"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Binkoaan zhopo | Fundamental Knowledge in Democracy; a book dealing with the procedures of parliamentary rule; authored by Dr. Sun Yat-sen | 民權初步
Binkoaan zwgi | principle of democracy | 民權主義
Binkoaan zwgy | Three Principles of the People (nationalism; democracy; livelihood); by Dr Sun yet-sen; founding father (國父) of the Republic of China | 三民主義 (民族主義; 民權主義; 民生主義)
akkoaan | be in the power or authority; be in command; hold the reins | 握權
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
binkoaan hoat'axn | civil rights bill | 民權法案
binkoaan | citizens right; civil rights; rights of the people | 民權
budkoaan | property rights | 物權
bøfkoaan | matriarchal power | 母權
bøkoaan | having no power or authority | 無權
chiamkoaan | exceed or usurp authority | 奪權
chiarmkoaan | to intervene somebody's affair without authorization | 僭權; 越權
chinkoaan | the right to assume guardianship for one's own children before they come of age | 親權
chiwsef giaqkoaan | beg humble person forgiveness | 手梳攑懸; 高抬貴手
ciafng'ag zerngkoaan | hold the reins of government | 掌握政權
ciafngkoaan | to control | 掌權
ciarm'iwkoaan | rights of tenure | 佔有權
cibkoaan | centralization of state power; concentration of authority; centralization of authority; concentration of power | 集權
ciekoaan | sovereign | 至高
ciofngkoaan | be in power or authority | 掌權
cipkoaan | assume authority, take a position as authority | 執權; 執行職權
cit'ui koaan ee kaosu | high rank priest | 職位高的教士; 修道院院長
citkoaan | authority of a position or office; authority for exercising or discharging one's duties | 職權
cviaa laang-koaan | about as high as a man's height | 將近一人高; 近人高
cviakoaan | very high | 很高; 誠懸
cviuxkoaan | go up high | 爬高
cyhuikoaan | right of command | 指揮權
gafnkaix koaan | have one's standards set high | 眼界高
giaqkoaan | hold up high; lift up high | 攑懸; 舉高
gixkoatkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 議決權
gui zerngkoaan | usurped authority | 偽政權
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
hatbiefnkoaan | exempt from | 豁免權
haykoaan | sea power | 海權
hengsuo-koaan | the right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengswkoaan | right to exercise powers inherent with one's office | 行使權
hengzerngkoaan | administrative power; executive authority | 行政權
hengzexng-koaan | executive authority | 行政權
hoan'egkoaan | translation rights for a book | 翻譯權
hoatgieen-koaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatgienkoaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hunkoaan | decentralization of authority | 分權
huxkoaan | parental rights | 父權; 婦權
huxluo soafnkwkoaan | female suffrage | 婦女選舉權
huxluo zhamzerngkoaan | the right for women to participate in public affairs; women's rights | 婦女參政權
iusiefn-koaan | preferential right, first right | 優先權
iusienkoaan | preferential right | 優先權
iwkoaan | have the authority, have the right | 有權
jinkoaan | human right | 人權
jinkoaan-soangieen | Declaration of Human Rights; Bill of Rights | 人權宣言
karmzhatkoaan | power of control (one of the five powers of the government specified in the constitution of the Republic of China) | 監察權
kegkoaan-kokkaf | dictatorial nation; dictatorship; totalitarian nation | 極權國家
khie'koaan | renounce a right, quit or withdraw | 棄權
khiekoaan | renounce a right, quit or withdraw | 棄權
khornggiabkoaan | mining rights | 礦業權
khorngzex-koaan | control, domination | 控制權
kiauxkoaan | raise up with a lever | 撬高
kiliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權, 居留權
kiongkoaan | brute force; might | 強權
kiongzeakoaan | power of compulsion or coercion | 強制權
kioxng'iwkoaan | common rights | 共有權
kizuxkoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
koaafhix | musical drama, folk opera, Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koaan kex | high price | 懸價
koaan svoaf | high mountain | 懸山
koaan | high; tall; elevated; loud; power | 高; 懸; 權
koaan-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, systolic blood pressure | 高血壓
koaan`khylaai | to raise; elevated | 高起來
koaarn'koankoaan | extreamly high | 高高高
koafnhatkoaan | jurisdiction | 管轄權
koafnlykoaan | authority over | 管理權
koankoaan | high | 高高; 懸懸
kofkoaan | ownership of a share or stock | 股權
kokbinkoaan | people's rights | 國民權
kokkoaan | the power of the nation; the authority of the nation; national sovereignty | 國權
kongbinkoaan | civil rights ─ including election; recall; referendum and initiative | 公民權
kongkoaan | civil rights; civic rights | 公權
kuliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
kunkoaan | sovereignty; monarchical power | 君權
kørjinkoaan | personal rights | 個人權
lafmkoaan | to grab power; be in the saddle | 攬權
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lagkoaan | grab power | 抓權
laxm'iong citkoaan | misuse one's powers; abuse one'so+D318 authority; wide misuse of official authority | 濫用職權
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
liaqkoaan | to grab power | 掠權
libhoad-koaan | legislative power | 立法權
libhoatkoaan | legislative authority or power | 立法權
liedsegkoaan | right of entry | 列席權
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liorngkoaan | jump to reach out | 躍高
lixkoaan | rights and privileges | 利權
loxngkoaan | abuse one's authority | 弄權
lwkoaan | women's rights | 女權
lykoaan uxntong | women's lib | 女權運動
lykoaan | women's rights | 女權
neakoaan | lift one's feet on toes | 墊高
niekoaan | lift with tip-toe | 踮高
oadkoaan | go beyond one's commission; act without authorization; overstep the bounds of one's own authority | 越權
ongkoaan | authority of a king; imperial powers | 王權
pafnkoaan chimhai | infringement of copyright; literary piracy | 版權侵害
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
pafnkoaan swioxnghuix | royalties on books | 版權使用費
pafnkoaan | copyright | 版權
pagkengkoaan | rights of tenant farmer | 租耕權
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
parkoaan | hegemony; tyranny; authority of a powerful feudal prince; hegemony | 霸權; 篡奪別人的職權
parngkoaan | decentralization | 放權
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
pehkoaan-pehke | climb about everywhere (like overactive child) | 爬上爬下
pengkoaan | military leadership; military power; authority to make military decisions | 兵權; 平權
pengkyn texkoaan | equalization of land rights (envisaged by Dr Sun Yat-sen; with a three-fold measure ─ purchase of private land at the values declared; levy of land tax at the land value assessed and government takeover of increment of land value) | 平均地權
piawkoatkoaan | the franchise; the right to vote | 表決權
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
poekoaan | fly high | 飛懸
safnkoaan | ownership (of real estate) | 產權
samkoaan hunlip | separation of the legislative; executive and judicial functions of a government | 三權分立
sengkoaan | ascend | 升高; 升懸
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
sengzunkoaan | right to exist; the right to life | 生存權
sexngkoaan | take advantage of one's power or authority | 乘權; 弄權
sidkoaan | real power or authority | 實權
sinkoaan | height; god's power; height (of person) | 身高; 神權
siongsiogkoaan | right of inheritance | 繼承權; 相續權
sioxngsox-koaan | right of appeal | 上訴權
sitkoaan | lose authority and power | 失權
siuxkoaan | delegate authority | 授權
soafnkie-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkuo-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkwkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 選舉權
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
sofiuo-koaan | ownership, proprietorship | 所有權
sofiwkoaan | ownership | 所有權
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad-koaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoatkoaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
swioxngkoaan | right to use | 使用權
taixkoaan | the authority or power to reign over a state; great power or authority | 大權
taixlykoaan | proxy; power of attorney | 代理權
taixpiawkoaan | right of representation | 代表權
tanhekkoaan | power to impeach | 彈劾權
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiøx-koaan | voting right | 投票權
tefngkoaan | the top; the highest part | 上面
teghwkoaan | patent rights; special privileges; special concession | 特許權
tegkoaan kaikib | privileged class | 特權階級
tegkoaan | prerogative; special rights; privilege | 特權
tekkoaan | get the special right | 得權; 特權
texkoaan | property rights | 地權
thaikoaan tengkix | registration of a loan | 抵押權登記
thaikoaan | rights of a creditor or mortgagor | 削權; 抵押權
thaqkoaan | stack | 疊高
thefkoaan | physical height of a person | 體高
thefngkoaan | stand up for power | 挺權
thekoaan | to raise, to elevate, to lift up | 提高; 提懸
thengkoaan | stop the power | 停權
theqkoaan | lift it up | 提懸
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiaokoaan | high jump | 跳高
thiaokoankoaan | jump high | 跳懸懸
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thiukoaan | grow up straight and tall | 抽高; 抽懸
thofngtixkoaan | sovereign power | 統治權
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thonghengkoaan | the right to travel; freedom of movement | 通行權
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuxnkoaan | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thvafkoaan | raise up high with the palm | 托高
thveakoaan | prop up; to raise slightly higher with a prop; prop up and keep from falling | 托高; 頂高
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
tiahkoaan | deprive a person of his authority | 摘權; 剝奪權利
tiaokoaan | hanging | 吊懸
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tiorngkoaan | rise high (water) | 漲高
tixkoaan | governance | 治權
toadkoaan | deprive one of his rights | 奪權
togkoaan | absolute power | 獨權
tongkoaan | be in charge, be in power, the authorities, to keep in power | 當權
tuozog-koaan | copyright | 著作權
tuozokkoaan | copyright | 著作權
tviuokoaan | rise high (water) | 脹高; 漲懸
tyahkoaan | the right of the creditor to receive payment on priority basis upon the selling of the property offered him as security by the debtor (in law) | 抵押權
uikoaan | authority, influence, power | 威權; 權威
uxkoaan | have the right to; hold or have authority in or over | 有權
zaisafnkoaan | ownership of property; property rights | 財產權
zeahaykoaan | naval supremacy | 制海權
zeakhongkoaan | air supremacy | 制空權
zeakoaan | right of creditor; right of claim; rights of creditor; right of claim | 債權
zeakoaan-ciar | creditor | 債權者; 債權者(人)
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zengkoaan | struggle for power | 爭權
zerngkoaan | regime; political power | 政權
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhamzexng-koaan | suffrage | 參政權
zhaukoaan | exercise power | 操權
zhefngkiukoaan | right of claim | 請求權
zherngkoaan | rise up | 拉高; 升高
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhoarnkoaan | usurpation; usurp authority | 篡權
zhunkoaan | stretch out | 伸懸
zhutpafnkoaan | literary property; copyright | 出版權
zoanbøexkoaan | patent; monopoly right | 專賣權
zoankoaan | complete authority; exclusive authority; or rights; (literary) to monopolize power; despotism | 全權; 專權
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zoankoaan-taixsaix | ambassador plenipotentiary | 全權大使
zoankoaan-uyjixmzng | commission with full powers | 全權委任狀
zoanli-koaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlixkoaan | patent right | 專利權
zoeakoaan | the supreme, the highest | 最高; 最懸
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zongzwkoaan | suzerainty | 宗主權
zuxiukoaan | freedom right | 自由權
zuxiuu-koaan | right of liberty | 自由權
zuxoexkoaan | right of self defense | 自衛權
zuxtixkoaan | right of autonomy | 自治權
zuxzuo-koaan | right of self-decision, personal autonomy | 自主權
zuxzwkoaan | sovereignty (of a state) | 自主權
zwkoaan | sovereign right; sovereignty; supremacy | 主權

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