Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
bukvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
bøkvarpviar | unleaved bread | 無酵餅
bøkvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
chiaukvax | mixed yeast | 攪酵; 混合酵母
hikvaf | fish glue, isinglass | 魚膠
hoafnkvaf | strategy to alienate allies | 反間; 反監
hoatkvax | fermentation | 醱酵; 發酵
iaxkvar | possibly, probably | 豔敢; 可能
jibkvaf | to be put in prison; to be sent to jail | 入監
khahkvar | dare | 較敢
khykvax | ferment | 起酵; 發酵
kiapkvaf | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄; 劫監
kirmkvaf | confinement; imprisonment | 禁監
kiørmxkvar | begging for mercy | 叫毋敢
kiøx-mxkvar | give in under coercion; agree won't do it again (Lit. Call out; I'll not do it again; when beaten); asks for mercy; begs for mercy | 叫無敢; 再也不敢啦; 討饒
korkvaf | to look after the prison; to take care of the prison | 顧監; 看守監獄
kvaa | take alone, include, have attached, hold in mouth | 噙; 含
kvaf | olive | 橄; 監
kvafbaan | artful and naughty; the number that a gambler consistently chooses when he gambles | 刁頑; 賭博時常壓同一組號碼
kvafbad | as if it has ever happened | 敢識; 敢捌; 像是
kvafeng | dare to use; using money lavishly | 敢用
kvafkorng | Is it possible...?; Do you really mean to say...?Is it true that...? | 敢講; 難道
kvafmng | venture to ask | 敢問
kvafnar uxsviaf | It seems that there is sound | 似有聲
kvafnar | as if it seems; it seems has happened; look like; sound like | 像是; 敢若; 敢如
kvafsi | perhaps; maybe; can it be possible that; could it be; I rather think it is so; I suppose it is. | 敢是; 大概是; 或許
kvafsie | to defy death; courageous; fearless; dare to die; defy death; bold; daring | 大膽; 敢死
kvafsie-tui | a suicide squad; a death band; a commando unit given a very dangerous mission | 敢死隊
kvafsytui | suicide squad; commando unit given a very dangerous mission | 敢死隊
kvaftiøh | I presume it is right. I think it is necessary | 敢對; 大概要
kvaftngf | to dare to accept (a compliment; responsibility; etc.) | 敢當
kvafu | I think there is some | 敢有; 大概有
kvagak | prison; jail | 監獄
kvahoan | a prisoner; a convict | 監犯; 囚犯
kvaikvaikiøx | wail; howl | 哀哀叫
kvaix | intermit; at intervals of | 隔
kvakefng | prison cell | 監禁; 監牢
kvakixm | to confine; to imprison; to immure; throw into prison | 監禁
kvaloo | jail, prison | 監牢
kvaløo | prison; jail | 監牢
kvanafchiu | olive tree | 橄欖樹
kvanafchiuxoef | olive branch (symbol of peace) | 橄欖樹萵; 樹枝
kvanafiuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvanafkiuu | rugger; football; rugby | 橄欖球
kvanar | Chinese olive | 橄欖
kvanar-chiu | olive tree | 橄欖樹
kvanar-iuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvapaang | a prison cell | 監房
kvar bøo | I think there is none | 敢無; 大概沒有
kvar ciah mxuix tok | acting recklessly | 敢吃無畏毒
kvar khix mxkvar korng | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kvar korng | courageous enough to express one's beliefs | 敢講
kvar tiøh | I think (you) should go | 大概得去
kvar zøx kvar tngf | dare to do and dare to bear the responsibility | 敢做敢當
kvar | dare to; to venture; unreserved; perhaps; maybe | 敢; 大膽; 大概; 或許
kvarbuo | yeast | 酵母
kvarbuo-khurn | yeast fungus (Saccharomycetes) | 酵母菌
kvarbøfkhurn | yeast fungus | 酵母菌
kvarbør | yeast; leaven | 酵母
kvarsox | enzyme | 酵素
kvasiuu | a prisoner; a convict; person who is always hungry or doesn't have any manners (Lit. a person locked in jail) | 監囚; 囚犯; 罵人好吃; (比喻餓鬼)
kvax | yeast; leaven; leaven; yeast | 酵
kvay | to cry (child) | 哭; 喈
kvoaikvaf | imprison | 關監; 關監牢; 監禁
kvuikvaf | imprison, jail | 關監; 入監
m kvar | not dare | 毋敢
m-kvaftngf | (lit.) I dare not accept the honor; I don't deserve it (your praise) | 無敢當
mixkvax | yeast | 麵酵
mxkvar køphafn | I cannot venture to equal you | 毋敢高攀
mxkvar | dare not; afraid to; dare no | 毋敢; 不敢
mxkvar-mng | daren't ask; afraid to ask | 毋敢問
mxkvar-tngf | dare not assume a responsibility; I am not worthy of it. I am not worth your compliment. I cannot bear such honor | 毋敢當
pefngpeqkvaai | whites of one's eyes showing as from death; in pain or disappointment | 翻白個; 眼珠翻白; 形容沒希望
peqkvaai | show whites of one's eyes (as from die) | 白眼
peqkvax | baking powder | 白酵
phoarkvaf | run away from jail | 逃獄
siukvaf | imprison; commit to jail | 收監
tharmkvaf | visit a prisoner | 探監
toaarkvaai | big item | 大個
tuafkvar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tukvax | remove leaven or yeast | 除酵
tvafkvar | brave to do so | 膽敢
zexkvaf | be imprisoned | 坐監
zhekvax | blow Yeast | 吹酵
zhutkvaf | be released from prison, get out of jail | 出監; 出獄
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