"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: koa

Biaulek-koan | Miaoli County | 苗栗縣
Binkoaan zhopo | Fundamental Knowledge in Democracy; a book dealing with the procedures of parliamentary rule; authored by Dr. Sun Yat-sen | 民權初步
Binkoaan zwgi | principle of democracy | 民權主義
Binkoaan zwgy | Three Principles of the People (nationalism; democracy; livelihood); by Dr Sun yet-sen; founding father (國父) of the Republic of China | 三民主義 (民族主義; 民權主義; 民生主義)
Bykog koahpaw | hamburger | 美國割包; 漢堡
Cianghoax-koan | Changhua County | 彰化縣
Enghioong lankøex byjinkoafn | Even a great hero has difficulty getting by a beautiful woman. Many heroes have been conquered by a beautiful woman. (Samson and Delilah) | 英雄難過美人關
Gilaan-koan | Yilan County in Taiwan | 宜蘭縣
Hoalieen-koan | Hualien County | 花蓮縣
Hunliim-koan | Yunlin County | 雲林縣
Itkoarntø | religious sect combining Confucian; Buddhist; Taoist features | 一貫道
Kagi-koan-chi | Chiayi County-City | 嘉義縣市
Kaoteeng-kongsaekoarn | Apostolic Delegation | 教廷公使館
Køhioong-koan | Kaohsiung County | 高雄縣
Lamkoarn | song of southern dialect | 南管
Lamtaau-koan | Nantou County | 南投縣
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
Mafkoantiauiog | Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) | 馬關條約
Pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
Pasukoax | Pasch (Catholic) | 巴斯卦
Patkoarsvoaf | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山
Phvi'oo-koan | Penghu County | 彭湖縣
Pintofng-koan | Pingtung County | 屏東縣
Satbøfnie sioxngkoaxn | get at the truth step by step; often by round about way (Lit. To get a melon you have to haul in the vine.) | 撒母耳上卷
Serngkoaf | hymn, chant | 聖歌
Siaxkaokoarn | Social Education Center | 社教館
Sinteg-koaxnchi | Hsinchu County-City | 新竹縣市
Tailaam-koan | Tainan County | 台南縣
Tailamkoan | Tainan county | 台南縣
Taioankoaf | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌
Taioankoaiaau | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌謠
Taipag-koan | Taipei County | 台北縣
Taipakkoan | Taipei county | 台北縣
Taitafng-koan | Taitung County | 台東縣
Taitiofng-koan | Taichung County | 台中縣
Thoankoafnkhw | regional administration in charge of conscription and mobilization; somewhat like a draft board | 團管區
Thokkoarn lysuxhoe | The Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations) | 託管理事會
Thøhngg-koan | Taoyuan County | 桃園縣
Zwkoafn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 梓官
afn kikoafn | set a trap | 安機關; 設機關
aikoaf | mournful song; dirge; elegy | 哀歌
akkoaan | be in the power or authority; be in command; hold the reins | 握權
armkoad | secret knack; secret trick | 暗訣; 秘訣
arngkoax | urn cover | 甕蓋
arnkoaxn | protocol | 案卷
axmboekoay | a tadpole | 暗梅胿; 蝌蚪
bafnkoaf | funeral dirges | 輓歌
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
baxnkoaxn kazaai | very rich; wealthy | 萬貫家財
baxnkoaxn | very rich; wealthy | 萬貫
be koarnsix | detest; to disdain | 未慣勢; 無習慣
befkoax | outer jacket of Chinese dress | 馬蓋; 馬褂
begkoafn | contemplation | 默觀; 靜觀
begkoankitør | contemplative prayer | 默觀祈禱
bengkoaf | famous song | 名歌
bexkoaix`tid | not to be blamed | 未怪得; 怪無得
biexnbien siongkoafn | gape at each other 'in danger, etc, unable to move' | 面面相關
bikoafn | microscopy | 微觀
bin'ix kikoafn | people's representative body | 民意機關
binkoaan hoat'axn | civil rights bill | 民權法案
binkoaan | citizens right; civil rights; rights of the people | 民權
binkoaf | folk songs | 民歌
binzok zuxkoad | national self-determination | 民族自決
bixkoad | undecided; unsettled | 未決; 尚未決定
boafnkoaf | elegy; funeral hymn; elegy | 輓歌
bogkoaf | papaya | 木瓜
bogkoaix | no wonder; no wonder that; please excuse | 莫怪; 怪無得; 難怪; 怨不得
bogsukoarn | The Manse, The Parsonage, the pastor's residence | 牧師館
bogsw-koarn | pastor's residence. The Manse, the Personage | 牧師館; 牧師住宅
boxkoafn | collect money; appel for subscriptions; raise money; collect contributions | 募捐
budkoaan | property rights | 物權
bukoafn | no relationship; no concern; no connection; to have nothing to do with | 無關
bukoaix | no wonder | 無怪
buxnkoaxn | questionnaire | 問卷
bykoafn taixhofng | beautiful and dignified | 美觀大方
bykoafn | stylish appearance; beautiful; handsome; beautiful sight or view | 美觀
bykoax | divine by rice | 米卦
bysudkoarn | art gallery | 美術館
bøexkoaix`tid | no wonder | 沒怪得
bøfkoaan | matriarchal power | 母權
bøkoaan | having no power or authority | 無權
bøkoafn | to have nothing to do with, have no connection with | 無關
bøkoaix | no wonder | 無怪
bøkoarn | no matter whether | 無管; 不管
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
bøo koanhe | have nothing to do with; regardless of; it matters little | 無關係
chiamkoaan | exceed or usurp authority | 奪權
chiarmkoaan | to intervene somebody's affair without authorization | 僭權; 越權
chied khaikoafn | switch on or off | 切開關; 開開關
chiekoafn | crown of thorns | 刺冠; 茨冠
chiekoarn engjii | test tube baby | 試管嬰兒
chiekoarn | test tube | 試管
chiekoaxn | examination papers | 試卷; 考卷
chienchiuo-koan'ym | a Bodhisattva with thousand hands | 千手觀音
chienkii pekkoaix | all sorts of strange things | 千 奇百怪
chienkoafn | On the burial day to remove the coffin outside | 遷棺; 出葬日棺木移到外庭
chietkoaq | cut | 切割
chimhai koanli | encroach upon the privileges of another | 侵害權利
chinkoaan | the right to assume guardianship for one's own children before they come of age | 親權
chinkoanciar | person in parental authority | 親權者
chinkoaxn | family members | 親眷
chiongkoad | fight | 衝決
chiongkoafn | extreme anger that makes the hair stand on end and raises the cap one's wearing | 衝冠
chiongkoaxn | longitudinally; endlong | 縱貫
chiorngkoaxn | run lengthwise through | 縱貫
chiorngkoaxn-svoax | the railway or highway running the length of Taiwan | 縱橫線; 縱貫線
chiwsef giaqkoaan | beg humble person forgiveness | 手梳攑懸; 高抬貴手
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
chviuokoaf | to sing; sing songs | 唱歌
chviux-koantiau | to make high sounding speech | 唱高調; 唱懸調
ciafng'ag zerngkoaan | hold the reins of government | 掌握政權
ciafngkoaan | to control | 掌權
ciafngkoarn | to be in charge of; to administer; to command; control; oversee | 掌管
ciamkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
ciamkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
ciaokoarn | take care of; certainly; surely; take care of; manage; keep safe | 照管; 管理
ciaosiong-koarn | a photo studio | 照像館; 照相館
ciaosiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
ciapkoarn | take over the management or administration; The government will take over the company. | 接管
ciaqkoay | had a good lesson | 食乖
ciarm'iwkoaan | rights of tenure | 佔有權
ciauthaixkoaxn | free ticket | 招待券
cibkoaan | centralization of state power; concentration of authority; centralization of authority; concentration of power | 集權
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidkoafar | a few | 一寡仔
cidkoaq | one cut | 一割
cidkoar | some; a little; some | 一些; 一寡
cidkoaxn | a scroll | 一罐; 一卷
ciekoaan | sovereign | 至高
ciernkoaf | a battle-march, a war song | 戰歌
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
cinkhongkoarn | vacuum tube | 真空管
ciofngkoaan | be in power or authority | 掌權
ciofngkoarn | take charge of; supervise; manage | 掌管
ciofngkoaxn | lottery; lottery or raffle ticket | 獎券
cipkoaan | assume authority, take a position as authority | 執權; 執行職權
cipkoad | to make a firm decision; obstinate; stubborn | 執決; 固執; 堅持己見
cipsykoad | very obstinate | 執死決; 頑固; 固執
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cit'ui koaan ee kaosu | high rank priest | 職位高的教士; 修道院院長
citkoaan | authority of a position or office; authority for exercising or discharging one's duties | 職權
ciuxte kaykoad | settle or solve a problem right on the spot | 就地解決
ciwkoar | widow | 守寡
ciwkoarn | tavern | 酒館
cixnkoarn | although; notwithstanding; in despite of; even if | 儘管
ciøqkoafn | stone coffin; stone coffin | 石棺
cviaa laang-koaan | about as high as a man's height | 將近一人高; 近人高
cviaa-kikoaix | very strange | 很奇怪; 誠奇怪
cviakoaan | very high | 很高; 誠懸
cvikoafn | money supply; short of money | 錢關
cviuxkoaan | go up high | 爬高
cviwkoaxn | lottery ticket | 獎卷; 獎券
cyhuikoaan | right of command | 指揮權
cykoarn | by all means; just | 只管
efngkoad | to part forever; to separate forever; be gone forever--to die | 永訣
engkoafn | crown | 榮冠
engkoarnsix | idiomatical | 用慣勢; 用慣
gafnkaix koaan | have one's standards set high | 眼界高
gexsut-koarn | art museum | 藝術館
giamkaf koafnsog | exercise strict discipline over (juniors or subordinates) | 嚴加管束
giaqkoaan | hold up high; lift up high | 攑懸; 舉高
gixbu koanliam | sense of duty | 義務觀念
gixkoad | formal decision; decide or resolve (at a meeting) | 議決
gixkoad-axn | resolution, act | 議決案
gixkoafn | voluntary contribution; voluntary donation | 義捐
gixkoat'axn | resolution (at a meeting) | 議決案
gixkoatkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 議決權
goadkuiekoafn | laurel wreath | 月桂冠
goaxkaw koanhe | diplomatic relations | 外交關係
goaxkoafn | outer appearance; outward appearance | 外觀
goaxkoaxnchi | counties other than one's own | 外縣市
gui zerngkoaan | usurped authority | 偽政權
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gvafkoafn | grace; concinnity; nice appearance; fine sight | 雅觀
gvaixkoaq | to reap, to mow | 刈割; 艾割
gviakoafn | receive a coffin | 迎棺
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gvofkoafn | the five senses organs (ears | 五官
gyn'afkoaf | kids songs | 囡仔歌
gyn'ar-koaf | children's songs; children's folk song | 囡仔歌; 童歌; 兒歌; 童謠
gynnafkoaf | children's songs | 囡仔歌; 童謠
ha-koaxn | second volume, second book | 下卷
haixkoaekoaix | old and shabby | 害怪怪; 老舊; 破舊
harmkoaxkoa | reckless and careless in managing affairs; absurd; nonsensical | 諏掛掛; 馬虎極了; 荒謬極了
hatbiefnkoaan | exempt from | 豁免權
hauxkoaf | school song; college song | 校歌
haxkoaxn | Chronicle (1; 2) (Protestant) | 下卷; 歷代誌略 (上; 下卷)
haykoaan | sea power | 海權
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
haykoafn | custom; customshouse (sea barrier) | 海關
haykoafn-søex | customs due, duty | 海關稅
haysiong lwkoarn | floating hotel | 海上旅館
hengkoarkud | clavicle | 胸掛骨
hengkoarn | high official's home away from home | 行館
hengsuo-koaan | the right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengswkoaan | right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzerngkoaan | administrative power; executive authority | 行政權
hengzexng-kikoafn | administrative organization | 行政機關
hengzexng-koaan | executive authority | 行政權
hexkoatsym | take a firm resolve | 下決心
hiekoarn | theater | 戲館; 戲院
hien-kaukoafn | deal in dash | 現交關; 現金交易
hienkoafn | (n) vestibule; entrance (hall) | 玄關
hienkoax | remove the cover; take the cover | 掀蓋; 翻蓋子
hikii-kofkoaix | strange; bizarre; odd | 稀奇古怪
hiofngkoafn | tax office, toll-gate | 薪關
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hiorngkoafn | tax office | 餉關
hipkoax | cover to retain heat | 翕掛; 蓋蓋; 悶掛
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hiukoarn | resting hotel | 休館
ho toaxzuie koaq`khix | be washed away by flood | 被大水割去
hoafnkoax | change mind | 變卦; 反卦
hoakoafn | corolla; gaily decorated hat or cap | 花冠
hoakoaxn | corolla | 花冠
hoan'egkoaan | translation rights for a book | 翻譯權
hoatgieen-koaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatgienkoaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatsefng koanhe | establish relationship; have something to do with; have an affair with | 發生關係
hoaxnkoafn | a eunuch | 宦官
hoekoafn | crown of flowers | 花冠
hoexkoarn | a club house; guild(of a clan | 會館
hofkoad | to reject, to veto, a veto | 否決
hofng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方括弧; 方括號
hokhib khiekoafn | respiratory organs | 呼吸器官
hong'oexkoafn | defense taxes | 防衛捐
hongheeng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方形括弧
hongkhofng koarhø | registered air mail | 航空掛號
hongkoafn | macro | 宏觀
hongkoaxn | air pump; pump (for bicycle or basketball) | 風罐; 打氣筒
hongsiok sibkoaxn | customs and habits | 風俗習慣
hoxkoaix | toad; big frog | 雨怪; 水中蟾蜍
hoxngkoafn | a phoenix coronet | 鳳冠
hoxsiong koanhe | mutual relation | 互相關係
hunkoaan | decentralization of authority | 分權
hunkoaq | separate off; segmentation; partition; divide land into parts | 分割
hunkoarn | to be put in charge of | 分管
hurntø koan'uy | teaching and guiding authority | 訓導權威
huxkoaan | parental rights | 父權; 婦權
huxluo soafnkwkoaan | female suffrage | 婦女選舉權
huxluo zhamzerngkoaan | the right for women to participate in public affairs; women's rights | 婦女參政權
hvoaikoaxn konglo | highway running from east to west; Cross Island Highway in Taiwan | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-konglo | the cross-island highway; east-west highway | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-svoameh | mountain range running from east to west | 橫貫山脈
hvofkoad | to veto, to reject, a veto | 否決
høpeeng kaykoad | amicable settlement | 和平解決
iamkoaq | to castrate | 閹割
iaokoad | critical knack; the key to do something successfully; secret of doing something | 要訣
iarkoaxn | bore, tired of | 厭煩; 厭倦
iarmkoan | tiresome | 厭倦; 疲倦
iarmseakoafn | pessimistic view of life, pessimism | 厭世觀
iaukoaix | a monster; demons; goblin; apparition; specter; demon; siren; a Circe | 妖怪
iaumoo-kuykoaix | evil spirits of all kinds | 妖魔鬼怪
ibut-swkoafn | materialistic conception of history | 唯物史觀
iedkoaxn | grade examination papers | 閱卷
ikoafn | clothes and hat; the gentry; gentlemanly appearance | 衣冠
ikoafn-khimsiux | gentleman in appearance but beast in conduct; wolf in a sheep's skin | 衣冠禽獸
ikoaix | weird | 異怪
ikoarn | hospital | 醫館
imkoaf | licentious songs | 淫歌
inkør-koanhe | causation; causality; causal relation | 因果關係; 因果律
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
iongkoaxn | stocks | 融券
ioxngbexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用不慣
ioxngbexkoaxn | unaccustomed to the use of | 用不慣
ioxngbøexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣勢
ioxngbøexkoaxn | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣
isefng-koarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 醫院
isengkoarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 私人醫院; 診所
itkoad | a showdown | 一決
itkoad-zhuhioong | fight it out; compete for the championship | 一決雌雄
itkoaxn | consistent; constant; from beginning to end; unswerving | 一貫
itkoaxn-zok'hofng | consistent way of doing things | 一貫作風
itkoaxn-zokgiap | integrated operation (said of factories); through process | 一貫作業
itsy-putkoax | not a stitch on; stark naked | 一絲無掛
iukoarnchiaf | tank truck | 油罐車
iusiefn-koaan | preferential right, first right | 優先權
iusienkoaan | preferential right | 優先權
iuthaixkoaxn | complimentary ticket; a free ticket (for a show); discount ticket (for shopping in a certain store) | 優待券
iwkoaan | have the authority, have the right | 有權
iwkoae | abduct; kidnapping; allure into evil | 誘拐; 拐誘
iwkoafn | to have something to do with; have something to do with; to concern | 有關
iwkoafn-hongbin | authorities concerned; interested parties | 有關方面
iwkoafn-tongkiok | authorities concerned | 有關當局
iwzengjiin ciongseeng koarnsiok | The lovers finally got married | 有情人終成眷屬。
iøgyn'afkoaf | lullaby | 育囡仔歌
iønakoaf | lullaby, cradle song | 搖藍歌; 搖籃歌; 搖籃曲
iøqkoaxn | medicinal jar | 藥罐
jiafmtiøh phvae-sibkoaxn | infected by bad habits | 染到壞習慣
jibkoafn | have one foot in the grave | 入棺; 入關
jibtviukoaxn | ticket of admission | 入場券
jinbeng-koanhe | matter (case) of life and death | 人命關係
jinbeng-koanthiefn | Human life is of utmost importance | 人命關天
jinkoaan | human right | 人權
jinkoaan-soangieen | Declaration of Human Rights; Bill of Rights | 人權宣言
jinsengkoafn | view (philosophy) of life; outlook on life | 人生觀
jinsu-koafnlie | personnel administration | 人事管理
jinsu-koanhe | personnel connections | 人事關係
jiogkoafn | young man | 弱冠
jiogthea-koanhe | sexual relations | 肉體關係
jiøxkoarn | a ureter; a urinary canal | 尿管
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
kafmkag-khiekoafn | sense organs | 感覺器官
kafmkoafn | sense; sense organ; sense | 感官
kafmkoafn`ee | sensuous | 感官的
kakoafn | cap a boy as a symbol of his coming of age (at 20) | 加冠
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kakoaxn | wife and children | 家眷
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kankhofzexkoax | very painful and sad | 艱苦罪過
kankhor-zexkoax | unwilling | 艱苦濟掛; 心無甘情不願
kankoaq | Tonkin kudzu vine | 葛藤; 乾葛
kapikoarn | coffee-house; tea-room | 咖啡館
kapikoaxn | coffee pot | 咖啡罐
karkoay | tame; punish someone as a lesson (warning) | 教乖; 教訓; 馴乖; 馴服
karmzhatkoaan | power of control (one of the five powers of the government specified in the constitution of the Republic of China) | 監察權
kaukoafn | trading; purchase; deal; do business with; to buy | 交關; 採購; 買
kaukoankheq | customer | 交關客; 買客
kaukoaq | complete a business transaction | 交割
kaukoaxn | hand in the examination paper; complete an assignment | 交卷
kauthofng-kikoafn | means of communication; traffic facilities | 交通機關
kaw peqkoaxn | turn in a blank examination paper | 交白卷
kawkoaix | naughtiness; balky; mischievous; pig-headed | 狡怪; 頑皮; 狡猾
kaykoad | solve; settle; settlement | 解決
kaykoad-paxnhoad | solution (of a problem) | 解決辦法
kaykoafn | transform; present a new look; change the appearance of; change its appearance (as a city or building); to assume a new look | 改觀
keakoafn | pass | 過關
kefkuie-kefkoaix | feign to be a devil or a monster ─ pretend or feign (not to know; to be ill; deaf; dumb) | 假鬼假怪; 裝瘋賣傻
kefkuykefkoaix | pretending | 假鬼假怪
kefngkoafn | sight | 景觀
kegkoaan-kokkaf | dictatorial nation; dictatorship; totalitarian nation | 極權國家
kekoafn | cock's comb | 雞冠
kekoaxn | wife and children | 家眷
kengkoarn | take charge of, have charge or be in charge of | 經管
kengkof-sutkoar | have compassion on the orphan and the widow | 矜孤恤寡
khaekoad | summarize; generalize; capsule; recap | 概括
khaekoafn | a general view | 概觀
khaekoaq | to generalize | 概括
khaikoad | to generalize, to summarize | 開決
khaikoafn | switch; a switch (Lit. open-shut) | 開關
khaikoafn-giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein; exhumation | 開棺驗屍
khaikoaq | to generalize, to summarize | 開闊
khangkoafn'ar | empty bottle | 空罐仔; 空瓶子
khankoax | be concerned for; feel anxious about | 牽掛
khantngg-koarto | be deeply concerned | 牽腸掛肚
kharmkoax | cover; cover | 蓋蓋; 崁蓋; 蓋蓋子; 蓋上蓋子
khawkoad | magic formula; a set of practical methods put in words for easy memory | 口訣
khaxm zhuokoax | roof a building | 蓋厝掛
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khehkoafn | objective; objectivity; objective view | 客觀
khehkoafn-sexng | objectiveness | 客觀性
khehkoafn-zwgi | objectivism | 客觀主義
khehkoanlun | objectivism | 客觀論
khehkoanteg | objectively | 客觀德; 客觀的
khehkoarn | inn; small hotel; hotel (obsolete expression) | 客館
khekkoafn | objective | 客觀
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khie'koaan | renounce a right, quit or withdraw | 棄權
khie'koafn | organ of the body | 器官
khiechiaf-lykoarn | motel | 汽車旅館
khiekoaan | renounce a right, quit or withdraw | 棄權
khiekoafn | organ of the body | 氣官
khiekoarn | windpipe | 氣管
khienkoax | worry over | 牽掛
khoarnkoafn | persuade one to donate, raise money | 款款; 勸捐
khofngkhaix-koankhw | sacrifice one's life heroically for justice; die heroically in battle | 慷慨捐軀
khornggiabkoaan | mining rights | 礦業權
khorngkoarn | control | 控管
khorngzex-koaan | control, domination | 控制權
khuikoafn giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn-giaxmsy | to open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khvikoafn | mourning family with coffin | 纏棺; 出殯時孝男孝女捉緊棺木
khvoarkoaxn | used to see | 看慣
khvoax-bøexkoaxn | detest; to disdain | 看無慣
khvoax-koarnsix | used to seeing; accustomed to seeing | 看慣勢; 看慣
khøfkoad | can decide | 可決
khøfkoafn | sizable; be worth seeing; considerable (sum of money; losses) | 可觀
khøfkoaxn | exam paper | 考卷
khøhagkoarn | science hall | 科學館
khøhak-koarn | science building | 科學館
kiamkoarn | to also look after; to also have charge of; also look after; also take charge of | 兼管
kiapkoafn | rifle a coffin | 劫棺
kiauxkoaan | raise up with a lever | 撬高
kiawkoaxn | hand in examination papers | 繳卷
kienkoad | firmly (opposed to); determined; resolute; determined; decisive; resolute | 堅決
kiernkoaix | mind; take offence; take amiss; be somewhat displease at a slight fault or lapse in politeness | 見怪
kiheeng-koaezong | strange; uncommon form | 奇形怪狀
kikii-koaekoaix | strange; odd; amazing | 奇奇怪怪
kikikoaekoaix | strange; odd; amazing | 奇奇怪怪
kikoafn | am prgamozatopm; a machine; a secret; organization; a mechanism; structure | 機關; 奇觀
kikoafn-chiaf | a locomotive; an engine | 機關車
kikoafn-chiuo | locomotive engineer | 機關犛; 機長
kikoaix | odd; surprising; strange; mysterious; improper; it is strange that... | 奇怪
kikoanchiaf | locomotive | 機關車
kikoanphaux | rapid-fire gun; machine gun | 機關砲
kikoanpøx | government party paper; paper published by an organization | 機關報
kikoanzhexng | a machine gun; machine gun | 機關鎗; 機關銃; 機關槍
kiliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權, 居留權
kim'ioong-kikoafn | banking organ; financial organization | 金融機關
kinpurn kaykoad | radical solution | 根本解決
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
kiongkoaan | brute force; might | 強權
kiongzeakoaan | power of compulsion or coercion | 強制權
kioxng'iwkoaan | common rights | 共有權
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kioxngtoong koanli | common rights | 共同權利
kizuxkoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
kiøo køex koayar ciu parngtiau | be ungrateful; forgetful of benefits received | 橋過柺仔就放掉; 過河拆橋
kng'afkoax | lid of a jar | 缸仔蓋; 缸蓋
koa'aau | one's singing voice; one's vocal talent as a singer | 歌喉
koa'ar | a song; a kind of poem with rhythms and rhymes suitable for use as lyrics in songs | 歌仔
koa'ar-hix | Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koa'ar-kheg | a song; to tune; a ballad | 歌仔曲
koa'eng | sing hymns; sing praises of (Catholic) | 歌詠
koa'iaau | popular song | 歌謠; (曲)
koa'oong | very accomplished male vocalist | 歌王
koaafhix | musical drama, folk opera, Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koaan kex | high price | 懸價
koaan svoaf | high mountain | 懸山
koaan | high; tall; elevated; loud; power | 高; 懸; 權
koaan-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, systolic blood pressure | 高血壓
koaan`khylaai | to raise; elevated | 高起來
koaarn'koankoaan | extreamly high | 高高高
koabee | lover of song; fan of a singer | 歌迷
koabuo | singing and dancing; song and dance | 歌舞
koabwkiok | musical; operetta | 歌舞劇
koabwthoaan | song and dance ensemble | 歌舞團
koachiuo | singer | 歌手
koachviux | to sing; to chant | 歌唱
koachvy | a singing star; an accomplished vocalist | 歌星
koacip | collection of songs; song-book | 歌集
koad hvi'ar | slap the ears | 打耳仔
koad | decide; settle; knack; include; decide; determine; to kill; execute; decidedly | 決; 抉; 筈; 秘訣; 括; 訣; 摑; 鴰; 聒
koad-syciexn | a fight to the death | 決死戰
koad-zhuhioong | fight it out | 決雌雄
koae | stick; a cane | 柺; 拐
koae'oe | an absurdity, an odd expression | 怪話
koae'vi | strange | 怪異
koae`laang | to kidnap a person; to abduct | 拐人
koae`zhao | abduct | 拐走
koaebut | monster; monstrosity; an eccentric person; monster; apparition | 怪物
koaechiuo | digger | 怪手
koaeciao | strange bird, freak bird | 怪鳥
koaeheeng | strange appearance | 怪形
koaehiexnsiong | strange phenomenon; disagreeable occurrence | 怪現象
koaehofng | whirlwind | 怪風; 疾風; 旋風
koaei | supernatural events | 怪異
koaejiin | peculiar person | 怪人
koaekhar | strange | 奇巧; 奇怪
koaekiet | an extraordinary person; an outstanding person; a man among men | 怪傑
koaekoaix | unnatural; strange; odd | 怪怪; 無對勁; 不自然
koaelaang | a strange person, a peculiar person | 怪人
koaemih | freak, monster, demon, ghost, specter | 怪物
koaepheg | unreasonable; eccentric; perverse | 乖僻
koaephiaq | eccentric; strange-acting; eccentricity; strange habit; odd behavior | 怪僻; 怪癖
koaepve | strange disease, unusual disease | 怪病
koaepvi | abnormal (strange) disease | 怪病
koaesiaau | monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon | 怪迢
koaesiux | a rare animal (especially large sized ones); strange animal; monster (beast; animal) | 怪獸
koaesoad | strange statement | 怪說
koaesu | strange happenings or things; How strange!; very strange affair; happening | 怪事
koaesut | strange skill; sorcery; witchcraft | 怪術; 妖術
koaesviu | a whims | 怪想
koaetaam | weird talks; accounts of something uncanny; weird talk; talk foolishly | 怪談
koaethay | monster (obstetrics) | 怪胎
koaetø | bi wibder tgat...; small wonder that... | 怪道
koaevi | strange; unusual; weird; supernatural events | 怪異
koaezexng | abnormal disease | 怪症
koaezoe | blame | 怪罪
koaezong | strange condition; strange appearance; strange at appearance (shape) | 怪狀
koaf | melon; pumpkin; cucumber; squash | 瓜; 歌
koafhu | widow | 寡婦
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koafn | shut (a door); imprison | 關; 關卡; 捐
koafn'ar | a can; a jar; a jug; small wide-mouthed jar | 罐仔
koafncvii | to take care of money | 管錢
koafngak | wind music | 管樂
koafnhad | to have jurisdiction over; to have control over; jurisdiction; control; exercise control over | 管轄
koafnhad-hoaxn'uii | sphere of competency | 管轄範圍
koafnhatkoaan | jurisdiction | 管轄權
koafnhieen | wind and string instruments | 管絃
koafnhieen-gak | symphonic music | 管絃樂
koafnhien'gak | orchestral music | 管弦樂
koafnhiengak | orchestral music | 管絃樂
koafnkaux | training; to discipline; direct and teach | 管教
koafnkax | sure to make (a person feel or act in some predicted way) | 管教
koafnkef | housekeeper; run one's home; steward; to keep house | 管家
koafnkef-pøo | a housekeeper | 管家婆; 婆婆媽媽
koafnkepøo | house keeper | 管家婆
koafnkhw | the administrative region; district under control | 管區; 轄區
koafnkhw`ee | police officer who is in charge of the area; patrol | 管區的
koafnkox | to control and take care; watch over and take charge of | 管顧; 照顧
koafnlaang | manage people | 管人
koafnlie | to manage; to administer; to handle; to take care of; management; control; to supervise; take charge of; manage | 管理
koafnlie-hoad | management method | 管理法
koafnlyciar | administrator; caretaker | 管理員
koafnlyjiin | administrator; manager; supervisor; trustee; custodian | 管理人
koafnlykiok | administration department | 管理局
koafnlykoaan | authority over | 管理權
koafnlyoaan | caretaker; keeper; administrator; manager; janitor | 管理員
koafnsiaux | book-keeper; a type of steward who keeps the accounts | 管數; 管賬
koafnsiaux`ee | steward who manages accounts | 管數的; 管賬的
koafnsog | to control; to restrain; to discipline; restrain; to discipline; control | 管束
koafnsu | a housekeeper or shopkeeper; effective; useful; to take care of; to administer | 管事
koafnthai y | don't care about him | 無管他
koafnthai | to pay attention to | 管待; 理會; 理睬
koafntviuo | superintendent; curator; head of a library; institute | 館長
koafntø | religious sect combining Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist features | 管道
koafntøo | (esp. said of a married woman or an employee) to clear up everything and run away; to abscond | 捲逃
koafnzex | to control | 管制
koagvi | dry and hard | 枯硬
koah'aau | cut one's throat | 割喉
koah'aix | to give up what one treasures; to give up something reluctantly; give away or part with what one loves | 割愛
koah'irn | discount | 割引
koahbaq | to cut the meat | 割肉
koahciaxm | annex and occupy | 割佔
koahcih | to cut the tongue | 割舌
koahhex | batch of goods | 割貨
koahhoea | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割火, 割香, 進香
koahhoeq | cut the carotid of a fowl for blood-letting | 放血
koahhoex | order large quantity goods | 批貨
koahhuiq | to give up the blood | 割血
koahhviw | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割香; 進香
koahhwn | to divide up; to cut apart | 分割
koahhøea | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割火; 割香; 進香
koahhøex | to buy the wholesale goods | 批貨; 割貨
koahjiong | cede to a foreign country | 割讓
koahkex | wholesale price | 割價; 批發價
koahkhuy | to cut open; cut open | 割開
koahkym | gold paper goods used for worshiping | 割金
koahlea | circumcision | 割禮
koahniu | to cede (land or territory) | 割讓
koaho | very accomplished female vocalist | 歌后
koahpaw | Taiwanese burger | 割包
koahpe | harrow to even up the field; a harrow with knife-like blades | 犛耙
koahpox | cloth made of vegetable fiber | 割布; 葛布; 纖維布
koahsiofng | wound by cutting | 割傷
koahtiin | leather-leaf millettia | 割藤; 雞血藤; 皮葉粟
koahtin'ar | wild inedible grass that creeps and spreads fast | 割藤仔; 野生的一種蔓草仔
koahtiu | to cut off unhulled rice | 割稻
koahtiuafbea | get something for nothing | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuafboea | sit back and enjoy the results | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuar | harvesting rice | 割稻仔
koahtiøh | suffer a cut; be cut (by a chip or fragment) | 割傷
koahtng | to cut off; to sever by cutting; sever (a rope or relationship) | 割斷
koahtofng | assign, allot, divide to, allotment, assignment | 割通; 配額
koahwn | carve up; dismember; divide and distribute; apportion; to partition; dismember | 瓜分
koahzhao | to cut grass; to mow grass | 割草
koahzhao-ky | mower | 割草機; 除草機
koahzhawky | lawn mower | 割草機
koai | stubborn; contrary in temper; to sprain (the foot) | 拐; 絆倒
koai`tiøh | stumble | 絆倒
koai`tør | to trip over; to trip | 絆倒
koaiaau | popular song | 歌謠
koaikhar | clever; ingenious; obedient and intelligent (children) | 乖巧; 乖順
koaikhiao | well-behaved and intelligent (child) | 乖巧
koaikoay | sib; ossove dpco; e; an endearing name for children | 乖乖
koaix | freak; monster; demon; ghost; specter; strange; uncanny; monstrous; to blame; marvelous; find fault with; monster; goblin | 怪
koaix-hiexnsiong | a strange phenomenon | 怪現象
koaix-putteg | no wonder | 怪無得
koaix`laang | to blame on someone else | 怪人
koaixbiu | contrary, perverse | 荒謬
koaixkyn | a sprain | 扭筋
koaixphiaq | contrary, perverse | 執拗
koakad | melon vines--a multitude of relatives; connected; involved; related; complications | 瓜葛
koakek | opera | 歌劇
koakheg | popular song | 歌謠; 歌曲; (曲)
koakiok | opera | 歌劇
koakoaf | tough (of vegetables) | 瓜瓜; 比較老 (菜類)
koakør | apple | 瓜果; 蘋果
koaluo | songstress; female singer | 歌女
koan | county; prefecture; county | 倦; 縣
koan'aix | caring | 關愛
koan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
koan'ek | one's right and advantage, right and profit | 權益
koan'iaux | bigwigs; topdogs; powerful persons; confidential | 權要; 關?; 關鍵
koan'ie | highchair | 高椅
koan'ieen | listen what people say | 觀言
koan'ii | in regards to | 關於
koan'immar | goddess of mercy Kwan-yin | 觀音媽
koan'imteeng | temple of Kwan-yin | 觀音亭
koan'imteg | phoenix bamboo | 觀音竹
koan'iuo | own by government | 官有
koan'iuo-tøe | land owned by government | 官有地
koan'ui | high position | 高位
koan'uu | regarding, concerning, in connection with, in respect of | 關於
koan'uy | an authority (in certain sphere of knowledge); power and prestige | 權威
koan'w; koan'ii; koan'uu | concerning; with regard to; regarding | 關於
koan'ym | high-pitched tone | 高音; 懸音
koan'ym-teg | broad leaved lady balm, Hedge bamboo, Koanyin bamboo | 高音竹; 觀音竹; 筋頭竹
koan-zernghuo | county government | 縣政府
koanbiern | elegant; officially; royal crown; official hat; elegant and stately | 冠冕
koanbo | to collect contribution | 捐幕; 捐募
koanbok | coffin | 棺木; (棺材)
koanbong ee thaixto | waiting attitude | 觀望的態度
koanbong | wait-and-see attitude; to wait and see; hesitate | 觀望
koanboo | intrigue; tactics; schemes | 權謀
koanbuu | crested bunting (bird) | 冠鵐; 鳳頭鹀
koanchied | be deeply concerned | 關切; 關心
koanciaux | to notify; to inform; to take care of; to look after | 關照
koancied | joint; articulation | 關節
koancied-iam | arthritis, rheumatism | 關節炎
koanciet'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanciexn | witness a battle, observe a military operation | 觀戰
koancioxng | the audience or spectators | 觀眾
koanciøx | take care of, look after | 觀照; 關照
koancvii | contribute; donate (as money) | 捐錢
koangii | expedient; temporary (measure; etc.) | 權宜
koangiin | to donate money; contribute funds | 捐銀; 捐款
koangoadhoe | moon viewing feast | 賞月會
koangoat | to view the moon; enjoy the moonlight | 觀月
koanhan | limitation of power or authority; jurisdiction within certain limits; authorized limit of rights; competence | 權限
koanhang | contribution, donation, subscription | 捐項
koanhe | relation; relationship; connection; ties; relation; connection; with reference to; have to do with | 關係
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koanhexciar | persons concerned | 關係者
koanhexsuu | relative clauses; relative pronoun; adverb | 關係詞
koanhiexn | to donate; to contribute; offer money; donations | 捐獻
koanhiexn-ciar | a contributor, a donor | 捐獻者
koanhiøqlaan | blossomless orchids | 觀葉蘭
koanhoaai | concerned; to show concern; concern; concern oneself about | 關懷
koanhoef | enjoy flowers | 觀花
koanhoeq | donate blood (public) | 捐血
koanhoong | the seal of a government agency; a military position at a strtegic point on the border; oblong official seal | 關防
koanhu | widower; bachelor | 鰥夫
koanhuiq | donate blood (public) | 捐血
koanhw | widower (col. sybor`ee) | 鰥夫
koanhøea | to view clearly | 觀火
koanjiet | high fever, high temperature | 高熱
koankarm | one's feelings or emotional reactions after seeing or reading something; impression | 觀感
koanke | height; pitch; sense of propriety; high and low; skilful and unskillful | 高低; 懸低
koanke-kefng | rooms not in the same level | 高低間
koanke-kharm | high and low stairs or steps | 高低階
koanke-thaau | high and low ends | 高低頭
koankeg | boxing; boxing art; to strike with fist | 拳擊
koankex | high price | 高價; 懸價
koankexkefng | one shoulder lower than the other | 高低肩
koankexkharm | sudden change of level (on a road or terraced hill-side) | 高低坎
koankhao | customs station | 關口
koankhaq | video game - level | 關卡
koankhax | a customs station or barrier; check point customs barrier | 關卡
koankhiaw | stilts | 高蹺
koankhiw | dark cuckoo dove | 長尾鳩
koankhix | to cast away, to abandon | 捐棄
koankhoarn | to donate money; to contribute money; money donated | 捐款
koankhvoar | donate money; contribute funds; sum collected or subscribed; collect funds | 捐款
koankhvoax | to look at; to observe or inspect; to see; look at attentively | 觀看
koankhw | die for one's country or duty; sacrifice one's life | 捐軀
koankiah-øee | high-heel shoe | 高跟鞋
koankiaqaføee | high-heeled shoes | 高屐仔鞋
koankib | high in rank (grade; quality) | 高級
koankien | a key point; a key (to a problem); an important turning point; a hinger | 關鍵
koankiu | coffin | 棺柩
koankoaan | high | 高高; 懸懸
koankoax | coffin lid | 棺蓋
koankofng | to see the sights; tourism; sight-seeing; go sight-seeing | 觀光
koankofng-kheq | tourist, visitor, sight-seer | 觀光客
koankofng-lyheeng | sight-seeing tour | 觀光旅行
koankofng-lysia | tourist hotel | 觀光旅社
koankofng-suxgiap | tourism | 觀光事業
koankofng-thoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koankongthoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koankox | to be concerned and take care of (someone) | 關顧
koankwn | first place (in a contest); the winner; champion | 冠軍
koankym | to donate; to contribute | 捐金; 捐款; 捐獻
koanlaau | tall buildings; skyscrapers | 高樓
koanlai | one's sphere of authority | 權內
koanlap | to buy a government appointment with grain or money | 捐納
koanlarm | inspect, look carefully at | 觀覽
koanlat | authority, power | 權力
koanleeng | authority; power; (in law) exercise of one's rights; power; authority; competence | 權能; 權力
koanleeng-ky | (hoarhak) a functional group | 權能機; 官能基
koanlek | authority; power; power; authority; influence | 權力
koanli | right; power; authority | 權利
koanliam | a concept; an idea or view; idea | 觀念
koanlieen | (have) a causal or sequential relationship; related; connected; involved | 關連; 關聯
koanlixciar | rightful person | 權利者
koanlixkym | key money, premium | 權利金
koanløqym | one kind of hypnotism and mesmerism | 高落音; 一種降靈術或催眠術
koanmoo | to emulate the good points of others; to compare notes; see the good in another and strive to emulate it | 觀摩
koanmoo-hoe | invited meeting of observation | 觀摩會
koanpefng-seg | a military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式; 觀兵式
koanpexng | authority; power; authority; power; legal competence | 權柄
koanpiexn | to adjust oneself to changing situations; conditions; etc. | 權變
koanpix | to close; to close down (as a store; plant; etc.) | 關閉
koansex | power and influence | 權勢
koansiern | baptism performed under special circumstances (as for a non-believer at the point of death) (Catholic) | 權洗
koansiorng | to see and enjoy | 觀賞
koansioxngtaai | an elevated stand or platform on which one can see far and wide to observe heavently bodies; an observatory | 觀象臺
koansiux | good-looking; pretty; cute | 娟秀
koansoad | to negotiate; to use one's influence to lobby illegally | 關說
koansoex | customs dues | 關稅
koansut | craft or tact (in handling things; etc.) | 權術
koansuu | (in English grammar) the article | 冠詞
koansvoaf | high mountain | 高山; 懸山
koansw | an expert in the art of boxing; a boxing master | 拳師
koansym | to be concerned about; to show concern; concern; give attention to | 關心
koansøex | customs duty; tariff; tax; taxation; customs duties; tariff duties | 關稅
koantaai | high platform, high tower | 觀台; 高臺
koantaang | to divine; to resolve doubts by an application to spiritual being; perform incantation to call the spirit to the medium or sorcerer | 扶乩; 乩童做法請神鬼附身
koantah`ee | high hills shoe | 高踏的
koantax | coffin pall made of cloth or some other rich material | 棺罩
koanterng | high class | 高頂
koantex | Kwanti, god of businessman | 觀帝
koanthaau | juncture; moment; boundary; border; key point | 關頭; 瓶頸
koanthiøo | a crucial moment | 關頭
koantiarm | one's view on a certain matter; a point of view; point of view; one's ideas or opinion concerning something | 觀點
koantiau | high tone; high key; the soprano | 高調; 高音調
koantioxng | scepter, baton, crosier, mace | 權杖
koanto | altitude; height | 高度; 懸度
koantoa | tall and strong; big and tall | 高大
koantvoaa | a high altar | 高壇
koantøf | knige with a five-to-six foot handle for fighting on horseback; so called for it's believed to be the weapon used by Kuan Yu; peculiar hooked spear or halberd | 關刀; 大刀
koanzad | joint; articulation | 關節
koanzad-iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzat'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzax | crafty and dishonest; expediency in disregard of moralioty | 權詐
koanzeeng-korau | to hesitate to make a move | 觀前顧後
koanzeg | power and responsibility | 權責
koanzeng | to contribute, to subscribe, to donate | 捐贈
koanzengkorau | cautious and thoughtful | 觀前顧後
koanzhad | to observe | 觀察
koanzhad-lek | power of observation | 觀察力
koanzhad-oaan | observer | 觀察員
koanzhatlek | power of observation; insight | 觀察力
koanzhattiarm | point of view; view point | 觀察點
koanzheg | to observe and survey | 觀測
koanzo | contribute to; endow; contribute; endowment | 捐助
koanzux | concerned; show concern | 關注
koapho | a book of songs | 歌簿
koaphor | music scores | 歌譜
koaq beqar | reap wheat | 割麥子
koaq bongtngg | perform (undergo) an operation for appendicitis | 割盲腸
koaq pauphøee | circumcise | 割損; 割包皮
koaq tiuar | harvest rice | 割稻
koaq tngto | hurt the bowels with poison; wound the heart with severe grief | 斷腸
koaq zhuiechiw | to blame | 刮鬍子
koaq zhuiecih | cut out the tongue in punishment | 割舌頭
koaq | cut by drawing the knife along; to wound by cutting; reap; perform an operation; be washed away (by a flood) | 割
koaq`laang | give for others to sell | 割人; 批發給人
koar | few; widowed; few; some | 寡; 些; 少許
koaraang | to hang red silks for congratulation on the opening of a new shop; a sign of repentance by perpetrator of an offense by hanging a piece of red silk or cloth at the door of his victim | 掛紅
koarbang | wait and see | 觀望
koargai | to meet many obstacle and obstruction; to hinder; to block | 罣礙; 掛礙; 阻礙; 掛牽
koarhaux | to wear mourning | 帶孝
koarhø | to register, registered mail | 掛號
koarhø-phøe | registered letter | 掛號信
koarhø-phøef | registered letter | 掛號批
koarhø-zhux | a registry, a register office | 掛號處
koarhøxhuix | registration fee (hospital) | 掛號費
koarhøxphøef | registered letter | 掛號信
koarhøxsixn | registered letter | 掛號信
koarix | anxious about; to mind | 掛意; 掛心
koarkaw | coupling links | 掛鉤
koarkhag | with shell; meat with shell | 帶殼; 連殼
koarkii | to hoist a flag, a hanging flag | 掛旗
koarkoafn | (liteally) to hang up one's official cap--to quit or resign | 掛冠
koarkui | pregnant; said in blame of unmarried woman; swollen ear (of grain about to burst; just before chhut-sui | 充穗; 懷孕; 大肚子
koarleeng | odd (as; 50-odd); more than (used after a round figure; as 一千掛零) | 掛零
koarli | be anxious | 掛慮
koarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
koarlu | to be worried or anxious about | 掛慮; 掛牽
koarlui | to involve (another) in | 掛累
koarmi | dried noodle | 掛麵
koarmiaa ee angbor | husband and wife only in name | 掛名的夫妻
koarmiaa | in name only; nominally; titular; only in name | 掛名
koarn engsu | be a meddler; to be a busy-body; meddle with other's affairs | 管閒事
koarn | percussion cap; detonator | 管
koarn'afthad | cork or stopper for a bottle | 瓶子塞
koarn'ag | to water (field, flower, etc.) | 澆灌
koarn'ar | bottle, jar | 罐仔; 罐子
koarn'iong | be in common use; idiomatic; habitual | 慣用
koarn'iong-gie | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-guo | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-hoad | common usage | 慣用法
koarn'ioxnggie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
koarn'ioxngkux | an idiom | 慣用語; ( 慣用句)
koarn'uu | used to | 慣於
koarn`laang | to control and take care of a person | 管人
koarnboarn | to pour water to the rim | 灌滿
koarnbok | shrubs | 灌木
koarnchi-hoad | gavage, feeding with stomach tube | 灌飼法
koarnchiaang | purge the bowels; to remove poison from one's stomach by means of laxative or saline | 洗腸
koarnchviuophvix | to cut a phonograph record | 灌唱片
koarncioxng | tree fern, fern (osmunda) | 灌蕨; 貫眾
koarnciuo | force one to drink liquor | 灌酒
koarncviw | to fill the crevices between bricks; etc. with mortar to make the foundation; wall; or pavement secure; grouting; to fill the space between bricks with mortar; to make the foundation; wall or pavement secure | 灌漿
koarnhoan | habitual criminal; habitual offender | 慣犯
koarnhofng | to pour wind into something; inflate with air; pump up the tube of a tire | 打氣; 灌風; 輪胎打氣
koarnjip | to pour something into | 灌入
koarnkhaix | to irrigate; irrigation | 灌溉
koarnkox | to care for; to concern about affectionately; care for; to be affectionately concerned about | 眷顧
koarnkud | zygomatic bone | 顴骨
koarnkunkii | the championship flag; the pennant | 冠軍旗; 優勝旗
koarnkwn | first place (in a contest); the winner; champion | 冠軍
koarnky | an old trick | 慣技
koarnle | usual or customary practice; custom; established practice; custom; usage; precedent; convention | 慣例
koarnlien | experienced, thoroughly acquainted | 慣練; 熟練
koarnloaan | to admire; to feel attachment to someone | 眷戀
koarnsexng | inertia; inertia (physics) | 慣性
koarnsiax | dormitory for married employee | 眷舍
koarnsiofng | brokerage firm | 券商
koarnsiok | dependents; family; wife and family | 眷屬
koarnsix | accustomed to (doing; the climate); familiar with | 習慣; 慣勢; 慣於
koarnsngx | calculated at; equivalent to (said of the value of property; possession; etc.) | 貫算; 折算相當於
koarnsuu | an article (grammatical) | 冠詞
koarnsw | indoctrinate | 灌輸
koarnsøea | lavage, washing out an organ | 灌洗
koarnthaau | canned food; tinned meats or fruit | 罐頭
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
koarnthied | thoroughly; from the start to the end; to carry out; thoroughly; carry out; from beginning to end; from start to finish | 貫徹
koarnthofng | to have a thorough understanding; to have a thorough knowledge of; have a thorough understanding | 貫通; 灌通
koarntng'iøh | enema; clyster | 灌腸藥
koarntngg | to give an enema or clyster; give an enema | 灌腸
koarntoxkaau | pour water into a hole in order to catch cricket; describe someone drinks a lot of beverage or water | 灌杜猴; 灌蟋蟀; 形容喝大量飲料
koarnzhat | a confirmed thief | 慣賊
koarnzhoafn | penetrate; pierce through; understand thoroughly | 貫穿
koarnzhoaxn | customarily; always; usually; logical connection; to string or thread together; to connect | 貫串; 慣常
koarnzhwn | military dependent's | 眷村
koarnzngf | canned | 罐裝
koarnzofng | file; dossier; folder; archives; record of cases | 卷宗
koarnzuie | to blow water into (meat; chicken; etc) so as to increase weight before marketing; to pour water into something; torture a person by pouring water into his throat and nostrils; inject water (into meat to make it heavier) | 灌水
koarnzuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koarnzux | pour out or into | 灌注; 貫注
koarpaai | hang out a signboard; go into practice (said of lawyers; doctors); to hang out a bulletin board listing the current exchange rates | 掛牌
koarphaang | to hang up a sail (of a boat) | 掛帆
koarpiern | to hang up a (wooden) tablet | 掛匾
koarsoaix | to take command | 掛長; 掛帥; 掛率
koarsuie | to hang up to look good | 掛水
koarsym | to worry; have on one's mind; worry about; troubled in mind; to worry | 掛心
koartoo | to hang the picture; wall map; picture or scroll to illustrate a book | 掛圖
koartvoaf | (said of a traveling Buddhist monk) to lodge in a temple for the night | 掛單
koarzefng | pendulum clock | 掛鐘
koarzhaecie | mustard seed | 芥菜子
koarzhaix | leaf mustard; mustard-plant | 芥菜
koasiab | rough and bitter | 粗澀
koasiong | to read a book aloud musically; to sing praises | 歌誦
koasoxng | to sing praises | 歌頌
koasuu | lyrics; words of a song; lyrics; words of a song; verses of songs | 歌詞
koasviaf | the singing voice; the vocal part in a performance | 歌聲
koasy | songs; to sing poems | 歌詩
koasøx | (adj) not interesting | 枯燥
koat'hofng | blow | 刮風
koat'hoo | parenthesis; bracket; brackets; parentheses | 括弧
koat'hø | parenthesis; brackets; sign of aggregation (in mathematics) | 括號
koat'ix | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koat'oo | parentheses, brackets | 括號; 括弧
koatbok | to marvel at someone's progress of improvement | 刮目
koatchihioong | make victory and defeat, make success and failure | 決雌雄, 定勝負
koatchiwtee | hit palm of one's hand | 打手心
koatciexn | fight a decisive battle | 決戰
koatcix | to make up one's will | 決志; 立志
koatgi | a resolution (reached at a meeting); a decision; to decide; to resolve; decide by a majority vote after a vote; resolution; decide; resolve | 決議
koatgixaxn | resolution | 決議案
koatgixliok | register of decisions; resolution | 決議錄
koathviaf | an entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers; night club; entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers | 歌廳
koatiau | melody of a song | 歌調
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
koatjieen | resolutely; firmly; in a determined manner | 決然
koatjiong | to cede (land or territory) | 割讓
koatkhiaux | formula for remembering | 訣竅
koatliet | break off relations | 訣裂; 決裂
koatpiet | farewell before die | 訣別
koatpiet-suu | farewell address | 訣別辭; 臨別贈言
koatpiøf | winning the bid | 決標
koatsaix | the final (of a contest; race; etc.); the finals; the decision (of a contest; race) | 決賽
koatsexng | certain to bring victory; to fight a decisive battle | 決勝
koatsie | certain to bring death; to fight to death | 決死
koatsngx | final financial statement | 決算
koatsoarnjit | the day for closing the (business) books | 決算日
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
koatsoaxn | final financial statement; closing accounts; balance an account | 決算
koatsyciexn | life-and-death war | 決死戰
koatsym | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koatsytui | forlorn hope; death band; suicide squad | 決死隊; (敢死隊)
koattaux | duel | 決鬥
koatteng | decide; determine; settle; determination; decision | 決定
koatteng-tek | decisive, crucial | 決定得; 決定性的
koattoaxn | to determin; to decide; to make a decision; to conclude; decision; determination | 決斷
koattoaxn-lat | power of decision | 決鬥力; 決斷力
koattoaxn-lek | power of decision | 決鬥力
koattox | a duel; to fight a duel | 決鬥
koattvia | decide, determine, settle | 決定
koattør | to knock down; to floor | 決倒; 擊倒
koatvoaa | vocal circle or group | 歌壇
koatzheg | an adopted policy; decision | 決策
koatzhuhioong | make victory and defeat; make success and failure | 決雌雄; 定勝負
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koatzoat | make an irrevocable decision to terminate relationship | 決決; 絕交
koax bagkviax | wear glasses (ring; wrist watch) | 掛眼鏡; 戴眼鏡
koax bagkviax`ee | bespectacled | 掛眼鏡的; 帶目鏡的
koax befvoaf | wear a saddle | 掛馬鞍
koax ciaupaai | hang up a sign-board | 掛招牌
koax viuthaau bøe kawbaq | sell dog meat while hanging sheep's head outside the shop as advertisement ─ to cheat | 掛羊頭賣狗肉
koax | hang up; suspend; to worry; think of; anxious | 掛; 帶; 蓋
koaxn hofng | Inject air into tires or balloons, etc | 灌風
koaxn iøqar | force one (a child) to swallow medicine | 灌藥
koaxn tngg | cleanse the intestines | 灌腸
koaxn | pour into (a throat or similar aperture); pour in (through a river-mouth as a high tide); force (someone) to drink; can; jar; ticket; certificate; first-rate; be superior | 罐; 卷; 灌; 觀; 券; 眷; 悁; 貫; 盥; 冠; 捲; 串; 慣
koaxn'ioong | looked weary or tired | 倦容
koaxn-hof zuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koaxnbiin | populace of a county | 縣民
koaxnchi | city; county | 縣市
koaxngixhoe | prefecture assembly | 縣議會
koaxngixoaan | member of a prefecture assembly; assemblyman | 縣議員
koaxnhatchi | city governed in and by the surrounding county | 縣轄市
koaxnhuo | county government | 縣府
koaxnlai | within the county | 縣內
koaxnlip | under prefecture management; prefecture | 縣立
koaxnlip-haghau | Schools established by Hsien; Prefecture Schools | 縣立學校
koaxnlip-pvexvi | prefecture hospital; county hospital | 縣立醫院
koaxntai | to be tired; worn out | 倦怠
koaxntviuo | the head of a county government; a county magistrate; prefecture governor; a mandarin | 縣長
koaxnzexng | county administration | 縣政
koay | well-behaved; gentle; obedient (child) | 乖
koay'iuo | to lure away, to decoy, to abduct | 柺誘; 拐誘
koay'oafn | to turn the corner | 柺灣; 拐灣
koayar | cane; walking-stick; climber's pick | 柺杖
koaybøe | abduct or kidnap and sell; engage in white-slavery | 拐賣
koayiuo | abduct; kidnapping; allure into evil | 誘拐; 拐誘
koaykhix | swindle | 拐去
koaykoae`khix | swindle | 拐拐去
koaykuxn | abductor, swindler | 柺子; 拐架者
koaylaang | swindle someone | 拐人
koaylong | poison a man's mind against another; delude into a quarrel with another | 挑撥
koayphiexn | to abduct; to kidnap; swindle; allure into running away | 拐騙
koayzao | carry off by trickery abduct; kidnap; swindle | 拐走
koazheq | a songbook | 歌冊; 歌本
koazhvef | singing star | 歌星
koeakoafn | go through a checkpoint; pass a critical test; weather a crisis with success; run the gauntlet with flying colors | 過關
koex gvofkoafn | kind of solitaire played with dominoes | 過五關
kofkoaan | ownership of a share or stock | 股權
kofkoaix | strange; queer; anachronistic; eccentric; very peculiar; very different from what was expected | 古怪
kokbiin zuxkoad | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokbinkoaan | people's rights | 國民權
kokkaf koanliam | sense of nationality | 國家觀念
kokkoaan | the power of the nation; the authority of the nation; national sovereignty | 國權
kokkoaf | the national anthem | 國歌
koksuo-koarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
kokswkoarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
kokzex koafnlie | international management | 國際管理
kokzex koanhe | international relations | 國際關係
kongbinkoaan | civil rights ─ including election; recall; referendum and initiative | 公民權
kongkoaan | civil rights; civic rights | 公權
kongkoad | common decision; to decide by the majority; resolutions by the majority | 公決
kongkoafn | rest-house for traveling officials, a residence (polite expression) | 公關
kongkoarn | a city in Miaoli County | 公館
kongsaekoarn | legation | 公使館
kongsaix-koarn | legation | 公使館
kukoaix | odd; queer; eccentric | 古怪
kukoax | divination on tortoise shell | 龜蓋; 龜卦
kuliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
kunkoaan | sovereignty; monarchical power | 君權
kunkoaf | war (marching) song; martial chant | 軍歌
kunkoaxn | military dependants | 軍眷
kuxkoafn | former appearance; previous look; former condition | 舊觀
kuykoaix | ghosts and monsters; specters; evil sprites; ghosts and goblins | 鬼怪
kuymngg-koafn | the gate to the land of ghosts | 鬼門關
kuymngkoafn | front door of Hades | 鬼門關
kvoakoarn | hepatic duct | 肝管
kwnzuie-koaxn | thermos bottle; vacuum bottle | 滾水罐; 熱水瓶
kwnzuykoaxn | thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
kyn'iaux-koanthaau | critical moment | 緊要關頭
køeakoafn | go through a critical period | 過關; 得逞
køekoafn | cock's comb | 雞冠
køhkoar | more | 更寡; 再多一些
køkoafn | high ranking officers | 高官
kørjinkoaan | personal rights | 個人權
laam-koan'ym | tenor | 男高音; 男懸音
labkoafn | pay tax | 納捐
lafmkoaan | to grab power; be in the saddle | 攬權
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lagkoaan | grab power | 抓權
lamkoarn | southern music orgin from China; songs in Amoy colloquial | 南管
lamlie koanhe | relations between the sexes | 男女關係係
langkoanharntoa | big guy | 人懸漢大
lankoafn | (n) difficult point; a crisis; difficult to pass over (like a mountain pass) (as when things are burdensome and poverty makes it difficult to pass the new-year season and pay the debts); barrier; obstacle | 難關
lankoaix | no wonder; no wonder that | 難怪
lankoarn | intractable, difficult to deal with | 難管
lauxkoaf | old song | 老歌
laxm'iong citkoaan | misuse one's powers; abuse one'so+D318 authority; wide misuse of official authority | 濫用職權
laxngkoayafhoef | play ? | 弄枴仔花
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
lefkoaxn | gift certificate; gift coupon sold by a shop; which the recipient may convert into goods | 禮券; 禮卷
lefngsu koafn'oaan | staff of a consulate | 領事館員
lefngsu-koarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngsuxkoarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
legsuo-koafn | historical view or concept | 歷史觀
lengkoaf | spiritual song | 靈歌
lengkoafn | emperor's crown | 龍冠
liah-sykoad | persistent; stubborn | 掠死訣; 固執
liaqkoaan | to grab power | 掠權
liauxkoarn | a lumber company | 料館
liauzhakoarn | timber shop | 撩柴館
liaxmkoa'ar | sing | 唸歌仔
liaxmkoaf | to sing songs | 念歌; 唸歌; 唱歌
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-koaan | legislative power | 立法權
libhoatkoaan | legislative authority or power | 立法權
liedsegkoaan | right of entry | 列席權
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
lienkoad | link | 連結
lienkoafn | end of a year | 年關
lienkoarnsexng | continuity | 聯貫性
lienkoaxn | be connected; links; connection; links; link; string together | 連貫; 聯貫
lienkoaxn-sexng | continuity | 連貫性
lientaix-koanhe | direct succession; affiliated relationship; associations | 連帶關係
liexnkoaf | practice singing | 練歌
likoafm | nunnery | 尼姑庵
linkoaxn | milk jug | 奶罐; 乳罐
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liorngkoaan | jump to reach out | 躍高
liuhengkoa'ar | pop songs | 流行歌仔
liuhengkoaf | popular song | 流行歌
lixhai-koanhe | have a concern in | 利害關係
lixkoaan | rights and privileges | 利權
loaxnkoaf | love song | 戀歌
logkoafn zwgi | optimism | 樂觀主義
logkoafn | optimism; donate; donate voluntarily | 樂觀; 樂捐
longkoad | sweep the board | 囊括
loxhoad chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮衝冠
loxngkoaan | abuse one's authority | 弄權
loxngkoad | to sweep up everything | 弄決
loxngkuie-loxngkoaix | set people against one another by carrying tales; cause others to quarrel; tease dogs and make them fight | 弄鬼弄怪; 挑撥離間
luo-koafnkef | woman head servant | 女管家
luo-koazhvef | female singer | 女歌星
lwkoaan | women's rights | 女權
lwkoarn | hotel; inn | 旅館
lwkoaxn | the female members of a family | 女眷
lykoaan uxntong | women's lib | 女權運動
lykoaan | women's rights | 女權
lykoarn | hotel | 旅館
lykoaxn | female members of a family | 女眷
mngxkoaxn | interrogative | 問卷
mokoarn hiexnsiong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon | 毛管現象; (作用)
mozhaykoaxn | lottery slip | 摸彩券
mxkoafnlaq | don't care | 毋管啦
mxkoarn | be unwilling to oversee, no matter whether, no matter which, unaccustomed to | 毋管; 不管
mxkoarnsix | not accustomed to | 毋慣習; 不慣
mxkoaxn | not accustomed to | 毋慣; 不習慣
neakoaan | lift one's feet on toes | 墊高
ngf koaf | yangko; a popular rural folk dance in China | 秧歌
ngkimkoarn | gold pavilion | 黃金館
niekoaan | lift with tip-toe | 踮高
nikoafm | nunnery, Buddhist nun's temple | 尼姑庵
nikoafn | the end of the year (when all accounts have to be settled); so called because it is like a mountain pass; not easy to cross | 年關
nngfkoax | soft bone of a baby's skull | 軟掛; 軟頭蓋骨
nngxkoarn'ar | two cans | 兩罐仔
noxhoad-chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮沖冠
oadkoaan | go beyond one's commission; act without authorization; overstep the bounds of one's own authority | 越權
oexkoafn | talk off | 話關
ongkoaan | authority of a king; imperial powers | 王權
ongkoafn | crown | 王冠
pafnkoaan chimhai | infringement of copyright; literary piracy | 版權侵害
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
pafnkoaan swioxnghuix | royalties on books | 版權使用費
pafnkoaan | copyright | 版權
pagkengkoaan | rights of tenant farmer | 租耕權
paihoee koanbong | take an observer's seat; see but cannot make up one's mind; wait and see; wait for the dust to settle | 徘徊觀望
paisietkoarn | discharge tube | 排泄瓶; 排泄管
pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
pakkoarlo | a meaze | 八卦路; 迷陣
pakkoarn | northern wind instruments; northern style orchestration | 北管; 北管曲
pakkoax | the Eight Diagrams in Chinese mythology | 八卦
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
pang'okkoafn | house tax | 房屋捐 (稅)
pangkoafn | house tax | 房捐
pangkoafn-soex | property tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansoex | house tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansøex | house tax | 房捐稅
parkoaan | hegemony; tyranny; authority of a powerful feudal prince; hegemony | 霸權; 篡奪別人的職權
parngkoaan | decentralization | 放權
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
patkoarsvoameh | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山脈
patkoarsvoaterng | top of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山頂
patkoax | the eight diagrams in Chinese mythology; Ba-kua; the EIGHT DIAGRAMS; consisting of an arrangement of single and divided lines in eight groups of three lines; used as an amulet | 八卦; 椰子蟹
paukoad zaixlai | include in it | 包括在內
paukoad | include; cover; embody; add in; contain; include; comprise; contain; to cover; to embrace; take in; be covered; stipulated or contained in a contract or agreement | 包括
paukoarn | take care; manage | 包管
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
paxkoafn | quit | 罷官
pefkoafn | guard a gate in a pass | 把關
pehkoaan-pehke | climb about everywhere (like overactive child) | 爬上爬下
pehkoanpehke | up and down | 𬦰懸𬦰低
pengkoaan | military leadership; military power; authority to make military decisions | 兵權; 平權
pengkyn texkoaan | equalization of land rights (envisaged by Dr Sun Yat-sen; with a three-fold measure ─ purchase of private land at the values declared; levy of land tax at the land value assessed and government takeover of increment of land value) | 平均地權
peqkoaxn | eastern white stork | 白卷; 白鸛
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phiørkoaxn | ticket | 票券
phoarkoafn | broken coffin | 破棺
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phvoarkoad | pronounce judgment; legal decision; legal judgment; verdict; sentence; to hand down a sentence; to judge | 判決
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoarkoatsw | verdict; sentence in writing | 判決書
phynkoarn | quality control; relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 品管
piawbixnsiong ee koanhe | external relations | 表面上的關係
piawkoad | decide by vote; put to a vote | 表決
piawkoatkoaan | the franchise; the right to vote | 表決權
piekoad | secret method; secrets of an art; a key to | 密訣; 祕訣; 竅門; 秘訣
piekoafn sitai | period of isolationism | 閉關時代
piekoafn | to shut the entry, shut the gate | 閉關
pien'egkoarn | compilation library | 編譯館
pienkoaf | compose a song | 編歌
pienkoafn | border | 邊關
piernkoax | to change plan originally pledged or known; break one's promise; change one's mind | 變卦
piexntongkoax | bento box cover | 便當蓋
pikoaf | song of lament; elegy | 悲歌
pikoafn zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義; 厭世主義
pikoafn | disappointed; pessimistic; pessimism; to look on the dark side of; in despair | 悲觀
pikoafn-ciar | a pessimist | 悲觀者
pikoafn-zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義
pin'gikoarn | funeral parlor; cemetery | 殯儀館
pingikoarn | a funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pinkoarn | guest-house; inn; hotel | 賓館
pirngii-koarn | a funeral home | 殯儀館
pirngikoarn | funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pitkoax | pen cap | 筆蓋
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
piøfkoad | to put to vote | 錶蓋; 表決
poadkoafn | pull off | 拔關
poaqkoax | divine with turtle shells; to divine by the Eight Diagrams | 卜卦
poarnkuikoarn | semicircular canal | 半規管
poekoaan | fly high | 飛懸
pokciawkoax | divine by having a bird pick out one lot from several | 卜鳥卦
pokkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
pokkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
pongkoafn | to be on the sidelines; to observe from the sidelines; stand by; remain a spectator | 旁觀
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar | on looker; bystander | 旁觀者
portexhiekoarn | puppet show theater | 布袋戲館
poxpo koarnsw | instill | 步步灌輸
put'gvafkoafn | awkward, ugly | 無雅觀; 不雅觀
put'koansym | indifferent, indifference | 無關心; 不關心
putkoad | irresolute, undetermined | 無決
putkoafnsii | anytime | 無管時
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putkoarn | to disregard; disregard; neglect; let it be as it is; no matter which... | 無管; 不管
putkoaxn | unaccustomed to | 無慣; 不慣
putkuie-putkoaix | dress; make up ugly; unsightly | 無鬼不怪; 打扮得很難看
pviekoaix | to do mischief; to cause trouble | 作怪
pviekuie pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 裝鬼作怪
pviekuie-pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 變鬼變怪
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pøfkoafnhuix | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoafnjiin | custodian | 保管人
pøfkoafnliau | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoarn | have in custody; manage property; take care of; have a thing in one's charge; safekeeping | 保管
pøfunkoaxn | thermal bottle; thermos flask | 保溫罐
pøfwn-koaxn | thermos bottle | 保溫罐; 熱水瓶
pøkoaf | serenade | 唱情歌
pølekoaxn | glass tubing | 玻璃管
pørkoafn | to apply to the customs; declare at the customs | 報關
pørkoafn-haang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoanhaang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkoarn | newspaper office | 報館
saekoankofng | surpass an ancient general | 賽關公
safnkoaan | ownership (of real estate) | 產權
safnkoaq | prune | 修剪; 產
samkoaan hunlip | separation of the legislative; executive and judicial functions of a government | 三權分立
samkoafn | three worlds: heaven, earth, water | 三關; 三官
samputkoarn | referring to a lazy man who does not look after his own and his family's clothing; food and housing | 三無管; 三不管
saykoeakoax | drive through | 駛過掛
seakaekoafn | world view ─ the big picture | 世界觀
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
sengkoaan | ascend | 升高; 升懸
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengzunkoaan | right to exist; the right to life | 生存權
serngkhiekoafn | sexual organs | 性器官
serngkoaf | psalm; hymn; canticle (Catholic) | 聖歌
serngkoaf-tui | church choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoatui | choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoax | Holy hexagram | 聖卦
serngtarnkoaf | Christmas song | 聖誕歌
sexngkoaan | take advantage of one's power or authority | 乘權; 弄權
siafng-koarhø | special postal registration including return receipt | 雙掛號
siangkoafn | ambiguity; quibble; homonymous | 雙關
siangkoafn-guo | a pun, equivocal | 雙關語
siangkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siangkoarhø | registered mail with a return receipt | 雙掛號
siauhoax khiekoafn | digestive organs | 消化器官
siawkoarn engsu | Mind your own business | 少管閒事
siaxkaokoarn | social education hall | 社教館
siaxzefng-koarn | ejaculatory duc | 射精管
siaxzoat zhamkoafn | No visitors allowed | 謝絕參觀
sibkoarn'gie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
sibkoarnhoad | customary law; customs having force of law | 習慣法
sibkoarnsexng | habitual | 習慣性
sibkoaxn seeng zuxjieen | Habit is second nature | 習慣成自然
sibkoaxn | custom; habit; usage; habit; practice | 習慣
sibkoaxn-sexng | habitual nature | 習慣性
sid koafnkaux | ill-bred or spoiled (child) | 失管教
sidkoaan | real power or authority | 實權
sienkoad | prerequisite, matter to be decided | 先決
sikoaf | poems and songs collectively; poetry | 詩歌
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
sinkefng koanlengpve | neurosis | 神經官能病
sinkoaan | height; god's power; height (of person) | 身高; 神權
sinkoaix | nerves | 神怪
siongho-koanhe | interrelation | 相互關係
siongkoafn | related; correlation; mutuality; relative; connected | 相關
siongkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siongkoaq | cut, wound | 傷割
siongsiogkoaan | right of inheritance | 繼承權; 相續權
sioxngsox-koaan | right of appeal | 上訴權
sitkoaan | lose authority and power | 失權
siucy-koatsoaxn | income and expenditure; revenue and expenditure; balance an account | 收支決算
siukoahky | reaping machine | 收割機
siukoaq | reap; crop; harvest; harvesting; gather in the harvest | 收割
siukoarn | have charge of, have the care of | 收款; 收管
siuxkoaan | delegate authority | 授權
siuxsiuo-pongkoafn | look on without even lifting a finger (to help); to watch with folded arms | 袖手旁觀
siwkoafn | guard | 守關
sixkoafn | organ of vision | 視觀; 視官
siøfkoar | a little bit; a few; morsel | 小可; 少量
siøkoaxn | vacuum flask | 燒罐; 熱水瓶; 保溫瓶
siøpøkoaf | compliment song | 相褒歌
siøzuykoaxn | vacuum flask; thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
soafnkie-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkuo-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkwkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 選舉權
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeakoafn | taxes and surtaxes | 稅捐
sofiuo-koaan | ownership, proprietorship | 所有權
sofiwkoaan | ownership | 所有權
sofiwkoanzng | ownership certificate | 所有權狀
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokciexn-sokkoad | blitzkrieg strategy; military strategy that calls for speedy decision and applying overwhelming forces against the enemy | 速戰速決
sokkakoax | plastic cover | 塑膠蓋
sokoaq | to plunder, to loot | 搜割; 掠奪
su'nng-koarn | uterine tubes, fallopian tubes | 輸卵管
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad kikoafn | judicial organizations | 司法機關
suhoad-koaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoatkoaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
sujiø-koarn | ureteral catheter | 輸尿館; 輸尿管
sunhoee tosukoarn | circulating library | 巡迴圖書館
suxbu koafnlie | office administration (management) | 事務管理
suxkoafn | to be an officer | 入仕
suyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
suzengkoarn kietzad | vasectomy; male sterilization | 輸精管結紮
suzengkoarn | deferent duct; spermatic cord | 輸精管
svakag koanhe | love triangle; triangular relationship (as USA; USSR and China) | 三角關係
svakoaix | blame each other | 相怪
svakoan'oong | triple crown (only used in baseball) | 三冠王
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜
svoaf-koarzhaix | Taiwan melicope | 山芥菜
swioxngkoaan | right to use | 使用權
sykoad | obstinate; stubborn | 固執
sykoafn | dead gate- a challenge | 死關
sym juu tøf koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
syn-jinsengkoafn | new view of life | 新人生觀
søeakoafn | customs house | 稅關; 稅捐; 海關
tadkoafn | optimise | 達觀
taekoafn | coronation | 帶冠
tafn koarhø | single registered mail; which does not require the post office to deliver the recipient's acknowledgment to the sender | 單掛號
tafn-koarhø | ordinary registration (mail) | 單掛號
taigwkoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taigykoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taixkoaan | the authority or power to reign over a state; great power or authority | 大權
taixkoarn | manage; govern or administer on behalf of another | 代管
taixlykoaan | proxy; power of attorney | 代理權
taixpiawkoaan | right of representation | 代表權
taixsaekoarn | embassy | 大使館
tanhekkoaan | power to impeach | 彈劾權
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
tauphiøx-koaan | voting right | 投票權
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
tebykoarn | tea rice shop | 茶米館
tefngkoaan | the top; the highest part | 上面
tefngpakkoax | chest | 頂腹蓋
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
teghwkoaan | patent rights; special privileges; special concession | 特許權
tegkoaan kaikib | privileged class | 特權階級
tegkoaan | prerogative; special rights; privilege | 特權
tegsuu koanhe | special relations | 特殊關係
tekkoaan | get the special right | 得權; 特權
tekoarn | teahouse; cafes; tearoom; tea house | 茶館
tekoarn'ar | tea pot | 茶罐仔
tekoaxn | teapot | 茶壺; 茶罐
tenghoea koafnzex | blackout or dim out (against air raids) | 燈火管制
teq ciawafkoax | prognosticate by having a bird pick out one or other lot out of several | 卜鳥卦
texkoaan | property rights | 地權
texngkoad | determined, fixed | 定決; 決定
texzexng kikoafn | land administration office | 地政機關
thafngkoax | bucket cover | 桶蓋
thaikoaan tengkix | registration of a loan | 抵押權登記
thaikoaan | rights of a creditor or mortgagor | 削權; 抵押權
thamkoaxn | spittoon | 痰罐
thaqkoaan | stack | 疊高
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
thaxn uii koafn cie | the most magnificent sight of all; an unrivaled sight; a sight never to be forgotten | 歎為觀止
thefiogkoarn | stadium | 體育館
thefiok-koarn | a gymnasium | 體育館
thefkoaan | physical height of a person | 體高
thefngkoaan | stand up for power | 挺權
thekoaan | to raise, to elevate, to lift up | 提高; 提懸
thengkoaan | stop the power | 停權
thengkoafn | keep a coffin unburied; waiting till an auspicious site or day be found | 停棺
theqkoaan | lift it up | 提懸
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaokoaan | high jump | 跳高
thiaokoankoaan | jump high | 跳懸懸
thiaokoanthiaoke | jump up and down | 跳懸跳低
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thihkoan'ym | Ageratum conizoides (tee) | 鐵觀音
thihkoax | iron cover | 鐵掛; 鐵蓋
thihkoaxn | tin can | 鐵罐
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thiukoaan | grow up straight and tall | 抽高; 抽懸
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thngrkoaxn | candy jar; sugar jar | 糖罐
thoatli koanhe | sever relations; to divorce; disown | 脫離關係
thofngtixkoaan | sovereign power | 統治權
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thokkoarn | trustee; mandate; trustee; trusteeship | 託管
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thonghengkoaan | the right to travel; freedom of movement | 通行權
thonghongkoax | ventilation cover | 通風蓋
thongjiø-koarn | uretheral catheter | 通尿管; 輸尿管
thongkoafn sinkørsw | bill of entry (archaic) | 通關申告書
thongkoafn | pass the customs inspection | 通關
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuq koayar | to lean upon a staff | 托杖; 倚拐杖
thuxnkoaan | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thvafkoaan | raise up high with the palm | 托高
thveakoaan | prop up; to raise slightly higher with a prop; prop up and keep from falling | 托高; 頂高
thviaf-koarnsix | get used to | 聽慣勢
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
tiahkoaan | deprive a person of his authority | 摘權; 剝奪權利
tiaokoaan | hanging | 吊懸
tiaokoaf | hymn of condolence | 慰問; 悼歌
tiaukoaq | withhold goods or service | 調闊; 刁難; [*]
tiefnsixkoarn | exhibition hall | 展示館
tiexnkoaxn | thermos | 電罐
tiexnviafkoarn | cinema | 電影館
tinliedkoarn | exhibition hall | 陳列館
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
tiorngkoaan | rise high (water) | 漲高
tix chiekoafn | wearing a crown of thorns (Jesus) | 戴莿冠
tixafn kikoafn | public security organization | 治安機關
tixkoaan | governance | 治權
toa-koanleeng | almighty, all-powerful | 大權能
toadkoaan | deprive one of his rights | 奪權
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toaxnzoat koanhe | cut off connections | 斷絕關係
toaxto-koafn | eastern cuckoo | 大肚關; 杜鵑
tofngkoaf | song of a political party; political song | 黨歌
togkoaan | absolute power | 獨權
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
tongkoaan | be in charge, be in power, the authorities, to keep in power | 當權
tongkoachvy | child singer | 童歌星
tosukoarn | library | 圖書館
tosw koafnlyoaan | librarian | 圖書管理員
toxkoafn | cuckoo; rhododendron; cuckoo; goatsucker; nightjar | 杜鵑; 小杜鵑
toxkoafn-hoef | azalea, ericaceae flower | 杜鵑花
toxkoai'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 肚胿仔
toxkoanhoef | azalea | 杜鵑花
toxkoex lankoafn | tide over a difficulty | 渡過難關
tozukoarn | library | 圖書館
tuiekoad | duelling; rencounter | 對決
tuozog-koaan | copyright | 著作權
tuozokkoaan | copyright | 著作權
tviafkoarterng | ding pot cover | 鼎蓋頂
tviafkoax | pan cover; lid of a rice boiler | 鼎蓋; 鍋蓋
tviukoafn lytaix | wrong attribution; mistaken identity (Lit. put Mr. Tiu's hat on Mr. Li) | 張冠李戴
tviuokoaan | rise high (water) | 脹高; 漲懸
tviuokoankex | jack up price | 漲懸價
tyahkoaan | the right of the creditor to receive payment on priority basis upon the selling of the property offered him as security by the debtor (in law) | 抵押權
tøhkoax | wood cover put on a desk | 桌蓋; 紗罩
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
tørchiwkoad | lefty | 倒手抉
tørchiwkoae | lefty | 倒手拐
tørchiwkoaiq | lefty | 倒手拐
tørkoax | upside down | 倒掛
tørkoaxn | flow backward (said of a flood which spills over river banks or dikes on to the adjoining land) | 倒灌
tøsorkoad | decided by the majority | 多數決
tøsox-koad | majority vote | 多數決; 多數決定
tøxjiø-koarn | urethral catheter | 導尿管
tøxkoarn | duct, pipe | 導管
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
u cidkoar | some; a few; somewhat | 有一些
u koakad | have relations; have complications | 有瓜葛
uikoaan | authority, influence, power | 威權; 權威
uikoafn | onlookers | 圍觀
uixkog koankhw | sacrifice one's life for one's country | 為國捐軀
unkoaxn | thermos bottle | 溫瓶; 熱水瓶
unzuykoaxn | thermos bottle | 溫水瓶
uxkoaan | have the right to; hold or have authority in or over | 有權
uxkoar | some | 有寡
uxnkoafn | transport a coffin | 運棺; 運柩
viafkoazhvef | movie star | 影歌星
viafsioxngkoarn | TV picture tube | 影像管
viakoarn | operation management | 營管
vii-koat'oo | parentheses | 圓括弧
wtiu-koafn | world outlook, cosmology | 宇宙關; 宇宙觀
wtiuxkoafn | cosmological view | 宇宙觀
ykoad | have already decided | 已決
ynkoad | induce | 引決
zafmkoafn | cut off | 斬關
zaisafnkoaan | ownership of property; property rights | 財產權
zakoaxn | look into official files to find something for reference | 查卷
zarnbykoaf | praise song | 讚美歌
zawsamkoafn | run away to avoid trouble | 走三關
zeahaykoaan | naval supremacy | 制海權
zeakhongkoaan | air supremacy | 制空權
zeakoaan | right of creditor; right of claim; rights of creditor; right of claim | 債權
zeakoaan-ciar | creditor | 債權者; 債權者(人)
zeakoaf | sacrificial song | 祭歌
zeakoanciar | creditor | 債權者; (人)
zeakoaxn | bonds issued by a government; debentures or corporate bonds issued by a company | 債券
zefngthefkoafn | holistic view | 整體觀
zegkoaxn | one's birthplace; one's native place | 籍貫; 籍眷
zekjim koanliam | sense of responsibility | 責任觀念
zekkoaix | blame and scold | 責怪
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zengkoaan | struggle for power | 爭權
zengkoaf | love (amorous) song | 情歌
zengsiin koanlengpvi | neurosis | 精神官能病
zernghuo kikoafn | government organ | 政府機關
zerngkhix-koaf | righteous song | 正氣歌
zerngkoaan | regime; political power | 政權
zerngkoarnhaang | securities firm | 證券行
zerngkoaxn chixtviuu | stock market | 證券市場
zerngkoaxn kauegsor | stock exchange | 證券交易所
zerngkoaxn | gift certificate or gift card | 贈券; 證券
zerngti koanhe | political relations of a country or party | 政治關係
zerngti-kikoafn | political machinery; organ of government | 政治機關
zerngtixkoafn | political aspect | 政治觀
zexkoafn | sit down | 坐關
zexkoax | suffer | 罪過
zexngkoafn | observe quietly; contemplation | 靜觀
zexngkoaxn | gift coupon; a complimentary ticket; coupon | 贈券
zexzvea koanthiefn | look at the sky from the bottom of a well a very limited view; usually implying short sightedness; ignorance; shallowness | 坐井觀天
zhaekoarn | restaurant | 菜館; 飯館
zhaikoad | make the final decision; judge and decide; decision or approval of a superior or supervisor | 裁決
zhaikoaq | cut (paper) into size | 裁割
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhamkoafn | make a tour of; educational tour; make a tour of inspection; to pay a visit to a school | 參觀
zhamkoankoex | visited | 參觀過
zhamzexng-koaan | suffrage | 參政權
zhankoarn | restaurant | 餐館
zhankoaxn | meal coupon; meal ticket | 餐券
zhaoiaukoaix | stingy devil | 臭妖怪
zhatgieen-koanseg | gather another's frame of mind through his words and expression | 察言觀色
zhaukoaan | exercise power | 操權
zhawchiøqkoaf | straw mat song | 草蓆歌
zhaykoarnlaq | lottery | 彩券啦
zhaykoaxn | lottery | 彩券
zhaytekoaf | Hakka folk songs sung while picking tea | 採茶歌
zhefngkiukoaan | right of claim | 請求權
zhengcinkoarn | Mohammedan restaurant; where no pork is served | 清真館
zherngkoaan | rise up | 拉高; 升高
zherngkoad | execute by shooting | 槍決
zherngkoaxkoa | arrogant | 衝呱呱
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhoarnkoaan | usurpation; usurp authority | 篡權
zhuiekoaq | cut into pieces | 碎割
zhunkoaan | stretch out | 伸懸
zhuokoax | the roof (Lit. house cover) | 厝頂; 房頂
zhuotefngkoax | roof cover | 厝頂蓋
zhutkoafn | carry the coffin to the grave | 出棺
zhutpafnkoaan | literary property; copyright | 出版權
zhwkoad | decided by; rest with; put to death; execute; decide; resolve | 取決; 處決
zhøfkoafn jinbeng | treat human life as grass attach no importance to human life | 草菅人命
zhørkoaix | blame unjustly | 錯怪
zoanbøexkoaan | patent; monopoly right | 專賣權
zoankoaan | complete authority; exclusive authority; or rights; (literary) to monopolize power; despotism | 全權; 專權
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zoankoaan-taixsaix | ambassador plenipotentiary | 全權大使
zoankoaan-uyjixmzng | commission with full powers | 全權委任狀
zoankoan | whole county | 全縣
zoankoarn | take exclusive charge of a matter | 專管
zoanli-koaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlixkoaan | patent right | 專利權
zoansiin koarnzux | pay undivided attention to; concentrate on | 全神貫注
zoeakoaan | the supreme, the highest | 最高; 最懸
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zoeakøf koanlek | supreme power | 最高權力
zoexkoax | fault; offence; sin | 罪過
zofngkoad | summing up; sum up; summarize | 總決; 總括
zofngkoankwn | champion | 總冠軍
zofngkoarn | general manager; superintendent; supervisor; director; manager | 總管
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofnglefngsuxkoarn | consulate general | 總領事館
zokkoaix | cause trouble; injure like a demon causing trouble or as someone's secret opposition; to behave in an idle and wicked way (said of a young man) | 作怪
zongkoafn | general and comprehensive view; view the whole situation | 綜觀
zongzwkoaan | suzerainty | 宗主權
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zorngkoafn | grand outlook; grand sight; great (beautiful) view | 壯觀
zusien kikoafn | charitable institution | 慈善機關
zuxiukoaan | freedom right | 自由權
zuxiuu-koaan | right of liberty | 自由權
zuxkoad | decide or solve (a problem) by oneself, self determination | 自決
zuxoexkoaan | right of self defense | 自衛權
zuxtixkoaan | right of autonomy | 自治權
zuxzuo-koaan | right of self-decision, personal autonomy | 自主權
zuxzwkoaan | sovereignty (of a state) | 自主權
zuykoaix | water monster | 水怪
zuykoaxn | water jug | 水罐
zuyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
zvaykoaq | cut up, dismember, destroy | 宰割
zwkoaan | sovereign right; sovereignty; supremacy | 主權
zwkoad | main decision | 主決
zwkoafn ee khvoarhoad | subjective view | 主觀的看法
zwkoafn ee phøepheeng | subjective criticism | 主觀的批評
zwkoafn | subjective; subjectivity; subjective point of view | 主觀
zwkoanciar | supreme ruler | 主權者
zwkoanlun | subjectivism | 主觀論
zwkoarn | boss; director; supervisor; the boss; chief; take charge of | 主管
zwkoarn-kikoafn | the authorities concerned; the agency which is in charge of (a program) | 主管機關
zørkuie zørkoaix | very crafty and injurious; with pretence of honesty or friendship | 搞鬼作怪
øqkoay | learn to behave | 學乖

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