Lamkviaf | Nanking; Nanking (Nanjing) | 南京
Pakkviaf | Beijing; Peking | 北京
Pakkviahix | Peking opera | 北京戲; 平劇
Pakkvialaang | Pekingese | 北京人
Serngkviar | Holy Son, Jesus Christ | 聖囝; 聖子
Tangkviaf | Tokyo | 東京
Zøexkviar gøxsie pe | When there are many children the father starves to death | 多囝餓死父
afnkviar | my son | 吾囝; 吾子
ah'afkviar | duckling | 鴨仔囝; 小鴨
akviar | kids | 阿囝
angbagkvii | conjunctivitis; the edges of the eyelids watery and inflamed, bleary-eyed | 紅目墘
apkviaf | help to get over a shock | 壓驚
arnkvia | law case; case at law | 案件
asiarkviar | dude | 阿舍囝
au'afkvii | brim of a cup | 杯仔墘; 杯緣
aubixnkviax | a concave lens | 凹面鏡
axsaykviaf | need not fear | 甭怕
bafn-kviar | youngest child | 萬囝; 屘囝; 幼子
bagkviarjiin | lense; eyeglass lens | 目鏡仁; 眼鏡片
bagkviarkhefng | eyeglasses frame; frame of eyeglasses | 目鏡框; 眼鏡框
bagkviarliin | lense | 目鏡仁
bagkviax ab'ar | eye glass box or case | 目鏡盒仔; 眼鏡盒子
bagkviax | eyeglasses; eye-glasses; spectacles | 目鏡; 眼鏡
bagkvii | around the eyes; the edges of the eyelids | 目墘; 眼圈; 眼睛邊緣
ban'afkviar | the youngest child | 萬仔囝; 么仔囝
ban-kviaa | walk carefully, goodbye | 慢走; 慢行
bang`kvix | to dream; to see in a dream | 夢見
bankviar | youngest kid in a family | 屘囝
batkhvoax`kvix | saw it | 曾看見
baxnban'afkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢慢仔走; 再見
baxnban-kviaa | walk slowly | 慢慢行
baxngkvix | dream | 夢見
baxnhoakviax | a triangular prism | 三稜鏡; 萬花鏡
baxnkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢走; 再見
bea-kaxkviw | bit for guiding a horse | 馬咬薑; 馬勒
befafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
befkviar | pony | 馬囝; 小馬
bexkviaa`tid | road cannot be traveled; it won't do | 未走得; 無能走
bexkviatid | cannot be traveled, it won't do | 行不得
bexkvietitzexng | not fit to be looked into (e.g., a matter that is shameful or has a serious flaw) | 見不得人
bexkviezerngtid | not fit to be looked into (e.g., a matter that is shameful or has a serious flaw) | 見不得人
bexkviezexng`tid | unfit to be looked at publicly; as man or affair all incorrect; ugly; dirty | 未見證得; 見無得人
biefnkviaf | do not be afraid; don't fear; don't be afraid | 免驚; 無必怕
binzhngkvii | edge of the bed | 眠床墘
boafnkvii | full up to the edge; filled up to the rim (said of any liquid) | 滿墘; 滿至上限; 盈滿
boakviax | polish bronze mirror | 磨鏡; 磨光銅鏡
boefafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
bofkviar | wife and children; family dependent; wife and children | 某囝; 妻兒
bofngkviaa | walk casually; walk informally or randomly | 罔行; 隨便走走
borng kviaa | tentatively | 罔行
boxng'oafnkviax | telescope | 望遠鏡
bugoaxhøfkviaa | bumpy | 無外好走; 無太好走
bunkvia | document; papers; document; writing | 文件
bwafkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母仔囝
bwkviafie | high chair | 母囝椅
bwkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母囝
bøbwkviar | no mother and child | 無母囝
bøefafkviar | youngest son; baby son | 尾仔囝
bøefkviar | last kid in a family | 尾囝; 最小的兒子
bøexkviaa`tid | won't work | 行無得; 未行得
bøexkvix | cannot | 未見; 袂見; 不明白
bøfkviar | mother and child; principal and interest | 母囝
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo kviar mia | be fated to have no child | 無囝命; 命中無後
bøo tiaukvia | unconditional; without conditions | 無條件
bøo-tiaukvia | unconditional, unreserved | 無條件
bøpexkviar | kid raised without a father | 無爸囝; 無父子
chiahkviar | a honest and passionate person; poor kids | 赤囝; 窮人家
chienlykviax | telescope | 千里鏡; 望遠鏡
chinsvekviar | one's own real child | 親生囝
chinsvikviar | one's own real child | 親生囝
chiwkviax | hand mirror | 手鏡
chiwkvii | caught with bare hands | 手擒
chixkviar | bring up the children | 飼囝; 養育子女
chvikviaf | frightened; startled | 青驚; 生驚; 吃驚; 受驚
chvikviw | ginger | 鮮薑; 生姜
chviuo kviarthaau | fight for vantage point in taking news picture | 搶鏡頭
ciamboxngkviax | periscope | 潛望鏡
ciaokviaa | follow | 照行
ciapkvix | to receive | 接見
ciaqnngfkviagve | bully the weak but scared of the strong | 食軟驚硬
ciaqnngfkviagvi | bully the weak but scared of the strong | 食軟驚硬
cidciafm kviehoeq | pungent; incisive; to the point | 一針見血
cidkvia | a piece of | 一件
cidphyafkviar | very small (stature) | 一痞仔囝; 人很小
cirnkviaf | to enter into the capital | 進京
citkvia | this article, this piece | 這件
ciøf kviafsaix | to accept or rather adopt a son-in-law who would live in the wife's home and assume the role of a son | 招子婿
ciøf-kviafsaix | take a son-in-law | 招子婿; 招囝婿; 招女婿
ciøhkviax | learn a lesson from another person's experience | 借鏡; 借鑑
ciøkviafsaix | marry the daughter to a man who will live with her family and bear her family name (said of a family without a male heir) | 招囝婿
ciørkviax | to face a mirror; look at oneself in a mirror | 照鏡; 照鏡子
ciørsinkviax | full length mirror | 照身鏡
cviaa-kviahviaa | very frightened, very terrified | 很驚惶; 誠驚惶
cviakviar | to become a useful person | 成器; 成囝
cvikviw | ginger, young edible ginger shoots | 芘薑
cviuokviw | pickled ginger | 醬薑
cviuxkviaf | go to the capital; go to the metropolis | 上京
cviuxkviw | roof of the mouth, pilate | 上顎; 上
cvykviw | ginger, young edible ginger shoots | 茈薑; 芽薑
cykviaf | I am only afraid of that...; I suspect that.. | 只怕
cyn hafnkviaa | rear visit | 稀客; 好久沒有來; 真罕走
exkviaa`tid | will work | 會行得
exkviaf`laang | will be amazing | 會驚人
gafnkviarhaang | optician's shop | 眼鏡行
gafnkviax | glasses; spectacles | 眼鏡
gimkvii | eaves | 涔墘; 屋簷
gixkviar | foster son | 義囝
goankvia zhausaxng | original document has been copied and sent | 原件抄送
goankvia | original article or document | 原件
guafkviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢子
guar-kviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
gyn'afkviar | toddler | 囡仔囝
gyn'ar-kviar | little children; young child or children | 囡仔囝; 小小孩; 幼兒
gøafkviar | gosling | 鵝仔囝; 小鵝
hafnkviaa | rare move | 稀客; 罕行; 很少來; 久未走動
hafnkvix | rarely see | 罕見
harmkviax | magnifying glass; magnifying glass | 擴鏡; 譀鏡; 顯微鏡; 放大鏡
haxngkvia | event | 事件; 項件
haykvii | seashore; sea coast; seaside | 海灘; 海墘; 海邊
hiafngkvix | enjoy looking at | 享見; 悅目
hiamkviuar | hot petter | 薟薑仔
hiefnbikviax | microscope; ultramicroscope | 顯微鏡
hiexnkvix | saw immediately | 現見; 馬上看到
hihafnkviar | only son; a spoilt child | 稀罕囝; 寵溺獨子; 寶貝兒子
hixkviax | otoscope | 耳鏡
hoafnkongkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反光鏡; 反射鏡
hoafnsiaxkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反射鏡
hoan'afkviw | pimiento; cayenne; capsicum; hot pepper | 番仔薑; 辣椒
hoankviu'ar | red pepper, chili pepper | 番薑仔; 番椒仔; 辣椒
hoankviuar | hot pepper; green or red peppers | 番椒仔; 辣椒
hoankviw | pimiento; cayenne; capsicum | 辣椒; 番薑
hoekviaf | return to the capital | 回京
hoekviax | glasses for the aged | 花鏡; 老花眼鏡
hofkviar | tigercub, young tiger, brave son of a hero | 虎囝
hongkhofng iukvia | air mail | 航空郵件
hongkviax | goggles | 風鏡; 阻風鏡 (如機車前面)
hor tok bøe ciah kviar | No one is capable of hurting his own children (Even a vicious tigress will not eat its cubs.) | 虎毒未食囝
horngtoaxkviax | magnifying-glass | 放大鏡
hunkongkviax | spectroscope | 分光鏡
huokhoarn tiaukvia | terms of payment | 付款條件
huokvia | attached document; enclosure | 附件
huun khuy kviejit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
hvafkviaf | to terrify, to frighten, to scare, intimidate, frighten by threat | 唬驚; 嚇驚
hvehkviaf | terrified frighten; frighten people | 驚嚇; 嚇唬; 嚇人
hveq tiøqkviaf | terrify someone (like a child) by telling something scary | 受驚嚇
hvixkviax | tympanum; tympanic membrane; ear drum | 耳鏡; 耳膜
hvoaikviaa | walk sideways | 橫行
hwnkviarap | compact | 粉鏡盒; 粉盒
høfkviaa | easy to walk; easy | 好行; 好走
høfkviar | good child; good children | 好囝; 成器的人; 好孩子
hør-sofkviaa | the upright condut | 好所走; 品行好
iamkekviaa | walk on one's hands | 倒立走
iaokvia | important document; important article; important item; important item; important matter (business); important document | 要件
iegoa-suxkvia | accident | 意外事件
iofng'iok kviafjii | bring up children | 養育囝兒; 養育兒女
iofngkvia | healthy and strong; healthy | 勇健; 強健; 健康
ioxngkviaa`ee | walk alone | 用走的
ittidkviaa | go straight ahead | 一直走
iu kviaf iu hvoahie | alarmed and happy at the same time | 又驚又喜
iukvia | mail; post; mail matter; postal items | 郵件
iuokviar | little child | 幼囝
iøkviar | to nurture or bring a child up; nurse one's child | 育囝; 撫養孩子
jibkviaf | go to the capital | 入京
kafngkvii | riverside | 港墘; 港邊
kaukviar | small monkey; baby monkey | 猴子; 小猴子
kauvoa tiaukvia | give and take condition | 交換條件
kawafkviar | puppy | 狗仔囝
kawkviar | puppy | 狗囝; 狗娘養的
kaxkviw | bit for guiding a horse | 咬薑; 馬勒
ke'afkviar | baby chicks | 雞仔囝; 小雞
keafkviar | baby chicks | 雞仔囝
keakvia-kangzw | wages paid on piece work basis | 計件工資
kex zabofkviar | daughter is getting marry | 嫁查某囝
khangkviaa | made a trip to no purpose; get no good results from going | 空走; 白走一趟
khaokviar | crying kids | 哭囝
khaokvix | pay respects; pay visit | 叩見
kharm'afkvii | edge of a cliff | 崖仔墘; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kheafkvii | by the stream | 溪仔墘
kheakviar | formally adopted child (see khe-bu) | 契囝; 乾兒女
khiofngkviaf | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 恐驚; 恐怕
khiøhkhykhaf ciu kviaa | get up on one's two feet then walk away immediately | 提腳就走; 拾起腳就走
khiøhkviafbuo | midwife | 抾囝母
khoeafkvii | river bank | 溪仔墘
khoeakviar | adopted son | 契囝
khvoakhvoa'ar kviaa | walk slowly (leisurely) | 寬寬仔走; 款款仔走; 緩緩仔走
khvoarkvix | see; sight; perceive; catch sight of; perceive by sight; happen to see; to see without the pre-determined purpose or intention of looking at; have the faculty or power of seeing | 看見; 看到; 見過
khvoax`kvix | saw; to see (with one's eyes) | 看見
khykviaa | to start on a journey; to set out; set out; leave; start on journey | 起行; 起程; 動身
khykviaf | to be frightened | 受驚; 起驚
khøeakviar | formally adopted son | 客囝; 契囝; 乾兒子
khøfkviaf | appalling | 可驚
kiawkvia | correct and health | 矯健
kimkviar | precious son; very dear child | 金囝; 寶貝兒子
kimkvii | gilt edge, gold rim | 金墘; 金邊(書)
kirn kviaa | hurry up | 緊行
kixnsixkviax | spectacles for near-sightedness | 近視鏡
kngkviax | mirror | 光鏡
koax bagkviax | wear glasses (ring; wrist watch) | 掛眼鏡; 戴眼鏡
koax bagkviax`ee | bespectacled | 掛眼鏡的; 帶目鏡的
koeafkviar | chick | 雞仔囝
kokkvia | each and every item; all the items; various items | 各件
kokviar | a male bereaved of his father; an only son | 孤囝; 獨生子
koxkvia'ee | walk alone | 用走的
kuykvia | how many items | 幾件
kvi'afkea | salty rice cake | 鹼仔粿
kvi'afkoea | yellowish jelly made of flour together with a little alkali | 鹼仔粿
kvi'afkøea | alkali-treated steam cake | 鹼仔粿; 鹼粿
kvi'ar | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 墘仔; 邊緣
kvia | healthy | 健
kvia'ar | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 驚仔; 恐怕仔
kvia'iuu | wander, stroll | 走遊; 遊歷
kvia'oay | get into the wrong path | 行歪
kvia'uix | to be afraid; to be scared | 驚畏; 敬畏; 害怕
kvia'un | be favored by good luck; have everything going one's way | 走運
kvia'vi | be greatly surprised or shocked | 驚異
kviaa cidliexn | walking round in a circle; making one revolution | 走一圈
kviaa mxtiøh lo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviaa toaxlea | pay the highest respect by kowtowing; make a deep obeisance | 行大禮
kviaa | walk; go; do; to act; perform; to run (as a watch) | 行
kviaa-armlo | behave very wickedly and licentiously | 走暗路; 走邪路
kviaa-bøexkhuy khaf | regret to leave (with lingering affection or anxiety) | 依依無捨
kviaa-bølo | walk but not find a road; have nowhere to go | 無處去; 迷路
kviaa-kang'oo | be an adventurer, be a gypsy, be a traveling quack | 行江湖; 走江湖; 走江湖者
kviaa-køeathaau | passed by | 行過頭
kviaa-teflo | to suicide | 走短路; 自殺
kviaa-zhørlo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviaa`jipkhix | walk in | 行入去
kviaa`khix | to die; impassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid | 死去
kviaa`køex | passed by | 行過
kviaauxbefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviaauxboefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviabor | henpecked | 懼內; 怕太太
kviachvie | to cause to wake up with a startle | 驚醒
kviaf bor | henpecked | 驚某
kviaf cide | be frightened; be astonished; have a fright | 驚一跳; 嚇一跳
kviaf cidtiøo | be frightened | 驚一跳; 嚇一跳
kviaf | fear; be afraid of; lest; to dislike | 驚; 嚇; 怕
kviaf-kiernsiaux | coy; shy; bashful; blush; shy | 驚見笑
kviaf-phvaysex | embarrassed | 驚歹勢
kviaf-svihun | timid | 驚生份
kviaf`laang | surprising; astonishing; startling; amazing; sensational; appalling | 驚人
kviaf`sie | Frightens badly; frightens to death | 驚死; 嚇死;
kviaf`sylaang | very scarring | 驚死人; 嚇死人
kviaf`tiøh | to be surprised; to be scared | 驚著; 受驚嚇
kviafjii | children | 囝兒; 兒子; 子兒
kviafjiswn | descendants | 兒女孫; 囝兒孫
kviafkhefng | picture frame, mirror frame | 鏡框
kviafkviar-sunswn | posterity for some generations | 囝囝孫孫; 子子孫孫
kviaflii | kids | 囝兒
kviaflui | children | 兒女; 子孫
kviafsaix | Son-in-law | 女婿; 囝婿; 子婿
kviafswn ong | behavior; conduct; manner of walking | 子孫興旺
kviafswn | descendants; children and grandchildren; posterity | 子孫; 囝孫
kviagii | fearful and apprehensive; afraid and anxious; suspicious from fear | 驚疑; 狐疑; 驚訝
kviagviaw | sensitive to tickling; ticklish | 驚癢
kviahae | to sail in the sea or ocean | 行海
kviahiarm | adventurous; breathtaking; thrilling | 驚險
kviahie | Peking opera, Chinese opera | 驚喜
kviahix | Peking opera, Chinese opera | 京戲
kviahoong-sitzhox | terrified and not know what to do; to panic | 驚惶失措
kviahvaq | to scare, frighten, panic, fear, terror | 驚惶; 驚嚇
kviahviaa | dread; panic; consternation; be panic-stricken | 驚惶; 恐慌
kviahør | do good | 行好
kviajoah | afraid of heat | 驚熱
kviakang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people | 走江湖
kviakang'oo`ee | traveling quack | 走江湖的
kviakaux | to walk to (a place) | 走到
kviakefng | to pass (a place; store; ect.); one's conduct or behavior; a path; a trail | 行經; 來月經
kviakhix | die (kia* doesn't change it's tone) | 行氣
kviakhuy | walk away | 行開
kviakiernsiaux | afraid of being laughed at; shy | 驚見羞; 害羞; 怕羞
kviakii | to be surprised; to marvel; amaze; play chess for draughts | 驚奇; 行棋; 下棋
kviakngf | photophobia | 驚光; 畏光羞明
kviakuun | to do shadow boxing | 行拳
kviakviaa`leq | walk around | 行行咧
kviakviaf | a little bit scared | 驚驚; 有點害怕
kviakviaf-hviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚驚兢兢
kviakviahviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚惶驚惶; 戰戰兢兢
kviakøex | to pass by ( a place); to pass through (a place) | 行過
kvialaai-kviakhix | walk about | 走來走去
kvialaang | dirty; filthy | 骯髒; 驚人; 恐嚇
kvialaau | water flowing | 行流
kvialauzuie | flowing water | 流通的水
kvialea | to pay a respect by kowtowing; salute; bow; make a bow to | 行禮; 敬禮
kvialerng | afraid of cold | 驚冷
kvialiao | lest, for fear that, afraid that (Cf. Gram. P. 336) | 驚了; 恐怕
kvialo khaf poatpoad | pigeon-toed | 撇著走
kvialo | walk | 行路; 走路
kvialoxkafng | money for hard work | 行路工
kviapaang | to have sexual relation with one's legal spouse; have conjugal intercourse | 行房; 性交
kviaphvae | do evil | 行歹; 作惡
kviar | child; son; baby animal; child; youngster | 囝; 兒女
kviar-simpu | the daughter-in-law | 囝媳婦; 兒媳婦
kviarah | vanity case; dressing case | 鏡匣; 鏡盒
kviarbin | surface of a mirror or a lens | 鏡面
kviarkhefng | picture frame; frame of a mirror | 鏡框
kviarphvix | lens | 鏡片
kviarpvix | the handle of a mirror | 鏡柄
kviarsviuar | woman’s mirror box | 鏡箱仔
kviartaai | mirror stand; dressing table; dresser (furniture) | 鏡臺; 鏡台
kviarthaau | lens of a camera; a scene captured by the camera | 鏡頭
kviartøq | mirror table | 鏡桌
kviasiarm | to move away from danger | 走閃
kviasie laang | scare of people | 驚死人
kviasie | be afraid of death; cowardly; timid | 驚死; 怕死
kviasie-laang | Good Heavens! Oh, my! Horrors! | 驚死人; 嚇死人
kviasoar | to walk to different place; to have some connection | 行徙; 走動; 漫步; 散步
kviasvehun | fear of strangers | 驚生份
kviasviaa | the capital (of the country); metropolis; capital of a country | 京城
kviasvihun | fear of strangers | 驚生份
kviasylaang | scare people to death ─ very dirty; very expensive; very horrible etc | 嚇死人
kviasym | to be shaken; to be frightened | 驚心
kviasym-taxngpheg | alarmed; scared | 驚心動魄
kviasøq | to walk on a rope | 走索
kviatah | association; contact; walk; behavior; conduct; manner of walking | 行踏; 行為; 走動
kviatang | to surprise; to astonish; to startle; to stir up; to alarm; to bother; to disturb; action; movement; conduct; behavior | 驚動; 行動; 走動
kviateflo | commit suicide | 尋短見; 自殺
kviathaothaux | walk through everywhere | 行透透
kviatharngthaxng | walk all about (e.g.; through a whole region or country) | 行桶桶; 走遍
kviatharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kviathviax | shrink from pain | 驚痛
kviathvy-taxngte | shake the earth | 驚天動地
kviatiau | the Peiping style (of music in Chinese opera); Beijing style (of music in Chinese opera) | 京調
kviatof | capital city | 京都; 首府
kviatong | to surprise; to astonish; to startle; to stir up; to alarm; to bother; to disturb; surprise; to astonish; to startle | 驚動
kviaun | be favored by good luck, have everything going one's way | 行運
kviax | mirror | 鏡
kviaxsox | number of things; items; suits; etc. | 件數
kviaxsyn | strong body; strong in body; in good health | 健康; 身體強壯
kviaxzaang | plants grow luxuriantly | 健欉
kviazhvehun | timid, cowardly (of stranger) | 怕生人
kviazhwn | to pay relatives or friends a visit in the New Year holiday season to be enjoying good luck; pay New Year's call; wish to somebody Happy Year | 行春; 拜年
kviazhøx | err, make a mistake, bad deeds | 驚錯; 犯錯
kviazuun | be a sailor, employed on board | 行船; 做船員
kviazuyzexng | hydrophobia; rabies | 恐水症; 狂犬病
kviazøex | deeds, conduct | 行作; 行做; 行為
kviazøx | deeds, conduct | 行作; 行做; 行為
kvichym | late at night | 深更
kviear | repair fishing net tool | 桱仔
kviebin | to meet; come face to face; to visit; see another | 見面
kviecyn | as a matter of fact; in fact | 其實; 事實上
kviehofng | expose to the wind | 見風
kviekoex | have seen | 見過
kviekud | skinny | 消骨; (瘦得看到骨頭)
kviekuie | (literally) to see the devil--Nonsense! | 見鬼
kvielaang | to meet people | 見人
kvielaang-hør | amiable (disposition); easy-going | 見人好; 八面玲瓏; 好相與; 隨和
kvielaang-taau | to throw the news to however he or she sees | 見人投; 投訴
kviena | every; all; if only; so long as | 凡是; 每次; 見若
kvietiøh | see; meet with; exposed to | 看到; 碰到
kviezai | as one wishes, do as one likes | 看在; 見在; 隨便
kviezexng | face to the people | 見眾
kvihurn | alkaline powder | 鹼粉
kvii | edge; border; rim | 邊; 墘; 緣; 邊緣
kvikor | large drum on which night watches are signaled (obsolete) | 更鼓
kvikvikvoaiqkvoaih | incessant grumbling | 吱吱叫
kvilaau | watch tower | 更樓
kviliaau | guard-house | 更寮; 守更亭
kvilui | alkali | 鹼類
kviløo | drum beaten by watch-man | 更鑼
kvisexng | alkaline | 鹼性
kvisvoax | wrap the thread around | 經線
kvisy | spin a web or filament (e.g.; the spider or silk-worm) | 吐絲
kvitiøh | be caught (on a nail; in a tree); stumble over (a stone); be stuck | 哽著; 卡著; 纏著哽著
kviu'ar | tiny deer | 羌仔
kviu'ngg | curcuma; turmeric | 薑黃; 姜黃
kviuar | mountain animal with barking sound is similar to that of a dog | 羌仔
kviuboah | powdered ginger | 薑末; 薑粉
kviubuo | ginger root | 薑母
kviubøfaq | duck meat cooked with ginger | 薑母鴨
kviubøftee | tea made from dried ginger | 薑母茶
kviubør | hard dry ginger root (used for medicine) | 老薑
kviuciab | ginger juice; ginger syrup | 薑汁
kviugee | ginger sprout; ginger bud | 薑芽
kviuhoef | ginger flower | 薑花
kviuhurn | ginger powder | 薑粉
kviukhvii | diligent, tireless | 薑纏; 勤勞
kviukøf | preserved ginger | 薑膏
kviupviar | gingerbread | 薑餅
kviusy | a very fine thread ginger; ginger cut into silky strips | 薑絲
kviuthngf | ginger soup | 薑湯
kviuthngg | ginger soup with sweet taste | 薑糖
kviuxphiaq | contrary minded, obstinate in opposing | 樣壁; 乖戾; 背道而馳,固執地反對
kviuxsøef | coarse bamboo broom | 粗竹掃帚; ?梳
kviuzuie | ginger water | 薑水
kviw | ginger | 薑
kvix thienjit | see the heaven and the sun ─ see justice prevail; emerge from misery (literally) | 見天日
kvix | see; perceive; observe; to meet; a view | 見
kvix`laang | meet people | 見人
kvix`tiøh | see (that); note | 見著
kvizaxng | alkali glutinous rice dumpling which is made by wrapping the rice in broad leaves of reeds and boiled for a few hours; a sort of confection made of glutinous rice mixed with a little alkali and wrapped with bamboo leaves. This is offered to spirits or devils on the fifth day of the fifth month and the Buddhist All Soul's Day (fifteenth of the seventh month) | 鹼粽; 鹼粽子
kvizuie | alkaline water | 鹼水
kwnkvii | sew a different colored border on a dress | 滾邊
kynkviaa | hurry; let's go; Bear it!; go quick; go fast | 快走
køe'afkviar | chick | 雞仔囝; 小雞
køekviar | chick | 雞囝; 小雞
køfkvia | manuscript for publishing | 稿件
lapkviax | concave lens | 凹鏡; 凹透鏡
lauxkviar | a son born in one's old age | 老囝; 老子
lauxlaang-bagkviax | convex glasses for one suffering presbyopia | 老人眼鏡
lauxlaang-kviax | presbyopia eyeglasses | 老人鏡; 老花眼鏡
lengkvia | component parts; spare parts(of machines) | 零件
lengzvoakvii | | 龍泉墘
li'afkviar | colt of an ass, foal of a donkey | 小驢
liamkhakviaa | walking softly so as to avoid making a noise | 躡足走
liauxkvia | materials | 料件
liawbefafkviar | useless kids | 了尾仔囝
liawboefafkviar | prodigal son | 了尾 囝; 敗家子
liawbøea-kviar | a prodigal son | 放盪子; 么子; 浪子
liawkef-kviar | black sheep of the family; spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal | 了家囝; 敗家子
liongkviw | the lesser galangal; a ginger | 良薑
lioxngzuo-tiaukvia | quantum condition | 量子條件
liuliukviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
liuoliuokviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
luafkviar | colt of an ass; foal of a donkey | 驢仔囝
lymkvii | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 斂墘; 邊緣
løqtexkviax | floor mirror | 落地鏡
m kviaf | not afraid | 毋驚
m-kvialaang | not timid | 無驚人
miauafkviar | kitty cat | 喵仔囝
miqkvia | article; object; thing; thing; article | 物件; 東西
mngfkviar | late to get a kid | 晚囝
mngqkvia | objects | 物件
mngqkvia`neq | Where is the stuff? | 物件呢
moafkvii | fullness nead the edge of a bowl; brimful; be filled up | 滿漧; 滿出來; 盈滿 (滿到邊緣)
muykvia | every article | 每件
mxcviakviar | scrawny looking child; mischievous child | 毋成囝
mxkviaf | not afraid of.. | 毋怕; 毋驚; 不怕
mxkvix | won't meet | 毋見
mxzay thafng kviaf | does not realize the danger | 毋知通驚; 毋知危險
niauafkviar | kitten | 貓仔囡
niawchyafkviar | baby rat | 鳥鼠仔囝
niukviar | cocoon | 娘繭; 繭
nngfkviw | soft palate, velum | 軟齶; 軟顎; 帆布
noflaai-kviar | late to have kids | 老來仔
ojinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
okvii | lake | 湖墘
olinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
paekvix | to pay a formal visit; to pay one's respects | 拜見
pakkviagie | mandarine | 北京語
pakkviaoe | mandarine | 北京話
parngkviar | abandon (forsake) one's children (Lit. hen won't care for chicks anymore) | 打囝; 父母親無要孩子; 母雞不再帶小雞 (因為小雞長大了)
paxng bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see; let it go | 假裝看無見
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
pe'afkviar | father and child | 父仔囝; 爸仔囝; 父子
peafkviar | father and kids | 爸仔囝
pengbixnkviax | plane mirror | 平面鏡
pengkofng-bagkviax | flat light glasses | 平光目鏡
pengkongkviax | flat light mirror | 平光鏡
peqkviaa | worthless effort | 白走
peqthorkviar | white baby rabbit; white kittens | 白兔囝
pexafkviar | fathers and sons; master | 爸仔仔; 爺兒
pexkviar | father and child | 爸囝; 父子
pexlau-kviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexlauxkviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
phah'mxkvix | lose something | 打無見; 丟掉; 遺失
phahbøkvix | lost | 拍無見
phahchvikviaf | scare; shocked | 拍生驚
phahkviaf | horrify; terrify; frighten; give a fright; give a start; to scare | 拍驚; 驚嚇; 驚嚇到
phahzhvekviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq-mxkvix | lose | 打無見; 拍毋見; 遺失; 掉了; 丟掉
pharngkvix | lose something | 丟掉; 不見了; 遺失
phaykviafzexng | delinquency | 歹囝症
pheakvia | accessories | 配件
phekvia | leather goods | 皮件
phiahkvix | prejudice | 僻見
phiernkviaa | walk all over | 遍走
phoarkviax tiong'vii | reunion and reconciliation (said of a divorced or separated couple; Lit. broken mirror is round again) | 破鏡重圓
phoeakvia | fittings; mountings; replacement (parts); accessories; accessories | 配件
phoekvia | leather goods | 皮件
phoex bagkviax | get the right lenses for eyeglasses; be fitted for eyeglasses | 配目鏡; 配眼鏡
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngkviax | a magnifying glass | 凸鏡
phvae-kviafswn | bad descendants | 歹子孫
phvaykviaa | difficult to walk upon; not safe for traveling | 難行; 不好走
phvaykviafzexng | illow disease | 歹囝症
phvaykviar | a gangster; a rascal; young person keeping company with rogues; vagabonds; Juvenile Delinquent | 流氓; 壞人; 無良少年; 惡少
phvaykviar-kefng | brothel | 歹囝間; 妓院
phvaymiaxkviar | bad luck kid | 歹命囝
phvi`kvix | perceived by smell | 鼻見; 聞見
phvoa kviafsaix | men and women who accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴新郎
phvoaxkviaa | accompany | 伴行
phøeakvia | accessories | 配件
piahkviax | wall mirror | 壁鏡
piawkviar | You son of a harlot! You whoreson! (slang) | 婊囝; (罵人); 私生子
piebit bunkvia | secret document; classified papers; confidential document | 秘密文件
piernkviaa | walk all over | 遍行
pit'iaux-tiaukvia | a prerequisite | 必要條件
pofzo tiaukvia | supplementary items; clauses | 補助條件
pokviw | vines grew from seaside sand | 埔姜
poxkviaa | walk on foot | 步行; 徒步
pu keafkviar | sit on eggs; incubate | 孵小雞
punkviar | adopt a child | 分囝; 領養孩子
put'heng suxkvia | unfortunate incident | 無幸事件
putsiaokviar | disobedient son | 無肖子
pvexkviar | morning sickness; sickness in pregnancy | 害喜
pvikviax | a plane mirror | 平鏡; 平面鏡
pvixkviar | morning sickness | 害喜
pvoakvii | pan qian | 盤墘
pvoarkviaa-pvoarzao | trot along | 邊走邊跑; 疾走
pvoarkviazao | foot race | 半行走; 競走
pynkvix | visit a superior officer on business | 稟見; 晉見
pøfkviax | treasure mirror | 寶鏡
pøfpoeaafkviar | baby | 寶貝仔囝
pølekviax | mirror | 玻璃鏡
sai'afkviar | lion cub | 獅仔囝
saikviar | lion cub | 獅囝; 小獅子
samleeng-kviax | a prism | 三棱鏡; 三菱鏡
sankviuhoear | mountain ginger flower | 山薑花仔
sarngkviar | give away a kid; say farewell to a kid | 送囝
satjiin arnkvia | murder case | 殺人案件
saykviaf | need not fear | 甭怕
seaharnkviar | the youngest of the family | 細漢囝
seakviar | an infant; a baby | 世囝; 嬰兒
sengkviaa | go before the others; go first; die first | 先走; 先死
sexngkviar | spoil a child | 聖囝; 溺愛子女
sianggafnkviax | two eyes | 雙眼鏡
sikviaa | be in fashion; fashionable; much in vogue (style; customs); be widely circulated or accepted | 流行; 時行; 慣行
simkviatvafhviaq | frightened | 心驚膽嚇
simkviax | reflected in the heart | 心鏡
simkvoa'afkviar | one's beloved child | 心肝分囝
simkvoaafkviar | sweetheart | 心肝仔囝
sinkviafsaix | bridegroom | 新囝婿; 新郎
siong kviarthaau | photogenic; appear in a movie | 上鏡頭
sirnkvia | mail or letters | 信件
siukvia | receive | 收件
siukviaf | a ceremony to remove scars; quiet the soul of a terrified child by a charm | 收驚
siuxkviaf | to get a fright, be frightened | 受驚
siøfkviar | young fellow (usually said with some contempt) | 小囝
siøhkviar | love children | 惜囝
siøkviebin | meet each other | 相見面
siøkvix | meet | 相見
soahbefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahbøea-kviar | youngest child | 息尾囝; 煞尾囝; 屘子
soahbøefafkviar | youngest child | 煞末仔囝; 老么
soakvii | shachang | 沙墘
soarbøea-kviar | the youngest child | 煞尾囝; 續尾子
sofkviaa | behavior, conduct | 所行; 行為
sorkvia | several articles | 數件
sorsiong arnkvia | law case | 訴訟案件
suisyn ee miqkvia | things that one carries on one's person; personal effects | 隨身東西
susengkviar | bastard | 私生囝
suxkvia | case; incident; event; matters | 事件
suxkviaxtiofng | in the event | 事件中
suxnkviaa | good-bye; goodbye | 順走; 順行; 慢走
sva'afkvii | bottom edge of a garment, hem | 衫仔墘
svaf-kviebin | meet face to face | 相見面
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmii | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvix | meet together | 相見
svef lauxkviar | beget a child in old age | 生老囝; 晚年得子 (女)
svekviar | men and animals give birth to offspring | 生囝; 生子
svikviar | give birth to a child | 生囝; 生孩子
sviukvii | decorate the edge of a dress | 鑲墘
sviuxkvix | recall, remember | 想見; 想到; 想來想去
svoakvii | mountain | 山墘
svoakviw | Japanese horseradish (plant) | 山薑
svoapof-kviw | Ziaparas (Paiwan), fine-leaved chaste-tree | 山埔薑; 山埔姜
sykviar | dead child, stillborn child | 死囝; 失去的孩子
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
søeakviar | child; children | 細囝; 小孩; 小兒
søezngf-kviax | dressing mirror | 梳粧鏡
tagkvia | every case | 逐件
taixkviaf | big frighten | 大驚
tangkviaa | go together; go together; travel together | 同行
tangkviax | bronze mirror | 銅鏡
tapokviar | girl | 查埔囝
tehkviaf | having medicine to calm a person who got shocked | 硩驚
teq kviaf | cordials or medicine keep up one's spirits and keep down fear | 壓驚
thafngkvii | barrel rim | 桶緣
thangkviaf | horrify | 通驚; 可驚
thaokviasviaa | spread to capital of country | 透京城
thaokviax | lenses | 透鏡
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thorafkviar | rabbit baby; kitten | 兔仔囝
thviaf`kvix | be heard | 聽見
thviakvix | hear; hearing; to hear (Lit. perceive by listening); can hear (have the faculty or power to hear); hear something without the express purpose or intention of listening to it | 聽見
thviarkviar | love dearly sons and daughters; children | 疼囝; 疼孩子
thvikong'afkviar | god's son | 天公仔囝
thøfzeakviar | spendthrift son | 討債囝; 敗家子; 浪費
ti'afkviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
ti'ar-kviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tiafmkvia | count piece | 點件
tiaokviax | mirror suspended on a frame or wall | 吊鏡
tiaukvia | condition; if; term; terms; articles; clauses in an agreement | 條件
tiaukvix | have an audience with a sovereign, meet with God in worship | 朝見
tiaxmtiam'ar kviaa | walk along very leisurely | 恬恬仔走
tidkviaa | go straight | 直走
tiexnzuo hiefnbikviax | electronic microscope | 電子顯微鏡
tiøh cidkviaf | become frightened | 嚇一跳
tiøh zhvekviaf | alarmed; scared | 驚慌
tiøqchvikviaf | frightened | 得青驚; 受驚
tiøqkviaf | scare; be surprised; be astonished; be startled; be frightened | 吃驚; 著驚; 受驚; 害怕
tiøqkviafkafm | spoiled kids | 著囝甘
tiøqzhvekviaf | scare | 著生驚
tngfkviaa | revolve (wheel) | 轉行; 倒行
tngsikviaa | popular | 當流行; 慣行
toaxharnkviar | eldest son | 大漢囝
toaxharnzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大漢查某囝
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toaxkviaf | great fright | 大驚
toaxkviar | cornstalk; the eldest son | 大囝; 長子
toaxpoxkviaa | walk with long steps | 大步走
toaxzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大查某囝
toex laang kviaa | follow another; go along in company with others | 跟著人走
tuafkviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tudthaokviax | convex lens | 凸透鏡
tvafzhao kviazoaa | beat the grass and startle the snakes ─ frighten out of cover | 打草驚蛇
tvex-bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see | 假裝沒有看到
tviafkvii | edge of a pan | 鼎邊; 鍋邊
tøh'afkvii | table edges | 桌仔墘
tøhkvii | table edge | 桌緣
tørkviaa | walk backwards | 倒行
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
u tiaukvia`ee | conditional; with conditions attached | 有條件的
u-tiaukvia | conditioned | 有條件
uiekvix | afraid to meet | 畏見
uxkviaa | effective (medicine) | 有行; 有效
uxnkviaa | circulate (blood) | 運行
viu'ar-kviar | small lamb, kid | 羊仔兒; 羊仔囝; 小羊
viuafkviar | baby lamb | 羊仔囝
viukviar | sheep | 羊囝
viutøafkviar | baby star fruit | 楊桃仔囝
voafkvii | edge of a bowl | 碗緣
wnheeng-bagkviax | contact lens | 隱形目鏡
zabofkviafjit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zabofkviaflit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zabofkviafzhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 女兒回娘家, 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zabofkviar | daughter | 查某囝; 女兒
zabofkviar-zhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 查某囝賊; 女兒回娘家; 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zabzefng'afkviar | half caste; child whose mother is a woman of ill fame | 雜種仔囝; 混血兒
zapokviar | son | 查哺囡; 兒子
zengkhuafkviar | mortar | 舂臼仔囝
zenglangkviar | stepchild; wife's son by former husband; husband's son by former wife | 前人囝; 前妻或前夫之子女
zerngkvia | document; paper; papers or documents supporting a claim; documentary proof | 證件
zhaekoekviar | snake melon | 菜瓜囝
zhanhvoaxkvii | rice farm pathway | 田岸墘
zhankap'afkviar | baby frog | 田蛤仔囝
zhaosiøfkviar | bum; a tramp | 臭小囝
zhaux khazhngf kviaf laang ngf | afraid that one's own secret or fault will be disclosed | 怕人揭瘡疤。
zhawpokvii | turf edge | 草埔墘
zhngkvii | bed | 床墘
zhoahkviaf | scare; affright; spook | 驚嚇
zhof-kviebin | first meeting or interview | 初見面
zhuiekviebagkvix | eye witness | 喙見目見
zhuiekvix-bagkvix | see often | 經常相見
zhvehoan'afkviw | spicy pepper | 青番仔薑
zhvekviaf | be startled at | 驚愕; 生驚; 吃驚
zhvekviw | un pickled ginger | 生薑
zhvemee mxkviaf zhexng | Ignorance is bliss. What you don't know won't hurt you. (Lit. A blind person doesn't fear a gun.) | 瞎子無怕槍; 初生之犢不畏虎。
zoakviar | baby snake | 蛇囝
zoankvia | special case | 專件
zoeakviar | be a son | 做囝
zokvia | component | 組件
zongkviarjiin | hidden, behind the mirror people | 藏鏡人
zongkviarliin | hidden, behind the mirror people | 藏鏡人
zunkvii | border of a boat deck | 船墘; 船沿
zuxkongkviax | condensing lens | 聚光鏡
zuykviax | goggles | 水鏡; 潛水鏡
zuykvii | water's edge | 水邊
zuykviuar | water ginger | 水薑仔
zuykviw | water ginger | 水薑
zuymngg-suxkvia | The Watergate case | 水門事件
zøexkviar | many kids | 濟囝
zørkviar | to be adopted | 做囝
øe kviaf`laang | cause people to scare | 會驚人
øe kvialaang | cause people to scare because dirtiness | 會驚人
øexkviaa`tid | able to walk | 能行得
øexkviaf`laang | frightening | 能驚人
øexkvix | able to, can see | 能見; 會見
øqkviaa | studies walks | 學行; 學走路; 學行路
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]