bahkvef | meat soup | 肉羹
chimkvef pvoaria | in the dead of night; midnight | 深更半夜
ciwkvef | keep night watch | 守夜
itkvef | first watch (about dark) | 一更
jiuhikvef | squid soup | 鰇魚羹
khankvef | thicken soup | 勾芡; 牽鹼
khanløkvef | one who does geomancy | 用羅盤看風水
kinkvef | encumber; involve; responsibilities; draw in; drag out | 牽連
korkveee | watchman | 更夫
korkvef | keep watch | 守更
korkvey`ee | watchman | 顧更的
kuiekvef | What is your honorable age? How old are you? | 幾庚
kvea | chock; get stuck in throat | 骾; 哽; 骨卡在喉
kvea'ar | fishing tool | 桱仔
kvea`sie | to studk to death | 鯁死
kvea`teq | fish bone; etc; studking in the throat | 骾著
kvea`tiøh | fish bone; etc; stuck in the throat | 骾著
kvechym | far on in the night | 更深
kvef titusy | brush away cobwebs | 清除蜘蛛網
kvef | attach or become attached (of a spider's web; to a twig; etc; to a broom when cleaning; to a person walking); warp; get the feet tangled up in bramble; rope; threshold and fall down | 骾; 更; 經; 絆倒; 羹
kvefar | a machine for gathering grains | 耞仔
kvefkuy | food stuck in the throat | 噎住; 哽胿; 噎著了
kvefkvea | feel somewhat choked | 噎噎; 哽哽
kvefsie | stifle; suffocate | 骾死; 窒息而死
kveftiøh | stick in the throat (as fish bones) | 骾到
kveh | go against | 逆
kvekor | watchman's drum | 更鼓
kvelaau | watchtower | 更樓
kvepox | weave into cloth | 織布
kvesvoax | wrap the thread around | 經線
kvesy | spin a web or cocoon (as the spider or silk-worm does) | 經絲
kvetiøh khaf | be in the way; so as to entangle or interfere with one's feet (ropes; sticks on the road) | 絆到腳
kvetiøh | be caught (on a nail; in a tree); stumble over (a stone); be stuck | 哽著; 卡著; 纏著
kvetngx | three meals below standard fare | 更頓; 貧窮的三餐
kvetør | trip over; trip; stumble | 哽倒; 絆倒
kvex | fishing tool | 桱
løkvef | compass | 羅經; 羅盤; (測定方位的儀器。風水師常備用具)
løqkvef | midnight | 落更
løqkvekor | midnight drump | 落更鼓
pvoarmesvakvef | midnight | 半暝三更
simkvefthad | myocardial infarction | 心梗窒
siwkvef | keep night watch | 守更
sunkvef | patrol at night | 巡更
svakvef | three am | 三更
svakvef-pvoarmee | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svakvemepvoax | midnight | 三更暝半
svakvepvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
thothøhhikvef | popular Taiwanese fish chowder | 塗魠魚羹
titw kvesy | a spider weaves its web | 蜘蛛織網
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