"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bykog koahpaw | hamburger | 美國割包; 漢堡
koah'aau | cut one's throat | 割喉
koah'aix | to give up what one treasures; to give up something reluctantly; give away or part with what one loves | 割愛
koah'irn | discount | 割引
koahbaq | to cut the meat | 割肉
koahciaxm | annex and occupy | 割佔
koahcih | to cut the tongue | 割舌
koahhex | batch of goods | 割貨
koahhoea | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割火, 割香, 進香
koahhoeq | cut the carotid of a fowl for blood-letting | 放血
koahhoex | order large quantity goods | 批貨
koahhuiq | to give up the blood | 割血
koahhviw | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割香; 進香
koahhwn | to divide up; to cut apart | 分割
koahhøea | pagan pilgrimage with incense | 割火; 割香; 進香
koahhøex | to buy the wholesale goods | 批貨; 割貨
koahjiong | cede to a foreign country | 割讓
koahkex | wholesale price | 割價; 批發價
koahkhuy | to cut open; cut open | 割開
koahkym | gold paper goods used for worshiping | 割金
koahlea | circumcision | 割禮
koahniu | to cede (land or territory) | 割讓
koaho | very accomplished female vocalist | 歌后
koahpaw | Taiwanese burger | 割包
koahpe | harrow to even up the field; a harrow with knife-like blades | 犛耙
koahpox | cloth made of vegetable fiber | 割布; 葛布; 纖維布
koahsiofng | wound by cutting | 割傷
koahtiin | leather-leaf millettia | 割藤; 雞血藤; 皮葉粟
koahtin'ar | wild inedible grass that creeps and spreads fast | 割藤仔; 野生的一種蔓草仔
koahtiu | to cut off unhulled rice | 割稻
koahtiuafbea | get something for nothing | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuafboea | sit back and enjoy the results | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuar | harvesting rice | 割稻仔
koahtiøh | suffer a cut; be cut (by a chip or fragment) | 割傷
koahtng | to cut off; to sever by cutting; sever (a rope or relationship) | 割斷
koahtofng | assign, allot, divide to, allotment, assignment | 割通; 配額
koahwn | carve up; dismember; divide and distribute; apportion; to partition; dismember | 瓜分
koahzhao | to cut grass; to mow grass | 割草
koahzhao-ky | mower | 割草機; 除草機
koahzhawky | lawn mower | 割草機
siukoahky | reaping machine | 收割機
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜

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