angkukoea | turtle-shaped rice cake with stuffing made of peanuts; red colored | 紅龜粿
bahkoear | farm raised chicken | 肉雞仔
be koeachiuo | unable to do something successfully | 未過手
be koeagiexn | insatiable taste or craving for pleasure; never satisfied; always requesting or asking for more | 無過癮
be koeazuie | impervious to water; waterproof | 未過水; 無透水
boe koeamngg | said of a girl not yet married although betrothed | 未過門
boxngkoea | rice offerings at the grave on Ching Ming Festival | 墓粿; 清明掃墓之祭品
bøxkoea | grind rice into pulp using stone mill to make rice cake | 磨粿
chiekoear | cucumber | 刺瓜仔
chykhakkoea | salted turtle cake made by sticky rice | 鼠麴粿
ciah y koeakoex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 吃他過過; 吃定了他
ciah-bøe koeachiuo | get caught trying to deceive someone or steal something; get caught taking a bribe; no time to finish this meal | 吃無過手; 得不到手
ciapkoealaai | take over, receive, to pass | 接過來, 遞過來
ciefn koea | fry steamed cakes | 煎糕
ciwseg koeato | excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 酒色過度
cviuokoear | pickle | 醬瓜仔
ekoea | grind rice paste to make rice cakes | 挨粿
hexngkoea | make a present of cakes and various other things that have been offered to the spirits | 送粿; (家有喜事時)
hoafn-koealaai | turn over | 翻過來
hoatkoea | leavened cake; an expression meaning to make money; become rich | 發粿
hoaxnkoeasid | commit a fault | 犯錯失
hwnkoea | yellow gelatinous confection made from green beans | 粉粿
hør koeajit | lead an easy life | 好過日; 日子好過
iafkoeafchiaf | illegal passenger transport | 野雞仔車
iaukoeaky | hungry for too long a time | 餓過飢; 肚時間越過
ipboxngkoea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
irmkoear | salted cucumber, pickled melon | 蔭瓜, 醬瓜
iuciaqkoea | fritters of twisted dough; neck-tie (a slang) | 油食條; 領帶
iuzhangkoea | rice cake with fried onions ingredients | 油蔥粿
jinkhao koeaseng | overpopulation | 人口過剩
jinkhao koeatøf | overpopulation | 人口過多
kekoeahoef | cockscomb (a flower) | 雞冠花
khixkoea | dried persimmons | 柿粿; 柿干
khvoarkoeakoex | despise; slight | 看過過; 看透; 看無順眼
kiamkoea | salty rice cake | 鹹粿
koea khaf | foot rest | 跂跤
koea | correct; to change; modify; alter; transform | 改
koea'aau | pass through the throat; be swallowed | 過喉
koea'au | later on; some later | 過後
koea'exlafng | armpit | 過腋下
koea'ia | pass the night | 過夜
koea'ix | peace of mind | 過意
koea'oef | make a new plant by tying mud on a branch | 過枝; 接枝
koea'orng | die; past (affair) | 去世
koeaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
koeabak | look over list so as to check or approve | 過目
koeaberng | brave; fierce; ferocious; esp. appearance | 過猛
koeabin | out of danger | 過面
koeabirn | too keen; nervous; over-sensitive; allergic | 過敏
koeabynzexng | hypersensitivity; allergy | 過敏症
koeachiuo | pass from one man to another (money; things etc.); do something successfully | 過手; 得手
koeacie | be cooked | 煮過
koeaciorng | I don't deserve your praise. (a polite expression) | 過獎
koeafbak | night blindness like chicken eyes | 雞仔目
koeafkviar | chick | 雞仔囝
koeaflo | streets | 街仔路
koeafnii | pickle | 瓜仔哖
koeagiexn | do something to one's heart's content; satisfy the urge of an addiction | 過癮
koeahae | go over the sea; cross the sea | 過海
koeahii | mandarin fish | 鱖魚
koeahin | recurrent hatred | 記恨
koeaho | transfer of ownership (of bonds; stocks; property) from one person to another | 過戶
koeahoea | be fried or roasted excessively | 過火
koeahofng | well ventilated | 透氣
koeahun | taking more than one's share; acting in an overbearing or unjust manner; go beyond the bounds | 過份
koeahwn | too ripe (fruit) | 過熟
koeahøo thiahkiøo | show no gratitude for past favors | 過河拆橋
koeajit | pass (spend) the day, to live | 過日
koeakaix | pass over the border | 過界
koeakeahak | accounting | 會計學
koeakeahoad | the accounts law | 會計法
koeakeanito | fiscal year | 會計年度
koeakef | pass from house to house gossiping | 過家; 串門子
koeakelo | cross the street | 過街路
koeakerng | pass through; in transit | 過境
koeakerng-chiamzexng | transit visa | 過境簽證
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
koeakex | accounting; accountant; paymaster; treasurer | 會計
koeakhieseg | past tense | 過去式
koeakhix ee taixcix | past events; things of the past; things that have come to pass | 過去的事
koeakhix | go across | 過去
koeakhix-hunsuu | past participle | 過去分詞
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
koeakhuix | breathe one's last | 斷氣
koeakiamzuie | travel far overseas | 過鹽水
koeakii | overdue; expired | 過期; 過限
koeakiøo | go across a bridge | 過橋
koeakoafn | go through a checkpoint; pass a critical test; weather a crisis with success; run the gauntlet with flying colors | 過關
koeakoex | look down on; unpleasing to the eye | 過過; 無過如此; 不順眼
koeaky | excessive hunger | 過飢
koealaai | come over | 過來
koealaau | be stale (e.g.; fish) | 過留; 無新鮮
koealangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koeali | filter; to strain | 過濾
koealiawkoex | forget the past easily; letting time pass without executing the talked of project; having had the experience several times | 早過了; 過了就忘了
koealiawsii | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
koealiawtai | old affairs that are quite past and should not be brought up again | 過了代; 已過的事
koealiong | exceed one's capacity; said especially of wine | 過量
koealiuu | carefully selected out of a lot | 過留; 經過揀選
koealixkhix | filter; strainer | 過濾器
koealo | go along a road; pass by | 過路
koealoo | rap the object you want around the incense burne | 過爐
koealoxlaang | passer-by; pedestrians | 過路人
koealoxsoex | a toll | 通行稅
koealøo | overwork; fatigue with too much labor; over-exert oneself | 過勞
koeamee | stay overnight | 過夜
koeamiaa | transfer | 過戶
koeamii | to pass the night, to stay over night | 過暝
koeamngg | pass through the door of another family ─ be married | 過門
koeani'axm | New Year's Eve | 過年暗; 除夕
koeanii | celebrate the New Year | 過年
koeanii-exhngf | New Year's Eve | 過年下昏; 除夕
koeaorng | die | 過往
koeapaang | be adopted (as a son) | 過繼
koeaphiøx | be bleached | 過漂
koeaphoee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 長新皮 (傷口)
koeaphof | change bed | 過鋪; 換床睡
koeaphøee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 過皮; 長新皮; (傷口)
koeapong | weigh | 過磅
koeapvoarsox | the majority; more than half | 過半數
koear | streets | 街仔
koeasek | too ripe | 過熟
koeaseng | surplus | 過剩
koeasiaux | switch debtor | 過數
koeasid | errors committed unintentionally; faults | 過失
koeasid-sionghaixzoe | unintentional injury | 過失傷害罪
koeasid-tiesyzoe | unintentional homicide | 過失致死罪
koeasii | pass the proper time; out of season; outdated | 過時
koeasii-laqjit | last year's calendar ─ useless | 過時日曆
koeasym | feel at ease; be relieved | 心安
koeasyn | die; to pass away (a polite term) | 逝世
koeatafng | pass the winter | 過冬
koeatang | too heavy; overweight | 過重; 超重
koeatangciao | migratory birds | 過冬鳥
koeataux | some time past midday | 過晝; 過午時
koeateeng | process | 過程
koeathaau | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeathay | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
koeatheeng | in the process; in the course of | 過程
koeathng | be warmed over again | 煨過
koeatid | not to be blamed | 怪不得
koeatien | conduct or transmit electricity; short-circuit | 通電
koeato | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeato-sitai | period of transition | 過渡時代
koeatoxkii | period of transition | 過渡期
koeatoxngjii | hyperactive child | 過動兒
koeatvia | make a contract and pay the deposit; engage oneself to a girl | 訂婚
koeatø | excessive, excessively, too much | 過度
koeatøf | superabundance; too much | 過多
koeazeq | pass a festival; celebrate a festival | 過節
koeazexng | be past cure (remedy; treatment); incurable | 逾醫; 無可救藥
koeazhar | be fried | 炒過
koeazhef | after the first ten days of a month | 過初; 過了月初
koeazhuix | pass on a message to third person | 過嘴; 傳話給第三者
koeazhøx | wrong doing; fault; mistake; error | 錯過
koeazuie | has been washed; cross the water in a boat; across the water; pass over the water | 過水; 過洋
koeazuo | be cooked | 煮過
koeazwchiuo | executioner | 劊子手
kvi'afkoea | yellowish jelly made of flour together with a little alkali | 鹼仔粿
liuxkoea | steam the hardened rice cake | 餾粿
mexkoeaaq | scolded | 罵過矣
mixhwnkoea | flour kueh | 麵粉粿
mxkoeasym | cannot bear the thought of it (e.g., of leaving one's family to go abroad), feel very much grieved and dissatisfied with one's self for what one has done (e.g. for injuring one's own child) | 過意不去, 不放心
noafkoea | knead dough for cakes | 揉粿糰
othngkoea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
oxkoea | cakes made of rice and taro | 芋粿
pauafkoea | bun kuih | 包仔粿
peqhietkiuu koeatøf | leukemia | 白血球過多
phahkoealaai | hit it back | 拍過來
phangkoear | cantaloupe | 芳瓜仔
phiauviuu koeahae | sail across an ocean | 漂洋過海
phienkoeakhix | fooling people | 蹁過去
phienkoealaai | fooling people | 蹁過來
phuu iuciaqkoea | deep fried twisted dough sticks | 炸油條
phørkoea | some kind of rice cake | 泡粿
piefn`koealaai | turn over | 扳過來
pvoasvoaf koeaniar | cross mountains | 翻山越嶺
pvoasvoakoeaniar | over the ridge | 盤山過嶺
saykoeakhix | drive past | 駛過去
saykoeakoax | drive through | 駛過掛
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengsarn koeaseng | overproduction | 生產過剩
siekoeasøo | fooling around everywhere | 四界趖
sinkefng koeabirn | excessively sensitive | 神經過敏
siøphahkoear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
tekkoeafchiaf | taxi sharing service that are legalized | 竹雞仔車
tekkoear | gang | 竹雞仔
thaukaxkoear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thoahkoeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due), to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去, 渡過去 (脫險)
thofkoear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
tihoehkoea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tvikoea | glutinous rice cake eaten during lunar new year holidays | 年糕
uixsngf koeatøf | acid dyspepsia; pyrosis | 胃酸過多
voafkoea | despise, slight | 碗粿
voafkøkoea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
zao-koeabin | escape or get through without detection | 逃過了
zawkoeafsiefn | warlock | 走街仔仙; 江湖術士
zaxmkoeakhix | shortcut | 捷徑, 抄近路
zhaekoear | snake melon | 菜瓜仔
zhaethaukoea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿
zhaothaukoear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhauløo koeato | be excessively loaded with cares | 操勞過度
zhawafkoea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhoef koea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿
zhoekoea | steam glutinous rice cakes | 蒸粿
zhut'hoeq koeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
zhwkhakkoea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhøfkakkoea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zuycirmkoea | konjac | 水浸粿
zøx-koeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
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