"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kviu

hiamkviuar | hot petter | 薟薑仔
hoankviu'ar | red pepper, chili pepper | 番薑仔; 番椒仔; 辣椒
hoankviuar | hot pepper; green or red peppers | 番椒仔; 辣椒
kviu'ar | tiny deer | 羌仔
kviu'ngg | curcuma; turmeric | 薑黃; 姜黃
kviuar | mountain animal with barking sound is similar to that of a dog | 羌仔
kviuboah | powdered ginger | 薑末; 薑粉
kviubuo | ginger root | 薑母
kviubøfaq | duck meat cooked with ginger | 薑母鴨
kviubøftee | tea made from dried ginger | 薑母茶
kviubør | hard dry ginger root (used for medicine) | 老薑
kviuciab | ginger juice; ginger syrup | 薑汁
kviugee | ginger sprout; ginger bud | 薑芽
kviuhoef | ginger flower | 薑花
kviuhurn | ginger powder | 薑粉
kviukhvii | diligent, tireless | 薑纏; 勤勞
kviukøf | preserved ginger | 薑膏
kviupviar | gingerbread | 薑餅
kviusy | a very fine thread ginger; ginger cut into silky strips | 薑絲
kviuthngf | ginger soup | 薑湯
kviuthngg | ginger soup with sweet taste | 薑糖
kviuxphiaq | contrary minded, obstinate in opposing | 樣壁; 乖戾; 背道而馳,固執地反對
kviuxsøef | coarse bamboo broom | 粗竹掃帚; ?梳
kviuzuie | ginger water | 薑水
sankviuhoear | mountain ginger flower | 山薑花仔
zuykviuar | water ginger | 水薑仔

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