaccustomed to | 無慣; 不慣
putkofng | unjust, unfair | 無公
putkox | disregard | 無顧; 不顧; 不夠
putkuie-putkoaix | dress; make up ugly; unsightly | 無鬼不怪; 打扮得很難看
putty seakox | ignorant of the world | 無知世故
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puxkoex | hatched | 孵過
pvexkox | die of illness | 病故
pviarkoex | overcame | 拚過
pviekoaix | to do mischief; to cause trouble | 作怪
pviekoong | become mad | 變狂; 發瘋
pviekuie pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 裝鬼作怪
pviekuie-pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 變鬼變怪
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvixkox | to die of a disease | 病故
pvoaf-korsu | act out a story | 演故事; 演劇
pvoakoex | climb over | 翻過
pvoasvoaf koeaniar | cross mountains | 翻山越嶺
pvoasvoakoeaniar | over the ridge | 盤山過嶺
pvoax kofgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax kongkhay | semi-open | 半公開
pwnkog | one's own country; one's home country; native country; this country; one's home country; one's mother country | 本國
pwnkokguo | vernacular | 本國語
pwnkoklaang | fellow countryman; compatriot | 本國人
pwnkongsy | our company | 本公司
pyju korng | for instance; take an illustration; for example; figuratively speaking | 比喻說
pylun korng | for instance; for example | 比如說
pyluxnkorng | for example | 比論講
pøehkor | eight threads entwined together | 八股
pøexkog | back country | 背國
pøfhiarm kongsy | insurance company | 保險公司
pøfho-kog | protectorate | 保護國
pøfhoxkog | protectorate | 保護國
pøfkoafnhuix | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoafnjiin | custodian | 保管人
pøfkoafnliau | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoarn | have in custody; manage property; take care of; have a thing in one's charge; safekeeping | 保管
pøfkog | protect country | 保國
pøfkox | guarantee delivery in good shape within time limit | 保固
pøfunkoaxn | thermal bottle; thermos flask | 保溫罐
pøfwn-koaxn | thermos bottle | 保溫罐; 熱水瓶
pøkoaf | serenade | 唱情歌
pølekoaxn | glass tubing | 玻璃管
pørkoafn | to apply to the customs; declare at the customs | 報關
pørkoafn-haang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoanhaang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkoarn | newspaper office | 報館
pørkoex | reported | 報過
pørkog | serve one's country; devote oneself to the national cause | 報國
saekoankofng | surpass an ancient general | 賽關公
saekoex | surpass | 賽過
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
safnkoaan | ownership (of real estate) | 產權
safnkoaq | prune | 修剪; 產
saikofng | Taoist priest; Taoist priest | 司公; 道士
saikokbie | sago, powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the sago tree | 西國米
saikong'afsixnpoef | bodies who drink together all the time | 司公仔象桮
saikong'afsviuxpoef | bodies who drink together all the time | 司公仔象桮
saikong'ar | Taoist priest | 師公仔
saikonggiafng | Taoist priest bell | 司公鈃
saikongtvoaa | the altar where Taoist priests perform magic | 司公壇
sakoex | already boiled | 煮過
samkoaan hunlip | separation of the legislative; executive and judicial functions of a government | 三權分立
samkoafn | three worlds: heaven, earth, water | 三關; 三官
samkof | cedar mushroom | 杉菇
samkofng | the three headship: sovereign; husband; and father; the three offices of | 三公; 三綱
samkog | three kingdoms | 三國
samputkoarn | referring to a lazy man who does not look after his own and his family's clothing; food and housing | 三無管; 三不管
saokoex | sweep over | 掃過
sarnkofng | astigmatism | 散光; 亂視
saykoeakhix | drive past | 駛過去
saykoeakoax | drive through | 駛過掛
saykoex | drive past | 駛過
saykorng | unnecessary to explain | 屑講; 無用講
seaharnko'ar | youngest aunty | 細漢姑仔
seakaekoafn | world view ─ the big picture | 世界觀
seako'ar | the youngest aunt on the father side | 細姑仔
seakox | the ways of the world; shrewd; worldly | 世故
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
sekobie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekofbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekog | west country | 西國
sekokbie | sago (rice) | 西國米; 西貢米
sekorngbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekzengkoong | sexual insanity; erotica | 色情狂
sengkoaan | ascend | 升高; 升懸
sengkofng | succeed; successful | 成功; 星光
sengkofng`ee | successful | 成功的
sengkongciar | successful person, a man of success | 成功者
sengkonggoadhien | clear sky with stars and bright moon | 星光月現
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
sengsarn koeaseng | overproduction | 生產過剩
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengzunkoaan | right to exist; the right to life | 生存權
seqkoef | window shopping | 踅街
seqkoex | been there | 踅過
serngkhiekoafn | sexual organs | 性器官
serngkoaf | psalm; hymn; canticle (Catholic) | 聖歌
serngkoaf-tui | church choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoatui | choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoax | Holy hexagram | 聖卦
serngkoex | much better than; superior to | 勝過
serngtarnkoaf | Christmas song | 聖誕歌
sexngkoaan | take advantage of one's power or authority | 乘權; 弄權
siafkoex | have written | 寫過
siafkoex`aq | have written | 寫過矣
siafmkoex | flash by | 閃過
siafmkofng | flash (of lightning) | 閃光
siafmkongtefng | blinking signal light | 閃光燈
siafmtiexnkofng | lightning light | 閃電光
siafng-koarhø | special postal registration including return receipt | 雙掛號
siahkoex | cut | 削過
siangkoafn | ambiguity; quibble; homonymous | 雙關
siangkoafn-guo | a pun, equivocal | 雙關語
siangkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siangkoarhø | registered mail with a return receipt | 雙掛號
siangkorng | parallel bars | 雙管
siangteeng kokzek | dual nationality | 雙重國籍
siarzofkofng | make ancestors lose face | 卸祖公; 使祖先蒙羞
siauhoax khiekoafn | digestive organs | 消化器官
siaukongzuo | handsome childe; playboy | 俏公子
siawkoarn engsu | Mind your own business | 少管閒事
siaxhoe konglun | public opinion | 社會公論
siaxkaokoarn | social education hall | 社教館
siaxngkongzhef | work ruler | 上工尺
siaxngzhekofng | work ruler | 上尺工
siaxzefng-koarn | ejaculatory duc | 射精管
siaxzoat zhamkoafn | No visitors allowed | 謝絕參觀
sib thaux`koex | wet through | 濕透
sibkoarn'gie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
sibkoarnhoad | customary law; customs having force of law | 習慣法
sibkoarnsexng | habitual | 習慣性
sibkoaxn seeng zuxjieen | Habit is second nature | 習慣成自然
sibkoaxn | custom; habit; usage; habit; practice | 習慣
sibkoaxn-sexng | habitual nature | 習慣性
sid koafnkaux | ill-bred or spoiled (child) | 失管教
sidkoaan | real power or authority | 實權
sidkofmof | wing feathers | 翼股毛
sidkor | wing of a bird or chicken | 翅膀; 翼股
sidkor-mngg | wing-feather | 翼股毛; 翼羽毛
sidkorng | frankly speaking | 實講
sidoexsidkorng | tell the truth | 實話實講
siekoeasøo | fooling around everywhere | 四界趖
siekoex | everywhere | 四界
siencixn kokkaf | advanced nations; civilized nations | 先進國家
sienkoad | prerequisite, matter to be decided | 先決
sienkof | fairy angel | 仙姑
sienkofng | title of any one of the genii | 仙祖; 仙公
siernkoex | slap over | 搧過
sietkex`koex | designed | 設計過
siexnkofng | meritorious deed | 善功; 輝煌事蹟
sikoaf | poems and songs collectively; poetry | 詩歌
sikoebaq | watermelon fleshy interior | 西瓜肉
sikoeciab | watermelon juice | 西瓜汁
sikoecie | watermelon seed | 西瓜子
sikoef oar toaxpeeng | people like the larger half of a watermelon ─ favor the winning side; be on the stronger side | 趨炎附勢; 勢利眼
sikoef | watermelon | 西瓜
sikoehngg | watermelon field | 西瓜園
sikoephoee | watermelon rind | 西瓜皮
sikoetøf | watermelon knife | 西瓜刀
sikofng | time, the flow of time | 時光
sikongky | time machine | 時光機
simkonghefliet | heart frenzy | 心狂火熱
simkongheftøh | heart frenzy | 心狂火著
simkonghoefjiet | heart frenzy | 心狂火熱
simkonghoeftøh | heart frenzy | 心狂火著
simkongsørjiet | heart frenzy | 心狂燥熱
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
simkvoakor | heart drum | 心肝鼓
simte kongbeeng | clear conscience; upright | 心地光明
sinbuun kofngpox | news broadcast | 新聞廣播
sinkefng koanlengpve | neurosis | 神經官能病
sinkefng koeabirn | excessively sensitive | 神經過敏
sinkhupvikoex | passing by | 身軀邊過
sinkoaan | height; god's power; height (of person) | 身高; 神權
sinkoaix | nerves | 神怪
sinkofng | supernatural accomplishment; miracle | 神功
sinkox | die | 身故; 身亡; 身死
sinthofng kofngtai | possessing marvelous abilities | 神通廣大
siofngkofng | present to show support | 賞光
siogkog | satellite state, tributary country | 屬國
siongho-koanhe | interrelation | 相互關係
siongkoafn | related; correlation; mutuality; relative; connected | 相關
siongkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siongkoaq | cut, wound | 傷割
siongsiogkoaan | right of inheritance | 繼承權; 相續權
siorngkofng | prime minister; a young gentleman (a term common in opera and old novels); (slang) a catamite | 相公
sioxngkor | great antiquity; ancient time; pre-historic time | 上古; 上古,太古
sioxngsox-koaan | right of appeal | 上訴權
sirnthog kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthog-kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sitkoaan | lose authority and power | 失權
siucy-koatsoaxn | income and expenditure; revenue and expenditure; balance an account | 收支決算
siukoahky | reaping machine | 收割機
siukoaq | reap; crop; harvest; harvesting; gather in the harvest | 收割
siukoarn | have charge of, have the care of | 收款; 收管
siukoex | received | 收過
siukor | buy up | 收購
siukox | buy up | 收購
siukoxng | tribute | 收貢
siukuy kok'iuo | nationalization of property; nationalize (enterprises) | 收歸國有
siuxkoaan | delegate authority | 授權
siuxkoex | suffered | 受過
siuxsiuo-pongkoafn | look on without even lifting a finger (to help); to watch with folded arms | 袖手旁觀
siwkoafn | guard | 守關
siwkofng | defense and offense | 守攻
siwkox | keep, protect, watch | 守顧; 看守
sixkoafn | organ of vision | 視觀; 視官
sixkorng | Is talking about | 是講
siøciaokox | take care of each other | 相照顧
siøciwkoef | chicken marinated with alcohol | 燒酒雞
siøfko'ar | husband's younger sister | 小姑仔; 丈夫之妹
siøfkoar | a little bit; a few; morsel | 小可; 少量
siøfkof | husband's younger sister | 小姑; 丈夫之妹
siøfkofng | minor merit (recorded for an employee by the employer or for a student by the school authorities) | 小功
siøfkog | small country | 小國
siøfkoniuar | little giar | 小姑娘仔
siøfkoniuu | missy; a young girl | 小姑娘
siøfkox | a small matter | 小事
siøkoaxn | vacuum flask | 燒罐; 熱水瓶; 保溫瓶
siøphahkoear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkoef | street fighter | 相拍雞
siøpøkoaf | compliment song | 相褒歌
siøzuykoaxn | vacuum flask; thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
sngfkoex | played | 耍過
sngrkorng | be regarded as | 算講
soafnkie-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkor | select and make purchases | 選購
soafnkox | shop | 選購
soafnkuo-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkwkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 選舉權
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
soahkor | end; finale; come to an end | 劇終; 完了
soankox | pronounce, condemn to | 宣告
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
soeako'ar | younger sister-in-law on the husband side | 細姑仔
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeakoafn | taxes and surtaxes | 稅捐
sofiuo-koaan | ownership, proprietorship | 所有權
sofiwkoaan | ownership | 所有權
sofiwkoanzng | ownership certificate | 所有權狀
sofkorng | what ... say; that which is said | 所講
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokciexn-sokkoad | blitzkrieg strategy; military strategy that calls for speedy decision and applying overwhelming forces against the enemy | 速戰速決
sokkakoax | plastic cover | 塑膠蓋
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
sokoaq | to plunder, to loot | 搜割; 掠奪
su poaxn kofng poe | If your method is good you can do twice the work with half the effort | 事半功倍
su'iong kongkhoarn | embezzle public funds | 私用公款
su'nng-koarn | uterine tubes, fallopian tubes | 輸卵管
suhkorng | straw | 欶管
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad kikoafn | judicial organizations | 司法機關
suhoad-koaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoatkoaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suikox | regard with kindness | 垂顧
suipien korng | talk at random; extempore speech | 隨便說
sujiø-koarn | ureteral catheter | 輸尿館; 輸尿管
sukof | Buddhist nun (a polite term of address) | 師姑
sukofng | teacher's teacher | 師公
sunhoee tosukoarn | circulating library | 巡迴圖書館
sunkofng | pure steel | 純剛
suo iuo ukof | death would not expiate all his crimes; he deserves to die many times for his crimes | 死有餘辜
suokegkorng | a tetrode (in radio) | 四極管
suokox | look around | 四顧
suq kionglegkoo | suck glue; sucker | 吸強力膠
suxbu koafnlie | office administration (management) | 事務管理
suxkoafn | to be an officer | 入仕
suxkofng | twilight, light at dawn | 敘光; 事工; ?光; 事業
suxkox | accident; incident; accident | 事故
suykoef | frog | 水雞; 青蛙
suyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
suzengkoarn kietzad | vasectomy; male sterilization | 輸精管結紮
suzengkoarn | deferent duct; spermatic cord | 輸精管
svaf korng six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in speaking | 三講四無對; 每次講每次錯
svakag koanhe | love triangle; triangular relationship (as USA; USSR and China) | 三角關係
svakoaix | blame each other | 相怪
svakoan'oong | triple crown (only used in baseball) | 三冠王
svakox | take care of each other | 相顧
svekof | go moldy; get musty | 生霉; 發霉
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
sviarkongmar | | 聖公媽
svikoef | grow melon | 生瓜
svikoex | pickled | 醃過
svikof | grow mildew, grow mold | 生黴; 生菇; 生菰; 長霉
sviukoex | thought about it | 想過
sviuxkorng | though | 想講
svixkoee | pickle fish or shellfish | 醬醃
svoaf-khofkoef | Japanese hop (plant) | 山苦瓜
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜
svoaf-koarzhaix | Taiwan melicope | 山芥菜
svoakog | valley; daie; hollow; ravine | 山谷
svoakoklai | In the valley | 山谷內
svoarkokoo | scattered | 散糊糊
swioxngkoaan | right to use | 使用權
sykoad | obstinate; stubborn | 固執
sykoafn | dead gate- a challenge | 死關
sym juu tøf koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
syn-jinsengkoafn | new view of life | 新人生觀
søeakoafn | customs house | 稅關; 稅捐; 海關
taam kongsu | discuss business matters | 談公事
taam-kokoo | muddly wet | 澹糊糊
tadkoafn | optimise | 達觀
taekoafn | coronation | 帶冠
tafn koarhø | single registered mail; which does not require the post office to deliver the recipient's acknowledgment to the sender | 單掛號
tafn-koarhø | ordinary registration (mail) | 單掛號
tagkoex | every time | 逐過
tagkog | each and every country | 各國
taigwkoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taigykoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taixkarkongliim | welcome | 大駕光臨
taixkoaan | the authority or power to reign over a state; great power or authority | 大權
taixkoarn | manage; govern or administer on behalf of another | 代管
taixkofng busw | just; without partiality; all for the public; without selfish considerations; fair and square | 大公無私
taixkofng | for the public; equitableness; outline; synopsis; a summary | 大公; 怠工; 大副; 舵公; 大綱
taixkongkørseeng | | 大功告成
taixlykoaan | proxy; power of attorney | 代理權
taixpiawkoaan | right of representation | 代表權
taixsaekoarn | embassy | 大使館
taixtviw kikor | make a big show; display pageantry | 大張旗鼓
tamkoex | talked about | 談過
tamkokoo | wet through | 濕淋淋; 濕透
tangkoef | wintermelon; a very big; long; green melon; which looks very much like a watermelon | 冬瓜
tangkoetee | a refreshing beverage made from the winter melon | 冬瓜茶
tangkoethngg | winter melon sweet | 冬瓜糖
tangkof | (winter) mushroom | 銅菇; 冬菇
tangkofng'afchiaf | copper tube trolley | 銅管仔車
tangkofng'ar | an empty tin can | 銅管仔; 空鐵罐; 罐子
tangkor | a large bronze drum | 銅鼓
tangkorng | copper tube | 銅管
tanhekkoaan | power to impeach | 彈劾權
tankorng | single tube | 單管
tanluikofng | thunderstorm | 霆雷公
tanluikongsviaf | thunde | 霆雷公聲
taokor | match with shares | 鬥股
taokorng | help to persuade; help to explain | 助言; 幫忙說服
tapzhuiekor | debate; quarrel | 搭嘴股
taq kofngkøx | paste up promotion posters; put up advertisements | 貼廣告
taq koiøh | apply a medicated plaster | 貼藥膏
taukoex | pitched | 投過
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
tauphiøx-koaan | voting right | 投票權
tauqtauqkorng | repeating over and over in a wearisome way; constantly speaking | 常常說
tauxkoee | fermented bean curd | 豆膎
tauxkoeq | lbean-pod, pea-pod | 豆膎
taxngkoex | moved | 動過
teakog zwgi | imperialism | 帝國主義
teakog | an empire; monarchy | 帝國
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
tebykoarn | tea rice shop | 茶米館
tefngkoaan | the top; the highest part | 上面
tefngkoex | last time | 上過
tefngkongkud | top humerus | 頂肱骨
tefngpakkoax | chest | 頂腹蓋
teg'vi-kongleeng | special nature; unusual powers | 特異功能
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
teghwkoaan | patent rights; special privileges; special concession | 特許權
tegkoaan kaikib | privileged class | 特權階級
tegkoaan | prerogative; special rights; privilege | 特權
tegkog | enemy nation | 敵國
tegkongtui | commando units; rangers | 特攻隊
tegsuu koanhe | special relations | 特殊關係
tekkoaan | get the special right | 得權; 特權
tekkoeafchiaf | taxi sharing service that are legalized | 竹雞仔車
tekkoear | gang | 竹雞仔
tekkofng'aflai | inside bamboo tube | 竹管仔內
tekkofng'afpng | bamboo tube rice | 竹管仔飯
tekkofng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹管仔
tekkog-oe | German (spoken) language | 德國話
tekkorng | pipe made of bamboo; hollow piece of bamboo | 竹管
tekkøkoef | vegetable sponge | 竹篙瓜; 絲瓜
tekoarn | teahouse; cafes; tearoom; tea house | 茶館
tekoarn'ar | tea pot | 茶罐仔
tekoaxn | teapot | 茶壺; 茶罐
tekofhvi | teapot handle | 茶鈷耳
tekofpvy | teapot | 茶鈷邊
tekofzhuix | top of teapot | 茶鈷喙
tekor | tea kettle | 茶壺; 茶鈷; 茶壼
tenghoea koafnzex | blackout or dim out (against air raids) | 燈火管制
tengkofng | lights | 燈光
tengkorng | light tube | 燈管
tengkox | requisition | 徵購
teq ciawafkoax | prognosticate by having a bird pick out one or other lot out of several | 卜鳥卦
terngkoky | nail a single nail; duel | 釘孤枝; 單挑
texhngf kong'eg | local public utilities | 地方公益
texkoaan | property rights | 地權
texngkoad | determined, fixed | 定決; 決定
texngkonghut | | 定光佛
texngkox | place a mail order for; order (a product) in advance | 訂購
texsvaf kokzex | the Third World | 第三國際
texsvaf teakog | the Third Reich; Nazi Germany | 第三帝國
texzexng kikoafn | land administration office | 地政機關
texzwkog | host country | 地主國
thaeiongkofng | sunshine | 太陽光
thaekor | pre-historic time | 上古; 太古
thafngkoax | bucket cover | 桶蓋
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
thagkoex | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thaikoaan tengkix | registration of a loan | 抵押權登記
thaikoaan | rights of a creditor or mortgagor | 削權; 抵押權
thaikoekarkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikoex | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
thamkoaxn | spittoon | 痰罐
thaokoex køanhe | play up to somebody with power | 透過關係; (經由特權管道介紹)
thaqkoaan | stack | 疊高
thaqkoex | overlap | 疊過
tharngkoex | straight | 迵過
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
thatkoex | kicked | 踢過
thattøfkoef | so many on the street | 窒倒街
thaukaxkoe'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukorng | report secretly; secret report | 密報; 偷講
thauzangkoex | head mane bun | 頭鬃髻
thaxn uii koafn cie | the most magnificent sight of all; an unrivaled sight; a sight never to be forgotten | 歎為觀止
theakor | withdraw one's shares from a company | 退股
thefiogkoarn | stadium | 體育館
thefiok-koarn | a gymnasium | 體育館
thefkoaan | physical height of a person | 體高
thefngkoaan | stand up for power | 挺權
thekoaan | to raise, to elevate, to lift up | 提高; 提懸
thekoex | mentioned | 提過
thekofng | an outline | 提綱
thengcie paxnkofng | suspend public business on an occasion of celebration | 停止辦公
thengkoaan | stop the power | 停權
thengkoafn | keep a coffin unburied; waiting till an auspicious site or day be found | 停棺
theqkoaan | lift it up | 提懸
theqkoex | carried | 提過
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiahkor | dissolve a partnership | 拆股
thiahpeh korng | speak plainly; the fact is.. | 坦白說
thiahpeqkorng | frankly speaking | 拆白講
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaokoaan | high jump | 跳高
thiaokoankoaan | jump high | 跳懸懸
thiaokoanthiaoke | jump up and down | 跳懸跳低
thiaokoex | jump over or across; skip | 跳過
thiau'iekox | on purpose | 刁意故
thiaukoftorng | on purpose | 刁古董
thiaukorix | intentionally, purposely, on purpose | 刁故意
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thienha uikofng | The world is for all. The world belongs to everyone | 天下為公
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thienkofng-tøexsoaq | heaven and earth | 天公地煞
thienkog | the Kingdom of Heaven | 天國
thihkoan'ym | Ageratum conizoides (tee) | 鐵觀音
thihkoax | iron cover | 鐵掛; 鐵蓋
thihkoaxn | tin can | 鐵罐
thihkofng | a sort of sting-ray | 鐵光; 尖嘴土魚工
thihkorng | steel pipe; iron tube (pipe) | 鐵管
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thiukoaan | grow up straight and tall | 抽高; 抽懸
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thixkoef | pheasant | 雉雞
thngrkoaxn | candy jar; sugar jar | 糖罐
thoahkoeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due), to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去, 渡過去 (脫險)
thoakoex | dragged | 拖過
thoankoex | passed on | 傳過
thoankokpør | country treasure | 傳國寶
thoatkoex | get off | 脫過
thoatli koanhe | sever relations; to divorce; disown | 脫離關係
thofkoear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
thofkoef | free-range chicken | 土雞
thofkofng | undertaker | 討功; 挖墓穴或抬棺之工人
thofkong'afsexng | bad temper | 土公仔性
thofkong'ar | grave diggers (put the body in the coffin and bury it); a rowdy; a roughneck; unpolished and unlettered; vulgar; clownish | 土管仔; 撿骨的; 挖墓穴或抬棺的人
thofngtixkoaan | sovereign power | 統治權
thofti-kofng | a pagan god, guardian of fields and crops | 土地公
thoftixkofng | the God of Earth | 土地公
thoftixkongbiø | temple for land god | 土地公廟
thoftixkongbiø'ar | temple for land god | 土地公廟仔
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thokkoarn | trustee; mandate; trustee; trusteeship | 託管
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thokkox | to give a pretext, to make an excuse | 託顧; 託故
thokomoear | muddy | 塗糊糜仔
thong'un-kongsy | forwarding company | 通運公司
thonghengkoaan | the right to travel; freedom of movement | 通行權
thonghongkoax | ventilation cover | 通風蓋
thonghongkorng | vent pipe | 通風管
thongjiø-koarn | uretheral catheter | 通尿管; 輸尿管
thongkoafn sinkørsw | bill of entry (archaic) | 通關申告書
thongkoafn | pass the customs inspection | 通關
thongkoex gixaxn | proposal or bill which has been passed | 通過議案
thongkog | whole country, whole nation | 通國; 全國
thongkongtvoaf | announcement of death (Catholic) | 通功單
thongkor | drums | 通鼓
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuikofngciar | promoter | 推廣者
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuq koayar | to lean upon a staff | 托杖; 倚拐杖
thuxnkoaan | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thvafkoaan | raise up high with the palm | 托高
thveakoaan | prop up; to raise slightly higher with a prop; prop up and keep from falling | 托高; 頂高
thviaf-koarnsix | get used to | 聽慣勢
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thviakoex | have heard | 聽過
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thviarkoex | hurt | 疼過
thvikofng | God | 天公
thvikong'afkviar | god's son | 天公仔囝
thvikongbiø | god temple | 天公廟
thvikongloo | a vessel; which symbolizes Thi-Kong for burning incense | 天公爐
thvikongtextø | justice | 天公地道
thvikongtoextø | justice | 天公地道
thvikongtvoaa | temporary shrine put up (usually across a street) for the worship of Giok-te | 天公壇
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøekor | withdraw shares | 退股
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
tiafmkoex | clicked | 點過
tiah gvofkog | buy grain | 糴五穀
tiahkoaan | deprive a person of his authority | 摘權; 剝奪權利
tiaokoaan | hanging | 吊懸
tiaokoaf | hymn of condolence | 慰問; 悼歌
tiau'iekox | on purpose; purposely; intentionally; deliberately | 刁意故
tiaukoaq | withhold goods or service | 調闊; 刁難; [*]
tiaukoftorng | make a fool of somebody; play a trick; do mischief | 刁古董; 愚弄; 捉弄
tiaukorix | on purpose; purposely; intentionally; deliberately | 刁故意
tiaukox | on purpose | 刁故
tiaw-koftorng | to kid, to play a trick on | 戲弄
tidtit-korng | speak boldly and bluntly | 直直講
tiefnkox | a classic allusion; allusion | 典故
tiefnsixkoarn | exhibition hall | 展示館
tienkoong | crazy, insane, mad | 顛狂; 癲狂
tientørkorng | say the opposite of what one thinks | 說相反
tiexnkoaxn | thermos | 電罐
tiexnkofng | X-ray; flash light | 電光; X光
tiexnkofng-seg | X-ray room | 電光室; X光室
tiexnkongphvix | electro-optic film | 電光片
tiexnlek kongsy | electric power company | 電力公司
tiexnviafkoarn | cinema | 電影館
tihoehkoea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tikofng | boar; god pig; large male pig | 公豬; 神豬
tikongbaq | pig boar | 豬公肉
tikongkeaterng | pig rack to | 豬公架頂
tikongliaau | male pig farm | 豬公條
tinkor | dirt; dust | 塵垢
tinliedkoarn | exhibition hall | 陳列館
tiofng uu kokkaf | be faithful to one's fatherland | 忠於國家
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tiong'iongkonglo | Central Highway | 中央公路
tionghvoaikonglo | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫公路
tiongkofhoex | used merchandise | 中古貨
tiongkog-zhaix | Chinese food | 中國菜
tiongkok'hoax | sinicized; be affected by the Chinese milieu | 中國化
tiongkokbuun | Chinese literature | 中國文
tiongkoklaang | Chinese | 中國人
tiongkor sitai | Middle Ages; medieval; used; old; secondhand | 中古時代
tiongkor | mesoid; used; Sino-Cuban; China-Cuba; Middle Ages; medieval; used; old; secondhand | 中古; 半新不舊的
tiongkwn-aekog | patriotic and loyal to the throne | 忠君愛國
tiongkwn-pørkog | loyal to the sovereign and dynasty | 忠君報國
tionglibkog | neutral nations | 中立國
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
tiongzerng kikor | rearm; make preparations for a comeback | 重整旗鼓
tiorngkoaan | rise high (water) | 漲高
tirnkongsor | town hall; a town office | 鎮公所
titkoex | able to get by | 得過
tix chiekoafn | wearing a crown of thorns (Jesus) | 戴莿冠
tixafn kikoafn | public security organization | 治安機關
tixkoaan | governance | 治權
tixkog | rule a nation | 治國
tixn-kongsor | town office | 鎮公所
tixnthaekor | big drums fleet | 陣太鼓
tiøqkoex | had it | 著過
tiøqkoong | flurried; flustered | 慌張
tiøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tngbin korng | talk in one's presence | 當面講
tngf jidthaau kofng'oe | I swear by heaven that.. | 對天發誓
tngkofnghiaf | long boots | 長管靴
tngxzørkoeh | break to two parts | 斷做截; 斷成兩節
toa-koanleeng | almighty, all-powerful | 大權能
toa-zwkox | big customer | 大主顧
toadkoaan | deprive one of his rights | 奪權
toarkoex | been there | 蹛過
toaxboxkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxboxngkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxbuo-kofng | thumb | 大拇公; 大姆指
toaxciøqkor | big stone | 大石鼓; 大石頭
toaxko'ar | big aunty on the father side | 大姑仔
toaxkof | eldest aunt (father's eldest sister); an aunt: father's eldest sister | 大姑; 大姑媽
toaxkofng | an extraordinary merit; a great achievement; great merit; great achievement | 大功
toaxkofnghieen | Chinese instrument | 大廣絃
toaxkog | the great powers, a powerful country | 大國
toaxkor | tom-tom; large drum; big drum | 大鼓
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toaxløtoaxkor | big gong and drum | 大鑼大鼓
toaxniukof | husband's elder sister | 大娘姑; 丈夫之姊
toaxniøkof | aunt | 大娘姑
toaxnzoat koanhe | cut off connections | 斷絕關係
toaxpehkofng | eldest grand uncle on the father side | 大伯公
toaxsiekoex | the world | 大四界
toaxto-koafn | eastern cuckoo | 大肚關; 杜鵑
toaxvoafkofng | big bowl | 大碗公
toaxzhuiekor | big mouth | 大喙鼓
tofkog | island nation | 島國
tofngkoaf | song of a political party; political song | 黨歌
tofngkofng | platform of a political party | 黨綱
tofngkog | party and the nation; party government | 黨國
togkoaan | absolute power | 獨權
toglibkog | independent nation or country | 獨立國
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
toløo bukofng | work without achieving anything; to labor without success; vain efforts | 徒勞無功
tongbeeng-kog | allied nations | 同盟國
tongbengkog | allied nations; ally; confederated states | 同盟國
tonggiap konghoe | guild; trade union | 同業公會
tongkoaan | be in charge, be in power, the authorities, to keep in power | 當權
tongkoachvy | child singer | 童歌星
tongkor | a big drum for ceremony or opera | 銅鼓; 堂鼓
tosukoarn | library | 圖書館
tosw koafnlyoaan | librarian | 圖書管理員
tox`koex | get by | 渡過
toxexkoex | encountered | 度會過
toxkoafn | cuckoo; rhododendron; cuckoo; goatsucker; nightjar | 杜鵑; 小杜鵑
toxkoafn-hoef | azalea, ericaceae flower | 杜鵑花
toxkoai'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 肚胿仔
toxkoanhoef | azalea | 杜鵑花
toxkoee | toad | 肚蛙
toxkoex lankoafn | tide over a difficulty | 渡過難關
toxkoex | overcome; get through | 度過
toxngkofng | kick off the work | 動工
tozukoarn | library | 圖書館
tuiekoad | duelling; rencounter | 對決
tuiekorng | intercom | 對講
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tukofng | male pig | 豬公
tuozog-koaan | copyright | 著作權
tuozokkoaan | copyright | 著作權
tvafkorsuun | cholesterol | 膽固醇
tviafkoarterng | ding pot cover | 鼎蓋頂
tviafkoax | pan cover; lid of a rice boiler | 鼎蓋; 鍋蓋
tvikoea | glutinous rice cake eaten during lunar new year holidays | 年糕
tvikoef | sweet melon | 甜瓜
tvikoefzhex | sweet cake ingredient | 甜粿粞
tvikoefzoar | sweet rice cake paper | 甜粿紙
tviukoafn lytaix | wrong attribution; mistaken identity (Lit. put Mr. Tiu's hat on Mr. Li) | 張冠李戴
tviuokoaan | rise high (water) | 脹高; 漲懸
tviuokoankex | jack up price | 漲懸價
tviuuokofng | father-in-law | 丈公
tviuxkofng | the husbands of sisters of the grandfather on the father's side of the family | 丈公; 姑婆之丈夫
tviuxlangkofng | father-in-law | 丈人公
twkoex | just left | 拄過
tyahkoaan | the right of the creditor to receive payment on priority basis upon the selling of the property offered him as security by the debtor (in law) | 抵押權
tøexkoef | (Mandarin) a sweet potato | 地瓜
tøfkog | island kingdom | 島國
tøhkoax | wood cover put on a desk | 桌蓋; 紗罩
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
tøkoex | escape | 逃過
tørchiwkoad | lefty | 倒手抉
tørchiwkoae | lefty | 倒手拐
tørchiwkoaiq | lefty | 倒手拐
tørkoax | upside down | 倒掛
tørkoaxn | flow backward (said of a flood which spills over river banks or dikes on to the adjoining land) | 倒灌
tøsorkoad | decided by the majority | 多數決
tøsox-koad | majority vote | 多數決; 多數決定
tøxjiø-koarn | urethral catheter | 導尿管
tøxkoarn | duct, pipe | 導管
tøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
u cidkoar | some; a few; somewhat | 有一些
u koakad | have relations; have complications | 有瓜葛
u-gafnkofng | far-seeing, far-sighted, sagacious | 有眼光
uikoaan | authority, influence, power | 威權; 權威
uikoafn | onlookers | 圍觀
uikof | orphans | 遺孤
uikofng | besiege; encircle and attack; besiege | 圍攻
uixkog koankhw | sacrifice one's life for one's country | 為國捐軀
uixkog tiebeng | risk life for one's country | 為國致命
uixkokcixntiofng | be loyal to the country | 為國盡忠
uixsngf koeatøf | acid dyspepsia; pyrosis | 胃酸過多
unkoaxn | thermos bottle | 溫瓶; 熱水瓶
unkofng | benefactor | 恩公
unzuykoaxn | thermos bottle | 溫水瓶
uokor | dirt; filth | 污垢
uxkoaan | have the right to; hold or have authority in or over | 有權
uxkoar | some | 有寡
uxkofng'uxchiøx | talk and laugh- getting along well | 有講有笑
uxkor | make a preliminary estimate | 預估
uxnkoafn | transport a coffin | 運棺; 運柩
viafkoazhvef | movie star | 影歌星
viafsioxngkoarn | TV picture tube | 影像管
viakoarn | operation management | 營管
viakoex | won | 贏過
vii-koat'oo | parentheses | 圓括弧
vikongmngg | moon-gate | 圓樑門; 圓拱門
vikorng | tube, pipe | 圓管; 管子
vikorthea | isomer (chem.) | 異構體
viukof | foreign mushroom | 洋菇
viukofnghiexn | underarm odor | 狐臭
vixkorbut | isomery | 異構物
vixkorthea | isomer (chem.) | 異構體
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
voafkoea | despise, slight | 碗粿
voafkofng | big bowel; large serving bowl | 碗公; 大碗; 大的碗; 海碗
voafkonghoef | morning glory | 碗公花; 牽牛花
voafkøkoea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
voaxkoex | changed | 換過
vuikogkef | hide and seek | 掩咯家
wnkox | secure; stability; steady; firm; stable and firm; secure | 穩固
wtiu-koafn | world outlook, cosmology | 宇宙關; 宇宙觀
wtiuxkoafn | cosmological view | 宇宙觀
ykoad | have already decided | 已決
ykofng-uisiuo | take the offensive in a basically defensive operation | 以攻為守
ykox | already dead; the deceased; the late… | 已故
yloong libkog | nation having an agricultural economy | 以農立國
ynkoad | induce | 引決
ynkor | quoting old saying | 引古
ysi kongpeeng | show fairness or impartiality | 以示公平
ytok kongtok | fight evil with evil | 以毒攻毒
zabkog | miscellaneous grain crops like oats and millet as opposed to rice and wheat which are staple foods | 雜穀; 雜糧
zabpøeq-koniuu | pretty teens (female) | 十八姑娘
zafmkoafn | cut off | 斬關
zaisafnkoaan | ownership of property; property rights | 財產權
zakoaxn | look into official files to find something for reference | 查卷
zao zwkox | lose a regular customer | 主顧跑掉
zao-koeabin | escape or get through without detection | 逃過了
zaokofng | performance | 奏功
zaokunkofng | god of the kitchen stove who reports to Heaven about all the actions of the family | 灶君公; 灶神
zarkoex | bombed | 炸過
zarnbykoaf | praise song | 讚美歌
zatkoex | festival | 節過
zawkoeafsiefn | warlock | 走街仔仙; 江湖術士
zawkoex | walkthrough | 走過
zawsamkoafn | run away to avoid trouble | 走三關
zaxmkoeakhix | shortcut | 捷徑, 抄近路
zea'iøh kongsy | pharmaceutical company | 製藥公司
zeahaykoaan | naval supremacy | 制海權
zeakhongkoaan | air supremacy | 制空權
zeakoaan | right of creditor; right of claim; rights of creditor; right of claim | 債權
zeakoaan-ciar | creditor | 債權者; 債權者(人)
zeakoaf | sacrificial song | 祭歌
zeakoanciar | creditor | 債權者; (人)
zeakoaxn | bonds issued by a government; debentures or corporate bonds issued by a company | 債券
zeakof | sacrifice | 祭孤
zefngkor | full drum | 整鼓
zefngthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zefngthaukofng | thumb | 指頭公; 大姆指
zefngthefkoafn | holistic view | 整體觀
zeg-kongløo | accumulate credit | 積功勞
zegkoaxn | one's birthplace; one's native place | 籍貫; 籍眷
zek'iukor | blue-chip stocks | 績優股
zekjim koanliam | sense of responsibility | 責任觀念
zekkoaix | blame and scold | 責怪
zekkofng | grandfather's younger brother; younger brother of one's paternal grandfather | 叔公; 叔祖父
zekkog hongky | store up food in anticipation of famine; prepare for a rainy day | 積穀防飢
zekkongzor | the younger brother of one's great grandfather | 曾叔公; 叔公祖
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zengkoaan | struggle for power | 爭權
zengkoaf | love (amorous) song | 情歌
zengkofng | pricise work | 精工; 增光; 爭光
zengkor | bell and drum | 鐘鼓
zengsiin koanlengpvi | neurosis | 精神官能病
zengtiofng pørkog | serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty | 精忠報國
zernghuo kikoafn | government organ | 政府機關
zerngkhix-koaf | righteous song | 正氣歌
zerngkoaan | regime; political power | 政權
zerngkoarnhaang | securities firm | 證券行
zerngkoaxn chixtviuu | stock market | 證券市場
zerngkoaxn kauegsor | stock exchange | 證券交易所
zerngkoaxn | gift certificate or gift card | 贈券; 證券
zerngkofng | platform of a political party | 政綱
zerngtai kongbeeng | fair and frank; just and pure of mind | 正大光明
zerngti koanhe | political relations of a country or party | 政治關係
zerngti-kikoafn | political machinery; organ of government | 政治機關
zerngtixkoafn | political aspect | 政治觀
zexkoafn | sit down | 坐關
zexkoax | suffer | 罪過
zexkoex | sat | 坐過
zexngkoafn | observe quietly; contemplation | 靜觀
zexngkoaxn | gift coupon; a complimentary ticket; coupon | 贈券
zexzvea koanthiefn | look at the sky from the bottom of a well a very limited view; usually implying short sightedness; ignorance; shallowness | 坐井觀天
zhaekoarn | restaurant | 菜館; 飯館
zhaekoear | snake melon | 菜瓜仔
zhaekoechiw | tendrils of chhai koe | 菜瓜鬚; 絲瓜氣根
zhaekoef | a kind of cucumber with sponge texture; Ridged Gourd; Luffa; Lufah; long soft cucumber; much used as a vegetable; a dishcloth gourd | 菜瓜; 絲瓜
zhaekoehiøh | snake melon leaves | 菜瓜葉
zhaekoehoef | snake melon flowers | 菜瓜花
zhaekoekviar | snake melon | 菜瓜囝
zhaekoemoee | snake melon conge | 菜瓜糜
zhaekoepoo | snake melon | 菜瓜蒲
zhaekoepox | skeletal fibers of the dried squash used as a scrubbing sponge | 菜瓜布; 絲瓜布
zhaekoepvear | snake melon | 菜瓜棚仔
zhaekoepvii | dishcloth gourd trellis | 菜瓜棚; 絲瓜棚
zhaekoetiauar | snake melon | 菜瓜條仔
zhaekoetiin | snake melon vine | 菜瓜藤
zhaekoezaang | snake melon tree | 菜瓜欉
zhaekoezhex | snake melon | 菜瓜摖
zhaekoezhøex | skeletal fibers of the dried squash used as a scrubbing sponge | 菜瓜脆; 絲瓜布
zhaekoezuie | snake melon | 菜瓜水
zhaekof | title or address of strict vegetarian women | 菜姑; 尼姑
zhaekor | ridges in a vegetable garden | 菜畦
zhaethaukoea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿
zhafkofphiøx | speculate in stocks | 炒股票
zhahkor | enter into partnership | 插股; 加入股東
zhaikoad | make the final decision; judge and decide; decision or approval of a superior or supervisor | 裁決
zhaikoaq | cut (paper) into size | 裁割
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhakoeq | hatchet | 柴鍥
zhakof | useless and poisonous mushrooms growing on trees | 柴菇; 木菇
zhamkakoex | participated | 參加過
zhamkoafn | make a tour of; educational tour; make a tour of inspection; to pay a visit to a school | 參觀
zhamkoankoex | visited | 參觀過
zhamthienkofbok | towering ancient tree | 參天古木
zhamzexng-koaan | suffrage | 參政權
zhangkorng | scallions | 蔥管
zhangsiøkoef | scallion chicken | 蔥燒雞
zhankoarn | restaurant | 餐館
zhankoaxn | meal coupon; meal ticket | 餐券
zhaochvikofng | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking God; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥公
zhaoiaukoaix | stingy devil | 臭妖怪
zhaokof | mold with smell | 臭菰
zhaothaukoear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaozhvekofng | smelly | 臭腥公
zhaozuykorng | smelly pipes | 臭水管
zhaozuykorng-bi | has the taste of old bamboo water pipes | 臭水管味
zharnlan-konghuy | brilliant and glorious | 燦爛光輝
zhatgieen-koanseg | gather another's frame of mind through his words and expression | 察言觀色
zhaukoaan | exercise power | 操權
zhauløo koeato | be excessively loaded with cares | 操勞過度
zhawafkoea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhawchiøqkoaf | straw mat song | 草蓆歌
zhawkoeh'ar | sickle | 草鍥仔
zhawkof | mushroom | 草菇
zhawmeh'afkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢仔公
zhawmehkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawnehkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawnihkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawnikofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhaykoarnlaq | lottery | 彩券啦
zhaykoaxn | lottery | 彩券
zhaykoef | step on the street | 踩街
zhaykofng | lighting | 採光
zhaykor | purchase; procurement | 採買; 採購
zhaykox | stock up; procurement; purchase | 採購
zhaytekoaf | Hakka folk songs sung while picking tea | 採茶歌
zheakoe'ar | crispy melon | 脆瓜仔
zhefngkiukoaan | right of claim | 請求權
zhefngkofng | ask for recognition; ask higher level person to record somebody's meritorious deeds so that person can get a reward | 請功
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afkofng | banyan | 榕仔公
zhengcinkoarn | Mohammedan restaurant; where no pork is served | 清真館
zhengkonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zherngkoaan | rise up | 拉高; 升高
zherngkoad | execute by shooting | 槍決
zherngkoaxkoa | arrogant | 衝呱呱
zherngkorng | barrel of rifle | 鎗膛
zherngphvi koo`ee | said of articles badly made; easily coming to pieces | 無堅牢的
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhngr-koecie | gnaw watermelon seeds | 啃瓜子
zhoankof | country girl; village girls | 村姑
zhoarnkoaan | usurpation; usurp authority | 篡權
zhoarnkorng | repeatedly state the same thing | 串講; 總是說
zhoaxloxkoef | chicken gift from bride's family symbolized to bring bride to where she was from | 𤆬路雞
zhoef koea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿
zhoekoea | steam glutinous rice cakes | 蒸粿
zhoekoex | blew | 吹過
zhuiekoaq | cut into pieces | 碎割
zhuiekokoo | broken into tiny bits | 碎糊糊
zhuiekor | quarrel; gossip | 嘴鼓; 雜言
zhuikorng | propagate; extend; promote sales | 推廣
zhuix-kokoo | crash; break up | 碎糊糊
zhunkoaan | stretch out | 伸懸
zhunkof | country girl | 村姑
zhunkofng | spring scenes; natural charms of Spring; lustful scenes like a sexual act | 春光
zhunkofng-bengbii | beautiful scenes of spring | 春光明媚
zhuokoax | the roof (Lit. house cover) | 厝頂; 房頂
zhuotefngkoax | roof cover | 厝頂蓋
zhurnkym lanbøea zhurnkong'ym | an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time | 寸金難買寸光陰
zhut'hoeq koeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
zhutkoafn | carry the coffin to the grave | 出棺
zhutkoex | out | 出過
zhutkog | go abroad | 出國
zhutpafnkoaan | literary property; copyright | 出版權
zhvekong'ho | a sudden shower | 青狂雨; 驟雨
zhvekonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhvekonglat | working very vigorously like a strong young man who does not economize his strength; sometimes too roughly or rashly | 青狂力; 蠻力
zhvekoong | acting very impulsively and hastily; lose one's self possession | 倉皇; 生狂; 慌張
zhvezhvekongkoong | rush; rul | 生生狂狂
zhvoar`koex | graze (as an arrow or bullet) | 擦過
zhwkhakkoea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhwkoad | decided by; rest with; put to death; execute; decide; resolve | 取決; 處決
zhøfkakkoea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zhøfkoafn jinbeng | treat human life as grass attach no importance to human life | 草菅人命
zhørkoaix | blame unjustly | 錯怪
zhørkoex kihoe | let an opportunity slip by | 錯過機會
zhørkoex | let a chance slip by; to miss | 錯過
zngfthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zngkoftorng | make fun of; play jokes | 妝古董; 作弄; 尋人開心
zoafgiap kongsy | pulp and paper mill | 紙業公司
zoafn'un kongsy | forwarding company; a transportation company | 轉運公司
zoakoef | snake gourd | 蛇瓜
zoanbin kongkeg | all out offensive | 全面攻擊
zoanbøexkoaan | patent; monopoly right | 專賣權
zoankoaan | complete authority; exclusive authority; or rights; (literary) to monopolize power; despotism | 全權; 專權
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zoankoaan-taixsaix | ambassador plenipotentiary | 全權大使
zoankoaan-uyjixmzng | commission with full powers | 全權委任狀
zoankoan | whole county | 全縣
zoankoarn | take exclusive charge of a matter | 專管
zoankofng | entire credit; concentrate in studying a specific field; study a subject exclusively | 全功; 專攻; 專功
zoankog hoxkhao tiauzaf | national census | 全國戶口調查
zoankog ittix | whole nation taken together | 全國一致
zoankog | the whole country or nation; national; nationwide | 全國
zoankoksexng | whole country | 全國性
zoanli-koaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlixkoaan | patent right | 專利權
zoansiin koarnzux | pay undivided attention to; concentrate on | 全神貫注
zoarn kofng uii siuo | change from the offensive to the defensive | 反攻為守
zoarn siuo uii kofng | change from the defensive to the offensive | 反守為攻
zoeahui-kog | the most favored nation | 最惠國
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoeakoaan | the supreme, the highest | 最高; 最懸
zoeakofng | became a grandfather | 做公
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zoeakøf koanlek | supreme power | 最高權力
zoeasaikofng | perform certain Taoist rituals | 做司公
zoeasiør konghunbør | least common denominator | 最小公分母
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoeatai kong'ioksox | the greatest common divisor | 最大公約數
zoex-kongteg | do good deeds | 做功德
zoex-kopøo | be an aunt | 做姑婆
zoexkoax | fault; offence; sin | 罪過
zoexkox | fault, offence, sin | 罪過
zofkofng | male ancestors; ancestors | 祖公; 祖先
zofkog | mother country; mother land | 母國; 祖國
zofkong'afsae | inheritance | 祖公仔屎
zofkong'afsarn | inheritance | 祖公仔產
zofkong'ar | ancient | 祖公仔
zofkonghngg | ancient park | 祖公園
zofngkoad | summing up; sum up; summarize | 總決; 總括
zofngkoankwn | champion | 總冠軍
zofngkoarn | general manager; superintendent; supervisor; director; manager | 總管
zofngkofng | general principles | 總綱
zofngkofngcidkux | in summary | 總講一句
zofngkongkeg | general offensive | 總攻擊
zofngkongsy | head office | 總公司
zofngkorng | finally; in conclusion; generally speaking | 總講; 總而言之
zofngkorng`cidkux | in a word; to sum up; to sum it all up in one sentence | 總而言之
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofnglefngsuxkoarn | consulate general | 總領事館
zofsukofng | ancient | 祖師公
zokkoaix | cause trouble; injure like a demon causing trouble or as someone's secret opposition; to behave in an idle and wicked way (said of a young man) | 作怪
zongkaux kongjiet | fanatic | 宗教狂熱
zongkoafn | general and comprehensive view; view the whole situation | 綜觀
zongkoex | go over | 傱過
zongzwkoaan | suzerainty | 宗主權
zongzwkog | suzerain state | 宗主國
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zorngkoafn | grand outlook; grand sight; great (beautiful) view | 壯觀
zoxkofng | assist | 助攻
zoxlie kokbuxkhefng | Undersecretary of State | 助理國務卿
zudbykoo | glutinous rice glue | 秫米糊
zukofng | All you gentleman | 諸公
zukog | various countries | 諸國
zulekoee | pickled Taiwanese snail | 珠螺膎
zunkofng | your honor | 尊公
zunkongsy | shipping company | 船公司
zurnkofng | project completed | 竣工
zusien kikoafn | charitable institution | 慈善機關
zux toaxkofngsia | massive (more than 100 cc) intravenous infusion | 打點滴
zuxiukoaan | freedom right | 自由權
zuxiuu-koaan | right of liberty | 自由權
zuxkoad | decide or solve (a problem) by oneself, self determination | 自決
zuxkof | conceited, proud of oneself | 自孤
zuxkofng | condensing lens | 聚光
zuxkongkviax | condensing lens | 聚光鏡
zuxkor ylaai | since ancient times | 自古以來
zuxkor | from ancient times | 自古
zuxkor-ciekym | from antiquity up to the present | 自古至今
zuxkox | take care of oneself | 自顧
zuxlaizuykorng | water pipes; water main | 自來水管
zuxoexkoaan | right of self defense | 自衛權
zuxsatseg ee kongkeg | suicide attack | 自殺式的攻擊
zuxtixkoaan | right of autonomy | 自治權
zuxtoaxkoong | megalomania | 自大狂
zuxzuo-koaan | right of self-decision, personal autonomy | 自主權
zuxzwkoaan | sovereignty (of a state) | 自主權
zuycirmkoea | konjac | 水浸粿
zuycirmkoefo | konjac taro | 水浸粿芋
zuykoaix | water monster | 水怪
zuykoaxn | water jug | 水罐
zuykoef | water chicken | 水雞
zuykoesiuu | backstroke | 水雞泅
zuykoo | watering glue | 水糊
zuykor | water bucket | 水鼓
zuykorng | water pipe; hose | 水管
zuytøxkorng | waterway pipe | 水道管
zuyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
zvarkoex | fried | 乍過
zvaykoaq | cut up, dismember, destroy | 宰割
zwchikoex | hosted | 主持過
zwkoaan | sovereign right; sovereignty; supremacy | 主權
zwkoad | main decision | 主決
zwkoafn ee khvoarhoad | subjective view | 主觀的看法
zwkoafn ee phøepheeng | subjective criticism | 主觀的批評
zwkoafn | subjective; subjectivity; subjective point of view | 主觀
zwkoanciar | supreme ruler | 主權者
zwkoanlun | subjectivism | 主觀論
zwkoarn | boss; director; supervisor; the boss; chief; take charge of | 主管
zwkoarn-kikoafn | the authorities concerned; the agency which is in charge of (a program) | 主管機關
zwkofng | main attack; Confucius | 主公; 主攻; 主人
zwkorkheq | main customer | 主顧客
zwkox | customer; regular customer | 主顧
zwnkorng | suppose | 準講
zørkoex | done it | 做過
zørkuie zørkoaix | very crafty and injurious; with pretence of honesty or friendship | 搞鬼作怪
zørsaikofng | perform certain Taoist rituals | 做司公
zøx nngxkoeh | split into two sections | 做兩節
zøx-koeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøxzuun kongsy | shipbuilding company | 造船公司
øefkor | undersized; short and small; shorty | 矮股; 矮小
øexkox-tid | be concerned about | 會記得; 會顧得; 注重
øh kofng'oe | learn to talk | 學講話
øhkorng | hard to say | 難講
øhtid korng | cannot be told well; difficult to tell or say; hard to say | 難講
øq korng | hard to say | 僫講
øqkoay | learn to behave | 學乖

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