"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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(kofng'oe, zørtaixcix)pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
Aenylaan | Ireland | 愛爾蘭
Alabi'a | Arabia | 阿拉
Alahoattek | Arafat | 阿拉法特
Alar | salad oil | 阿拉; 阿賴
Alegsantai | Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) | 亞歷山大
Alieen | United Arab Republic | 阿聯
Aliefn | a small town in Kaohsiung County | 阿蓮
Alysafn | a mountain in Chiayi County | 阿里山
Angbag'uar taux lauxjiet | useless helper (Ang-bak-u-a is a person with impaired vision or a dim wit.) | 濫芋充數
Anglaubang | Dream of the Red Chamber, great Chinese novel authored by Tsau Hsueh-chin during the Ching Dynasty | 紅樓夢
Angsiblixhoe | Red Cross | 紅十字會
Anlaam | | 安南
Anlyhoe | Security Council of the United Nations | 安理會; 安全理事會
Aphøløo | Apollo | 阿波羅
Augustine Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | MSSA: Miss. Sirs. of St. Augustine (Catholic) | 奧古斯丁傳教修女會
Auløpaf | | 歐羅巴
Auxlie | a small town in Taichung; Taitiofng County | 后里
Auxlioong | a small town in Miaoli; Biaulek County | 後龍
Banlaam | southern Fujian province, China | 閩南
Banlaam-guo | Southern Min (South Fukien dialect of China) | 閩南語
Banlaam-oe | Southern Min (South Fukien dialect of China) | 閩南話
Baxnlie | a city in Taipei County | 萬里
Baxnloaan | a city in Pingtung County | 萬巒
Begsixliok | Apocalypse; the Book of Revelation (Catholic); Revelation of St John | 默示錄; 啟示錄
Beqliaau | a city in Yunlin County | 麥寮
Bexnglok zwgi | Monroe Doctrine | 孟祿主義; 門羅主義
Biaulek | a city in Miaoli County | 苗栗
Biaulek-koan | Miaoli County | 苗栗縣
Bilek-hut | the Laughing | 彌樂佛; 彌勒佛
Bilofng | Meinung in Pingtung County | 美濃
Boadjidlun | Eschatology | 末日論
Boadsealun | Eschatology | 末世論
Boafnciw-laang | Manchurian | 滿洲人
Bongkoflaang | Mongolians | 蒙古人
Boxliim | a city in Kaohsiung County | 茂林
Bulurn-zok | Bunun tribe | 布農族; 布倫族
Bunløzwgi | Monroe Doctrine | 門羅主義
Bykog Toglip Ciernzefng | U.S.A. War of Independence | 美國獨力戰爭
Bykog-laang | American | 美國人
Bykoklaang | U.S.A. citizen | 美國人
Bylofng | Meinung in Pingtung County | 美濃
Byloong | Meinung in Pingtung County | 美濃
Chiahkharmlaau | formerly Fort Provintia in Tainan City; was built in 1653 by the Dutch during their colonization of Formosa. | 赤崁樓
Chiahkhaxm-laau | Sakam Tower- fort provintia | 赤崁樓
Chienlygarn | supervision | 千里眼
Cidpaq lurn ciaq e tittiøh kimturn | Forbear a hundred times; only then can you succeed | 吃得苦中苦; 方為人上人; 一百忍才會得著金盾
Cili | Chili, Chile | 智利
Ciongliim tøexid Zwjit | First Sunday of Advent | 將臨第一主日
Citlie | name of a star | 織女
Citluo | the Weaving Maid | 織女
Ciuozoa ho padlaang sie | to harm someone by association; (because I make a promise difficult to fulfill it also hurts other people who are involved with me or who work with me to complete the promise.) | 咒詛給別人死
Cylamkefng | A famous Toaism temple in Taipei | 指南宮
Eksuteklaf | Esdras (Catholic) | 厄斯德拉
Enghioong lankøex byjinkoafn | Even a great hero has difficulty getting by a beautiful woman. Many heroes have been conquered by a beautiful woman. (Samson and Delilah) | 英雄難過美人關
Engkeklaan | England | 英格蘭
Engkoklaang | the English | 英國人
Engkokliau | made in England | 英國料
Englie | English mile, 1.609 km | 英里
Esupelanto | Esperanto | 世界語
Giamlø'oong | Ruler of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
Giamløoong | Ruler of Hades, King of Hell | 閻羅王
Gilaan | Yilan county in northeast of Taiwan | 宜蘭
Gilaan-koan | Yilan County in Taiwan | 宜蘭縣
Gioglie | a city in Hualien County of Taiwan | 玉里
Goadlør | God of Marriage | 月老
Goxlidzoeq | Dragon Boat Festival | 五日節
Guloong-citluo | The Cowherd and the Heavenly Weaver (Chinese Valentine) (The 7th day of the 7th month on the lunar calendar) | 牛郎織女
Gvofhog limbuun | May all prosperity come to this house! | 五福臨門
Gvofid løtoxngcied | May day; Labor Day | 五一勞動節
Gvofsiofng laqzeg | Paschal candle | 五傷蠟燭
Gyn'aflaang u hvi bøo zhuix | A child should be seen and not heard | 小孩子有耳無嘴; 囝仔人有耳無嘴
Gøloanphvi | Eluanbi; Goran (a place at the southern tip of Taiwan) | 鵝鑾鼻
Gøløsw | Russia | 俄羅斯
Hankoklaang | Korean people | 韓國人
Hanlo | Cold Dew; a solar period that arrives about October 8-22 | 寒露
Harnliin | han people | 漢人
Haylaam | Hainan | 海南
Hayleng'oong | the dragon king; god of the ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Hayliong'oong | god of ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Hiernlefkefng | Prayer over the Gifts at Mass (Catholic) | 獻禮經
Hilah | Greece; Greek | 希臘
Hilaqkaux | Greek Orthodoxy | 希臘教
Hiliap | Greece | 希臘
Hiliap-buun | Greek written language | 希臘文
Hiliap-guo | Greek spoken language | 希臘語
Hionggali | Hungary | 匈牙利
Hiongloo | Hun | 匈奴
Hipeklaai Sw | Epistle to the Hebrews | 希伯來書
Hipeklaai | Hebrew | 希伯來
Hipeklaai-buun | Hebrew written language | 希伯來文
Hipeklaai-guo | Hebrew spoken language | 希伯來語
Hoalaam | southern China | 華南
Hoalieen | Hualien | 花蓮
Hoalieen-koan | Hualien County | 花蓮縣
Hoaliefn | Hualien | 花蓮
Hoalienkarng | Hualien port | 花蓮港
Hoaliin | Chinese | 華人
Hoatkoklaang | French people | 法國人
Hoatlixsaelaang | Pharisees | 法利賽人
Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒腳隨人拂; 自己顧自己
Hoelieen | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 花蓮
Hoelienkarng | Hualien port | 花蓮港
Hokleeng Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | Dominican Sisters of Funing; OP (Catholic) | 福寧道明修女會
Hoklør-laang | Fukienese | 福老人; 福建人
Honglaai-tør | the island of Taiwan | 蓬萊島
Honglaitør | Formosa; Taiwan Island | 蓬萊島
Hongzex Serngbør Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | FMM: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (Catholic) | 方濟聖母傳教修女會
Hor løh peng'viuu pi khiern khy | hero or brave man can be bullied by a bunch of weaklings when he is down on his luck. (A tiger out of his natural environment can be bullied by a dog.) | 虎落平陽被犬欺
Hoxlie zoankhøf haghau | junior college of nursing | 護理專科學校
Hoxlør | Taiwanese; Ho-lo; Holo; Hoklo | 福佬
Hoxngliim | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 鳳林
Huilixbuun Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Protestant) | 腓利門書
Huiludpyn Kuntør | Philippine Archipelago | 菲律賓群島
Huiludpyn | Philippines | 菲律賓
Huixleeng | people's name | 慧玲
Hulunsia | Rotary Club; Rotary Club | 扶輪社
Huluun-sia | the Rotary Club | 扶輪社
Hunlaam | Yunnan | 雲南
Hunlaan | Finland | 芬蘭
Hunliim | a county in Taiwan | 雲林
Hunliim-koan | Yunlin County | 雲林縣
Huolie | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 富里
Huxlienhoe | Chinese Women's Anti Communist League | 婦聯會
Huxlycied | Women's Day (March 8) | 婦女節
Huylypeg Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians (Catholic) | 腓利伯書
Hølaam | Hunan province | 河南
Hølaan | Netherlands; Holland; Holland | 荷蘭
Hølanlaang | Hollander; Dutchman | 荷蘭人
Hølantau | snow pea (Pisum sativum) | 荷蘭豆
Høløflaang | present day Taiwan people | 福佬人; 現在的台灣人
Hølør | Taiwanese Hoklo | 福佬
Hølør-laang | Hoklo people | 福佬人; 河洛人
Høxlør | Fukienese | 福佬
Høxlør-laang | Fukienese | 福佬人; 福建人
I'itlun | Unitarianism | 唯一論
Ialegbyaf | Jeremiah (Catholic) | 耶肋米亞
Ialixbie | Jeremiah (Protestant) | 耶利米
Iasof Haolwhoe | FI: Daughters of Jesus (Catholic) | 耶穌孝女會
Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Iasof siuxlaxnjit | Good Friday | 耶穌受難日
Ietaixli | Italy | 意大利
Iofnglogtøf | Yakult | 養樂多
Irntoxlaang | Indian | 印度人
Italy | Italy | 意大利
Itsinlun | Monotheism | 一神論
Iuthaelaang | Jew | 猶太人
Jiaw'oaf-laang | Javanese | 爪哇人
Jidloexoar | Geneva | 日內瓦
Jidpwnlaang | Japanese | 日本人
Jixliim | a city in Changhua County | 二林
Joaqlanjiaf sviaa | Fort Zeelandia | 熱蘭遮城; 安平古堡
Julaai | the title for Sakyamuni; Buddha | 如來
Julaai-hut | Buddha | 如來佛
Julaihut | Buddha; images of Buddha | 如來佛
Julaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Kaliabtat Sw | The Epistles of Paul to the Galatians (Catholic) | 加拉達書; (加)
Kalie | a town in Tainan county | 佳里
Kanglaam | entire area south of the Yangtze River | 江南
Kanyoafliok svoaf | Mt. Calvary (Catholic) | 加爾瓦略山
Kelaang | Keelung | 基隆
Khahkhix`leq | Step ahead a bit! | 較去咧; 過去一點
Khahlaai`leq | Come closer! | 較來咧; 過來一點
Khailøo | Cairo | 開羅
Khailøo-soangieen | Cairo Declaration signed by China; great Britain and the United States in 1944 | 開羅宣言
Khehlaang | Hakka people; Hakka | 客人; 客家人
Khienlioong | a Chin dynasty | 乾隆
Khoflan-Zwjit | Passion Sunday (Catholic) | 苦難主日
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Khunluun-safn | the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Sinjiang; extending to Central China) | 崑崙山
Kilaai | Kirai (old name of Hualien; ‘Hoalieen') | 奇萊; 花蓮
Kimleeng | a city in Kinmen County | 金寧
Kiongliim | a city in Hsinchu County | 芎林
Kitog-lun | Christology | 基督論
Kitokkaux Lyzuo Zhenglienhoe | Young Women's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.W.C.A | 基督教女子青年會
Kitokkaux Zhenglienhoe | Young Men's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.M.C.A | 基督教青年會
Kokzex Huxlie nii | International Year of Women | 國際婦女年
Kokzex Texkiuu Koanzheklieen | the International Geophysical Year (IGY) | 國際地球觀測年
Kongkaux Citkafng Zhenglienhoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教職工青年會
Kongkaux Zhenglienhoe | C.Y.O.; Catholic Youth Organization | 公教青年會
Kongloxkiok | Highway Bureau | 公路局
Korngliaau | a city in Taipei County | 貢寮
Køelaang Chi | Keelung City | 基隆市
Køelaang | Keelung | 基隆; 雞籠
Kølee | Korea (former name); ginseng | 高麗; 韓國
Kølimtøf Cienho Sw | The First and Second Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians (Protestant) | 哥林多前後書
Køløsef Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians (Protestant) | 哥羅西書
Lagtviulee | a place in Taipei; six long-plows of land | 六張犁
Lefpae'lak | Saturday | 禮拜六
Legtai Cieliok | Chronicle (1; 2) (Protestant) | 歷代誌略 (上; 下卷)
Leng'y Siulyhoe | MI: Ministri Infirmorum (Miss. Camil.) (Catholic) | 靈醫修女會
Lepalun | Lebanon | 黎巴嫩
Liaqliaqkhix | took over by force | 掠掠去
Liedleeng | Leonard | 烈寧
Lienhabkog anzoaan lysuxhoe | U.N. Security Council | 聯合國安全理事會
Liexnleeng Misad | Mass for the Holy Souls (Catholic) | 煉靈彌撒
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
Limsimlo | a street in Taipei | 林森路
Linlok | a city in Pingtung County | 麟洛
Liukiulaang | Ryukyu | 琉球人
Loafnloarn | a place in Koelaang Chi | 暖暖
Longliim chiegiaxmtviuu | Government Experimental Farm and Nursery | 農林試驗場
Longlimthviaf | provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry | 農林廳
Lulaai | Tathagata | 如來
Lulaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Luo-Zhenglienhoe | YWCA ─ Young Women's Christian Association | 女青年會
Lømafli | Roman letters | 羅馬字
Maflaai | Malay | 馬來
Maflaise'af | Malaysia | 馬來西亞
Maflap | Manna (Catholic) | 瑪納
Maflaqki'af | Malachias (Catholic) | 瑪拉基亞
Maflaqky | Malachi (Protestant) | 瑪拉基
Maflixaf | Mary; Maria; the Virgin Mary | 瑪利亞
Maflixlok Hoe | MM; Maryknoll Missioners (Catholic) | 瑪利諾會
Mafnilaf | Manila | 馬尼拉; (菲律賓首都)
Mafteklie | Madrie | 馬德里
Mileghut | Buddha Maitreya | 彌勒佛
Moekuix Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | OP: Dominican Catech. Srs. of St. Joseph (Catholic) | 玫瑰道明修女會; (瑞士)
Mologkøf | Morocco | 摩洛哥; (國名)
Nalai | a city in Yunlin County | 林內
Niløhøo | Nile River | 尼羅河; (非洲第一大河)
O'kheklaan | Ukraine | 烏克蘭
Oadlaam | Vietnam; Viet Nam | 越南
Oadlam'oe | Vietnamese | 越南話
Oadlamlaang | Vietnamese | 越南人
Oadlamzek | Vietnamese | 越南籍
Oafnlie | Yuanli Township | 苑裡
Oafnzuie laan kiux kixnhoea | Aid; if not immediate; is useless. (Lit. It is difficult to put out the fire in one's neighborhood with distant water.) | 遠水難救近火。
Oanliim | a city in eastern Changhau County | 員林
Oexlykonghoe kaotoo | Methodists | 衛理公會教徒
Oexlykonghoe | Methodist Church | 衛理公會
Okbea oklaang khiaa | A wicked horse can only be driven by a cruel man | 一物一剋
Olaam | Hunan Province | 湖南
Olai | a city in Kaohsiung County | 湖內
Oliongkafng | Heilungkiang Province, the Amur River | 黑龍江; 烏龍江
Osolaf Serngsym Hoe | OSC: Ursulines of the S. Heart (Catholic) | 烏蘇拉聖心會
Pae'lak | Saturday | 拜六; 星期六
Pakkvialaang | Pekingese | 北京人
Palakuy | Paraguay | 巴拉圭
Palee | Paris | 巴黎
Palytør | Bali Island | 巴里島
Pangliaau | a city in Pingtung County | 枋寮
Papyluun | Babylon | 巴比倫
Patlie | a city in Taipei County | 八里
Peglefngsviaa | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Catholic) | 白冷城
Peglerng Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | SMB: Societas Miss de Bethlehem (Switz) | 白冷外方傳教會
Pekliim | Berlin; Germany | 柏林
Peklixheeng | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Protestant) | 伯利恆
Pektølok Cieen-Ho Sw | First and Second Epistles of Peter (Catholic) | 伯多祿前後書
Pektølok | St. Peter (Catholic) | 伯多祿
Peqgvoløsw | White Russian; Byelorussian | 白俄羅斯
Peqlieen-kaux | White Lotus, a religious and political movement that originated in China in the late 13th century | 白蓮教
Peqlo | one of the4 climatic periods (beginning Sept. 8 or 9) of the lunar year | 白露
Phienlienkie | Paralipomenon (Chronicles) (Catholic) | 編年紀
Phutøgelaang | Portuguese | 葡萄牙人
Phveliim | a city in Taipei County | 坪林
Phølaan | Poland | 波蘭
Phøløbuun | Brahman | 波羅門
Pielor | Peru | 秘魯
Pilaam | a city in Taitung County | 卑南
Pilamhiofng | aboriginal village in eastern Taiwan | 卑南鄉
Pilamzok | aboriginal in eastern Taiwan | 卑南族
Polie | a city in Nantou County | 埔里
Polysia | name of Puli in 19th century | 埔裏社
Porlongzok | Bunun- aboriginal race in Taiwan | 布農族
Pwntog Siulie hoe | OSB: Benedictine Srs. (Catholic) | 本篤修女會
Pylixsii | Belgium | 比利時
Pøflok | Paul (Catholic) | 保祿
Pøfløo | Paul (Protestant) | 保羅
Pøløbunkaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
Pøløhae | Baltic Sea | 波羅海
Sailee toaxkiøo | Silo Bridge; the longest highway bridge in Taiwan | 西螺大橋
Sailee | a city in Yunlin County | 西螺
Sam'oong laitiaau | Epiphany (obsolete Catholic) | 三王來朝
Samliim | a city in Kaohsiung County | 杉林
Satkalixaf | Zechariah (Protestant) | 撒加利亞
Sengki'lak | Saturday | 星期六
Sepangalaang | Spaniard | 西班牙人
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Siulyhoe | MIC: Miss Srs of the Immac Concept (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪修女會
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Thoankaux Siulyhoe | SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪傳教修女會。
Serngbør Maflixaf | Virgin Mary | 聖母瑪利亞
Serngbør Serngsym Siulie Hoe | CSCM: Srs of the SH of Mary of Taichung (Catholic) | 聖母聖心修女會
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngciw lefgii | Liturgy of Holy Week (Catholic) | 聖週禮儀
Sernghoef lefgii | Ash Wednesday (Catholic) | 聖灰禮儀
Serngkaf Hiernluo Thoantø Hoe | OSF: Catechist Srs of the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家獻女傳道會
Serngkaux zornglea | ecclesiastical burial | 聖教葬禮
Serngleeng karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Serngleeng | the Holy Spirit; the Holy Ghost | 聖靈
Serngsiin karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Serngtaxn-lauxlaang | Santa Claus | 聖誕老人
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Seviuu-legsuo | European history | 西洋歷史
Sexng Katliongpaf Hoe | SSC: Societas Sti Columbani (Catholic) | 聖葛隆巴會
Sexng Pektølok | St. Peter (Catholic) | 聖伯多祿
Sexng Pøflok | St. Paul (Catholic) | 聖保祿
Sexng Pøfløo | St. Paul (Protestant) | 聖保羅
Sexng Teklaai Hoe | CST: Theresian Sisters (Catholic) | 聖德來會
Sexng Tøxbeeng Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | OP: Miss Srs of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖道明傳教修女會
Sionghoe lienhabhoe | Associated Chamber of Commerce | 商會聯合會
Siuoliim | a city in Hualien County | 秀林
Siuxlan-ciw | Passion Week | 受難週
Siuxlan-zøeq | Good Friday | 受難節
Siuxlaxnjit | Good Friday | 受難日
Siøfliukiuu | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球
Soalag | a city in Taichung County | 沙鹿
Soalun | a hidden place in northern Taipei | 沙崙
Sofløbuun | King Solomon | 所羅門
Sohoaf konglo | Eastern Taiwan's High Way | 蘇花公路
Sokeklaan | Scotland | 蘇格蘭
Solieen | Soviet Union | 蘇聯
Suxliim | a town in Taipei | 士林
Svalidzoeq | tomb sweeping on Ching Ming Festivak | 三日節; 清明節
Sviu-thafm tix kelafm | As the result of covetousness; the thief is caught and covered with a chicken basket (as punishment) ─ The result of greed is complete loss | 貪小失大。捉雞無著; 蝕把米。
Tailaam | Tainan | 台南
Tailaam-koan | Tainan County | 台南縣
Tailamchi | Tainan city | 台南市
Tailamkoan | Tainan county | 台南縣
Tailøo | a Taiwanese writing system published by Taiwan Edu. Dept. | 台羅
Taioaan-laang | Taiwanese person | 台灣人
Taioanlaang | Taiwanese | 台灣人
Taixlie | a city in Taichung County | 大里
Taixliok | mainland; continent | 大陸
Tang'viulaang | Orientals | 東方人
Tanglaam-Af | Southeast Asia | 東南亞
Tanglam'af | Southeast Asia | 東南亞
Tangløo | a city in Miaoli County | 銅鑼
Tawlaam | a city in Yunlin County | 斗南
Tawlak | a city in Yunlin County | 斗六
Tekkog-laang | German | 德國人
Tekkoklaang | German | 德國人
Teklaam | a city in Miaoli County | 竹南
Teksatlognii | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Catholic) | 德撒洛尼; (德前後)
Thae'afluo-zok | Tayal (Atayal) tribe (Taiwan aborigines); Tayal tribe | 泰亞落族; ???族; 泰亞魯族
Thaekoklaang | Thai | 泰國人
Thaemalie | a city in Taitung County | 太麻里
Thauliah køef iaxtiøh cidpea bie | You have to prime the pump. To do business you need capital. (Lit. To steal chickens you need a handful of rice.) | 偷雞也得一把米。
Thiapsatlønikaf Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Protestant) | 帖撒羅尼迦前後書
Thihloxkiogtviuo | director of the Railway Administration | 鐵路局長
Thihloxkiok | Railway Administration | 鐵路局
Thokkoarn lysuxhoe | The Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations) | 託管理事會
Tiofnglør kaohoe | Presbyterian church | 長老教會
Tiofnglør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Tiongkhernglamlo | street name | 重慶南路
Tiongkog-laang | Chinese person | 中國人
Tionglaam Poarntor | Indo-China Peninsula | 中南半島
Tionglambie | Central and South America | 中研院
Tionglamhae | Central and South ocean | 中研院
Tionglek | a city in Taoyuan County | 中壢
Tiongliaau | a city in Nantou County | 中寮
Tiongluun | an area in Taipei | 中崙
Tngsvoaf-laang | people in Taiwan came from China | 唐山人
Toaxlai | a city in Tainan County | 大內
Toaxliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 大寮
Tohlaan | a city in Miaoli County | 卓蘭
Tongzefng Maflixaf | Virgin Mary (Catholic) | 童貞瑪莉亞
Tuisulea | absolution after Requiem Mass | 追思禮
Tviwløfhoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Tviwløfkaohoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老教會
Tviwløfkaux | Presbyterian Church | 長老教
Tviwlør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Ulay | Wulai township in Southern Taipei County | 烏來
Unliedsuu | En Martyr's Shrine | 恩烈祠
Ysekliet | Israel | 以色列
Ysuxlah | Ezra (Protestant) | 以士喇
Ytaili | Italy | 義大利
Zatkalixaf | Zacharias (Catholic) | 撒加利亞
Zhanliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 田寮
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zuxiuu lwsiin | Goddess of Liberty | 自由女神
Zuylie | a city in Nantou County | 水里
Zwkaux Taixlea Misad | Pontifical Mass (Catholic) | 主教大禮彌撒
`laq | (it is so, so ended, as I decided, as so I suppose) | 啦
aang-løpok | carrot | 紅蘿蔔; 胡蘿蔔
ab`løqkhix | to subdue, to suppress | 壓落去
aelie | beloved daughter; favorite daughter | 愛女
aeliin | lover | 愛人
aelin'ar | lover | 愛人仔
aeloaan | affection, attachment | 愛戀
afnglarng | obstinate, ill-tempered, grumpy | 頑固; 聬儱; 乖戾
ahbør-leh | large rain-hat | 鴨母笠; 斗笠
ahlafm | basket for ducks | 鴨籠
ai'ay`leq | cry a little | 哀哀著
ailiin | pity | 哀憐
ailok | elegy; sorrow and happiness; grief and joy | 哀樂
ak'ag`leq | drench a bit | 澆澆水
aklegkex | gripping gauge; hand dynamometer | 握力計
aleeng | dumbbell | 啞鈴
alwmiq | aluminum | 鋁; 輕銀; 源自日語アルミ(arumi)
alyputtat | saliva; useless; not to the point | 無三不四; 亂七八糟
am'afm`leq | cover well | 掩掩著
amlaai amkhix | half good half bad | 掩來掩去; 好壞參半
amlaai-zhefkhix | to adopt the long one to make up the short | 掩來扯去
amlaang nybak | deceive others | 掩人耳目
amlaizhefkhix | to rob peter to pay Paul | 掩來扯去
angbaglieen | | 紅目鰱
angbahlie | Taiwanese plum | 紅肉李
angbeflør | cornelian; shrub or small tree that bears a small edible scarlet berry | 紅瑪瑙
angciofnglaang | native born American; American Indian | 紅種人
angleeng | red cloth with a dragon on it; used in weddings | 紅彩; 八仙彩
anglegtefng | traffic light | 紅綠燈
angli | bonus | 紅利
anglieen | New Year couplets (red and pasted on door panels) | 紅聯; 對聯; 春聯
anglienhii | | 紅鰱魚
anglienhuu | salmon | 紅鰱魚
angliin | red phosphorus | 紅磷; 紅綾
angloxciuo | red rice wine | 紅露酒
anglun | ruddy | 紅潤
angløpok | carrots | 紅蘿蔔
angtholeeng | swamp eel, true eel, Anguilla marmorata | 紅土龍; 鱸鰻
angzerng-laang | redskin people | 紅種人
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
anhoxng liongkud | lay down a keel | 安放龍骨
anhøo-logli | peaceful and happy | 安和樂利
anky loggiap | live in peace and be content with one's lot or occupation | 安居樂業
anky-loggiap | live and work in peace | 安居樂業
anleeng | quiet and peace; peace; repose; calm; tranquility | 安寧
anlog'ie | easy chair; rocking chair; easy chair | 安樂椅; 搖椅
anlogsie | euthanasia | 安樂死
anlok | comfort, ease | 安樂
anlok-sie | euthanasia | 安樂死
anpiin logtø | happy to lead a simple virtuous life | 安貧樂道
anzoankhieloong | air bag for car; sometimes referred to as ke-kui-a; balloon) | 安全氣囊
anzornglea | burial service; prayers at the grave (Catholic) | 安葬禮
aoutloah | hot and humid | 漚鬱熱
aplegkex | pressure gauge | 壓力計
aplegpiør | pressure gauge | 壓力表
aplek | pressure; pressure | 壓力
aploxky | roller for road-surfacing | 壓路機
aptøfsexng ee serngli | overwhelming victory; landslide victory | 壓倒性的勝利
apzex laang | bring pressure to bear on a person | 壓制人
armliam | recite; repeat from memory; recite from memory; recitation | 暗唸; 默記; 背誦; 背念; 默唸
armliuu | undercurrent; subterranean flow; a hidden drift or tendency | 暗流
armlo | dark road; do something bad | 暗路; 夜路
armsarmlo | depraved course or way of life; dark; dirty and lonely path | 陰森路
arnchiwlea | imposition of hands (Catholic) | 按手禮
arnglarng | secretly hate | 暗恨
arnkhvoarbai`leq | try to press | 試按一下
arnlai | press inside | 按內
arnlat | regulate one's strength | 量力
arnle | according to precedents | 案例
arnleeng | press the button of a buzzer | 按鈴
arnlie | according to common practice or simple reasoning | 按理
arnlip | ordain | 暗定; 任命(聖職)
arnliuo | press a button | 按鈕
arnlut | according to the law | 按律; 照法律
arnsiuo-lea | the etiquette of shaking hands | 按手禮
arnsiwlea | lay on hands | 按手禮
asafliq | straightforward; clearcut | 阿莎力; 乾脆
asaflix | straightforward; clearcut | 阿莎力; 乾脆
asaliq | clean-cut; straight forward; wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; wholeheartedly; devote or apply oneself to | 阿莎力; 乾脆
asupala | an asparagus | 蘆筍
aswphylirn | aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid | 阿斯匹靈
at'ad`leq | just snap them one by one | 折折咧
atloan | suppress rebellion | 遏亂
au geqlit | next month | 後月日
au'aw`leq | put (clothes) under improper order | 拗拗咧
au-lefpaix | next week | 後禮拜; 下禮拜
au`laai | afterwords | 後來
au`lit | the day after tomorrow | 後日
auxauxlefpaix | the week after next | 下下禮拜
auxlaai | afterwards; later; afterwards; some time at later date when the work first spoken of has been completed | 後來
auxlaau | rear building | 後樓
auxlefpaix | next week | 下星期
auxlit | some other days | 後日
auxliuo | hinge of a door or box | 後鈕; 門後栓; 門後扣
auxlo | back road; bribe | 後路
auxløh | backroom; back part of a house | 後落; 後房; 後院
auxsielaang | afterlife | 後世人
auxtexlaang | coming or next generation | 後代人
aw'ao`leq | fold up | 拗拗咧
axm laang ee cvii | make secret unfair gains from another's money | 侵佔他人的錢
axm'e sveliuu | having no alternative; to have to; powerless. (Lit. to produce a tumor under the neck) | 無可奈何; 頷下生瘤
axn-pyle | pro rata, in proportion | 按比例
bad laang ee jinzeeng | know or understand the value of being grateful; know how to show gratitude | 識人的人情; 知恩
bad laang mxbad miaa | recognize a person but not remember his or her name | 認人無識名
bad thaity ciaq zaiviar tølo | learn by experience (Idiom. He who slaughters pigs knows how meat should be cut.) | 曾殺豬才知道刀路
bafnbarn`leq | pluck (those flowers) | 拔起來
bafngtarlii | ornamental cloth round the top of a mosquito curtain | 蚊帳簾
bafnlieen | a pair of sentences to honor the dead | 挽留; 輓聯
bafnliuu | urge to stay; request to stay | 挽留
bag lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污穢
bagciuliin | pupil | 目睭仁
bagciw lai | sharpness of the vision; clear sightedness; keen eye | 目睭利; 眼光銳
bagkngf ee laang | man who can see; not blind | 目光的人; 能視的人
bagkviarliin | lense | 目鏡仁
baglai | (lit.); eyes; eyesight | 目內; 眼簾
bagliau | wooden material | 木料
bahlee | a kind of shellfish | 肉螺
bahliuu | tumor or goiter; fleshy tumor on neck or head; sarcoma | 肉瘤
bahlo | like to eat meat | 肉路; 肉類
bahlui | meat; different kinds of meat | 肉類
baizornglea | funeral ceremony | 埋葬禮
balii | bamboo shelter on sampan | 小船艙
baliteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
bang lie zafkuy | wish you come back soon | 望你早歸
bangloan | to be busy with, to be occupied with | 忙亂
banglok | busy, engaged, in a bustle | 忙錄; 忙碌
barn onglaai | to pick pineapples | 摘鳳梨
barn`khylaai | pull out | 拔起來
batbad`leq | know well, can see well | 識識咧; 捌捌咧
batlaang | know someone; know a person thoroughly | 識人; 能分辨人
batlea | polite; acquainted with the rules of etiquette | 識禮; 識大體
batli | literacy | 捌字
batlo | know the way; know the road | 識路; 認識路
bauh`laai | bid a contract | 貿來; 包下買來; 承攬來
baxn'iuo ynlek | gravitation | 萬有引力
baxnban'aflaai | slowly; Don't rush! Take your time! | 慢慢仔來
baxnbut cy leeng | man (Lit. Wisest of all creatures) | 萬物之靈
baxnglo | network | 網路
baxngzeabaxnglo | Internet | 網際網路
baxnkinlat | full strength | 萬斤力
baxnlaai | come late | 晚來; 遲到
baxnlaan | extremely difficult; well-nigh impossible | 萬難
baxnle | vivid and beautiful | 曼麗
baxnleeng phoksu | Mr. know-it-all | 萬能博士
baxnleeng | almighty; all-powerful; omnipotent; almighty; serving all purposes | 萬能
baxnleng'iøh | cure-all; wonder drug | 萬靈藥
baxnlengsør | skeleton key | 萬能鎖
baxnliam kuxhoef | completely discouraged; extremely pessimistic; totally devoid of ambition and hope | 萬念俱灰
baxnlie buhuun | cloudless | 萬里無雲
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnlie tiongzefng | launch a military expedition very far away; embark on a long journey | 萬里長征
baxnlie tngsviaa | the great wall of China; the wall ten thousand miles long | 萬里長城
baxnlie | ten thousand miles; ten thousand miles; an incalculable distance | 萬里
baxnlieen kiwoarn | lasting very long; perpetual; eternal | 萬年久遠
baxnlieen pid | fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlieen | ten thousand years; forever; all ages; eternity | 永遠; 萬年
baxnlienlek | calendar designed for use over many years | 萬年曆
baxnlienpid | ink pen; fountain pen; fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlienzhefng | Chinese evergreen | 萬年青
baxnputleeng | most impossible of all impossibilities; a metaphysical impossibility | 萬無能
baylo | bad; bad road; ugly; violate law road | 醜路; 粗惡; 犯法的路
be`laang | sell 'to' someone | 賣人
bea-legsøq | reins | 馬力繩; 馬韁
bee`laang | fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting | 迷人
beeng liet cienmaau | head the list of successful candidates | 名列前茅
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
beflat | horsepower; horse power | 馬力
befliao | bought | 買了
befliauxsøq | horse rope | 馬繚索
befliw | tail; end | 尾溜
beflixzvae | last two fingers | 尾二指
beflo | street-road; highway | 馬路
beflofng | sort of bells on horse | 馬瓏; 馬鈴
beflong | horse bell | 馬瓏; 馬鈴
befloxcvii | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路錢
befloxsoex | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路稅
befløfge | cornelian | 瑪瑙牙
beflør | cornelian; agate | 瑪瑙
befnglek | force; violent | 猛力
befngliet | vigorous; violent; ferocious; violent; fierce; furious; heavy | 猛烈
begliam | recite; recitation; to teach with book closed; silently think of; repeat a passage; read meditatively; silently; ponder or think | 默念
begsi lok | the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse | 默示錄
begsixliok | reveal record | 默示錄
belaang | charming; fascinating; enchanting | 迷人
belo | go astray; maze; lose; wrong path; path of error; lose one's way; be at fault; in error | 迷路
beloaan | to be infatuated with; to indulge in; be madly in love with; be a slave of; unable to shake off | 迷戀
beloan | confusing; perplexity; perplexed | 迷亂
benglaai armkhix | secretly have a paramour (married woman) | 明來暗去
benglarng | bright and cheerful | 明朗
benglea | understand the rules of propriety; courtesy | 明禮
bengli siangsiw | achieve both fame and wealth | 名利雙收
bengli | fame and wealth | 名利
bengliaau | understand clearly; clear; distinct; perspicuous | 明瞭
bengliang | bright; clear; clear and distinct; bright | 明亮
benglie | understanding; sensible; reasonable | 明理
bengliuu | celebrity; celebrity | 名流; 社會名流
benglo | evident way | 明路
benglorng | distinct; bright and clear; bright and cheerful; sunny | 明朗
bengløo | strike a gong; strike the gong | 鳴鑼
bengpek ee laang | reasonable person; considerate person | 明白的人; 明理的人
bexkokloo | traitor who sells his country's secrets | 賣國奴
bexlaai | will not come (simple future); not able to; cannot because in intrinsic difficult | 未來; 無會來
bexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
bexlurn`tid | impatient; cannot be borne | 未忍得; 忍無住
bexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
bexngleng | command; order; command; order; injunction; direction; to command; instruct | 命令
bexnglexngkux | imperative sentence | 命令句
biauxleeng | young girls | 妙齡
biauxlie | profound wisdom | 妙理
biauxlieen | young age; childhood | 妙齡
biauxlun | ingenious comment; very clever remark | 妙論
bidgoat lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 蜜月旅行
bidlah | beeswax; a kind of semiprecious stone; beeswax | 蜜蠟; 蜂蠟
bidliau | honey material; sweet material | 蜜料
bidliim | dense forest | 密林
bidlo | honey material; sweet material; honey dew | 蜜料; 蜜露
bie jii liaam | beautiful and cheap | 美而廉
biedluun | destroy ethics; destroy human relations; incestuous | 滅倫
biefn'eglek | immunity | 免疫力
biefnle | exhortation; encouragement; exhort; encourage | 勉勵
biefnlea | be excused from usual courtesy gestures | 免禮
biefnlek | diligent | 勉力
biefnliuu | royal crown | 冕旒
biefnlun | exempts discussed; no discussion | 免論
biefnputliao | unavoidable; no help for it | 免無了; 難免
bieluq | beer | 啤酒
bien iuo lanseg | look reluctant | 面有難色
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
biexnliim | encounter; face; meet or face | 面臨
bihluq | beer | 啤酒
biin pud liausefng | people have nothing to live upon | 民無聊生
bila | a poster, a placard, a handbill | 瞇攪 [*]
bileghut | the Laughing Buddha | 彌勒佛
bilek | Buddha Maitreya (the “Laughing Buddha”); tiny power or strength | 彌勒; 微力
biliap | microscopic particle | 微粒
biliok | weak | 微弱
biliuu | dying but not dead; lying in a coma | 彌留
bilok | elk | 麋鹿
bin lekseg | grow pale with fear; shame; lose facial color | 面慄色; 臉失色
bin'aflit | tomorrow | 明仔日
biphøloo | microwave oven | 微波爐
biqlafm | basket 'made of split bamboo, with short feet to stand on' | 竹籃
biqlarng | large bamboo basket for rice | 微薄; 篾籠; 竹籃
biqlii | bamboo screen | 竹簾; 蔑簾
biuxlun | fallacious dogma | 謬論
bixbongliin | window | 未亡人
bixlaai | future; not yet arrived; the future | 未來
bixlaiphaix | futurists; futurism | 未來派
bixlek | charm | 魅力
bixliawieen | ties (connections) carried over from the previous life (Buddhist) | 未了緣
bixluie | taste buds | 味蕾
bixlør siensoef | prematurely senile | 未老先衰
bixnloong | countenance, face | 面容
bixsenglieen | under age; minor; not of age | 未成年
bixty lok suo suisiuo | unable to predict who will be the winner | 未知鹿死誰手
biøxlai | in the temple | 廟內
boaa hof lai | sharpen to an edge; hone | 磨乎銳; 磨乎利
boaa`laang | humiliate a person; put through privations to a person | 磨人; 折磨人
boaboaa`leq | polish them a bit | 磨磨咧
boadli | little profit | 末利; 薄利
boadlo | the end of the rope; end of the way; end of life; miserable end; dead end; impasse | 末路
boafnlefhok | formal evening dress | 晚禮服
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boafnlieen | one's old-age; old; late in life | 晚年; 輓聯
boafnluie | bases-loaded; full base; bases full | 滿壘
boahboaq`leq | apply roughly | 抹抹咧
boalat | grind | 磨力
boalien | trials and hardships for strengthening character | 磨鍊; 磨練
boea`laai | afterwards; later | 尾來; 後來
boefliw | the tail end; the end; the tip | 尾端; 尾鰍
boehoelok | kind of deer with white spots | 梅花鹿
boeq laikhix | I (we) am going | 要來去
boexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
boexlaai | not able to, cannot 'because of intrinsic difficulty <[thak boe7-lai5]: cannot read 'because too difficult'> 'cf ' | 未來; 不會來
boexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
boexliao | cannot 'because of excessive quantity' | 未了; 不完
boexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
bofboflaang | so-and-so; what-you-call-him (often said when for some reason if it is undesirable to mention his name) | 某某人; 某人
boflaang | a certain person | 某人
bofloo | be a slave of one's wife; henpecked | 某奴; 妻之奴隸
bofmih laang | Mr. So-and-so | 某某人
bofmih'laang | Mr. so-and-so | 某個人; 某物人
bofmihlaang | so-and-so; what-you-call-him (often said when for some reason if it is undesirable to mention his name) | 某物人; 某某人
bofmylaang | annomous | 某乜人
bofng-bølo | not to find the road in the dark, find no solution to a difficult case | 摸無路; 摸不著路; 摸無著門路
bofngliau | temporary conjecture; informal guess | 罔料; 暫且推測
bofnglurn | just bear it as well as you can | 罔忍; 姑且忍之
bofngløf | beg | 罔囉; 常常向人要
bofsviaflaang | who is it? | 某甚人
boglaan-hoef | magnolia flower | 木蘭花
boglanhoef | small yellow flower; especially fragrant in the morning | 木蘭花
boglantii | mulan pond | 木蘭池
boglek | eyesight, power of vision | 目力; 視力
bogliau | timber; lumber | 木料
boglieen | wooden lotus | 木蓮
boglieen-hoef | magnolia | 木蘭花
bogliin | friendly neighbors | 睦鄰
bogliok | table of contents; catalogue | 目錄
boglok | catalog; table of contents; directory (on computer hard drive); list; contents | 目錄
boli | try to earn profits; seek profit | 謀利
boliok | ruse; trick | 謀略
bong zuo seeng lioong | hope one's children will have a bright future | 望子成龍
bong'viuu pofløo | shut the stable door when the steed is stolen- to take precaution when too late | 亡羊補牢
bongbofng`leq | touch a bit | 摸摸咧
bongbølo | not to find the road in the dark; find no solution to a difficult case | 摸無路; 找無到路; 找不著頭緒
bongkokloo | refugee | 亡國奴
bonglan | endanger | 蒙難
bongleeng | soul of departed; ghost; departed spirits | 亡靈
bonglefng | touch a woman's breast | 摸乳
bonglieen cy kaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
bonglieen | friends despite difference of age | 忘年
bonglieen-hoe | meet with friends who are despite difference of age | 忘年會
bonglienkaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
bongloan | to be busy with, to be occupied with | 忙亂
bonglok | busy, engaged, in a bustle | 忙碌
bongloong | cloudily; darkly; dimly; mirk; shadowiness | 朦朧
bonglyn-hang | an narrow alley in Logkarn | 摸乳巷
borluq | ball; bad throw in baseall | 壞球; 球
boxliaau | staffs; secretaries; advisors | 幕僚
boxlieen | old age; closing years of one's life; last days of one's life; declining years | 暮年
bu'iw buli | without sorrow and anxiety | 無憂無慮
bu'orng putli | lucky in every endeavor; successful in whatever one does | 無往無利
budcid putbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質無滅律
budkhie lanboong | remember a favor as long as one lives | 沒齒難忘
budlek | economic or material strength; one's resources; the value of one's property and estate; personal effects | 物力
budliau | material | 物料
budlie hagciar | physicist | 物理學者
budlie hoarhak | physical chemistry; physics and chemistry | 物理化學
budlie liauhoad | physical therapy | 物理療法
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
budlie | physics; physics | 物理
budlok | fade; decline; downfallen | 沒落
budlyhagsiong | physical | 物理學上
budlyhak | physics | 物理學
buhan-liong | unlimited in capacity | 無限量
buhaxnliong | unlimited; not circumscribed by limits; indefinite; boundless; immense; without measure | 無限量
buhofng pud khylong | There must be a cause or reason for something (Lit. If there is no wind there are no waves.) | 無風無起浪
bukofng siuxlok | get the reward without real achievements or contributions | 無功受祿
bulea | impolite | 無禮
buleeng uilek | unable to help; can't do anything about it | 無能為力
buleeng | incapable; incompetent; can not do anything; incompetent; inefficient; incapable; without talent | 無能
bulegkarm | sense of lacking strength | 無力感
buliaau | ennui; dejected; purposeless; unhappy; uneasy; silly; tiresome; tasteless | 無聊
bulie zhwnau | make trouble without a cause; make trouble out of nothing | 無理取鬧
bulie | unreasonable; unjustifiable; out of all reason; irrational | 無理
buliong | lack of generous character; immeasurable (Buddhist term) | 無量
buloa | falsely accuse; implicate falsely | 誣賴
bulun | whatever, no matter, regardless of | 無論
bunhoax chimliok | cultural aggression | 文化侵略
bunhoax kauliuu | cultural exchange | 文化交流
bunle | principles governing the formation and derivation of documents | 文例
bunli | text | 文字
bunlie | literary style; refined; distinguished and elegant; grace; graceful | 文理; 文雅; 高雅; 優雅
bunlie-hag'vi | college of arts and science | 文理學院
bunliin | literati | 文人
bunlo | texture | 紋路
busiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
businlun | atheism | 無神論
businluxnciar | atheist | 無神論者
busofputleeng | omnipotent | 無所不能
busor putleeng | omnipotent; almighty | 無所無能
but bie kex liaam | excellent quality and reasonable price for merchandise | 物美價廉
but ie lui zu | Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚
but kog iuo lui | Each thing has its classification | 物各有類
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
buxloong | to devote oneself to agriculture; be a farmer; engaged in farming | 務農
buxn`zhutlaai | braised | 燜出來
buxnbun putlok | melancholy; sad and depressed | 悶悶無樂
buxnliuo simhoaf | associate with prostitutes | 問柳尋花
buxnloan | confused, disorder | 悶亂; 紊亂; 混亂
buxntee siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 問題少年
bwbuo`leq | do a task irresponsibly or wieldy | 舞舞咧
bwlaam | male dance | 舞男
bwlai | interst with principal | 母利; 本利
bwlang | toy with; to romp; play jokes on | 撫弄; 侮弄; 玩弄
bwlek kansiap | interfere by use of force | 武力干涉
bwlek | military power; armed might; force; military power; by force | 武力
bwlie | dancing-girls; taxi dancer | 舞女
bwliim | the world or circle of boxers | 武林
bwliok | insult | 侮辱
bwlong | ridicule; make fun with; make a fool of | 舞弄; 侮弄
bwluo | dance-hostess | 舞女
bwzofng chimliok | armed aggression | 武裝侵略
bylamzuo | handsome guy; handsome man | 美男子
bylao | rice crispy snack bar; puffed rice snack bar; brittle hollow confection made of puffed rice and sugar | 米荖; 米粩; 爆米糖; 米做的甜食
byle | beauty; pretty; beautiful; elegant | 美麗
bylefng | rice milk; rice milk | 米乳; 米漿
byliap | grains of rice; rice grains | 米粒
bylie | pretty girl | 美女
bylieen | beautiful lotus; girl's first name | 美蓮
byliin | beauty; chic | 美人
byloaa | large flat tray for holding rice | 米籮
bylongzoar | good quality of paper | 美濃紙
byluo | beautiful girl | 美女
bylyn | rice milk | 米乳
byløo | shallow open baskets without handles or covers for drying rice and beans; a flat bamboo tray for winnowing rice | 米籮; 米篩子
bynbirn`leq | brush roughly | 刷刷咧
bysiaolieen | handsome youth or boy | 美少年
bysut tiefnlafmhoe | art exhibition | 美術展覽會
bysut zailiau | art materials | 美術材料
bøe-zoealaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人
bøe-zørlaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人; 無會做人
bøea`laai | at the end; bought | 尾來; 到最後; 買來
bøefbøea`leq | quickly buy them | 買買咧
bøeflaau | top floor of a building | 尾樓; 頂樓
bøefliw | end; tail | 尾抽; 尾溜; 末尾; 尾端
bøeflo-cvii | tolls; bribery money | 買路錢
bøexbøe`leq | sell roughly | 賣賣咧
bøexkhie`laai | won't come up | 未起來; 起無來
bøexkokloo | traitor | 賣國奴
bøexlaai | won't come | 無來; 袂來; 未來; 不會
bøexli | unable to abandon; won't end | 無及; 袂離; 未離; 無法完了; 不了
bøexliao | has not; sold out | 未了; 袂了; 不完; 售罄
bøexliao-bøexcin | endless | 沒了沒盡
bøexlurn`tid | be unbearable (pain, cold, sorrow, etc) | 未忍的; 袂忍得; 受不住
bøextaxng lykae`ee | inexplicable | 無法理解的
bøflai | principal and interest | 本息; 母利
bøflam | flattop; mother ship; carrier | 母艦
bøflefng | mother's milk | 母乳
bøfzuo liensym | Lit.- mother and son's heart always join together; i.e. love between mother and child | 母子連心
bøhexløh | irresponsible 'in acting' | 無下落; 不負責
bøkhuielat | without energy or strength | 無氣力
bølaang ginhaang | automatic teller machine; ATM | 無人銀行
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
bølaang liuu | no one takes care | 無人溜; 自由
bølaang | not a soul | 無人
bølaiciah | not to make progress | 無來食; 沒有進度
bølang'ieen | not likeable, repulsive | 無人緣
bølangseg | out of touch with influential people, unable to facilitate a matter through lack of contacts | 無人識; 沒有人情
bølarm | acting mechanically without heart in the work; cannot keep one's mind on one's job | 無攬; 無精打采
bølarm-bølef | lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 懶洋洋
bølarm-bønef | which takes a sentence subject: in a mechanical manner; without heart or interest; lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 無攬無拈; 無氣力; 做事不專心
bølat | powerless; weak | 無力
bølea | insolence; impolite | 無禮; 沒禮貌
bøleeng | disability, incompetent, incapable | 無能
bølefmau | impolite, discourteous | 無禮貌
bølefsox | impolite, rude | 無禮數
bøleng'exng | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈驗
bøleng'uy | ineffective, powerless 'of a god' | 無靈威
bølengsviax | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈聖
bøli | of no advantage, unprofitable | 無利
bøliaau | nonsense; bored | 無聊
bøliang | ungenerous | 無量
bøliao | without loss | 無了
bøliau | free of charge | 無料; 免費
bøliawsii | endless | 無了時; 無了結的時候
bølie | unreasonable, illogical, unacceptable behavior | 無理; 不講理
bøliexnsek | inexperienced, without practice | 無練熟
bøliong | ungenerous | 無量; 度量狹窄
bøliongsym | heartless | 無良心
bølo | no way | 無路; 無路,沒胃口
bøloa | not much; not very | 無太
bøloaxkuo | not very long | 無若久
bøloxeng | useless | 無路用
bøloxiong | futile | 無路用
bøloxlaai | helpless; way less | 無路來; 不會做
bølu | do not worry | 無慮
bølun juhøo | in any case; at all events | 無論如何
bølun symmih laang | no matter who; whoever | 無論甚麼人
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bølun symmih | no matter what; whatever | 無論甚麼
bølun tøfui | no matter where; wherever | 無論那裏
bølun tøh'ui | no matter where, whereever | 無論佗位
bølun tøsiao | no matter how many | 無論多少
bølun | no matter that; no matter what; who or when | 無論
bølyiuu | illogical, unreasonable | 無理由
bølykhix | unreasonable, contrary to commonsense | 無理氣
bømibølit | day and night | 無暝無日
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo hexløh | not to the point; whereabouts is unknown | 無下落
bøo khielek | without energy or strength | 無氣力
bøo khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
bøo kuilut | undisciplined, disorderly | 無規律
bøo laau ite | put a man too much to shame; as by severe scolding before others | 無留餘地
bøo lang'ieen | unpopular | 無人緣
bøo langbin | without friends or helpers | 無人面; 無人事關係
bøo langseg | without friends or helpers | 無人色; 無人事關係
bøo larngtng | incessantly; unceasingly | 無曠斷; 沒有間斷
bøo lefmau | rude | 無禮貌
bøo lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 無禮數
bøo lenglek | without method, unsable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo lengsviax | be ineffective; in vain; to pray to god or a saint in vain | 無靈聖
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
bøo lie ee taixcix | It's none of your business | 無你的代誌; 少管閒事
bøo liongsym | conscienceless | 無良心
bøo lisy | little; almost none | 無釐絲; 沒一點兒
bøo lo | there is no road or no means; have a poor appetite; don't like to eat | 無路; 沒胃口
bøo loaxkuo | not for long | 無多久
bøo loxeng | no use; no good; unfit for anything; useless; not of any help; not valid; ineffective | 無路用
bøo loxiong | useless | 無路用
bøo loxsae | useless | 無路駛; 沒用
bøo lykhix | contrary to common sense | 無理氣
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo pøfliuu | unreserved | 無保留
bøo thienlioong | have no conscience | 無天良
bøo thvilie | unreasonable | 無天理
bøo toxliong | narrow minded | 無度量
bøo zaixlai | not included | 無在內
bøo-lang'ieen | repulsive, not very liked | 無人緣
bøo-lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 沒禮數
bøo-lenglek | without method, unable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo-loxeng | useless | 無路用
bøo-loxiong | useless | 不中用; 沒有用
bøpvoarlaang | no one at all; not a soul | 無半人
bør kar li | compound interest | 母絞利; 利上加利
bøsianglo | not going by the same road | 無同路
bøsiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
bøsinlun | atheism | 無神論
bøzeeng-bølie | crude and irrational | 無情無理
chiaf`løh | push down | 推落
chiafngkholee | kid’s game hopping a circule | 蹌箍螺
chiahli | dysentery | 赤痢
chiahliin | red phosphorus | 赤燐
chiahlo | naked | 赤裸
chiahlok | roe deer, red deer | 赤鹿
chiahsyn loxthea | completely naked | 赤身露體
chiahsyn-loxthea | nude | 赤身露體
chiakulaxng'axng | make a mess of a room; (Lit. to overturn every box and basket- to make a thorough search) | 翻東翻西
chialai | in the car | 車內
chialiaau | car shed, railway roundhouse | 車寮; 車房; 鐵路迴旋處
chialiefnhuun | furrow; rut; wheel track | 車輪痕
chialiern | wheel; wheels of a vehicle | 車輪
chialierntao | somersault | 捙輾斗
chialiorng kiafmzaf | examination of motor vehicles | 車輛檢查
chialiorng | vehicle; vehicles | 車輛
chialo | street; road; road for vehicular traffic | 車路; 斜路; 馬路; 公路; 車道
chialunciexn | fight an enemy by turns in order to wear him down | 車輪戰
chialuun | wheel | 車輪; 輪子
chiamli | signature | 簽字
chiangchiaang`leq | take a shower (bath) | 沖沖咧
chiaolap | to kindly accept; Please graciously accept this little gift. (a polite conventional expression asking someone to accept a gift) | 笑納
chiaolie-zongtøf | to hide a dagger behind a smile | 笑裏藏刀
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiarnglea | sing | 唱禮
chiauchiaau`leq | adjust, move to the proper place | 調調咧
chiauchiaw`leq | search, look for everywhere to find | 搜搜咧
chiaukuun zoadluun | surpassing all others | 超群絕倫
chiauleeng | over the specified age | 超齡
chiaulieen | aloof | 超然
chiauliin | superman | 超人
chiauluun | surpassing; outstanding | 超倫
chiauzhutlaai | search out | 搜出來; 搜到
chiazuie-befleeng | an incessant streams of horses and carriages | 車水馬龍
chie'aflii | hedge of thorns | 刺仔籬
chiefnlamseg | light blue | 淺藍色
chiefnlek | light green | 淺綠
chiefnliong | small amount | 少量; 淺量
chiefnløh | shallow house | 淺落; 房子無夠深入
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
chiek liab'ar laang | press the matter from a boil | 搾瘡膿
chielaam | prickly bridelia | 刺南; 莿楠
chielee | snail | 剌螺
chielien | trial; test; trials | 試煉; 磨鍊
chieløafthaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛仔蟲; 毛毛蟲
chienlie | a thousand li; a long distance | 千里
chienlip | moved in | 遷入
chienlo | blame another for one's own blunder; failure; shift one's anger from one person to another | 遷怒
chienlu-itsid | thousands of thought and missed one that led to failure | 千慮一失
chienlybea | a winged steed; a horse that covers thousand li a day | 千里馬
chienlygarn | a farsighted person; farsightedness; (in mythology) eyesight that can reach the sky | 千里眼
chienlykhw | a horse that covers thousand li a day | 千里駒
chienlykviax | telescope | 千里鏡; 望遠鏡
chienlymar | horse with enormous speed and stamina | 千里馬
chienphiefn itlut | harp on a single theme; without change; dull; monotonous (said of literary compositions) | 千篇一律
chienphiefn-itlut | following the same pattern; thousand pieces of the same tune | 千篇一律
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chietchied`leq | eut into pieces, cut down | 切切咧
chih tiexnleeng | press the button of a bell | 按電鈴
chih`løqkhix | bend down one's head; fall headlong | 仆落去
chikiwlek | durability; persistence | 持久力
chilaam | idiot | 痴男
chiliaang | desolate; lonely | 悽涼
chimboo oafnlu | think and plan for ahead | 深謀遠慮
chimboo-oafnlu | to think deeply and plan carefully | 深謀遠慮
chimhai koanli | encroach upon the privileges of another | 侵害權利
chimkuy zhuolie | unmarried daughters of the rich | 深閨處女
chimkuy-luo | a zenana | 深閨女
chimliok ciernzefng | war of aggression | 侵略戰爭
chimliok zwgi | jingoism; jingoism; aggressive policy | 侵略主義
chimliok | invasion; aggression; encroachment | 侵略
chimliok-ciar | aggressor, invader | 侵略者
chimlip | go deep | 深入
chimlonglofng | very deep | 深瓏瓏; 很深
chimlu | deep worries or considerations; think far ahead | 深慮
chimløh | deep and long (house) | 深落; 房子深長
chimsit liogte | sea encroaches upon the land | 侵蝕陸地
chimsvoaf nalai | in the depths of mountainous forest | 深山林裡
chimsw liaxmlu | careful deliberations; think and contemplate thoroughly | 深思念熟慮
chinhølek | affinity; appetence | 親和力
chinhøo-lek | affinity | 親和力
chinkutliok | flesh and blood - children | 親骨肉
chinlaang | relatives; close relatives- as parents; brothers; spouse; children | 親人
chinlek | very intimate | 親暱
chinlie | in person | 親臨
chinliim | to come in person; someone like a superior or elder attend or come in person | 親臨
chinlip | establish something in person | 親立
chiofnglip | jut up; lift; spire | 聳立
chioklo | to arouse the anger of | 觸怒
chioklong | play a trick on; make a monkey of; poke fun at | 捉弄
chioklui | by previous knowledge of similar objects | 觸類
chiokluii | hit a floating mine; step on a land mine | 觸雷
chiokløo | to grapple | 觸搏; 捉牢
chionglek | momentum | 衝力
chirnchixn`leq | take a weight | 秤秤咧
chirnzhae laang | any person | 凊彩人; 任何人
chitlau pehlau | very old | 七老八老; 年事太高
chitlauxpehlau | very old | 七老八老
chitlauxpoehlau | very old | 七老八老
chitli'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chitliap | seven (circular objects; such as balls or oranges) | 七粒
chitloong pehpoe | very troubled; distressed | 七狼八狽; 亂七八糟
chitlut | an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line | 七律
chitlyhiofng | rutaceae | 七里香
chitthølaang | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃人; 流氓
chitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人; 𨑨迌人; 遊盪人
chitzeeng liog'iok | Buddhism: the seven emotions-happiness (喜); anger (怒); sorrow (哀); joy (樂); love (愛); hate (恨); and desire (慾)--and the six sensory pleasures derived from the eyes; ears; nose; tongue; body and mind | 七情六慾
chiu'aflefng | sap | 樹仔乳
chiubii khofliern | sad look; distressed expression | 愁眉苦臉
chiuliim | autumn rain | 秋林; 秋霖; 秋雨
chiuo kiw`khylaai | withdraw one's hand; withdraw | 手縮起來; 撒手
chiuo lao`tiøh | sprained one's arm | 手扭著; 扭傷手
chiuo phex`leq | arm in a sling | 手臂著
chiuxlah | tree wax | 樹臘
chiuxleeng | age of a tree | 樹齡
chiuxlef | branches | 樹絡
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
chiuxlefng | rubber | 樹乳; 樹奶; 橡膠
chiuxleng'ee | rubber shoes or boots | 樹乳鞋; 橡皮鞋
chiuxlengkoo | gum arabic; mucilage | 樹乳糊; 橡皮膠
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxlengpox | rubber sheet | 樹乳布; 橡皮布
chiuxlengtea | rubber soled shoes | 樹乳底; 橡皮底 (鞋)
chiuxlengthngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxliuu | tree tumor | 樹瘤
chiuxlyn | gum; rubber | 樹乳; 橡膠; 橡皮
chiuxnaa-lai | in the forest | 樹林內
chiuxny-liern | rubber tire | 樹乳輪; 輪胎
chiw`laang | shame; timid | 羞人
chiwbeflat | wrist strength | 手尾力
chiwboeflat | strength in one's arm | 手尾力; 腕力
chiwbøea-lat | wrist strength | 手尾力
chiwe ee laang | servants; underlings; subordinate | 屬下; 手下的人
chiwha liuzeeng | show leniency or mercy | 手下留情
chiwlafn | calluses on the hand | 手繭
chiwlai | in hand | 手中; 手頭
chiwleng | order by superior; order issued personally by a man at the top | 手令
chiwliutvoaa | a grenade; a hand grenade | 手榴彈
chiwlo zhof | coarse and inferior workmanship | 手路粗; 手藝粗陋
chiwlo | craft; handicraft; workmanship whether good or bad | 手路; 手工
chiwlog | gloves; mittens | 手套; 手橐
chiwlok'ar | gloves | 手橐仔
chiwloong | gloves; mittens | 手套; 手囊
chiwloxzhaix | est dishes | 手路菜
chiwluun | handwheel | 手輪
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
chiwsiok-liau | commission, fee | 手續料
chiwsorliau | service charge | 手續費
chix khvoarbai`leq | just try it | 試看覓咧
chixlai | downtown; in the city; inside the city | 市內
chixlai-chiaf | city bus | 市內車
chixlai-laang | oppidan | 市內人
chixlefng | feed with one's milk; as mother or nurse; to suckle | 餵乳
chixliau | fodder; provender for animals; animal feeds; fodder; forage | 飼料
chixliau-lenghurn | milk for feeding animals | 飼料奶粉
chixlip haghau | Schools established by City; municipal schools | 市立學校
chixlip | established by city government; established with city government funds; operated by or under the jurisdiction of a city government | 市立
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chiørchiøx`leq | after singing the song | 唱唱咧; 唱唱`leq; 笑笑咧; 笑笑`leq
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chiørsylaang | shameless; make one laugh to death; extremely ridiculous | 笑死人
chiørtøflaang | LOL | 笑倒人
chiøxlo | light up a road; provide lighting for a thoroughfare | 照路
chviaflangkheq | banquet | 請人客
chviafleng | please order | 請令
chviar be laai | unable to make someone come by invitation | 請無來
chviar`lie | please | 請你
chviarchviax`leq | after hired people | 請請咧; 僱僱咧
chviarlaang | hire someone to do something; hire; engage (servant; official help; laborer) | 僱人; 雇人
chvibin-liaugee | green-faced and long-toothed; terrifying in appearance | 青面獠牙
chvibixnliaugee | green-faced fangs - horrible face | 青面獠牙
chvie`khylaai | come to sense; come round | 醒起來
chvihuxnlaang | a stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
chvilaan | sardine | 青蘭
chvilaan-hii | fresh sarmon | 青鱗魚
chvilai | profit | 生利
chvilee | fresh spiral shells | 青螺
chvileeng | green dragon | 青龍
chvilerng | chilly; cold | 生冷; 寒冷
chvilernglexng | green vegetation | 青蘢蘢
chviliin-hii | a kind of herring; any number of the genus Herklotsichthys | 青麟魚
chvilin'ar | smooth sardine, golden sardine | 青麟仔; 黃砂䰳
chviliongtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese warriors | 青麟刀; 青龍刀
chviuo`laang | rob people, overcharge people | 搶人; 索價過高
chviuochviux`leq | after singing a song | 唱唱咧
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
chviuoliam | rap | 唱念
chviux laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 唱亂彈; 唱山歌
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
chvy-gulyn | fresh milk | 生牛乳; 鮮奶
chymciaq laai | just arrived | 剛來
chymlaai | just arrived | 剛來
chymsit lanboong | constantly in one's mind | 寢食難忘
ciab`khylaai | take it up | 接起來
ciab`køealaai | take over; receive; to pass | 接過來; 遞過來
ciafngle | bonus | 獎勵
ciafnglie | manage | 掌理; 掌管
ciah hoxnglok | live on the government; receive a government pay; subsidy; or pension; have an official salary | 食俸祿; 俸祿
ciah laang ee png | be in a man's employ; dependent on him | 吃人的飯; 受雇
ciah løqpag | swallow down | 吃下肚
ciah-bøe løqkhix | can't swallow; it won't go down; food that is not good or poor quality; have no appetite | 吃未落去; 吃無落
ciah-bøexliao | can't eat that much | 吃未了; 吃無完
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciah-liao bøo twhør | stomach upset | 吃了無適好; 吃壞了肚子
ciah-liao | eat up the whole; leaving nothing | 吃完; 吃了
ciah-liawliao | eat up the whole; leaving nothing | 吃了了; 吃完
ciah-løqpag | ate | 食落腹
ciah-thaulo | get a job; start a career | 吃頭路; 食頭路; 上班; 就業; 工作
ciah`laang | cheapting on people | 食人
ciah`løqkhix | swallow down | 吃落去
ciahkøq laai | Come again | 即擱來; 再來
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
ciamlea | feast day (Catholic) | 瞻禮
ciamleeng | potential energy; potentiality | 潛能
ciamleftvoaf | calendar of feasts (Catholic) | 瞻禮單
ciamlek | potential; hidden force; unused strength | 潛力
ciamsealek | potential | 潛勢力
ciamzai lenglek | potentiality | 潛在能力
ciamzuylam | submarine | 潛水艦
ciaociofng paxnlie | carry on; operate; or manage according to rules; regulations | 照章辦理
ciaole | customarily; as usual; follow precedents or usual practices | 照例
ciaolea | according to the ceremony | 照禮
ciaoliau | care; keep an eye on; look after; take care of; look after | 照料
ciaolie korng | speak according to reason | 照理講
ciaolie | according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally; theoretically | 照理
ciaolok | record or copy exactly what is said or written | 照錄
ciaoluie | split | 照壘; 均分
ciaolun | in one's turn | 照輪
ciaoluun | take turn | 照輪; 輪流
ciaopoxlaai | in the proper order | 照步來; 照規矩來
ciaothaulaai | from the beginning | 照頭來; 照順序
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciapji liensafm | one after the other; continuously; repeatedly | 接二連三
ciaplap | accept; accept a proposal or advice | 接納; 接受
ciaplegsaix | relay race | 接力賽
ciaplek | relay race | 接力
ciaplieen puttoan | continuously or incessantly | 接連無斷
ciaplieen | to be continued | 接聯
ciaplim | take over | 接任
ciappafn-laang | a successor | 接班人
ciaq laikorng | come to talk | 才來講
ciaqiøh bøo tuielo | taking improper medicine | 沒吃對藥; 吃藥無對路
ciaqlaang ciaqthiq | overbearing, perverse, wicked | 食人食鐵; 蠻橫
ciaqlaang-gong | to treat a person as fool | 吃人憨; 把人當傻子
ciaqlaang-kaw | white shark, man-eater; Carcharodon carcharias | 吃人鯊; 食人鮫
ciaqlaang-soong | to treat a person as fool | 吃人松; 把人看扁
ciaqlat | serious; heavy load; serious sickness or injury; business failure) | 吃力; 食力; 厲害; 嚴重
ciaqlau | aged; old | 吃老; 老邁
ciaqlefng | nurse | 吃乳
ciaqliao | after finishing a meal | 吃完
ciaqliong | food intake; quantity of food one consumes; capacity for eating | 食量
ciaqlym | to eat and drink | 吃飲; 食啉
ciaqthaulo | employed | 食頭路
ciaqzhaelaang | vegetarian | 素食者; 吃菜人
ciaqzhaix-laang | vegetarian | 食菜人; 素食者
ciarloong | sugar cane growers | 蔗農
ciarm'iwlut | possess percentage; share | 占有率
ciarmlefngkhw | occupied area militarily | 佔領區
ciarmlefngkwn | occupation troops | 佔領軍
ciarmlerng | occupancy; occupy; seize; occupy a foreign territory; capture or take an enemy position | 佔領
ciaulaai | all have come; all are present | 全來
ciaulap | paid off | 齊納
ciaularm | collect; gather together; (in commerce) induce or solicit customers | 招攬
ciaulerng | advertise for claimant or legal owner of a lost article; public notice for lost and found | 招領
ciaulin | plead guilty | 招認
ciaux lie ee iesux | according to your idea | 照你的意思
ciaux thvilie | according to the laws of Heaven; right; proper | 照天理
ciaux zenglie | according to common sense | 照情理
ciawlafm | cage for birds | 鳥籠
ciawlai'ar | wild pear | 鳥梨仔; 梨的一種
ciawlam'ar | cage for birds | 鳥籠仔
ciawlarng | a birdcage; birdcage | 鳥籠
ciawlui | bird family (as distinct from animals; fish; etc); birds | 鳥類
ciawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
ciaxm laang ee bor | take possession of another man's wife | 佔人的某
ciaxmlaau | stay for a short time | 暫留
cib'oar`laai | gather; assemble; collect | 集倚來; 聚集
cibthea longtviuu | collective farm | 集體農場
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidciunii kieliam | first anniversary | 一週年紀念
cidgeqlit | a month | 一月日
cidkhaf larng | a basket | 一跤籃子
cidkyn zablak niuo | six of the one, half a dozen of the other; tweedledum and tweedledee | 一斤十六兩; 半斤八兩
cidlaang larm | one embrace | 一人攬
cidlaang svoax cidlo | each goes his own way | 分道揚鑣; 一人散一路
cidlaang | a man | 一人
cidlab | sunken; dented; concave | 一凹
cidlee | burnut caltrop | 蒺藜
cidlefpaix | one week | 一禮拜
cidleh | one long cut with a knife | 一裂
cidli'ar | a small amount | 一哩仔
cidliap | a (for a circular type of object; such as ball or fruits) | 一粒
cidlidkaoaxm | all day long | 一日到暗
cidlih | one crack | 一裂
cidlit | a day | 一日
cidlixn | one round | 一輪
cidlo | all the way | 一路
cidlo-siong | all the way | 一路上
cidlui | one kind | 一類
cidluie | one (eye; flower) | 一朵
cidphorlo | ten 'lie' | 十里
cidpvoarlidar | few days | 一半日仔
cidsielaang | a whole life long | 一世人; 一生
cie lok uii mar | to confound right and wrong (Lit. call a stag a horse) | 指鹿為馬
ciedliuu | Intercepted to keep | 截留
ciefnciern`leq | make hair-cut as usual | 剪剪咧
ciefnliuo | thief; pickpocket; cutpurse | 剪扭; 扒手
ciefnliw'ar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 剪綹仔; 扒手
ciefnliwar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 扒手
cielie benggieen | proverb of lasting value; truthful remark; quotable quote | 至理名言
cielie | reason | 至理
cieliok | sketch, synopsis, annals | 概要; 至
cienle | precedent | 前例
cienliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列線
cientheeng baxnlie | the prospect of a very successful career; May you have a great career | 前程萬里
ciernlam | battleship | 戰艦
ciernleg | to tremble, to shiver, to shudder | 顫抖; 戰慄
ciernlek | combat power | 戰力
ciernliok pogkekky | strategic bomber; long range bomber | 戰略爆擊機
ciernliok | strategy; ruses of war; military strategy | 戰略
ciernliok-kaf | a strategist | 戰略家
ciernlixphirn | spoils, booty gained in the war | 戰利品
ciernloan | in the turmoil of war; chaos and social upheaval brought about war | 戰亂; 戰爭
cierntorlek | fighting capability; combat strength | 戰鬥力
cierntox sunviulam | battle cruiser | 戰鬥巡洋艦
cierntørlam | battlship | 戰鬥艦
cietcied serngli | score one victory after another | 節節勝利
cietlie | refusing to marry because of the death of her betrothed or for another good reason | 節女
cietliok | outline; summary | 節略
cietliuu | curtail expenditures | 節流
cietluo | high standard female | 節女
cietlut | rhythm, beat | 節律; 韻律
ciexnloe | my humble wife | 賤內
cih na`zhutlaai | stick out the tongue | 舌若出來; 頭探出舌頭
cihlat | recover strength | 支力; 接力; 撐得住
cihofng-liuu | lipoma | 脂肪油; 脂肪瘤
cilaan | irises and orchids; epidendrum; orchid | 芝蘭
cilai | inside | 之內
cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
cili | torn to pieces; disintegrate; disunite; incoherent; disjointed | 支離
cilie | to undertake; to take charge of | 支理; 支付; 承辦
ciliuu | minor aspects; nonessentials; tributary; of such kind, and the same bad guys | 支流; 之流
cilui | and so on, and so forth, and all that | 之類
cimcym`leq | kiss a bit | 吻吻咧
cin khuielat | do your best | 盡氣力
cin khvoax lie | be decided by you; It is up to you | 盡看你; 全部看你的了
cin kii sor leeng | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所能
cinlaang | real person | 真人
cinliau | real material; genuine materials | 真料
cinlie | principal truth; orthodox; truth | 真理
cinlirm | hardly enough | 真斂; 很接近; 真近無夠
cinsioxng pitlo | have one's true face or colors completely exposed | 真相畢露
cinzaai sidliau | the real thing; not a fake | 實料; 真才實料
cinzw phoaqlien | pearl necklace | 真珠項鍊
ciofngle | put a premium on; encouragement; hortation; encourage by rewards | 獎勵
ciofnglie | supervise; take charge of | 掌理
ciofnglui | kind; class; category; variety; variety; class; kinds | 種類
ciofngsefng juu luii | thunderous applause | 掌聲如雷
ciofngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
ciokliong | more or less | 酌量
cioklok | degree and emolument of nobility | 爵祿
ciongkhefng hoatløh | use leniency in meting out punishment | 從輕發落
cionglaai | hereafter; future; in the future; after time; from the beginning (used only in negative expressions) | 將來; 從來
cionglaisexng | prospects | 將來性
cionglee | a kind of shellfish | 將螺; 鍾螺
ciongleng | follow the order | 從令
ciongliao | to end | 終了
ciongliim | about to come; advent | 將臨
cionglioong | a whore become an ordinary woman; said of prostitutes who get married or reform their lives | 從良
ciongsog paxnlie | expedite execution of an official instruction; do something with dispatch | 從速辦理
ciongsyn lanboong | keep in memory throughout one's life | 終身難忘
ciongtiofng zhwli | make capital of | 從中取理
ciorngleng | an order by a general; orders from the general (military) | 將令
ciornglerng | high ranking military officers | 將領
ciornglo lanhoan | It's dangerous to antagonize the masses | 眾怒難犯
ciornglun | public discussion | 眾論
ciq langkheq | (a whore) to accept guest | 接人客
cirmcixm`leq | soak into water for a while | 浸浸咧
cirmlea | baptism by immersion; baptism by immersion | 浸禮
cirmlefkaux | Anabaptists; Baptist church or system | 浸禮教; 浸信會
cirnhoarlun | Theory of Evolution (Darwin) | 進化論
cirnkhao soealut | import tariff | 進口稅率
cirnleg | shock | 震慄
cirnlek | the force in a earthquake | 震力
cirnlip | enter | 進入
cirnlo | to be in a rage | 震怒
cirnthex liofnglaan | be in a dilemma (to have difficulty going either forward of backward) | 進退兩難
cit'laixbin | in here, inside this | 這內面
cit'lefpaix | this week | 這禮拜
cit'oanlok | roster of staff members | 職員錄
cit'sielaang | this life | 這世人
citciorng laang | this kind of man | 這種人
citgiap hurnliexnsor | vocational bureau | 職業訓練所
citgiap huxlie | working girls | 職業婦女
citkholear | nearby | 這箍麗仔; 這附近
citlaai | herein; this unit | 這來
citlaang | this person | 這人
citlai | within here; inside here | 這內; 職內; 這裡面
citlaixbin | within here; inside here | 這裡面
citleeng | captaincy | 職能
citliap | this particle, this ball, etc | 這粒
citliau | quality; quality; raw material | 質料
citlie | the Weaving Maid; a constellation celebrated in song and fable as lover of Cowboy; another constellation; who are separated by the Milky Way and permitted to meet once a year; worshipped on July 7 along with gu-nng | 織女
citliong putbiedlut | law of conservation of mass | 質量無滅律
citliong | mass; quality; mass (physics) | 質量
citlui | this kind | 這類
citluo | the Weaving Maid | 織女
citlwchvy | Vega | 織女星
citlyzhvef | the Spinning Maid; the star Vega in the constellation Lyra | 織女星
citsielaang | this life | 這世人
citzeeng hurnlien | pre-vocational training | 職前訓練
ciuboat lyheeng | weekend trip | 週末旅行
ciukilut | periodic law (chemistry; physics) | 週期率
ciulea | a classical book in ancient China | 周禮
ciulieen | anniversary | 周年
ciulip | established by the state, state-college etc | 州立
ciulut | frequency | 週率
ciunii kieliam | commemoration of an anniversary | 週年紀念
ciuoløea | curse | 咒詈
ciuxcid tiefnlea | inaugural ceremony | 就職典禮
ciuxlaai | to come at once | 就來
ciuxlim | take office | 就任
ciuxsu luxnsu | confine the discussion to the matter at issue | 就事論事
ciuxsu-luxnsu | to confine the discussion to the matter at issue | 就事論事
ciwcviloo | money slave | 守錢奴
ciwkaf-luo | mistress of tavern, tavern hostess, bar-mail, prostitute | 酒家女
ciwkalie | barmaid; bar girl | 酒家女
ciwlaau | restaurant; bar; tavern | 酒樓
ciwlau | pay last respects | 守老; 送終
ciwlau'ar | funnel | 守漏仔; 酒漏仔; 酒漏斗; 漏斗
ciwlauar | funnel | 酒漏仔
ciwlea | libation of wine | 酒奠; 奠酒
ciwleeng | keep watch by a corpse | 守靈
ciwleng | wine order | 酒令
ciwliau | a dish that goes with wine | 酒料; 下酒菜
ciwliong | one's capacity for liquor; capacity for liquor | 酒量
ciwloong pngxte | man who can do nothing but drink and eat; a good for nothing (Lit. wine sack and rice bag) | 酒囊飯袋; 笨蛋
ciwloong | lounge | 酒廊; 酒囊
ciwpalie | bar girl; barmaid | 酒吧女
ciwtii jiogliim | debauchery on a magnificent scale; unprecedented luxury or wealth (Lit. ponds of wine; woods of meat) | 酒池肉林
cixn-thøex liofnglaan | dilemma | 進退兩難
cixnhux tongliuu | all in vain (Lit. all gone with the eastward stream) | 盡付東流
cixnlat | exertion; endeavor; exert one's strength to the utmost; try one's best; do one's endeavor | 盡力
cixnlek jii uii | execute or perform with efforts; do one's best | 盡力而為
cixnlek | try one's best; do one's endeavor; make efforts | 盡力
cixnliong | as possible; as much as possible; as much as possible | 盡量
ciøciøf`leq | inviting together | 招招咧
ciøf`laang | marry with a woman and live with her family | 招人; 給人招贅
ciøflaang | not many people; few people; not many people | 少人; 人數少
ciøfliong | modicum | 少量
ciøhciøq`leq | after borrowing | 借借咧
ciøhkøex`leq | please let me passed | 借過咧
ciøhli | proof of borrowing property | 借字
ciøloong | banana grower (a farmer who grows banana trees in his fields) | 蕉農
ciøq`laai | borrow | 借來
ciøq`laang | borrow people | 借人
ciøq`lie | to lend you | 借你
ciøqlah | paraffin wax | 石蠟
ciøqliaau | stone bench; long stone slab used for a seat; stone bench | 石條; 石條板
ciøqliau | stone construction materials | 石料
ciøqlie | sterile woman; a barren woman | 石女
ciøqliern | stone mill | 石碾
ciøqliuo | box-tree | 石榴; 黃楊
ciøqliuu | pomegranate | 石榴
ciøqlo | stone paved street | 石路
ciøqluo | stone lady | 石女
ciøqlurn | stone roller | 石輾; 石碖; 碾子
ciøqluun | urinary lithiasis, bladder stone | 石崙; 石痲; 結石
ciøqthauaflo | stone paved road; a gravel road | 石頭仔路
ciøqthauliap | stone | 石頭粒
ciørciøx`leq | look into mirror, shine around | 照照咧
ciørlo | to illuminate the street | 照路
ciøx lang'viar | cast a shadow | 照人影
cviaa geqlit | about a month | 成月日
cviaa laang-koaan | about as high as a man's height | 將近一人高; 近人高
cviaa-khøfleeng | very likely, most probably | 很可能
cviaa-suxnli | roll one's hoop; in luck's way; favorableness | 很順利
cvialaang | to become a useful person; become an exceptional | 成器; 像樣; 成人
cviarlaam | due south | 正南
cviarlo | the right way; the correct path; right course | 正路
cviarpyle | direct proportion, direct ratio | 正比例
cviax-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 正離子
cvieliau | frying materials | 煎料; 油炸物
cvielo | frying technique | 煎路; 油炸技術; 煎的食物
cvii teq zørlaang | money makes others feel grateful to the giver | 錢在做人; 以錢度人
cvii-lozaai | slave of money; miser | 錢奴才; 守財奴
cviloo | a person who is a slave of money | 錢奴
cviuløfiuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviuløfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 樟腦寮
cviuløfoaan | moth balls | 樟腦丸
cviuløfzefng | essence of camphor | 樟腦精
cviulør | camphor | 樟腦
cviulør-iuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviulør-oaan | a camphor ball; a mothball | 樟腦丸
cviuoliau | picked stuff; various sorts of vegetables preserved in bean sauce | 醬料; 醃菜; 醃漬品
cviuxlaai | come up | 上來
cviuxlaau | go upstairs | 上樓
cviuxlim | taking office | 上任
cviuxliok | landing | 著陸; 登陸; 上陸
cviuxlo | sent on their way | 上路
cviuxløh | up and down | 上下
cviuxsiab ciu bexliab | too old at forty; over the hump (Lit. at forty; lose sexual vigor) | 上四十就未捏; 人到四十精力就差
cviuxsiapbexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cviuxsiapboexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cylaam | pointing south; guidebook; indicate a definite direction | 指南
cylaam-chiaf | a compass; a guiding principle | 指南車
cylaam-ciafm | a compass; a guiding principle | 指南針
cylamciafm | compass; swords | 指南針; 羅針
cylaux | stop diarrhea | 止瀉
cyleng | instruction; order; authorization; directive | 指令
cylin | identify | 指認
cyloxpaai | road sign; direction sign | 指路牌
cyloxphiaw | signpost | 指路標
cymthaau-loong | pillow case | 枕頭囊; 枕頭套
cymthauloong | pillow case | 枕頭廊; 枕套
cyn-kanlaan`ee | strenuous | 真艱難的
cynliaau | medical examination and treatment | 診療
cynliauseg | doctor's consultation room | 診療室
cynlo | to be enrage; to be furious; greatly infuriated | 震怒
cynnie iogloong | deafening; earsplitting sound or voice | 震耳欲聾
e torlaang | infectious | 會傳染的; 會度人
eeng-kaq liah satbør siøka | Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other--don't know what to do with my leisure | 閒甲捉虱母相咬; 無所事事; 閒得無聊
eflaang | a midget; dwarf | 矮人
efng'erng-putli | inseparable | 影影無離
efnghiofnglek | power of affect, power of influence | 影響力
efnghiorng-lat | power of affect, power of influence | 影響力
efngkiuo tionglibkog | country neutral (by policy) | 永久中立國
efngpud hunli | never to be separated | 永無分離
eglaam | milliary serviceman | 役男
egthea toxngleghak | hydrodynamics | 液體動力學
egthea zexngleghak | hydrostatics | 液體靜力學
eklefng | burp milk (as a baby) | 嗌乳; 溢奶; 吐奶; 嗝奶,
eklek | compulsion | 抑力; 強迫
eklun | theory, theorem | 臆論
eklyn | regurgitate some milk (baby) | 嗌奶; 溢奶; 漾奶
eng bwlek | employ forcible means | 用武力
eng siaq liaam | to solder | 銲錫; 用錫黏
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
eng-bøexliao | inexhaustible | 用未了; 用袂了
enghioong boadlo | end of a hero | 英雄末路
engkailieen | it should be | 應該然
englaang biefncixn | out of bounds to non-authorized persons | 閒人勿進
englaang | a mere spectator; person without important matter; idlers; persons with nothing to do | 閒人
englee | spiral shells | 榮螺
engleeng | spirit of a martyr; noble spirit | 英靈
engli suxgiap | profit making enterprise | 營利事業
engli zwgi | commercialism | 營利主義
engli | business; engage in profit making | 營利
englie | mile | 英哩
englieen | prime age | 英年
engliet | brave; heroic | 英烈
erng buu lengjit | We will never have peace | 永無寧日
ernghux-bøexliao | can not take action about; can not deal with | 應付無了
erngky-libtoaxn | make quick decisions as the occasion demands | 當機立斷
ernglap | taxable | 應納
ernglok | to consent; to promise; to assent | 應諾
erngtiaux lyloong | call girl | 應召女郎
erngtuix juliuu | field questions ably | 應對如流
ex`laang | infected someone | 穢人
exexlefpaix | the week after next | 下下禮拜
exkhachiwlaang | subordinates | 下跤手人
exkviaf`laang | will be amazing | 會驚人
exlaai | will come | 會來
exlefpaix | next week | 下禮拜
exli | to be able to make it in time | 會離; 來得及
exliao | will do | 會了
exløh | will fall | 會落
exng laang ee lixpien | to help people; to make things easier for people | 予人的利便
exng'eng`leq | after using | 用用咧
exnglaang | to employ people | 用人
exnglat | energise; forcibly; exert one's self | 用力
exngliao | all used up; to use up | 用完; 用了
exngliong | dose, dosage | 用量
exnglo | a purpose; a use | 用途; 用路
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
extitkøex ee laang | fairly well off (person) | 過得去的人
gaau zørlaang | kind and hospitable | 會做人; 待人好; 善於為人
gaau ølør | good at passing out compliments | 很會褒獎人; 很會讚美
gaau-zørlaang | know how to get along with people | 賢做人; 會做人
gafnlek | eyesight | 眼力; 視力
gafnliarm | eyelid | 眼斂; 眼皮
gafnlui | tear | 眼淚
gafsuhloo | gas stove | 瓦斯爐
gagli | jailer; turnkey | 獄吏
gaglie | theory of music | 樂理
gai laan ciaozurn | It is impossible for this office to grant the permission. (conventional phrase in official communications) | 礙難照準
ganliau | color; paint; sepia; dye; dyestuff | 顏料
gaulaang | a person with extraordinary power | 賢人; 大人物; 偉人; 能幹的人
gaxmlaang | fool; dunce | 傻瓜; 憨人
gea`laang | to glance at person; look askance at person; to look down person | 睨人
geagex`leq | gnaw roughly | 啃啃咧; 嚙嚙咧
gee`laang | disgusting person; detestable person; annoying person | 睨人; 使人厭
geglaihiofng | tuberose | 玉來香; 夜來香
gegliau | foretell; anticipate; foresee | 逆料
geglie | go against the principle; violate human obligation; contrary to reason | 逆理
gegliuu | reverse current; something that goes against the flow; adverse current | 逆流
gegloo | jade stove; jade furnace | 玉爐
gegluun | rebellious to the family order | 逆輪; 逆倫
gek-phoaxlien | jade necklace | 玉項鍊
geqgoaxlit | over a month | 月外日
geqlai | mother or woman within a month after baby bearing | 月內; 做月子
geqlaihiofng | tuberose | 月來香
geqlaixhofng | puerperal fever | 月內風
geqlaixpaang | maternal confinement room | 月內房
geqlit | a month | 月日
gexlek | willpower; will | 毅力
gexliin | artist | 藝人
gezøo puxlaang | pyorrhea | 牙床化膿; 牙槽孵膿
giaa-bøe`khylaai | incapable of lifting or carrying on shoulders) | 抬無起來
giaa-lauxjiet | have a festival procession | 迎鬧熱
giaa`khylaai | carry; lift up | 抬起來
giamle | strict | 嚴厲
giamleng | strict order; strictly order; severe order | 嚴令; 嚴格命令
giamlø'oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giamløo | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅
giamløo-oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giamsiuo tionglip | observe strict neutrality | 嚴守中立
gianggiafng`leq | let the bell clang | 鈴鈴咧
gienheeng-lok | sayings and personal stories of eminent men; a form of biography. | 言行錄
gienhenglok | chronicle of one's sayings and deeds | 言行錄
gienlun zuxiuu | freedom of speech | 言論自由
gienlun | speech; discussion; open discussion | 言論
gienluxnkaix | press; journalistic world | 言論界
gilaan zabzexng | difficulty; a difficult problem | 疑難雜症
gilaan | difficulty | 疑難
gilea | properties; ceremony; convenances | 儀禮
giliam | suspect in mind; doubt in mind | 疑念
gilu | misgive; in a quandary; qualm | 疑慮
gimgiim`leq | sing a short song | 吟吟咧
gingiin`leq | after glaring | 瞪瞪咧
ginhaang kenglie | manager of a bank | 銀行經理
ginhaang lixseg | bank interest | 銀行利息
ginhoex liofngzhefng | completion of a business transaction with goods delivered and payment made | 銀貨兩清
ginlaau | jewelry store; jeweler's shop | 銀樓
gioglaan | a magnolia; magnolia conspicua | 玉蘭
gioglaan-hoef | a magnolia | 玉蘭花; 白蘭
gioglanhoef | magnolia | 玉蘭花
gioglie | young and beautiful girl; your daughter | 玉女
gioglo | pearly dew | 玉露
giogloo | jade censer; jade brazier; jade stove | 玉爐
giogluo | fairy damsel in heaven; pretty girl | 玉女
gipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
giuo langkheq | solicit customers | 拉人客
giwgiuo`leq | pull | 扯扯咧; 搝搝咧
giwsenglie | solicit or attract business | 拉生意
gixbu koanliam | sense of duty | 義務觀念
gixlaang | righteous person, noble-hearted person | 義人
gixlie jinzeeng | duty and love | 義理人情
gixlie | justice; most essential principles; somewhat like a goddaughter | 義理; 義女
gixliok | minutes of a meeting | 議錄; 議事錄
gixlun | discussion; criticism; argument | 議論
gixluo | somewhat like a goddaughter | 義女
gixmgim`leq | grasp lightly in hand | 擒擒咧; 扲扲咧
gixsuxliok | agenda | 議事錄; 議程錄
giør`laang | give a contemptuous look to a person | 睨人; 瞟人一眼
go`laang | to cause injury or disadvantage to person; cause person to lose | 誤人
goadha løfjiin | old man in the moon--he is supposed to unite by an invisible thread those persons destined to be married | 月下老人; 月老
goadha-løfjiin | the god who unites persons in marriage; a matchmaker | 月下老人
goadhaxnofliin | match maker | 月下老人
goadlie sionggvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月裏嫦娥; 月娥
goadlør | old man in the moon--he is supposed to unite by an invisible thread those persons destined to be married | 月老; 月下老人
goafnlong | toy with; play jokes on; to fool; seduce (a girl) | 玩弄
goangoaan jii laai | come in an endless flow | 源源而來
goanheeng pitlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形畢露
goanheeng pøxlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形暴露
goanlaai juzhuo | I see; Now I understand what you mean So; that's what it is! | 原來如此
goanlaai | originally; So then!; in fact; in the first place; formerly | 原來
goanliau | raw material; raw materials | 原料
goanlie | fundamental principle; principles | 原理
goanliong | forgive; excuse; forgiveness | 原諒
goanliuu | headstream | 源流
goanlo | original way; original road; the same road by which we went | 原路
goanløfvi | Senate (of Roman Empire) | 元老院
goanlør | patriarch; elder person who has held high positions for long period of time and is highly respected by the nation | 元老
goansie simliim | virgin forest | 原始森林
goantoxnglat | motivating power | 原動力
goantoxnglek | original force or power; source of power | 原動力
goantøexlaang | oboriginal | 原地人
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
goanzuo hunliet | atomic fission | 原子分裂
goanzuo-citliong | atomic mass | 原子質量
goanzuo-leeng | atomic power, atomic energy | 原子能
goanzuo-liong | atomic weight | 原子量
goanzuo-lun | atomic theory | 原子論
goanzwleeng | atomic energy | 原子能
goanzwliong | atomic weight | 原子量
goanzwloo | atomic reactor | 原子爐
goar laai | I come | 我來
goaxhionglaang | strangers; people from other lands | 外鄉人; 外地人
goaxhnglaang | strangers; people from other lands | 外鄉人; 外地人
goaxkaolaang | pagan | 外教人
goaxkaw suleng | diplomatic language-tactful remarks (literally); euphemisms; circumlocutions | 外交辭令
goaxkiaau kuliuzexng | foreign resident certificate | 外僑居留證
goaxkofng laixexng | enemies without and treacherous help within | 外攻內應
goaxkog-laang | foreigner, alien | 外國人
goaxkoklaang | foreigner | 外國人
goaxlaai | external; foreign; imported; outside; exterior | 外來
goaxlaang | outsider; outsiders | 外人
goaxlaau | out flow | 外流
goaxlaiguo | term borrowed from a foreign language | 外來語
goaxlat | an external force | 外力
goaxlefng | tire cover | 外乳; 外胎
goaxlek | outside; external force | 外力
goaxliuu | flow outward; outflow (of capital; talents; etc) | 外流
goaxlo'ar | extra money | 外路仔
goaxløar | extra income; kickbacks | 外勞仔
goaxløo | foreign labor | 外勞
goaxpafng-laang | gentile | 外邦人
goaxpanglaang | foreigners; gentiles | 外邦人
goaxsefnglaang | person from another province | 外省人
goaxserng-laang | person from another province | 外省人
goaxsunluo | daughters of one's daughter | 外孫女
goaxuixlaang | strangers; people from other lands | 外鄉人; 外地人
goaxzek løkafng | foreign laborers | 外籍勞工
goeqlai | during the month of confinement | 月內; 坐褥期
goeqlaihiofng | tuberose | 月來香
goeqlaixhofng | the month following childbirth when women more easily can get sick | 月內風
goeqlaixpaang | maternity room for women after having a baby | 月內房
goeqlek | full month calendar (as distinct from a day-by-day calendar) | 月曆
goexsenglie | niece; sister's daughter(s) | 外甥女
goexsengluo | niece (sister's daughter) | 外甥女
golok | entertainments; recreation | 娛樂
gongtoxnglek | power (mechanics); action (physics) | 原動力
goxliap | five counts of round objects | 五粒
goxlogseg | recreation room; rumpus room | 娛樂室; 康樂室
goxlogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
goxlok tviusor | amusement-place | 娛樂場所
goxlok | pastime; recreation; amusement | 娛樂
goxlok-seg | recreation room | 娛樂式; 娛樂室
goxnglaang | idiot; foolish | 憨人; 戇人; 傻瓜; 笨人
goxnglat | has brawn no brains | 傻力; 蠻勁; 憨力
guilaan | calamity; danger | 危難
guilan | peril, danger | 危難
gulang | derision | 愚弄
gularm | sirloin | 牛腩
gulat | cattle's strength; made all-out efforts | 牛力
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
gulefng | cow's milk; milk | 牛乳; 牛奶
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
guleng'iuu | cream | 牛乳油; 奶油
gulenghurn | powdered milk | 牛乳粉; 奶粉
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gulengpviar | biscuits | 牛乳餅; 牛奶餅乾
gulengseg | milk color | 牛乳色
gulengthngg | caramel | 牛乳糖; 牛奶糖
gulengzhuie'ar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳嘴仔; 奶嘴
gulengzhuiear | pacifier, nipple | 牛奶喙仔
gulepee | rake; a harrow to even the ground surface | 牛犛耙
guliau | halter or tether rope for a cow | 牛迫; 繫牛繩
gulo | cattle's path | 牛路
gulogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
gulogtviuu | amusement place | 娛樂場
gulok | entertainment | 娛樂
gulong | derision; mock; ridicule; make a fool of somebody | 愚弄
guloong | cowherd; cowboy; cowpoke; male escort | 牛郎
gulor | ignorant and stupid | 愚魯; 愚蠢
gunlaau | Jewelry store | 銀樓
guxlaan | distress; die a tragic death; was killed | 遇難
guxlan | distress; die a tragic death; was killed; get killed in an accident | 遇難
guxliim-kwn | palace guard | 御林軍
guxlimkwn | imperial guard | 御林軍
guzhuielafm | muzzle (for calf or ox) | 牛嘴罩; (以防止亂吃農作物)
gvafliong | generous; your gracious; great drinking capacity; magnanimity | 雅量
gvauqgvauqliam | muttered; mutters; mumbling; chattering | 咬咬唸; 咕噥; 喃喃
gvehgveq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧; 夾夾咧
gveq`khylaai | pick up with pincers; chopsticks or fire tongs | 夾起來
gvexlat | doing by strength of hand alone | 硬力; 蠻勁
gvexliah | to convince someone to do something they don't want to do; twist someone's arm to make someone do something | 硬捉; 逮捕
gvexlien | exercise hardly; train hardly; learn experience by hardships | 硬練
gvexlo | hard to tackle; laborious; requiring strenuous effort | 硬路; 費力; 難搞
gvexlurn | subdue; hard to swallow | 強忍; 硬忍
gviaa lauxjiet | have festive procession | 迎神賽會; 迎鬧熱
gviaa-lauxjiet | jolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays | 迎熱鬧; 迎鬧熱; 節期遊行
gvialauxjiet | festival parade;jolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays | 迎鬧熱
gvialauxliet | festival paradejolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays; | 迎鬧熱
gviao`khylaai | pick up; pull out (a nail) | 挑出來; 剔起來
gviauhgviauq`leq | pry up | 搔搔咧; ??咧
gviauq-bøe khie`laai | unable to get up (from a lying position or bed) | 爬無起來
gvixlat | doing by strength of hand alone | 硬力; 蠻勁
gvixliah | seize forcefully | 硬捉; 逮捕
gvixlien | exercise hardly; train hardly; learn experience by hardships | 硬練
gvixlo | hard to tackle; laborious; requiring strenuous effort | 硬路; 費力; 難搞
gvixlurn | subdue; hard to swallow | 強忍; 硬忍
gvoehgvoeq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧
gvoeq`khylaai | pick up with pincers; chopsticks or fire tongs | 夾起來
gvoflea | the five ceremonies | 五禮
gvofliin | sarcastic | 五仁
gvofliwkw | Tainan’s famous fish dish | 五柳居
gvofliwky | weet and sour fish especially in Tainan | 五柳居
gvoflo | the five roads; all roads; everywhere; in every direction | 五路; 各方
gvofluun | moral obligations; the five human relationships: between prince and minister; father and son; husband and wife; brothers; friends | 五倫
gvofzong-lioghuo | all the great internal organs and intestines | 五臟六腑
gvoløo | very hunger fellow | 饑囉
gvoxlogtviuu | playground | 娛樂場
gvoxlok | amusements; entertainments; recreation; enjoyment; relaxation; pleasure | 娛樂
gvøehgvøeq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧
gvøeq`khylaai | pick up with pincers; chopsticks or fire tongs | 夾起來
gwlok | a written record of lectures | 語錄
gygieen simlyhak | linguistic psychology | 語言心理學
gyleeng sorngsitzexng | aphasia; impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language | 語能喪失症
gymloong | instructions for dealing with an emergency; wise counsel; a secret master plan | 錦囊
gymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
gyn'aflaang | children | 囝仔人; 孩子
gyn'ar-laang | children | 囡仔人; 小孩子
gøeqlai | within a month after baby bearing | 月內; 月子; 月利; 坐月子
gøeqlaixlaang | mother or woman within a month after baby bearing | 月內人; 坐月子的人
gøeqleng | season of the year | 月令
gøgøo`leq | whirl, revolve, go round in circle | 轉轉咧; 遨遨咧
gølwhuq | golf | 高爾夫
ha-kietlun | to perorate, to draw a conclusion | 下結論
haam-zaixlai | included | 含在內
haantofluq | steering wheel | 方向盤; 源自日語ハンドル(handoru)
hable | in accordance with the local custom | 合例; 隨俗
hablea | to greet together | 合禮
hablek | to cooperate; collaborate | 合力
hablie | reasonable; proper; rational; justifiable | 合理
hablie-habhoad | reasonable and lawful | 合理合法
habliuu | to flow together; to merge | 合流
hablyhoax | rationalize | 合理化
habzeeng-hablie | fair and reasonable | 合情合理
had`laang | scolding | 喝人; 罵人
hafnlaai | come around once in a great while | 罕來; 少來
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
hagleeng jitoong | children of school age | 學齡兒童
hagleeng | school-age | 學齡
haglek zhekgiam | examination of scholastic ability | 學力測驗
haglek | record of education; educational background; scholastic ability; scholarship | 學歷; 學力
hagliaau | student dorm; school dormitory | 學寮; 學生宿舍
haglie | theory of study; scientific principle | 學理
hah-lang'ix | suit people's mind | 合人意
hai`laang | to involve others in trouble; to harm or injure others | 害人
hai`laq | that's bad | 害了
hai`løq | that's bad | 害了
haixjiin-lixkie | benefit oneself at the expense of others | 害人利己
haixlaang | harm or injure others; inflict injury upon others; involve others in troubles | 害人
haixliawliao | totally destroy; Alas! | 害了了; 全壞了; 遭透了
haixsie laang | bring great trouble to others; kill a person | 害死人
hak'hag`leq | buy in bulk | 購購咧; (大量)
hamleeng | small harness bell | 銜鈴; 鈴噹
hamliong | content | 含量
hamlo | with anger | 含怒
hamlong'ar | small bell | 銜鈴仔; 小鈴
hamlui | with tears in the eyes | 含淚
hamluie | with bud; half opened bud | 含苞; 含蕊; 半開之花
han liuu kiappoe | streaming with sweat | 汗流浹背
hancileeng | long raised bed of potatoes | 甘薯行; 蕃薯龍
hangliet | rows and columns; rank and file | 行列
hangliet-seg | (in math) determinant | 行列式
hanglo | route of a ship or airplane | 航路
hangloo | stove | 烘爐; 火爐
hangloo-svix | small bamboo fan for blowing a fire | 烘爐扇; 煽火的扇子
hanglosvix | fan for fanning the fire | 烘爐扇
hanlaai-sworng | change of seasons; lapse of time (The cold comes and the heat departs.) | 寒來暑往
hanlerng | bitterly cold; cold | 寒冷
hanli | dysentery; diarrhea | 寒痢; 赤痢
hanliaau | gossip; waffle | 閒聊
hanliuu | cold current; cold or polar current | 寒流
hanlo | cold dew; chilly | 寒露
hanloarn | take good care with weather temperature | 寒暖
hantøfluq | Locomotive (bicycle) handle; automobile steering wheel | 方向盤
haolaam | a son in mourning; a bereaved son (used in obituary); bereaved son(s) (expression used in obituary) | 孝男; 帶孝的兒子; 愛哭鬼; (罵人)
haolai | house with obituary announce | 孝內; 忌中
haolambin | cry baby (scolding a person) | 孝男面; 愛哭鬼
haoleeng | coffin and scaffold support by bereaved family | 孝靈
haolie | bereaved daughter(s) (used in obituary) | 孝女
haoluo | a bereaved daughter (used in obituary) | 孝女; 服喪中的女兒; 帶孝的女兒
haosunlie | bereaved granddaughter(s) (used in obituary) | 孝孫女
haqlo | practical use | 合路; 適用
harn`khylaai | shut up | 悍起來
harnglefng | healthy baby; grown very fat on milk like an infant | 腫乳; 嬰兒胖大
harnglyn | swell with milk, develop (breasts), milk-fed | 腫乳; 肨奶; 漲奶
harnli | Chinese character | 漢字
hatleng | to shout an order | 喝令
hatliang | bright; light | 豁亮
haulak | exaggerate; fail to keep one's word; make glib promise; speak irresponsibly; tell a lie | 詨六; 撒謊; 說謊; 荒唐; 虛假; 失實
hauq`khylaai | flake off | 剝起來
hauxlai | within or inside the school | 校內
hauxleeng | effect; efficacy | 效能
hauxlek | efficacy; effect; to render service; to toil | 效力
hauxlut | efficiency | 效率
hauxløo | render voluntary service; offer assistance; to render service | 效勞
hauxsoafnliin | candidates | 候選人
hawloa | use tears to blame on others | 哮賴; 哭著賴人
haxle | as follows | 下例
haxlea | bow in reverence | 下禮; 施禮
haxleng haghau | summer school | 夏令學校
haxleng oexsefng | summer sanitation; public health in summer months | 夏令衛生
haxleng sikafn | Daylight Saving Time | 夏令時間
haxleng | to give orders (command); summer time | 下令; 夏令
haxleng-hoe | summer conference, retreat | 夏令會
haxleng-viaa | summer camp | 夏令營
haxlexng'viaa | summer camp | 夏令營
haxli | (Medicine) dysentery; diarrhea | 下痢
haxliaau | subordinates | 下僚; 屬下
haxlie | maid; a domestic | 下女
haxliet | following | 下列
haxlit | summer | 夏日
haxliuu siaxhoe | lower classes of society | 下流社會
haxliuu | low-down; mean; obscene; downstream; scurrilous; low lower classes | 下流
haxliuu-oe | vulgarism, vulgar words | 下流會
haxluo | maid | 下女
haxløh | whereabouts | 下落
haxmløh | to sink; to submerge; to be lost to the enemy; fall or a surrender of a castle | 陷落; 陷落,陷於
haxng`khylaai | swell up; become swollen | 腫起來
haxnglo | narrow lane; hallway | 巷路; 走廊
haxnlai | circumscription | 限內
haxnliim | the Imperial Han-lin academy; a member of Han-lin; the literary circles | 翰林
haxnlim'vi | the National Academy | 翰林院
haxnliong | limitation; boundary; limit on quantity | 限量
haxnlo | overland route | 旱路; 陸路
haxzuylea | ceremony of launching a ship | 下水禮; (船)
haychi sixnlaau | mirage; image of towns and markets in mirage | 海市蜃樓
haychi-sixnlaau | image of towns and scenery in mirage | 海市蜃樓
hayhonglam | coast defense crafts | 海防艦
haykwn-liogcierntui | marine corps | 海軍陸戰隊
haylaau | ocean current | 海流; 洋流
haylai | within the four seas; within the country | 海內
haylaixgoa | at home and abroad | 海內外
haylan | disaster at sea | 海難
hayle | Canadian sergeant-fish | 海螺; 海鱺
haylear | dory | 海鱺仔
haylee | conch; trumpet shell | 海螺
hayleeng | sea dragon | 海龍
hayleng'oong | the Dragon King | 海龍王
hayliaam | sea catfish | 海鯰
haylie | nautical mile; 1.853 km; a knot | 海里; 海浬; 海哩
hayliog'ar | Marines | 海陸仔; 海軍陸戰隊
hayliok | sea and land | 海陸
hayliong | a mind with the broadness of the sea; great capacity for alcoholic drinks (capacity as big as the sea) | 海量; 寬大的
hayliuu | ocean current; tideway; sea currents | 海流
haylo | a sea route; a seaway; by sea | 海路; 水路
hayloe | in the country | 海內
haylog'efng | heroin | 海洛因; 海洛英
haylog'yn | heroin | 海洛因; 海洛英
haylong | sea waves | 海浪
hayloong | the seal; the beaver | 海狼; 海獺
hayluun | sea-going vessel | 海輪
haysiong lwkoarn | floating hotel | 海上旅館
haytea tiexnlafmsvoax | submarine cable | 海底電纜線
he`løqkhix | to put down; into | 放落去; 落落去
hefchialo | track | 火車路
heflek | fire power | 火力
heghuieliau | nuclear waste | 核廢料
hegjienlut | probability | 或然率
hegleeng | nuclear energy | 核能
hegli | to earn profit; get or obtain profit | 獲利
hegzuo hoafn'erngloo | nuke reactor | 核子反應爐
hegzwhuieliau | nuclear waste | 核子廢料
heliin | cooked peeled shrimp | 蝦仁
helium | helium | 氦
heliuu | return | 回流
heng'viar putli | inseparable; like a person and his shadow (usually said of lovers and devoted couples) | 形影無離
hengheeng`leq | return it obligingly | 還還咧
henghofng-zoklong | cause unrest; stir up trouble | 興風作浪
henglea | to salute, salutation | 行禮
henglie | baggage; luggage | 行李
henglie-paang | baggage room | 行李房
henglieen | aged (40) | 行年; (40)
hengliet | rank, file | 行列
hengliok | penalty by slay | 刑戮
hengliong | measure; to ponder | 衡量
henglioong | prosperous; thriving; flourishing; prosper | 興隆
henglok | to make merry; make merry | 行樂
henglu | travelers to faraway lands | 行旅
hengluo | to travel | 行旅
henglut | the criminal law | 刑律
henglychiaf | baggage car; baggage coach | 行李車
henglypaang | baggage room | 行李房
henglyphiøx | ticket for baggage transportation | 行李票
henglysviw | suitcase | 行李箱
hengsuxlek | calendar | 行事曆
herngkøf-zhayliet | cheerful; in high spirits; elated; jubilant | 興高采烈
hexlat | eo exert oneself; to put forth one's strength | 使力; 下力
hexliet | series; spectrum | 系列
hexløh | put down; whereabouts; place of residence | 下落; 著落
hexngjinlo | almond syrup | 杏仁露
hexngliim | medical profession; a term used in praise of a good and kind physician or the medical profession in general | 杏林
hexngliin | almonds | 杏仁
hexnglintee | almonds tea | 杏仁茶
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hiablegchiaf | bicycle or vehicle powered by two or more people | 協力車
hiablek | concert; concurrence; cooperate; united effort | 協力
hiablie | sub manager in a chief office of a bank; assistant manager | 協理
hiaf`khylaai | ladle out | 舀起來
hiafmlo | dangerousness; dangerous way; dangerous road | 險路
hiafngliang | loudness; loud and clear | 響亮
hiafnglok | seek pleasure; make merriment | 享樂
hiafnglok-zwgi | hedonism | 享樂主義
hiafngløo | strike loud of a gong | 響鑼
hiamliau | spice | 辛料
hiangliau | spices | 香料
hiarnglaai | hitherto; until now | 向來; 從來
hiarngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiawlie | to understand and obey the truth | 曉理; 懂理
hib`laang | to oppress workers; a weak country or people; Lit. to cut off someone's breath | 翕人; 壓迫人
hiboefliw | fish's tail | 魚尾鰍
hied`leq | to set aside; to leave unattended | 丟置
hiedtolaeto | a headlight | 頭燈
hiefn`khylaai | remove the seal; uncovered | 掀起來; 打開蓋子
hiefnleeng | display divine power (said of an idol) | 顯靈
hiefnlo | show; to manifest; unveil | 顯露
hiefnlo`zhutlaai | disclose; reveal | 顯露出來
hiehoadliong | lung capacity | 肺活量
hiehoadlioxngkex | spirometer; an instrument for determining the capacity of the lungs | 肺活量計
hielang | make fun of; prank; play jokes upon | 戲弄
hielarng | case for carrying costumes for a play | 戲籠; 裝戲服的箱子
hieløo | consumption; TB | 肺病; 肺癆
hiengaai legmar | rein in the horse on the brink of the precipice; reform before it is too late | 懸崖勒馬
hienleeng | sage; talented and virtuous | 賢能
hienliam | to be concerned, anxiety, concernment | 懸念; 賢念
hienlie | mystic truth | 玄理
hienlioong | wise; virtuous | 賢良; 縊死; 懸梁
hienloexzo | good wife; better half | 賢內助
hienluo | good lady | 賢女
hienzhef-liongbiør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzhef-liongbør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hiernlea | ceremony of offering presents | 獻禮
hietlau | hemorrhage | 血出; 血漏
hietli | blood in stool | 血痢; 血便
hietliong | the amount of blood in human body | 血量
hietliuu | leukemia | 血瘤
hietlui | blood and tears-extreme sorrow | 血淚
hietzhefng liauhoad | serum therapy | 血清療法
hiexnlaau | salvage right away | 現撈
hiexnlauar | freshly caught | 現流仔
hiexnlim | incumbent | 現任
hiexnluun | classmates relationship | 硯倫
hilaan | squame; squama; fish scales | 魚鱗
hilanzhea'ar | skin disease caused fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hilanzhex | wart | 魚鱗繭
hilieen | jubilee | 禧年
hiliok | weak | 虛弱
hiliw | the loach (tiny fish lives in mud) | 泥鰍; 魚鰍
hilui | fish (as a general category) | 魚類
hiluii | torpedo | 魚雷; 水雷
hiluitherng | torpedo boat | 魚雷艇
hiløo | tired; weary | 疲勞; 虛勞
hiofnglaai | hitherto | 享年
hiofnglieen | life-span | 享年
hiofnglok | feast | 享樂
hiofngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hionglaau | swift-flowing, swift current | 凶流; 急流
hionglie | one's old home; a village | 鄉里
hionglieen | year of bad crops or famine | 凶年
hiongliok | great talent | 雄略
hionglør | a country bumpkin; village elder | 鄉老; 鄉村長老
hiongpalyniaw | Wicked shape wicked shape | 兇巴里貓; 惡形惡狀
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hiornglaai | since; from; hitherto | 向來
hiornglaam | face south | 向南
hiorngliong | vector | 向量
hiorngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiploah | hot and humid | 翕熱
hisuteflie | hysteria | 歇斯底里
hit'ee-laang | that guy | 那個人
hitcidlit | that day | 彼一日
hitlaang | that person | 彼人
hitliaq | overthere | 彼跡
hitlui | that species | 那類
hitlø | that sort or kind | 那種; 彼號
hiulii | divorce | 休離; 離緣
hiuohiux`leq | shake off | 洒洒咧
hix-oaqliong | lung capacity | 肺活量
hixlau | ear leakage | 耳漏
hiøh løh kuy kyn | The leaves fall and return to the roots--everything reverts to its original source | 葉落歸根
hiøhhiøq`leq | let's stay tonight, let's take rest | 歇歇咧
hiøhliaang | keep away from heat; rest and cool (oneself) | 歇涼; 乘涼; 放暑假
hiøhloah | summer break | 歇熱
hiøqlax | yes; right | 對的; 是的
hmlaang | matchmaker | 媒人
hmlangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
hmlanglea | money to appreciate the matchmaker | 媒人禮; 送媒人的禮金
hmlangpøo | a match maker; professional female matchmaker (sometimes used with a slightly derogatory connotation) | 媒人婆; 媒婆
hmlangzhuix | matchmaker mouth | 媒人嘴
hngxlo | long distance; far way; long journey | 遠路
ho laang khurnjiao | pester | 使人困擾
ho laang thaau hiin | giddy | 使人頭眩
ho laang thøfiax | repugnant | 使人討厭
ho`laang | give away to others | 給人
hoa`khylaai | burst into excitement; with a shout of joy; anger or excitement | 譁起來; 喧叫起來
hoaai liogkaq | be pregnant with a baby | 懷六甲
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoadlek | vitality; vigor | 活力
hoadløh | sent away prisoners; deal with; dispose of dismissal with term of punishment | 發落; 處理
hoafn-koealaai | turn over | 翻過來
hoafn-lirntngr | turn over | 倒轉身; 翻轉; 翻輾轉
hoafnkofng taixliok | counter attack the mainland | 反攻大陸
hoafnlaau | turn and begin to flow | 反流
hoafnlierntngr | turn upside down; in a moment | 反輾轉; 一轉眼; 翻輾轉; 倒轉身
hoafnloan | social disorder; chaos | 反亂; 造反
hoafnlun | antithesis | 反論; 相反
hoafnluxn | moist; damp | 潮濕
hoafnløo | turn turbid | 反濁
hoafnlør-hoantoong | regain youth; rejuvenate oneself | 返老還童
hoafnsiaxloo | reverberatory furnace | 反射爐
hoafntong-lat | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoxnglek | reaction force | 反動力
hoahlinlofng | compete in selling; sell groceries along the way | 喝輪瓏; 叫賣雜貨; 競賣
hoahoong-liwlek | luxuriant and colorful (said primarily of vegetation) | 花紅柳綠
hoailiam | pine after; to have sweet memory of; miss; think of | 懷念
hoakef-liwhang | streets of ill fame | 花街柳巷
hoakøef-liwhang | the red-light district | 花街柳巷
hoale | beautiful; splendid; luxurious | 華美; 華麗
hoaliuo-khøf | department of venereal diseases | 花柳科
hoaliuo-pvi | venereal disease | 花柳病
hoaliuo-tok | venereal disease | 花柳毒
hoaliwkaix | demi-monde | 花柳界
hoaliwpve | venereal disease; social disease | 花柳病
hoaliwpvi | social disease | 花柳病
hoaloxzuie | eau de cologne; cologne water; Florida water; face lotion; perfume | 花露水
hoaluie | pistil and stamen, flower bud | 花朵; 花蕾
hoan'aflaau | western-style house | 番仔樓
hoanlaai hoankhix | constantly toss about in bed | 輾轉反側; 翻來翻去
hoanlaai-hoankhix | change one's mind constantly again and again; change one's mind frequently | 反覆無常; 翻來翻去
hoanlaan | burdensome, troublesomed | 煩的; 煩?
hoanlaang | barbarian, a foreigner | 番人; 蠻人
hoanlaau | turn and begin to flow | 翻流; 漲潮
hoanlea | return a salute; send a present in return | 還禮
hoanliawhoafn | repeatedly; again; successively; repetitious (writing); redundant | 翻了翻; 重複
hoanloan | confusing; disorderly | 煩亂
hoanlogtviusor | places where people seek casual pleasure; place of amusement | 歡樂場所
hoanlok | gladness; fun; enjoyment; joy | 歡樂
hoanlør | worry; annoyance; uneasiness | 煩惱
hoanpalie-kiao | total mix up | 胡亂攪混; 翻巴里攪
hoansefng-luitong | cheer thunderously; roaring applause | 歡聲雷動
hoansuliim | Vaseline, petroleum jelly | 凡士林
hoansuxliim | Vaseline | 凡士林
hoaq høxleng | shout slogans | 喊號令
hoaq kiuolaang | cry out for help | 呼救
hoaq-kiuolaang | calling for help; call for help | 喊救人
hoarhabliong | combining weight (in chemistry) | 化合量
hoarloong | to fester, to suppa | 化膿
hoarn-pyle | be in inverse proportion | 反比例
hoarnlam | spate; flooding; flowage; in full spate; overflow; spread over | 汎濫; 氾濫; 泛濫
hoarnlarm | to read extensively | 汎論; 泛覽
hoarnlun | widespread talking | 汎論
hoarnsiin-lun | pantheism | 汎神論
hoarnsinlun | pantheism | 汎神論
hoaseg liupefng | figure skating | 花式溜冰
hoatlat | to develop strength | 發力
hoatlee | triton | 法螺
hoatlek | power of Buddhist doctrine; supernatural power; great power of salvation (Buddhist term) | 法力
hoatleng | statutes; ordinance; law and regulation; laws and ordinances; decree | 法令; 發令
hoatliang | shining, polished | 發亮
hoatliap | fermentation | 發粒
hoatlie | principle or theory of law | 法理
hoatliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the sedan chair; become angry | 發撚; 神附身而發作
hoatliin | legal person | 法人
hoatlo | to get angry, to rage | 發怒
hoatlongcid | enamel of a tooth | 琺瑯質
hoatloo | incense pot catching fire; indicates spirit is not happen with what was proposed; indicates something unfortunate is going to happen; it's a bad omen | 發爐; 香爐著火
hoatloong | enamel | 發瓏; 琺瑯
hoatludphang | loop holes in the law | 法律縫
hoatludsiong | legal; from a legal point of view | 法律上
hoatluii | thundering | 發雷
hoatlunkofng | recent kind of meditative community | 法輪功
hoatlut tiaubuun | regulations | 法律條文
hoatlut | law | 法律
hoatlut-suxbuxsor | law office | 法律事務所
hoatlyhak | jurisprudence | 法理學
hoatløh | to dispose of, arrange, manage | 發落; 安排; 去處置
hoatsefng loan'aix | fall in love | 發生戀愛
hoatsefng simlyhak | genetic psychology | 發生心理學
hoatteng lienleeng | legal age | 法定年齡
hoatteng taixlyjiin | legal representative | 法定代理人
hoattiexnlek | output; kilowatt power | 發電力
hoattoxnglek | motive force | 發動力
hoaxnlaang | criminal; culprit; offender | 犯人
hoaxnlan | adversities; misfortunes; adversity | 患難
hoaxnlan-cy-kaw | friendship cemented in adversity | 患難之交
hoaxnlangkhiaf | speak unguardedly and make things difficult for self | 隨人刁
hoaxnle | example; model case; general rules | 範例
hoaxnpvixlut | incidences of a sickness; percentage of contraction | 患病率
hoaxnzoe simlyhak | criminal psychology | 犯罪心理學
hoe sitlea | offer an apology | 說抱歉; 回失禮
hoe'eklok | memoirs | 回憶錄; 回顧錄
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hoealiau | useless or discarded materials | 廢料
hoef-lyløo | confusion; chaos; (idiom) in a mess | 花哩囉; 混亂; 亂七八糟
hoefchiaf poaqløqbea | the train was derailed | 火車出軌
hoefchialo | track | 火車路
hoeflafng | small charcoal stove for warming the hands or putting under one's clothes | 火籠; 竹製小火爐
hoeflek cibtiofng | concentration of fire | 火力集中
hoeflek hoattiexnchviuo | thermoelectric plant; thermal power plant | 火力發電廠
hoeflek | fire; firepower; firepower | 火力
hoeflo | fire-road; fire-break; the fire lane | 火路; 賄賂
hoefloo | brazier; type of heater using charcoal as fuel | 火爐
hoefsiølof | be charred; be burnt black; scorched; burnt things | 火燒焦
hoefthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things | 媒煙囤
hoeftinlof | soot; ashes of burned things | 媒煙囤
hoege tiefnlarm | flower show | 花藝展覽
hoehliong | pulse volume (strong; weak) | 血量
hoehliuu | blood tumor; varix | 血瘤
hoehlo | bloody road; bloody path | 血路
hoehluun | corpuscle | 血輪
hoekorliok | memoirs | 回憶錄; 回顧錄
hoelaam | typhoons that take a southerly direction | 回南; (颱風)
hoelaau | bower, trellis, flower pavilion | 花流; 花亭
hoelea | to return a salute; to present a gift in return; give a present in return | 回禮
hoelee | muddleheaded, scatterbrained, harebrained parson | 花犁; 糊塗人
hoelengky | airplane | 飛靈機; 飛行機; 飛機
hoelientau | snow peas | 荷蘭豆
hoelienzhuix | sweet words | 花嗹嘴; 巧言
hoeliløf | in a mess; muddle | 花釐囉; 亂七八糟
hoelintau | snow peas | 花躪豆; 豌豆
hoeliuo | decorative button | 花鈕
hoeliuu | reflow | 回流
hoelok | God of fire | 火神; 花鹿; 回祿
hoeloklog | very colorfully decorated to the point of distracting the eye; a person talks so much and so fast that the listener becomes confused | 花碌碌; 無懂; 不清楚; 很吵; 衣服很花
hoeloong | a winding corridor | 迴廊
hoeluie | the pistils and stamens of a flower; a flower; blossom | 花蕊; 花朵
hoelut | currency exchange rates | 匯率
hoeluxn | moist; damp | 潮濕
hoelylø | mixed up and cause confusion | 花里囉; 混亂無清
hoepaf-liniaw | overly colored | 花巴哩貓
hoepaf-lyniaw | overly colored | 多斑而醜
hoepaliniaw | messy | 花巴哩貓
hoeq løo | blood impurity (INCL. cholesterol) | 血混濁; 血濃
hoexgi kieliok | minutes of a meeting | 會議記錄
hoexgi-kielok | proceedings, minutes | 會議記錄
hoexhoe`leq | argue to get what he wants | 會會咧; 多說清楚
hoexlip | money transfer | 匯入
hoexlut køtioxng | exchange rate rises up (between currencies) | 匯率高漲
hoexlut | currency exchange rates | 匯率
hoflan | lot of artful talk; pretty words | 虎難; 花言巧語
hoflin | deny | 否定
hofloong-cy-nii | a woman from the early thirties to early forties when her sexual desires are the strongest; wolfish years | 虎狼之年; 狼虎之年
hofng peeng long zeng | calm and unruffled sea | 風平浪靜
hofngbun pvixlaang | visit the sick | 訪問病人
hogieen-loaxnguo | lies or wild talk; talk nonsense; talk incoherently or unintelligibly | 胡言亂語
hogle | cries of the crane | 鶴唳
hogleeng | Poria cocos; Tuckahoe | 茯苓
hoglengkøf | type of sweet cake made with Chinese root | 茯苓糕
hogli | compound rate | 複利
hoglip | distinguished; outstanding one stands like a crane | 鶴立
hok lø'ek | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok lø'iah | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hokhib-lut | respiration rate | 呼吸量; 呼吸律
hoklaan | gladiolus | 唐菖蒲
hokli | social welfare, mutual benefit | 福利; 複利
hoklixsia | a store doing business on the premises of a school | 福利社
hokloan | cholera | 霍亂
hoklogsiu | happiness; wealth; and longevity; the three ingredients of a full life | 福祿壽
hoklok | luck and wealth; happiness and honor; happiness and prosperity | 福祿
hoksia-leeng | radiation energy | 輻射能
hoksiaxleeng | radiant energy | 輻射能
hoksiuxlee | apple snail | 福壽螺
hoksuie lansiw | no use crying over spilt milk; misfortune cannot be undone (Spilt water is difficult to get back into the container.) | 覆水難收
holek | buoyancy | 浮力
holicviaf | fox elf; bewitched female | 狐狸精
holicvy | a fox spirit; a seductive woman | 狐狸精
holie-hotoo | befuddled; bewildered; muddled | 糊裡糊塗
holientau | snow peas | 豌連豆
holii png hofuy | influence; a fox that has influence because of his relationship with a tiger's majesty; a donkey in a lion's skin | 狐假虎威
holii | fox | 狐狸
holii-cviaf | a witch | 狐狸精
holii-cvy | a witch | 狐狸精
holintauxjiin | green peas | 和蘭豆仁; 豌豆仁
holiw | a loach; mudfish a kind of freshwater fish; small fish a few inches long that lives in ditches and pools | 鰗鰍; 鰗鰡; 鰍魚; 泥鰍
holo'ar | a bottle gourd made by squash | 葫蘆仔
holoheeng | bottle gourd shaped or guitar shaped | 葫蘆形
holoo | gourd; cucurbit; calabash; dried bottle gourd with inside scooped out so it can be used as a canteen | 葫蘆
holoo-puu | bottle gourd | 葫蘆菢; 匏仔
holopuu | bottle gourd | 葫蘆瓠
holuieluix | very eloquent | 糊累累; 能言善道
holwborng | hormones | 荷爾蒙; 源自日語ホルモン(horumon)
hongguxlek | defensive force or strength | 防禦力
honghoad-lun | methodology | 方法論
honghongliim | windbreak; shelter belt | 防風林
honghøo-jidle | The wind is mild; the sun is bright | 風和日麗
hongkhofng-bøflam | aircraft carrier; floating aerodrome | 航空母艦
honglaai sienkerng | fairyland; paradise | 蓬萊仙境
honglaai | (N) Penglai (city in Shandong); fairy tale island in the Yellow Sea | 蓬萊
honglaibie | improved, good quality rice in Taiwan | 蓬萊米
hongle | a habit; a usual practice | 風例; 習慣
honglee | oriole | 黃鸝
hongleeng | am imperial mausoleum; age of a young lady | 皇陵; 芳齡
honglek | wind power; the force of the wind | 風力
hongli | a bonus; dividend; a profit | 紅利
hongliaang | desolation; bleak; savageness; desolate | 荒涼
hongliang | sonorous | 宏亮
honglieen | fruitful year | 豐年; 荒年; 芳齡
honglienzex | harvest festival | 豐年祭
hongliin | good neighbor; neighbor (polite expression) | 芳鄰
hongliok | a general plan | 方略
honglip | appoint to office, ordain a minister, invest | 豐立; 封
hongliukuie | a man with many affairs | 風流鬼
hongliuu | dissolute; amorous; to have a weakness for women; elegant style | 風流
hongliuzex | unpleasant consequences of an amorous affair | 風流債
honglo phiaukix | route marker for ships; etc | 航路標記
honglo | route of a ship or airplane; sailing route | 航路
hongloan | hurry and confusion | 慌亂
honglong | stormy waves; wind and waves at sea | 風浪
hongloo | portable stove | 風爐; 烘爐
hongluo | princess | 皇女
hongløo | tuberculosis prevention; TB control | 防癆
honglør | to provide against old age | 防老
hongtiin-lwloong | a call girl | 風塵女郎
hongtvoaa pølee | bulletproof glass | 防彈玻璃
hongzheliern | windmill | 風吹輪
hongzhoeliern | winmill | 風吹輪
hongzhuxn putloan | remain calm; cool and collected; maintain composure | 方寸無亂
hongzhøeliern | windmill | 風吹輦; 風車
hoo-labsap | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍拉碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
hoo-luieluix | muddy | 糊瘰瘰
hoo`khylaai | scoop or net something out of water | 撈起來
hor`laang | to cheat people; deceive people | 詐人; 騙人
horngli | lend money in order to earn interest | 放利
hornglim | indulge | 放任
hornglong | dissolute; lax; unrestrained; debauch | 放浪
horngsia liauhoad | radiotherapy; radiation therapy | 放射療法
horngsiaxleeng ciernzefng | radioactive or radiological warfare | 放射能戰爭
horngsiaxleeng ciornghai | radiation sickness syndrome | 放射能障害
horngsiaxleeng ee efnghiorng | radiation effects from nuclear tests | 放射能的影響
horngsiaxleeng ee uojiarm | radioactive contamination | 放射能的污染
horngsiaxleeng | radioactivity | 放射能
horngsiaxsvoax liauhoad | radiotherapy | 放射線療法
hosw loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
hothehluq | Hotel | 旅館
hoxlaai kisiong | The late or new comer ends up in front | 後來居上
hoxlaai | rainy | 雨來; 下雨
hoxlaan | guardrail | 護欄
hoxlai | indoors | 戶內
hoxlai-uxntong | indoor games | 戶內運動
hoxlaithvy | rainy day | 雨來天; 雨天
hoxlan | rain disaster | 雨難
hoxlangciøf | marry into the wife's family; taking wife's surname | 給人招; 入贅
hoxlau | (of roof)leaking | 雨漏
hoxlea | generous gifts | 厚禮
hoxleeng | wings built on to the original house so as to form a U-shape building | 廂房; 護龍
hoxleh | straw hat | 雨笠
hoxli | a large profit | 厚利
hoxliaam | hurry up | 雨黏; 快點
hoxlie | nursing | 護理
hoxlie-seg | nursing station | 護理室
hoxliong | rainfall; volume of rain | 雨量
hoxlyhaghau | nursing school | 護理學校
hoxløeh | round broad brimmed rain hat made out of bamboo leaves usually worn by farmers | 雨笠; 雨傘
hoxngkaolaang | Catholics, Christian | 奉教人
hoxnglaai | pineapple | 鳳梨
hoxnglaai-bie | Formosan rice | 蓬萊米
hoxnglaai-teg | hedge bamboo; Leleba multiplex | 蓬萊竹
hoxnglaibie | the exotic rice, the improved rice | 蓬萊米
hoxnglok | an official salary | 俸祿
hu-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 負離子
hudhunliet | nuclear fission | 核分裂
hudlai-lek | nuclear force | 核內力
hudleeng | nuclear power; atomic energy | 核能
hudlie | Buddhist doctrine | 佛理
hudzwleeng | nuclear energy | 核子能
huie'oaqliong | lung capacity | 肺活量
huielat | waste of force; strength or effort | 費力
huielek | laborious; requiring strenuous effort | 費力
huielut | rate | 費率
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
huihliaq | blood stains | 血跡
huihliuu | blood tumor | 血瘤
huihlo | blood passageway; passage for escape in a battle; bloody road | 血路; 血液循環
huihluun | corpuscle | 血球
huihuy-loaxnzøx | do evil | 胡作非為; 非非亂做
huilaai iaxmhog | an unexpected romance or affair with a beauty | 飛來豔福
huilaan | to blame; to censure | 非難
huilan | to censure, to bring charges against | 非難
huilea | impolite; rude; indecorum; to molest sexually; indecent; improper morally; assault a woman sexually | 非禮
huilengky | airplane | 飛龍機; 飛機
huiliau | fertilizer | 肥料
huiliauxchviuo | fertilizer factory | 肥料廠
huilie | unreasonable | 非理
huilui | in tears; shed tears | 揮淚
huiluun | balance wheel; flywheel | 飛輪
huipang logkhofng | swing a stick or a baseball bat | 揮棒落空
hukhylaai | help up | 扶起來
hulaan | fish scales | 魚鱗
hulanzhea'ar | fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
huleng | tally | 神符; 符令
huli | bait | 魚餌
huliin | madam | 夫人
hulor | prisoner; captive; take captive; take prisoner; prisoner of war | 俘虜
hului | fish | 魚類
hulør-he'iux | help the aged along; and lead the young by the hand; go or appear with one's whole family regardless of age | 扶老攜幼
hunbuun piedlui | divide into chapters and sections | 分門別類
hunhoarloo | incinerate stove | 焚化爐
hunlai | inside the clouds | 雲內
hunlea | wedding; a marriage service; a matrimonial; rites of marriage | 婚禮
hunli | split away; separation; disconnection; disunion; isolation; separate or sever something or a person from; disjoin | 分離
hunliao | turmoil | 紛擾
hunliaq | trace | 痕跡
hunlie | to arrange separately | 分理; 分手整理
hunliet | split off; split up; fragmentation; break up; to split; disunite | 分裂
hunlih | crack, split | 分裂
hunlii | to separate | 分離
hunliong | weight; measurement of weight | 分量; 份量
hunlip | branch establishment; set up independently | 分立
hunliuu | to branch out | 分流
hunlixphaix | secessionists | 分離派
hunlo | separate roads; branch roads; go different ways; to part company (at a fork in the road) | 分路; 分路(分開)
hunloan | intricacy; chaos; in confusion; go out of control; fall into disorder; be lax morally; be disturbed or chaotic | 紛亂
hunlui | classification; classify; divide into classes; assortment; categories | 分類
hunsuylerng | watershed | 分水嶺
hunzhelo | fork of a road | 分叉路; 分岔路
hunzuo-liong | molecular weight | 分子量
hunzuylerng | watershed | 分水嶺
huolaan | go and help face the situation | 赴難
huolan | to go to the rescue of the fatherland from danger | 赴難
huole tonghoong | majestic; grand; splendid; magnificent | 富麗堂皇
huole | splendid, luxuriant, luxurious | 富麗
huolefngsu | vice consul | 副領事
huolie | assistant manager | 副理
huolimciofng | anoint extreme unction (Catholic) | 傅臨終
huoliok | supplement to a magazine | 附錄
huolok | appendix; addendum | 附錄
huoloong | rich farmer | 富農
huolu | rich | 富裕
huozofngsuleng | deputy commander-in-chief | 副總司令
hurnlaang | internal bloody pus | 忿膿; 發膿
hurnle | try with great determination | 奮勵
hurnlek | put forth effort | 奮力
hurnleng | order; instruction; instructions from a superior office | 訓令
hurnlien | training; discipline; educate; exercise; practice; training; drill | 訓練
hurnliexnpafn | training class | 訓練班
hurnliexnsor | training institute | 訓練所
hurnlo | rage; exasperation; fury | 憤怒
hutkhie-hutløh | sudden rise and sudden fall like a flying object or a darting bird; the erratic fluctuation of market prices | 忽起忽落
hutlerng-hutjiet | abrupt changes of temperature; sudden changes in one's affection; attitude or enthusiasm (now hot; now cold) | 忽冷忽熱
hutliok | leave out; ignored; bypassing; forget; disregard; be careless; forgetful of; to overlook; to neglect | 忽略
huu`khylaai | to hold up | 扶起來
huu`leq | to support or prop; to lean on | 扶住
hux-lefngsu | vice consul | 副領袖; 副領事
hux-zofnglie | vice premier | 副總理
huxjiin-laang | wife; young married woman | 婦人人; 婦人家; 女人家
huxjinlaang | woman; one's own wife | 婦仁人
huxlie | women; female | 婦女
huxlok | appendix | 附錄
huxlor | captive, prisoner of war | 俘虜
huxluo soafnkwkoaan | female suffrage | 婦女選舉權
huxluo zhamzerngkoaan | the right for women to participate in public affairs; women's rights | 婦女參政權
huxluo | women; female | 婦女
huxluo-hoe | women's association, woman's society | 婦女會
huxluo-uxntong | women's movement | 婦女運動
huxlwcied | women's Day; March the 8th | 三八節; 婦女節
huxlwhoe | women's association | 婦女會
huxlør | the elders (of a village); elders | 父老
huxnlai ee taixcix | one's due task; duty | 份內之事
huxnlai | within one's duty | 份內
huxnliong | volume; amount; weight or impact of statements | 份量
huxnloan | chaos; rough and tumble; muss; mess-up; muss; embroilment; confusion; disorder; be confused; be thrown into confusion | 混亂
huylui | robber; black sheep of the family | 匪類; 敗家子
hvaehvaix`leq | after swinging | 幌幌咧
hvafhvar`leq | after scared, after threaten | 唬唬咧
hvaflaang | to scare people, to bluff people | 唬人
hvaihvay`leq | after crying | 哼哼咧
hviarlaau | at law ebb; ebb | 向流; 退潮
hvielaai-hviekhix | swing back and forth or from side to side; throw back and forth | 擲來擲去; 擺來擺去; 盪來盪去
hviulee | turbinidae; turban shells; conch | 香螺; 紅螺; 蠑螺
hviuliau | fragrant materials; offering of money for temple; money given in condolence; obituary money | 香奠; 香料
hviulie | one's old home; a village | 鄉里
hviulohvi | handles of censer; said of eldest son of family | 香爐耳; 長子; 香爐把手
hviuloo | censer; incense container; thurible; incensory; cernser; censer | 香爐
hviutiexnliau | gift of money made on occasion of funeral | 香奠料; 奠儀
hvixkhafng lai | good hearing; sharp ears | 耳孔利; 聽力敏銳
hvixlau | otorrhoea; ear inflammation with pus | 耳漏
hvoaikoaxn konglo | highway running from east to west; Cross Island Highway in Taiwan | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-konglo | the cross-island highway; east-west highway | 橫貫公路
hvoailaau | cross-current | 橫流
hvoailo | the horizontal road; east-west road | 橫路
hvoflin | deny | 否認
hwlai | inside of the house | 府內
hwnlo | indignation; wrath; fury; angry; furious; indignant | 忿怒
hylang | make fun of; play jokes upon | 戲弄
hylea | a wedding ceremony | 喜禮
hylo ailok | joy | 喜怒哀樂
hylo | happy and angry | 喜怒
hylo-busioong | having an unpredictable temper | 喜怒無常
hylok | pleasure; joy | 喜樂; 快樂
høe'ek-lok | memoirs | 回憶錄
høe-sitlea | to offer an apology | 賠失禮; 會失禮; 道歉
høeachialo | railroad | 火車路
høefchialo | railroad | 火車路; 鐵軌; 鐵道
høeflafng | a small stove to warm hands or body | 火爐; 火籠; 手爐
høeflat | firepower; thermal power | 火力
høeflek | passionate | 火熱
høeflo | fire-road, fire-break | 火路
høefloo | furnace; stove | 火爐
høefluii | a landmine | 火雷; 地雷
høelaai | come back | 回來
høelaam | back to south | 回南
høelea | present in return | 回禮
høelok | the god of fire, a fire | 回祿
høexhøe`leq | apologize | 回回咧; 會會咧
høfgiah-laang | rich people | 好額人; 有錢人
høfgiaqlaang | rich man | 好額人; 富有的人
høfhøflaang | a healthy person | 好好人; 健康的人
høflaang | good people; kindhearted and benevolent fellow | 善人; 好人
høflaang øhzøx | difficult to please everybody (It's difficult to be a good person. One always gets the blame from somebody no matter how fair and just he tries to be.) | 好人難做
høflaang-høfsu | good person and exemplary deeds | 好人好事
høflafmsaf cidtoxpar | He'll eat anything so he won't go hungry | 好壞吃無會餓; 好歹搔一度飽
høflafmsaf | eat anything whatever it is | 好攬捎; 壞都吃
høflea | courteousness; polite; politeness | 好禮; 有禮貌; 客氣
høflefar | courteous; carefully | 好禮仔; 小心的
høfliang | generous, magnanimous, broad-minded | 好量; 雅量; 有度量
høfliau`ee | gourmet food | 好料的
høflie-kazaix | fortunately; luckily; lucky | 好理佳哉; 很幸運
høfliong | generous | 好量; 有度量
høflwteg | good and refined woman; quiet; understanding (wife) | 好女德; 賢慧的女人
høfmia-laang | a person of good life | 好命人
høfsym ho luii cym | unrequited goodness; to do good yet not be thanked but rather criticized (Good people struck by lightning.) | 好心被雷吻; 好心沒好報
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
høhør-laang | a healthy person | 好好人; 和好人
hølat | work together | 合力
hølengtau | snow pea | 荷蘭豆; (豆名)
hølii | the least amount | 毫釐
hølintau | snow pea | 和蘭豆
høliuu habliuu | confluence | 河流合流
høliuu | river; streams | 河流
høloarn | pleasantly warm; genial | 和暖
hør gafnlek | good eyesight | 好眼力
hør-ciwliong | big drinking capacity | 好酒量
hør-gafnlek | good eyesight; good judgment | 好眼力
hør-lixlo | profitable way to make money | 好利路; 賺錢的好法
hør-lwteg | good feminine virtue | 好女德
hør-pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent | 好本領
hør`laq | OK! | 好了
høsu-lør | arbitrator | 和事佬
høsuxlau | mediator; peacemaker | 和事佬
høsuxlør | peace maker | 和事佬
høxlan | misfortune; calamity | 禍災; 禍難; 禍患
høxlea | a congratulatory present; present given as a token of congratulation | 賀禮
høxleng juu safn | Military orders are as inviolable as a mountain | 號令如山
høxleng | an order; a command | 號令
høxlieen | Happy New Year | 賀年
høxloan | disturbances; disastrous disorder | 禍亂
høxlor | stray | 呵囉; 遊蕩
høxløfhøxsø | idle about; loaf | 游手好閒
høxlør-høxsø | idle about; loaf | 游手好閒
iablegsox | chlorophyll | 葉綠素
iafgoa-lwheeng | outing; excursion | 野外旅行
iaflaang | uncivilized people | 野人
iafloong | sugar cane growers | 野狼
iafluu | wild ass | 野驢
iafmnie tøxleeng | cover one's ears when he steals a bell--to deceive oneself (literally) | 掩耳盜鈴
iamlo | wet salt | 鹽露; 鹽潮濕
iamlui | salt (in chemistry) | 鹽類
iaolerng | main points; important points; key point; crux of a matter; the point; the way of doing something; the gist | 要領
iaolie | essential doctrines | 要理; 重要的教義
iaolie-buxntab | Catechism (Catholic) | 要理問答
iap lok kuy kyn | The leaves fall and return to the roots--everything reverts to its original source | 葉落歸根
iap lok ty chiw | When the leaves fall we know that autumn is here--from what you see you can guess the rest | 葉落知秋
iaqlaam | male citizens between 18 and 45 who are eligible for military service | 役男
iaqlaan | butterfly orchid | 蝶蘭; 蝴蝶蘭
iarlarn | dreary; tired of | 厭懶; 疲倦; 厭倦
iau'iaau lefngsiefn | far ahead; enjoy a commanding lead | 遙遙領先
iaulaan | cradle | 搖籃
iauluo | an evil woman; witch | 妖女
iauløo | starving man; half beggar half thief; bandit's follower | 嘍囉; 餓鬼; 飢囉
iaxlaihiofng | Cestrum nocturnum; tuberose | 夜來香
iaxloong-zuxtai | ignorant and boastful | 夜郎自大
iaxmle | radiantly beautiful; dazzlingly beautiful; beautiful; magnificent; charming; captivating | 豔麗
iaxmloah | hot | 炎熱
ibexnglun | nominalism | 唯命論
ibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
ibudluxnciar | materialist | 唯物論者
ibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論; 唯物論,唯物主義
id`laai | first | 一來
iedlarm | perusal; inspect; to read | 逸覽; 閱覽
iedlarm-seg | a reading room | 閱覽室
iedlek | professional experience | 逸力; 閱歷
iedlok | pleasure; pleasant | 悅樂
iefnlien | rehearsal | 演練
ieliam | an idea; a thought | 意念
ieliau | (v) anticipate; anticipation; expectation; expectation | 意料
ieliin | barley | 薏仁
ienlarm | to invite and employ | 延攬
ienlieen | lengthen one's life | 延年
ienlieen-eksiu | May you prolong your days! Lengthen one's life | 延年益壽
ienlo | along the road; whole way; along the road; on the way | 沿路; 沿途
ienthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things; cinders | 煤煙囤; 煙囤焦
iernlu | a happy couple | 燕侶
igvoflun | solipsism; egoism | 惟我論
igvor-lun | solipsism | 唯我論; 惟我論
ili si too | interested only in material gain | 唯利是圖
ili-sixtoo | interested only in material gain | 唯利是圖
iliaau | cure or treat (a disease); medical treatment | 醫療
iliaau-ioxngkhu | medical instruments | 醫療用具
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
iliau | clothing materials | 衣料
iliauphirn | medical supplies | 醫療品
iliauthoaan | medical team | 醫療團
ilie | principles or person's understanding of medicine | 醫理
ilie-lun | rationarism | 醫理論; 唯理論; 理性論
iloaan | to be attached to | 依戀
im'ionglaang | hermaphrodite | 陰陽人
imgak-lauxsw | music master (mistress); music-teacher | 音樂老師
imlek | lunar calendar | 陰曆; 舊曆
imlerng | gloomy and cold; somber (a person's appearance); cloudy and chilly | 陰冷
imliaang | shady and cool; shaded and cool | 陰涼
imliam | lust | 淫念
imliong | (sound) volume; volume of one's voice | 音量
imloan | licentious; lewdness; lechery; racy | 淫亂; 淫蕩
imlok | lustful pleasures | 淫樂
imloong | scrotum | 陰囊
imlut | (music) temperament; tonality; pitch of a sound; tone; musical pitch according the standard of ancient pitch-pipes | 音律
inkøflut | law of cause and effect | 因果律
inkør-lut | the law of causation | 因果律
iofngjii-honglør | raise sons as insurance against the insecurity of old age | 養兒防老
iofngjii-thaixlør | bring up a son in preparation for old age | 養兒待老
iofngliau | nourishment | 養料
iofnglie | adopted daughter | 養女
iofnglip | hail | 擁立
iofnglo | highway or railroad maintenance | 養路
iofngloxtui | track force | 養路隊
iofngluo | adopted daughter; girl adopted as future daughter-in-law; foster or adopted daughter | 養女
iofngløfhuix | money saved up for old age | 養老費
iofngløfvi | nursing home | 養老院
iofnglør | take care of one's remaining years; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's past work | 養老
iofnglør-kym | pension, annuity for the aged | 養老金
iofnglør-nikym | old age pension | 養老年金
iofnglør-vi | nursing home | 養老院
iogliam | desire; longing; craving | 慾念
ioglok | recreation | 育樂
ioglok-tiongsym | recreation center | 育樂中心
iokliok | approximate | 約略; 大約
iokliong | about, approximately, almost | 約量; 大約
iong bwlek | resort to force of arms; use violence | 用武; 用武力
iongkaylek | in chemistry solvency | 溶解力
iongkhorngloo | smelting furnace | 鎔礦爐
ionglap | contain; hold; accommodate; take in | 容納
ionglek | solar calendar | 陽曆; 新曆
iongliong | capacity | 容量
iongliuo | willow; poplar and willow | 楊柳
iongzeklut | volume rate for housing construction | 容積率
ioong-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 陽離子
ioxng'iong`leq | using or utilizing for nothing | 用用咧
ioxnglaai | purpose | 用來
ioxnglaang | employee, servant | 用人; 僱員,佣人
ioxnglat | exert oneself; make an effort | 用力
ioxnglo | usage, uses | 用路; 用途
ioxngsym liongkhor | well-intentioned but little understood | 用心良苦
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
irn thaulo | seeking employment | 求職
irn'ixn`leq | answering or consenting only on the lips | 印印咧
irn`laang | have promised others | 允人
isefng-lea | doctor's fee | 醫生禮; 診察費
isimlun | spiritualism; idealism | 唯心論; 唯心主義
isinlun | pantheism | 唯神論
isym-cy-lun | insincere utterances; comments | 違心之論
isym-lun | idealism | 違心論; 唯心論; 唯心論,唯心主義
it'hexliet | a series of | 一系列
itbok liawjieen | comprehend at a glance | 一目了然
itgieen lancin | It cannot be covered in a word. It's a long story | 一言難盡
itgoaan-lun | monism | 一元論
itgoanlun | monism | 一元論
itkhaix-jilun | treat (different matters) as the same; stereotype | 一概而論
itkie-liofngteg | kill two birds with one stone; serve two ends | 一舉兩得
itkuo-liofngteg | kills two birds with one stone | 一舉兩得
itlaai | in the first place, firstly | 一來
itlaai-it'orng | come and go | 一來一往
itlaai... Jixlaai | on the one hand…on the other hand | 一來…二來; 一則…二則
itlaam-itluo | one man and one woman | 一男一女
itlafmpiao | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itlafmpiør | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itlarm | detailed list, detailed schedule | 一覽
itliab'id | best | 最好的
itliam | a thought | 一念
itliam-cy-kafn | just at the moment | 一念之間
itliam-cy-zhaf | (full adage: ‘itliam cy zhaf, ciongsyn cy hoex') a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness; a false step | 一念之差
itlieen | in a row | 一連
itlieen-cy-kex zaixuu zhwn | Spring is the best time to do the year's work | 一年之計在於春
itlienzhoaxn | series; string; chain of | 一連串
itliusuie | fluent and clear in utterance | 一流美; 流利
itliuu | first class; top class; of the first rank | 一流
itlo | whole trip | 一路
itlo-peng'afn | May you enjoy peace all the way! Bon voyage | 一路平安
itlo-siong | all the way | 一路上
itlo-suxnhofng | Bon voyage! | 一路順風
itlok | take down a record in the police station or in the court; deposition; written record | 筆錄
itlok-chienkym | A promise is (worth as much) as a thousand teals; a solemn promise | 一諾千金
itluie | first base | 一壘
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
itlut khvoarthai | treat all in the same way | 一律看待; 一視同仁
itlut | without exception; uniformly; equally; indiscriminately | 一律
itluychiuo | first baseman | 一壘手
itløo-efng'ek | make a great effort to accomplish something once for all to save future trouble | 一勞永逸
itmar taix liofng'voaf | horse with two saddles; said of man filling two offices; doing two things at the same time | 一馬帶兩鞍
itpix-cy-lek | help; assistance | 一臂之力
itpurn baxnli | gain enormous profit out of small capital invested | 一本萬利
itsia-chienlie | (water) flows a thousand li at one plunge; to write fast and in a fluent style | 一瀉千里
itsiin-lun | monotheism | 一時論; 一神輪
ittvoaxløh | come to a stage where one can take a rest (from the work); complete the first stage (of the work) | 一段落
ittøf liofngtoan | sever it with one blow (of the knife)--to take a decisive measure; sever relations by one stroke | 一刀兩斷
ittøliofngtoan | cut into two pieces with one knife - sever ties | 一刀兩斷
iubok-poxlok | horde | 游牧部落
iuhui-søealut | import tariff rates for goods imported from a favored nation | 優惠稅率
iulaai | origin; source; cause | 由來
iulafmchiaf | tourist bus; sightseeing car; excursion bus | 遊覽車
iulaplab | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油塌塌
iularm | to go sightseeing; sightseeing | 遊覽
iulau | funnel | 漏斗
iulau'ar | funnel | 油漏仔; 漏斗
iulauar | oil funnel | 油漏仔
iuleeng | spirits of the departed | 幽靈
iulehleq | oily; imply bundle of business kickback | 油肭肭
iulek | to travel; to journey; peregrination; make a tour | 遊歷
iuli | isolate, separate, free, be isolated, be separated | 幽離; 游離
iuliau | petroleum; oil and lubricant (POL) | 油料
iuliongphirn | choice (superior) goods | 優良品
iulioong | excellence; superior; excellent; choice | 優良
iulioong-ciorng | award for excellence | 優良獎
iuliphiøx | swing votes | 游離票
iulixky | radical (chem.) | 游離機; 游離基
iuloghngg | playground; an amusement park | 遊樂園
iulogkhw | amusement park | 遊樂區
iulogtviuu | amusement park | 遊樂場
iulok | enjoy oneself | 遊樂
iuloo | oil stove | 油爐; 煤油爐
iuloplob | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油凹凹
iulu | care; anxiety; be anxious; to worry | 憂慮
iului | oil as a class of substances | 油類
iuluun | oil tanker; cruise ship; tanker; oiler | 油輪; 遊輪
iuoliabmih | small particle | 幼粒物; 細軟
iuolieen | childhood | 幼年
iuolii | toddler | 幼兒
iuolo | delicatet | 幼路; (手藝)
iuu lie | as you please; at your discretion | 由你
iuu-loealoex | oily greasy | 油肭肭
iux-lwtongkwn | Brownie | 幼女童軍
iuzai lie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨你的便; 由在你
iwkhao-lan'gieen | unable to speak out in one's own defense | 有口難言
iwlaai-iworng | reciprocal | 有來有往
iwle-zaixsiefn | There are precedents for that | 有例在先
iwleeng | gifted | 有能
iwlegciar | powerful person | 有力者
iwlek | influential | 有力
iwli pid iwpex | Advantages are inevitably accompanied by disadvantages.--you can't have your cake and eat it too | 有利必有弊
iwli | advantageous; to have advantages; favorable; be profitable | 有利
iwli-khøftoo | profitable (said of material profit) | 有機可圖
iwlie | reasonable; in the right; justified | 有理
iwlioong-uichiofng | lead innocent girls into prostitution | 誘良為娼
iwsefng-cilieen | for the rest of one's life | 有生之年
iwsefng-ylaai | since one's birth | 有生以來
iwsinlun | theism | 有神論
iwsuo ylaai | from the beginning till the present time | 有史以來
iwsuo-ylaai | since the dawn of history | 有史以來
iwzeeng-iwlie | reasonable | 有情有理
ixkog-zenglu | foreign sweetheart | 異國情侶
ixleeng | remarkable power; remarkable ability | 異能
ixliau | predict, to surmise, anticipate, expect | 預料
ixliuu | reserved | 預留
ixlui | different species; different class; aliens; those of a different class or kind; nonhumans; aliens; different tribe or race | 異類
ixlun | different opinion | 異論
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
izeeng-piedloaan | shift one's love to another person; have a new sweet-heart | 移情別戀
iøboea khitliin | wag the tail and court favors--to fawn and be obsequious | 搖尾乞憐
iøh'iøq`leq | only guessing the problem | 猜猜咧
iøkoflofng | drum toy witha pendant | 搖鼓瑯
iølaai iøkhix | swagger; along; swing to and fro | 搖來搖去
iølai-baq | the choicest portion of pork | 里肌肉; 裡脊肉; 腰內肉
iølaixbaq | loin (meat) | 里肌肉; 腰內肉 (豬肉)
iøleeng | to ring the bell | 搖鈴
iøloo | kiln | 窯爐
iølor | work the sculls of a Chinese boat; man the sweeps; to shake; to swing (with hand) | 鬆動; 搖櫓
iøløfcirnkhiq | tincture of iodine | 碘酒
iøqlat | potency or power of a drug | 藥力
iøqliau | ingredients of the medicine; medicines in unprepared state | 藥料
iøqliong | dosage | 藥量
iøqlui | sorts or medicines | 藥類
iøqlyhak | pharmacology | 藥理學
ji`laai | secondary | 二來
jiaflo | to irritate | 惹路; 惹怒
jiafngjiarng`leq | shout aloud | 嚷嚷咧
jiafzhao liamhoef | have one love affair after another (said of males) | 惹草拈花
jiajiaf`leq | shade them with something | 遮遮咧
jiar laang zuobok | attract attention (especially undesirable attention) | 惹人注目
jiarm lahsab | be stained by; be contaminated | 染污; 染污穢
jiawloan | disturb; disturbance; throw into disorder | 擾亂
jib`laai | to come in | 進來
jiblaai | come in; come on in; come in | 入來; 進入; 進來
jiblai | come in | 入內
jibliam | to put a corpse in a coffin | 入殮
jibliarm | encoffin | 入殮
jibtviuliau | admission | 入場費
jidkofng-liauhoad | sun cure | 日光療法
jidkongleeng | solar energy | 日光能
jidlaai | in recent days; the last few days | 日來; 近來
jidlai | in a few days | 日內
jidlek | calendar | 日曆
jidløh | sundown; sunset | 日落
jidsw-iaxliam | think about day and night | 日思夜念
jidzeg-gøeqlui | day after day and month after month; gradual accumulation over a long time; in time | 日積月累
jiedleeng | thermal energy | 熱能
jiedleghak | thermodynamics | 熱力學
jiedleghak-hegjienlut | thermodynamic probability | 熱力學或然率
jiedlek | heat energy; thermal energy | 熱力
jiedliet | ardent; fervent; with open arms; fervent(ly); ardent(ly); passionate(ly) | 熱烈
jiedliong | Kinetic heat energy; calories; heat capacity; calorie | 熱量
jiedloaan | madly in love | 熱戀
jiedlong | heat wave | 熱浪
jiedzuyloo | hot water heater | 熱水爐
jienliau | fuel | 燃料
jienliauxhuix | fuel fee | 燃料費
jienliauxiuu | oil for fuel | 燃料油
jienliauxsøex | fuel (consumption) tax | 燃料稅
jiet-kofng-tongliong | mechanical equivalent of heat | 熱光當量; 熱功當量
jih latpaf | blow the (car) horn | 按喇叭; 壓喇叭
jih tiexnleeng | press the (bell) button; ring the doorbell | 按電鈴; 壓電鈴
jih`løh | suppress | 壓落
jiin khux loo khofng | old scenes recall to mind old friends | 人去樓空
jiin lør sym putlør | young at heart; man may be old in years; but his heart need not be old; An old man chasing young women | 人老心無老
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jiin zaai liofngkhofng | both the person and the money are lost; be deserted by the person on whom you spent all you had | 人財兩空
jilie | sons and daughters | 兒女
jilip | stand firm; 30 years of age (from Sam-sip ji-lip; 三十而立 written by Confucius meaning; When I was thirty years of age I stood firm.) | 而立
jiluo | children, boys and girls | 兒女
jinbuun-texlie | political geography | 人文地理
jinkhao-aplek | over-population | 人口壓力
jinlegchiaf | rickshaw; rickshaw; jinrikisha | 人力車
jinlek | manpower; labor power; human power; strength; efforts | 人力
jinlui | man; mankind; human beings; human race | 人類
jinlui-hak | anthropology | 人類學
jinluixhagciar | anthropologist | 人類學者
jinluixhak | anthropology | 人類學
jinluun | ethical relations; human morals; human duties; principles of human relationships; morality | 人倫
jinsu-koafnlie | personnel administration | 人事管理
jinzaai goaxliuu | brain drain | 人才外流
jinzeeng lefngloarn | men's feelings are changeable | 人情冷暖
jinzø-puiliau | chemical fertilizer | 人造肥料
jiog`laang | chase people | 逐人
jioglie | young girl | 弱女
jiogzeeng ee khoaelok | carnal pleasure | 肉情的快樂
jioklaang | chase; pursue | 追人
jioxnglo | make way | 讓路
jip`laai | come on in; come in | 入來; 進來
jip`løqkhix | put into; pack into | 入落去; 裝進去
jiqjih`leq | press with hands | 壓壓咧; 揤揤咧
jiqlab | dent | 壓凹
jiqløh | press down | 壓落; 按下去
jiqoar`laai | to close in; to press near | 壓過來; 壓倚來
jirm`leq | endure | 忍著
jit lok sesafn | sunset | 日落西山
jit løh | sunset | 日落
jit`løh | sunset; the dip of the sun | 日落
jitoong-loghngg | kiddy-land; children's amusement park | 兒童樂園
jitoong-simlyhak | child psychology | 兒童心理學
jiujiuu`leq | clean up clothes, dishes with water and soaps back and forth | 柔柔咧
jiulin | trample under foot | 蹂躪
jiuloarn | soft and warm; soft | 柔暖; 柔軟
jiuloarn-thefzhaw | calisthenics | 柔軟體操
jiuloarn-uxntong | light exercise | 柔軟運動
jiuu leeng kheg kofng | The soft will conquer the hard.--soft and subtle approach can disarm a man of hot temper; a soft answer turns away wrath | 柔能克剛
jixgoanlun | dualism | 二元論
jixgoanzuo-lixzuo | diatomic ion | 二原子離子
jixlaai | secondly | 二來
jixlaau | first floor (Eng), second floor (Am) | 二樓
jixlui | a glossary, vocabulary | 字類; 字彙
jixluie | (baseball) second base | 二壘
jixluii | second base | 二壘
jixluychiuo | second baseman | 二壘手
jixmlai | during one's tenure of office; during the term of office | 任內
jixmlerng | identify and claim (a lost article; a child); (of a man) adopt a child born out of wedlock | 認領
jixmløo | to bear fatigue | 任勞
jixnlaang | to recognize someone | 認人
jixnlo | to identify the way to somewhere; recognize the road | 認路; 識路
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
jixzoar-larng | waste basket; trash basket, wastepaper basket | 字紙簍; 字紙籠
joah`laang | summer | 夏天; 熱人
joexli | acute, keen sharp, pointed | 銳利
juliim taixtek | like confronting a dangerous enemy--very careful or cautious; take all possible precautions; make all preparations | 如臨大敵
juliim | the Confucian scholars; the circle of Confucians; collection of the writings of Confucian scholars | 儒林
juliuu | fluent | 如流
juloan | upset | 茹亂; 心亂
juloong-suxhor | eat) priggish; (treat or loot people) heartlessly and cruelly; menacing or threatening (appearance) (Lit. like tigers and wolves) | 如狼似虎
juo-laai | more and more | 愈來
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
juxleng | imperial decree | 如令; 聖諭
jwhviuloo | censer (Catholic) | 乳香爐
jwlok | cheese, cream | 乳酪
jøejøee`leq | rub (eyes, skin, etc.) | 揉揉咧; 挼挼咧
kae-bøe-khylaai | try in vain to abstain (from a bad habit) | 改無起來; 戒不掉
kaegiamleng | martial law | 戒嚴令
kaelah | wax; rub with wax; apply a waxy surface | 打蠟
kaelai | inside the area | 界內
kaeliam | concept | 概念
kaelip | intervention | 介入
kaeloah | mustard; mustard | 芥末; 芥辣; 芥子泥; 芥子
kaeloaqhurn | powdered mustard | 芥子粉
kaelui | crustacea | 甲殼類; 介類
kaelun | Introduction | 概論
kaelut | purohit rules; discipline (Buddhist); don'ts; commandments | 戒律; 誡律
kafkar`leq | twist several turns | 絞絞咧
kafle'ar-hofng | tornado; cyclone; twister | 絞螺仔風; 龍捲風
kafleafhofng | tornado | 絞螺仔風
kaflehofng | whirlwind | 絞螺風; 龍捲風
kafli | add interest | 絞利; 加了利息
kaflit | holiday | 假日
kafmhoarlek | influence | 感化力
kafmhoax-lat | moral influence | 感化力
kafmkaklun | sensationalism (philosophy) | 感覺論
kafmkhaix-buliong | one's heart is filled with deep emotion | 感慨無量
kafmliam | gratitude | 感念
kafmliarm | Infect | 感染
kafmlo putkarm gieen | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kafmlui | tears | 感淚
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafnglai | inside the port; inside the harbor; in port | 港內
kafnglie | reasonable | 講理
kafnglo | port road | 港路
kafnglun | discuss; expound | 講論; 談論
kafnlien | able, skilful, capable | 簡練
kafnliok | simple; brief; briefly; simplify; abbreviate | 簡略
kafnlo | simple and crude | 簡陋
kafnthefli | simplified Chinese | 簡體字
kag-toxngliong | angular momentum | 角力矩; 角動量
kahhaqleh | bamboo hat | 甲箬笠
kahkhaklui | crustaceans | 甲殼類
kahzoxngsvoax zerng`khylaai | Basedow's disease; goiter | 甲狀腺腫起來
kailieen | of course | 該然
kailør | grow old | 偕老
kakaf`leq | make summation | 加加咧; 鉸鉸咧
kakixlaang | family memebers | 家己人
kaklek | wrestle; try the strength | 角力
kakløh | corner; angle; nook; location (within an area) | 角落
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kaktoxngliong | angular momentum | 角動量
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
kalag | pulley block | 加轆; 滑車
kalah | a type of fish | 加納; 嘉鱲; 鯛魚; 赤鯮
kalak'ar | pulley (as at a well); a windlass | 加轆仔; 滑車; 轆轤
kalap | accept (as God accepts our offering) | 嘉納
kalaqhii | (red) snapper | 加納魚; 嘉鱲魚; 鯛魚
kalauh | fall down (something); to drop (something); lose something | 掉下; 交落; 遺落; 失落
kalauqsyn | miscarriage | 交落身; 流產; 小產
kalauqthef | have an abortion | 交落胎; 流產; 小產
kale | pretty; beautiful women | 佳麗
kalea | puppet; a lay figure; cipher in algorism | 傀儡; 嘉禮
kalea-hix | puppet-show | 傀儡戲
kalea-png | curry rice | 咖喱飯; 咖哩飯
kalea-zernghuo | puppet government | 傀儡政府
kalefang'ar | puppet | 傀儡尪仔
kalefhix | puppet show; puppet show | 傀儡戲
kalefngsurn | tremble | 加冷恂; 交懍恂; 戰慄
kaleng | Formosan crestedmyna | 鵁鴒; 八哥
kalie | curry | 咖喱; 咖哩
kaliin | beauty | 佳人
kalip | join | 加入
kalo'ar | head grunt, spotted pomadas id (fish) | 加蘆仔; 星雞魚
kalongphaux | cannon | 加農砲; 大砲
kaloong | medicine capsule | 膠囊
kalui | family burden | 家累
kaluun | gallon | 加侖; (容量單位)
kalwnsurn | shiver with cold or fear; or as a result of eating something sour | 交懍恂; 打寒顫
kalyhurn | curry powder | 咖哩粉
kalykøef | curried chicken | 咖哩雞
kalylienløo | beginning gong for a puppet show - imply the beginning | 咖哩嗹囉
kalypng | curried rice | 咖哩飯
kaløfar | asket for storing rice | 茭荖仔
kamkaam`leq | hold in the mouth | 含著咧; 含含咧
kamlan | work that can't be done or impossible to finish (coarse expression) | 唅難; 比喻辦無到的事
kamliim | timely rain after long drought | 甘霖
kamliim-phofkaxng | Seasonable rain has fallen everywhere | 甘霖普降
kamlo | sweet dew; honeydew ─ a drink when one is terribly thirsty; a drink that hits the spot | 甘露
kamsym-log'ix | freely; cordially | 甘心樂意
kanali'a | a canary, a canary bird | 金絲雀
kanglaam | entire area south of the Yangtze River | 江南
kanglaang | workman; labor; worker; laborer | 工人
kangleeng | working years | 工能
kangliaau | a shack used by workers; simple hut for workmen at a construction site; construction shack | 工寮
kangliau | material | 工料
kanglii | an edible red alga | 工藻; 江蘺
kangloong zaai cin | have use up one's literary talent or energy | 江郎才盡
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangzog-hauxlut | labor efficiency | 工作效率
kangzog-liong | an amount of work | 工作量
kanlaan | difficulty; rough; hardships; suffering; privation; distress | 艱難
kanlaan-khurnkhor | grave difficulties or hardships | 艱難困苦
kanlea | monetary gift | 干禮; 現金 (送紅包時用)
kanlerng | guiding principle | 綱領
kanliao | interference | 干擾
kanlieen | associated with; involve | 干連; 牽連
kanlok | gyro rotor; top (a child's toy) | 陀羅; 乾酪; 干樂; 陀螺
kao tiong langsex | behave like a dog relying upon the power of its master ─ use the influence of one's master in bullying others | 狗仗人勢
kaolat | strong; have ability | 夠力; 夠力氣; 能力夠
kaolea | polite | 到禮; 多禮; 禮數周到
kaolefsox | polite; courtesy | 到禮數; 禮數周到
kaoleng | command; or order; of a ruler (as distinct from the law) | 教令
kaolie | tenet; doctrine or dogmas of any religion | 教理
kaolien | train; to exercise; to drill; a coach (of sports) | 教練
kaoloxboea | in the end, finally | 到路尾; 最後; 後來
kaolut | Law of Moses | 教律
kaophaix hunliet | schism | 教派分裂
kapkab`leq | prepare drugs | 合合咧
kaplee | clams | 蛤螺
kapleeng | whistle on pigeons tail | 蛤蚧; 鴿鈴
kaplie | lining | 合裏; 夾裏子(衣服)
karliim | your gracious presence; give (our humble place) the honor of your visit | 駕臨
karmgak bogleeng | prison pastoral work (Catholic) | 監獄牧靈
karmlap | accept favorably, favorable acceptance | 鑒納; 笑納
karmlie | oversee; superintend | 監理
karmlysor | inspecting and licensing section of the highway department | 監理所
karmløo | a prison, a jail | 監勞; 監牢
karnglap | descent | 降納
karngliim | come down from heaven | 降臨
karnglogsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
karnglok | landing; descent alight; alight; to land (a plane) | 降落
karngløh | landing; descent alight; alight; to land (a plane) | 降落
karngløqsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
karnlien | capable | 幹練
kateeng-liauhoad | home treatment | 家庭療法
katlea | ritual circumcision | 割禮
kau lefsox | very formal; very ceremonious | 多禮; 厚禮數
kaulaang | handov | 交人
kaulap | remit | 交納; 繳納
kaulat | almond-leaved tanoak; monkey force | 猴力; 校力
kauleeng | a dragon | 蛟龍
kauliaang | sorghum; sorghum liquor | 高粱; 高梁
kauliangciuo | kaoliang wine; wine made from sorghum | 高粱酒
kaulioong | tidal wave | 蛟龍
kauliutien | alternating current | 交流電
kauliutø | freeway interchange | 交流道
kauliuu | communion; communicate; exchange; alternating current; interchange | 交流
kaulo | ditch, drain | 溝路
kauthofng-zefnglie | regulate traffic | 交通整理
kauvoa hulor | exchange of prisoners | 交換俘虜
kauxkauxliam | nagging | 詬詬唸
kauxlea | over courteous; rich gifts | 多禮; 厚禮
kauxliau | thick material | 厚料
kauxliø | frequent urination | 厚尿
kauxsayliø | not straightforward | 厚屎尿
kaw`laang | releasing people | 交人
kaw`zhutlaai | hook it out; fish it out | 鉤出來
kawlamlie | Male and Female Dogs! ─ cursing people in adultery | 狗男女
kawliap | nine (round objects) | 九粒
kaxka`leq | bite | 咬咬咧
kaxlangkao | mad dog; poisonous wood nettle | 咬人狗; (樹)
kaxn lirn-niaa | Fuck your mother! (Not to be used- for hearing only!) | 幹恁娘
kaxng`løqlaai | descend; come down from the sky | 降下來
kaxnglaang | same person | 同人; 同一人
kaxnglo | same road | 同路
kaxnglui | same kink; of one sort | 同類
kaykae`leq | correct them, change your habits | 改改咧
kaylek | revise the calendar | 改曆
kaylioong | improve; reform; improvement; to reform; make better | 改良
kazhat-lanhoong | It is hard or impossible to guard against a thief within the household | 家賊難防
kea'orng-khailaai | carry on the tradition so as to pave the way for future generations | 繼往開來
kea-kutlat | pretend to be industrious | 假骨力; 假裝勤勉
keaboo paixlo | scheme has been discovered | 計謀敗露
keaflo | street | 街仔路
kealaang | marry a husband | 嫁人; 出嫁
keali | filter | 過濾
kealiok | strategy | 計略
kealiong | overdose | 過量
kealit | spend time | 過日
kealoo | wrap the object you want around the incense burner | 過爐
keatat liensviaa | invaluable; priceless | 價值連城
keatat-lun | axiology, theory of value | 價值論
kefngkerng`leq | select out, choose (better ones) | 揀揀咧
kefnglaai-kefngkhix | pick and choose; be choosy | 挑三揀四; 揀來揀去
kefnglaang | pick a particular person; choose people | 挑人; 揀人; 擇人; 選人
kefnglai | within a country's boundary; within the border; in the country | 境內
kefngleeng | warning bell; alarm bell | 警鈴
kefnglek | police force | 警力
kefngpi-sulexngpo | Garrison Command | 警備司令部
keg-høfgiaqlaang-phaix | take on the airs and appearance of a wealthy man when really not so | 假好額人派; 裝有錢人的派頭
keg`laang | stir up one's emotion | 激人
keglat | with the utmost effort | 極力
keglek | with the utmost effort; with all one's strength | 極力
kegliet | violent; acute; severe; fierce | 劇烈; 激烈
kegliong | extreme | 極量
keglok | paradise; happiest | 極樂
keglok-seakaix | Paradise (in Buddhism) | 極樂世界
kehli | insulation; cut off; isolation; screen off; segregation | 隔離
kehli-pvexpaang | isolation ward | 隔離病房
kehlit | the next day | 隔日
kehtngflit | next day | 隔轉日
kehtngr-lefpaix | following week | 隔轉禮拜; 第二個禮拜
kek'hoad-leeng | excitation energy | 激發能
kekgvofliin | make jokes and act witty. | 激五仁
kekhalafn | hard areas on a fowl's foot | 雞腳繭
kekhieløee | mechanical plow (tractor); tilling machine | 機器犛; 耕耘機
kekkhie-leeng | excitation energy | 機器能; 激起能
keklat | put forth the supreme effort | 激力; 用力氣
kekle | inspirit; cheer; encourage | 激勵
kekliet | vigorous; strenuous; heated (debate; battle); drastic (measures; means); violent (actions; speeches); radical or extremist (party); fierce (combat) | 激烈
kekliet-chiwtvoa | strenuous; hard exercise | 劇烈手段
keklo | enrage | 激怒
keklok | shoot down (aircraft); to down | 擊落
keklun | hot debate | 激論
keklør | steamed camphor oil | 激腦
kelaang | add people | 加人
kelafm | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
kelafng | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
kelai | within the family; one's wife; all the family | 家內; 妻小
keleeng | quinine | 奎寧
keng'eeng longtviuu | run a form | 經營農場
kengciølarng | banana basket | 香蕉籠
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
kenglek | experience; go through; career; record; personal history (experience) | 經歷
kenglie | manager; management; manage | 經理
kenglie-seg | managers office | 經理室
kenglieen | for a whole year; for years | 經年
kenglieen-luygoat | for months and years | 經年累月
kenglienkii | change of life; the critical age; menopause; climacteric | 更年期
kengliin | pity | 矜憐
kengliok | economic strategy | 經略
kenglok | meridian | 經絡
kengloong | farmer; agriculture; farming; tillage | 耕農; 務農
kengluun | principles and policies in government administration | 經綸
kengzex-goanlie | economic | 經濟原理
kepaklai | chicken's internal organs | 雞腹內; 雞內臟
keq cidlefpaix | every other week; next week | 隔一禮拜
keq cidliap svoaf | separated by a mountain | 隔一座山; 隔一粒山
kerng`khylaai | pick out | 揀起來
kerng`zhutlaai | pick out | 揀出來
kernggiap-logkuun | respect work and enjoy company | 敬業樂群
kernglea | salute | 敬禮
kernglerng | accept with respect | 敬領
kernglør | respect the old; venerate the aged | 敬老
kernglør-hoe | party in honor of old people | 敬老會
kernglør-vi | a home for the aged | 敬老院
kernglør-zunhieen | respect the old and honor the wise | 敬老尊賢
kexli | low interest | 低利
kexlo | incompetent; incapable; stupid; good for nothing (syn. ham-ban) | 無能; 笨; 低路
kexngzenglek | competitiveness | 競爭力
khaeliam | concept; notion; conception; general idea; notion | 概念
khaeliaxmlun | conceptualism | 概念論
khaeliok | outline; summary; epitome; gist | 概略
khaelun | a summary; an introduction to; general remarks; outline | 概論
khaelut | probability | 概率
khaf kiw`khylaai | draw up the legs; sever one's connection with; withdraw from an undertaking | 腳縮起來; 縮腿; 退出某事;
khafmlaang | na?ve and silly people | 憨人
khah'oar`laai | come nearer | 較倚來; 靠過來一點
khah`leq | adhere to | 卡住
khahlaai | little towards the speaker | 較來; 再過來一點
khahlexngkhuix | living be better off | 手頭鬆; 較鬆氣
khahlirm | endure | 較斂
khaibo-tiefnlea | inauguration; opening or unveiling ceremony | 開幕典禮
khaigoaan-cietliuu | open the fountains and restrict the outflow ─ study ways to profit and limit expenditure | 開源節流
khaihak-tiefnlea | ceremony held to signal the beginning of a school semester | 開學典禮
khaikhay`leq | waste the wealth | 開開咧; 花光
khaikog-goanlør | elder statesmen or generals who participated in the founding of a new nation or dynasty | 開國元老
khaikog-kieliam | commemoration of the foundation of a country | 開國紀念
khailibhoad | set up a method | 開立法
khailibhofng | extraction of a cubic root | 開立方
khailiet | draw up a list | 開列
khailo-sienhofng | vanguard; pioneer | 開路先鋒
khailorng | open mind; discerning; clear bright open | 開朗
khaklin | confirm | 確認
khaklip | entrench | 確立
khalaai-chiwlaai | ham-handed | 毛手毛腳; 動手動腳; 腳來手來
khalafn | corn | 腳繭
khalaichiwlaai | a clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way. | 跤來手來
khalarn-chiwlarn | indisposed to handle difficulties | 無精打采; 提無起勁; 腳懶手懶
khalat | foot strength | 腳力
khalek | strength (of legs) | 腳力
khaliaau | shackles, fetters | 腳銬
khaliah | (follow for) steps | 腳掠
khalusiwmuq | calcium | 鈣質
khalwsiwmuq | calcium | 鈣質
khaløo | fetter; shackles | 腳鐐
khaløx-chiwløx | long legs and long hands; having long arms and legs | 手長腳長; 高大
khamloan | suppress a rebellion; put down a rebellion; suppress a riot of insurrection | 戡亂
khamlu | cause worry | 堪慮
khanglun | empty talk; shallow talk; impractical statements | 空論
khangløo | futile efforts | 空勞; 徒勞
khanlaang | introducing people (to others) | 牽人; 仲介
khanlieen | implicated; involve (in trouble); implicate | 牽連; 涉及; 牽扯
khanlui | tie down; implicate; drag; drag (into trouble); involve | 牽累
khanløkvef | one who does geomancy | 用羅盤看風水
khanløkvy | check out Feng Shui | 牽羅經
khaoliuu | detain; intern | 扣留
khaoloa | make a great outcry so as to get sympathy | 哭賴; 哭賴別人
khaoloxthaau | mourning done by daughter | 哭路頭; 父母死出嫁女兒一路跪哭回娘家
khaphuhseflux | medicine capsule | 膠囊
khaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 跤鼻臁
khapte-kongliim | please come with your whole family (a conventional term used in Chinese invitation cards) | 闔第光臨
khaq-exløqho | usually rains more; more likely to rain | 較會下雨
khaq-khinlat | using less strength | 較輕力; 輕點力
khaq-sitlea | rather embarrassing | 很抱歉; 較失禮
khaq-uxlaang korng | more people say; said by more people | 較有人講
khaq-zhutlat`leq | Exert yourself a bit more! | 多用力點; 較出力咧
kharkhax`leq | dial the telephone | 卡卡咧
kharmkhaxm`leq | cover the whole | 蓋蓋咧
kharngkhaxng`leq | scratch or scrape with nails | 揭揭咧
khatkhad`leq | scoop up | 舀舀咧
khatliam | long for (e.g.; an absent friend); to miss very much | 渴念; 渴慕
khaukhaw`leq | scratch, peel | 刮刮咧
khauqkhauqliam | complain continually | 愕愕念; 嘀咕個無停
khautøliefn | wood-shavings | 刨刀屑; 刨刀萎
khawgieen-lexngseg | sweet words and insinuating manners (which are seldom associated with virtue) | 巧言令色
khawlaixiam | stomatitis; canker sores) | 口內炎; 口腔炎
khawleng | military; password; verbal instruction; (word of) command | 口令
khawlioong | provisions | 口量; 口糧
khaxm`khylaai | cover over | 蓋起來
khaxng laang ee liab'afphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的粒仔痞
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khaxng liab'afphie | pick the scab off a boil | 揭瘡疤; 揭粒仔痞
khefsixliok | Apocalypse; the Book of Revelation (Catholic) | 默示錄; 啟示錄
khehkoanlun | objectivism | 客觀論
khehlaai-khehkhix | push back | 擠來擠去
khehluun | a passenger ship | 客輪
kheklan | overcome difficulties | 克難
khekliarm | reduce; tighten; cut back (budget; etc) | 剋斂; 緊縮
khelaau | stream | 溪流
kheliuu | stream; mountain stream | 溪流
khengkheeng`leq | tidy up, put in order (room) | 傾傾咧; 集集咧
khenglioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khengloong | empty pocket | 傾囊
khia-khylaai | Stand up! | 站起來
khia`khylaai | hold up (high); raise up | 站起來; 起立; 豎起來
khiabeflofng | sit astride of; sit on a person | 騎馬瓏; 跨騎
khialaang | look for trouble | 騎人; 拗橫人
khiarmlaang | short of help | 欠人; 需要人手
khiaukhaf liern zhuiechiw | put one leg over the other and twist the mustache ─ live in leisure | 蹺腿捻鬍鬚; 生活閒逸
khiaulaai-khiaukhix | bent in different directions at different parts; all bent out of shape | 彎來彎去; 曲來曲去
khiaulinlofng | crooked | 曲鈴瓏; 彎彎曲曲
khiaux`khylaai | rise (as the tail of a peacock or one end of a seesaw); stand erect | 翹起來
khiawlo | elaborate | 巧路; 工夫; 別緻; 新巧; 精巧
khiaxleeng | set up ancients symbol; deceased tablet | 豎靈; 徛靈; 立靈位; 燔祭
khiaxlym | saving water | 豎飲
khiaxm`laang | owe people | 欠人; 負債
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
khie iuo zhwlie? | How can this be right? How absurd! | 豈有此理
khie`laai | to get up, to raise up | 起來
khie`lix | move up | 上去
khiechiaf-lykoarn | motel | 汽車旅館
khiefnmar cy løo | labor of a dog or a horse (literally) ─ one's own work; I have merely rendered you the services of a dog or of a horse (depreciatory phrase) | 犬馬之勞
khieiuu-chiwliutvoaa | Molotov cocktail | 汽油手榴彈
khieliawliao | be done for; destroyed | 全完了; 去了了
khieliong | forbearance; tolerance; capacity; generious | 氣量; 器量
khieliuu | windstream; airflow; air current; air current; atmospheric current | 氣流
khielo | application; way of escape; a way out | 用途; 去路
khieloo | a steam radiator | 氣爐
khieloong | air bladder (of fish); air sac (of birds or plants); gas bag or envelope (of a dirigible) | 氣囊
khienkhiefn`leq | throw them away | 丟丟咧; 掔掔咧
khienlieen | to involve; drag out | 牽連
khienlui | drag out | 牽累
khienløh | to throw down | 丟下; 掔落
khiernkhiexn`leq | make flavor by fire | 爆爆咧
khiernlor | make a savory sauce of chopped onions | 爆魯; 芡滷; 作菜鹵
khiesie laang | enough to vex a man to death | 氣死人
khiesie-laang | I'm furious! I'm so mad! | 氣死人
khiesinlofmia | angry to point of sickness | 氣身魯命; 形容父母罵小孩常使父母傷神
khiesyn-lofmia | angry to point of sickness | 氣身魯命; 形容父母罵小孩常使父母傷神
khiethea-leghak | aerodynamics | 氣體力學
khiethea-toxngleghak | aerodynamics | 氣體動力學
khiethea-toxngleglun | kinetic theory of gases | 氣體動力論
khietlo | reveal | 揭露
khiezoat sialiam | reject impure thoughts (Catholic) | 棄絕邪念
khileeng | to bully and humiliate | 欺凌
khimliah | catch ; arrest | 擒捉
khimseg-cy-lok | pleasures of married life | 琴瑟之樂
khinlai | few interest | 輕利; 利息輕
khinlat | lightly; soft power | 輕力
khinlioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khinliuu | tender | 輕柔
khinløo | industry; hard-working; labor sedulously; to toil | 勤勞
khiofnglioong | inosaur; dinosau | 恐龍
khip'irn-lat | power of attraction | 吸引力
khip'ynlek | power of attraction; gravitation | 吸引力
khiplat | attractive force, magnetic force, suction | 吸力
khiplek | magnetic force; magnetic force; force of attraction | 吸力
khitciaqliaau | beggar's hut | 乞丐寮
khitliin | to beg for mercy | 乞人
khiuleeng | hill; knap | 丘陵
khiuo`laai | pull toward you | 揪來; 拉來
khiwkhiuo-laglak | lay hold of so violently as to injure | 揪揪扯扯; 拉拉扯扯
khiwkhiwlaglak | one party is holding on to it, while the other is trying to break free | 搝搝搦搦
khiwlak | pull; draw | 拉扯; 揪扯
khiøhkhiøq`leq | put in order (room), pick them up | 拾拾咧
khiøhlixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
khiøq-khylaai | pick up (an object) | 撿起來
khiøq`khylaai | pick up | 拾起來
khngx`laang | exhort one to (do good) | 勸人
khngx`løqkhix | put it down | 放落去
khoaelau | easily to get old; to get old very fast; get old quickly | 快老; 老得快
khoaelok | pleasure; happiness; delightfulness; joyful; enjoyment; pleasing; cheerfulness; happy | 快樂
khoaelok-zwgi | hedonism | 快樂主義
khoaetøf zarm loaxnmoaa | straighten up a complicated or messy situation by taking drastic steps with dispatch; cut the Gordian Knot (Lit. chop a bunch of tangled hemp with a sharp knife) | 快刀斬亂麻
khoafn`khylaai | circle it | 圈起來
khoafnkhoarn`leq | put in order | 款款咧; 收拾
khoafnliuu | to sincerely try to make a guest stay longer in order to offer greater hospitality | 款留
khoafnløh | put carefully away in order | 收拾; 置於; 款
khoahliong | broad-minded; open-hearted | 闊量
khoahlorngloxng | vast, broad | 闊閬閬
khoanhoong-taixliong | magnanimous; open-hearted; broad-minded | 寬宏大量
khoankiuu-lyheeng | travel around the world | 環球旅行
khoanlai | within the circle | 圈內
khoanlek | power, authority | 權力
khoanliong | (reach) an understanding | 寬諒; 原諒; 諒解
khoantør-lyheeng | make a tour of the island | 環島旅行
khoaq-larnglaxng | loosely | 闊閬閬
khoaq-lorngloxng | spacing and loosely | 闊閬閬; 面積寬廣
khoarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
khoarlu | to be worried or anxious about; worry about someone or something | 掛慮
khoarlui | to involve (another) in | 掛累
khoarn henglie | prepare the baggage | 收拾行李
khoelaau | stream | 溪流
khofbexliao | miserable fate during one's whole life | 苦未了; 一生都是苦命
khoflan | affliction; great misery; suffering; hardship; tribulation | 苦難
khoflat | coolie; foot strength; hard work; laborer | 苦力; 腳力; 腳夫
khoflek | coolie labor; hard work; strenuous effort (English word; coolie; transliterated from the Chinese) | 苦力
khofleng | Chinaberry | 苦楝
khofleng'ar | pity | 苦苓仔; 苦楝仔
khoflien | earnest admonition; strenuous training; heavy workouts | 苦練
khoflo | Way of the Cross (Catholic) | 苦路
khofloaan | difficult love | 苦戀
khofløar | servant | 苦勞仔; 傭人; 差役
khofløo | labor | 苦勞
khofngkhaix-kayloong | make generous contributions | 慷慨解囊
kholelaq | cholera; コレラ | 霍亂
kholøar | servant | 箍絡仔; 傭人; 差役
kholøh | bamboo hoops and ropes to carry load; coolie who carries loads; servant; hard work; laborer | 苦力; 箍絡; 僕人
khong`khylaai | fence in; to shut up | 圈起來
khongkhix ee liuthofng | ventilation | 空氣的流通
khongkulie | concrete | 混凝土
khonglan | air disaster; plane crash or collision | 空難
khongleeng | healthy and undisturbed | 康寧
khonglogseg | recreation room (center) | 康樂室
khonglogthviaf | recreation room (center) | 康樂廳
khonglok | pleasure; enjoyment; happiness; delight; joyfulness; recreation | 康樂
khonglun | empty talk; shallow talk; impractical statements | 空論
khongtiofng-laxmchiaf | cable car; funicular | 空中纜車
khongtiofng-lokøq | illusion; castles in the sky | 空中樓閤
khor cin kafm laai | The happy sunny days are coming after all the hardship endured | 苦盡甘來
khorliuu | to detain, to intern | 扣留
khorliwar | fly on a pair of trousers | 褲扣子
khorngjiet-zailiau | heat resistant material | 抗熱材料
khorngle | couple; pair; husband and wife (a polite expression) | 伉儷
khornglek | power of resistance | 抗力
khornglui | minerals | 礦類
khorngzex-lun | cybernetics | 控制論
khud`løh | to bend the body down and paralyzed | 屈落; 身子軟癱而下
khud`løqkhix | bend down; stoop | 屈落去
khuielat | energy; strength; force; power; vigor | 氣力
khuilibhofng | extraction of the cubic root | 開立方
khuilo | lead the way; open up a road; open a road; to pioneer | 開路
khuilui | unable to make both ends meet; to spend more than one makes; to be in debt | 虧累
khuiløo | (in Chinese opera) to begin performance | 開鑼
khulai | to fear one's wife, hen-pecked | 屈內; 怕老婆
khulea | strict adherence to social etiquette | 拘禮
khulee | restricted by convention | 拘犁
khulie | coolie; labor | 苦力
khuliusor | detention house for suspects pending court decision | 拘留所
khuliuu | to detain in custody; detention; detain; detentio | 拘留
khuliuu-sor | jail | 拘留所
khulogpo | club | 俱樂部
khulymuq | cream | 鮮奶油
khurn`khylaai | to tie up | 捆起來
khurnkhie`laai | rise from sleep | 睡起來
khurnkhuxn`leq | after taking a nap | 睡睡咧
khurnlaan | difficulty; handicap; trouble; difficulties; hardship; distress; trouble; be difficult | 困難
khurnliao | troubled | 困擾
khurnløqbiin | asleep | 睡落眠; 睡得很沈
khutioglam | destroyer (naval) | 驅逐鑑; 驅逐艦
khuu`løh | to squat; to crouch | 蹲落; 蹲下去
khuxlai | (formal, of a husband) to be fearful of one's wife; to be henpecked | 懼內
khuxloe | henpecked | 懼內
khuxlogpo | club | 俱樂部
khuxn-bexløqbiin | cannot sleep soundly | 無能入睡; 睡未落眠
khuxn`khylaai | wake up | 睡起來; 睡醒起來
khuy zuylo | open a water way; make a canal | 開水路
khvikhor-liabzeg | to work sedulously in defiance of hardship and to stockpile as much as he (or she) can | 纏苦捏積; 費盡苦心攢錢
khvoarbai`leq | try; make a trial; to test | 看覓咧; 試試看; 看看
khvoarbøe-løh`khix | can't keep looking | 看未落去; 看不下去
khvoarbøexlaai | see but cannot understand | 看無來; 看不懂
khvoarlaai-khvoarkhix | looking this way and that | 看來看去; 東張西望
khvoarlaam | watch laam | 看南
khvoarlaang | judging a person | 看人
khvoarlangbøo | look down | 看人無
khvoarle | see as a pattern; model | 看例
khvoarliao køq khvoax | take a look; see again and again | 看了擱看
khvoarlit | choose an auspicious day | 看日
khvoarputzai gafnlai | make light of | 看不在眼內
khvoax laang bøbagte | look down upon others | 看人無目地; 看無起人家
khvoax laang mxkhie | treat a person with contempt | 看人未起; 看無起人家; 瞧不起人
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khvoax texlie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a building | 看地理
khvoax`khylaai | looks like | 看起來
khvoax`laai | It seems, It appears | 看來
khwnkhurn`leq | bind them up | 綑綑咧
khwnlui | fungi | 菌類
khy'iuo-zhwlie | totally unreasonable; What kind of reasoning is that? | 豈有此理
khyiuo-zhwlie | totally unreasonable; What kind of reasoning is that?; How absurd!; Preposterous! | 豈有此理
khykaulioong | tidal wave | 起鉸龍; 大螺旋風; (海水)
khylaai | to get up; to stand up; to rise; get out of bed; Get up! Used as a suffix means up; get up; get up! | 起來
khylaang | call other to do | 起人; 召集自己的人; 發動人馬
khyliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the chair | 起輦; 神附身而發作
khylip | to stand up; Stand up! To stand up | 起立; 豎立建立
khylix | up and go | 起去; 去
khyloan | to become chaos; to act foolishly or recklessly; to do something without following proper procedure or method | 生亂; 起亂
khyloo | to start a stove fire | 起爐; 生爐火
khyluii | thunder, begin to thunder | 起雷; 打雷
khyluun | (machine) gear; toothed wheel; a gear | 齒輪; 牙輪
khyløh | ups and downs | 起伏; 起落; 升降
khøelaau | river; current; stream | 溪流
khøflaau | low tide | 洘流
khøfleeng | probably; can; possible; possibility | 可能
khøflengsexng | possibility; probability | 可能性
khøfli | consideration; consider | 考慮
khøflieen | pity; pitiable; it is a pity that.. | 可憐
khøflieen`ee | pitiful | 可憐的
khøflientai | a pity thing, a pitiable, a wretched | 可憐代
khøflienthaang | poor guy | 可憐蟲
khøfliin | pity, pitiable, wretched | 可憐
khøflirn | pity; pitiable; it is a pity that.. | 可憐
khøflu | consider | 考慮
khøfzhad-lyheeng | inspection tour | 考察旅行
khørloong | move closer | 靠攏
khørloong-hunzuo | affiliates | 靠攏分子
khørlorng | lean toward; draw close; affiliate | 靠攏
khøx sealek | rely upon some one's power (influence); be inattentive | 仗勢; 倚勢; 靠勢力; 大意
khøx`laang | rely on someone | 靠人
kiaam-lienhii | salty fish; salty silver carp | 鹹鮭魚; 鹹鰱魚
kiafmlaang | to reduce the number of people | 減人; 人減少
kiafmliao | to cut down lose | 減了; 少損失
kiafmliau | reduce the amount of material | 減料
kiafmliok | weaken | 減弱
kiafmliong | loss in quantity (weight); reduce the quantity | 減量
kiamlie | manage in addition | 兼理
kiamlienhii | salted fish – implies a person who is stingy | 鹹鰱魚
kiamlienhuu | red chub; also imply a stingy person | 鹹鰱魚
kiamlim | part time | 兼任
kiapliah | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫掠
kiarliuu | live temporarily elsewhere | 寄留
kiarm`khylaai | to decrease; to subtract; to reduce | 減起來
kiarmlaan | Gladiolus; sword lily; sword orchid; gladiolus | 劍蘭; 唐菖蒲
kiau laang | swear; curse (at people) | 罵人
kiau`khylaai | pull out with a nail puller | 撬起來
kiawla'ar | disturb; to ruffle; disarrange | 攪亂仔
kiawlap | to pay (taxes; tuitions; etc.); contribute; pay (taxes; tuition) | 繳納
kiawleng | accomplish assignment | 繳令; 任務完交還命令
kiawloan | to disturb; to disarrange; to confuse | 攪亂
kie'eglek | ability to memorize | 記憶力
kie'eklek | memory | 記憶力
kiedzhud ee laang | eminent person | 傑出的人
kielear | file device | 鋸鑢仔
kieleh | file (steel tool) | 銼子
kielek | faculty of memory | 記力
kieliam | remember; commemorate | 紀念; 記念
kieliam-but | a keepsake, a memento, a token | 記念物
kieliam-jit | day of commemoration; memorial day | 紀念日
kieliam-py | monument | 紀念碑
kieliaxmhoe | memorial service; commemorative gathering | 紀念會; 記念會
kieliaxmjit | commemoration day; memorial day; anniversary | 紀念日; 記念日
kieliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品; 記念品
kieliaxmpoef | memorial cup | 紀念杯
kieliaxmpy | monument | 紀念碑
kielieen | now that | 既然
kieliogpho | minutes-book | 記錄簿
kieliogphvix | documentary film | 記錄片
kieliogpiør | record sheet | 記錄表; 記綠表
kieliok | record; a (world) record; minutes; a document | 紀錄; 記錄
kielogphvix | a documentary, a documentary film, news reel | 記錄片
kielok | to make or set a record; keep minutes; record; minutes | 記錄
kielut | discipline | 紀律
kienlin | stingy; niggardly | 慳吝; 吝嗇
kiensirnlea | confirmation | 堅信禮
kiernli-bonggi | actuated by mercenary motives; forget one's integrity under the temptation of personal gains | 見利忘義
kiernliong | to pardon; to forgive | 見諒
kiernlip kongløo | achievement of great meritorious acts | 建立功勞
kiernlip | to establish; to found; to build up; found (an organization); set up (a monument); render (a service) | 建立
kierntiog-zailiau | building materials | 建築材料
kiet'hap-leeng | bond energy | 結合能
kiet'hwn-tiefnlea | wedding; nuptials | 結婚典禮; 結婚式
kietgiap-tiefnlea | commencement (ceremony); graduation exercises | 結業典禮
kietkied`leq | terminate the account | 結結咧
kietlafn | form a callus (indurated); get a lump; a corn | 結繭; 結趼; 長雞眼
kietlek | to do one's utmost | 竭力
kietli | good luck; propitiousness | 吉利
kietliap | to form a bead; to form a pill; begin to bear fruit | 結粒; 開花後結成一粒一粒果實
kietlieen | to get united; to form an alliance | 結連; 連結
kietlit | good days | 吉日
kietluii | to form a drop or droplet or a bead | 結雷; 結成顆狀
kietlun | the conclusion (of a meeting; discussion; argument; etc.); concluding remark | 結論
kiexnkied-leeng | bond energy | 鍵結能
kii lok bukioong | boundless joy | 其樂無窮
kikhielaang | robot | 機器人
kikhix-løee | motorized cultivator | 機器; 機器犁; 耕耘機
kikøf-limha | command a view from a high position; enjoy strategic advantage by holding high ground overlooking the enemy position | 居高臨下
kilam | flag-ship | 旗艦
kileeng sorngsid | malfunction | 機能喪失
kileeng | function; functional (ailment; etc.); skill; ability; capacity; talent | 技能; 機能
kileeng-ky | functional group | 機能機; 機能基
kilengte | tiny lot | 奇零地
kilengtøe | a small piece of land which can not be utilized efficiently | 畸零地
kiliaau | brothel | 妓寮; 妓女戶
kilie | harlot; prostitute | 妓女
kiliin | a mythic animal of deer type; giraffe; fabulous; auspicious animal. The male is 麒; and the female is 麟. It has the body of a deer; tail of an ox; hoofs of a horse; one fleshy horn; and the hair on its back is all varied colors; while on the belly it is yellow. It does not tread on the grass | 麒麟
kilinjii | very clever child; a prodigy | 麒麟兒; 麟兒
kilinzø | Monoceros (in astronomy) | 麒麟座
kiliorng | tricks | 技倆
kilo | branch road, divergent path | 畸路; 岐路
kiluo | prostitute; whore | 妓女
kiluo-ho | brothel | 妓女戶
kilut | probability | 機率
kilwho | licensed brothel | 妓女戶
kilyho | brothel | 妓女戶
kimkulek | dark green | 金龜綠
kimlaan cy kaw | intimate; close friendship; friends with one aim and ambition | 金蘭之交
kimlaan | harmonious friendship; sworn brotherhood | 金蘭
kimlieen | bound feet of a woman (euphemism) | 金蓮
kimlien'ar | gold chain | 金鍊仔
kimlixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
kimloantien | imperial palace | 金鑾殿
kimloo | the stove for burning the paper money for dead | 金爐; 金香爐; 燒紙錢的火爐
kimlui | gold and metals | 金類
kimphoaqlien | gold necklace | 金項鍊
kimsvoarlieen | anomatis | 金線蓮
kimtoong-gioglie | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kimtoong-giogluo | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kin'aflit | today | 今仔日
kinlef | aponeurosis | 筋絡
kinlo | path of the tendon | 筋路
kinpurn goanlie | fundamental (primary) principle | 根本原理
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
kinpurn tixliaau | thorough treatment | 根本治療
kioggoa ee laang | outsider | 局外之人
kiogliet | strenuous; intense; hard; fierce | 劇烈
kionglai | inside the imperial palace | 宮內
kionglegkoo | strong adhesive | 強力膠
kionglek | strong; powerful | 強力
kiongliah | seize violently; compel a man by strong pressure to do something much against his will | 強捉; 強擄
kionglie | investigate to the bottom the laws of things; maid in the imperial palace | 窮理; 宮女
kiongliet | violent; strong; intense; severe; violent | 強烈
kiongliok | strong and weak | 強弱
kiongluo | a maid in an imperial palace | 宮女
kiongsuu-toadlie | argue irrationally | 強詞奪理
kiongzealek | controlling force | 強制力
kioxngleg | conjugate, conjugated | 共軛
kioxngleg-he | conjugating system | 共軛系
kioxngleg-siangteeng-kiexnkied | conjugated double bond | 共力雙重鍵結; 共軛雙重鍵結
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kioxngtoong koanli | common rights | 共同權利
kiplaan | time of trouble; a crisis; an emergency; a disaster | 急難
kiplan | misfortune; grave danger; help in crisis | 急難
kipliuu | swift currents; a torrent | 急流
kipurn-goanlie | a basic principle, a fundamental principle | 基本原理
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kirmcie hengsuo loxkefng | Don't drive on the shoulder (freeway) | 禁止行駛路肩
kirmlah | hunting prohibited | 禁獵
kirmlaqkhw | game preserve; game sanctuary | 禁獵區
kirmlaqkii | closed season (for hunting) | 禁獵期
kirmle | official prohibition or restraint; interdict; official ban or restraint | 禁例
kirmleng | prohibition; ban; interdict; ban; an interdict | 禁令
kirmlo | the forbidden road | 禁路
kirn laize | come on in and sit | 快來坐
kisym putlioong | harbor evil intentions | 居心無良
kiubeeng-kiuli | seek fame and fortune | 求名求利
kiulioong | flood dragon | 虯龍
kiului | balls | 球類
kiuolaang | save man's life; rescue; help others; save some one's life | 救人
kiuolan | help out of distress; to rescue; salvage | 救難
kiuolaxnsor | refugee camps | 救難所
kiw`khylaai | retreat | 縮起來
kiwlien-sengkngx | Mastery is the result of long practice (training) | 久鍊成鋼
kiwliuu | all kinds of people; stay longer | 九流; 久留
kiwpve seeng liong'y | long illness makes one a good doctor ─ long experience makes a man skilful at what he never formally learned | 久病成良醫
kix jiin liha | live in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下
kix lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kix`khylaai | remember; recall | 記起來
kix`leq | write down; memorize | 記著
kixjiin ii chienlie cy goa | keep people a thousand miles away ─ extremely indifferent and cool (literally) | 拒人於千里之外
kixlit | death anniversary | 忌日
kixnjidlaai | lately | 近日來
kixnjidlai | lately | 近日來
kixnlaai | recently; lately; in recent times; recently; of lat | 近來
kixnliin | close neighbor | 近鄰
kixnlo | shortcut; short cut | 近路; 捷徑
kixnzuie-lautaai | vantage ground | 近水樓台
kixzoadofnglaiho | client with a very poor credit standing (excluded from banking service) | 拒絕往來戶
kixzoat lai'orng | sever communications or relations | 拒絕來往
kiørkhor-lienthiefn | lament; cry to heaven; to mouth complaints about hardships | 叫苦連天
kiørlaang | look for someone | 找人; 叫人
kiøx`khylaai | start to call | 叫起來
kiøx`laai | to call someone to come | 叫來
kiøxlii | curtain of a sedan chair | 轎驢; 轎簾
kngfle'afhofng | tornado; cyclone; twister; sand pillar | 捲螺仔風; 龍捲風
kngfle'aføf | an eddy; whirlpool | 漩螺又渦
kngfle'ar-hofng | a tornado; a cyclone; a twister | 捲螺仔風; 龍捲風
kngfleafhofng | tornado, cyclone, twister, sand pillar | 捲螺仔風
kngfleafzng | an eddy, whirlpool | 捲螺仔旋
kngfleafzuie | swirl | 捲螺仔水
kngflee | spiral; helix; screw | 捲螺; 螺旋形
kngflee-hofng | whirlwind, tornado | 捲螺風; 龍捲風
kngflee-thuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngflehofng | a tornado; a cyclone; a twister | 捲螺風; 龍捲風
kngflethuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngfliefn | withered; curl up (like leaves in a drought) | 捲起; 捲縮; 樹葉捲曲; 枯萎而捲起
kngleeng | the functions of light | 光能
kngliang | bright and clear; illumination; brightness; bright; light | 光亮
kngliern | carry the idol's sedan | 抬攆; 抬轎
kngliuoliux | quite bare; naked | 光禿禿
knglutlud | smooth; glossy; shining | 光禿禿
kngr`khylaai | to roll up | 捲起來
kngrliefn | curl up (as a leaf) | 卷萎
koaan`khylaai | to raise; elevated | 高起來
koae`laang | to kidnap a person; to abduct | 拐人
koaelaang | a strange person, a peculiar person | 怪人
koafnlaang | manage people | 管人
koafnlie | to manage; to administer; to handle; to take care of; management; control; to supervise; take charge of; manage | 管理
koafnlie-hoad | management method | 管理法
koafnlyciar | administrator; caretaker | 管理員
koafnlyjiin | administrator; manager; supervisor; trustee; custodian | 管理人
koafnlykiok | administration department | 管理局
koafnlykoaan | authority over | 管理權
koafnlyoaan | caretaker; keeper; administrator; manager; janitor | 管理員
koahlea | circumcision | 割禮
koaix`laang | to blame on someone else | 怪人
koaluo | songstress; female singer | 歌女
koanhiøqlaan | blossomless orchids | 觀葉蘭
koankofng-lyheeng | sight-seeing tour | 觀光旅行
koankofng-lysia | tourist hotel | 觀光旅社
koanlaau | tall buildings; skyscrapers | 高樓
koanlai | one's sphere of authority | 權內
koanlap | to buy a government appointment with grain or money | 捐納
koanlarm | inspect, look carefully at | 觀覽
koanlat | authority, power | 權力
koanleeng | authority; power; (in law) exercise of one's rights; power; authority; competence | 權能; 權力
koanleeng-ky | (hoarhak) a functional group | 權能機; 官能基
koanlek | authority; power; power; authority; influence | 權力
koanli | right; power; authority | 權利
koanliam | a concept; an idea or view; idea | 觀念
koanlieen | (have) a causal or sequential relationship; related; connected; involved | 關連; 關聯
koanløqym | one kind of hypnotism and mesmerism | 高落音; 一種降靈術或催眠術
koanzhad-lek | power of observation | 觀察力
koanzhatlek | power of observation; insight | 觀察力
koaq`laang | give for others to sell | 割人; 批發給人
koarleeng | odd (as; 50-odd); more than (used after a round figure; as 一千掛零) | 掛零
koarli | be anxious | 掛慮
koarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
koarlu | to be worried or anxious about | 掛慮; 掛牽
koarlui | to involve (another) in | 掛累
koarn`laang | to control and take care of a person | 管人
koarnle | usual or customary practice; custom; established practice; custom; usage; precedent; convention | 慣例
koarnlien | experienced, thoroughly acquainted | 慣練; 熟練
koarnloaan | to admire; to feel attachment to someone | 眷戀
koatgixliok | register of decisions; resolution | 決議錄
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
koatliet | break off relations | 訣裂; 決裂
koattoaxn-lat | power of decision | 決鬥力; 決斷力
koattoaxn-lek | power of decision | 決鬥力
koaxnlai | within the county | 縣內
koaxnlip | under prefecture management; prefecture | 縣立
koaxnlip-haghau | Schools established by Hsien; Prefecture Schools | 縣立學校
koaxnlip-pvexvi | prefecture hospital; county hospital | 縣立醫院
koaylaang | swindle someone | 拐人
koaylong | poison a man's mind against another; delude into a quarrel with another | 挑撥
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
koea'exlafng | armpit | 過腋下
koeaflo | streets | 街仔路
koeakelo | cross the street | 過街路
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
koealaai | come over | 過來
koealaau | be stale (e.g.; fish) | 過留; 無新鮮
koealangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koeali | filter; to strain | 過濾
koealiawkoex | forget the past easily; letting time pass without executing the talked of project; having had the experience several times | 早過了; 過了就忘了
koealiawsii | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
koealiawtai | old affairs that are quite past and should not be brought up again | 過了代; 已過的事
koealiong | exceed one's capacity; said especially of wine | 過量
koealiuu | carefully selected out of a lot | 過留; 經過揀選
koealixkhix | filter; strainer | 過濾器
koealo | go along a road; pass by | 過路
koealoo | rap the object you want around the incense burne | 過爐
koealoxlaang | passer-by; pedestrians | 過路人
koealoxsoex | a toll | 通行稅
koealøo | overwork; fatigue with too much labor; over-exert oneself | 過勞
koeasii-laqjit | last year's calendar ─ useless | 過時日曆
koehlangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koelafm | chicken coop | 雞籠
koeleh | bamboo hat | 竹帽; 瓜笠; 斗笠
koeleqar | bamboo hat made of bamboo leaves | 瓜笠仔
koeliuu | Taiwan beech | 雞榆
koelo | street; thoroughfare ─ (doesn't include the shops on both sides) | 街路
koepaklai | chicken giblets | 雞腹內
koex`laai | come | 過來
kofielaang | honest person | 古意人
koflaai | since ancient time | 古來
koflaang | each person; every individual | 各人
koflaang-gieen | ancient proverb, old maxim | 古人言
koflaihy | very rare since ancient time | 古來稀
kofle | encourage; encouragement; ancient laws or customs | 鼓勵; 古例; 傳統習慣
koflea | ancient propriety; ancient rules of politeness; ancient ceremonies | 古禮
kofli | dividend for shares | 股利; 紅利
kofloksogkor | outdated and weird | 古橐?古
koflør | old; antiquated; ancient | 古老
kofng'exlaai | can be said | 說得來; 會說
kofng-lioxngzuo | photon, light quantum | 光亮子; 光量子
kofngkørlaan | advertisement column | 廣告欄
kofnglaai kofngkhix | say repeatedly; blame each other | 講來講去
kofnglaai | having brought this up… | 說來
kofnglaai-kofngkhix | to talk repeatedly | 講來講去
kofngliawkorng | said again and again | 講了講
kofnglie | be amenable to reason; be reasonable; settle disputes by appealing to reason and arguing it out in public | 講理
kofzaflaang | the ancients | 古代人
kokcin sofleeng | each does the best he can | 各盡所
kokkaf koanliam | sense of nationality | 國家觀念
koklaang | each person; every individual | 各人
koklai | inside the country; domestically or internally; within a country; domestic | 國內
koklaixgoa | domestic and foreign | 國內外
koklan | national crisis (trouble; affliction) | 國難
koklek | national (i.e.; solar) calendar | 國曆
koklip haghau | National (state) School | 國立學校
koklip | (of an institution) nationally supported or operated; national; instituted or founded by the country; national | 國立
koklui | the various items; each and every item; all the items | 各類
koklør | ministers, old national celebrities | 國老; 闆老
kokteng kyliaxmjit | national commemoration or memorial day | 國定紀念日
kokzex koafnlie | international management | 國際管理
kokzex lienbeeng | League of Nations | 國際聯盟
kolao | mean (disposition); small and petty in dealing with others | 孤癖
koleeng | forlorn, desolate | 荒涼; 孤零; 絕望
kolii | orphant | 孤兒
kolip | isoated; unaided; isolation; be isolated; stand alone; be helpless; be friendless | 孤立
koloo | a human skeleton | 骷髏
kongbeeng ee tøxlo | the illuminative way | 光明的道路
konghofngtaixlong | wind and stormy waves | 狂風大浪
kongkiong hokli | public welfare | 公共福利
kongkiong lixeg | public interests | 公共利益
kongleeng | function; use; effect; use | 功能
konglek | efficacy; effectiveness; potency; potentiality | 功力; 功效
konglerng | program; guiding principle | 綱領
kongli zwgi | utilitarianism | 功利主義
kongli | utility; material gain | 功利
konglie | kilometer; an axiom; self-evident truth; universal principle | 公里; 公理
konglieen | light year | 光年
konglii | millimeter | 公釐
kongliim | (usually used in an invitation) Please grace our place with your presence; arrival of a visitor (Lit. brightness approaching ─ polite expression) | 光臨
konglin | accepted by the public | 公認
konglip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
konglip | public; established by the public; publicly established | 公立
konglo | highway | 公路
konglo-kiok | highway bureau | 公路局
kongloan | be crazy, be mad, furor, craze, madness | 公亂; 狂亂
kongloxkiok | Department of highway transportation | 公路局
konglun | public opinion | 公論
konglut | public law, common law | 公律
kongløo | contribution; merit; services; merits; meritorious deeds; recompense | 功勞
kongsirnlek | credibility | 公信力
kongtøxlaang | center person; peacemaker; adjusts the person; lu zhonglien | 魯仲連; 和事佬; 調人; 中人
kor lagzap | cobalt 60 | 鈷六十
korbøeflek | purchasing power | 購買力
korlang'oaxn | does not liked by the others; loathsome; inspiring dislike by one's appearance; action or manner | 顧人怨; 討人厭
korli | show concern about; be worried about | 顧慮
korliam | to care for; to be worried about | 顧念
korlie | home village; home town; native heath | 故里
korlieen | of course | 固然
korlo | monitoring the street | 顧路
korlu | show concern about; be worried about | 顧慮
korng bøexlaai | can not express it properly; can not speak so as to accomplish the purpose | 講無來
korng bøexliao | can not be fully told (since it is so great or long); can not enumerate all of them | 講無完
korng bøloxlaai | cannot express it properly | 講無來
korng laang ee tngtea | criticize others; talk about the shortcomings of others | 說人長短
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
korng-tøxlie | preach, speak justice, speak fairly | 講道理
kornglea | the presents offered as tribute | 貢禮
korngløo | to beat a gong | 摃鑼
kotiaau`leq | glued or pasted firmly | 糊住的; 黏住
kudliu | fluent; smooth | 滑溜
kudliuliw | slippery | 滑溜溜
kudliuoliux | very slippery | 滑溜溜
kudliw | slippery | 滑溜
kudlun | to lubricate | 滑潤; 潤滑
kudluun | a pulley | 滑潤; 滑輪
kudluxnzef | lubricant | 潤滑劑
kudløh | to slip off | 滑落
kui`løqkhix | kneel down | 跪落去
kuilabhoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuilap | to induct (a theory; natural law; etc.); to sum up; conclude; induce | 歸納
kuilap-hoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuileeng | bride's visit to her parents after wedding | 歸寧
kuiliap | a whole ball, a whole fruit | 整粒; 規粒
kuiliet | a whole processiona whole line | 整列
kuiliuu | the whold tumor; the whole lump | 閤瘤; 全個瘤
kuilo | all the way; the whole road | 歸路
kuiludsexng | regularity | 規律性
kuilui | to categoritze; to classify | 歸類
kuiluie | a whole flower | 規律; 規蕊
kuiluo | a maiden; an unmarried girl | 閨女; 規旅?
kuilut | laws; rules or regulations; discipline; regularity | 規律
kuisielaang | lifetime; all one's life; all life long | 歸世人; 一生
kukhaf søo`zhutlaai | reveal one's true form; character; leave loopholes in one's story; said of a matter becoming known | 龜跤趖出來; 露出馬腳
kulie | strenuous efforts; hard work; coolie; laborer; coolie; porter; dock worker | 苦力; 搬運工 (外來語)
kuliet | crack; chap | 龜裂
kuliukoaan | right of residence | 居住權; 居留權
kuliutøe | place of residence (as distinct from place of birth) | 居留地
kuliuu | dwell; reside; residence | 居住; 居留
kuliuzexng | residence certificate (of a foreigner); foreigner's identification | 居留證
kulogpo | club | 俱樂部
kuncioxng simlie | mob (mass) psychology; the group mind | 群眾心理
kunheeng-lun | theory of equilibrium | 均衡論
kunkuun`leq | boil a while | 燉燉咧
kunlam | war vessel; warship; man-of-war; warship | 軍艦
kunle | sinew, tendon | 筋腱
kunlef | tendon | 筋絡
kunlek | arms power | 軍力
kunleng | military orders; military command | 軍令
kunleng-zng | a written pledge to do something; the failing of which would subject one to military punishment | 軍令狀
kunliin | soldier | 軍人
kunlo | military road | 軍路
kunluo | military brigade; troops | 軍旅
kunsu hurnlien | military training | 軍事訓練; 軍訓
kuo`laai | over time | 久來
kuolie | to argue vigorously on the basis of sound reason or justice | 據埋
kuozai lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kurn`khylaai | to start boiling | 滾起來
kurn`zhutlaai | to roll ou | 滾出來
kut`khylaai | to dig out | 掘出來
kutlat | diligent; industry; be industrious | 努力; 勤勞; 勤勉
kutliok | family member like your bone and flesh | 骨肉
kutliuu | osteoma | 骨瘤
kutlo | bone way | 骨路
kutluun | joint; large joint (of the limbs) | 骨輪; 關節
kuxle | conventional; old custom; precedent | 舊例
kuxlek | lunar calendar | 陰曆; 舊曆
kuxli | distance | 距離
kuxliau | used material | 舊料
kuxlo | old road | 舊路
kuxlogpo | club (i.e. a group or organization); club (transliteration of the English word; club) | 俱樂部
kuxloksog | very old | 舊漉束; 很舊
kuxnii-laai | the whole year | 整年來
kuxnlaai | recently; lately | 近來
kuxnlit | recently | 近日
kuylarng | how many | 幾籠
kuyliaau | how many | 幾寮
kuylie | how many | 幾里
kuyliexn | how many turns | 幾圈
kuyluie | how many | 幾朵
kuylø | ghost street | 鬼路
kuyløqpae | several times | 好幾回
kuynaxlaang | how many | 幾若人
kvaloo | jail, prison | 監牢
kvaløo | prison; jail | 監牢
kvelaau | watchtower | 更樓
kviaa cidliexn | walking round in a circle; making one revolution | 走一圈
kviaa mxtiøh lo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviaa toaxlea | pay the highest respect by kowtowing; make a deep obeisance | 行大禮
kviaa-armlo | behave very wickedly and licentiously | 走暗路; 走邪路
kviaa-bølo | walk but not find a road; have nowhere to go | 無處去; 迷路
kviaa-teflo | to suicide | 走短路; 自殺
kviaa-zhørlo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviaf`laang | surprising; astonishing; startling; amazing; sensational; appalling | 驚人
kviaf`sylaang | very scarring | 驚死人; 嚇死人
kviaflii | kids | 囝兒
kviaflui | children | 兒女; 子孫
kviakviaa`leq | walk around | 行行咧
kvialaai-kviakhix | walk about | 走來走去
kvialaang | dirty; filthy | 骯髒; 驚人; 恐嚇
kvialaau | water flowing | 行流
kvialea | to pay a respect by kowtowing; salute; bow; make a bow to | 行禮; 敬禮
kvialerng | afraid of cold | 驚冷
kvialiao | lest, for fear that, afraid that (Cf. Gram. P. 336) | 驚了; 恐怕
kvialo khaf poatpoad | pigeon-toed | 撇著走
kvialo | walk | 行路; 走路
kvialoxkafng | money for hard work | 行路工
kviasie laang | scare of people | 驚死人
kviasie-laang | Good Heavens! Oh, my! Horrors! | 驚死人; 嚇死人
kviasylaang | scare people to death ─ very dirty; very expensive; very horrible etc | 嚇死人
kviateflo | commit suicide | 尋短見; 自殺
kvielaang | to meet people | 見人
kvielaang-hør | amiable (disposition); easy-going | 見人好; 八面玲瓏; 好相與; 隨和
kvielaang-taau | to throw the news to however he or she sees | 見人投; 投訴
kvilaau | watch tower | 更樓
kviliaau | guard-house | 更寮; 守更亭
kvilui | alkali | 鹼類
kviløo | drum beaten by watch-man | 更鑼
kvix`laang | meet people | 見人
kvoa`laang | winter | 寒人
kvoaa`laang | winter | 寒人; 冬季; 冬天
kvoaf-lincy | heparin | 肝磷脂
kvoafli | chase off, drive away | 趕離
kvoaflo | hurry to one's destination | 趕路
kvoailaau | tall building | 高樓; 懸樓
kvoalaang | officer | 官人; 官吏
kvoalerng | cold; chilly; chilling | 寒冷
kvoali | government official | 官利; 官吏
kvoaliaau | bureaucrats; government official | 官僚
kvoaliedar | malaria | 寒熱仔
kvoalieen | porcine diaphragm which is a popular food in Taiwan | 肝𦟪
kvoalip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
kvoalip | to establish by government; bureaucratic manner | 官立; 公立
kvoaloah | hot and cold | 寒熱
kvoar`laang | to drive poeple out; to drive people away | 趕人
kvoaxlaau-saptiq | beads of perspiration; perspiration much like running water | 汗流如水
kvoay`khylaai | close it | 關起來
kwlaau | to stay for long | 久留
kwle | bring up an example | 舉例
kwn`laang | follow a person (to do something) | 跟人
kwnlexng | struggle hard with hands; feet; and body | 掙扎
kwnliauar | narrow band on the border of a cap of dress; piping | 滾條子
kwnlioxng | struggle hard with hands; feet and body | 掙扎
kwnlwnzun | much twisted (as a rope or the root of a tree) | 滾忍慄; 扭曲; 捲纏
kyheeng tiefnlea | hold a ceremony | 舉行典禮
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
kyle | give examples | 舉例
kyliam iuphiøx | commemorative stamp | 紀念郵票
kyliam ivi | memorial hospital | 紀念醫院
kyliam | remember; commemorate | 紀念
kyliam-ciofng | memorial badge, memorial pina | 紀念章
kyliam-jit | memorial day, anniversary | 紀念日
kyliaxmbut | gifts given commemorating any function; souvenir memento; keep-sake | 紀念物
kyliaxmchiu | tree planted in commemoration | 紀念樹
kyliaxmciofng | commemorative badge; medal | 紀念章
kyliaxmciw | commemorative meeting on every Monday in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen; founder of the Republic of China | 紀念週
kyliaxmhoe | memorial service; commemorative gathering | 紀念會
kyliaxmjit | commemoration day; memorial day; anniversary | 紀念日
kyliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品
kyliaxmpy | monument | 紀念碑
kyliaxmzheq | autograph book | 紀念冊
kylok | record; a (world) record; minutes; a document | 紀錄
kylut | dicipline | 紀律
kymloong | bag made of brocade (used to hold manuscripts for poetry in ancient times); brocade bag (used to hold manuscripts for poetry in ancient times) | 錦囊
kymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
kynkib-bexngleng | urgent order | 緊急命令
kynlaai | Come quickly! to come or arrive very soon | 快來
kynliuu | swift current | 緊流; 急流
kø`løqlaai | roll down | 滾下來
køe'aflo | street, lane | 街仔路; 街道
køealaai | come over; come | 過來
køealailaang | an experienced person | 過來人
køealiong | surfeit | 過量
køealo | passing the street | 過路
køealo-laang | passer-by | 過路人
køealoxlaang | pass by on one's way | 過路人
køealu | over concern | 過慮
køealøo | laboring excessively | 過勞; 過度操勞
køeh'exlafng | armpit | 腋下籠
køelai | on the street | 街內
køelo | street; road | 街路; 街道
køex`laai | to come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of | 過來
køh'exlafng | armpits | 腋下籠
køhlaai | come again | 再來
køhlaau | attic | 閣樓
køhzaelaai | Come back again | 又再來
kølaau | tall and big buildings | 高樓
kølee | panax; ginseng | 人參
kølee-zhaix | cabbage | 高麗菜
køleeng | aged; ripe old age | 高齡
kølesafm | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 高麗參
kølesofm | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 人蔘
kølesym | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 高麗參
køletiaw | Antigona fish | 高麗雕; 高菱鯛
kølezhaevyar | cabbage sprouts | 高麗菜穎仔
kølezhaix | cabbage | 高麗菜
køli | high interest; usurious interest | 高利
køli-taixkhoarn | usury | 高利貸款
køliaang | sorghum; kaoliang | 高梁
køliangciuo | kaoliang wine | 高梁酒
kølie | female high school | 高女
køliongciuo | kaoliang wine; wine made from sorghum | 高粱酒
kølioong | sorghum | 高梁
kølixtai | high interest loan | 高利貸
kølixtaix | lend at usury | 高利貸; 放高利貸款
kølun | high-flown talk | 高論
køluo | female high school | 高女
kørliin | individual | 個人
kørluxsexng-pvixtok | virus | 過濾性病毒
kørlør | request retirement of high age | 告老
kørlør-hoehiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
køsog-konglo | freeway; speedway; superhighway | 高速公路
køsog-thihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路
køxkøxliexn | turn round and round; roll about (as a ball; child in tantrum) | 團團轉
køxlaai-køxkhix | roll about | 滾來滾去
la oexthaau | make a remark that may lead a man to speak of a matter which we wish to ask but don't like to ask directly | 以言詞挑弄人講出實話
la | stir; poke into a hole; stir (paste or water); poke about with a stick; a bird pecks about with its bill; make trouble or a disturbance; suggest an idea; raise a subject | 撈; 抐; 攪
la'afthngf | clam soup | 蜊仔湯
la'ar | fresh water shell-fish somewhat like a cockle | 螺仔; 蜊仔; 似海扇動物
laa | fresh water shellfish | 蜊; 小蛤蜊
laafkhag | clam shell | 蜊仔殼
laai | pear | 梨; 來
laai-putkip | too late; unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it | 來無及
laai`ciar putku | grant favors to whoever asks | 來者無拒
laai`ciar | who came | 來者
laai`laq | coming | 來啦
laam pan lyzofng | disguised as a woman | 男扮女裝
laam sengkhw | pour water on one's self while bathing | 淋浴
laam tøx luo iu | left represents the male; the right represents the female (a popular concept); The male sits on the left side; female on the right | 男左女右
laam zwn luo py | discrimination against women | 男尊女卑
laam | to pour water; to coat metal; blue; indigo | 藍; 南; 男; 淋
laam-kaq tamloklog | soaked through by rain | 淋得濕透
laam-kexym | bass | 男低音
laam-koan'ym | tenor | 男高音; 男懸音
laam-pvoarkiuu | the Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
laam-tiong'ym | baritone | 男中音
laam-zheasor | men's room | 男廁所
laam-zwkag | the chief actor | 男中音; 男主角
laan ciarhah | cut off the outer leaves of sugar-cane | 削甘蔗葉
laan juu tengthiefn | as difficult as going to heaven | 難如登天
laan kamciax | peel the skin off sugar cane (before eating it) | 㔂甘蔗
laan | small rain; drizzle; zero; fragments; fraction; remainder; residue; fractional; broken up; column | 零; 難; 砍,削; 鱗; 欄
laan-uixzeeng | shy | 難為情
laang tah laang | people gathered together in great numbers | 人踩人; 擁擠
laang | man; human being; mankind; person; people; others | 人; 膿
laang-khajiaq | footprint | 人腳印
laang`ee | other person's thing | 人的
laao'lauxlau | very old | 老老老
laaokopøo | old lady | 老姑婆
laau auxpo | leave ground for retreat | 留後步
laau bagsae | weep; shed tears | 流淚
laau bixnphøee | guard someone's good name; protect the reputation of someone | 給面子
laau chirnkvoa | cold sweat | 流凊汗
laau langkheq | detain or ask one to stay on as a guest; to lodge or receive strangers | 留客
laau phvixhoeq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixhuiq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixzuie | snivel; snot nose | 流鼻水
laau texpo | reserve some plan or force yet unused; be ready for an emergency; not to push one's advantage too far; not to go to extremes | 留地步; 留餘地
laau thaumngg | allow the hair to grow | 留頭髮
laau y toax`leq | get him to stay longer | 留他住下
laau zhuiechiw | grow a beard; have a beard; grow a moustache | 留鬍子
laau | detain; obstruct; to keep; to delay; remain; to stay; be at a standstill; leave behind; preserve | 留; 流; 層; 樓
laau-bagsae | weep | 流目淚; 流目屎; 流淚
laau-bøextiaau | unable to detain; unable to make someone to stay | 留無住
lab | steps; trample; operate by means of a treadle; cave in; mix up or shuffle (cards) | 插; 塌; 洗牌; 凹; 踩,踏
lab`laang | to design to kill | 凹人; 陷害人
lab`løh | slump | 塌落; 陷落
lab`løqkhix | depressed | 凹落去
lab`løqlaai | become flattened; dented; or depressed; sink down | 塌下來
lab`phoax | crush under foot | 踏破
lab`sie | step on to death | 踏死
lab`tør | being crushed down | 踏倒
labaq | clam | 蜊肉
labbun | to be in low spirit | 納悶
labchiab | take a concubine | 納妾
labcvii | make payments | 繳錢
labcvioq | make payments | 納錢喔
labguun | pay taxes | 繳錢; 繳稅
labhioxng | pay customs due | 納餉; 付關稅
labhog | to induce good luck | 納福
labhuix | pay the bill | 納費
labjip | to bring into | 納入
labkhox | pay into the government treasury | 納庫
labkhvoar | to surrender in all sincerity | 納款
labkoafn | pay tax | 納捐
labkoex | paid | 納過
labkoxng | to offer tributes as a vassal state | 納貢; 進貢
labkym | pay gold | 納金
lablai | include | 納內
labliaang | cool oneself on a hot day | 納涼
lablip | include | 納入
labniuu | make tax payments in kind; usu. in rice; pay taxes in grain | 納糧
labsex | pay tax | 納稅
labsiaux | included in accounting | 納數
labsoex | pay taxes | 納稅
labsøeajiin | taxpayer | 納稅人
labsøex | pay taxes | 納稅
labthaux | complete the lend-borrow cycle in a hoe-a | 繳完
labuleta | a love letter | 情書
labzhefng | pay the whole amount | 納清
labzof | to pay rent | 納租; 付租
ladcie | chestnut | 栗子
ladcie-moh | chestnut shells | 栗子膜
ladcykhag | a chestnut shell | 栗子殼
ladhii | white herring, long-finned herring | 鯡魚; 長鰳
ladliong | strength, ability of power | 力量
ladthaau | strength; power; force; strength; power | 力頭; 力量; 力氣
laesaxng | describe a person as a VIP in a sarcastic way | 賴樣
laetaq | cigarette lighter | 打火機; 源自日語ライター(raitaa)
laf | to pull; to draw; pull; to drag; to hold; seize to draw | 喇; 自悅; 拉
lafliern | a zip-fastener, a zipper | 拉鍊
lafm | a type of basket | 籠
lafm'an'aan | embrace tight | 攬絚絚; 攬緊緊
lafm'oar | embrace closely | 攬倚
lafmbea | weak horse; horse without spirit; raw-boned trotter horse | 弱馬
lafmboea | engage to make up the deficiency (in a subscription); take over; pay for the tail end expenses of a job | 攬後; 處理善後
lafmbøea | ending; wind up | 收尾; 攬買; 善後; 全包; 收拾殘局; 結尾
lafmchiaf | cable car; cable car | 纜車
lafmguu | weak cow | 弱牛
lafmhaxn | coward | 弱漢; 懦夫
lafmhefng | cross one's hands; fold one's arms | 攬胸; 袖手
lafmjiok | delicate; feeble | 虛弱
lafmkhix | takeaway | 攬去
lafmkoaan | to grab power; be in the saddle | 攬權
lafmkongsøq | cable | 攬綱索
lafmlaang | weak person | 弱人
lafmlafm'afbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏仔馬
lafmlafmbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏馬
lafmlarm | weak | 弱弱; 無結實
lafmlarm`leq | embrace | 攬攬咧
lafmlo | weak in health; not prosperous in trade; bad workmanship | 羸弱
lafmnoa | slovenly; untidy (said of person); loose; careless; without order | 荏懶; 邋遢; 窩囔; 懶散
lafmphø | embrace | 攬抱
lafmsinmia | weak physique | 荏身命
lafmsyn | delicate (health), weak (body) | 荏身; 身體虛弱
lafmsyn-lafmmia | lazy bone | 懶身懶命
lafmsøq | cordage; thick ropes | 纜繩
lafmtiaau | hold by the waist; usu. from behind | 抱住; 攬住
lafmtiautiaau | embrace tightly | 攬牢牢
lafmtoea | marshy soil | 沼澤土
lafmtør | take over; hold .. down | 攬倒
lafmvoa | lazy; idle; sloth; | 懶惰
lafn | callus; callous (on hands or feet); callousness; corn; lump | 趼; 繭; 研
lafng | loose; sparse(ly); thin(ly); scattered (here and there) | 鬆; 籠; 零零落落的; 櫳; 稀疏,零零落落的; 提; 稀疏
lafng'aflai | inside the cage | 籠仔內
lafng'aftea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'aftoea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'ar | coop; cage; hutch; cage; basket; bamboo ware | 籠仔
lafngkhoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafngkhox | pull the pant; pull up trousers | 簍褲; 拉高褲子
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafnglarng | every basket | 籠籠
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
lafngtiongciao | restricted and confined; without much freedom (Lit. bird in a cage) | 籠中鳥
lafnkud | lazy bone | 懶骨
lafnlaang | we people | 咱人
lafnlarn | lazily; spiritless; without purpose or energy; to feel ill; a bit tired | 懶懶; 倦怠,不舒服; 倦怠; 懶洋洋; 無舒服
lafnsie | weary | 懶倦; 懶散
lafnsien | tired, weary | 懶倦; 疲倦
lafnsiin | lazily | 懶神
lafnsikud | lazy bone | 懶屍骨
lafnsilafnsy | lazy | 懶屍懶屍
lafnsy | weary; lazy; indolent; lazy-bones; sluggard | 懶屍; 懶惰; 懶洋洋
lafntø | lazy; idle; sloth; indolent; sluggish; idleness (The term used for one of the seven capital sins) | 懶惰
lafpahciao | hornbird | 喇叭鳥
lafpahsviaf | horn sound | 喇叭聲
lafpaq | trumpet | 喇叭
lafsab | rubbish, garbage | 垃圾
lafsab-chiaf | a dirt-wagon, a dust cart | 垃圾車
lafsab-sviw | a dustbin, a garbage can, a garbage container | 垃圾箱
lafsab-tuy | a dirtheap, a garbage heap | 垃圾堆
lag zhuiekhie | lose teeth | 掉牙齒
lag | fall, let fall, lose | 掉; 落
lag'aan | hold tight | 握緊
lag'afmi | noodle dish | 搦仔麵
lag-cidpvy | push aside | 握一邊
lag`khix | drop down | 掉去
lag`løqkhix | fall down (something); to drop (something); lose something | 落落去; 掉落; 遺落
lag`løqlaai | drop down; to fall (as leaves; flowers) | 落下來; 掉下來
lag`sie | beat to death | 打死
lagbøea | six (fishes) | 六尾
lagciaq | six (animal) | 六隻
lagcied | forty percent discount | 六折
laggeqtafng | June winter meaning summer harvest crops | 喇叭
laggeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggoeh | June; the sixth month | 六月
laggoeqseq | June snow | 六月雪
laggoeqtafng | harvest of the sixth moon; the first harvest | 六月冬; 第一期作
laggoeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggoeqzhef | beginning of June | 六月初
laggøeh | June | 六月
laggøeh-thvy | midsummer weather; June weather | 六月天; 盛夏
laghieen-khiim | a guitar | 六絃琴
laghøex | six years old | 六歲
lagiaa | big spider; long foot spider; very large spider | 蛤蜊; 蟧蜈; 平地蜘蛛; 蜘蛛
lagiachiaf | baby walker | 蟧蜈車
lagkag | six-cornered; sixty cents | 六角
lagkak'heeng | hexagon; hexagonal | 六角形
lagkakheeng | a hexagon | 六角行
lagkhaf-lagchiuo | take hold of one (as a child does) | 礙手礙腳
lagkhoaan | hold the power | 搦權
lagkhof | six dollars | 六元; 六箍
lagkhylaai | grab it up | 搦起來
lagkoaan | grab power | 抓權
laglagzhoaq | frightening | 慄慄掣
lagliap | six (rounded object) | 六粒
lagphirn | order of deacon (Catholic) | 六品; (執事)
lagpoe | sixfold, six times | 六倍
lagpviheeng | a hexagon | 六邊形
lagsae-lagjiø | taking care of daily life (for disabled person) | 轆屎轆尿; 照料排泄起居
lagsayjiø | feces and urine | 搦屎尿
lagsaylagjiø | feces and urine feces and urine | 搦屎搦尿
lagsaylagliø | shitting and peeing describe the hard work of taking care of people | 搦屎搦尿
lagsuun | sixty years | 六旬
lagtak | farm tools for pressing soil and grass | 磟碡
lah | infant jaundice | 小孩黃疸病; 蠟
lahmoe | fashionable girls | 辣妹
lahsab | garbage; trash; waste; dirty; dirty; unclean | 垃圾; 污穢; 骯髒
lahsab`ee | filthy | 污穢的
lahsap'ar | rubbish | 垃圾仔
lahsap'oe | dirty words | 垃圾話
lahsapkuie | dirty; unclean; soiled; mean; base; low; foul; unfair | 垃圾鬼; 骯髒; 髒鬼
lahsaplahsab | dirty | 垃圾垃圾
lahsaplyløo | filthy | 垃圾哩囉
lahsapmih'ar | garbage | 垃圾物仔
lahsappvi | dirty disease | 污穢病
lahsapsviux | filthy look | 污穢相
lahsapsyløo | dirty | 垃圾死濁
lahsapzuie | dirty water | 垃圾水
lahzektaai | candlestick, a pair of candlesticks | 蠟燭台
lai zhut'hoeq | internal bleeding | 內出血
lai | inner; inside; interior; in; internal; domestic; within; among; wife | 內; 利; 銳利
lai'afkoef | musk-melons | 梨仔瓜
lai'afkøf | some type of sweet cake | 梨仔膏
lai'aq | come | 來矣
lai'ar | pear | 梨仔; 梨子
lai'ar-hoef | pear flower | 梨仔花
lai'ekorng | come to talk | 來的講
lai'inhøo | Rhine | 萊茵河
lai'iuu | cause | 來由
lai'ix | purpose of a personal call; objectives of a visit | 來意
lai'ofng'aq | contact | 來往矣
lai'orng | go and to come; mix with; associate with; personal contacts between two parties | 往來; 來往
lai-kaflai | compound interest | 利加利
lai-zoftoxng | came to stop | 來阻擋
laibe | arrived yet? | 來袂
laiciar | comer | 來者
laigoaan | source; origin | 來源
laihaam | your letter (to me or us) | 來函
laihee | round trip | 來回
laihoee | round trip; back and forth; come and go | 來回
laihoee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laihoephiøx | return ticket | 來回票
laihorng | visit; appear; arrive | 來訪
laihøee | round trip, back and forth, come and go | 來回
laihøee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laijidtopøx | return favor in the future | 來日圖報
laijiin | a comer, a bearer | 來人
laijit | coming days | 來日
laikaux | to arrive at | 來到
laikax | bringing honor; gracious | 來駕
laikhix | do together, Let's start | 來去
laikhix-hunbeeng | no secret about his movements; everything clear and above board | 來去分明; 光明磊落
laikhvoax | come and see | 來看
laikoex | have come | 來過
laikorng | come to tak | 來講
lailaai | come | 來來
lailaai-khiekhix | coming and going constantly | 來來往往
lailaihoehoee | back and forth | 來來回回
lailaikhiekhix | come and go | 來來去去
laileeng | a hill exerting a decisive influence (in selecting a site for a building or grave) | 來龍
lailek | (personal) history, background | 來歷
lailiao | had come | 來了
lailiim | come; arrival; come down to | 來臨
lailioong-khiemeh | beginning and subsequent development of (an incident) | 來龍去脈
lailo | source; the way by which anything comes | 來路
lainii | next year | 來年
laipinsek | seats allotted to visitors; visitors section | 來賓席
laiputkip | to be too late to | 來無急; 來不及
laipyn | guest; honored guest; visitor | 來賓
laisea | come to wash | 來洗
laisefng | future life; next life or incarnation | 來生
laisex | next life or incarnation; life to come; future state of existence | 來世
laisix | the world to come | 來世
laisixn | incoming letter; your letter (to me or us) | 來信
laisoea | come to wash | 來洗
laitiaau | come to court; pay respects | 來朝
laitien | Incoming call | 來電
laix`ee | inner | 內的
laixbin | inside; within; on the inside; within; inside; the interior | 裡面; 內面; 裏面
laixbin-svaf | undergarment | 來面衫; 內衣
laixbixn'laq | inside | 內面啦
laixbo | behind the scenes; the inside | 內幕
laixbu | home affairs; internal affairs | 內務
laixchyn | wife's relatives; relatives of one's wife | 內親; 血親; 母方親戚
laixciexn | civil war | 內戰
laixcioxng | cataract; cataract in the eye(s) | 內障
laixcy | litchi | 荔枝
laixexng | inside help; treachery within | 內應
laixgoa | inside and outside; inner and outer; internal and external; native and foreign; home and abroad; inclusive and exclusive; about; around; or so | 內外
laixgoaxkofng | grandfather and maternal grandfather | 內外公
laixhaam | intention; connotation; ability of exercising self-control; self-restraint | 內涵
laixhaang | expert; skilful; specialist; professional | 內行
laixhaang`ee | expert | 內行的
laixhae | an inland sea; inland seas | 內海
laixhanglaang | Insider | 內行人
laixhayar | an inland sea; inland seas | 內海仔
laixhioxng | introverted, introvert | 內向
laixhiø | owl | 鴟鴞
laixhiøh | chicken hawk | 鳶
laixhok | medicine for internal (oral) dosage | 內服; 內服,口服
laixhunpix | glandular excretion | 內分泌
laixhvi | inner ear | 內耳
laixhøo | inland river | 內河
laixiafchiuo | infielder | 內野手
laixiar | infield (baseball) | 內野
laixieen | inside | 內緣
laixioong | contents; details; When used before a list it signifies: the contents are as follows: | 內容
laixiw | domestic (internal) troubles | 內憂
laixiw-goaxhoan | troubles within and without; internal anxiety and external disorder; be beset with troubles both at home and abroad | 內憂外患
laixkafn | a traitor; a spy within; spy within | 內奸
laixkag | interior angle; interior angle; inner angle; in corner | 內角; 裡頭
laixkah'ar | internal vest | 內䘥仔
laixkakkiuu | inside (ball); an insider (baseball) | 內角球
laixkarng | an inner harbor; inland waters | 內港
laixkauafpvy | inner ditch side | 內溝仔邊
laixkerng | scenes within the sound-stage; studio scenes | 內景
laixkexng | inside diameter; caliber | 內徑
laixkhef | internal medicine | 內科
laixkhiin | indoor service; desk work | 內勤
laixkhix | sharp weapons; sharp edged tools; cutting tools; cutlery | 利器
laixkhoaan | hub, nave (of wheel) | 內殿; 輪軸; 教堂中殿
laixkhox | panties; under-short; under pants; shorts | 內褲
laixkhuun | indoor service; desk work | 內勤
laixkhøf | internal medicine; general medicine | 內科
laixkhøf-isefng | physician (as distinguished from surgeon) | 內科醫生
laixkiarmkiaxm | sharp sword | 利劍劍
laixkiaxm | sharp sword | 利劍
laixkiexn | built-in | 內建
laixkofng | grandfather; the art of building up one's strength through breathing and other exercises of the internal organs; exercise and training of internal organs to develop uncanny strength; feats; endurance (in Chinese boxing) | 內公; 內功?; 祖父
laixkofng-goaxexng | attack (an enemy) simultaneously from within and without; subjected to synchronized attack from within and without | 內攻外應
laixkui | inner shelf | 內櫃
laixkuun | petticoat | 襯裙
laixkyn | part of the coupon or voucher that remains in the book; the stub | 內根; 原始傳票
laixkøef | inner ally | 內街
laixkøq | government cabinet | 內閣
laixlai | sharp (knife) | 利利
laixlefng | inner tube | 內乳; 內奶; 內胎
laixli'aftea | inner fence bottom | 內籬仔底
laixli'ar | inner fence | 內籬仔
laixlie | inwardly; lining; lining | 襯裡; 內裡; 裏襯
laixliok | inland | 內陸
laixlo | inner land | 內路
laixloan | civil strife; civil war; anarchy; rebellion | 內亂
laixloaxnzoe | treason | 內亂罪
laixlyn | inner tube | 內奶
laixmar | paternal grandmother; father's mother | 內媽; 祖母; 內祖母
laixniar-svaf | shirt | 內領衫; 襯衫
laixny | inner tube | 內奶
laixoafn | inner bay | 內灣
laixoan | influence behind the scenes | 內援
laixpaang | inner room | 內房
laixpeeng | inside | 內爿; 內旁
laixphaux | long inner robe | 內袍; 襯袍
laixpo | internal section; interior | 內部
laixpoan | internal disorder; civil strife | 內叛; 窩裡反
laixpvepof | inner plan | 內平埔
laixpvoaa | inside information | 內盤
laixsi | chamberlain | 內侍
laixsiafmsiarm | sharp and shining | 利閃閃
laixsiaw | for domestic sale or market; domestic sale of market (said of local products) | 內銷
laixsiin | officials of Interior or Home Office- normally refert corrupted staff | 內神; 內政官員
laixsin | kidney | 內腎; 腎臟
laixsinzhuozngf | new village | 內新厝庄
laixsiofng | internal injury | 內傷
laixsioxng | minister for home affairs | 內相
laixsvaf | innerwear; undergarment; under clothes | 內衣; 內衫
laixsvakhox | underware | 內衫褲
laixsviaa | inner city | 內城
laixsvoaf | mountain area; inland; deep within the mountains | 內山; 深山
laixsvoalo | mountain road | 內山路
laixsvoatawtoea | inner mountain valley bottom | 內山斗底
laixsvoax | inside contacts; inside contacts; indoor wiring; an extension | 內線; 內陸
laixswn | children of one's son | 內孫; 孫子
laixsym | the heart; interior; heart; the bottom of one's heart; one's inmost heart; one's real intention | 內心
laixsør | inner lock | 內鎖
laixte | a brother-in-law, a younger brother of one's wife | 內弟
laixtea | within; on the bottom; the inside; the interior | 裏面; 內面
laixtea`oq | the inside; the interior | 內底喔
laixteeng | inner layer | 內層
laixtefbin | deep inside | 內底面
laixtefkhox | panties | 內底褲
laixthaau | inside | 裡頭
laixthaau-chyn | relatives of the family on father's side | 內頭親
laixthay | inner tube | 內胎
laixthøx | underware | 內套
laixti | internal hemorrhoid; internal piles; internal hemorrhoids | 內痔
laixtien | inner palace | 內殿
laixtiofng | inside; interior | 內中; 其中; 個中
laixtngg | inner sanctuary | 內堂
laixtoe | inland | 內地
laixtoea | inside | 內底
laixtvia | to have already decided (official appointment) | 內定
laixtviaa | courtyard; inner court | 內埕; 內院
laixtviuu | inner circle; the banker (in gambling); the bank; instigator of a gambling session | 內場; 莊家
laixtøe | the inland | 內地
laixtøea | inner; inward | 裡面; 內底
laixtøea-svaf | shirt; blouse | 內底衫; 內衣
laixtøf | sharp knife | 利刀; 利刃
laixuii | inner circles | 內圍; 裡圈
laixva | filling | 內餡
laixvi | inner court | 內院
laixyn | internal cause | 內因
laixzaai | talent and learning; scholarship; scholastic achievement | 內才; 才能; 才學
laixzaan | lining | 內層
laixzai | internal, intrinsic | 內才; 內在
laixzeeng | inside story | 內情
laixzex | government bonds | 內債
laixzexng | civil affairs; internal affairs; home administration | 內政
laixzo | your wife (a complimentary term for another's wife) | 內助
laixzong | internal organs | 內臟
laixzor | paternal great grandparent | 內祖; 曾祖(父方)
laizao | got to run | 來走
laizhwn | next spring | 來春; 明年春天
laizu | to come from | 來自
laji'o | a radio | 收音機
lajiumu | radium | 鐳
lajiwmuq | radium | 鐳
lak taixciw | the six continents (of the world) | 六大洲
lak | six | 六; 搦; 掠
lak'exhoaai | dislocate the jaw, boast falsely | 落下頦
lak'hiøh | shed leaves; shed leaves (in fall) | 落葉
lak'hiøh-chiu | deciduous tree | 六葉樹; 落葉樹
lak'hoef | flowers falling (so as not to produce fruit) | 落花
lak'høex | pick up the merchant | 落貨
lak'iah | sifx pages | 六頁
lak`gøeh | June | 六月
lak`khylaai | catch from above and lift up; pull up to keep from falling; hold up (legs of trousers or skirt); pull up (a sleeve); grasp (a handful of sand) | 抓起來
lak`laai | grab | 轆來; 抓取而來
lakbin | lose face | 落面; 失面子
lakieciexn | a see-saw battle; a see-saw game; stalemate | 拉鋸戰
lakji | six words | 六字
lakkaw | (v) drop off; shed; fall off | 落溝; 脫落
lakke | drop, fall to be lower | 落低; 降下
lakkeq | lose the reputation, lose one's social position | 落格
lakkex | price fall; fall in price | 跌價; 落價
lakkhafng | to carve wood; drill a hole; perforate (by drilling a hole with an auger) | 彔空; 鑽孔
lakkhag | hatch; shed shells | 落殼
lakkhie | tooth fall off | 落齒
lakkhieahlaq | fell | 落去矣啦
lakkhix | lost | 落去
laklag | not tight | 落落
laklakkhix | lost | 落落去
lakliao | lost all | 落了
lakliawliao | lost all | 落了了
laklieen | 6 in Taiwanese finger-guessing game | 六漣
lakliern | lose face; lose face; lose one's reputation; to fall low; be in reduced circumstances | 落臉; 丟臉; 笨; 失勢; 落輪; 脫輪
lakløqlaai | fell | 落落來
lakmngg | shed hair; lose hair from the head; falling hair | 落毛; 脫毛
lakmof | shed hair; lose hair from the head; falling hair | 落毛; 脫毛
lakphie | shed off dry skin; scabs falling off (after smallpox) | 脫痂; 結痂脫落
laksag | desert | 丟棄
lakseg | fade | 落色
laksiaux | reckon accounts; to square a grudge | 落數
laksoan | bit (tool); iron auger | 鐵鑽
laksoef | come down in the world; be washed out | 落泊; 落衰; 落穗,衰落
laksurn | fit mortise and tenon; joints become loose (furniture) | 落榫; 榫頭鬆掉
laksuy | come down in the world; be washed out | 落泊
laksøef | declined | 落衰
lakte | pocket | 橐袋; 口袋
lakte'aflai | in the pocket | 橐袋仔內
lakte'aftea | in the pocket | 橐袋仔底
lakte'ar | bag; pocket in any kind of garment | 橐袋仔; 口袋; 荷包; 袋子
laktear | pocket in a garment | 橐袋仔
lakthngf-køef | all wet; drenched through; like drowned chicken | 落湯雞
laktiarm | disgraceful | 落點; 失體面
laktiau | lose; lost; come off | 脫落; 掉落
lakuociexn | a seesaw battle | 拉鋸戰
lakzhad | acrylic paint | 落漆
lakzngx | drill (by a string) | 鐵鑽; 戮鑽
lalaf`leq | talk idly | 啦啦咧
lalatui | a cheer team | 啦啦隊
lalek | tensile force | 拉力
laliaang | chat | 拉涼; 閒談
lalie | armadillo; Taiwan anteater; scaly anteater; pangolin | 穿山甲; 鯪鯉
lalien | zipper | 拉鍊
lalorng | draw over to one's side | 拉攏
lalun'afsiøf | a little bit warm | 拉圇仔燒
lalunsiøf | a little bit warm | 拉圇燒
laluun-siøf | lukewarm | 拉圇燒; 溫的
lam | combine; mix; put together; mix | 混; 艦; 濫; 參
lam'afkøo | cylindrical basket made of bamboo or wire which contains rocks to dam up the stream or to protect the dike | 擋水籠; 蛇籠
lam'aflai | in the cage | 籠仔內
lam'aftea | basket bottom | 籠仔底
lam'afzhaa | a type of hard lumber | 楠仔柴
lam'ar | a fine hardwood | 楠仔; 臺灣雅楠
lam'oo | two-stringed fiddle | 南胡
lam-zørhoea | put together; mix together | 濫做夥; 混合在一起
lambaan | southern barbarian | 南蠻
lambiern | difficult to avoid | 難免
lambin | south side | 南面; 南方(面)
lambuu-ømytøhut | Namo--Blessed be | 南無阿彌陀佛
lamciog | duke; baron | 男爵
lamciog-hujiin | baroness | 男爵夫人
lamcixn | southward | 南進
lamgek | sapphire | 藍石; 藍玉
lamha | go down south | 南下
lamhe | the male line; the spear side | 男系
lamhngf | the south; south | 南方; 男方
lamho | pouring rain; get wet in the rain; be exposed to the rain | 淋雨
lamhofng | south wind; bridegroom's family; relatives and friends collectively | 南風; 南方; 男方
lamhui | south latitude | 南回; 南緯
lamhvoaai | Southern Cross-Island | 南橫
lamhvoaikonglo | Southern Cross-Island Highway | 南橫公路
lamhwn-lykex | man should take a wife; and a woman should marry a husband | 男婚女嫁
lamjii | manhood; boy; son; a man (emphasizing virility) | 男兒
lamjiin | a man; a male; men; man; male | 男人
lamjiin-lythea | man with effeminate or feminine look or manner | 男人女態
lamkaf | bridegroom's own relations | 男家
lamkef | bridegroom's relatives | 男家
lamkek | South pole | 南極
lamkexym | bass (music) | 男低音
lamkhw | south area | 南區
lamkiog | the common China aster | 藍菊
lamkoarn | southern music orgin from China; songs in Amoy colloquial | 南管
lamkoef | pumpkin | 南瓜
lamkøym | tenor | 男高音
lamlaam | mumbling | 喃喃
lamlamlwluo | men and women | 男男女女
lamlamlylie | men and women | 男男女女
lamlea | baptism by pouring | 淋禮; 灑水禮
lamlie koanhe | relations between the sexes | 男女關係係
lamlie løfiux | males and females of all ages; all people; regardless of age and sex | 男女老幼
lamlie pengterng | equal rights for both sexes | 男女平等
lamlie siuxsiu putchyn | A man and a woman unless related by blood or marriage should not touch hands when giving and taking things (according to the code of conduct before the republican era) | 男女授受無親
lamlie tonghau | co-education | 男女同校
lamlie | male and female; men and women; both sexes | 男女
lamlo-efng | eagle in the back of mountain | 南路鷹; 灰面鵟鷹; 灰面鷲; 山後鳥
lamloxefng | gray face hawk | 南路鷹
lamlui | ragged, tattered, slovenly | 襤褸
lamluie | (of clothes) tattered; torn and ragged; shabby | 襤褸; 破衣
lamluo | male and female | 男女
lamløh | drench | 淋落
lammng'ar | South gate | 南門仔
lammngg | South gate | 南門
lammnggoa | outside South gate | 南門外
lampag | north and south | 南北
lampag-tiaau | Southern and Northern Dynasties | 南北朝
lampak'hioxng | north and south direction | 南北向
lampak'høex | grocery | 南北貨
lampee | southern pipa | 南琶
lampeeng | (n) location to the south; south | 南爿; 南邊
lampeng'iuo | boyfriend | 男朋友
lamphøesw | blue-book | 藍皮書
lampinsioxng | best man (in a wedding) | 男儐相
lampo | southern area; southern region(s) | 南部
lampok | valet | 男僕
lampoxlaang | Southerner | 南部人
lampøfciøh | sapphire | 藍寶石
lamsefng | boy-students; a school-boy; male student | 男生
lamseg | sodomy, male homosexual | 男色; 藍色
lamsernghoax | acting or behaving like a man (of girl or woman); mannish | 男性化
lamsexng | male sex; masculine gender; masculine nature | 男性
lamsiaq | coat tin or pewter | 鍍錫箔
lamsid | distinguish | 淋熄
lamsix | the southern region | 南勢; 南方; 南邊
lamsu | gentlemen | 男士
lamsuo | at random, at haphazard, carelessly, sheer nonsense, irresponsible, nonsensical, a random talk | 濫史; 隨意
lamtaam | wet through by rain | 淋濕
lamtaioaan | Southern Taiwan | 南台灣
lamtao | constellation in Sagittarius | 南斗
lamtao-chvy | stars in the constellation of Sagittarius | 南斗星
lamtauchi | Nantou City | 南投市
lamtefng | an able-bodied man | 男丁
lamthng | enamel; glaze pottery | 淋搪; 淋碭; 搪瓷; 上釉; 琺琅
lamthngf | got wet | 淋湯; 倒湯
lamtieen-ciornggiok | get a girl or woman pregnant | 藍田種玉
lamtien | (n) indigo | 藍靛
lamtiong'ym | baritone | 男中音
lamtiøh | got wet | 淋著
lamtoo | blueprint; outline of a project | 藍圖
lamtoong | boy | 男童
lamtøfgyhe | Austronesian | 南島語系
lamtøfgyzok | Austronesian | 南島語族
lamtør | southern island | 南島
lamzaai-lymau | The man is able; and the woman is beautiful ─ an ideal couple | 男才女貌
lamzefng | sperms | 男精; 精蟲
lamzoaa | grass beauty, mountain snake | 濫蛇; 蝻蛇; 南蛇
lamzofng | men's wear; male costume | 男裝
lamzuie | pouring water; soak with water; sprinkle wet; pour water on something; pour water on one's self while bathing | 淋水
lamzuo | man; male person | 男子
lamzwhaxn | man (i.e. manly; masculine); manly man | 男子漢
lamzwkag | actor | 男主角
lan | male pudenda; male sex organ; pain; suffering | 難; 陽物; 痛苦
lan'i | hard and easy | 難易
lan'ie siongsixn | incredible; difficult to believe | 難以相信
lan'ie siongzhux | difficult to live or deal with | 難以相處
lan'ie | difficult to ~ | 難以
lan'ii | difficult to change | 難移
lan'uixzeeng | be shy | 難為情
lan'uizeeng | feel ashamed; uneasy; embarrassed; bashful | 難為情
lanbiern | inevitable; can hardly avoid; cannot be helped; unavoidable; inescapable | 難免
lanbong | unforgettable | 難忘
lanboong | difficult to forget; unforgettable; indelible; memorable | 難忘
lanciauhoef | lotus flower | 蓮蕉花
lancviaa | difficult matter to accomplish | 難成
lang cvikor | play the tambourine | 舞手鼓; 弄鼓
lang sinniuu | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
lang | do; make; play with; sport with; brandish; gesticulate; make fun of; mock | 弄; 玩弄
lang'aq | human | 人矣
lang'ar | basket | 籠仔; 籠子; 簍子
lang'ee | person's- imply mine | 人的
lang'ieen | relations with others; personality (as an impression upon others) | 人緣
lang'ngr | man's shadow; reflection in the water | 人影
lang'oe | reasonable statement | 人話
lang'oong | big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position) | 人王; 角頭; 龍頭老大
lang'viar | shadow or silhouette | 人影
lang'viu | decent personal appearance or conduct | 人樣
lang-gyn'ar | play with the kids; get the child will | 弄囡仔
lang-sinniuu | make rough fun with a bride after the marriage | 弄新娘; 鬧新房
langbaq | human flesh | 人肉
langbea | person and the horse he rides A crowd of people and horses; traffic (consisting of people and horses) Troops (consisting of soldiers and horses) | 人馬
langbi | humanit | 人味
langbin cinkhoaq | have a wide circle of acquaintances | 人面廣; 交往廣闊
langbin sek | have a large circle of acquaintances; have social connections | 人面廣
langbin | the human face; popular | 人面
langbin-siuosym | having the face of a man but the heart of a beast; gentle in appearance but cruel at heart ─ wolf in sheep's skin; an iron claw in a velvet glove | 人面獸心
langbixnkhoaq | popular;wide-minded | 人面闊
langchiuo | manpower | 人手
langgiah | number of persons or individuals | 人數; 人額; 名額
langheeng | human form | 人形
langhiim | a kind of monkey | 人熊; 狒狒
langhuiq | human blood | 人血; 膿血
langiok | orchids and jade as symbols of young men's good conduct; as symbols of female chastity | 蘭玉
langjiaq | signs or traces indicating human presence | 人跡
langkafng | manpower; labor power; artificial; manual work; human work (labor); artificial | 人工; 人力; 工人
langkang'oo | artificial lake | 人工湖
langkhehkefng | guest room; bed-room for guests | 人客間
langkhehkeng'ar | guest room | 人客間仔
langkhehkvoaf | guest | 人客官
langkhehlahhvoq | guest? | 人客啦乎
langkhehlaq | guest | 人客啦
langkhehpaang | guest room; bed-room for guests | 人客房
langkheq | guest; visitor; customer; passenger; customer; passenger on a train or boat | 人客; 客人
langkheq-thviaf | living-room, sitting room | 人客廳
langkhix | odor of many persons being together (as that of a crowded theater) | 人氣; 人的氣味
langkhoarn | personal appearance or conduct; external appearance | 人款; 行為外表
langkoanharntoa | big guy | 人懸漢大
langkorng | it is said that | 人說; 據說
langku'ar | stunted | 人瓢仔; 發育無全的人
langkud | human bone | 人骨
langkutthaau | human bone | 人骨頭
langlaang | everybody; everyone | 人人
langlafng | puffy; few; little; scarce; rare; dispersed; scattered | 櫳櫳; 鬆鬆
langlaikhehkhix | guest come and go | 人來客去
langlang'aix | everyone loves | 人人愛
langlaq | everyone | 人啦
langmia | human life | 人命
langmiaa | personal name; man's name | 人名
langmiapho | person's name list | 人名簿
langneq | where are the people? | 人呢
langpaf | mummy (preserved corpse) | 人巴; 木乃伊
langpan | character | 人範
langphang | (n) crack; gap between two persons | 人隙
langphoef | human embryo | 人胚
langsexng | human nature | 人姓; 人性
langsiong | portrait | 人像
langsngg | tray for steaming food; steamer basket (usually round) (see [[zhøesngg]]) | 蒸籠; 籠床
langsnglai | inside steaming bamboo container | 籠床內
langsox | number of persons or individuals | 人數
langsviaf | human voice | 人聲
langsviuu | pus | 膿泥; 膿汁
langsym | popular feeling; the will of the people | 人心
langsyn | the human body | 人身; 人體
langtaw | other people's house | 人家; 別人的家
langthaau | human head; number of (borrowed) people; core of a boil | 人頭; 膿頭
langthaau-søex | the poll tax | 人頭稅
langtok | pus | 膿毒
langzaai | useful person; appearance; look; features | 人才; 外貌; 人材; 容貌; 儀表
langzao | human flea | 人走; 人蚤
langzeg | human footprints | 人跡
langzerng | the human species | 人種; 膿腫
langzexng | witness | 人證
langzuie | pus | 膿水; 膿汁
lanhoef | orchid, orchid flower | 蘭花
lanhwn-lankae | difficult to separate or distinguish | 難分難解
lanhwn-lansiax | very reluctant to separate | 難分難捨
lanjirm | intolerable; difficult to bear up; hard to be patient; unable to endure | 難忍
lankafn | railing; balustrade; banister | 欄杆
lankanpvy | fence side | 欄干邊
lankex kisox | vast number; beyond computation | 難計其數
lankhafm | (adj) hard to endure; (adj) embarrassing; intolerable; unbearable | 難堪
lankhøf | orchid family | 蘭科
lankiok | an impasse, a blind alley, a difficult situation | 難局
lankoafn | (n) difficult point; a crisis; difficult to pass over (like a mountain pass) (as when things are burdensome and poverty makes it difficult to pass the new-year season and pay the debts); barrier; obstacle | 難關
lankoaix | no wonder; no wonder that | 難怪
lankoarn | intractable, difficult to deal with | 難管
lankuy | a lady's boudoir | 蘭閨
lankøex | feel uneasy; vexed or embarrassed | 難過
lanlansansafn | sporadic | 零零星星
lanpan | difficult to manage; difficult to manage; operate | 難辦
lanphor | books on orchids or the painting of orchids | 蘭譜
lanpør | difficult to protect; difficult to guarantee; difficult to hold (a city; position); hard to guard; deep | 難保
lansafn | fragmented; fractional; not as a whole | 零星
lansafn-boea | mantissa | 零星尾; 零數; 尾數
lansafn-bøe | retail | 零售買
lansafn-bøea | small purchase | 零星買
lansafn-mih | small item | 零星物
lansafn`ee | petty cash | 零星錢
lansan'afcvii | sporadic money | 零星仔錢
lansan'eng | for everyday expenses of a non-descriptive nature; miscellaneous | 零星用
lansanbaq | excrescences on body (as extra finger or thumb) | 零星肉; 贅肉
lansanbøe | retail sales | 零售買
lansancvii | small change; petty cash | 零星錢; 零錢
lansarn | difficult labor; hard to come into being or materialize; have a difficult delivery; have trouble in child-birth | 難產
lanseeng | difficult to accomplish or succeed; hard to bring about; difficult to accomplish | 難成
lanseg | difficult; reluctant appearance, unwilling expression | 難色
lansiauhoax | dyspepsia, indigestion | 難消化
lansiaw | dyspepsia, indigestion | 難消
lansiu | uncomfortable; hard to bear | 難受
lansu | a difficult matter or job; difficult task; difficult matter; awkward position | 難事
lantee | hard nut to crack; tough problem; problem that is difficult to solve; ask too much of; make an unreasonable request of; make an unconscionable demand upon (a person) | 難題
lanteg | rare, difficult to get | 難得
lanthaau | remnants | 零頭
lanthoad | hard to get off | 難脫
lanti | difficult to cure; incurable; hard to cure | 難治
lantid | rare; difficult to get; hard to get; hard to meet with | 難得
lantit'ee | rare | 難得的
lantngf | unbearable; feel ashamed | 難當
lanto | degree of difficulty | 難度
lantoee | problem | 難題
lantø | is it possible…?; could it be | 難道
lantøee | conundrum; puzzle; a tough problem; a hot potato | 難題
lantøo | impossible to escape; cannot escape | 難逃
lanzhux | hard to get along; difficult points; problems | 難處
lao | old; aged; venerable (term of honor and respect); skilled; accustomed; expert; for a long time; long established; well cooked; experienced | 老; 佬; 扭
lao'exhaai | chiseled jaws and strong chins | 落下頦
lao'iah | missing page | 漏頁
lao'iuu | leaking oil | 漏油
lao`tiøh | sprain | 扭到; 筋骨扭傷
laoboo | make every move only after mature deliberation | 老謀
laohafm | pitch (fungus) of bamboo or sugar cane | 落䈄
laohefng | low-cut dress; plunging neckline | 落胸; 低胸
laohiøh | shed leaves; shed leaves in great abundance | 落葉; 脫葉
laohofng | not air-tight; leak out; imply things went wrong; release air from; deflate (a tire); flat tire; puncture | 漏風; 落風; 漏氣
laohonglaohofng | tire not fully filled with air; (speaking) unprecise tones | 落風落風
laoji | caret; to take off words; to escape words | 脫字
laokaukhix | careless; drop the ball | 落勾去
laokaw | omit; omission; miss; omit; pass over by mistake; be left out | 落勾; 遺漏; 忽略
laokefng | round shouldered | 垂肩
laokhafng | end up in nothing; suffer loss | 落空
laokhangchiaf | bring back an empty car; drive an empty car | 開空車
laokhangzoa | empty hand | 落空行
laokhao | words escape from one's lips | 脫口
laokhix | air leaking | 落氣
laokhox | dropping pant; wearing pant not in the right position | 漏褲; 掉褲子
laokhuix | lose face; be unmasked; show the cloven hoof; blushed; feel mortified; disgrace oneself; expose one's defects | 漏氣; 露出馬腳; 出醜
laokngkngf | lost all | 落光光
laokux | skip sentences | 漏句
laolaux | loose | 漏漏; 落落; 鬆垮地要滑落的樣子
laoliern | chain out of rail | 落輪
laopag | diarrhea | 漏腹; 拉肚子; 跑肚; 腹瀉
laophaau | to run away; to flee; to escape | 落跑; 逃跑; 開溜; 落荒而逃
laophviaa | to rid of roof shingles | 漏坪; 除屋頂瓦
laosae | diarrhea; common word for the runs; have loose bowels; diarrhea | 落屎; 瀉肚子; 瀉肚; 拉肚子
laosae-bea | poor; scum of a community; degenerate | 落屎馬; 罵人差勁的話
laosae-chvy | meteor | 落屎星; 流星; 賊星
laosae-zexng | diarrhea | 落屎症
laosaybea | clumsy person | 落屎馬; 差勁
laosaychvy | meteor | 落屎星
laosayzhvef | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 落屎星; 彗星; 流星
laosiah | a strainer; a colander | 漏杓
laosiarthox | vomit and running stomach | 落瀉吐
laosiax | dysentery | 漏瀉; 痢疾
laosiax-iøh | laxative | 漏瀉藥
laosidar | frun away females | 落翼仔
laotafn | left alone | 落單
laothe'iøqar | medicine causing abortion; an abortive | 漏胎藥仔; 打胎藥
laothef | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 落胎; 流產; 墮胎,流產
laothorzexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 霍亂
laothox | cholera | 霍亂; 漏吐症
laothox-zexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 吐瀉; 霍亂
laotiau | drain off (a swamp); pull the stopper out of a sink; have a miscarriage | 洩掉; 漏掉; 小產
laotin | behind; not catching up the crows | 落陣; 離開遊行(行列)
laozam | skip a section | 漏站; 漏一段
laozao | fugitive | 溜走
laozaxng | untidy; loose; disorderly | 漏粽; 無整齊
laozuie | go into the water; (woman) become prostitute; draw the water (out of a plumbing system); to drain water | 落水; 瀉水; 放水
lap texzof | pay land-tax | 繳地租
lap zhuosøex | pay house rent | 繳房租
lap | to pay tax; receive; to take; accept; admit; offer as tribute; enjoy; feel; repress; retrain; patch old clothes; pay (tax) | 納
lap'ham | (roof) cave in | 凹陷; 塌陷
lap'iøf | body with an indented center (like a guitar) | 凹腰
lap'w | concave (hole or depression); site (of a house) too low; lower than the surrounding ground; dent on an object | 凹處; 漥穴; 塌凹
lap'øf | concave (hole or depression); site (of a house) too low; lower than the surrounding ground; dent on an object | 凹處; 漥穴; 塌凹
lap`løqkhix | step unintentionally into a hole | 踩落去
lapaf | trumpet; horn | 喇叭
lapkhafng | hole; cavity | 凹孔
lapkhud | (n) hole; pocket; cavity; (n) debt; depression on the ground; a sinkhole | 塌窟; 窪穴; 低窪; 窟窿
lapkviax | concave lens | 凹鏡; 凹透鏡
laplaai-lapkhix | carry on trade with little capital of one's own (by constant borrowing and paying) | 挪東補西; (款項)
laplab | concave, sink down | 凹凹
lapoah | hand bells; cymbals | 鐃鈸; 鑼鈸
lapphvi | snub-nose | 塌鼻
lappurn | lose money; cannot cover cost; lose money in trade; lose in business | 虧本; 貼本
lapsie | trample to death | 踏死; 踩死
laptea | the bottom having fallen out (of a basket), to give way (e.g., the bottom of a chair, shoe, bucket) | 塌底
lapthaau | to lose money in trade | 凹頭; 虧損
laptiaau`teq | step on | 踏住得
laptiøh | collapse | 塌著
laptoea | collapse | 塌底
laptøea | the bottom having fallen out (of a basket); to give way (e.g.; the bottom of a chair; shoe; bucket) | 塌底; 漏底; 掉底
laq | enclitic particle at the end of a sentence; especially of an indicative sentence; sometimes marks the completion of an action | 啦
laqaq | cured duck | 臘鴨
laqar | infant jaundice | 燭仔; 小孩黃疸病
laqbaq | smoked meat; cured meat | 臘肉
laqbi | sausages; preserved meat | 臘味
laqbut | prey | 獵物
laqchiaang | smoked sausage | 臘腸
laqchix | coast spinifex | 臘刺; 老鼠刺
laqciorng | smoked duck's feet | 臘掌; 鴨掌
laqgoat | lunar December | 臘月
laqgoeh | twelfth moon of the lunar year | 臘月
laqgøeh | lunar December | 臘月
laqhii | cured fish | 臘魚
laqho | hunter; hunters; huntsmen | 獵戶; 獵人
laqih | honeycomb | 蜂窩; 蜂蠟
laqjidzoafterng | on top of calendar paper | 曆日紙頂
laqjidzoar | calendar paper | 曆日紙
laqjit | almanac, calendar | 曆日; 日曆
laqkao | hunting dog; hound | 獵狗
laqkhu | hunting equipment | 獵具
laqkii | hunting season | 獵期
laqlaang | hunter | 獵人
laqlit | calendar | 曆日
laqpid | wax crayon; grease pencil; crayon | 蠟筆
laqsiong | wax figure; waxwork | 蠟像
laqtaai | candlestick | 蠟燭; 燭臺
laqtiaau | candle | 蠟燭; 蠟條
laqtviuu | hunting ground | 獵場
laqzeg | candle | 蠟燭
laqzeg-sym | candlewick | 蠟燭心
laqzeg-taai | candlestick | 蠟燭台; 蠟燭臺
laqzek'hoea | candle fire | 蠟燭火
laqzek'iuu | candle drippings | 燭淚油
laqzeksym | candle wick | 燭燭心
laqzektaai | candlestick | 蠟燭台
laqzhexng | hunting rifle; hunting gun; fowling piece; shotgun | 獵槍
laqzoar | wax paper; stencil paper | 蠟紙
larkhuy | open shirt or coat | 扯開; 納開
larliaang | open one's clothing for coolness; cool oneself; cool off | 乘涼; 納涼
larm sinmia | in delicate health; frail health; have a weak constitution | 身體虛弱
larm | inferior, weak | 摟; 荏; 擁抱; 攬; 弱
larm-khakud | embrace blackmailed | 攬腳骨
larm-sinmia | poor health | 弱身命
larm`khylaai | embrace each other | 抱起來; 攬起來
larm`tiøh | embrace | 攬著
larmkhud | muddy spot; a mire | 窪穴
larmlaxm | not tight; (dress) loosely; hanging too loosely about one (clothing too loose or long) | 攬攬; 寬大而下垂; 寬長而下垂
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
larmto | big belly | 攬肚; 肚皮而下垂
larmtor | bulging; swollen; puffy; potbelly; portly; paunch | 凸肚
larmtøe | marshy soil | 濘地
larmzhaan | muddy field | 泥田
larn | we, us (inclusive of you), our | 咱; 懶; 累,倦
larn-ciaf | here; place where we are | 咱此; 咱遮
larn-laang | we; the human being | 咱人
larn-taixkef | we all | 咱大家
larn-taw | our home | 咱家
larng khox | pull pants | 攏褲
larng | a type of basket; pull the pant or skirt | 籠; 拉
larnggeh | every other month | 閬月
larnggoeh | every other month | 閬月
larngho | lull (letup) in the rain | 閬雨; 趁雨停
larnghuun | clear sky | 曠雲; 破雲
larngjit | every other day | 隔日; 隔天
larngkafng | skip work; walk out on work | 曠工; 閬工; 歇工; 空閒
larngkarng | run away; escape | 閬港
larngkhafng | an interval of space or time | 閬孔; 留間隔
larngkhuy | to partition; leave a space | 曠開; 隔開
larngkoex | next | 閬過
larnglaxng | scarce, leaving spaces | 曠曠
larngphang | an interval of space or time; leave a space (as in writing); take the opportunity to make off | 曠縫; 間隔; 乘隙
larngsii bøo larngjit | coming very frequently | 閬日無閬日; 不間斷
larngtaux | absent at noon | 曠午
larngthaxng | bribe; conspire with | 串通
lasaam | dirty; dirty; filthy (moral or physical) | 污穢; 垃儳; 骯髒
lasam'ar | dirty | 垃儳仔
lasammih | garbage | 垃儳物
lat | strength; energy; force; power; vigor; might | 力; 力量
latefng | Latin | 拉丁
latenggyhe | Latin language | 拉丁語系
lathiefn | chat; satiated with pleasure; luxury | 聊天; 奢侈
latiøh | pulled | 拉著
latpaf | trumpet; horn | 喇叭
latpaq | a horn; a trumpet | 喇叭
latør | pull down | 拉倒
lau | leak; drip; leak out; disclose; slip; omit unintentionally; neglect; forget | 漏; 老
lau'afzhux | a building of two stories or more | 樓仔厝; 樓房
lau'ar | funnel | 漏仔; 漏斗
lau'oaan | flow away | 流完
lau'oarn | long (road) | 老遠
lau'oe | leave word or message | 留話
lau-cienpoex | one's senior in age or position | 老前輩
lau-hongsøf | old is loose | 老風騷
lau-kang'oo | sophisticated old traveller | 老江湖
lau-kongkuxn | old bachelor | 老光棍; 老練的騙子
lau-thaeiaa | a term of respect for an old gentleman | 老太爺
lau-thaepøo | (n) old woman (often not polite); (n) term to refer to wife | 老太婆
lau-thaethaix | a term of respect for an old lady | 老太太
lau-tornggong | old is muddled | 老侗戇; 老糊塗
lau-zabor | old woman | 老查某
lau-zofkofng | father's father's father; paternal great grandfather | 老祖公; 曾祖父
lau-zofmar | father's father's mother; paternal great grandmother | 老祖媽; 曾祖母
lau`ee lauxpoxtvia | Older people have their own views and are not moved by every wind that blows. ─ the voice of experience An old man takes a prudent attitude in very thing | 老的做事穩重
lau`khix | pass away; die; become old | 老去; 老死
lau`laai | when one gets old | 年老; (時)
lau`laq | grown old | 老了
lau`zhutlaai | leak out | 漏出來
lauafzhux | second-story house | 樓仔厝
lauar | funnel for liquids | 樓仔
laubagsae | to shed tears | 流目淚
laubefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lauboea | top floor | 樓尾
lauboefkefng | top floor rooms | 樓尾間
lauboefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
laubøefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lauchirnkvoa | breaking into a cold sweat | 流凊汗
lauchviuu | wall around a building | 樓牆
lauh | fall; drop; be missing | 落
lauhe | leave; leave behind; keep back | 留下
lauhioxng | flow direction | 流向
lauhoeh'aq | bleeding | 流血矣
lauhoehlautiq | bleeding | 流血流滴
lauhoeq | bleed | 流血
lauhuiq | shed blood | 流血
laujim | serve for a second term | 留任
laujip | inflow | 流入
laukhaf | downstairs; downstairs; ground floor | 樓腳; 樓跤; 樓下
laukhafng | leaks with holes | 流孔; 留孔
laukhix | flow away | 流去
laukhngx | to store | 留下; 儲藏
laukhngx`teq | keep over; leave behind; set aside; reserve | 留下來
laukhylaai | keep it | 留起來
laukoex | flow past | 流過
laukoong | strong wall-to-wall beam on which a loft can be laid | 橫樑
laukvoa | perspire | 出汗; 流汗
laukvoa-sviuu | sweating hard | 流汗濕
laukvoaxlaukhør | sweating hard | 流汗流洘
laukvoaxlautiq | sweating | 流汗流滴
laukvoaxsafmtiq | sweating | 流汗糝滴
laukøq | garret; loft; attic | 樓閣
laulaang | drain the pus; run pus; suppurate; ulcerate | 流膿
laulaau | flow | 流流
laulauafsia | | 流流仔社
laulaulex | take a stroll; to go for a walk | 逛一逛
laulaw | step by step | 蹓蹓
lauliao | flow away | 流了
laulip | inflow | 流入
lauløh | to drift about; homeless | 流落
lauløqlaai | keep it | 留落來
laumiaa | leave a good name (after death) | 留名
laun'afsiøf | not too hot- warm | 拉溫仔燒
laun'ar | warm | 拉溫仔
launoa | swelling water; run at the mouth; one's mouth waters | 流瀾; 垂涎; 流口水
launoaxsee | run at the mouth; one's mouth waters | 流瀾垂
laupae | timing | 流擺
laupafng | flooring of an upper story; wooden planks used to build a floor (above the ground floor) | 樓板
lauphvi | running nose | 流鼻
lauphvixlautiq | unny nose and dripping | 流鼻流滴
laupiøf | failed in bidding contracts | 流標
lausex | flow momentum | 流勢
lausiax | diarrhea | 流瀉
lausiuo | remain stationed at a camp in the rear (of the troops) | 留守
lausix | flow momentum | 流勢
lautaai | a terrace | 樓臺
lautaxngkvoa | sweating hard | 流重汗
lautefngboea | top floor | 樓頂尾
lauterng | upstairs; upstairs; the upper story | 樓頂; 樓上
lauthaau | (n) river headwaters; (n) water source | 流頭; 水源
lauthafng | windows of a building | 樓窗
lauthngf | discharge of pus | 流湯
lauthuiseg | staircase | 樓梯式
lauthuithaau | staircase | 樓梯頭
lauthuy | a staircase; ladder; staircase | 樓梯; 梯子
lauthuy-khaf | foot of stairs | 樓梯跤; 樓梯口
lautiaau | keep; stay | 留牢
lautiau | flowed away; be washed away | 流掉
lautikønoa | serous saliva | 流豬哥瀾
lautiøh | keep it | 留著
lautukønoa | run at the mouth; one's mouth waters | 流豬哥瀾
laux khawkefng | trap a suspect into admitting his guilt | 套口供
laux | fall; shed or let fall (leaves; scabs); open of itself (e.g.; a knot or joint) | 落; 洩露; 漏; 流
laux-exhaai | dislocate the jaw (said in scolding someone for slobbering); Liar! | 脫下頦; 說謊; 顎骨脫臼
laux-exhafm | dislocate the jaw (said in scolding someone for slobbering); Liar! | 脫下頦; 說謊; 顎骨脫臼
laux-exhoaai | dislocate the jaw (said in scolding someone for slobbering); Liar! | 脫下頦; 說謊; 顎骨脫臼
lauxakofng | old man | 老頭子; 老人
lauxangbor | old couple | 老翁某
lauxangkongpøar | old couple | 老翁公婆仔
lauxapeq | respectful address for an old man (a complete stranger) | 老阿伯
lauxapøo | old woman; respectful address for an old woman (a complete stranger) | 老阿婆; 老婆婆
lauxaq | old | 老矣
lauxbaa | old wild cat | 老貍
lauxbang ee hii | fish that has escaped the net ─ said of criminal who has escaped punishment | 漏網之魚
lauxbang | escape the net ─ evade punishment | 漏網
lauxbuo | one's old mother | 老母; 母親
lauxbør | mother | 母親; 老母
lauxchiu | old tree | 老樹
lauxchiuo | an old hand | 老手
lauxciao | old bird like old soldier never die | 老鳥
lauxcidpoex | older generation | 老一輩
lauxcienpoex | polite address for one's senior or aged person | 老前輩
lauxcioxng | old general; a veteran | 老將
lauxcvie | the young and the old | 老幼; 老嫩
lauxee | old guy; old couple may use it to call their spuose | 老的
lauxgong | old and stupid | 老憨
lauxguu | old cow | 老牛
lauxhaxn | (n) old man; (n) I (self reference by an old man) | 老漢
lauxhea'ar | old people | 老歲仔
lauxhiaau | old obscene husband's mother?? | 老精
lauxhiensay | old honorable teacher | 老賢師
lauxhiuo | aged and useless; a polite self-reference of an old man | 老朽
lauxhix | old show | 老戲
lauxho | leaking (roof) | 漏雨
lauxhoafn | old barbarian | 老番
lauxhoantiefn | dotard; a person in his dotage | 老糊塗
lauxhoax | decay | 老化
lauxhoea'afbak | long sighted- old people vision | 老歲仔目
lauxhoea'aflaang | old people | 老歲仔人
lauxhoea'ar | old person | 老人仔
lauxhofng | leak air | 漏風; 漏氣
lauxhoftui | tiger team | 老虎隊
lauxholii | an old fox; a cunning old man | 老狐狸
lauxhor | tiger | 老虎
lauxhotoo | a dotard | 老糊塗
lauxhviaf | hey man! | 老兄
lauxhy | old and week | 老虛
lauxhøea'ar | old man; senior citizen; old father | 老歲仔; 老頭子; 老傢伙; 老翁; 老爹
lauxhøex | old merchandise | 老貨
lauxiaa | old gentleman (term of respect); district magistrate; sir; old man | 老爺
lauxiachiaf | jalopy; rattletrap | 老爺車
lauxiutiaau | a person who has learned to be sly; a sleazy fellow; a smoothie | 老油條
lauxjiedchihchiq | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱𩑾𩑾
lauxjiedkhoarn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱款
lauxjiedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxjiedsii | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱時
lauxjiedtin | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱陣
lauxjiet | be in a bustle; noisy; flourishing; lively activity | 熱鬧; 鬧熱
lauxjiet`ee | hilarious | 熱鬧的; 奇妙的
lauxjinkaf | old people | 老人家
lauxkaau | old guy | 老猴
lauxkafn | old; crafty person; great hypocrite | 老奸
lauxkarn | old maidservant | 老婢
lauxkaupor | withered old person | 癟老頭; (罵人)
lauxkauzeeng | old friendship | 老交情
lauxkebuo | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxkebør | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxkef | old street | 老街
lauxkepøo | meddlesome woman; officiously intrusive woman | 老加婆; 喜歡管閒事的婦人
lauxkerng | one's lot in old age | 老景
lauxkhafng | a small hole through which air or water leaks out; small hole through which air or water leaks out | 漏孔; 漏洞
lauxkhix | not airtight; (air) leaked out | 漏氣
lauxkhoarn | old style; old condition | 老款; 老式; 老態; 蒼老
lauxkhokkhog | extremely old | 老硞硞
lauxkhokkhok'aq | very old | 老硞硞矣
lauxkhongkien | old but in good health | 老康健; 老健壯
lauxkinzad | old people | 老根節
lauxkoaf | old song | 老歌
lauxkoebuo | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxkoef | old street | 老街
lauxkofng | husband | 老公
lauxkoftorng | antique; an ultraconservative | 老古董
lauxkofzuy | old and being cute | 老古錐
lauxkong'ar | old man | 老頭仔; 老人
lauxkoniuu | old spinster; old maid | 老姑娘
lauxkopøo | old aunty | 老姑婆
lauxkorkheq | old customers | 老顧客
lauxkotvoaf | old and lonely | 老孤單
lauxkuikuo | old rules; old practice | 老規矩
lauxkutthaau | the life of an old person | 老骨頭
lauxkviar | a son born in one's old age | 老囝; 老子
lauxlaang bak | old man's eye sight; eyes of the old; presbyopia | 老人眼; 老花眼
lauxlaang | an old person, elderly person, the aged | 老人
lauxlaang-bagkviax | convex glasses for one suffering presbyopia | 老人眼鏡
lauxlaang-bak | farsightedness | 老人眼
lauxlaang-kviax | presbyopia eyeglasses | 老人鏡; 老花眼鏡
lauxlaang-pvi | old ailment | 老人病
lauxlang'vi | nursing home | 老人院
lauxlangbak | old people | 老人目
lauxlanghii | old fish | 老人魚
lauxlanghoe | old people's club | 老人會
lauxlangnikym | elderly pensione | 老人年金
lauxlangpafn | age spots | 老人斑
lauxlangphiøx | elderly ticket | 老人票
lauxlangtee | elderly tee | 老人茶
lauxlangzexng | senile disease | 老人症
lauxlau | old-looking | 老老; 漏漏
lauxlauxjiedjiet | noisy- full of people | 鬧鬧熱熱
lauxliedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxlienkii | old age | 老年期
lauxliet | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱
lauxloong | a veteran peasant | 老農
lauxmar | a maidservant; usu. middle aged | 老媽; 祖母
lauxmia | dear life; life of the aged | 老命
lauxmopve | old ailment | 老毛病
lauxnihoax | aging | 老年化
lauxnipor | old grandmom | 老奶脯
lauxniuu | my old mother (occa. used as a pronoun. by an elderly woman) | 老娘
lauxo'ar | people who immigrant to Taiwan from China | 老芋仔
lauxoarn | long (road) | 老遠
lauxoe | an old expression; useless words | 老話; 無用之語
lauxoo | a water clock | 漏壺; 水漏鐘
lauxpafhix | old trick | 老把戲
lauxpaizuo | an old brand | 老牌子
lauxpe | father; one's old father; father | 老父; 老爸; 父親
lauxpefng | an old soldier; veteran | 老兵
lauxpehsvex | people; public; subjects; citizens | 老百姓
lauxpehsvix | the common people | 老百姓
lauxpeng'iuo | old friend | 老朋友
lauxpexar | old dad | 老爸仔
lauxphoee | old skin; old guy | 老皮
lauxphoksu | old Phd | 老博士
lauxphvoa | one's spouse in old age; one's dear old companion ─ one's spouse in old age | 老伴; 老伴兒
lauxpiao | old cousin; old buddy | 老表
lauxpo | old things; old ways | 老步; 老套
lauxpoex | one's senior | 老輩
lauxpoxtvia | showing much experience; expert | 老步定; 老到
lauxpurn | the original investment; money reserved for old age when dividing family property; dowager portion | 老本; 養老之財物
lauxputsiw | an old lecher; you shameless old wretch! You old rake; old roue | 老無修; 老不羞
lauxpøar | old lady | 老婆仔
lauxpøar-sym | kind and compassionate heart; excessive solicitude; useless precaution | 老婆仔心
lauxpøo | wife; amah; maidservant | 老婆; 老傭婦 (太太自嘆)
lauxpøx | fail to include something in a report intentionally or unintentionally; evade declaration of dutiable goods | 漏報
lauxsaihu | master | 老師傅
lauxsefng | a scholar of an advanced age; (opera) an elderly character; role of the old man in Chinese opera | 老生
lauxseg | old fashioned, old style | 老式
lauxsex | avoid paying taxes illegally | 漏稅
lauxsiab | leak (information or secret) | 洩漏; 洩露
lauxsiafm | (adj) feeble and old | 老樣
lauxsiap | leak a secret; reveal a secret; divulge | 洩漏
lauxsiaux | elder and young fellows | 老少
lauxsied | leak a secret; reveal a secret; divulge | 洩漏
lauxsiensvy | venerable sir | 老先生
lauxsinzaixzai | clam | 老神在在
lauxsioxng | old appearance | 老相
lauxsiu | a robber's den | 老巢
lauxsoex | (v) evade paying taxes; evade duty; smuggle | 漏稅
lauxsviux | old appearance | 老相
lauxsw | teacher | 老師
lauxsyn | self-reference of an old woman; term of depreciation in speaking of oneself | 老身; (自稱)
lauxsøex | evade tax; esp. by smuggling | 漏稅; 逃稅
lauxtao | funnel | 漏斗
lauxthaau | ancient roots | 老頭; 古樹根
lauxthaepøo | old woman | 老太婆
lauxthaethaix | old lady | 老太太
lauxthaix | old-fashioned | 老態
lauxtheagvofar | old veteran | 老退伍仔
lauxthiencyn | second childhood; in one's dotage | 老糊塗; (罵人)
lauxthienthøh | second childhood; in one's dotage | 老顛倒
lauxtiaf | one's father; venerable elderly person | 老爹
lauxtiau | to leave out, to miss out | 漏掉
lauxtiaxm | old store | 老店
lauxtien | leak of electricity | 漏電
lauxtiongsiu | old and long life | 老長壽
lauxtngsiu | old and long life | 老長壽
lauxtoa | elderly person | 老大; 長者
lauxtoaxkofng | old man | 老大公
lauxtoaxlaang | (n) polite term for old woman or man | 老大人; 對老人的尊稱
lauxtong | a loophole; a shortcoming; loophole; shortcoming | 漏洞
lauxtvoax | impersonator of old woman; actor playing the part of an old woman; role of the old female in Chinese opera | 老旦
lauxtørkiw | bent with aged; stooped | 老倒縮; 老而返矮
lauxtørthøex | dote; fall into dotage; become weak with age; be senile; be in one's dotage; worn out with age | 老倒退
lauxun | good luck in one's old age; last part of an old man's life; one's lot in old age | 老運
lauxviu | the same as before, old fashion | 老樣
lauxzaang | old tree | 老叢
lauxzerngthaau | old symptom | 老症頭
lauxzhaepor | old dried radish | 老菜脯
lauxzhafng | procuress; the Madame (of a brothel) | 老鴇; 老娼; 鴇母
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
lauxzhangthaau | brothel madam | 老娼頭
lauxzhof | a rude fellow | 老粗
lauxzhud | to leak out | 漏出
lauxzhux | old house | 老厝
lauxzofkofng | male ancestors | 老祖公
lauxzofmar | grand old grand mom | 老祖媽
lauxzor | grand grand ancient | 老祖
lauxzuie | (said of containers; holds; etc) leaking of water; leaking (said of containers; holds) | 漏水
lauxzwkox | old customer | 老主顧
lauzao | flow away | 流走
lauzaxn | floor | 樓層
lauzhud | flow away | 流出
lauzhuienoa | spit saliva | 流喙瀾
lauzhuoboefterng | top floor | 樓厝尾頂
lauzuie | flowing water; current | 流水
lauzøx | keep it as | 留做
law | ramble | 遶; 逛; 漫步
law'ar | swindler | 佬仔; 拐仔; 騙仔
lawar | cheater; swindler; swindler; a cheat; confidence man; racketeer; impostor | 老仔; 老千; 拐子; 騙子
lawchiuo | experienced craftsman; an old hand at it; an expert | 老手
lawciao | an old bird; an old hand | 老鳥; 老練者
lawcioxng | an old officer; a veteran | 老將
lawcviuo | for CKS | 老蔣
lawhefng | my dear friend | 老兄
lawhoaf | presbyopia | 老花
lawhoan | experienced prison | 老犯; 前科犯
lawhviaf | my dear friend (used among males) | 老兄
lawjixhø | brand name | 老字號
lawkhud | torsion flexion | 撓屈
lawku | old | 老舊
lawkøf | elderly gentleman | 老高; 老大哥
lawlao-sidsit | honestly | 老老實實
lawlien | experienced; skilled; expert; experienced; veteran | 老練
lawpaai | brand or trademark which has been in use for a long time (which means the merchandise concerned must be very good); veteran (actor; actress; player) | 老牌
lawpafnniuu | proprietor's wife; proprietress; proprietor's wife; boss's wife; mistress | 老闆娘
lawparn | boss; master; proprietor; keeper; boss; proprietor of a shop; husband | 老闆; 老板
lawphiernsut | old tricks | 老騙術
lawphiexn | deceive | 老騙; 拐騙
lawpoex | a person of higher rank than oneself; the older generation | 老輩
lawpurn | capital investment | 老本
lawseeng | well-experienced and steady | 老成
lawsidar | honest person | 老實仔
lawsidlawsit | honest | 老實老實
lawsidloq | honest | 老實囉
lawsit | honest; truthful; honest; well disposed; trustworthy | 老實
lawsøex | younger brother | 老細; 小弟
lawtaux | (adj) experienced; trained | 老到; 老練
lawtiin | rattan | 荖藤; 龍絞水; 蔞藤
lawtiøh axmkurn | get a crick in the neck | 扭傷脖子
lawtiøh chiuo | sprained one's arm | 扭傷手
lawtiøh kyn | sprain; have a strain (sprain); pull a muscle; ligament | 扭傷筋
lawtoa | supervisor | 老大
lawtoaxkøf | a reference to one's senior of equal standing | 老大哥
lawzar | very early; long ago; long time ago; former time | 老早
lax | enclitic particle at the end of a sentence; especially of an indicative sentence; sometimes marks the completion of an action | 啦
laxcide | stir | 抐一下
laxgiø | lotus buckwheat | 蕗蕎
laxhiøh | hawk; kite | 鳶
laxjit | calendar | 曆日
laxjiø | lotus buckwheat | 蕗蕎
laxkhafng | make a hole; drill a hole | 撈孔
laxla | stir | 撈撈
laxla`leq | stir | 撈撈著
laxlaxkhuy | stir to open | 抐抐開
laxm | boggy; spongy; marshy; muddy | 窪
laxm'iim | immodest; debauched | 濫淫
laxm'iong citkoaan | misuse one's powers; abuse one'so+D318 authority; wide misuse of official authority | 濫用職權
laxm'iong | to misuse; to spend excessively; to abuse; use too freely; use extravagantly; spend excessively; misuse; to abuse | 濫用
laxmcy | lavish expenditure | 濫支
laxmhoat somliim | log without (or not according) plan; excessive felling of trees | 濫伐森林
laxmhoat | excessive or undue penalty; punishment | 濫罰
laxmhoeq | mixed with blood | 濫血
laxmhuix | spend money immoderately; to waste money | 濫費
laxmkaw | to be friend at random; to make friends indiscriminately; form undesirable companionships; befriend at random | 濫交
laxmkhay | spend recklessly | 濫界; 濫用錢
laxmkhurn | cultivate farms in areas where soil conservation should be maintained | 濫墾
laxmlam | to mix; to blend | 濫濫; 混合
laxmlam-zhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 濫濫摻摻; 混淆
laxmlam`leq | mixing | 濫濫咧; 混在一起; 混合
laxmlaxmzhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 混混參參
laxmluix | (of clothes) tattered; torn and ragged | 襤褸
laxmsad | to kill at random; to kill indiscriminately | 濫殺
laxmsafmlaai | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever | 濫糝來
laxmsarm ciuozoa | random or false swearing | 亂散; 發誓言
laxmsarm korng | talk at random; speak falsely | 亂散講
laxmsarm zøx | behave in an improper or disorderly way | 亂散做; 冒然而為
laxmsarm | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever; without settled plan or arrangement; false; vicious; corrupt | 亂散; 濫糝; 胡亂; 亂來
laxmsiofng | origin; originate | 濫觴
laxmsuo | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever; without settled plan or arrangement; false; vicious; corrupt | 亂史; 濫使; 胡亂
laxmsøq | cable | 纜索
laxmthngg | mixed with sugar | 濫糖
laxmthøx | trite; cliches; superfluous expressions | 濫套
laxmtiau | platitudes; hackneyed words and phrases; cliches | 濫調
laxmtiaw | platitude, stock argument | 濫調
laxmtin | overrun | 濫陣
laxmtiøh | mixed | 濫著
laxmtui | fleet; naval task force; naval squadron | 艦隊
laxmtviuo | commanding officer of a warship | 艦長
laxmzhafm | to mix | 濫摻
laxmzhuo | take what one does not deserve; take excessively | 濫取
laxn'ux | to do things lousily and leave a mess | 爛污
laxnbiin siu'iongsor | haven or shelter for refugees; refugee camp; center | 難民收容所
laxnbiin | refugee | 難民
laxnbiin-siu'iongsor | a shelter for refugees; a refugee camp | 難民收容所
laxnciao | glans; penis (slang) | 陰莖; 𡳞鳥; 陽具; 屌; 龜頭
laxnciawthaau | glans; the head (of the penis) | 陰莖頭; 龜頭
laxng | open; empty; unoccupied; alternate; leave a space | 曠; 閬; 間隔,空位; 留位子; 零星; 隔
laxng-hoxphang | lull (letup) in the rain | 曠雨縫; 趁雨停
laxnggee | triumph over a conquered enemy (fig From cricket fighting) | 弄牙; 恥笑; 耀武揚威
laxnggin | ridicule or tease | 嘲笑; 揶揄
laxnghiarm | take risks; adventure; adventurous | 弄險; 冒險
laxnghix | tease | 弄戲
laxnghoef | make flowers | 弄花
laxnghofng | make wind; some moving cause wind blow | 弄風
laxngkao | play dog | 弄狗
laxngkea | pretending a false thing | 弄假
laxngkhafng | sparse | 間疏
laxngkiaxm | practise fencing | 弄劍; 舞劍
laxngkiuu | play ball | 弄球
laxngkoayafhoef | play ? | 弄枴仔花
laxnglaau | playing cymbals after a ceremony for dead people | 弄鐃
laxnglang | tease | 弄弄
laxngleeng | dragon dance; dragon dance (a team of men dancing with a cloth dragon on Chinese festivals); to play the dragon in the procession | 弄龍; 舞龍; 舞籠
laxngsay | lion dance; lion dance (two-man team dancing inside a paper lion on Chinese festivals); play the lion in an festive procession | 弄獅; 舞獅
laxngsinniuu | tease the bride | 弄新娘
laxngtøf | get a knife | 弄刀
laxngtøf-laxngkiaxm | brandish a knife or sword; perform with swordplay | 舞刀舞劍
laxngzhuiehoef | play? | 弄喙花
laxnhefng-laxnte | noble pair of brothers; two just alike; one as good (or bad) as the other | 難兄難弟
laxnhudar | testicles | 睪丸丸
laxnhut | testicle | 睪丸; 𡳞核; 外腎
laxnmngg | hairs at the private part | 陰毛
laxnmoa | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself | 跋扈; 驕傲
laxnmof | male pubic hair | 屌毛
laxnpaw | refugee (national) | 難胞
laxnphaf | scrotum | 陰囊; 𡳞脬
laxnsiin | A person susceptible to praise of his extravagance. The last of the big spenders | 誇大; 愛出風頭
laxnsuy | glans; head of the penis | 龜頭
laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 亂彈
laxpaf | horn; trumpet; speaker | 喇叭
laxtiøh | stir | 抐著
lazap | adj. | 拉雜
le | custom, regulation, example | 例
le'afkhag | seashells; shells | 螺仔殼
le'ar | conch; spiral shell | 螺仔; 貝殼
le'kngr | spiral tube | 螺管
lea sor tongjieen | etiquette requires it | 禮所當然
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
lea | curse; scold; revile; vituperate (le or loe is feminine in gender) | 詈; 禮
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
lea`tiøh | a scratch, scratched | 詈著; 擦過傷; 受微傷
lear | snails | 螺仔
lebaq | snail flesh; flesh of a spiral shell fish | 螺肉
lebeeng | twilight; dawning; dawn; dawn; daybreak; early dawn | 黎明
lebiin | common people | 黎民; 百姓
leborng | lemon | 檸檬; 源自日語レモン(remon)
lecviu | run aground | 犁上
lee hancii | take up a whole field of sweet potatoes either with plough or hoe | 採收蕃薯; 採收地瓜
lee | spiral univalve shellfish | 螺; 號笛
leeng hvi'ar | pull by the ear | 擰耳仔
leeng suo putjiok | prefer death to disgrace | 寧死無辱
leeng | dragon (associated with rain; floods; and geomancy); an emblem of imperialism; imperial; royal | 龍; 零; 扛; 拎; 靈
leeng`ciar tøløo | capable are usually the busy ones (compliment to a busy person) | 能者多勞
lefab'ar | gift box | 禮盒仔
lefap | gift box | 禮盒
lefbut | a gift; a present; present; offering | 禮物
lefbuun | written liturgy or ritual | 禮文; 書面禱告文
lefbø | a ceremonial hat or cap; tall silk hat; top hat; ceremonial hat; cap | 禮帽
lefchiaf | limousine | 禮車
lefcied | etiquette; formality; etiquette | 禮節
lefciuo | unwarmed wine | 冷酒
lefgi | decorum | 禮誼
lefgii | ceremonies for courtesy; etiquette; courtesy; manners | 禮儀
lefgisia | undertaker (establishment) | 禮儀社
lefgu | treat (a person) with due courtesy (respect); be polite and respectful to (a person); respectful treatment | 禮遇
lefha | gift | 禮下
lefhieen | courteous | 禮賢
lefhoad | decorum; rules of politeness; ceremonial rites and regulations | 禮法
lefhok | ceremonial dress; full dress; evening dress | 禮服
lefhut | to worship Buddha | 禮佛
lefhviw | incense | 禮香
lefhø | ceremony | 禮號
lefiexn | ceremonial feast | 禮宴
lefjiong | to make way humbly or modestly; courteousness | 禮讓
lefkaux | ethical education; the teaching of social order | 禮教
lefkngx | gift coupon sold by a shop which the recipient may convert into goods at the shop in question | 禮券
lefkoaxn | gift certificate; gift coupon sold by a shop; which the recipient may convert into goods | 禮券; 禮卷
lefkym | cash gift; monetary gifts | 禮金
lefmau | politeness; good manners; civility; courtesy; etiquette | 禮貌
lefmauxee | polite | 禮貌的
lefmauxsexng | polite | 禮貌性
lefmih | gift | 禮物
lefng | milk, breast of a woman | 乳; 奶; 奶,
lefng'ix | coldness | 冷意
lefng'ud | cold rolling (in mechanics) | 冷鬱
lefngbeng | to receive orders | 領命
lefngbin | displeased; a poker face | 冷面
lefngbok | indifferent | 冷漠
lefngbuun | not in popular demand; not in vogue | 冷門
lefngchiøroe | cold joke | 冷笑話
lefngchiøx | sneer, ridicule, derision, sneering | 冷笑
lefngcide | cool a bit | 冷一下
lefngciexn | cold war | 冷戰
lefngciuo | cold wine | 冷酒
lefngcvix | an unexpected attack or a pot shot; arrow shot from an ambush (literally) ─ unexpected attack; a pot shot | 冷箭
lefnggarn | take a cool look; look at coolly; look at (something) without prejudice; look on as a disinterested bystander; look coldly on | 冷眼
lefngge | speak sarcastically | 冷牙; 冷笑
lefnggo | comprehend; apprehend; understand | 領悟
lefnggoxtiøh | comprehend | 領悟著
lefnggvo | to understand; to comprehend | 領悟
lefnghaam | to head the list of signers; sponsors | 領銜
lefnghae | territorial waters | 領海
lefnghang'oaan | a navigator, a pilot | 領航海; 領航員
lefnghek | domain; the territory of a nation; realm; the territory of a nation | 領域
lefnghied toxngbut | cold blooded animal | 冷血動物
lefnghied | cold blooded | 冷血
lefnghoe | to understand; to appreciate | 領會
lefnghofng | cold wind | 冷風
lefnghw | cold compress, cool application | 冷敷
lefngjiet | temperature | 冷熱; 溫度
lefngjiok | cold and weak | 冷弱
lefngkafmzexng | sexual apathy; sexual frigidity | 冷感症
lefngkafngzuun | pilot boat | 領港船
lefngkarng | a harbor pilot; pilot (a boat); pilot | 領港
lefngkaux | receive instruction | 領教
lefngkefng | cold palace | 冷宮
lefngkhieky | air conditioner | 冷氣機
lefngkhiog | to get cold; to cool off; get cold; cool down; refrigerate | 冷卻
lefngkhiog-ky | cooling machine | 冷卻機
lefngkhix sietpi | air conditioning equipment; facilities | 冷氣設備
lefngkhix | air condition; cool air (air conditioning) | 冷氣
lefngkhix-ky | an air-conditioner | 冷氣機
lefngkhix`aq | already cold | 冷去啊
lefngkhofng | a country's sovereign air space; sovereign airspace; aerial domain; territorial skies | 領空
lefngkhog | merciless; heartless; merciless; heartless; ruthless; cold blooded | 冷酷
lefngkied | cold junction | 冷結
lefngkiky | frosty (manner; expression); chilly; very cold | 冷冰冰
lefngkiofng | palace where a queen or an imperial concubine fallen into disgrace lived; palace to confine the emperor's concubines after they lost his favors | 冷宮
lefngkvoa | cold perspiration (as in great fright) | 冷汗
lefnglai | cold and biting | 冷內; 凜冽; 寒冷刺骨
lefnglefnglerng | extremely cool | 冷冷冷
lefnglerng | a bit cold; cool | 冷冷
lefnglerng-zhengzhefng | deserted and quiet (said of a place) | 冷冷清清
lefngli | clever; cuteness; shrewd; smart and quick | 伶俐
lefngliok | to grasp; to understand | 領略
lefngloarn jinkafn | the coldness and warmth of this world | 冷暖人間
lefngloarn | degree of warmth | 冷暖
lefnglok | (n) cold shoulder; scarce; scattered; thinned out; to grasp; understand; cold and lonely; cold reception; to cold shoulder | 冷落; 零落; 領略
lefngloong | porch | 冷廊; 走廊
lefngløh | decayed and desolate (place or family) | 冷落; 荒蕪
lefngmngg | not popular; unexpected (of nomination or contest); not popular nor in great demand (said of a commodity; academic course) | 冷門
lefngpaang | cooling room | 冷房
lefngpheg | lonely; deserted; obsolete; a big or hard (word) | 冷僻
lefngpng | cold meal; cold rice | 冷飯
lefngpvoaa | cold food (the first dish of the Chinese banquet); hors d'oeuvres | 冷盤
lefngsafm | fir tree | 冷杉
lefngsaux | cold cough | 冷嗽
lefngsia | to appreciate; show appreciation | 領謝
lefngsib | cold and wet | 冷濕
lefngsiefn | lead in a game or contest | 佔先; 領先
lefngsiern hoatsex | baptismal vows | 領洗發誓
lefngsiern zerngbengsw | certificate of Baptism (Catholic) | 領洗證明書
lefngsiern | baptism; receive baptism (Catholic) | 領洗
lefngsiu | to receive formally | 領受
lefngsiux | a leader; chief; the leading figure; Lit collar and cuffs ─ a leader | 領袖
lefngsiw | to receive | 領收; 收據
lefngsiw-zexng | receipt for money | 領收症; 收據
lefngsngsngf | icy cold | 冷霜霜
lefngsofng | cold cream | 冷霜
lefngsu koafn'oaan | staff of a consulate | 領事館員
lefngsu | (in diplomacy) a consul; consular | 領事
lefngsu-koarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngsuxkoarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsym | apathetic; unenthusiastic; discouraged | 冷心
lefngsyn | debilitated (health); lacking in vitality | 冷身; 體質虛弱
lefngsøea | receive baptism | 領洗
lefngtam | impassive; cool (friends); dull (trade) | 冷淡
lefngthor | fief; territory; domain | 領土
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
lefngtorngkhox | refrigerating apparatus; refrigerator | 冷凍庫
lefngtorngzef | refrigerate; freeze; coolant; cooling agent; refrigerant | 冷凍劑
lefngtoxng sidphirn | frozen foods | 冷凍食品
lefngtoxng | freeze; refrigeration; refrigeration | 冷凍
lefngtui | leader of a team; group | 領隊
lefngtviuu | cold reception of a show or speech; temporary suspension of a show; party occasioned by inefficient management | 冷場
lefngtø iwhofng | lead correctly; wise leadership | 領導有方
lefngtø | to lead; leadership; guide; conduct | 領導
lefngtø-ciar | leader | 領導者
lefngtø-ha | under the guidance of | 領導下
lefngtøea | physically weak | 領導; 冷底; 虛弱
lefngtøxliin | leader | 領導人
lefngzeeng | to accept with thanks | 領情
lefngzeng | clear (mind; thinking); calm or composed; calmness; coolness; presence of mind; composedly; serenely | 冷靜
lefngzeng'ar | calm down | 冷靜仔
lefngzhefng | sober, dispassionate | 冷清
lefngzhengzhefng | deserted | 冷清清
lefngzhuo | to accept, to receive | 領取
lefngzongchiaf | refrigerated car | 冷藏車
lefngzonghoad | refrigerated method | 冷藏法
lefngzongkhox | cold room; cold storage; refrigerator | 冷藏庫
lefngzoong | to preserve by means of refrigeration | 冷藏
lefngzuie | cool water; unboiled water; cold water | 冷水
lefngzuy'ek | cold bath | 冷水浴
lefngzuyek | cold shower; cold bath | 冷水浴
lefpaejit | sunday | 禮拜日
lefpaelai | within a week | 禮拜內
lefpaelak | Saturday | 禮拜六
lefpaelit | sunday | 禮拜日
lefpaesi | (Islam) mosque | 禮拜寺
lefpaesi'ar | Sunday | 禮拜時仔
lefpaesix | Thursday | 禮拜四
lefpaesvaf | Wednesday | 禮拜三
lefpaetngg | a church or chapel; place of worship | 禮拜堂
lefpaix | week; Sunday; worship | 禮拜
lefpaix-giseg | liturgy | 禮拜儀式
lefpaix-jit | Sunday; the day of worship | 禮拜日
lefphaux | a gun salute (e.g.1-gun salute); rocket salute | 禮炮
lefphexng | to cordially invite the service of; to enlist the service of someone with handsome gifts | 禮聘
lefphirn | a gift; a present | 禮品
lefpo | the Board of Rites under the monarchy (in charge of education and culture) | 禮部
lefpviar | delicious cake for wedding; cakes presented by the boy to the girl as a symbol of betrothal | 禮餅
lefpyn-sw | Office of Protocol, the Protocol Department | 禮賓司
lefseeng | ceremony is over; the end | 禮成
lefseg | a social ceremony; rules of etiquette | 禮式
lefsiok | manners and custom; social customs and institutions | 禮俗
lefsox | different grades of courtesy due to differences in rank | 禮數; 禮貌
lefthiab | invitation (card) | 禮帖; 請帖
leftiern | ceremony, cerebration | 禮展; 慶典
leftngg | an auditorium; a hall decorated for a wedding ceremony or funeral service; a chapel; assembly hall | 禮堂
leftvoaf | a list of gifts | 禮單; 贈品目錄
leftøf pitzax | much politeness there is surely some cunning | 禮多必詐
lefzaxn | praise; worship; adore | 禮讚
lefzex | a system of ceremonial forms; set of etiquette; ritual | 禮制
leg | to shudder; to tremble; sink down ill or fainting; fall senseless | 慄; 摺疊; 癱; 難倒
leg'aix | spoil; pamper; dote on; love too much; love blindly and with partiality | 溺愛
leg'iar | green field; grassy plains | 綠野
leg'iaux | a summary, briefly | 簡要; 略要
leg'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
leg'iuzefng | anthracene | 綠油精
leg'ut | green sandpiper | 綠鷸; 白腰草鷸
leg'y-swciar | a mailman, a postman | 綠衣使者
leg`khorkhaf | wrap trousers | 勒褲跤
leg`khylaai | tremble | 勒起來
leg`laang | to humiliate someone | 勒人; 折磨人
legbea | rein in a horse | 勒馬
legbeeng | anonymous | 匿名
legbie | green rice | 綠米
legbyhoax | green beautification | 綠美化
legbø | literally; green hat ─ sign of a cuckold; a wronged husband | 綠帽
legchiuo | green hand | 綠手
legchvy | pitch; asphalt | 瀝青
legcid | fail to do one's duty | 溺職
legciexn | fight with all one's might; highly recommend (someone) | 力戰; 力薦
legcin sinkhor | have experienced all sorts of difficulties | 歷盡辛苦
legcin | to pass through (periods; place); to experience; strength exhausted | 歷盡; 力盡
legciw | oasis | 綠洲
legciøh | gravel | 礫石
leggek | beryl, emerald | 綠玉
leghak | mechanics; study with diligence; dynamics | 力學
legheeng | proceed with determination; act vigorously; practice; perform energetically; to act with might | 力行
leghiarm | experience adventures; undergo dangers; had a narrow escape | 歷險
leghiøh | green leaves | 綠葉
leghoaan | green vitriol, melanterite | 綠磺; 綠礬
leghoad | The calendar; system of determining the beginning; length; and divisions of a year; astronomy; calculation of the stars and times | 曆法
leghoax | plant trees; build parks; lay out lawns in deserts or urban areas | 綠化
legjim | to have held the following posts; have held the following posts; (those who) have held the same post | 歷任
legkaix | all previous sessions; successive previous (meetings; games; elections;) | 歷屆
legkefng | went through | 歷經
legkhaq | green card | 綠卡
legkhix | chlorine gas | 氯氣
legkied | to be exhausted | 力結
legkierntiok | green building | 綠建築
legkiet | to be exhausted | 力竭
legkioong | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
legkiuo | long lasting; long since; for years past | 歷久
legkiuu | make every effort to; do one's best; strive for | 力求
legkud | ribs | 肋骨
legkym | plate with molten gold | 歷金; 鍍金
legkøex | pass through | 歷經; 歷過; 經歷
leglaai | always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time | 歷來
leglaai-legkhix | be busily engaged in | 忙這忙那
leglaixcioxng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 青光眼
leglaixzexng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 綠內症; 青光眼
leglarm | to travel and see | 歷覽
legleng | an imperial decree; edict; command; or ordinance | 勒令
leglieen | year after year; for years | 歷年
leglien | to practice and experience | 歷練
legliong | strength; force; power; strength; force; power; the measure of one's strength; ability; energy | 力量
legloexcioxng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 青光眼
legmiaa | anonymous; record names; pick up names and write them in another book | 匿名; 抄名字
legmoh | pleura (physiology) | 肋膜
legmoqiam | pleurisy | 肋膜炎
legnii ylaai | for many years past | 歷年以來
legnii | year after year; for years | 歷年
legpeg | force (s.o.) to do (s.t.) against his will | 勒逼
legpien | argue forcibly | 力辯
legpoo | soybeans for making sauce | 綠渣; 豆胚
legpoong | the ribs; the side | 肋膀
legpuii | green manure | 綠肥
legpøfciøh | emerald; beryl | 綠寶石; 翡翠
legpøh | weak | 弱薄; 力薄
legsad | to atrangle, to smother | 纏結; 勒殺
legseg | green color | 綠色; 勒索
legsex legtai | ages and generations | 歷世歷代
legsex ylaai | through successive generations | 歷世以來
legsex | pass through the world | 歷世
legsiaux | make copies of manifest; check accounts; keep accounts | 抄數
legsie | be drowned; weary unto death (exaggeration) | 溺死; 累死
legsii | to last (a certain period of time); course of time | 歷時
legsiok | hold for ransom | 勒贖
legsiuo | to guard, to hold and defend | 力守
legsoef | languid | 力虛; 力衰; 慵懶的
legsox | predestined length of dynasty; time of the year | 曆數
legsu | a person of great physical strength; strong man; man of great muscular strength | 力士; 角力選手
legsuo | history | 歷史
legsuo-kaf | historian | 歷史家
legsuo-koafn | historical view or concept | 歷史觀
legsuun | wrinkle in face; dress | 慄紋; 成皺紋
legsw | an old-fashioned calendar with full horoscopic details; an almanac; almanac | 歷書
legswhagkaf | historian | 歷史學家
legswhak | science of history; historiography | 歷史學
legswhe | history department | 歷史系
legswkaf | historian; historiographer | 歷史家
legswsexng | historical | 歷史性
legswsiong | historical | 歷史上
legsøq | blackmail; exaction; extortion | 勒索
legtai | successive generations; through-out the ages | 歷代
legtau | green bean; small green beans in black pods; a type of lentil | 綠豆
legtau-hurn | green bean powder | 綠豆粉
legtau-køf | small cakes made with green-bean flour | 綠豆糕
legtau-pviar | green bean cake | 綠豆餅
legtau-thngf | green bean soup | 綠豆湯
legtauar | green beans | 綠豆仔
legtauxar | green bean | 綠豆仔
legtauxkuie | bad green beans | 綠豆鬼
legtauxkøf | steamed cake made of green pea flour | 綠豆糕
legtauxmoee | congee or rice porridge cooked with lentils | 綠豆粥
legtauxpefng | green bean ice | 綠豆冰
legtauxphoxng | green bean pastry | 綠豆膨
legtauxpviar | type of pie made of lentil jam | 綠豆餅
legte | space reserved for parks; trees or meadows | 綠地
legtee | green tea | 綠茶
legtefng | green traffic light | 綠燈
legteg | green bamboo; common variety of Taiwan bamboo | 綠竹
legteksurn | green bamboo shoot; shoots of the bamboo known as lek-tek | 綠竹筍
legtengho | red-light district | 綠燈戶
legtheeng | process; course; process; step; stage | 歷程
legtiaau | successive dynasties; through the successive dynasties | 歷朝
legtiarm | point of force | 力點
legtoo zuxkioong | plucked up one's strength | 力圖自強
legtoo | try hard to; strive to; strive for earnestly | 力圖
legtorng | green party | 綠黨
leguu | farming cow | 犁牛
legzefng | to struggle hard for | 力爭
legzhefng | asphalt; pitch; another name of resin | 瀝青
legzherng | entreat earnestly; ask with zeal; eagerness | 力請
legzhux | many times in the past | 歷次
legzoxng | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
legzu | to restain, to hold in check | 力持; 勒住
leh cidkhafng | split open; make a slit | 裂一孔
leh to | disembowelment and slaughter animals | 剺肚
leh | rip up; slit up or open; without cutting apart; crack | 裂; 剺
leh`khuy | split open | 裂開
lehoaf | pear begonia | 梨花
lek pud ciongsym | strength is not equal to the will; have too little power or resources to do as much as one wishes; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak | 力無從心
lek | copy out a record of a transaction; green; chlorine | 綠; 鰳; 力; 錄; 努力工作
lek`khylaai | greenish | 綠起來
lek`sie | strangle; strangulation | 勒死
lekaw | furrow | 犁溝
lekchiuo | nervous and let go | 慄手; 緊張而放手
lekhag | univalve shells (in general) | 螺殼
lekkex | reduce price | 慄價; 降價
lekleng | loosen up | 慄鬆
lekngr | spiral tube | 螺管
lekphvi | wrinkled nose | 慄鼻; 皺鼻頭
lekseg | terrified; change color; turn pale; pale with fear | 慄色; 失色; 因恐懼而色變
leksex | to lose support; to be in disgrace or out of power | 慄勢; 頓挫
leksuun | fold; crease; wrinkle forming of itself (in a dress worn too long; on the neck of a fat man; or wrist of a child) | 皺紋
leksøq | to blackmail; to extort | 勒索
lektvar | (adj) timid; loose courage; be scared | 慄膽; 喪膽; 膽怯; 膽慄
lekzhuo | a squirrel | 栗鼠
lekøf | farewell song; parting song | 驪歌
lelee | plow | 犁犁
lelui | spiral shellfish | 螺類
lemorng | lemon | 檸檬
leng chienkym | your daughter | 令媛; 令愛; 令千金
leng | to order; loosen up; law; rule; order; to command; to cause; to render; good; honorable (a term of respect) | 令; 冗; 鬆
leng'afsviaf | ringing | 鈴仔聲
leng'afthaau | nipple | 奶仔頭
leng'aq | eastern scaup duck | 靈鴨; 鈴鴨
leng'ar | breast; bell | 奶仔; 鈴仔; 乳房
leng'i | mysterios | 靈異
leng'ie | emperor's chair | 龍椅
leng'iong | for everyday expenses of a non-descriptive nature; miscellaneous | 零用
leng'ioong | antelope | 羚羊
leng'ioxngcvii | pocket money | 零用錢
leng'iuu | butter | 奶油
leng'iøh | efficacious medicine | 靈藥
leng'oah | energetic; active and clever; quick-minded | 靈活
leng'oong | Dragon King (of the seas and lakes) | 龍王
leng'ui | memorial tablet | 靈位; 牌位
leng'uii | able; resourceful | 能為
leng'vi | strange; mysterious; occult | 靈異
leng'viuu | antelope | 羚羊
leng-cyhw | your brother-in-law | 令姊夫
leng-sientoong | your deceased mother | 令先堂
leng-sienzwn | your parents | 令先尊
leng`ciar | the other; in addition | 另者
lengbirn | clever; skillful; active; ingenious; clever; skilful; active; nimble | 靈敏
lengbiø | mausoleum temple | 陵廟; 靈廟
lengbo | emperor's mausoleum | 陵墓
lengboee | spiritualistic medium | 靈煤
lengbok | Suzuki | 鈴木
lengboong | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
lengbuo | a wet nurse | 乳母; 奶母; 奶媽
lengbuo-chiaf | baby-carriage | 乳母車; 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengbuo-lat | with whole strength | 乳母力; 全力
lengbuun lengbuo | can compose and perform military exercises; gifted in both intellectual and martial arts; efficient in both brainy and brawny activities | 能文能武
lengbwchiaf | stroller | 奶母車
lengbynto | sensitivity | 靈敏度
lengbøfchiaf | baby carriage; baby buggy | 嬰兒車
lengbør | wet nurse | 奶母; 奶媽
lengbør-chiaf | baby-carriage | 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengchiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
lengchirm | a coffin containing a corpse | 靈寢
lengchiuo | expert; capable; competent person | 能手
lengchiw | a kind of edible seaweed; grown on rocks | 龍鬚
lengciab | (human) milk | 乳汁
lengcieen | before the tablet of the dead; in front of a tablet honoring the dead | 靈前
lengciexn | spiritual warfare | 靈戰
lengcih | the dragon's tongue | 龍舌
lengcih-laan | a kind of orchid | 龍舌蘭
lengcizhao | a mythic plant of long life | 靈芝草
lengcy | lingzhi mushroom; kind of dark brownish; hard fungus which is supposed to possess supernatural powers | 靈芝
lenggaam | breast cancer; cancer of the breast; mammary cancer | 奶癌; 乳癌
lenggarn | spiritual eyes | 龍眼; 靈眼
lenggefngchiu | logan tree | 龍眼樹
lenggefngchiuxkhaf | under logan tree | 龍眼樹跤
lenggefngkvoaf | dried dragon eye fruit | 龍眼乾
lenggefngzaang | logan tree | 龍眼欉
lenggerng | logan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
lenggiam | prediction; (said of a prediction)to come true; medicine); charm; (a drug) with uncanny or unbelievable efficacy; prophecy come true; with unbelievable accuracy; efficacious protection (attributed to an idol | 靈驗
lenggiang'ar | bell | 鈴鈃仔
lenggiern | the longan | 龍眼
lenggiok | persecute | 凌虐
lenggoaan | energy resource; source of energy; source of power | 能原; 能源
lenggoan | would rather; better; I had rather; I prefer | 寧願
lengguu | milk cow | 奶牛
lengguun | silver dollar | 龍眼; 銀元
lenggvau | the lotus root | 蓮藕
lengha | subzero | 零下
lenghau | (said of drugs; etc.) with unbelievable efficacy or curing power; drugs with unbelievable efficacy or curative power | 靈效
lenghee | lobster; prawn | 龍蝦
lengheeng | a rhomb; rhombic | 菱形
lenghiet | ideal site for a grave | 龍穴
lenghngg | tomb garden | 陵園
lenghoat | quick in response; alert; energetic; active and clever; quick minded; flexible; nimble | 靈活
lenghong thengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lenghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitation cards | 龍鳳帖
lenghong | fine offspring; excellent children | 龍鳳
lenghong-pviar | engagement-cake | 龍鳳餅; 訂婚禮餅
lenghor siøthin | it is lucky for persons born in the year of the dragon and the year of the tiger to marry each other | 龍虎相配
lenghor | dragon tiger; abscess in the female breast | 龍虎; 奶虎; 乳濃瘡; 乳瘡瘍
lenghoxngpviar | cakes used at betrothal (with figures of dragons and phoenixes) | 龍鳳餅
lenghunhak | pneumatology | 靈魂學
lenghunlun | animism | 靈魂論
lenghuo | the source of one's spirit – the mind; or brain | 靈府
lenghurn | milk powder | 奶粉
lenghuu | eastern scaup dick | 靈魂; 鈴鴨
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lenghuun samsw | three qualities of the rational soul; faculties of the soul | 靈魂三司
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lenghuun | soul; spirit | 靈魂; 凌雲
lenghuy | a woman immortal | 靈妃
lenghwn | zero; no marks; scoreless; in grading examination paper zero (in grading examination paper); no mark; (in sports) scoreless | 零分
lengjiao | dragon's claws | 龍爪
lengjii | a sucking child; suckling; infant; baby | 乳兒
lengjiin | actor; actress | 伶人
lengjiok | to insult; to put to shame; insult; maltreat; disgrace; assault | 凌辱
lengjit | peaceful day | 寧日
lengkag | the water caltrop; water chestnut | 菱角; ?角; 直角; 龍角
lengkaix | (in Buddhism) the realm of departed spirits; realm of departed spirits; spiritual world (in Buddhism) | 靈界
lengkarm | inspiration; the faculty of telepathy | 靈感
lengkaw | spiritual fellowship | 靈交
lengkax | to overtake | 凌駕
lengkaxn | capable; competent; capable | 能幹
lengkay | energy level | 能階
lengkerng | longan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
lengkhar | clever; bright; cute; lovable | 靈巧
lengkhiao | very intelligent | 靈竅; 靈巧
lengkhiaux | wit; intelligence | 靈竅; 伶敏
lengkhie | baby teeth; milk teeth | 乳齒; 奶齒; 龍齒; 爬蟲類齒化石
lengkhix | spiritual influence or atmosphere | 靈氣
lengkhoad | it's better to leave a vacancy | 寧缺
lengkhør | rather; would rather; it is better; had better.. | 寧可; 還是
lengkii | emperor's flag | 龍旗
lengkiofng | kristal palace of Dragon King | 龍宮
lengkiu chiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
lengkiu | a casket; a bier; a coffin; coffin containing a corpse | 靈柩
lengkiø | carry a sedan chair; Litter on which is carried the death tablet of the deceased when he is buried | 靈轎; 抬轎
lengkoaf | spiritual song | 靈歌
lengkoafn | emperor's crown | 龍冠
lengkofng | natural inclination for goodness in a person (in Buddhism); strange light; divine light | 靈光
lengkor | ring and drump | 鈴鼓
lengkoxng | big guns | 龍槓; 大砲
lengkud | (n) spinal column; back bone | 龍骨; 脊椎骨
lengkutthaq | columbarium | 靈骨塔
lengkutzhoea | spinal cord | 龍骨骨; 脊髓
lengkutzhøea | spinal cord | 龍骨髓; 脊髓
lengkvia | component parts; spare parts(of machines) | 零件
lengkvoaf-hoxngzhøea | rare delicacies | 龍肝鳳髓
lengkw | leathery turtle | 靈龜; 綾龜
lengky ittong | have a brainstorm; to dawn on one suddenly | 靈機一動
lengky | sudden inspiration; ingenuity | 靈機
lengkøf siexnbuo | skilled in both singing and dancing (usually said of a woman) | 能歌善舞
lenglai | skillful; clever | 伶俐; 靈利; 靈巧
lengleeng | spirit | 靈靈
lengleg | give (s.o)hard time | 凌勒; 出難題; 凌辱
lenglek | ability; capacities; power; power; ability; energy; faculty; potency; capacity | 能力
lengliong | (in physics)energy | 能量
lenglioong | delicate; pleasing; cute; bright | 玲瓏
lengliuu | breast tumor | 乳瘤
lengloan | disorderly; in confusion | 零亂; 凌亂
lenglok | junket; cheese | 乳酪
lengloong | delicate; pleasing; cute; bright; elegant; fine and regular; open work; splendid; tinkling of jades | 玲瓏
lenglut | efficiency | 能率
lengløtiutoan | luxurious clothes | 綾羅綢緞
lengmeh | winding mountain range | 龍脈
lengmia | spiritual life | 龍命; 靈命
lengmiaa | pet name given to children | 乳名
lengmngg | dragon gate ─ the attainment of success is described as entering the dragon gate | 龍門
lengnai | patience; endurance | 能耐
lengnao | dragon's brain; Borneo camphor; pieces of ice | 龍腦
lengnii | the year of dragon | 龍年
lengpaang | udder; breasts | 乳房
lengphaux | imperial robe | 龍袍
lengphea'ar | brassiere; bra | 胸罩仔
lengpien | able to discern | 能辯
lengsefng | fragmented; fractional; not as a whole | 零星
lengsexng | spirituality; spiritual nature; intelligent and talented | 靈性
lengsiaw | to soar to the skies | 凌霄
lengsiaw-pøftien | a treasure palace to ride the clouds; a treasure palace to rise up to the skies | 凌霄寶殿
lengsii | zero hour | 零時
lengsiin | early in the morning; wee hours; very early in the morning | 凌晨
lengsit | snacks; refreshments; clip the wings of a bird | 零食; 剪翼毛
lengsiu | retail | 零售
lengsiuhoe | retreat | 靈修會
lengsiutiaxm | fragments; odds and ends; miscellaneous; fractions | 零碎店
lengsiuu | retail sales | 零售
lengsiux | comeliness | 靈秀
lengsiw | meditation; spirit training; devotion; spiritual nurture (Protestant) | 靈修
lengsngf | lactic acid | 奶酸; 乳酸
lengsox | oddment; odd numbers; fractions | 零數
lengsu | one's specialty; what one can do best | 能事
lengsviax | holy; sacred; saint; sage; efficacious and powerful (god; saint) | 靈聖
lengsvoariam | mastitis | 乳腺炎
lengsvoax | mammary gland | 乳腺
lengtaai | the source of one's spirit – the mind or brain | 靈台
lengtafn | a drug with high efficacy; elixir of immortality; wonder drug | 靈丹
lengtee | milktea | 奶茶
lengtefng | alone without relatives | 伶仃; 零丁
lengteng'afkhaf | under pavilion | 涼亭仔跤
lengthaau | nipple; head of any group; esp. of gangsters; teat | 奶頭; 龍頭
lengthaq | pacifier | 奶塞
lengthay | tire | 車胎; 輪胎
lengtheeng | spiritual progress | 靈騰; 靈程
lengthiau | pillars having dragons carved on them | 龍柱
lengthngg | lactose; milk sugar | 乳糖; 奶糖
lengthofng | (n) agility; intelligent; bright; smart; clever; be well versed in; be well acquainted with; have a thorough knowledge of; communicating with each other; (news; messages) spread fast; to pass with great speed | 靈通
lengthviaf | listen to | 聆聽
lengti | to bully; annoy; treat harshly; to tease | 凌治; 凌虐; 欺負
lengtii | persecute; torment; (v) turn from side to side; (v) cause to feel depressed; (v) repeatedly do over | 凌遲; 苦刑至死
lengtin | group of dragon dance | 龍陣
lengtiuu | a fine silk fabric | 龍綢; 綾綢
lengtngg | a hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service; hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service | 靈堂
lengto | zero degree; nullity | 零度
lengtvar | dragon's bile; the gentian | 龍膽
lengtøq | table placed before a coffin or corpse | 靈桌
lengzeeng | before the tablet of the dead; in front of a tablet honoring the dead | 靈前
lengzef | emulsion | 乳劑
lengzeng | quiet; peaceful; tranquil; quiet; tranquil; serene; calm; placid | 寧靜
lengzhefng | milkfish | 乳鯖
lengzhngf | orifice of a teat | 乳孔; 乳頭孔
lengzhngg | the emperor's bed | 龍床
lengzhuiear | nipple; papilla | 乳嘴仔
lengzhuix | fragments; odds and ends | 零碎; 零碎,零星
lengzhux | paper house (burned for the dead) | 靈厝; 紙屋
lengzoong-hoad | refrigeration method | 冷藏法
lengzuie | milk | 乳水; 奶水
lengzun | when mother's milk flows well; the breasts swell | 乳潮
lengzunpee | row the dragon boats | 龍船扒
lengzuun | dragon boats (used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races) | 龍船
lengzvoakvii | | 龍泉墘
lengzw | nipple | 奶珠; 乳頭
lepe | plough and harrows | 犁耙
lepoex | spiral shell | 螺貝
leq | suffix | 著; 咧
leq`khuy | slit open (with a knife) | 裂開
leqar | broad conical hat for sun and rain | 犁仔; 笠仔; 斗笠
lerng | cold; collar; classifier of clothing; receive; to withdraw (one's deposit); to lead (as soldiers) | 冷; 領
lerng-kiky | freezing cold | 冷吱吱
lerngkhuy | escape with force | 躘開; 掙脫; 躘
lerngzao | escape with force; break away and run off by struggling | 掙跑; 掙開; 推開而跑
lesiuo | the people at large | 黎首
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
lesviaf | spiral univalve shellfish sound | 螺聲
lethaau | plowshare | 黎頭; 犁頭
lex | put down | 放著
lexbie | beauty | 麗美
lexcid thiensefng | born beauty | 麗質天生
lexcid | beauty(especially feminine) | 麗質
lexcix sidheeng | determined to put it into operation | 勵志實行
lexcix | bend the mind to; pursue a goal with determination | 勵志
lexgieen | gen. remarks on points of detail of a book | 例言
lexgoa | exceptions; exception; unusual | 例外
lexheeng | to enforce or practice with determination; enforce or practice with determination; strict (rigid) enforcement | 勵行; 例行
lexhii | freshwater carp | 鱺魚; 鱧
lexhoe | a regular meeting | 例會
lexji | clerical script (Chinese writing style) | 隸字; 隸書
lexjuu | for example | 例如
lexkar | statutory holiday; customary holiday | 例假
lexkax | statutory holiday; customary holiday | 例假
lexkhie | excite, excitation | 勵起
lexkhie-leeng | excitation energy | 勵起能
lexkhie-zoxngthaix | excited state | 勵起狀態
lexkixm | severe restrictions | 厲禁; 例禁
lexkux | a sentence serving as an example; sentence serving as an example (in a textbook; to show proper structure; arrangement of words) | 例句
lexkuy | statutes; regulations; specific rules; custom; usage; precedent | 例規
lexkøf | song of farewell | 驪歌
lexle | every example | 例例
lexliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
lexng | stretch one's feet; kick with one's feet; to struggle with feet | 踢; 躘; (掙扎)
lexng'aix | your daughter | 令嬡; 令愛
lexng'axn paxnlie | be handled as a separate case | 另案辦理
lexng'iuo | your friend | 令友
lexng'oan | your daughter | 令媛; 令愛; 令千金
lexngbeeng | good reputation | 令名
lexngchyn | your parents | 令親
lexngcie | emperor's wish | 令旨
lexngcvix | formerly; mil. order given with an arrow | 令箭
lexnggarn | fondness | 另眼
lexnggi | be discussed or negotiated separately | 另議
lexnggiaam | your father | 令嚴
lexnggiok | your daughter | 令玉; 令嬡
lexnggoa cidhongbin | there is another side to it; on the other hand | 另外一方面
lexnggoa | besides; another; in addition; besides; another; other; additionally | 另外
lexngheeng | later on, after-wards | 另行; 令行
lexnghefng | your elder brother; your elder brother | 令兄
lexnghoe | next meeting, subsequent meeting | 另會; 下一次會議
lexngjidar | another day | 另日仔
lexngjiin put'afn | cause people to feel uncomfortable | 令人無安
lexngjit | someday; sometime; another day; some other day; on a future day | 另日; 改天
lexngkaf | additional | 另家; 另加
lexngkafng | another day | 另工
lexngkii | formerly; flag of command | 令旗
lexngku | your mother's brother | 令舅
lexngleng | extraneous; plenty; enough; go easy; unhurried | 冗冗; 充裕; 從容
lexnglit | another day | 另日
lexngloong | your son(used in formal speech); your fine son | 令郎
lexngsii | another time | 另時; 改日
lexngsiog | your uncle | 令叔
lexngsw | your teacher | 令師
lexngte | your younger brother | 令弟
lexngtit | your nephew; your nephew | 令姪
lexngtoo | your pupil | 令徒
lexngtoong | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
lexngzea | your elder sister (used in formal speech) | 令姊
lexngzeg | your uncle | 令叔
lexngzhaxn | your son-in-law | 令倩; 令婿
lexngzoa | next time; next trip | 另趟
lexngzuu | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
lexngzwn | your father(used in formal speech); your father (honorific term) | 令尊
lexnii | average (normal) year; usual year | 例年; 歷年
lexpefng | make army combat-ready | 厲兵
lexsefng | harsh voice | 厲聲
lexseg | to look angry; angry-looking | 厲色
lexsiok | to be attached to; under the command of | 隸屬
lexsw | clerical style of Chinese calligraphy; square; plain style of Chinese writing | 隸書
lextee | exercise; an example; a sample question; problem; paradigm | 例題
lextøee | an example; a question for which an answer is provided | 例題
lexut | eastern oystercatcher | 蠣; 蠣行鳥
lexzexng | example; case in point; evidence; circumstantial evidence; an antecedent used to clarify or explain a point | 例證
lexzhunhoef | corn poppy | 虞春花; 麗春花; 虞美人
lezhaan | plow a field, to till, plough rice fields | 犁田
lezng | a wrench | 螺鑽
li bøe khuy | not getting away from; unable to separate from | 離無開
li phøq | strain off the sediment | 濾渣; 去渣
li | filter, strain | 濾; 離; 遠離
li'afkhaq | rear car; pull cart | 拉仔車
li'ar | a bamboo fence; reed; bamboo or thorn fence | 籬仔; 驢仔; 籬笆; 簾子
li'ieen | divorce | 離緣; 離婚
liaam bøextiaau | fail to stick or adhere | 黏無住
liaam thithy | very sticky (adhesive) | 黏巴巴的
liaam | catfish | 鯰; 黏; 廉; 粘
liaam-thithy | adhesive and sticky | 黏黐黐
liaang | good; fine; excellent; peaceful; virtuous; very; quite | 良; 涼
liaarng'liangliaang | cool | 涼涼涼
liaau khear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau khoear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau | ;to wade through or across water bright; clear sighted; sharp eyed | 瞭; 寮; 涉木; 蹽; 條
liaau-pofpor | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
liaau`løqkhix | get involved; participated | 蹽落去
liab | refrain from; afraid; faint hearted; dread | 拉; 捏; 聶; 囁; 攝; 懾; 怕
liab'aflaang | pus from a boil | 粒仔膿
liab'afphie | scab on a boil | 粒仔痂
liab'afthaau | a boil | 粒仔頭
liab'ar hoaxntong | boil recurring after apparently healed | 粒仔發炎; 瘡疔發炎
liab'ar | swelling; boil | 粒仔; 腫物; 疔
liab'ar-phie | scab | 粒仔痂
liab'id | best | 廿一
liab`tiøh | to fear; dread; be afraid | 懼怕
liabciap | nimble; shrewd | 獵捷; 敏捷
liabgoat | December | 臘月
liabho | hunter | 獵戶; 獵人
liabkhiap | miserly (person) | 吝嗇
liabkhiern | hunting dog; hound | 獵犬
liabliap | rice not fully cooked | 粒粒; 米飯水分無夠
liabliap`leq | pinch | 捏捏咧
liabmixang'ar | make characters with flour | 捏麵尪仔
liabpøx | present a false petition or report; fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liabtiøh | pinch | 捏著
liabzeg | (v) save or deposit money; (n) one's savings; accumulate small things little by little; lay out | 粒積; 積蓄; 儲蓄; 累積; 聚積
liabzhuo | try to get; hunt for | 獵取
liabzuo | particle; particulate | 粒子
liabzø iaugieen | fabricate and spread rumors; invent slanders; forge and spread false rumors | 捏造謠言
liabzø | to fabricate (evidence); to trump up (charges) | 捏造
liabzøx | mold .. as | 捏做
liafm zhanvef | catch a dragonfly between finger and thumb | 捉蜻蜓
liafm | take up a small thing with the tips of fingers | 拈; 跕; 躡; 拿
liafm'oaxn | to accumulate hatred | 斂怨
liafm-zhanvy | to catch a dragonfly | 拈蜻蜓
liafmbien | outward show of honor | 臉面; 體面
liafmbin | prestige, respectability | 斂面; 臉面; 面子
liafmciog | to hold one's steps and not go forward; to go on tiptoe | 斂足
liafmciør | to reduce the amount | 斂少
liafmcvii | hoard money; curtail; economize | 斂錢; 節省錢
liafmhoad | tax law | 斂法
liafmjiaq | to abstain from vice; to be subdued | 斂跡
liafmliarm | not quite enough | 斂斂; 稍無足
liafmpo | to hesitate to advance further | 斂步
liafmseg | to curb one's passions or desires | 節慾; 斂色
liafmserng | frugal; thrifty | 節儉; 節省; 斂省
liafmsiuo | to refrain from doing something | 斂手
liafmtor | fish maw | 膁肚
liafmzaai | to collect wealth illegally or immorally | 斂財
liafmzeg | to stop visiting places | 斂跡; 節儉累積
liafmzoxng | to shroud and bury | 殮葬
liafng | ring; bell | 鈴聲
liafsu | get into trouble | 惹事
liafsuxsenghuy | make trouble | 惹事生非
liaftaixcix | get into trouble | 惹代誌
liaftiøh | to provoke | 惹著
liah hoaxnlaang | arrest a criminal | 捕犯人
liah kauthøex | ghost driving a man to suicide or drowning; the ghost of a drowned man or suicide causing a man to be drowned or tempting a man to kill himself; so that the ghost may return to life; it cannot do so till some one thus takes its place | 找替死鬼
liah khvoarbai | measure by spans | 量一量; 測一測
liah kw zao piq | let a turtle escape to catch a tortoise ─ neglect one thing to do something else; and spoil both; Who wants everything; loses all+D1727 can not get two things at one time | 捉龜走虌; 顧此失彼
liah laang ee oexkud | quibble; catch one in an inconsistency | 挑人言語上的毛病
liah laang ee oexphang | take advantage of what a man says to confute him | 挑人言語上的毛病
liah oexphang | catch a person in his own words; trip a person up | 挑語病
liah satbør siøka | catch lice and make them to fight in order to pass the time; nothing to do | 捉蝨子相咬; 閒著無聊; 無所事事。
liah tidlo | take a short cut | 抄捷徑
liah y khvoax`cide | give a glance at him | 瞄他一下
liah | detain; arrest (a suspect) | 捉; 掠; 抓; 略估
liah-peqthox | (v) vomit | 捉白兔; 暈吐
liah-soakyn | massage sand tendon | 捉沙筋
liah-sykoad | persistent; stubborn | 掠死訣; 固執
liah-thafnhvoaai | lay down horizontally | 掠坦橫; 橫放
liah-tioxngtiarm | to grasp the essential point | 捉重點
liah`khix | to arrest, to take away with force | 捉去
liah`tiøh | catched | 捉到
liahhuix | to scrap, to tear up | 捉廢; 裂廢
liahkhiaq | breaking off and falling in masses (e g banks of a river); a breach; an opening | 裂口; 缺口
liahkhuy | to rip open | 裂開
liahphoarbin | break out and furious | 裂破面
liahphoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred | 裂破; 撕破; 撕毀
liahtiau | to tear off | 裂掉
liahzhuix | to tatter, to rend, to rip into pieces | 裂碎
liahzhvoaf | wood has a rough edge; have a hangnail | 落銷; 刺芒; 倒刺 (指頭)
liam huciux | recite charms; chantan incantation; mutter spells | 念咒; 念符咒
liam siarzoexkefng | say the act of contrition; give sacramental absolution (Catholic) | 念赦罪經
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liam | though, reflections, think of, consider, remember, to chant, recite, repeat from memory, to recall | 捻; 念
liam'afhii | catfish | 鯰仔魚
liam'ar | sickle | 鐮仔; 鯰魚; 鯰仔; 鎌刀
liam'ek | mucus; viscous liquid; mucilage | 黏液; 粘液
liam`tiøh | think of | 念著; 思念
liambeeng | incorruptible and intelligent (of officials); clean handed and clear headed | 廉明
liamciap | nimble; shrewd | 連捷; 敏捷
liamcid | upright, correct in conduct | 廉質
liamcied | sharp sense of integrity; frugal; thrifty; not avaricious | 廉節
liamhap | to cohere, to stick together | 黏合
liamhii | a catfish | 鯰魚
liamhoef | twist flowers; womanize | 拈花
liamhuu | flat head lake fish with no scales | 鯰魚
liamhviw | to offer incense in worship; offer incense (powder before a coffin just before burial) | 上香; 拈香
liamjiong | sell (property) for a low price | 廉讓
liamkaf | glue | 粘膠; 黏膠
liamkex | cheaply-priced; cheap; reasonable prices; low price | 廉價
liamkhaf | walking softly and noiselessly; walk softly on one's tiptoes | 躡足
liamkhaf-liamchiuo | walking with light steps; walking stealthily | 躡手躡腳
liamkhakviaa | walking softly so as to avoid making a noise | 躡足走
liamkhauar | draw lots | 拈鬮仔
liamkhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽籤
liamkied | purity; honest; not corruptible | 廉潔
liamkiet | probity, integrity, uprightness | 廉潔
liamleg'ar | sickle for rice harvesting | 鐮刀仔; 鎌刀; 割稻刀
liamliaam | be sticky; be glutinous; be adhesive | 粘粘; 粘粘的
liamlii | very moving; overwhelming; powerful | 淋漓
liamløo | sticky, adhesive | 濃濁
liammi'ar | just a second | 連鞭仔
liammilaai | will come shortly | 連鞭來; 馬上來
liammisii | in a short moment | 連鞭時; 馬上
liammoh | mucous membrane | 黏膜; 粘膜
liammoqar | mucous membrane | 黏膜仔
liammy | at once; right away; immediately | 連鞭; 馬上
liampox | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布; 黏布
liampvisii | in a short moment | 一會兒; 馬上
liampvy | immediate; prompt; promptly; at once; be about to (do something); right away; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; in one moment; immediately | 連鞭; 待會兒; 馬上
liamsexng | viscosity | 黏性; 粘性
liamsiaq | to solder | 銲錫
liamsiaq`ee | a tinsmith | 錫匠; 馬口鐵匠
liamsii | provisional; provisionally; special; temporary; suddenly; just at the moment; on the spot | 臨時
liamsiuu | bargain sale; sell cheap (at a reduced price); sell for a low price | 廉售
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
liamtaq | to paste, glue, stick | 黏填; 黏貼
liamthie | sense of honor; modest; bashful; decorous; sense of honor; bashfulness; modesty; integrity of character | 廉恥
liamthithy | sticky | 粘黐黐
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
liamtiaau | stick together | 粘住; 黏牢
liamtiautiaau | stick together well | 黏牢牢
liamtit | honest and upright | 廉直
liamtiøh | to adhere | 黏著
liamtongsii | abruptly; unexpectedly | 臨當時; 突然
liamzhanvef | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liamzhanvy | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liang | clear and high (sound); light; bright; transparent; clear and loud (voice) | 亮
liang'ar | little bell | 鈴仔; 喨仔; 鈴鐺; 鈴噹
liang'ee | sandals; summer shoes; slippers | 涼鞋
liang'ie | summer chair | 涼椅
liang'ix | to be getting chilly | 涼意
liang'iøh | refrigerants (medicine) | 良藥
liang'øee | sandal; slippers | 涼鞋
liangbø | straw hat; summer hat | 涼帽
liangchiøh | sleeping mat (usually made of straw or bamboo) used in summer | 涼蓆
liangchiøqterng | sleeping mat top | 涼蓆頂
lianghied | blood refrigerant; (some foods are considered as) blood coolants | 涼血; 涼性
lianghofng | cool breeze; cool; soft breeze | 涼風
lianghongtiofng | in a breeze | 涼風中
lianghurn | jelly made from agar-agar | 涼粉
liangkhiafng | sarcasm | 涼腔; 俏皮話
liangkhix | cool air | 涼氣
liangkhoaix | nice and cool | 涼快
lianglerng | cool; pleasantly cool | 涼冷
liangliaang | cold | 涼涼
liangliang'ar | coo, breaze | 涼涼仔
liangliangkiøx | making sharp noise | 喨喨叫
liangpvee | awning (for shelter from the sun's rays); a shed to provide shade (from the sun) | 涼棚
liangpvii | a mat awning; veranda; mat shed | 涼棚
liangsea'ar | easy | 涼勢仔
liangseaafliangsex | in ease; piece of cake | 涼勢仔涼勢
liangsex | light; relaxed | 涼勢; 輕鬆
liangsiin | easy going, heedless | 涼神; 漫不經心
liangsorng | cool and comfortable | 涼爽
liangsyn | person of leisure (rich; elderly; or occupying an honorary position) | 閒身; (涼身)
liangtaizeeng | In front of the terrace | 涼台前
liangtee | cold tea | 涼茶
liangteeng | awning spread for coolness; summer house; arbor; bower; gazebo | 涼亭
liangteng'afkhaf | arcade (covered avenue); passageway; corridor | 涼亭仔腳; 騎樓
liangteng'ar | pavilion | 涼亭仔
liangtengthiau | pavilion column | 涼亭柱
liangtheeng | pavilion; traveler's sheltered station | 涼亭
liangzuie | soda; pop; cold water | 涼水; 汽水; 冷飲
liangzuyzuar | cold water droplets water | 涼水珠仔
liao cidjit | one day wasted | 浪費一天
liao sikafn | lose time; waste time | 浪費時間
liao thehtheq | quite spent; all used or done | 虧光了
liao | clearness of sight; bright; clear sighted; sharp eyed | 瞭; 了; 完了
liao`khix | to fall short; suffer loss; run into deficit | 了去; 虧損
liao`tiøh | wasted | 了掉
liaokerng | passing by- typically | 繞境
liaopear | a person who makes snitches and tip-offs behind the scenes | 鯰魚
liap | measure word for round object; the chase; hunting; field sport; hunt wild animals; pursue | 粒; 獵; 捏; 鱲
liap'erng | take a photograph | 攝影
liap'hap | to try to make a pair into a union | 捏合
liap'heeng | to act for another; to act in some capacity | 攝行
liap'hoxsvoax | the prostate gland; the prostate gland | 攝護腺
liap'huun | to summon souls of the dead | 攝魂
liap'oar | tightening | 攝倚; 縮緊
liap'oe | to take care one's health | 攝衛
liap'ui | to assume the throne in place of the legitimate ruler | 攝位
liap'viar | photography; take photographs | 攝影
liap`si | Celsius | 攝氏
liapbin | to tattoo the face | 涅面
liapboaan | Nirvana | 涅槃
liapji | tattooed letters or characters | 涅字
liapkerng | wrinkle; wrinkles; lines | 皺痕; 皺摺; 皺紋
liapkhie | to blacken the teeth | 涅齒
liapkhix | contract shrink; concentrate one's force; wrinkle; shrink back cover | 收縮; 起皺; 退縮
liapkhoxng | to fabricate a charge or accusation | 捏控
liapkin | come close | 攝近
liapliab | wrinkled; dry and cracked; (of person) thin; skinny; emaciated; shrunken; fallen in; shrink back; cower | 退縮; 乾癟; 皺皺的
liaplie | divine providence | 涅理; 真理; 天意
liapmiaa | a false name | 攝名; 偽名
liapphoaan | Nirvana; completion of life; nirvana; as a human aim | 涅槃
liapphvi | cover noze | 捏鼻
liappoaan | nirvana | 涅槃
liappopoo | wrinkle | 皺脯脯; 皺皺的
liappor | wrinkled and dry | 乾皺
liappøx | to fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liapsae | timid; fainthearted | 攝屎; 怯懦; 畏怯
liapsefng | cultivate health | 攝生; 養生
liaptvar | scared | 攝膽; 膽小
liapzerng'oong | Prince Regent | 攝政王
liapzex | produced by; to produce (a move); to produce (said of a movie or documentary) | 攝製
liapzexng | to act as regent or deputy; be associated in the government; govern as regent | 攝政
liapzhuo | absorb (nutrition); to take in; take a photo; take in | 攝取
liapzø | to fabricate (evidence) | 捏造
liapzøee | evenly produced | 攝齊
liaq | catch; download; shell; peel; break off (a splinter); pull off (a chip of a wood); come off | 摘; 剝; 撕
liaq`khylaai | make an extract from; break off (a sliver) with the hand; to split off (intransitive) | 撕下來
liaqaan | to grasp firmly, to keep a firm grasp on | 攝緊; 掠絚
liaqbeh | check the pulse | 掠脈
liaqbøo | caught nothing | 掠無
liaqcide | swipe | 掠一下
liaqcied | to allow a discount | 掠折; 打折
liaqgoa | to expel; push out | 以外; 除外; 排除在外; 排擠
liaqhae | to catch fish | 捕海; 補魚
liaqhii | to catch fish; fishing | 捕魚
liaqhii`ee | fisherman | 漁夫
liaqhofng-jip'viar | catch at shadows; make accusations on hearsay | 捕風捉影
liaqhøo | conciliatory; become reconciled | 仲裁; 從中說合
liaqiaw | to exorcise; to catch the evil spirit; catch demons | 捉妖
liaqkaau | catch monkeys; catch an adulterer in the very act | 捕猴; 捉姦
liaqkafn | catch adultery in the act | 捉姦; 掠姦
liaqkauthex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liaqkauthoex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liaqkhaf-liaqchiuo | grab the foot the hand | 捉腳捉手
liaqkhix | to take over | 掠去
liaqkhuy | pull apart, separate | 捉開; 扯開; 掠開
liaqkhvoax | estimate; reckon | 掠看; 略估; 估計
liaqkiao | to catch gamble | 掠賭
liaqkiørsi | thought .. was | 掠叫是
liaqkiøx | consider (that); believe | 以為; 臆斷
liaqkoaan | to grab power | 掠權
liaqkoong | ecstasy | 捉狂
liaqkuie | to arrest a ghost | 掠鬼
liaqkuun | to box | 掠拳; 打拳
liaqkuzawpiq | missed sit- try to catch turtle but tortoise ran away | 掠龜走鱉
liaqkw-zawpiq | take one into consideration to the neglect of the other | 抓龜走虌; 顧此失彼
liaqkwn | massage | 掠筋
liaqkyn | tui na (form of Chinese manipulative therapy) | 掠筋; 推拿
liaqkøf-siuu | freestyle swimming | 掠篙泅; 自由式游泳
liaqkøsiuu | freestyle swimming | 掠篙泅; 自由式游泳
liaqkøzhef | resist; oppose; confrontation; antagonism | 唱反調
liaqlaai | take over by force | 掠來
liaqlaang | to arrest; take a prisoner or a captive; seize or kidnap people | 捉人
liaqlau | plunder; examine a roof or vessel to find and stop leaks | 掠漏; 修漏水; 修補屋頂漏洞; 查修漏屋
liaqleeng | massage; to massage | 按摩; 掠龍
liaqleeng`ee | masseur; masseuse | 按摩師
liaqlengcide | massage | 掠龍一下
liaqliah`leq | do massage; make an estimation | 掠掠咧
liaqliao | take it | 掠了
liaqliawliao | take them all | 掠了了
liaqmeh | to feel the patient's pulse | 捉脈
liaqpaai | straighten a line | 捉排; 並排
liaqpaw | pick fault; picking fault at what a man says | 掠包; 找毛病; 捉毛病; 矛盾看穿
liaqphang | to find fault | 掠縫; 找到缺點
liaqphoax | break it | 掠破
liaqphor | guess; conjecture; surmise; catch the meaning without understanding all the words | 掠譜; 猜取大意; 猜測
liaqsad | to catch bug; louse; bedbug; flea | 抓蝨子
liaqsiaux | audit; audit accounts; check accounts; make a rough examination of an account to see if it be correct | 捉數; 核對帳目; 核賬目; 查帳
liaqsiuogveq | predator clip | 掠獸夾
liaqsoaf | pinch the skin | 掠痧; 掐
liaqsoakwn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liaqsoakyn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liaqtaang | take possession of a man (as a medium) | 立乩童; 鬼神附體
liaqthaang | capture insects that destroy crops | 捉蟲
liaqthafnhvoaai | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthafnhvuii | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthorar | vomit | 掠吐仔; 嘔吐
liaqtiaau | have grabbed or arrested | 捉住; 緊握
liaqtiau | take it away | 掠掉
liaqtit | to straighten up; hold or lay out in the right direction | 掠直; 弄直; 擺直; 拉直
liaqtiøh | caught | 掠著
liaqtngg poftea | make up for defects by counterbalancing points of superior excellence; supply the short for the long; to rob peter to pay Paul | 以長補短
liaqtngpoftea | make it up- use the long one to heal the short one | 掠長補短
liaqtvia | firm; steady; staunch; resolute | 掠定; 沉著; 堅定
liaqty | take the pig | 捉豬
liaqviar | chase the wind and clutch at shadows; make groundless accusations; speak or act on hearsay evidence | 掠影; 捕風捉影
liaqym | catch the tone | 捉音
liaqzao | looted | 掠走
liaqzhat | to catch thieves; catch a thief | 掠賊; 捉賊
liaqzhutlaai | swept out | 掠出來
liaqzoex | consider to be; regard as; assume | 意為
liaqzurn | consider (that); believe | 掠準; 以為
liaqzwnkorng | though it was ... | 若準講
liaqzwnzurn | aim perperfectly | 掠準準
liaqzøee | make even | 捉齊; 掠齊; 對齊
liaqzøex | consider to be, regard as, assume, deem | 意為; 掠做; 以為
liaqzøx | presume; think; believe; consider; regard as; consider as; mistake A for B | 摘做; 掠做; 以為
liarm | put a corpse into a coffin; coffining rites | 斂; 染; 收殮
liarmchiuo | pinch hand | 捻手
liarmliaxm`leq | pinch skin | 捻捻咧
liarmmiaa | bad fate | 斂命
liarmsy | to twist something to the point like a thin thread | 捻絲
liarmtiau | pinch off | 捻掉
liarmtng | to tear apart | 扯斷; 捻斷
liarmzhaix | pinch vegetable's bad parts | 捻菜
liau bøexzhud | incalculable; beyond any guess or estimate | 料無出; 料不到
liau | expect, guess, predict. ingredients, materials | 料
liau'afhaang | Liaozai people | 寮仔人
liau'afsi | take your time; slowly | 聊仔是; 慢慢的; 慢慢來
liau'ar | slowly; [[liauliauar]] | 聊仔; 寮仔
liau'iofng'vi | convalescent home; sanatorium; sanitarium; rest home | 療養院
liau'iofngsor | rest home; a sanatorium; convalescent home | 療養所
liau'iorng | convalescence; recuperate; convalesce | 療養
liau'iorng-vi | sanatorium; sanitarium | 療養院
liau'oarn | faraway or distant; long way off; faraway; distant | 遼遠
liau-bøtiøh | guessed incorrectly | 沒猜著
liau-bøzurn | guessed incorrectly | 沒料準; 沒有猜對
liau`tiøh | guessed correctly | 料著
liauafhuu | Taiwanese dried fish | 鱙仔魚
liauafsi | take your time | 聊仔是; 慢慢來
liauar | hut; cabin; hut; a cottage | 寮仔; 小茅屋
liaubang | look down from a higher place | 瞭望
liaubaq | meat from a carcass | 獠肉; 肚皮肉
liaubin | fierce appearance; terrifying looks | 獠面
liaubong | look down from a higher place | 瞭望
liauboxngsvoaf | lookout mountain | 瞭望山
liauboxngtaai | look out post; watch tower | 瞭望台
liauchviar | just; temporary | 聊且; 暫時
liaugee | long protruding teeth; buck teeth; fangs | 獠牙
liaugoaan cy hoea | great prairie fire | 燎原之火
liauhoad | a cure; a therapy; medical treatment | 療法; 治療法
liauiorng | convalescence, recuperate, convalesce | 療養
liaukhaux | fetters; manacles | 鐐銬
liaukhoaq | vast; distant; extensive | 遼闊
liaukhog | vast and empty | 遼擴
liaukhøef | to wade across a river | 涉溪
liaukoex | pass by | 蹽過
liauky | to relieve hunger | 療飢
liauliaau | to have a chat | 聊聊
liauliauar | slowly; by little and little | 聊聊仔; 慢慢地
liauloan | disorderly; confused; in disorder; confused | 撩亂; 繚亂
liaulok | scarce; scanty; meager | 寥落
liaumia | spare someone’s life | 饒命
liauphefphea | wrinkle | 皺襞襞
liaupheg | beat | 嘹拍
liaupiin | to relieve the poor | 療貧
liausefng | to make a living; something on which to live | 聊生
liausiax | forgiveness | 饒赦
liausiofng | to heal the wound | 療傷
liausøq | ropes or lines of a ship's rigging | 撩索; 船的纜索
liauteeng | course of treatment | 療程
liautheeng | course of treatment | 療程
liauthiefn | to chat | 聊天; 閒蕩
liauti | to cure or treat disease | 療治
liautok | to remove poison from human body | 療毒
liautviuo | head of a dormitory | 寮長; 舍監
liaux | scratch | 抓; 癢
liauxbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料袂到
liauxcvii | materials cost | 料錢
liauxkoarn | a lumber company | 料館
liauxkvia | materials | 料件
liauxlie kasu | administer; direct family affairs; business | 料理家事
liauxlie | to manage; to dispose of; cooking; cooking; cookery; cuisine; a dish; to cook; to dress (fish); prepare a dish; deal with; manage | 料理
liauxlie-tiaxm | Japanese restaurant | 料理店; 餐館
liauxpoef | cup | 料杯; 水杯
liauxsiao | tiny, unimportant | 料小
liauxsiofngbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiofngboexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiorng bøexkaux | had no idea the matter would go so far | 料想無到
liauxsiorng | to reckon; to imagine; to suppose; reckon; imagine; suppose; to guess; to conjecture | 料想
liauxsngx | anticipate | 料算
liauxsoaxn | reckon; estimate | 料算
liauxsu | to foresee the matter or happening | 料事
liauxsøq | rope | 繚索
liauxtiofng | to guess correctly | 料中
liauxtiøh | make a good guess; guess right or correctly; expect beforehand | 料中
liauxto | reckon; imagine; to infer | 料度
liauxtvoaf | the list of materials; the list of stuff | 料單
liauxzhud | expected | 料出
liauxzurn | guess correctly | 料準
liauzhaa | sew up timber longitudinally | 裁柴; 鋸柴; 鋸木料
liauzhakeng'ar | timber room | 撩柴間仔
liauzhakoarn | timber shop | 撩柴館
liauzoar | tease paper | 撩紙; 裁紙
liauzuie | to wade across water; walk through shallow water(river) | 涉水; 涉木
liauzøx | sew as | 撩做
liaw'au | after that | 了後; 以後
liawau | afterwards; hereafter; after--in a temporal clause; this word always follows a noun; and never a verb. As in the following: | 了後; 以後
liawbang | watch at a distance | 瞭望
liawbefafkviar | useless kids | 了尾仔囝
liawboefafkviar | prodigal son | 了尾 囝; 敗家子
liawboefar | useless kids | 了尾仔
liawbong | to look down from a higher place; watch at a distance | 瞭望
liawbøea-kviar | a prodigal son | 放盪子; 么子; 浪子
liawciet | straightforward; clear-cut; might as well | 了捷; 利落; 直捷了當; 乾脆
liawcin | boundary; end | 全損
liawcvii | lose money | 了錢
liawgo | comprehend; understand; wake up to; realize | 了悟
liawgvo | understand thoroughly | 了悟
liawjieen | to understand clearly; useless | 了然; 清楚; 瞭然; 枉然; 廢人
liawkae | to understand or comprehend; understanding | 瞭解; 了解
liawkafng | wasting effort; waste effort | 了工; 浪費工時; 白費工夫
liawkaytiøh | understood | 了解著
liawkef | Spoiled; broken-down | 敗家
liawkef-kviar | black sheep of the family; spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal | 了家囝; 敗家子
liawkhiog | to settle | 了卻
liawkied | to get through with; to settle; bring to a close; end; finished; settle; bring to conclusion | 了結
liawkiok | settlement; put an end to s.t. | 了局
liawlat | waste strength | 了力
liawliao | all; make a whole loss | 了了; 窮盡
liawliaw'aq | lost | 了了矣
liawlieen | waste | 了然
liawpurn | lost | 了本
liawputkhie | excellent; remarkable; wonderful; extraordinarily good | 了無起; 了不起
liawputteg | marvellous (praise of person) | 了無得
liawsiafn | time consuming; lost time | 了時間
liawsu | close a dispute; lawsuit | 了事
liawteg | settle; complete; also understand | 了得
liawthied | understand | 了徹; 明瞭
liawtiau | lost | 了掉
liawtoan | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liawtoarn | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liawtoaxn | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liaxm hietkak | pinch off and throw away | 捏掉
liaxm zhuiephøea | pinch the cheek (when a child tells a lie) | 擰嘴頰
liaxm | to pinch or knead with the fingers; break off a connection; pinch; pinch off; pluck with the fingers; nip with the fingers | 捻; 掐; 捏; 擰
liaxm'iaau | sing | 唸謠
liaxm'oaan | done with reading | 唸完
liaxm-bøextng | cannot be broken with two fingers; cannot easily break the connection | 捏無斷
liaxm-kaq ozhvef-kek'hoeq | pinch and bruise severely | 擰得瘀青凝血
liaxmchviux | rap | 唸唱
liaxmciux | recite charms; chant an incantation; mutter spells | 念咒; 念符咒
liaxmgi | to feel grateful for some act | 念義; 感恩
liaxmhut | repeat the name of Buddha as an expression of devotion | 念佛
liaxmkefng hunsym | distractions at prayer | 念經分心
liaxmkefng | to chant or intone (Buddhist) scriptures; repeat prayers; chant liturgies | 念經
liaxmkoa'ar | sing | 唸歌仔
liaxmkoaf | to sing songs | 念歌; 唸歌; 唱歌
liaxmku | to cherish old friendship | 念舊
liaxmliam putboong | remember and not forget | 念念無忘
liaxmliam | talking always, deeply reminded | 念念
liaxmliao | done with reading | 唸了
liaxmliaxm'iwsuu | talking to oneself | 唸唸有詞
liaxmphor | read spectrum | 念譜
liaxmpox | hemp cloth (for the dead) | 殮布
liaxmput | repeat the name of Buddha as an expression of devotion | 念佛
liaxmsek | to learn by heart | 念熟
liaxmsy | chant verses; read poetry out loud; intone verses or poetry | 念詩; 吟詩
liaxmthaau | an idea; a thought; a hunch | 念頭
liaxmtiøh | read | 唸著
liaxmzeeng | passionate | 念情
liaxmzhad | understand (another's difficulty) | 諒察
liaxmzheq | read out loud; learn by heart; to study | 念冊; 讀書; 念書
liaxmzhud | read it out | 唸出
liaxmzw | a Buddhist rosary (with 108 beads); rosary | 念珠; 念書
liaxmzøx | read it as | 唸做
liaxngkngf | light, enlightenment | 亮光; 啟示
liaxngterng | enlightenment level | 亮頂
liazah | masking | 遮閘
lib | chase | 逐
lib'axn | to accredit (a school; etc.); start a law case; prepare a law suit for judgment | 立案
lib'i | to attract attention by being eccentric; peculiar | 立異
lib'iog | make an agreement, make a contract | 立約
lib'ix | determine to; to make up one's mind | 立意
lib'uie | legislator | 立委
lib'uii | shortlisted | 入圍
lib'vi | legislative yuan | 立院
lib'øh | admission; start entering school to study and study | 入學
libaa | a kind of wild cat | 貍貓
libbeng | to be content with one's lot | 立令
libbi | tasty | 入味
libbok | place body into coffin | 入木
libchiw | beginning of autumn | 入秋; 立秋
libchym | to invade | 入侵
libciog cy te | standing room; a footing; foothold | 立足之地
libciog | a footing; a standpoint; a foothold; stand on one's own feet | 立足
libcix | form determination to forge ahead; make up one's mind pursue some object | 立志
libgak | in jail | 入獄
libgi | make recommendations; offer suggestions; give advice; a proposal; resolution | 立議; 建議
libgiap | to establish a business; set up a patrimony or competency; embark on a respectable career | 立業
libgieen | to leave worthy writings to posterity; a form of immortality in words | 立言
libgoan | to set an object of pursuit | 立願
libgvor | enlist in the army | 入伍
libha | beginning of summer | 立夏
libhau | to wait for something to happen right away | 立候; 站著等
libhe | beginning of Summer (between May 5-18) | 立夏
libhiexn | constitutional (government); draw up a constitution | 立憲
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad uyoaan | member of legislative committee | 立法委員
libhoad | to legislate; to make laws; draw up laws; enact laws | 立法
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-koaan | legislative power | 立法權
libhoad-uy'oaan | a member of the Legislative Yuan | 立法委員
libhoad-vi | Legislative Yuan (Taiwan) | 立法院
libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
libhoat'vixtviuo | Minister of the Legislate Yuan | 立法院長
libhoatkoaan | legislative authority or power | 立法權
libhoe | legislative council | 立會
libhofng | cube; cube; cubic | 立方
libhofng-chiøq | cubic foot | 立方尺
libhofng-kyn | cube roots (mathematics) | 立方根
libhongchiøq | cubic foot | 立方尺
libhongheeng`ee | cuboid | 立方形的
libhongkyn | cube root | 立方根
libhongthea | cube; geometric cube | 立方體
libie | centimeter | 釐米
libji | sign a note | 立字; 寫證文
libkaux | be religious; take refuge | 入教
libkerng | entry | 入境
libkhaf | to have a footing | 立腳
libkhao | entrance | 入口
libkheg | at once; straightway; directly; immediately; upon sight; out of hand; on the instant; without delay; very soon; quickly | 立刻
libkhøex | to make a contract; sign a written contract | 立契
libkofng | to render distinguished service; a achieve distinction; establish one's merit; perform meritorious acts | 立功
libkog | to found a kingdom; or create a nation; found a state | 立國
libkor | invest in shares | 入股
libkwn | establish an emperor | 立君
libliam | place body into coffin | 入殮
liblun | basic standpoint on questions | 立論
libmngg | introduction | 入門
libnie | hear it | 入耳
liboat | tiny amount | 釐末; 極少份
libor | divorce a wife | 離某; 休妻
libphirn | to cultivate one's moral character | 立品
libpy | set up a monument | 立碑
libsex | take an oath | 起誓; 發誓; 立誓
libsii | immediately | 立刻; 立時
libsiong | erect a statue; statue in standing position | 立像
libsoarn | selected | 入選
libsuu sengkex | adopt an heir | 立嗣承繼
libsuu | appoint an heir | 立嗣
libsviaf | stop tone | 入聲
libsym | make mind | 立心; 立志
libsyn texnggiap | establish oneself in a locality or a business; settle down | 立身定業
libsyn zhuosex | establish oneself and manage to get along in the world | 立身處世
libsyn | form certain principles of living | 立身
libtafng | beginning of winter; beginning of Winter (between Nov. 7-21) | 立冬
libte | all at once | 立地
libteng simcix | resolve | 立定心志
libteng zwix | make a resolve; make up one's mind; make a decision | 立定主意
libteng | fix upon and draw up | 立定
libthea ciernzefng | three dimensional warfare | 立體戰爭
libthea hoarhak | stereochemistry | 立體化學
libthea kyhøo | solid geometry; geometry of space; stereometry | 立體幾何
libthea sviaym | stereophonically reproduced sound | 立體聲音
libthea tiexnviar | wide screen motion picture; 3 d motion picture; Cinerama | 立體電影
libthea | three-dimensional; a solid body | 立體
libthea-karm | three-dimensional effect | 立體感
libthefkarm | three dimensional effect | 立體感
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
libthor | bury | 入土
libtorng | form a political party | 立黨
libtvia | establish, found, set up (school, government) | 立定; 建立
libtviuu | stand; position; attitude; standpoint; situation | 立場
libzeg | immediately; at once; right away; at once; immediately | 立即
libzexng | Attention; to stand at attention; attention! | 立正; 立證; 證實
libzhux | settle a new house | 入厝
libzhwn | beginning of spring | 入春; 立春
libzuo | take over | 入主
libzuy cy te | space just enough for the point of a drill ─ very small space | 立錐之地
lichviar | besides | 而且
licid | resign | 離職
lidau | in the future | 日後
lidcie | life | 日子
lidcix | diary | 日誌
lidgoadhafm | a Taiwanese special clam | 日月蚶
lidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
lidia | day and night | 日夜
lidkafn | day time | 日間
lidkek | Japanese drama | 日劇
lidkii | date | 日期
lidkiok | Japanese drama | 日劇
lidkix | diary | 日記
lidkongtefng | fluorescent light | 日光燈
lidpwnpøo | Japanes women | 日本婆
lidpwntauxcviux | Japanese miso | 日本豆醬
lidsarn | Japanese products | 日產
lidseg | Japanese | 日式
lidsi'ar | Japanese er | 日時仔
lidsiofng | Japanese businessmen | 日商
lidsioong | usually | 日常
lidteeng | schedule | 日程
lidthaau | sun | 日頭
lidthauhoef | dizzy | 日頭花
lidthaukngf | bright sun | 日頭光
lidzhud | sunrise | 日出
lie chviar | goodbye; so long | 你請 再見
lie sor tongjieen | that which should be; in accordance with what is right; as a matter of course | 理所當然
lie | you; a precinct division; girl | 你; 裡; 女; 里
lie-chviar | Goodbye, go ahead | 你請
lie-cvizaai | money management | 理錢財
liedaix | passionate | 熱愛
liedbuo | hot dance | 熱舞
liedchiaf | a train; train | 列車
liedchied | eager | 熱切
liedhoea | fierce fire; blazing fire | 烈火
liedhofng | strong wind | 列風
liedhu | heroic women; women who died in defense of their honor or committed suicide after husband's death rather than re-marry | 烈婦
liedhøea | a blazing fire | 烈火
liediam | blazing flames | 烈焰
liedixn | print | 列印
liedjip serngphirn | canonize (Catholic) | 列入聖品
liedjip | enter; embody in proper order; be included in; be incorporated in | 列入
liedjit | the scorching sun | 烈日
liedkaux | schism | 裂夠; 裂教
liedkhao | an opening, a rift | 裂口
liedkie | enumerate | 列舉
liedkioong | the various powers; the Great Powers; Power; array of powerful nations | 列強
liedkog | the different countries; the nations of the world; all countries; various kingdoms various states or nations | 列國
liedkuo | (make a) list; to enumerate | 列舉
liedkør | dehiscent fruits | 裂果
liedlie | woman who prefers to die rather than re-marry; heroic woman; chaste woman; girl of virtuous upbringing | 烈女
liedliet | glorious; inspiring | 烈烈
liedliong | heat | 熱量
liedloaan | in love | 熱戀
liedluo | a woman martyr; a married woman who commits suicide after the death of her husband or who dies in defense of her honor | 烈女
liedlwtoan | menology; biography of distinguished ladies | 烈女傳
liedmar | a spirited horse | 烈馬
liedmngg | popular | 熱門
liedoong | successive kings | 列王
liedpafng | all nations | 列邦
liedpek | a crisp sound; like tearing up silks | 裂帛
liedpiør | to list | 列表
liedsaux | hot cough | 熱嗽
liedseeng | enthusiasm | 熱誠
liedsegkoaan | right of entry | 列席權
liedsek pongthefng | stand by and listen | 列席旁聽
liedsek | to be present (at a meeting as an observer); to attend a meeting with no voting right; each one sitting in his proper order | 列席
liedsexng | violent temper; (of medicine) violent; ardent disposition | 烈性
liedsiar | to list | 列寫; 列出
liedsiofng | lacerated wound, laceration | 裂傷
liedsu | martyrs; men who bow to neither intimidations or temptations; patriot; noble statesman; hero | 烈士
liedsvoax | hotline | 熱線
liedsym | enthusiastic | 熱心
liedsyn | warm up | 熱身
liedtai | every generation | 列代
liedtaix | tropical | 熱帶
liedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
liedto | heat | 熱度
liedtoan | section in dynastic histories; devoted to biographies of famous men; biographies; series of biographies; collected biographies | 列傳
liedtok | heat poison induce ulcer | 熱毒
liedtui | dress ranks; line up | 列隊
liedtvoaf | make out list (of goods; invited guests; candidates; etc.) | 列單
liedtør | archipelago; chain of islands | 列島
liedui | all the ladies and gentlemen present; Ladies and gentlemen! (polite phrase in addressing several persons) | 列位
liedzeeng | enthusiasm | 熱情
liedzhud | to list | 列出
liedzhutlaai | to list | 列出來
liedzhutlaai`ee | listed items | 列出來的
liedzor | an illustrious ancestor; successive ancestors; array of ancestors | 烈祖; 列祖
liedzøx | list as | 列做
lieen chym jidkiuo | after a long lapse of time | 年深日久
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
lieen tefng hoakaq | complete the cycle of sixty years | 年登花甲
lieen | compassionate; pity; connected | 憐; 聯; 連
liefn | leaves curl up; flower shrink; wither; droop; fade (away); wilt; shrivel | 萎; 蔫; 乾枯; 凋萎; 嗹; 凋謝; 枯萎
liefn'aftea | under the wheel | 輪仔底
liefn'ar | wheels | 輪仔
liefn`khix | dried up | 萎去
liefnbien | face; mug | 臉面
liefnbin | face | 臉面; 面子
liefnbu | wax jambu; wax apple; Syzygium samarangense; wax apple; wax jumbo; Malayan apple | 蓮霧
liefncvii | blackmail for money | 輪錢; 輪子(家具的); 敲詐
liefnkhapchiøx | a gamble by flipping a coin | 撚匼笑
liefnkhefng | rim of a wheel | 輪錢; 輪框; 敲; 車輪鐵櫃
liefnkied | link | 鏈結
liefnkiø | sedan chair used for an idol; carved sedan for an idol | 輦轎
liefnkiøar | sedan chair used for an idol; carved sedan for an idol | 輦轎仔
liefnliawliao | twisted | 撚了了
liefnpox | tu purchase cloth | 撚布; 買布
liefnpvoaa | railway or streetcar turntable; rotating disk | 轉動盤; 輪穀
liefnpør | die for gambling; gambling game; dice | 輾寶; 撚寶; 賭骰子; 骰子
liefnsoafn | to swindle; blackmail | 撚旋; 要脅財物; 敲詐
liefnsvoax | to twist the thread, to rope, to twist | 轉線; 撚線
liefntaao'ar | throu dices | 撚骰仔
liefntaau | to throw dice | 撚骰; 擲轉骰子
liefntauar | dice; teetotum with six sides | 撚骰仔
liefnthay | tire | 輪胎
liefnzngx | drill | 撚鑽; 轆轤錐
liefnzoan | swivel | 輪轉; 旋轉
liekhuy | tear open; rive off; rip up; pull apart | 撕開
lieliux | sharp in cheating | 裂溜; 奸巧
lielix`leq | tear papers | 撕撕咧; 剺剺咧
lien khiekofng | practice breathing; imbibe energy | 練氣功
lien | practice; smelt; refine; purify; condense (milk); to keep herbs boiling for a long time | 練; 煉
lien'ar | chain; catenarian; chain | 鍊仔
lien'au | afterwards | 然後
lien'eeng | (of two or more business setups) joint operation | 聯營
lien'gii | fellowship | 聯誼
lien'gvau | lotus stalk | 蓮藕
lien'gvauxhurn | lotus root powder | 蓮藕粉
lien'ia | all through the night | 連夜
lien'un | joint transportation | 聯運
lien'yn | connections through marriage; to unite by marriage | 聯姻
lienbeeng hoexoaan | Members of the League | 聯盟會員
lienbeeng | to form an alliance; a league; alliance; league (as the League of Nations) | 聯盟
lienbieen | continuous; continuous succession of | 連綿
lienboat | end of year | 年末
lienbuun | join hands article | 連文
lienchiuo | join hands | 聯手
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienciab | continuously; adjoin; conjunction; connection; join; connect; continuously | 連接
lienciab-guo | a connective | 連接語
lienciab-suu | conjunction | 連接詞
lienciapsuu | coordinate conjunction; conjunction; connective | 連接詞
lienciauhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
lienciaw | red flowering arum | 蓮蕉
liencie | (n) lotus seeds; lotus nuts | 蓮子
lienciet | score one victory after another | 連捷
lienciexn-liensexng | win battle after battle | 連戰連勝
lienciofng ciofngkym | annual bonus | 年終獎金
lienciofng khøfzeg | grading of an employee's performance at the end of the year; year end evaluation | 年終考績
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
lienciofng | close of the year; end of the year | 年終
lienciøhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
liencysym | sprout in center of water lily | 蓮子心
liengi | united friendship | 聯誼
liengii | social gathering | 聯誼
liengii-hoe | a fellowship meeting | 聯誼會
liengixhoe | social center | 聯誼會
liengoat | condition of the times | 年月
liengvau | the lotus root; lotus stalk | 蓮藕
liengøeh | month after month | 累月
lienhabhoe | united meeting | 聯合會
lienhap ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap laxmtui | united fleet | 聯合艦隊
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap uxntoxnghoe | joint athletic meet | 聯合運動會
lienhap zernghuo | coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhap zocid | merger; cartel; multi-national company | 聯合組織
lienhap | to unite together; to join together; connect or join together; affiliated with | 聯合; 連合
lienhap-ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap-kog | the United Nations | 聯合國
lienhap-kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-zernghuo | a coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhe | nexus; connection; relation; be related; be connected; be bound up; be tied; keep in contact | 聯繫; 連繫
lienhee | be connected, be related, to link, connection, relationship | 聯係
lienhii | silver carp; kind of bream | 鰱魚
lienhiofng | lotus incense | 蓮香
lienhiøh | lotus leaf | 連花; 荷葉
lienhoaa hito | spent one's best years without any achievements; wasted the best years of one's life | 年華虛度
lienhoaa | passage of time; age; esp. youth; time; the best years of one's life | 年華
lienhoaan | a chain of rings linked together | 連環
lienhoaan-kex | strategy of making A cause B; B cause C; etc | 連環計
lienhoaan-too | comic strips | 連環圖
lienhoaan-zhexng | serial gun | 連環槍
lienhoad | to fire in rapid succession | 連發
lienhoafn | repeatedly | 連番; 聯歡
lienhoanhoe | social gathering; a party | 聯歡會
lienhoebø | a lotus hat | 蓮花帽
lienhoee | (a feeling of) shame; destitute; miserable; of ruined character; without any hope of getting into a better way of life | 連回; 丟臉; 倒霉運; 流落無依; 出洋相
lienhoef | lotus flower | 荷花; 蓮花
lienhoekym | paper gold money for ceremony | 蓮花金
lienhoepvoaa | lotus | 蓮花盤
lienhoetee | lotus tea | 蓮花茶
lienhoetefng | lantern shaped like a lotus blossom | 蓮花燈
lienhoeterng | lotus top | 蓮花頂
lienhoethaau | lotus head | 蓮花頭
lienhoetii | lotus pond | 蓮花池
lienhoezeq | lotus festival | 蓮花節
lienhoezø | sitting pattern resemble lotus, i.e. no adjacent to each other | 蓮花坐
lienhong | yearly stipend | 年俸
lienhoong | join defense; mutual defense | 聯防
lienhuu | silver carp | 鰱魚
lienhwn | allied by marriage | 連婚
lienhø | consecutive serial number (on banknotes; tickets; etc.) | 連號
lienjim | continue in (a political) office; serve for another term of office | 連任
lienjiok | edible lotus seed (its “meat”) | 蓮肉
lienjit | for consecutive days; for days in a row; day after day | 連日
lienkar | New Year holidays | 年假
lienkaxm | year yearbook; annual report | 年鑑
lienkefng | a person's horoscope | 年庚
lienkhoaan | chain; links; connected together; interlocked rings (like those of a chain) | 連環
lienkhoaan-to'oe | pictorial; story in series; comics; comic strip | 連環圖畫
lienkhoankex | plan that affects two or more objects successively; a coup within a coup | 連環計
lienkhoantoo | comic books | 連環圖
lienkhylaai | connect | 連起來
lienkhym | mutual reference among husbands of sisters | 連襟
lienkhyn | young | 年輕
lienkhør | entrance exam | 聯考
lienkiaau | forsythia | 連翹
lienkied | to connect; to join together; form an alliance; to join together; gang up | 連結; 聯結
lienkietsvoax | connecting line (math) | 連結線
lienkiettiøh | connected | 連結著
lienkoad | link | 連結
lienkoafn | end of a year | 年關
lienkoarnsexng | continuity | 聯貫性
lienkoaxn | be connected; links; connection; links; link; string together | 連貫; 聯貫
lienkoaxn-sexng | continuity | 連貫性
lienkux | joint authorship of poems; with a chanting one line to be followed by etc. until a poem is completed; couplets (on scrolls) | 聯句
lienkwn | the allied troops; allied forces | 聯軍
lienky | brothers; close relatives (of the same family tree) | 連枝
lienkym | mutual reference among husbands of sisters | 連襟; 年金; 年俸
lienleeng haxnzex | age limit | 年齡限制
lienleeng | age of a person | 年齡
lienliau | fuel | 燃料
lienlie | trees whose branches interlock together; a couple very much in love | 連理
lienlieen puttoan | incessant | 連連無斷
lienlieen | continuously; unceasingly; in rapid succession | 連連
lienliefn | fade | 蔫蔫
lienlim | re-elected | 連任
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
lienlit | day after day | 連日
lienlog'oaan | liaison officer | 聯絡員
lienlogpho'ar | contact book | 聯絡簿仔
lienlogzam | liaison office; station | 聯絡站
lienlok | to make contact with; connection; junction; contact; be connected with; link up with; get in contact with; keep in touch | 連絡; 聯絡
lienlui | to involve; implicate | 連累
lienluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
lienlyky | trees whose branches interlock or join together ─ couple very much in love | 連理枝
lienlør | aged; old; aged | 年老
lienmai | advanced in age; side by side | 年邁; 年袂
lienmau | age and description (in registration; etc.) | 年貌
lienmiaa | jointly (signed; declared; sponsored); joint signatures | 聯名
liennii | (n) in consecutive or successive years | 連年
lienpaang | lotus pod | 蓮房
lienpafng | federal union; federation; federation of states; union of nations; confederated states | 聯邦
lienpafng-zex | federation system | 聯邦制
lienpai | successive defeats; be defeated repeatedly | 連敗
lienpangzex | federal system | 聯邦制
lienphiøx | bills in set; an interinline ticket | 聯票
lienphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death | 年譜
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
lienpiao | chronicle of events of a country or of person's life year by year | 年表
lienpo | lady like steps | 蓮步
lienpor | wilt; wither | 蔫脯; 枯萎
lienpothaau | even bud | 連苞頭
lienpox | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
lienpurn taeli | both the principal and the interest | 連本帶利
lienpør | mutual guarantee (of proper conduct) | 聯保; 連保
lienpøx | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
liensaix | a league tournament | 年賽; 聯賽
liensarn | annual production | 年產
liensarn-liong | annual production output; annual yield | 年產量
lienseghoe | joint meeting | 聯席會
liensek hoexgi | joint conference; joint session | 聯席會議
liensek-hoe | joint conference | 聯席會
liensexng | successive victories | 連勝
liensia | gathering of Buddhists; gathering of scholars (usually for extemporizing poems) | 蓮社
liensiaux | young of age | 年少
liensiofnglek | to make associative connection | 聯想力
liensiogkiok | radio or television serial | 連續劇
liensiok | successive; continuous; continuance; continuity; go on; succession; continuously; successively; consecutively; incessantly | 連續
liensiok-sexng | continuity | 連續性
liensiong | connected | 連上
liensiorng | associate; association of ideas; be reminded of | 聯想
liensoarn lienjim | hold a post for another term after being re-elected | 連選連任
liensoax | successively; doing several things in succession without stopping | 連續; 連紲
liensu | sign jointly; joint signature | 連署
liensuo | to sign jointly; joint signature | 連署
liensuxjiin | joint signer; co-signer | 連署人
liensvoax | unbroken; continuous | 連線
liensym | heart to heart; the heart of a lotus seed; my bitter heart | 聯心; 蓮心
liensøftiaxm | chain store | 連鎖店
liensør hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liensør | to interlock; in a chain; chain; linked together | 連鎖
liensør-hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
lientaai | Buddha's seat in the form of lotus flower | 蓮臺
lientafn | duplicate or joint forms for receipt; etc | 聯單
lientaix zekjim | joint responsibility | 連帶責任
lientaix | connected; involve person in trouble; lawsuit; joint (responsibility; obligation); involve | 連帶
lientaix-koanhe | direct succession; affiliated relationship; associations | 連帶關係
lientaix-pøfzerngjiin | joint surety | 連帶保證人
lientaix-pøfzexng | joint surety | 連帶保證
lientek | funeral banners; funeral scrolls | 聯軸
lienthaam | lotus pond | 蓮潭
lienthah | overlapping; in succession | 連疊; 繼續
lienthea-ve'ar | Siamese twins | 連體嬰仔
lienthefefng | Siamese twins | 連體嬰
lienthiefn | the sound of battle) shakes the sky; continuously (especially said of complaining); for several days in a row; stab deep into the sky (said of high mountains); (the distant horizon) merges with the sky; (mountains) to stab deep into the sky | 連天
lienthvoax | chain charcoal | 鍊炭
lienthøx | couplet | 聯套
lientiarm | burning point | 燃點
lientiorng | elder person; senior person | 年長
liento | fiscal year | 年度
liento-uxsoaxn | annual budget | 年度預算
lientong | gearing | 連動
lientoong | together with; in addition to | 連同
lientui | (of air force) a wing; battalion | 聯隊
lientuix | (n) vertical written couplet usually placed along either side of a doorway; antithetical scrolls (for hanging on walls) | 聯對; 對聯
lientviuo | company captain; officer in charge of the regiment; regimental commander; company commander | 連長; 聯長
lientvoaf | a document in duplicate; triplicate; etc.; certificate; document (in duplicate; triplicate) | 聯單
lienzaai | (n) joint stock | 連財; 合股
lienzaix | serial publishing | 連載
lienzhae | a set of scrolls | 連彩; 輓聯喜聯
lienzhefng | young | 年青
lienzhoaxn | to string together; a string (of events) | 連串
lienzofng | to join persons of different ancestors and make them bear the same family name | 聯宗
lienzw | continuous; in quick succession | 連珠
lienzø | be punished as accomplice in crime; pedestal of a Buddha statue | 連坐; 蓮座
liephoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred; tear and destroy (as clothes; papers) | 裂破; 剺破; 撕破; 撕毀
liephøee | flay; to skin | 撕皮; 剝皮
liern hvixkhafng | clean the ears (with a tiny brush) | 撚耳孔; 掏耳孔
liern zhuiechiw | stroke the beard; finger the moustache | 撚鬚; 空閒
liern | spin; clean (ear or nose) by twirling; wheel | 輪; 撚; 捻; 輦; 碾
liernjip | run into | 輾入
liernkiuu | roll the ball | 滾球
liernlierntngr | rollover | 輾輾轉
liernliexn | rollover | 輾輾
liernløh | rollover into | 輾落
lierntngr | rollover | 輾轉
liernzoarn | rollover | 輾轉
liet | crack; break; split; rend; rip open; tear; be ripped; be rent; a crack; a rent | 裂; 烈; 列
liexn | having gone everywhere; widely traveled | 闖遍各地; 輾; 滾
liexn'gak | Purgatory | 煉獄
liexn'iorng | a militiaman | 練勇
liexn'iuchviuo | oil refinery; oil extracting mill | 煉油廠; 油廠
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
liexn'oexsiefn | chat idly | 練話仙; 閒聊
liexn`køex | to roll over | 轉過
liexn`løqkhix | roll and fall off or down (a precipice; ravine; bed) | 滾落去
liexnbea | horse riding practice | 練馬
liexnbea-tviuu | horse riding field | 練馬場
liexnbuo | to train oneself in martial arts | 練武
liexnchviux | rehearsal | 練唱
liexngak lenghuun | souls in Purgatory | 煉獄靈魂
liexngak | purgatory | 煉獄
liexngek | purgatory | 煉獄
liexnhoad | practice | 練法
liexnji | to practice writing | 練字
liexnkimsut | alchemy | 煉金術
liexnkiukhurn | streptococcus | 鏈球菌
liexnkiuu | practice | 練球
liexnkngx | to refine steel | 煉鋼
liexnkngx-chviuo | steel mill | 煉鋼廠
liexnkoaf | practice singing | 練歌
liexnkofng | practice | 練功
liexnkuun | to practice boxing | 練拳
liexnkym | refine gold by fire; purify gold by fire | 煉金
liexnleeng | poor Souls (in purgatory) (Catholic) | 煉靈
liexnlefng | condensed milk | 煉乳
liexnli | practice calligraphy | 練字
liexnpefng | to drill troops; to train an army; train troops | 練兵
liexnseeng | practiced successfully | 練成
liexnsiawoe | speaking nonsense | 練痟話
liexnsibpho | exercise book | 練習簿
liexnsibsefng | trainee; apprentice; student | 練習生
liexnsibsor | practice place | 練習所
liexnsiefn | (v) chat | 練仙; 聊天; 閒扯; 說閒話; 談天
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnsip | to practice; exercises; training; practice; exercise; rehearse (a show) | 練習
liexntafn | to make pills of wonder; to practice alchemy; refine the pill (of immortality) | 煉丹
liexntankaf | an alchemist | 煉丹家
liexnthihchviuo | iron refinery | 鍊鐵廠
liexnthihhoad | puddling; melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron | 煉鐵法
liexnthihloo | bloomery; puddling furnace | 煉鐵爐
liexnthiq | to smelt iron; to refine iron | 煉鐵
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
liexnthiq-hoad | puddling | 煉鐵法
liexnthiq-loo | puddling furnace; bloomery | 煉鐵爐
liexnthvoax | charcoal | 鍊炭
liexntvar | test courage | 練膽
liexnzeng lenghuun | purify the soul | 煉淨靈魂
liexnzhuiehoef | beak flower ? | 練喙花
lih | crack; fissure; crevasse; be cracked; be torn; be split | 裂
lih`khuy | split open | 裂開
lihwn | divorce | 離婚
lihø | to incur disaster | 罹禍
lii | ass; donkey | 驢; 簾; 離; 離婚; 厘
liie'lixli | leave far away | 離離離
liieliqlih | torn | 裂裂裂
liim | forest; a wood | 林
liin | phosphorus (P) | 憐; 磷; 仁; 麟; 鄰
liinjirn | carrot | 紅蘿蔔
likii | strange; quaintness; unusual | 離奇
liko'afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
likoafm | nunnery | 尼姑庵
likof | nun | 尼姑
likof-afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
likovi | a nunnery | 尼姑院
likym | an internal tax on the transit of goods | 釐金
lilan | to incur misfortune | 遭難; 罹難
lilan-ciar | victims | 遭難者; 罹難者
lili'ar | tiny | 釐釐仔; 毫釐
lilii`leq | divorce her or him | 離離咧
lilikhokkhog | loose and untidy | 哩哩硞硞
lililaklag | loose and untidy | 離離落落
lililøløf | speak indistinctly; utter inarticulate words | 話無清楚
lily | very thin | 極薄
lily-khokkhog | untidy | 哩哩刻刻
lily-laklag | crumbling; lacking in cohesion; be rickety (as an old chair) | 稀鬆無牢
lily-løløf | prolixity; speak indistinctly, utter inarticulate words | 哩哩囉囉; 拉拉雜雜; 囉哩囉嗦
lim | recognize; know; confess; acknowledge | 認; 承認
lim'ek | shower bath | 淋浴
lim'irmte | shadeway | 林蔭地
lim'irmtex | shadeway | 林蔭地
lim'uo | to get wet in the rain | 淋雨
lim'ym-lo | a shady avenue | 林蔭路; 林陰路; 林蔭道
limbok | a forest, a woods | 林木
limbuxkiok | forest service bureau | 林務局
limbøo | drinked nothing | 啉無
limciah | eat and drink; food and drink | 飲食; 吃喝
limcidpoef | drink a cut of ... | 啉一杯
limciofng | one's last moments; extreme unction; be on the point of dying; just before dying; about to breathe one's last; at deathbed; in articulo mortis | 臨終
limciongkefng | prayers for a person in the last agony; prayer for the dying | 臨終經
limciuo | drink; drink wine; take wine | 飲酒
limciwzuix | drunk | 啉酒醉
limgiap | the forestry industry; forestry | 林業
limgoat | month when childbirth is due | 臨月
limguii | the point of death; in grave danger | 臨危
limgøeh | the month of child-bearing | 臨月; 產期
limhae-tøxlo | coastal road | 臨海道路
limheeng | at parting | 臨行
limhiarm | endanger | 臨險
limhiaw | brown wood owl | 林梟; 大木鴞
limhngg | wooded land; a park of trees and vegetation | 林園
limkaetiarm | critical point (in physics) | 臨界點
limkaix unto | critical temperature (in physics) | 臨界溫度
limkaux | come upon; descend | 臨到; 降臨
limkhix | lust before going | 臨去
limkhurn | gonococcus | 淋菌
limkhw | a forested area | 林區
limkiarm | make an inspection of; make a search of | 臨檢
limkib | crisis in great or urgent need; in time of emergency | 臨急; 緊急
limkierngpiexn | improvise | 臨機應變
limkin | adjacent; proximate; imminent; drawing near to | 臨近
limkuypoear | drank a couple of cups | 啉幾杯仔
limky erngpiexn | adapt oneself to the moment; according to the requirement of the case | 臨機應變
limky | in an emergency | 臨機
limlan | on the verge of death; at the most critical moment | 臨難
limliao | drank them all | 啉了
limlii | dripping wet; heavy rain | 淋漓
limlip | to stand up like a forest; stand close together; stand together in large numbers; a great many; (men or things) assembling in great numbers | 林立
limlym`leq | drink up | 飲飲咧; 啉啉咧
limløqkhix | keep drinking | 啉落去
limpa'ek | lymph | 淋巴液
limpaf | lymph | 淋巴
limpaf-kiuu | lymphocytes | 淋巴球
limpaf-kngr | lymphatic gland | 淋巴管
limpafn | forest compartment; forest tract | 林班
limpasvoariam | lymphadenitis | 淋巴腺炎
limpasvoax | lymphatic glands | 淋巴腺
limphuun | about to deliver a child (of expecting mother); near child birth; parturition | 臨盆
limpiet | at the time of taking leave; on the point of departure; at the time of parting | 臨別
limpve | gonorrhea | 淋病
limpvi | gonorrhea | 淋病
limsafnbut | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產物; 林產
limsarn | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產; 臨產; 林產物
limsek | be present, attend | 臨席; 出席
limsichiaf | extra bus or train | 臨時車; 加班車
limsii cipzexng | provisional chief executive; govern (the nation) provisionally; provisional government | 臨時執政
limsii hoexgi | extraordinary general meeting; provisional assembly | 臨時會議
limsii kaegiaam | temporary martial law | 臨時戒嚴
limsii kenghuix | extraordinary expenses | 臨時經費
limsii khøea'iog | provisional contract | 臨時契約
limsii phø hudkhaf | expect impossible immediate effect; do something too late and without preparation | 臨時抱佛腳
limsii piernthofng | adapting oneself to circumstances; versatile | 臨時變通
limsii siet'hoad | provisional plan | 臨時設法
limsii taixhoe | extraordinary general meeting | 臨時大會
limsii tiupixzhux | temporary office for the arrangement of ways and means | 臨時籌備處
limsii toxnggi | extraordinary motion | 臨時動議
limsii zernghuo | provisional government | 臨時政府
limsii zerngsw | provisional charter; certificate; diploma | 臨時證書
limsii zhwhwn | provisional arrangement | 臨時處分
limsii | at the time; just at the moment; on the spot; provisional; temporary; special; incidental; temporarily | 臨時
limsii-cipciaux | provisional charter; provisional license | 臨時執照
limsikafng | short term worker; seasonal worker; temporary labor | 臨時工
limsikang'ar | temporary workers | 臨時工仔
limsilim'iau | temporary | 臨時臨曜
limsilim'iøf | temporary | 臨時臨么
limsilimzun | temporary | 臨時臨陣
limsilym'iaw | temporary | 臨時臨要
limsiøciwzuix | drunk | 啉燒酒醉
limsoaq | done with drinking | 啉煞
limsuo | at time of dying | 臨死
limsyn | temporary body | 臨身
limtaf | bottom up; drink (a cup) empty | 飲乾; 喝乾
limtee | take tea | 飲茶
limthngf | eat soup | 喝湯
limtii | to practise calligraphy | 臨池
limtin | go into battle, at the front | 臨陣; 赴陣
limtviuu | (n) forest management area; a logging station; wooded land; forest | 林場
limzai | come to | 臨到
limzexng | gonorrhea | 淋症
limzhngg ihak | clinical medicine | 臨床醫學
limzhngg kafnggi | clinical lecture | 臨床講義
limzhngg kenggiam | clinical experience | 臨床經驗
limzhngg sidgiam | experimentation (clinical) | 臨床實驗
limzhngg | clinical | 臨床
limzuie | drink water | 喝水; 飲水
lin | recognize; know; confess; acknowledge | 認; 承認
lin'aix | have tender regard for; feel pity and love for | 憐愛
lin'gi | benevolence | 仁義
lin'iuo | close friend | 乳友
lin'iuu | butter | 乳油
lin'oaan | staff | 人員
lin'uii | artificial | 人為
linbie | beautiful person | 人美
linbiin | citizen | 人民
linbirn | compassion; sympathize; to pity; commiserate; befriend; have compassion | 憐憫
linbok | on friendly terms | 鄰睦
linbong | respected person | 人望
linbuo | a wet nurse | 乳母; 奶母; 奶媽
linbut | character | 人物
linbuun | humanities | 人文
linbwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
linciab | to adjoin | 鄰接
lincid | phosphorus | 磷; 燐質
linciorng | race | 人種
lincip | congregate (like school of fish) | 鱗集
lingaa | bud scales | 鱗芽
lingaam | breast cancer | 乳癌
linguu | milk cow | 乳牛
linhiofng-siøhgiok | fond of women; have a tender heart for the fair sex | 憐香惜玉
linhoarbut | phosphide | 磷化物
linhoax-but | phosphide | 磷化物
linhøea | jack-o'-lantern; will-o'-the-wisp; phosphorescent light | 燐火
linhøo | harmony | 人和
linjiao | scales and claws of feasts; tidbits; unimportant parts | 鱗爪
linjiin | neighbor | 鄰人
linkafn | world | 人間
linkaix | fishes and mollusks; scales and shell | 鱗介
linkef | close neighbor; next-door family | 鄰家
linkeq | character | 人格
linkezhuo'ar | regular household | 人家厝仔
linkhao | population | 人口
linkhix | popularity | 人氣
linkhoaan | human rights | 人權
linkhoxng | phosphorus ore | 磷礦; 燐礦
linkhw | neighbor | 鄰區
linkin | vincinities; contiguous; near at hand; neighborhood; nearby | 鄰近
linkngf | phosphorescence | 磷光; 燐光
linkoaxn | milk jug | 奶罐; 乳罐
linkun | nearby | 鄰近
linkuun | people | 人群
linkw | neighbor | 鄰居
linky | neighbors | 鄰居
linlek | man power | 人力
linlie | a neighborhood; a community | 鄰里
linlofng | a toy for children looks like small drum; children running about (at play); pleasing sound of bells; small bell | 鈴瓏; 逗圈圈; 叮噹
linlong'ar | bells | 玲瑯仔
linlongkor | a rattle | 麟籠鼓; 玲瑯鼓; 撥浪鼓
linlongseh | circling around | 玲瑯踅
linlui | human | 人類
linluun | human relations | 人倫
linmar | army and military equipment | 人馬
linpafng | a neighboring state; neighboring states | 鄰邦
linpafng-zex | federal system | 鄰邦制
linpaw | breast | 奶包; 乳房
linphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
linpoo | breast | 乳房
linpuii | phosphate fertilizer | 燐肥
linsefng | life | 人生
linsex | human world | 人世
linsexng | human nature | 人性
linsimputkor | immortal | 人心無古
linsiu | life | 人壽
linsiøq | feel tender and protective toward (child; etc.) | 憐惜
linsngf puiliau | phosphatic manure; phosphate | 燐酸肥料
linsngf | phosphoric acid | 燐酸
linsoarn | to pick; to choose; to select; select; choose; pick (a person) | 遴選
linsox | phosphorus | 燐素
linsu | personnel | 人事
linsud | to pity; to help (the unfortunate); pity; commiserate | 憐恤
linsuxkiok | HR | 人事局
linsym | ginseng | 人參
linsyn | body | 人身
lintafn | mouth refresher lozenge | 仁丹
lintax | bra | 奶罩
lintee | milk tea | 奶茶
linthaau | nipple, teat | 乳頭
linthausvoax | milk duct, mammary gland | 乳頭腺
linthea | body | 人體
linthngg | milk sugar; lactose | 乳糖
lintiaau | crowd | 人潮
lintiofng | philtrum | 人中
lintoan | a silk and wool fabric | 綾緞
lintviuo | neighborhood captain | 鄰長
lintø | humane | 人道
linzaai | to have sympathy for talented persons | 憐才
linzeeng | favor, kindness | 人情
linzengsea'su | human affairs | 人情世事
linzengseasu | human affairs | 人情世事
linzex | people | 人際
linzhuiear | pacifier | 奶喙仔
linzhuix | baby soother | 乳嘴; 奶喙
linzhux | visitors | 人次
linzuu | kind | 仁慈
linzw | nipple | 奶珠
linzø | Monoceros (in astronomy) | 人造
liofng'iong | dual-use | 兩用
liofng'ix | insincere; equivocal | 兩意
liofng'vi-zex | the two-chamber system | 兩院制
liofng'viu | different | 兩樣
liofngbin siuxtek | between two fires | 兩面受敵
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
liofngbin zokciexn | fight on two fronts | 兩面作戰
liofngbin | both sides; two sides; double faced | 兩面
liofngbin-sexng | dual character | 兩面姓; 兩面性
liofngchyn | father and mother | 兩親
liofngciar | both sides, both parties, both parsons | 兩者
liofnggan | both sides | 兩岸
liofnggarn sitbeeng | blind in both eyes | 兩眼失明
liofnggarn | two eyes; both eyes | 兩眼
liofnggii | the yin and the yang; the two polarities | 兩儀; 陰陽
liofnggoan | both hope; both wish; both willing | 兩願
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liofnghofng | both sides | 兩方
liofnghvoa | both sides | 兩岸
liofnghwn | to dissect | 兩分
liofngkef | two families; both parties | 兩家
liofngkek | the earth's poles; both ends; electric poles; poles; the two (north and south; positive and negative) poles; two extremes | 兩極
liofngkhaf | both legs | 兩腳; 兩跤
liofngkhaf-khiaa | ride two horses with both legs | 兩腳騎; 兩跤騎; 騎牆
liofngkhao | the two of them | 兩口
liofngkhør | ambiguous; both are ok | 兩可
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liofngkofng | slack | 兩光
liofngkongliofngkofng | slack | 兩光兩光
liofnglaan | difficult on both fronts; literally; between two difficulties ─ indecisive; dilemma | 兩難
liofnglip | be compatible be consistent; stand together | 兩立
liofngpai kuxsiofng | both are wounded and defeated; both are hurt; nobody wins | 兩敗俱傷
liofngpeeng | both sides | 兩爿; 兩邊
liofngpien | convenient for both parties; both sides gaining advantage | 兩便
liofngsexng buxntee | sex questions | 兩性問題
liofngsexng | two sexes; the sexes | 兩性
liofngsiux zhenghofng | honest public servants attain high official rank without money in the bank | 兩袖清風
liofngteg | double gain | 兩得
liofngtoafn | both ends; the two extremities; from end to end; from the beginning to the end; two ends or extremities | 兩端
liofngtoan | cut in two | 兩斷
liofngzhad | Please understand, please considerate | 諒察
liofngzhef poxtui | amphibious force; amphibious troops | 兩棲部隊
liofngzhef toxngbut | amphibian animal | 兩棲動物
liofngzhef | amphibious | 兩棲
liofngzhef-lui | amphibious animals | 兩棲類
liofngzheg | two sides | 兩側
liofngzhux | twice; on two occasions | 兩次
liofngzoaan kii bie | profit both parties or attain two objectives by a single act; arrange a matter so that both sides profit | 兩全其美
liofngzoaan | satisfy both parties; have it both ways; complete in both respects | 兩全
liog | chase; ouster | 忸; 追; 鑠
liog'iap | green leaves | 綠葉
liog'iar | green field; grassy plains | 綠野
liog'ijiin | mailman | 綠衣人
liog'imky | recording machine; tape recorder | 錄音機
liog'imseg | recording room | 錄音室
liog'imtoax | recording tape; magnetic tape | 錄音帶
liog'iok | the desires originated from the six roots – eyes; ears; nose; tongue; body and mind | 六欲
liog'iong | select for appointment; accept for employment | 錄用
liog'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
liog'un | land transportation; overland transportation; to forward by land | 陸運
liog'viar | take a photograph; film a scene; (to) tape (as TV Show) | 錄影
liog'ym | recording; transcription; record on tape; transcribe a program; record sound | 錄音; 六音
liogbie | to take credit for what has been done by somebody else | 掠美
liogbixnthea | hexahedron; hexagon | 六面體
liogchyn bukhøx | nobody to turn to | 六親無靠
liogchyn bøjin | cold and arrogant | 六親無認
liogchyn | the six relations; brothers; wife and children; i.c.; six relations (father; mother; brothers; sisters; wife; children); near relatives | 六親; 近親
liogchyn-putjim | cold and arrogant | 六親無認
liogciar | the weak | 弱者
liogcierntui | the marines; the Marine Corps | 陸戰隊
liogciexn | land battle; pitched battle; (military) land operations | 陸戰
liogciw | oasis | 綠洲
liogge | the classical six arts(propriety; music; archery; riding; writing; arithmetic); six arts (rites; music; archery; chariot; driving learning; mathematics) which ancient Chinese scholars were required to master | 六藝; 禮,樂,射,御,書,數
lioggieen-sy | Chin verse form; with six syllables in each line | 六言詩
lioghabzhae | a Taiwanese lottery | 六合彩
lioghap tongzhwn | Spring comes all over the world | 六合同春
lioghap | the six directions: east; west; north; south; up(heaven) and down(earth); the material universe; six points (north; east; south; west; zenith and nadir) ─ everywhere; the universe | 六合; 天、地、四方
lioghaykhofng samkwn | army; navy and air force | 陸海空三軍
lioghaykwn | army and navy | 陸海軍
lioghienkhiim | guitar | 六絃琴
lioghoad zoansw | The complete Volume of Six Laws ─ an omnibus of modern Chinese Laws | 六法全書
lioghoad | six volumes of law | 六法
lioghoad-zoansw | The Complete Volumes of Six Laws | 六法全書
lioghoax uxntong | tree planting campaign | 綠化運動
lioghoax | plant trees; build parks; lay out lawns in deserts or urban areas | 綠化
lioghofng | both sides | 兩方
lioghungii | sextant | 六分儀
lioghuo | the viscera; the entrails; six lower intestines ─ the gall; the stomach; the bowels and the urinary organs | 六腑
liogkaq | hexagon | 六角
liogkefng | the Six Books of Chinese classics; the Six Classics | 六經
liogkhefng | the Six ministers | 六卿
liogkiofng | palace where the queen and other wives of an emperor lived; the imperial harems | 六宮
liogkiøo | land bridge | 陸橋
liogkog | the Six countries | 六國; 五穀
liogkuix | cinnamon | 肉桂
liogkunzuo | six honor masters | 六君主
liogkwn poxtviuo | minister of war | 陸軍部長
liogkwn sioxng'uix | army captain | 陸軍上尉
liogkwn sioxngcioxng | camp marshall; field marshal | 陸軍上將
liogkwn tiongkaux | lieutenant colonel | 陸軍中校
liogkwn | the army; land forces | 陸軍
liogkyn putzoaan | defective person (Buddhism) | 六根無全
liogkyn | six roots of sensation (eye; ear; nose; tongue; body and mind) | 六根
liogkyn-zhengzeng | the purification of the six indriyas or sense-organs; free from human desions | 六根清淨
lioglea | the six ceremonies in classics: capping; wedding; funeral; sacrifice; communal festival; presentation | 六禮; 冠,婚,喪,祭,鄉飲酒,相見
lioglek | a biographical sketch | 略歷; 簡歷
liogliim høkiet | highwaymen; robbers | 綠林豪傑
liogliim | greenwood; outlaws (who live in thick forests) | 綠林
liogliim-kheq | men of the greenwood ─ brigands | 綠林客
liogliok | somewhat; slightly | 略略; 大概
lioglo | (travel) by land; by way of land; by way of land | 陸路
lioglut | six temperament; six law | 六律
liogpuii | green manure | 綠肥
liogpy | finch-billed bulbul (bird) | 陸鵯; 白環鸚嘴鵯; 雀嘴鵯
liogsad | looting | 掠殺
liogsarn | products on land | 陸產; 山產
liogsex | weak | 弱勢
liogsiin buzuo | shocked; stunned out of one's wits | 六神無主
liogsiin | six organs (the heart; lungs; liver; kidneys; spleen; gallbladder) | 六神; 心,肺,肝,腎,脾,膽
liogsiin-buzuo | shocked; stunned out of one's wits | 六神無主
liogsiog'ar | almost; good enough | 略俗仔; 差無多
liogsiok | continuous; one after another; in succession; one after another in continuity | 陸續
liogsiong | on land; on shore | 陸上
liogsox | in rough number | 略數
liogsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 六水; 青山綠水
liogsuun | sixty years | 六旬
liogsw | 6 Chinese character categories | 六書; 象形, 指事, 會意, 形聲, 轉注, 假借
liogtaixciw | six continents of the world | 六大洲
liogte hengciw | sail a boat on dry land ─ attempt the impossible or the ridiculous | 陸地行舟
liogte | the land; terrestrial; earth; land (as distinct from sea or ocean); shore | 陸地
liogtee | green tea | 綠茶
liogteg | land | 陸地
liogthiog | the six domestic animals- horse; cow; sheep; chicken; dog and hog; domestic animals; oxen; sheep; horses; pigs; dogs and fowls | 六畜:馬,牛,羊, 雞, 狗, 豬
liogthioxng | optimistic | 樂觀
liogti | invade | 掠凌
liogtiarm | weakness | 弱點
liogtieen | dry field | 陸田
liogtiim | sinking of land; upheavals | 陸沈
liogtoadphirn | spoils; prey; prize; booty | 掠奪品
liogtoat | to seize by force; pillage; plunder; sack; to plunder; to pillage; to loot; to sack; despoil; rob | 掠奪; 略奪
liogtoat-sexng | predatory character | 掠奪性; 略奪性
liogtoe | land | 陸地
liogtoo | a rough drawing; a rough sketch | 略圖
liogtoong | similar; about the same; approximately the same | 略同
liogty | know just a little | 略知
liogtø | upland rice | 陸稻
liogtøe | the land; terrestrial; earth | 陸地; 略地
liogzeeng | the six emotions or feelings of a person – joy; anger; sorrow; happiness; love; and hatred; six emotions or feelings of a person (joy; anger; sorrow; happiness; love; hatred) | 六情
liogzex | record | 錄製
liogzhef | live on land | 陸棲
liogzhuo | be selected for a position; be accepted as a student; to seize; to rob | 略取; 錄取
liogzør | algae; chlorophyceae | 綠藻
liok | green; chlorine | 綠; 六; 辱; 錄
liong | determinate quantity; a measure; capacity; to measure; to deliberate; to estimate | 量; 冗
liong'afpox | cashmere | 絨仔布
liong'ar-giin | old coin | 龍仔銀; 古錢幣
liong'ia | beautiful night; clear night, a pleasant evening | 良夜
liong'ieen | good chance; good match for marriage | 良緣; 龍淆
liong'iernhviw | [[liong'ienhviw]]; a fragrant incense used on happy occasions and also to drive away evil spirits | 龍涎香
liong'iuo | good friends | 良友
liong'iøh | good medicine | 良藥
liong'iøh-khofkhao | Good medicines are bitter to the mouth. (literally) ─ Good advice is never pleasant to the ear | 良藥苦口
liong'oong | god of rain and water; sea god | 龍王
liong'ui | imperial throne | 龍位
liong'uie | cool and great | 良偉
liong'un | a good fate | 龍運
liong'wn | great kindness; favor or graces | 龍恩
liong'y | good doctor | 良醫
liongbea | fine horse | 良馬
liongbiin | good people; loyal subjects, law abiding citizens | 良民
liongbuo | good mother | 良母
liongchiaf | imperial vehicle | 龍車
liongchiw | a kind of edible seaweed; grown on rocks | 龍鬚
liongcioxng | brilliant general | 良將
liongciw | dragon boat | 龍舟
lionggaan | His Majesty's face; countenance; majestic face of the emperor | 龍顏
lionggieen | wholesome advice | 良言
lionggiin | ancient money; silver coin minted toward the close of the Ching Dynasty | 龍銀
lionghee | spiny lobster, Japanese lobster | 龍蝦; 五色蝦
lionghefng | prosperity | 隆興
lionghied | dragon's cave | 龍穴
lionghiet | ideal site for a grave (geomancy) | 龍穴
lionghngf | good remedy; good recipe; good prescription; the best remedy | 良方
liongho | generous; substantial | 隆厚
lionghong siongphoex | union of a dragon and a phoenix (congratulatory phrase on the occasion of a wedding) | 龍鳳相配
lionghong tengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lionghong thefngsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lionghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitations | 龍鳳帖
lionghong | the dragon and the phoenix; generally; symbolic of male and female; fine offspring; fine offspring; excellent children; men of wisdom; a noble look; man and woman | 龍鳳
lionghong-pviar | cake presented to the bride's family by the bridegroom's; betrothal cake gift distributed to friends as announcement | 龍鳳餅
lionghong-thiab | betrothal cards | 龍鳳帖
lionghor | dragon tiger | 龍虎
lionghoxngpviar | cake presented to the bride's family by the bridegroom's family | 龍鳳餅
lionghoxngsi | temple | 龍鳳寺
lionghvor | good, fine | 良好
lionghør | fine; good; fine; desirable | 良好
liongjiin | good person; husband (arch) | 丈夫; 良人
liongkaf huxluo | girl or woman of ordinary family | 良家婦女
liongkaf | good family | 良家
liongkaf-zwluo | children of good parentage | 良家子女
liongkarng | good harbor | 良港
liongkax | good family | 良家
liongkex | good plan or strategy | 良計
liongkhao | dragon mouth | 龍口
liongkhie | to swell up | 隆起
liongkhix | dragon spirit | 龍氣
liongkii | imperial flag | 龍旗
liongkiofng | palace of the sea god | 龍宮
liongkiuo | for a very long period of time | 良久
liongkngfhofng | tornado; cyclone; twister; sand pillar | 龍捲風
liongkud oankhiaw | curvature of the spine | 脊椎骨彎曲
liongkud | backbone; keel of a ship; backbone; spine; dragon's bones; keel of a boat | 龍骨; 脊椎骨
liongkuix | very high (prices) | 隆貴
liongkviw | the lesser galangal; a ginger | 良薑
liongky budsid | Don't let the good chance slip. It is now or never; Take the opportunity by the forelock | 良機勿失
liongky | a good chance | 良機
liongleeng | inborn ability; instinct | 良能
lionglør | Borneo camphor | 龍腦
liongmar | aged but vigorous; old but strong | 龍馬
liongmeh | winding mountain range | 龍脈
liongmngkarng | dragon gate port | 龍門港
liongmuii | able matchmaker | 良媒
liongphvi | plastic surgery of the nose; rhinoplasty | 隆鼻
liongphvoa | good companion | 良伴
liongpoe | poor and miserable, helter-skelter, awkward | 狼狽
liongseng | abundance; booming; flourishing; prosperous; abundant; prosperous; in abundance; with prodigality; flourishing | 隆盛; 興旺
liongserngliuu | benign tumor | 良性瘤
liongsexng | of a good nature | 良性
liongsexng-liuu | benign tumor | 良性瘤
liongsiaw | enjoyable night; a beautiful night; enjoyable night | 良宵
liongsieen | ambergris; found in sperm whales; used in perfumes | 龍涎
liongsien | good, virtuous | 良性; 善良
liongsii | good timing | 良時
liongsiin | a beautiful day; ruling powers of nature ─ gods of waters and springs | 良辰; 龍神
liongsiin-bykerng | a pleasant day couple with a fine landscape | 良辰美景
liongsikietjit | good timing | 良時吉日
liongsimphiøx | conscious vote | 良心票
liongsiong-kunzuo | burglar; thief | 樑上君子; 小偷
liongsioxng | a wise prime minister | 良相
liongsuo | good historian | 良史
liongsw hengkog | Good teachers can help bring a nation to power | 良師興國
liongsym hoat'hien | The conscience is moved | 良心發現
liongsym iwkhuix | conscience stricken | 良心有愧
liongsym khiefnzeg | feel the pricks of conscience; have a guilty conscience | 良心譴責
liongsym sorngsid | utterly conscienceless | 良心喪失
liongsym | conscience; goodness of heart | 良心
liongteeng | imperial court | 龍庭
liongtefng | lantern shaped like a dragon | 龍燈
liongthaam-hofhiet | dragon's pool and the tiger's den ─ dangerous places | 龍潭虎穴
liongthaau | faucet; tap; cock; leader of a sect; secret society | 龍頭
liongthaau-zoabøea | dragon's head and snake's tail ─ dwindling away to nothing after an initial display of greatness | 龍頭蛇尾
liongthea | imperial body; your honorable body | 龍體
liongthex | rise and fall of power; influence | 隆替
liongthiau | dragon pillar; a column of dragon; a post of dragon | 龍柱
liongthioxng | joyful; smooth | 良暢
liongtieen | fertile fields; good land; fertile field; good land | 良田
liongtin | a group of dragons | 龍陣
liongtiong | impressively; ceremonious; solemn; impressive and solemn (rites; ceremony) | 隆重
liongtofng | a good winter | 良冬; 隆冬
liongtoo | a good plan or scheme | 良圖
liongty | intuition; instinct, innate knowledge, an understanding friend | 良知
liongzaai | able person; outstanding ability | 良才
liongzeeng | your great cordiality; hospitality | 隆情
liongzeeng-hoxgi | great kindness; hospitality and friendship | 隆情厚誼
liongzefng-hoftaux | fierce battle between giants | 龍爭虎鬥
liongzerng | descendants of an emperor | 龍種
liongzhef | good wife; virtuous wife | 良妻
liongzheg | good policy; good policy; scheme; or strategy | 良策
liongzhngg | the emperor's bed | 龍床
liongzoaa huxnzap | motley crowd; the wise and the unwise huddled together | 龍蛇混雜
liongzoaa | men of extraordinary talent | 龍蛇
liongzoaan | dragon fountain | 龍泉
liongzuo | dragon offspring, intelligent child | 龍子
liongzurn | nose with a high bridge | 隆準
lioong huy titiongbut | dragon is not a creature of a pond (but of the ocean) ─ a man of great ability | 龍非池中物
lioong | big beam or ridgepole of a house | 樑; 良; 梁
lioorng'lioxngliong | with a lot of surplus | 量量量
liorng hongbin | both sides; the two sides | 兩方面
liorng pud siongjiong | neither side will yield | 兩無相讓
liorng | two; a pair; a couple; both; one-sixteenth of a kin; tael | 兩
liorng'lioxngliong | with a lot of surplus | 量量量
liorngkhuy | free oneself or s.t. from tangle | 掙開
liorngkoaan | jump to reach out | 躍高
liorngtit | stretch straight | 踢直
liorngzao | to run away; to escape | 踜走; 逃脫
liorngzhud | stretch out | 踢出
lioxng | stretch one's feet; kick with one's feet; to struggle with feet | 踢
lioxng'iog | about; approximate; in rough number; about; thereabout; approximately | 量約; 大略; 大約; 大概
lioxng'iok'ar | roughly | 量約仔
lioxnghoarntiaxm | mass merchandiser | 量販店
lioxnghoaxn | mass merchandise | 量販
lioxngkae | to forgive; to be understanding; come to an understanding (agreement) with | 諒解
lioxngkhør | rather; would rather; it is better; had better.. | 寧可; 還是
lioxngki'iog | about; approximate; in rough number | 量其約; 大約
lioxngki'iok'ar | roughly | 量其約仔
lioxnglek jii uii | estimate one's strength or resources before doing something | 量力而為
lioxnglek | to estimate one's strength or resources | 量力
lioxngliong | with surplus | 量量
lioxngpid si afnny | I think it must be so most probably it is so | 諒必如此
lioxngpid | most likely; in all probability; most likely; probably; I should say it must; I should say that | 諒必
lioxngpit | possibly, probably, rather think as | 諒必
lioxngsarn | mass production | 量產
lioxngseng | plenty; sufficient; remainder; surplus; exceedingly abundant (money; crops) | 量剩; 興隆; 多餘; 有剩餘
lioxngsiong | enough; abundance; sufficient; exceedingly abundant (money; crops) | 量尚; 充足; 多餘
lioxngsiorng | (n) size-up; estimate | 量想; 推測; 思量; 料想
lioxngsioxngcvii | surplus money | 冗尚錢
lioxngtai-lioxngsiao | use more or less; as we please | 量大量小; 斟酌情形
lioxngto | a measure, to measure | 量度
lioxngzar | as early as possible; in advance; beforehand; a good deal earlier than is absolutely necessary | 量早; 冗早; 趁早; 稍早; 儘早
lioxngzeeng | forgive; show forbearance; forgive; to act with gentleness or forbearance | 諒情; 原諒; 寬恕
lioxngzhad | make allowance for; take into consideration; sympathize | 諒察
lioxngzuo | quantum | 量子
lioxngzuo-hoarhak | quantum chemistry | 量子化學
lioxngzuo-hoax | quantification | 量子化
lioxngzuo-lun | quantum theory | 量子論
lioxngzuo-tiaukvia | quantum condition | 量子條件
lioxngzwsox | quantum number | 量子素; 量子數
lip Serngsu | institute the Sacraments (Catholic) | 立聖事
lip ciongtheeng | draw up rules and regulation | 立章程
lip habtoong | draw up an agreement or trust deed; conclude a contract | 立合同
lip høiog | make a (peace) treaty | 立和約
lip thaezuo | investiture of the Crown Prince | 立太子
lip uiciog | make a will | 立遺囑
lip zerngkix | establish proof | 立證據
lip | enter; put in; income | 入; 立; 裝入; 公升
lipaf | fence; hedge; bamboo fence | 籬笆
liq | miles | 哩
liqhuun | chasm | 裂痕; 裂紋
liqkhafng | tear a hole | 裂孔; 裂縫
liqkhuy | open out (a joint or seam); split open; rupture | 裂開
liqphang | a crack or cleavage | 裂縫
liqphoax | tear up | 裂破; 撕破
liqsaisay | torn | 裂獅獅
liqsuun | rent; crack; rip cleavage; fissure | 裂紋
liqzhuix | an opening, a rift | 裂碎
liqzøx | split | 裂做
lirm | endure; to bear; tolerate; to suffer; repress; to stand (an insult) | 忍; 臨; 僅
lirmkhix | fall into a short sleep | 低去; 瞌睡著了
lirn | you (plural, exclusive) | 恁; 你們
lirn'goq | apples | 蘋果
lirn-hiaf | your place | 恁遐; 你那裡
lirn-niaa | Your mother! (used for cursing) | 恁娘
lirn-pe | vulgar and contemptuous expression for I | 恁爸
lirnkiuu | dribble | 滾球
lirnlixn | rolling | 滾滾
lirnlixn-lorngloxng | loud noise and turmoil (of heavy things moved about; men treading heavily; or loud rapid knocking) | 輾輾隆隆
lirnlornghao | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnlorngkiøx | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnloxng | loud noise | 滾隆
lirntao | (v) do a full somersault | 輾斗; 筋斗; 跟頭
lirntngr | turn around, in the opposite direction, circuit, rap, round | 輾轉; 反轉
lirnzu'ar | ball rolling | 輾珠仔
lisaxn | discrete | 離散
lisoafn | to escape, slip away unnoticed | 離溜; 離旋
lisw | bill of divorcement | 離書; 離婚書; 離婚文書
lit | nickname | 暱
lit`si'ar | day time | 日時仔
lit`sii | day tie | 日時
literng | medicine balance, metal piece balance | 天平; 釐戥
lithium | lithium | 鋰
liu kuyna pae | reviewed or repeated many times | 復習好幾次
liu | review; steam again the rice cake; food | 復習; 再蒸
liu'iong | to give employment to someone; to keep for use by oneself | 留用
liu'ix | keep an eye on; pay attention; pay attention; give the mind to; be careful; be cautious; take care; exercise caution | 留意
liu'ngg | sulfur; brimstone | 硫磺
liuafn | ammonium sulfate; ammonium sulfate | 硫銨; 硫安
liuar | a button | 鈕扣
liuar-khafng | a button hole | 鈕扣孔
liubeeng hiøxsex | leave a good name to future generations | 留名後世
liubeeng | leave behind a good reputation | 留名
liubie | studied in the USA | 留美
liubiin | vagabond; hooligan; rascal; tramp; wanderer; refugees | 流民; 流氓; 流浪漢
liuboong zernghuo | government in exile | 流亡政府
liuboong | exile | 流亡
liuboong-zernghuo | a government in exile | 流亡政府
liubøea | (adj) in a difficult situation | 溜尾; 狼狽
liuchiafm | to draw lots; v.i.; to draw divination sticks before Buddha | 抽籤
liuchviho | meteor | 流星雨
liuchvy | a meteor | 流星
liucid thengsyn | temporary release without pay; layoff | 留職停薪
liucid | liquids; liquid diet; fluid substances | 流質; 留職
liucitbut | fluids | 流質物
liugieen | to leave a message; idle talk; rumor; groundless statement; idle talk; rumor | 留言; 流言
liuh | a little | 略
liuha | leave; preserve; detain; stop; remain; stay | 留下
liuhagsefng | a student studying abroad; (foreign) exchange student; one who has studied abroad | 留學生
liuhak | study abroad; study in a foreign country | 留學
liuhaksefng | students sent abroad to study | 留學生
liuheeng | be in fashion; fashionable; much in vogue (style; customs); be widely circulated or accepted | 流行; 慣行
liuheeng-sexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhek | river valley; a basin; drainage basin | 流域
liuhengkoa'ar | pop songs | 流行歌仔
liuhengkoaf | popular song | 流行歌
liuhengpve | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengpvi | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengsexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhengsexng | popularity | 流行性
liuhichiw | catfish whiskers | 鰇魚鬚
liuhied køeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
liuhied | bleeding; to shed blood | 流血
liuhii | dried cuttlefish | 魷魚
liuhioxng | flow direction | 流向
liuhoan | flow | 流患
liuhoarbut | a sulfate; sulphide; sulphuret | 硫化物
liuhoargiin | silver sulfide | 硫化銀
liuhoax | sulphides | 硫化
liuhoe | adjournment of a meeting; failure to hold a meeting; be adjourned; be called off | 流會
liuhofng baxnsex | hand down a fragrant reputation to all generations | 流芳萬世
liuhofng chienkor | hand down a fine reputation; be honored by all generations | 流芳千古
liuhofng | to hand down a fine reputation through history; traditional custom; hand down a fine reputation through history; be honored by posterity | 流芳; 流風
liuhongkøf | sulfur paste | 硫磺膏
liuhongzvoaa | sulphur spring | 硫磺泉
liuhoong | sulfur; brimstone | 硫磺
liuhoxng | to exile; to banish | 流放
liuhukvy | catfish soup | 鰇魚羹
liuhuu | catfish | 鰇魚
liujim | to stay in a position for another term; serve for a second term; stay in a position for another term; retain in office | 留任
liukaix | a vagrant baggar | 流丐
liukarm | influenza | 流感
liukhau'ar | draw lots | 抽鬮仔
liukhaw | draw lots | 抽籤
liukheq | to detain a guest; to ask a guest to stay | 留客
liukhox | roaming bandits | 流寇
liukib | remain in the same class in school | 留級 [*]
liukofng | snake; serpent | 巨蟒 [*]
liukongzuxn | Liugongjun which is a system of canals in Taipei | 瑠公圳
liulaan | to make things difficult; embarrass | 留難
liularm | to skim over; to read through | 瀏覽
liule | fluent and elegant(of literary writing) | 流麗
liuli | fluent | 流利
liuli'ofng | eastern blue-tail robin | 知更鳥; 藍尾鯽
liuliam | to accept or keep as a souvenir; leave or take as a keepsake; souvenir | 留念
liulieen bonghoarn | forget to go home because of an enjoyable experience; so enchanted as to forget about home | 流連忘返
liulieen | the change of one's fortune in a given year; (v) be a nomad; drift about; to tarry; reluctant to leave; reluctant to leave; reluctant to end a pleasant experience; tarry; give oneself up to pleasure; unwilling to part with | 流年; 留連; 流連
liulieen-putli | to have a year of ill luck | 流年無利
liulii | glass; glazed color tile; opaque; glass-like substance; porcelain; translucent; translucence | 琉璃; 流離
liulii-hia | glazed tiles | 琉璃瓦
liuliong | runoff, volume of flow | 流量
liulitefng | transparent lantern; bald headed; shorn head | 琉璃燈
liuliuchiuchiw | take a look | 溜溜瞅瞅
liuliukviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
liuliuu | flow | 流流
liuliw | glide | 溜溜
liuliw-chiuchiw | in great disorder | 溜溜瞅瞅; 零亂
liulixsit'sor | displaced | 流離失所
liulixsitsor | displaced | 流離失所
liulo | to manifest; to reveal unknowingly; reveal unknowingly; betray; to manifest; divulge; leak out | 流露
liuloaan | to hanker after | 流戀; 留戀
liulong | to wander about; drift about | 流浪
liulong-ciar | wanderer, drifter | 流浪者
liulong-haxn | a vagabond; a bum; a drifter | 流浪漢
liulongthaau | top of elevator | 流籠頭
liuloong | cable car | 流籠; 昇降機; 電扶梯; 纜車
liuloxngciar | wanderer | 流浪者
liuloxngkao | street dog | 流浪狗
liuloxngkix | wandering | 流浪記
liului | to shed tears; shed tears; weep | 流淚
liunghurn | flowers of sulphur; pure sulphur | 硫磺粉
liungkhoxng | sulphur; brimstone mine | 硫磺礦
liungzvoaa | sulphur springs | 硫磺泉
liuniao | stationary bird | 留鳥
liunngr | soft | 柔軟
liuo bagciw | gouge out eyes | 挖眼睛
liuo liwar | button | 鈕鈕仔
liuo | button | 鈕
liuo`khylaai | button up | 鈕起來
liuo`zhutlaai | dig out; gouge out | 挖出來
liuobø | take off one's hat | 脫帽
liuochiuo | (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods; etc.); let fall from one's hands | 溜手; 失手; 滑下手
liuohiah | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿頭; 禿額
liuokao | catch a dog with a noose | 套狗; 捕狗
liuoliuokviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
liuoliuozao | little child runs steadily | 溜溜走; 跑得很穩
liuoliux | fluently (in a language), agile | 溜溜
liuophee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophie | dried scab comes off; become penniless | 脫痂; 倒霉
liuophoee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophyar | last part of wounded skip peeled off | 遛疕仔
liuophøee | graze the skin; skin comes off; shed skin | 脫皮; 遛皮
liuosiofng | to sprain, a sprain | 扭傷
liuosok'ar | rope with running noose (to catch animals) | 套節仔
liuosøq | escape | 溜索; 脫
liuotiau | take off clothes | 遛掉
liuoty | catch a pig with a noose | 套豬; 捉豬
liuozao | to escape | 溜走; 脫身跑
liuozuo | young culprit; hoodlum; scallywag | 溜子; 狡猾童
liupefng | skate on ice | 溜冰
liupeng'ee | skating shoes; roller skates; ice skates | 溜冰鞋
liupengtviuu | skating rink | 溜冰場
liupex | current corruption | 流弊
liuphaix | branch; division; school | 流派
liuphaux | howitzer | 榴砲
liuphex | malpractice; shortcoming; failure arising out of system | 流弊
liupiexn | flow and change | 流變
liupiøf | to be inconclusive- in a bidding | 流標
liupo | to stop going on | 流步; 留步
liupox | spread abroad | 流布
liuqsiuh | bright and smooth | 亮滑
liusaf | quicksand | 流沙
liusarn | miscarriage; have a miscarriage; prove abortive; fail to materialize | 流產
liusefng | meteor | 留聲; 流星
liusefng-ky | a phonograph; gramophone | 留聲機
liusengky | phonograph (archaic) | 留聲機
liusid | be washed away | 流失
liusiin | to pay attention; to be careful | 留神
liusng'afn | ammonium sulfate | 硫酸銨
liusng'iaam | sulphate salts | 硫酸鹽
liusngf hoarhabbut | sulphates | 硫酸化合物
liusngf | sulphuric acid; sulphates | 硫酸
liusngtaang | blue vitriol; copper sulphate | 硫酸銅
liusoad | rumor; gossip; hearsay (esp. malicious) | 流言; 流說
liusoafn | sneak away | 溜旋
liusoar | to exile | 流徙; 流罪人
liusog | velocity | 流速
liusuie | flowing water | 流水
liusuyiexn | unstopped feast | 流水宴
liusvoarheeng | streamlined; sleek | 流線型
liusvoax | untangle string by wrapping it around your hand or a stick | 挽線
liusvoax-heeng | streamlined | 流線型
liusym | be attentive, be vigilant | 留心; 警惕的
liutaan | shrapnel | 榴彈
liuteeng | process | 流程
liuthea | fluid | 流體
liuthea-leghak | hydrodynamics | 流體力學
liutheeng | process | 流程
liuthioxng | fluent; smooth | 流暢
liuthoaan | spread; hand down a tradition; transmit or be transmitted from person to person; from generation to generation | 流傳
liuthoanløqlaai | circulated | 流傳落來
liuthofng | to circulate; currency; interchange; put into circulation; circulate freely | 流通
liuthuy | slide | 溜梯
liuti | to remain in a standstill | 留滯
liutok | deleterious effect; harm to society | 流毒
liutong hoxkhao | registered temporary domicile | 流動戶口
liutong jinkhao | transient population or residents | 流動人口
liutong zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liutong | circulate, flow | 流動
liutong-hoxkhao | registered temporary domicile | 流動戶口
liutong-jinkhao | transient population or residents | 流動人口
liutong-kym | revolving funds; working capital | 流動金
liutong-zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liutoo | flow graph | 流圖
liutoxngbut | floating things (as drift wood) | 流動物
liutoxnglut | flow rate | 流動率
liutoxngsexng | mobility | 流動性
liutvoaa | stray bullet | 流彈
liutø | judo | 柔道
liuu | detain; obstruct; to keep; to delay; remain; to stay; be at a standstill; leave behind; preserve | 留; 遛; 瘤; 流; 硫
liux khawkefng | trap a suspect into admitting his guilt | 套口供
liux | to travel freely; to entrap; take off; peel off; come off | 脫; 遛; 脫落; 以繩捕捉; 誘捕; 流浪
liuxkea | steam the hardened rice cake | 餾粿
liuxkoea | steam the hardened rice cake | 餾粿
liuxkøea | soften hard cakes by steaming | 粿再蒸
liuzao | to run away; to escape; leave stealthily; slip away | 溜走; 脫逃
liuzeeng | to show mercy; to relent; make allowance for | 留情
liuzhoaxn | (said of rebel troops) to roam about | 流竄
liuzhuix | eastern little blue kingfisher (bird) | 流翠鳥
liuzhvef | meteor | 流星
liuzoarn | to move from place to place; move from place to place; transmit; or be transmitted; from person to person; from generation to generation; to alternate | 流轉
liuzoe | save more | 留濟
liuzu | to stay, to defain | 留住
liuzuie | flowing water; current | 流水
liuzuun | preserve; reserve; keep in reserve | 留存; 保存
liuzux | (said of river)to flow into a lake or sea | 流注
liw cy taixkied | leave stealthily; to leave without notifying others; slip out | 溜之大吉
liw hofkhaw | draw lots on who will pay how much money | 溜虎口; 捉大頭
liw pai'ar | draw cards from the pack | 抽牌仔
liw | extract; draw out; draw lots; pull up | 抽; 溜
liw'afkhafng | button-hole | 鈕仔孔; 鈕仔空; 鈕扣孔
liw'ar | button, stud | 鈕仔; 鈕扣
liw`løqkhix | slipped away (as thing fallen out of one's hand); slide down | 溜落去
liwafbak | button-hole | 鈕仔目; 鈕扣眼
liwafkaw | hook and eye (for button) | 鈕仔; 鈕扣眼
liwafkhafng | button hole | 鈕仔孔
liwafkhiefn | button; fastener | 鈕仔栓
liwar | buttons | 鈕扣; 扣子
liwar-po | trickery | 鈕仔步; 騙術
liwaxm hoabeeng | dense willow trees and bright flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳暗花明
liwbaai | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwbii | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwchiu | willow tree | 柳樹
liwchiuxky | willow branch | 柳樹枝
liwchiuxlaxm | willow | 柳樹湳
liwcixn | draw nearer | 拉近; (船)
liwhiøh | the leaves of a willow tree; willow leaves | 柳葉
liwhiøqbaai | willow leaves- like eyebrow shape | 柳葉眉
liwixm | shade of a willow tree | 柳陰
liwiøf | willowy waist; slender waist; slim and slender waist | 柳腰
liwkhaux | button | 鈕釦
liwkhiog | to distort the fact | 扭曲
liwky | soft willow branch; willow branch | 柳枝
liwlag | to dispose of; to arrange | 扭轆; 處置
liwlak | deal or cope with; handle; do something perfunctorily; make do | 扭搦; 應付
liwlek-hoahoong | green willow trees and red flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳綠花紅
liwliab | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliah | nimble; agile; quick-witted; quick at work; nimble; sporty | 扭掠; 敏捷
liwliap | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliuo | button | 扭扭
liwliuo-liapliab | unmanly in behavior, swinging from side to side | 扭扭擰擰
liwoar | draw nearer | 扭倚; 拉近
liwsafm | willow cedar | 柳杉
liwsaxng | seize and turn over to (police; etc.) | 扭送
liwsiofng | to sprain | 扭傷
liwsux | catkins | 柳絮
liwsy | fine willow branch | 柳絲
liwtefng | orange; navel orange; tangerine | 柳丁; 橙丁
liwtengciab | orange juice | 柳丁汁
liwthoo | dig up earth | 挖土
liwtiaau | willow branch | 柳條
liwtiau | take off clothes, to strip | 扭掉
liwtoan | to break by twisting | 扭斷
liwtong | to wriggle, twist | 扭動
liwtvar | to grapple | 扭鉤
liwtvia | pull up anchor | 拉碇; 拉起碇
liwzoarn | to wring; to wrench; to twist | 扭轉
lix | crack; break; split; rend; rip open; tear; be ripped; be rent; a crack; a rent | 裂; 剺; 撕,
lix`khuy | to open by tearing (as envelope) | 撕開
lixbo | subtitles | 字幕
lixbuo | letter | 字母
lixchi | (v) fast seller; very marketable; (v) sell fast; marketed widely | 利市; 暢銷
lixchiafm | wordmark for drawy regarding personal life | 字籤
lixchiuo | leave hand | 離手
lixchiwhex | used second hand merchant | 二手貨
lixcid | to leave or resign from one's office; no longer at post; leave or resign from office; retire from office; retire from office | 離職
lixcit | dysentery; Red dysentery; diarrhea | 痢疾
lixeg kinterng | equal rights | 利益均等
lixeg | profit, benefit | 利益
lixeng | make use of, take advantage of | 利用
lixgarn | vocabulary | 字眼
lixgiap | to desert, to abandon | 離業
lixgoaan | natural resources | 利源
lixhai | fierceness; formidable; good and harm; severe; injurious; dangerous | 厲害; 利害
lixhai-koanhe | have a concern in | 利害關係
lixhap | separation and reunion | 離合
lixhau | to leave the school | 離校
lixheeng | to enforce; rigorous enforcement | 厲行
lixhiofng poexzvea | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
lixhiofng | to leave one's native place | 離鄉
lixhiofng-poexcvie | to travel to a distant land | 離鄉背井
lixhiongpoexlie | away from home town | 離鄉背里
lixhiøqlixky | broken leaves and branches | 離葉離枝
lixhng | stay away | 離遠
lixhunsw | certificate of divorce; divorce decree | 離婚書
lixhuun | opening on fracture or split | 離痕
lixhwn | to divorce; divorce one's spouse | 離婚
lixhwn-sw | a certificate of divorce | 離婚書
lixhø | store name | 字號
lixieen | divorce; divorce one's spouse | 離緣; 離婚
lixiok | cupidity | 利慾
lixiong hoeabut | utilize waste materials | 利用廢物
lixiong kihoe | take advantage of an opportunity | 利用機會
lixiong liongky | do things just at the right moment; strike while the iron is ht | 利用良機
lixiong | make use of; take advantage of; utilization; make use of | 利用
lixiukhix | oil filter | 濾油器
lixiuo | lure by money offers; to tempt with money or material gain | 利誘
lixji | to defect; be disloyal at heart; alienated | 離貳
lixjim | a sharp knife; no longer at post | 利刃; 離任
lixjiø | dieresis | 利尿
lixjiø-zef | diuretic | 利尿劑
lixjiøxzef | diuretic | 利尿劑
lixjun | profits (from business or capital investments) | 利潤
lixkaf | going away from home | 離家
lixkafn | to alienate(allies; etc.); to drive a wedge between; drive a wedge between; alienate (allies); sow discord | 離間; 離間計
lixkankex | trick of sowing dissention and thus defeating the foe; alienate one person from another; intrigue for causing a rupture | 離間計
lixkazhutzao | run away from home | 離家出走
lixkefng | beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated; strayed from the path; wayward; absurdly | 離經; 離譜; 荒謬
lixkhachiuo | grown up- no longer need parents' help | 離跤手
lixkhao | leave the mouth | 離口
lixkhix | abandon; cutlery; cutting instruments; cutting instruments; cutlery; very useful and effective tool | 離棄; 利器
lixkhuy | leave; depart; apart; leave (a place); part (from a person) | 離開
lixkhuy`khix | leave; depart; apart; move away from | 離開去
lixkie haixjiin | benefit oneself at the expense of others | 利己害人
lixkie zwgi | selfishness; egoism | 利己主義
lixkie zwgixciar | egoist | 利己主義者
lixkie | be selfish; benefit oneself; selfish; self-seeking; egoistic | 利己
lixkie-zwgi | egoism | 利己主義
lixkied | profit and lucky | 利吉
lixkii | (adj) odd; eccentric; warped; strange; intriguing | 離奇
lixkiofng | temporary imperial headquarters away from the capital; temporary abode for an emperor on tour | 離宮
lixkoaan | rights and privileges | 利權
lixkuie | a fierce ghost; a malicious spirit | 厲鬼
lixkuun | stray from the group | 離群; 利群
lixkux | receipt | 字據
lixlat | centrifugal force | 離力; 離心力
lixli | distant in location | 離離
lixli`leq | filter the liquid | 離離咧
lixliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
lixlixpad | 2/28/194- incident that KMT massacre thousands of Taiwanese | 二二八
lixliø | diuretic | 利尿
lixlo | to take in; income; revenue | 利路; 利潤; 收入
lixlun | profit, benefit | 利潤
lixlut | rate of interest | 利率
lixm | lower or incline the head; doze; a nap | 低; 低頭
lixm'ix | arbitrary | 任意
lixm`cide | incline the head; take a light rest; take a siesta; nap; snooze | 低一下; 假寐
lixmbeng | appointment | 任命
lixmbu | mission | 任務
lixmcid | hold office | 任職
lixmhøo | any | 任何
lixmkii | term of office | 任期
lixmlai | during term of office | 任內
lixmngthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁門窗; 鋁窗
lixmseg | recognition; understanding; realize | 認識
lixmty | acknowledgement; recognize | 認知
lixn | roll; roll over; trundle about; stir about with the hand; round; spherical | 圈; 輾; 轉; 滾
lixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
lixn'uii | think; believe | 認為
lixnbad | recognize | 認識
lixnchyn | acknowledge relationship | 認親
lixncyn | diligent in one's duty; painstaking | 認真
lixnhun | accept one’s destiny | 認份
lixnji | recognize (remember) Chinese characters | 認字
lixnjiin | bootlicker | 佞人
lixnlo | know the way | 認路
lixnngbaq | layer of fat under skin | 膩瓤肉; 皮下脂肪層
lixnngg | layer of fat under skin | 膩瓤; 皮下脂肪層
lixnniar | claim | 認領
lixnseg | misery, niggardly, parsimonious, stingy | 吝嗇
lixnseg-ciar | a miser, a niggard | 吝嗇者
lixnteng | identify | 認定
lixntoong | agree | 認同
lixnty | cognition | 認知
lixnzexng | to approve | 認證
lixnzoe | confess one's sin, acknowledge one's fault | 認罪
lixoeh | word stroke | 字劃
lixpaang | 2nd son’s family | 二房
lixpeeng | part of a harnji | 字爿
lixpex | (n) pluses and minuses; advantages and disadvantages; advantage and disadvantage | 利弊
lixphor | ridiculous; absurd; nonsense; too far away from what is normal or acceptable; far off the beam | 離譜
lixpien | convenient; handy; handy; expedient; serviceable | 利便; 便利
lixpiet | leave; bid farewell; part from; bid goodbye; to separate | 離別
lixpiexnsexng | convenience | 利便性
lixpii | helping to stimulate appetite | 利脾; 健胃
lixpo | formerly; the Ministry of the Interior | 吏部
lixpoxchit'ar | skillful | 二步七仔
lixpvi | dysentery; with traces of blood | 痢病; 赤痢
lixseg | interest of money | 利息
lixsek | to leave a dinner party; conference; etc.; leave a dinner party; conference; leave one's seat | 離席
lixsex | leave the world ─ die | 離世; 隱居
lixsid | interest | 利息
lixsimkhix | centrifuge | 離心器
lixsimky | centrifuge | 離心機
lixsimlek | centrifugal force | 離心力
lixsiong kali | compound interest | 利上加利
lixsiøfciar | 2nd daughter of the boss | 二小姐
lixsuun | profits | 利純; 利潤
lixsvoax | be scattered about; be separated from one another | 離散
lixsym | centrifugal | 離心
lixsym-khix | a centrifuge | 離心器
lixsym-lat | centrifugal force | 離心力
lixsyn | spare time from main work to attend to something else | 離身; 分身
lixte | rise from the ground; distant from the ground | 離地
lixtek | profit and blessing | 利澤
lixthaau | profit | 利頭
lixthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁窗; 鋁門窗
lixthea | font | 字體
lixthvaf | altruism | 利他
lixthvaf-zwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixthvazwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixti | administration (good; bad) of officials | 吏治
lixtiau | filtered | 濾掉
lixtiern | dictionary | 字典
lixtuy | from the heap | 離堆
lixtøe | to leave the ground; above the ground | 離地
lixtøee | to depart from the topic; to digress | 離題
lixtør | outlying islands | 離島
lixui | to leave one's post | 離位
lixun | luck | 字運
lixviu | words | 字樣
lixzeeng | divorce | 離情
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
lixzoar | written paper | 字紙
lixzuie | filtering | 離水
lixzuie-khix | water filter | 離水器; 濾水器
lixzuo | ion | 離子
lixzuo-tøxtien | ionic conductance | 離子導電
lixzuykhix | water filter | 濾水器
lixzuyzaan | water filter layer | 濾水層
lixzvae | index finger | 二指
lixzø | to leave one's seat | 離坐
lizuo | ion | 離子
liø | urine | 尿
liøbaq | cut slices of meat; slice meat (horizontally) | 剮肉
liøh | slight; weak | 略
liøiuu | slice oil horizontally | 撩油
liøo | to provoke; to stir up; slice horizontally; skim; draw off (foam); fish up; drag out of the water | 撩; 撇; 剮
liøq | to look down from a higher place | 瞭
liøqar | a little bit | 略仔; 稍微; 稍為
liøqliøh | a little bit | 略略
liøqliøqar | a little bit; slightly | 略略仔; 約略; 稍微地; 些微
liør | to look down from a higher place; glance; glimpse; to gaze; ogle; give a quick glance | 瞭; 瞥
liør`cide | wink; quick glance | 瞥一下
liør`tiøh | wink; quick glance | 瞥著
liøx | tall (person); long (limbs) | 高; (個子)
liøxhiaf | urine ladle | 尿桸
liøxoo | urinal | 尿壺
liøxphea'ar | diaper | 尿帕仔
liøxtae | urine and poo | 尿滓
liøxtao | urinal | 尿斗
liøxtharng | piss bucket | 尿桶
liøxtø | urethra | 尿道
liøxzu'ar | diaper | 尿苴仔
liøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
liøxzuar | diaper | 尿苴仔
lo bøexthofng | no thoroughfare; road closed; closed communication | 路無通
lo pud sib'uii | people do not pick up what others have left on the roadside; descriptive of a society in which honesty and good order prevail | 路無拾遺
lo ti zhuix`nih | If you don't know the way; you should ask. find the way by asking | 路在口裡
lo tvar putpeeng | indignant at injustice toward others | 路抱無平
lo | anger; indignation; rage; wrath; fury; angry; incensed; wrathful; indignant | 怒; 路; 露
lo'afpvy | fireside | 爐仔邊
lo'ar | stove | 爐仔
lo'ek | slavery | 奴役
lo'iah | to enslave | 奴役
loa laang | lay the blame on another | 誣賴人; 坑人
loa | a last name; as if; a torrent; How much? How many? How? (used only before adjectives) | 賴; 瀨; 幾; 依賴; 多少; 急流; 若
loa'afhii | Chinese sturgeon (fish) | 瀨仔魚; 中國鱘
loa`laang | falsely accuse someone | 賴人
loaa | basket; shallow basket without handles; large; open grain basket | 籮
loaan | to love, fall in love | 戀
load | bad; vile; degraded; bad; inferior; poor; humble; mean | 劣
loadchiuo | weaker hand | 劣手
loadcid | poor, bad, of inferior quality | 劣質
loadciorng | inferior race | 劣種
loadkwn-sexng | ill-nature, mean disposition, bad characteristics | 劣根性
loadsex | inferiority, unfavorable situation | 劣勢
loadsip | evil custom | 劣習; 惡習
loadsw | bad teacher | 劣師
loadsyn | evil-disposed gentry | 劣身; 劣紳
loadte | bad brother | 劣弟
loadterng | low grade, inferior grade | 劣等
loadtiarm | weakness, badness | 劣點
loadzeg | bad behavior, bad reputation, infamous behavior | 劣積; 壞行為
loafn | twin | 孿; 鑾; 欒
loafn'giok | warm jade | 暖玉
loafn'gok | soft palat, velum | 軟顎
loafnbø | nice and warm hat | 暖帽
loafnhoax | melt; bring in submission; soften; weaken; become conciliatory | 軟化
loafnhofng | a warm breeze | 暖風
loafnhøo | warm, warmly | 暖和
loafnjiok | weak; feeble; weak; feeble; languid | 軟弱
loafnkhix | heating, warm air | 暖氣
loafnkud | endochondral bone | 軟骨
loafnkud-moh | perichondrium | 軟骨膜
loafnkøf | a tin; brass or pottery vessel in which food is kept steaming hot with a slow fire burning underneath; a chafing pot | 暖鍋
loafnloarn`leq | rub with the fingers | 揉一揉
loafnloo | a stove for keeping room warm in winter; hot pot | 煖爐
loafnpaang | hothouse; greenhouse | 暖房
loafnsefng | oviparous | 卵生
loafnsefng-toxngbut | oviparous animals | 卵生動物
loafnsexng | soft; mild; bland | 軟性
loafnsiu | a feast taking place on the eve of one's birthday; feast taking place on the eve of one's birthday | 暖壽
loafntong | peristalsis | 蠕動
loah thaumngg | comb hair | 捋頭髮; 梳頭髮
loah thaumof | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 捋頭毛; 梳頭
loah | bitter; pungent; acrid | 辣; 捋; 梳
loah'iaam | rub (meat or fish) with a little salt | 抹鹽; 醃醢
loah`laang | summer | 熱人
loah`tiøh | heatstroke | 熱著
loan | disorder; chaos; anarchy; distraction; tumult; confusion; commotion; rebellion; revolt; confused; perplexed; disarranged; raveled; out of order; out of sorts; put out of order; confuse; confound; disturb | 亂
loan'aix kiet'hwn | love match; love marriage | 戀愛結婚
loan'aix | love affair; be in love; love between sexes; passionate love; fall in love (with) | 戀愛
loan'uu | imperial carriage; sedan chair | 鑾輿
loan-chixzha | (idiom) in a mess | 亂七糟
loan-zhauzhaw | (idiom) in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂紛紛; 亂操操; 亂七八糟
loan`ee | to disturb | 亂的
loanaix | affection, attachment | 戀愛
loanbo | to long for | 戀慕
loanchiu | Chinese soapberry (tree) | 肥皂漿果樹; 欒樹
loanhong | female and male phenix | 戀鳳; 鑾鳳
loanjiin | a sweetheart; a lover | 戀人
loankax | imperial equipage | 帝國裝備; 鑾駕; [*]
loanloaan putboong | strong attachment which one cannot forget | 戀戀無忘
loanloaan putsiar | unable to part from; unwilling to give up; feel a persistent attachment (for a thing or person); feel reluctant to part company with (a person or thing) | 戀戀無捨
loanloaan-putsiar | to feel a persistent attachment | 戀戀無捨
loansiog | contracture | 攣縮
loantoong | catamite, effiminate man or boy in homosexual relations | 亂石; 孌童
loanzaau | ovary | 卵巢
loanzeeng | love affair | 戀情
loanzuo | ovum, egg | 卵子
loaq zøo | pigs are sick and don't take to their feed | 豬無食慾
loaq | rub gently back and forth | 擦; 捋; 抹
loaqar | a comb | 梳子; 捋仔
loaqbi | pungency; peppery taste | 辣味
loaqciøcviux | red pepper paste | 辣椒醬
loaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
loaqloaqsøo | aimlessly walking to and fro | 賴賴趖; 漫步; 慢吞吞; 遛蕩
loaqpvee | comb it flat | 捋平
loaqthvisi'ar | summer days | 熱天時仔
loaqthvy | summer | 熱天
loarn | soft; tender; weak; flexible; yielding | 軟; 耎; 揉
loat | bitter; pungent; acrid | 辣; 劣
loat'høex | substandard goods | 劣貨
loatmar | a weak horse | 劣馬
loatsiin | substandard god | 劣神
loattefngphirn | lowest quality goods | 劣等品
loattefngsefng | a dull student; dull student; backward pupil | 劣等生
loaxhør | How good? | 多好
loaxkuo | how long | 偌久
loaxloa | aimlessly, unhurriedly | 賴賴; 漫步的
loaxloaxsøo | aimlessly walking to | 賴賴趖; 四處徘徊
loaxn'eng | make improper use of; to abuse | 濫用
loaxn'goaan | source of chaos | 亂源
loaxn'iim | lewdness; lustful; lascivious | 亂淫
loaxn'iong | use recklessly; make improper use of | 亂用
loaxn'oe | paint at random | 亂畫
loaxnbang | bad dream | 戀夢
loaxnbea | messed up coding- unrecognizable characters | 亂碼
loaxnbeng | orders given when the giver is not in a healthy state of mind due to illness; etc. | 亂命
loaxnbiin | mobs, rebels | 亂民
loaxnchipazaw | messy | 亂七八糟
loaxnciexn | trembling and upset; start a confused fight; engage in a scuffle; have a melee | 亂戰
loaxncyn | good enough to pass for the genuine | 亂真
loaxngieen | to talk at random | 亂言; 胡扯
loaxnhoad | elflock, tousled hair | 亂法; 亂髮
loaxnhoaq-loaxnkiøx | clamor; hubbub; talk wildly | 亂喊亂叫
loaxnhoat | to mete out unjustified punishment; mete out unjustified punishment | 亂罰
loaxnhofng | degenerate social customs and practices | 亂風
loaxnhuun | chaos cloud | 亂雲
loaxnhwn | incestuous marriage; marriage between blood relatives | 亂婚
loaxniq | How? (used only before adjectives) | 多麼
loaxnjiorng | clamor; hubbub | 亂嚷
loaxnkarkax | (idiom) in a mess | 亂糟糟
loaxnkaw | form undesirable companionships | 亂交
loaxnkefng | chaos | 亂經
loaxnkharm | to slash | 亂砍
loaxnkhaxm | to slash enix | 亂蓋
loaxnkiøx | to clamor, a hubbub of voices | 亂叫
loaxnkoaf | love song | 戀歌
loaxnkorng | (n) ballocks; blather; (vi) blather; talk nonsense; drivel; to make irresponsible remarks; speak foolishly or recklessly; speak without thought or regard for facts and truth; say what should not be said | 亂講
loaxnlaai | to act foolishly; do something wrong; act capriciously; do something without following proper procedure or method | 亂來
loaxnlak | random grab | 亂抓
loaxnliab | talk nonsense; drivel | 亂懾; 說狂言
loaxnliam | nagging | 亂念
loaxnliuu | turbulence | 亂流
loaxnloan | messy | 亂亂
loaxnloaxnhunhwn | chaos | 亂亂紛紛
loaxnloaxnkaw | promiscuity; to act recklessly | 亂亂交
loaxnloaxnkorng | to talk nonsense | 亂亂講
loaxnloaxnlaai | to act recklessly | 亂亂來
loaxnloaxnpoef | chaotic flying | 亂亂飛
loaxnloaxnsviu | caotic thinking | 亂亂想
loaxnloaxnzoong | to run recklessly | 亂亂傱
loaxnluun | commit incest; incest | 亂倫
loaxnma | violent abuse | 亂罵
loaxnmoo | snarled hemp; skein | 亂麻
loaxnpefng | rebels | 亂兵
loaxnpø | random violence | 亂暴
loaxnpøf | random praise | 亂褒
loaxnsad | ruthless and reckless slaughter | 亂殺
loaxnsaf | random grab | 亂捎
loaxnsex enghioong | hero in a turbulent age | 亂世英雄
loaxnsex | time of anarchy and disorder; troubled times; age of anarchy and confusion | 亂世
loaxnsexng | to upset the presence of mind | 亂性
loaxnsi | astigmatism | 散光; 亂視
loaxnsiar | to scrawl, to scrabble | 亂寫
loaxnsiin | insanity | 亂神; 亂臣; 精神錯亂
loaxnsiin-zhadzuo | ministers or generals who rebel against the monarch or collaborate with the enemy | 亂臣賊子
loaxnsiok | bad custom | 亂俗
loaxnsiong | chaos | 亂象
loaxnsip | evil custom | 亂飲; 亂習
loaxnsoad | to say what should not be said | 亂說
loaxnsuo | do something wrong; do something without permission; without permission; without reason; at random; recklessly; indiscriminately | 亂使
loaxnsviu | fantasy | 亂想
loaxnswlaai | mess up | 亂使來
loaxnsym | insanity | 亂心; 精神錯亂
loaxntaxn | to litter, to throw about | 亂丟; 亂擲
loaxnthak | desultory reading; read at random | 亂讀
loaxntiarm | badness, weakness; random order; random point | 亂點
loaxntid | messy | 亂得
loaxntorng | rebel party or faction | 亂黨
loaxntui | fall in disorder | 亂墜
loaxntvoa | say what should not be said; to fire (shoot) at random; take a pot shot | 亂說; 亂打
loaxntvoaa | play with mixed and unorthodox combination of instruments | 亂彈
loaxnzao | run wildly or desperately; run away in disorder; run all over the place | 亂走; 亂跑
loaxnzap | mixed up, confused | 亂雜
loaxnze | sit without regard to precedence | 亂坐
loaxnzeeng | romance love | 戀情
loaxnzefng | alarm clock | 亂鐘; 鬧鐘
loaxnzeng'ar | alarm clock | 亂鐘仔
loaxnzexng | misgovernment | 亂政
loaxnzhauzhaw | in confusion; topsy-turvy; noisy and disorderly | 亂糟糟
loaxnzhoaxn | to run riot | 亂篡; 亂竄
loaxnzuo | disturbance; trouble | 亂子
loaxze | How many? How much? | 偌濟; 多少
lob cinzøe cvii | invest or lose a great sum of money | 陷真濟錢; 虧了很多錢
lob løqkhix zuie`nih | step into water (carelessly) | 踩落水裏去
lob | wet and soft (ground); muddy; boggy; dent | 陷; 凹; 踏; 低窪
loborng | reckless | 鹵莽
locii | cormorant | 鸕鶿
loe | inner; inside; interior; in; internal; domestic; within; among; wife | 內
loea | curse; scold; revile; vituperate (le or loe is feminine in gender) | 詈
loea`laang | curse; scold | 詈人
loefcix | mulligrubs; feeble minded; lose heart; dispirited; be crushed; be disheartened | 餒志; 意志消沉; 氣餧
loefma | to scold | 詈罵
loeh | a conical bamboo or straw hat | 笠
loehngg | ploughing | 犁園
loekaw | a furrow into a ditch | 畦溝
loepee | plows and harrows | 內扒
loepvix | plow handle | 內片
loeqar | hat made by bamboo | 笠仔
loethaau | bow head | 低頭
loex | polishing tool | 鑢
loexbo | behind the scenes; the inside | 內幕
loexbu | home affairs; internal affairs | 內務
loexchirm | sleep | 內寢
loexchyn | wife's relatives | 內親
loexciexn | civil war | 內戰
loexexng | treachery from within | 內應
loexgoa | inside and outside | 內外; 裡外
loexhaam | connotation | 內涵
loexhae | inland sea | 內海
loexhefng | wife's elder brother | 內兄
loexhoax | Internalization | 內化
loexhog'iøh | drugs taken orally | 內服藥
loexhok | take (medicine) orally | 內服
loexhunpix | endocrine gland | 內分泌
loexhux | (of foreign countries) come to pay homage | 內附
loexhy | hollow and week internally | 內虛
loexhøo | inland rivers | 內河
loexioong | contents; details; When used before a list it signifies: the contents are as follows: | 內容
loexiw goaxhoan | internal and external troubles | 內憂外患
loexiw | internal revolt | 內憂
loexiw-goaxhoan | internal revolt and foreign invasion | 內憂外患
loexjiin | one's own wife | 內人
loexkafn | a spy within; a traitor | 內奸
loexkag | inside corner, interior angle | 內角
loexkexng | inside diameter | 內徑
loexkhiin | indoor service; office work | 內勤
loexkiexn | built-in | 內建
loexkiofng | inner palace | 內宮
loexkofng | the exercise and training of internal organs to develop uncanny strength; feats; endurance (in Chinese boxing) | 內功
loexkorsuun | steroid | 內固醇
loexkox buiw | no anxiety about the home or family | 內顧無憂
loexkox cy iw | worries about trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexkox | to look after domestic affairs | 內顧
loexkox-cy-iw | worries for trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexkøq zofnglie | Prime Minister | 內閣總理
loexkøq | ministry; the cabinet; cabinet; ministry; Administration | 內閣
loexkøq-zex | prime minister system | 內閣制
loexkøq-zofnglie | prime minister; chancellor | 內閣總理
loexlie | circumstances not known to the outsider; inside story | 內情; 內裏
loexlimpaf | endolymph | 內淋巴
loexloan | internal strife | 內亂
loexloan-zoe | treason | 內亂罪
loexmoh | mucous membrane, inner lining | 內膜
loexphi | endothelium | 內皮; 內胚
loexpo | internal section; interior | 內部
loexpoan | internal disorder; civil strife | 內叛
loexserng | self-examination; search one's own soul | 內省
loexsexng | internal administration, domestic affairs | 內姓
loexsi | chamberlain | 內侍
loexsiofng | internal injury | 內傷
loexsioxng | minister for home affairs | 內相
loexsym | the heart; interior; heart; the bottom of one's heart; one's inmost heart; one's real intention | 內心
loexte | inland, mainland | 內地
loexti | internal hemorrhoids | 內痔
loextiofng | the inside | 內中; 內情
loextøe | inland; interior | 內地
loexzai | internal, intrinsic | 內在
loexzaixbie | inner beauty (as contrasted with physical charms) | 內在美
loexzeeng | inside information; inside affairs; the internal condition | 內情
loexzexng poxtviuo | Minister of the Interior | 內政部長
loexzexng | internal affairs (of a country); home administration | 內政
loexzexng-po | Ministry of the Interior | 內政部
loexzo cy kofng | through the assistance of one's wife | 內助之功
loexzo | your wife (a complimentary term for another's wife) | 內助
loexzoarn | pronation | 內旋; 內轉
loexzong | internal organs of the body; internal organs | 內臟
loexzoxnghak | Splanchnology | 內臟學
loezhaan | plow a paddy | 犁田
lof | burnt; scorched; worried; anxious; coal; Coal smoke; be charred; be burnt black | 煤; 焦; 油煙; 煤煙
lofbahpng | minced fatty pork served on rice | 鹵肉飯
lofbaq | marinated pork; stewed meat with thick gravy | 鹵肉; 滷肉
lofbi | marinade taste | 滷味
lofborng | reckless | 魯莽
lofciab | marinade | 滷汁
lofcvix | crossbow arrow | 弩箭
lofkhix | to get angry; be troubled; be tormented; suffering from | 惱氣; 生氣
lofkofciøh | an ultra-conservative | 老古石; 硓𥑮石; 花崗岩; 老古板
loflat | Thanks, thank you for your labor | 勞力; 謝謝你; 麻煩你
loflat`oq | thanks | 勞力喔
loflek ciencixn | work one's way; make one's way; thread one's way; worm one's way | 努力前進
loflek hengsien | do good with all one's energies | 努力行善
loflek | effort; endeavor; put forth effort; make an effort | 努力
lofliah | capture, seize (an enemy) | 虜捉; 擄掠
lofm | put clothes on over the head; to wear; to muzzle | 套衣服; 套嚼環
lofmi | Taiwanese traditional noodle; noodles served with sauce; vermicelli served with thick gravy | 鹵麵
lofmia | toil hard, suffer | 碌命; 勞命
lofng | arrange things in a bag; hole; put wood on the fire; shove (a stick) endwise into a hole; put (a pillow) into its case; put a cap on a fountain pen | 套; 瓏; 穿; 玲璫
lofng'aix | love them all | 攏愛
lofng'u | have them all | 攏有
lofng`jibkhix | enter stealthily and unobserved; slip one's arm into the sleeve of one's garment | 套進去
lofng`køealaai | push (a beam) through (a window or hole) | 穿過來
lofngbøo | there isn't any at all | 都沒
lofnghoad | to tie up hair | 束髮; 攏髮
lofngkiong | total, whole amount | 攏共; 總共
lofnglok | to enmesh; to secure allies; win friends with favors | 籠絡; 佈下陷阱
lofngma | always | 攏嘛
lofngsiong | declaim; intonation; recital; recite | 朗誦
lofngthogkør | read aloud transcript | 朗讀稿
lofngthok | to read in clear voice, to recite | 朗讀
lofngtoan | to monopolize, to forestall, monopoly | 壟斷
lofngtoaxn | to corner the market; to monopolize | 壟斷
lofngzofngsi | totls is ... | 攏總是
lofngzorng | total; sum; total amount; total; all | 攏總; 總共; 全部; 都
lofnng | marinated egg; eggs boiled in gravy | 鹵蛋
lofsie | annoyed | 惱死
lofsiogbaq | boiled meat with soybean source | 滷熟肉
lofsox | halogens | 鹵素
lofsuq-baq | (beef or pork) tenderloin | 魯脊肉; ??肉; 里脊肉
lofsurn | to boil or stew a bamboo shoot with soy sauce as seasoning | 滷筍
lofsyn-lofmia | overworked; to toil; and moil | 勞心費力
lofthngf | broil soybean soup | 魯湯
loftun | slow to learn; dull-witted; thick-skulled | 魯鈍; 遲頓
log | to put into an envelope, a box | 放; 橐; 落; 將某物裝入某袋類之中
log'afbaq | deer meat | 鹿仔肉
log'afkag | antlers | 鹿仔角
log'ar | deer | 鹿仔
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
log'imky | recording machine; tape recorder | 錄音機
log'impid | recording pen | 錄音筆
log'imseg | recording room | 錄音室
log'imsvoax | recording line | 錄音線
log'imtoax | recording tape; magnetic tape | 錄音帶
log'imtorng | recording file | 錄音檔
log'iong | hire | 錄用
log'ioong | deer penis used for health sake | 鹿陽
log'ix | to like; willingly; gladly; cheerful | 樂意
log'ixn | brand for animals | 火印; 烙印
log'ui | rank and post | 祿位
log'viaftoax | video tape | 錄影帶
log'viar | take a photograph; film a scene; (to) tape (as TV Show) | 錄影
log'ym | recording; transcription; record on tape; transcribe a program; record sound | 錄音
log`køf-sog`køf | miscellaneous articles; odds and ends; people of all walks of life | 樂哥束哥; 零星雜物; 三教九流
log`løh | put it inside | 放入
logbahkee | pickled deer meat | 鹿肉醬
logbaq | venison; deer meat | 鹿肉
logbo | to drop the curtain; bring to an end | 落幕
logbok | desolate and scattered; let alone | 落寞
logbuo | a doe | 鹿母; 母鹿
logbøea | deer's tail(a rare delicacy) | 鹿尾
logcix | be disappointed | 失望; 落志
loggiap | professional enthusiasm; content with one's lot; like one's job or trade | 樂業
loggieen | make a promise; words of promise or consent; pledge | 諾言
loggvor | backward; out-of-date; backward; over conservative; be behind the times; anachronistic; outmoded; outdated; fall behind; lag behind; straggle | 落伍
loghiø texkhw | underdeveloped areas | 落後地區
loghiø | fall behind; backward | 落後
loghngg | Eden; paradise; fairyland; paradise; Elysium | 樂園
logho | fall behind; lag (technologically; etc.); backward | 落後
loghoaf liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream ─ (a person's condition) completely ruined; (of a fight) turn everything topsy-turvy; very miserable | 落花流水
loghoaf-liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream – the saddening state of a fallen family or country | 落花流水
logjioong | young antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿茸
logkag | antlers; deer horn | 鹿角
logkag-kaf | gelatin made from deer horn | 鹿角膠
logkak'hii | trigger fish | 漉角魚; 曳絲單棘魨
logkakjioong | oung antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿角茸
logkerng | happy situation; surroundings | 樂境
logkhofng | end up in nothing; suffer loss; fail in an attempt; the effort has failed; come to naught | 落空
logkhogbea | horse | 碌硞馬
logkhogbefar | horse | 碌硞馬仔
logkhok | disappointed or unsuccessful in life | 遊盪; 潦倒失搖
logkhutkaw | ditch | 鹿堀溝
logkiøo | bridge over street | 陸橋
logko'afmoaai | muddy | 漉糊仔糜
logko'afmoee | muddy | 漉溝仔糜
logkoafn zwgi | optimism | 樂觀主義
logkoafn | optimism; donate; donate voluntarily | 樂觀; 樂捐
logkobe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkobee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoaai | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkuun | group play; group life as part of education | 樂群
logkwn | deer's sinews(regarded as a delicacy) | 鹿筋
loglaai | avocado | 酪梨
logliern | down and out | 丟臉; 落魄
loglioong | deer antler | 鹿茸
loglok | rocking sound of the collision | 碌碌; 搖晃碰撞聲
logloong | dairy farming; a dairy farmer | 酪農
logny | deer's milk | 鹿乳
logpheg | jobless and listless; down and out; down on one's luck | 落魄
logphoee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logphor | loop; contraceptive device; an IUD | 樂普
logphøee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logpngr | to flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落榜
logseeng tiefnlea | dedication ceremony (for a building) | 落成典禮
logseeng | finish; complete; completion (of a building); house warming | 落成
logseeng-seg | dedication ceremony for new construction | 落成式
logsien-hvorsy | willing to do good and give help to the poor; charitable; benevolent | 樂善好施
logsiin-hoef | roselle (flower) | 洛神花
logsinhoef | roselle | 洛神花
logsit | practical | 落實
logsoarn | lose in an election; be defeated in an election; fail in an election | 落選
logte | remain in the same class in school; fail in a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落第; 留級
logtexthafng | French windows | 落地窗
logthea | a falling body | 落體
logthiefn tibeng | accord with the decree of Heaven; be content with what one is | 樂天知命
logthiefn zwgi | optimism | 樂天主義
logthiefn | acceptance of fate and happy about it; be content with one's lot; be optimistic; be easygoing | 樂天
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
logthiente | optimistic land | 樂天地
logthioxng | delightful; fond of low and bad pleasures; leading an idle or fast life; cheerful and easygoing | 樂暢; 樂觀; 無知憂愁; 快活; 暢快
logthiq | hot irons | 烙鐵
logthor | paradise; land of happiness; place free from sorrow | 樂土
logtiøh | recoded | 錄著
logtøe | fail to pass, remain in the same grade | 落第; 留級
logtømngg | camel's hair | 駱駝毛; (絨)
logtømoo | camel's hair | 駱駝毛
logtøo | camel; idler; lead an idle life; idle one's time away; loaf around | 駱駝; 遛蕩; 偷懶; 駝駱; 摸魚
logtøo-mngg | camel hair | 駱駝毛; 駝駱毛
logzex | recoded | 錄製
logzhuix | gargle; rinse the mouth | 漱嘴
logzhuo | to select from candidates; pass examinee; admit student to college; be selected for a position; be accepted as a student | 錄取
logzhux | fun; amusement; joy; pleasure | 樂趣
logzhør | to join the bandits | 落草
lohii | sea perch, loo-fish | 蘆魚; 鱸魚
lohoe | aloe vera | 蘆薈
lohoef | rush flower; fluffy ends of reed | 蘆花
lohuu | bass | 鱸魚
lohw | ashes from a stove | 爐灰
lohøe | aloe | 蘆薈
loiah | slavery | 奴役
lok jii bonghoarn | be a slave of pleasure | 樂而忘返
lok jii put'iim | pleasure without licentiousness; pleasant but not obscene | 樂而無淫
lok kek sefng py | Happiness is followed by sorrow when it reaches an extreme; extreme joy gives rise to sadness | 樂極生悲
lok putkhør cy | be beside oneself with happiness | 樂無可支
lok sie suii chiuo | At whose hand did the deer die ? ─ After all, who got it ? Who will win ? | 鹿死誰手
lok | fall; drop; be missing | 落; 錄; 氯; 漱; 鹿
lok'ar | paper bag | 橐仔; 紙袋
lokafm | ponkan | 蘆柑
lokafng | slave-labor | 奴工
lokang'viaa | slave-labor camp | 奴工營
lokcix | disappointed | 落志; 失意
lokhix | be scorched black; be charred; be burnt | 焦去; 燒焦了
lokkhafng | bore a hole | 轆孔; 鑽孔
loklaang | to fester; to ulcerate; gather matter; suppurate | 漉膿; 糜爛; 膿; 化膿; 潰爛; 蓄膿
lokliern | humiliation; become very poor | 落臉; 丟面子; 丟臉; 落泊
lokui | bellow for a furnace or forge | 風箱
lokøq | a tower | 樓閣
lolaebaq | screwdriver | 螺絲起子
lole seng'oah | life of slavery | 奴隸生活
lole | slaves | 奴隸
lole-sexng | sevile attitude, slavishness, servility | 奴隸性
lolee | the snail | 蝸牛
loløo | pawn | 嘍囉
lomoaa | rascal; roughneck; type of big freshwater eel; conger eel; vagabond; roughneck | 流氓; 鱸鰻
lomoaa-hii | common wax-plant | 流氓魚; 櫻蘭
lomoaa-torng | ruffians as a group | 流氓黨
lomoagyn'ar | gangster | 鱸鰻囡仔
lomoapøo | female gangster | 鱸鰻婆
lomoasap'ar | juvenile delinquent | 小流氓仔
lomoathaau | ringleader of a bond of evildoers | 流氓頭; 老大
lomoatorng | gang of rascals | 流氓黨
long kao siøka | Tease dogs and make them fight. ─ to cause others to quarrel | 弄狗相咬; 挑撥離間
long | do; make; play with; sport with; brandish; gesticulate; make fun of; mock | 弄
long'af haghau | school for deaf mutes | 聾啞學校
long'aflai | inside cage | 籠仔內
long'afzhaa | unsplit stick of firewood | 弄仔柴; 細柴; 弄柴火棍
long'ar | cage; jail | 籠子; 櫳仔; 牢仔; 囊仔; 監牢
long'iefn | smoke from wolf dung burnt in beacons as a warning ─ smoke signals (arch) | 狼煙
long'iong | agricultural | 農用
long'iuo | farmer | 農友
long'iøh | agricultural chemicals; pesticide | 農藥
long'iøqar | pesticide | 農藥仔
long'iøqchviuo | pesticide factory | 農藥廠
long'uyhoe | Council of Agriculture | 農委會
longbaang | the busy season for farmers | 農忙
longbiin seng'oah | peasant life | 農民生活
longbiin | peasant; farmer; peasantry | 農民
longbiin-uxntong | agrarian movement | 農民運動
longbin | farmer, peasant | 農民
longbincied | Farmer's Day on Februry 4 | 農民節
longbinleg'ar | lunar calendar | 農民曆仔
longbinlek | lunar calendar | 農民曆
longbok | farming | 農牧
longbu | thick fog; agriculture affairs | 濃霧; 農務
longge hagkaf | agronomist | 農藝學家
longge | agronomy | 農藝
longge-hagkaf | an agronomist | 農藝學家
longgexhak | agronomy | 農藝學
longgiabkaf | an agriculturist | 農業家
longgiabkaix | agricultural world | 農業界
longgiabkiok | agriculture bureau | 農業局
longgiabzhux | agriculture dept. | 農業處
longgiap chiegiaxmsor | agricultural laboratory; experimental farm | 農業試驗所
longgiap chiegiaxmtviuu | experimental farm; agricultural experiment station | 農業試驗場
longgiap haghau | school of agriculture; vocational school of agriculture | 農業學校
longgiap hoarhak | agricultural chemistry | 農業化學
longgiap kengzex | agricultural economy | 農業經濟
longgiap kikhix | agricultural machinery; farm machine; farm machinery | 農業機器
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap sengsarn | farm production | 農業生產
longgiap siaxhoe | agricultural society | 農業社會
longgiap sitai | age of agriculture | 農業時代
longgiap thofjiofnghak | agrology | 農業土壤學
longgiap zoankhøf haghau | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農業專科學校; 農專
longgiap | farming; agriculture; agriculture; farmin | 農業
longgiap-kaf | agriculturist | 農業家
longgiap-kihaai | farm machinery | 農業機械
longgiap-kog | agricultural country | 農業國
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap-siaxhoe | agricultural society | 農業社會
longha | corridor, passageway | 廊道; 廊下
longhag'vi | college of agriculture; college of agriculture | 農學院
longhak | science of agriculture | 農學
longhak-vi | agricultural college | 農學院
longhankii | leisure season for farmers; the slack season for farmers | 農閒期
longhau | agricultural school | 農校
longhngg | farm | 農園
longho | richness; denseness; peasant family | 濃厚; 農戶
longhoad | farming law | 農法
longhoax | agrochemical | 農化
longhoe | farmers association; agricultural society; agricultural association; farmers organization | 農會
longhu | farm woman | 農婦
longhuun bidpox | dark clouds stretch all over the sky ─ sign of impending storm | 濃雲密佈
longhw | farmer; tiller of the soil; farmer; plowman; peasant | 農夫
longjiin | farmer; farmer | 農人
longkaf | farmhouse; farming family; household of a farmer; farm family; farmer | 農家
longkafng | farmer | 農工
longkaix | agricultural world | 農界
longkao | German shepherd; wolf dog ─ German Shepherd dog | 狼狗
longkefng | farming | 農耕
longkengkii | farming period | 農耕期
longkengtui | agricultural demonstration team (particularly referring to those teams dispatched to work abroad) | 農耕隊
longkhu | farming tools; farm implements | 農具
longkhøf | department of agriculture (college) | 農科
longkoad | sweep the board | 囊括
longku | farming tools, farm implements | 農具
longkuun | wolf pack | 狼群
longkuun-kawtorng | disorderly crowd; a pack of dogs ─ a riot of evil persons | 狼群狗黨
longkwn | husband; your sons (a polite expression); term of address for a ma | 郎君
longlek | the lunar calendar | 農曆
longliim | agriculture and forestry; agriculture and forestry | 農林
longlimthviaf | department of agriculture and forestry | 農林廳
longloo | serf; serfdom | 農奴
longpoe putkhafm | in utter disorder or confusion; be in great distress or embarrassment; very troubled; in disorder | 狼狽無堪
longpoe siong'y | Wolf and Jackal help each other. ─ The helpless help themselves: ask help from one who needs help | 狼狽相依
longpoe tongheeng | in collusion; banded together for evil purposes | 狼狽同行
longpoe uikafn | work hand in glove (in evil ways); gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longpoe | highly embarrassed; in a bad dilemma; helplessly dependent; ill at ease; ruined; The wolf is said to have short hind legs; and the jackal to have short forelegs; so that the latter is said to ride on the back of the wolf. Used to express indecision; distress | 狼狽
longpoe-putkhafm | to be in great distress or embarrassment | 狼狽無堪
longpoe-uikafn | to gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longsafnbut | agricultural products; farm products | 農產物
longsafnphirn | agricultural products | 農產品
longsarn | farm produce; farm produce; crops | 農產
longsiax | farmhouse | 農舍
longsiog | condense; condensed | 濃縮
longsog | concentrate | 濃縮
longsu | farming; agricultural operations | 農事
longsym kawheng | heartless and cruel; rotten to the core | 狼心狗肺
longsym kawhix | heartless and cruel; rotten to the core | 狼心狗肺
longsym | beastly; completely without conscience; heartless; cruel; vindictive; savage; brutal | 狼心
longtam | (of color)deep or light; (of drink)strong or weak; heavy or light; concentrated or dilute | 濃淡
longtax | to cover (the sky) | 籠罩
longte kaykeg | agrarian reform; agricultural land reform | 農地改革
longte khaihoad | development of farmland | 農地開發
longte tioxng'oe | farmland consolidation | 農地重劃
longte | agricultural land, farmland | 農地
longthaau | muzzle over horse's mouth | 籠頭; 馬的口蓋
longtieen | farmland; agricultural fields | 農田
longtienzuylixhoe | Farmland Water Conservancy Association | 農田水利會
longtiofng | a pop. term for a doctor; physician; card shark | 郎中
longtiong | solemn (celemony) | 囊中; 隆重
longtiongbut | things already in the bag | 囊中物
longto | density; viscosity; density; (in chemistry) concentration | 濃度
longtoe | farm land | 農地
longtofng | shackles | 琅噹
longtok | merciless; savage | 狼毒; 心狠手辣; 冷酷; 惡毒
longtong | delinquent (person) | 浪蕩
longtviuu | farm | 農場
longtø | farm road | 農道
longtøe | farm lands | 農地
longzeeng-bidix | strong affection and deep love | 濃情蜜意
longzefng | chronometer | 農鐘; 精密時計; 天文鐘
longzeg | scattered about; profusion; in total disorder or disarray; in pandemonium | 狼藉
longzek | disorderly; messy; untidy; dishonorable | 狼藉
longzhoafn buxntøee | rural problem | 農村問題
longzhoafn tiexnkhiehoax | rural electrification | 農村電氣化
longzhoafn | farm village; countryside; agricultural district | 農村
longzhofng | abscess | 膿腫; 膿瘡
longzhunkheg | rural music | 農村曲
longzhwn | countryside; rurality | 農村
longzoafn | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農專; 農業專科學校
longzofng | heavy make-up; gorgeously dresses | 濃粧
longzog | farming; cultivation of crops | 農作
longzokbut | crops; farm products; farm produce; crops | 農作物
loo | thatched hut; booth; hovel; cottage | 廬; 爐
loong thwn hor iexn | wolfish; tiger-like appetite; grasping | 狼吞虎嚥
loong | four classes of people; i.e. (scholars; farmers; artisans; merchants) | 工; 狼; 商); 膿; 四民; 囊; 農; 廊; (士
lopaang | a storied building | 樓房
lopi | slaves and maidservants | 奴婢
lopoex | slave | 奴輩
lopok | a servant, a slave | 奴僕
lor | troublesome | 窪; 麻煩
lorcie | celluloid | 賽璐路
lorm | soft; spongy | 軟
lormloxm | boggy; spongy; marshy; muddy | 泥窪; 泥濘的
lormthoo | muddy soil; soft muddy fields (ground) | 沼土
lormxlorm | soft; spongy | 軟軟的
lormzhaan | soft muddy fields | 窪田
lorng si | all | 攏是
lorng | all; always; all; altogether; collect; to grasp; draw near to | 都; 攏; 全; 全部; 聾; 籠; 朗
lorngkex | reduce price | 競價
lorngkhix | get rid of | 挵去
lorngkhoxng | spacious, baggy (clothing) | 隆曠; 寬大(衣服)
lorngkhoxng-kefng | empty spacious room | 隆曠間; 寬大而空的房間
lorngkhuy | to knock away by bumping; open with blows; whacks; kicks or thumps | 撞開
lorngkiukefng | pool table store | 挵球間
lorngkiuu | billiards | 撞球; 挵球
lorngliblaai | get in | 挵入來
lornglorng'kiøx | to roar | 撞撞叫
lorngloxng-khorngkhoxng | very spacious (house); (clothes) too large and loose | 撞撞曠曠; 寬敞開闊
lorngmngg | knock at door; knock loudly at the door; pound upon a door | 敲門; 挵門; 叩門; 撞門
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartong | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartviar | break the pan | 挵破鼎
lorngphoax | to hurt by bumping; to break; break with a blow; break open | 撞破; 挵破; 弄破; 摔破
lorngphvae | damaged | 挵歹
lorngsie | to kill by bumping | 撞死
lorngsiofng | to injure by bumping | 撞傷
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
lorngtiøh | bump; hit; run on; run against | 撞到
lorngtør | to knock down by bumping | 撞倒
lorngzhud | made | 挵出
lorzhud | expose | 露出
losea | millet; sorghum | 蘆黍
losibuo | nut | 螺絲母
losigaa | thread | 螺絲牙; 螺絲紋
losikar | screwdriver | 螺絲絞; 螺絲起子
losikhafng | screw hole | 螺絲空
lositefng | bolt | 螺絲釘
losizngx | auger; bit | 螺絲鑽
losizoan | screwdriver | 螺絲旋
losoaan | screw; a spiral | 螺旋
losoea | reed | 蘆黍
losurn | edible shoots of the reed, asparagus | 蘆筍
losy | bolt; drag for a dead body; recover the body of a drowned person | 螺絲; 撈屍
losy-kar | screwdriver | 螺絲旋; 螺絲絞; 起子
losy-tefng | screw | 螺絲旋; 螺絲釘
losy-zoan | screwdriver | 螺絲鑽; 起子
lotaai | a tower | 樓台
lotafn | incense ashes; elixir taken from a temple incense burner | 香灰; 爐丹; 爐灰
loteg | reed; a variety of bamboo; one species of bamboo | 廬竹
lotiin | derris; type of medicinal plant | 露藤; 蔞藤; (毒藥)
lox | expose | 露
loxbefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbin | to show up; appear (in public); road surface; road surface | 露面; 路面
loxboea | end of road; end of the matter or affair | 路尾;最後; 路的盡頭
loxboefar | in the end | 路尾仔
loxboefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbok | angry look | 怒目
loxborng | escape from net | 漏網
loxbøea | end of the road; finally; at the end; at last; the end of the street; later on | 路尾; 最後
loxbøefchiuo | afterwards; later | 路尾手; 落尾手; 後來
loxchiofng | building face the end of road | 路沖
loxciøx | passport | 路照; 護照
loxcviu | on the road | 路上
loxeng | useful | 路用
loxexng | use | 路用
loxgiø | shallot; scallion | 冬蔥; 蕗蕎; 薤
loxgoa | off-road | 路外
loxhefng | expose the bosom | 露胸
loxhiap | allowing some movement | 鬆動無牢穩 [*]
loxhien | expose, reveal | 露現; 顯露
loxhoad chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮衝冠
loxhoe | aloe | 蘆薈
loxhorng | road conditions | 路況
loxhuix | travel expenses | 路費
loxhun'ar | road mark | 路痕仔
loxhuun | road mark | 路痕
loxhø | to roar angrily | 怒號
loxia | the dead of night | 漏夜
loxiong | use | 路用; 用途
loxioong boafnbin | face flushed with rage | 怒容滿面
loxioong | angry looks | 怒容
loxix | anger; wrath; indication of anger | 怒意
loxkaw | street ditch | 路溝
loxkef | streets | 路街
loxkefng | to pass by; en route | 路經; 路過
loxkekthien'iaau | far away from the destination | 路隔天遙
loxkexng | path | 路經; 路徑
loxkhao | entrance to a road or street; street intersection | 路口
loxkheg | hourglass or water clock; a short interval of time | 漏刻
loxkhix chiongthiefn | The fire of anger fills the air; The flame of wrath pierces heaven; in a great rage | 怒氣沖天
loxkhix | anger | 怒氣
loxkhuie | railway tracks | 路軌
loxkiø | lotus buckwheat | 蕗蕎
loxkiøq | lotus buckwheat | 蕗蕎
loxkngf | exposure to light | 露光
loxkngf-piør | exposure meter | 露光表
loxko'afmoee | muddy | 路溝仔糜
loxkobee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxkomoaai | muddy | 路糊糜
loxkomoee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxkud | to have corpse exposed; candid; outspoken; emaciated; showing the bones; the bones of the unburied dead; undisguised; open; conspicuous; suggestive; outspoken | 露骨
loxky | road foundation | 路基
loxlaang | pedestrian | 路人
loxlaebaq | screwdriver | 桿錐; 起子
loxlee | snail; type of snail | 露螺; 蝸牛
loxlekhag | snail shell | 露螺殼
loxliefn'ar | wheel | 路輪仔
loxloxhiern | shake, be unstable | 路路撼; 震撼
loxm | boggy; spongy; marshy; muddy | 泥窪
loxma | to revile angrily | 怒罵
loxme | abusiveness; to curse in rage | 怒罵
loxmiaa | street name | 路名
loxng kor | drumming | 挵鼓
loxng thienzvea | dig a well; make a atrium; create a skylight | 挵天井
loxng zefng | ring the bell | 挵鐘
loxng | spacious; hit; punch with the hand; thrust with a rod; butt; bump in; strike with the end of a heavy beam | 曠; 挵; 撞; 奔跑
loxng'ioong | publicize; make known | 弄揚; 宣揚; 張揚
loxng`tiøh | to collide with, to crash into | 撞得; 撞著
loxngban zwgi | romanticism | 浪漫主義
loxngban | romantic | 浪漫
loxngciofng | play with jade; birth of a boy | 弄璋
loxnghiarm | playing with risk; get insurance | 弄險
loxnghoaf | the foam of breaking waves | 浪花
loxnghoetiofng | in the waves | 浪花中
loxnghuix | spend extravagantly or wastefully | 浪費
loxngjiin | a hobo; vagabond; ruffian; vagrant; dismissed courtier; unemployed person; jobless worker | 浪人
loxngkawsiøka | incite | 弄狗相咬
loxngkef svoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 家破人亡
loxngkesvoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 弄家散宅
loxngkhao | try to do something very clever; but turn out stupid; bungle an ingenious scheme; suffer a setback in trying to take advantage of a situation | 弄巧; 弄巧成拙
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
loxngkheg | distort | 弄曲
loxngkoaan | abuse one's authority | 弄權
loxngkoad | to sweep up everything | 弄決
loxngkuie | to hatch plots; (v) secretly make mischief | 弄鬼; 搞鬼
loxngkuie-loxngkoaix | set people against one another by carrying tales; cause others to quarrel; tease dogs and make them fight | 弄鬼弄怪; 挑撥離間
loxnglaai-loxngkhix | egging on each party against the other | 弄來弄去
loxnglong-hao | rattle; ringing sound (in the ears) | 隆隆響; 鈴鈴響
loxngpex | fraud; to cheat; to plagiarize | 弄弊; 作弊
loxngsoaan | swing boat | 浪船
loxngsorng | incite; instigate | 煽動
loxngsu | hermit | 浪士
loxngtong | profligate, ill-behaved | 煽動; 浪蕩; 放蕩不
loxngtoxnghaxn | dissolute | 浪蕩漢
loxngtoxngzuo | prodigal; debauchee; loafer | 浪蕩子
loxngtør | destroy a person by falsehoods | 弄倒; 毀掉
loxngzhøx | make mistake | 弄錯
loxngzuo hoethaau | return of the prodigal son | 浪子回頭
loxngzuo | loafer; prodigal son; prodigal; debauchee | 浪子
loxphiaw | a road sign; landmark; signpost | 路標
loxpiaw | landmark | 路標
loxpoong | roadside | 路旁
loxpvitva'ar | street vendors | 路邊擔仔
loxpvitvarar | street stand | 路邊擔仔
loxpvy | roadside | 路邊
loxpvy-tiafm'ar | roadside stores | 路邊店仔
loxpvy-tvax | a street vendor | 路邊攤; 路邊擔
loxsae | action; actions; acts; effect; to play a role | 路使; 用途; 作用
loxseg | angry air or look | 怒色
loxsex | road situation | 路勢
loxsi | to look black at, to give black looks | 怒視
loxsiin | road God | 路神
loxsiog | to stay overnight in open field; pass night in the open; sleep in the open air | 露宿
loxsiong | on the way, along the way, enroute | 路上
loxsip | bad customs | 陋習
loxsitefng | a screw | 螺絲釘
loxsoex | road tax | 路稅
loxsvoax | route; (political) course; railroad line; route; course; bus line | 路線
loxsy | screw | 螺絲
loxsy-tefng | screw | 螺絲釘
loxtaai | a topless balcony or terrace where emperors observed heavenly phenomena | 露台
loxtaiterng | terrace roof | 露台頂
loxtao | a funnel | 漏斗
loxtea | street end | 路底
loxteeng | distance | 路程
loxtefng | street lamp; road lights; street lights | 路燈
loxteng'ar | street lights | 路燈仔
loxtengkhaf | under the street lights | 路燈跤
loxtengkngf | street lights | 路燈光
loxterng | on the road | 路頂; 路上
loxthaau | way; beginning of a journey; way; road; route; distance | 路頭; 路途; 路上
loxthauloxboea | end of the road | 路頭路尾
loxthea | nude; undress; expose one's body; expose the naked body; in the nude | 裸體
loxtheeng | a journey; traveling distance; distance to be traveled; traveling distance; a stage | 路程
loxthiefn haghau | open air school | 露天學校
loxthiefn tiexnviar | open air movie | 露天電影
loxthiefn | openair; outdoor; in the open; unsheltered | 露天
loxtiaau | violent radicalism; angry waves; tides; a traveling passport | 怒潮; 路條
loxtiarm | dew point | 露點
loxtiofng | in the road | 路中
loxtng | (communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage | 路撞; 通道
loxtong | a flaw in argument | 漏洞
loxtoo | road | 路視; 路途
loxtosiong | on the road | 路途上
loxtotiofng | on the roa | 路途中
loxtui | road team | 路隊
loxtvax | a street vendor | 露店; 路邊攤
loxtvoa | road section | 路段
loxviaa | open-air camping; a jamboree; to bivouac | 露營
loxzaai | to display one's talent or knowledge; to show wealth unintentionally | 露才; 露財
loxzam | traveling station; station; stopping place on a road | 路站; 路程
loxzef | too bad; how terrible; what bad luck | 陋災; 糟糕
loxzeg | to fulminate | 富麗堂皇; 怒齌; 齌怒
loxzex | road festival | 路祭
loxzhao | street grass | 路草
loxzhud befkhaf | the horse's hoof shows ─ the plot is out; reveal one's true form or character; to slip; leave loopholes in one's story; the cloven foot appears | 露出馬腳
loxzhud | expose, disclose, lay bare | 露出
loxzuie | dew; scent; dewdrops | 露水
loxzw | dewdrops | 露珠
lozaai | servant; slave; servitude; male slave; bondman | 奴才; 奴隸
lozaux | stove | 爐灶
lozuo | deaconship of a temple; man who has charge (in turn) of rites in a ward; one who is acting as head of a guild | 爐主
lu | anxiety; concern of mind; doubt; suspicious; thoughts; anxious; solicitous; suspicious; doubtful; thoughtful; be anxious; be concerned about; feel sad; to plan; devise | 慮; 滑; 鋁
lu'ar | ass, burrow, donkey | 驢仔; 驢子
lu'ix | as one wishes | 如意
luafkviar | colt of an ass; foal of a donkey | 驢仔囝
luar | donkey | 驢子
luchiaf | donkey wagon | 驢車
lud thaumngg | falling hair | 頭髮脫落
lud | bald; rub; scrub with hands or fingers; rub hard with the hand or foot (as in washing) | 禿; 甪; 擦; 掉; 搓; 黜
ludchiuo | make a slip of the hand | 失手; 捲袖
ludhoad | torah; laws; statutes; fundamental code of law | 律法
ludkaix | commandments | 律誡
ludkie | to discipline oneself; guide by principle | 律己
ludle | ordinance | 律例
ludlefng | to milk | 擠乳; 擠奶
ludleng | laws and regulations; command; order | 律令
ludlyn | milking | 擠乳
ludsw konghoe | bar; law association | 律師公會
ludsw suxbuxsor | lawyer's office | 律師事務所
ludsw | attorney; lawyer; barrister | 律師
ludsy | a poem of eight lines with five or seven characters each with certain rules about rhymes; tones; and antitheses; poetry | 律詩
ludtong | rhythm | 律動
luhuliin | concubine | 如夫人
luhøo | how | 如何
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
lui | tears; weep; to cry; flowing water | 淚; 累; 攂; 類
lui`khylix | pull it up with a rope | 挽上去; 推上去
lui`laang | iring; wearisome | 累人
lui`løqkhix | let it down with a rope | 縋落去
luiciao | thunderbird | 雷鳥
luie ciphiøx | give a check in exchange for money | 調支票
luie | to adjust; (a measure word); flower bud; flowers partly opened; unopened flower buds | 累; 壘; 蕊; 蕾; 朵; 調整
luiezhuix | (adj) scattered and fragmentary | 褸碎; 零碎
luihii | grouper (fish) | 雷魚; 疎點石斑
luihurn | grind to powder | 褸粉; 磨粉
luii kor | drumming | 擂鼓
luii | thunder | 雷; 鐳; 磨; 擂
luii`phoax | break it | 褸破
luikeg | struck by lighting ─ thunder | 雷殛
luikek | hit by thunder | 雷擊
luikekgvofgak | hit by thunder | 雷擊五嶽
luikngr | percussion cap; detonator | 雷管
luikofng sihnax | thunder and lightning | 雷電交加
luikofng | thunder God; god of thunder | 雷公
luikofng-bin | a ferocious face | 凶惡貌; 雷公面
luikofng-ciao | Lagopus mutus | 雷公鳥; 雷鳥
luikofng-zhuix | loud voice | 雷公嘴; 大聲公
luikongsexng | bad tempor | 雷公性
luikor | to beat a drum | 擂鼓
luile | fiercely; violently | 雷厲
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
luipiet | category | 類別
luipoaq | beating bowl for tea | 擂缽
luisia | laser | 雷射
luisiaxzhexng | laser gun | 雷射銃
luisiin | the god of thunder | 雷神
luisviaf | thunder | 雷聲
luisw | the god of thunder | 雷師
luitaai | an arena for contests in martial arts; platform for contests in martial arts | 擂台
luitadbang | radar network | 雷達網
luitaisiong | ring | 擂台上
luitaizuo | ring master | 擂台主
luitat | radar | 雷達
luiteeng | thunder; crash of thunder; symbolic of anger; great wrath or fury; rage; overwhelming; overpowering | 雷霆
luithuii | pestle; to poke | 擂槌; 杵
luitien kaukaf | thunderstorm | 雷電交加
luitii | landmine area | 雷池
luitoong | alike | 雷同
luitui | troublesome, involved, not straight-forward | 無直接; 累贅; [*]
luituy | be impervious to reason; won't listen to reason | 多餘無簡; 頑固不通
luivoar | pharmacist's mortar | 擂碗; 臼
luix | to interchange | 調換; 輪流
luixcip | gather | 累積; 收集
luixgarn | teary eyes | 淚眼
luixheeng | similar form | 雷形; 類形
luixhud | collective review | 集體審查 [*]
luixhøo | a river of tears – very sad; deep sorrow | 淚河
luixkip | involve (others) in trouble | 累及
luixkor | drumming immediately; drumming one after another | 礌鼓; 擂鼓; 緊接打鼓
luixphiefn | concordance, a collection of writings | 類編; 索引
luixpie | to teach by analogy | 類比; 比較
luixpiefn | a book of reference arranged according to subject matter | 類編
luixpiet | category | 類別
luixpøx | to make a collective report | 類報
luixsu | to resemblance; similar to; similar; alike | 類似
luixsvoax | the lacrimal glands | 淚腺
luixtexng | to classify, to sort (of writings) | 類定; 彙訂; 彙定; 類訂
luixthuy | reason by analogy | 類推
luixtok | toxoid | 類毒
luixtoong | similar to; alike; similar; alike; similar to | 類同
luixzhuy | reason by analogy | 類揣; 類推
luixzu | Birds of the same feather flock together | 類聚
luixzuie | tears | 淚水
luixzw | tears | 淚珠
luixzø | to become involved in a crime and suffer the consequence | 累坐
luizhuix | to grind; triturate; ground | 磨碎
luizuxnho | thundershower | 雷陣雨
lukafkar | messy | 挐絞絞
lukym | now | 如今
lukør | if | 如果
lulaai-lukhix | push a thing back and forth; mutually shirk the responsibility | 推來推去
lulaihudzor | Tathagata | 如來佛祖
lulaipudzor | Tathagata | 如來佛祖
lun poex bølun høex | consider a person's generation; not his age | 論輩無論歲
lun | tough; tenacious; strong; patient; endurable; persevering | 韌; 崙; 論
lun'ar | hill; small hill | 崙仔; 小山坡; 丘
lun'ie | wheelchair | 輪椅
lun'voa | to rotate, rotation | 輪換
lun'yterng | on the wheelchair | 輪椅頂
lunbiet | totally lost or ruined; sink into total disintegration | 淪滅
lunchviux | to troll; circular (perpetual) song; round; sing a song in a round | 輪唱
lunham | (of a cit; etc) to fall into enemy's hands; occupied by or lost to the enemy (territory) | 淪陷
lunhefkhaw | taking care of old parents by term | 輪火鬮
lunhiw | rest by turns; take a day off by turns | 輪休
lunhoafn | to take turns; assume duties in turn | 輪番
lunhoea | wheel fire | 輪火
lunhoee | transmigration | 輪回; 輪迴
lunhoefkhaw | take turn to cook | 輪伙鬮
lunhuxn | training in rotation | 輪訓
lunjip hongtiin | women fall into professions not socially respectable (prostitution) | 淪入風塵
lunkafn | to rape by turns; violation of a woman by several men in turn; rape a girl by turns; gang rape | 輪姦
lunkaux | to be one's turn | 輪到
lunkhaw | take turns to draw lots; take turns | 輪削; 輪鬮; 照輪流; 抽籤輪流; 抓闖輪流
lunkhie | gear tooth | 輪齒
lunkhog | scheme, general plan, design, contour, outline | 輪廓
lunkitviuo | chief engineer | 輪機長
lunky | a turbine | 輪機
lunlie sinhak | moral theology | 倫理神學
lunlie | ethics; moral principles | 倫理
lunlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 倫理學
lunliuu | take turns; in alternate shifts | 輪流
lunlok | to get lost; degenerate | 淪落
lunlyhak | ethics; moral philosophy | 倫理學
lunlykarm | sense of ethics | 倫理感
lunlysiong | morally | 倫理上
lunpafn | on duty by rotation; take turns; in rotation; in order | 輪班
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
lunpvoaa | steering wheel | 倫盤; 駕駛盤
lunsioong | norm; normal human relations | 倫常
lunsoaan | steamship; steamboat | 輪船
luntek | axle, wheel shaft | 輪軸; 輪軸(車軸)
lunthaigiap | tire business | 輪胎業
lunthay | tire (of a wheel) | 輪胎
lunthex | rotation | 輪替
luntiaux | to serve at a post for a fixed period by turns; serve at a post or place for a fixed period by turns | 輪調
luntit | rotation | 輪值
luntiøh | turn | 輪著
lunvoa | go by turns; alternate | 輪換
lunzexng | to rotate (crops) | 輪種
lunzoafnky | rotary press | 輪轉機
lunzoarn | to turn round; to revolve; to move in a cycle; go round and round; turn around; revolve; revolution; rotation movement | 輪轉
lunzog | crop rotation; rotate crops | 輪作
lunzok'hoad | crop rotation system | 輪作法
lunzuun | steamship; steamboat; steamer; steamship | 輪船
luo pan lamzofng | women disguised as men | 女扮男裝
luo toa zabpøeq piexn | As a girl grows; her appearance changes all the time A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood | 女大十八變
luo | female; the fair sex; feminine gender | 女
luo'ar | brush | 鑢仔
luo-bengsefng | female star; actress | 女明星
luo-cit'oaan | female officer; employee | 女職員
luo-enghioong | heroine | 女英雄
luo-haghau | a girl school | 女學校
luo-hagsefng | female student | 女學生
luo-hagsu | female student | 女學士
luo-hauxtviuo | woman school principal | 女校長
luo-hør | still better | 愈好
luo-iefn'oaan | actress | 女演員
luo-kao'oaan | lady teacher; instructress; schoolmistress; manage family affairs (as a wife does) | 女教員
luo-kaosw | a lady teacher | 女教師
luo-karnsu | female secretary | 女幹事
luo-kexym | alto | 女低音
luo-koafnkef | woman head servant | 女管家
luo-koazhvef | female singer | 女歌星
luo-kø'ym | soprano | 女高音
luo-køym | soprano | 女高音
luo-laai luo-giamtiong | progressive; going from bad to worse | 漸劇; 越來越嚴重
luo-laai | more and more | 漸劇; 愈來
luo-piesw | female secretary | 女秘書
luo-sienty | prophetess | 女先知
luo-sijiin | poetess | 女詩人
luo-suky | female chauffeur | 女司機
luo-thoantø | lady preacher | 女傳道
luo-tiarm'oaan | salesgirl; shop girl | 女店員
luo-tioxnghw | able competent woman | 女丈夫
luo-tongzwkwn | girl scouts | 女童子軍
luo-tote | female disciples | 女徒弟
luo-zar luo-hør | the earlier the better | 越早越好
luo-zwkag | star actress; leading lady (actress) | 女主角
luo-zwlaang | mistress; lady; hostess | 女主人
luo-zøe | more and more | 愈濟
luokngf | polish | 磨光; 磨亮
luolux | rub | 鑢鑢
luooaan | rubbed | 鑢完
luophoax phøee | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
luophoax | rub to break | 鑢破
luosag | to wipe out; to erase | 擦掉
luosiofng | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
luotiau | scrape | 鑢掉
luotiøh | suffer a scratch; scrape; superficial wound | 擦傷
luotng | brokend | 擦斷
luotøf | wipe the knife | 擦刀
lurn beqar | thresh grain with a heavy stone roller | 碾麥
lurn | endure; to bear; forbear; be patient; repress | 忍; 碖; 懍; 畏; 滾壓
lurn-bøextiaau | cannot stand it any more | 忍無住
lurn`cide | to forbear a little | 忍一下
lurnluxn | wriggle | 蠕蠕; 濕濕
lurntee | superior tea | 忍茶; 茶尖
lut chiwngr | tuck up the sleeves; pull up one's sleeve | 挽袖子
lut gulefng | milk a cow | 擠牛乳
lut | lead (troops; a team); to act in accordance with; rash and hasty; generally; for the most part; simple and candid; frank; straightforward; to point (lut means rate; proportion or modulus) | 率; 捋; 律
lut'ar | swindler; cheater; cheat; a swindler; impostor | 甪仔; 拐子; 郎中; 騙子
lut'hiøh | trees and plants lose their leaves | 落葉
lut'ui | lose one's throne | 黜位; 失去王位
lutcid | lose an office, lose a situation | 落職; 罷黜職務
lutcvii | swindle money out of a person | 騙錢
luthaumngg | haircut with a clipper | 攄頭毛
luthoky | bulldozer | 推土機
lutjim | to expel | 黜任; 革職; 開除
lutkex | price reduction | 降價
lutkhix | slip out of its place; lose an office or situation; (a knot) loosens | 脫落
lutkhu | dislocate; dislocation of joints | 脫臼
lutkøef | pluck a fowl | 拔雞; 甪雞; 拔雞毛
lutmngg | bald; decalvant; lose hair; falling fair; loosen (hair or feathers by scalding with boiling water) | 禿毛; 黜毛; 脫毛
lutmoh | take off the thin film (of a peanut) | 脫膜
lutoong | as is | 如同
lutphiexn | deceive; commit fraud | 甪騙; 詐騙
lutsiefn | wash off the dirt | 搓銹; 搓身垢
lutthaau | bald | 禿頭
luttiau | dump it | 甪掉
luu | thatched hut; booth; hovel; cottage | 廬; 驢
luun | wheel | 輪; 倫
luun`tiøh | tak turn | 輪到
luurnpviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 潤餅𩛩
lux texparn | polish the floor | 擦地板
lux zhuiekhie | brush the teeth | 刷牙
lux | to grind and form; to polish; make bright; chafe; burnish; smooth; file; scrape; rub; brush; scour or rub; scratch | 鑢; 磨; 擦; 刷
lux`tiøh | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
luxchviuo | aluminium plant | 鋁廠
luxku | too rude; blunt | 無禮; 緩慢
luxmngg | aluminium door | 鋁門
luxn | wriggle | 蠕; 濕濕的
luxn'eg | profits; gains; returns; earnings | 潤益
luxn'geh | leap month | 閏月
luxn'goeh | intercalary month | 閏月
luxn'og | to enrich the house with material wealth | 潤屋
luxnbuun | dissertation; essay; treatise; monograph; discourse | 論文
luxnchyn | on Marriage | 論親
luxnciexn | a war of wars; controversy; debate; a argument; battle of words; polemics | 論戰
luxncinkorng | speaking the truth | 論真講
luxncyn | actually; in fact; really | 論真; 說真的
luxngoeh | extra month inserted seven times in nineteen years to make up the deficiency between the solar and the lunar cycles; intercalary month | 閏月
luxnguo | Analects | 論語
luxngøeh | intercalary month | 閏月
luxnhix | exert a restorative influence on the lungs; moisten dry lungs (in Chinese herb medicine) | 潤肺
luxnjit | February9 in a leap year; intercalary day in leap year; February 29th | 閏日
luxnkaux | speak of; with reference to.. | 論到
luxnkeq | scale of professional fees charged by painters; writers or calligraphers | 潤格
luxnkex | negotiate prices | 論價
luxnkhie | talk about; with reference to.. | 論起
luxnkip | talk about; as regards; with reference to; touch upon (in an exposition or argumentation) | 論及
luxnkofng hengsviuo | reward according merits; evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luxnkofng-hengsviuo | to evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luxnkudiuu | lubricating oil; lubricant | 潤滑油
luxnkut | oiling; lubricant; smooth; shining; glossy; slippery; smooth; lubricate | 潤滑
luxnkut-iuu | lubricating oil | 潤滑油
luxnkux | basis of opinion | 論據
luxnlaai-luxnkhix | talk on and on; prolonged discussion | 論來論去
luxnlie | to reason; logic; logic; to reason | 論理
luxnlie-hagkaf | logician | 論理學家
luxnlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 論理學
luxnliongsvoaf | | 崙龍山
luxnlun | soggy | 潤潤
luxnlyhak | logic | 論理學
luxnlysexng | on reason | 論理性
luxnmia | perseverance | 韌命
luxnnii | leap year; intercalary year; composed of thirteen lunar month | 閏年
luxnpid | brush moistener; i.e.; fees for writing or painting | 潤筆
luxnpog | argue against, refute | 論駁; 駁斥
luxnporpox | tugh and unbreakable | 韌布布
luxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese vegetable roll | 潤餅捲
luxnpviar | vegetable roll; thin tough cakes like scones; spring rolls | 潤餅; 春捲
luxnpviar-phøee | skin of vegetable roll | 潤餅皮
luxnseg | decorate; embellish | 潤色
luxnsexng | moist nature | 潤性
luxnsoad | a treatise; theory or thoughts; essay | 論說; 論述
luxnsut | discourse | 論述
luxnsyn | make life fuller and happier | 潤身
luxntee | thesis; subject of one's argument; topic for discussion | 論題
luxntek | smooth and soft | 潤澤
luxntiarm | point under discussion, point of an argument | 論點
luxntiau | tone or argument | 論調
luxntngg | exert a restorative influence on the digestive organs | 潤腸
luxntvia | final judgement | 論定
luxntvoaa | forum; tribune of opinions; the world of criticism | 論壇
luxnzefng | controversy; contestation | 論爭; 爭論
luxnzexng | a demonstration; proof; to discuss politics; argument; demonstration; demonstrate; prove; give proof of; argue for | 論證; 論政
luxnzoe | to be considered as an offense; decide on (s.o.'s) guilt; be considered as an offense | 論罪
luxthafng | aluminum window | 鋁窗
luxzoar | filter paper | 濾紙
luy | tumor | 腫
luycirnsoex | progressive taxation | 累進稅
luycixn | progressive; be promoted from one position to another; rise step by step | 累進
luycixn-hoad | mathematical progression | 累進法
luycvii | give in exchange for money; exchange money | 調錢
luygoat kenglieen | month after month and year after year; for months and years; for a long time | 累月經年
luyhenghoan | a repeat offender (of laws) | 累行犯
luyhoan | a recidivist; run foul of the law more than once; offend or violate repeatedly; repeated law offender; recidivism; recidivist | 累犯
luykex | accumulate | 累計
luykhvoax | average looking | 累看
luykiafmsøex | regressive taxation | 累減稅
luykiuu | softball; indoor baseball | 壘球
luylieen | year after year | 累年
luysex | for generations | 累世
luytong | average by weight | 累重
luyzefng | to increase progressively | 累增
luyzeg | accumulate, pile up, gather more and more, accumulation | 累積
luyzeklaai | accumulate | 累積來
luyzhux | over and over; repeatedly; many times | 屢次; 累次
luyzoee | equal; balanced | 兌齊; 均衡
luyzøee | to distribute evenly | 分均
luzhafngzharng | take the cloak | 挐氅氅
luzhwluzhuo | so so | 如此如此
lw thaumngg | have a hair cut with clippers (not with scissors) | 理髮
lw | push away; to thrust away; oppose or resist (by pressing against); to deal with | 推; 堅持; 應付
lw'iofng | woman servant | 女傭
lw'iong | for ladies, for woman use | 女用
lw'iong-piexnsor | a woman's lavatory | 女用便所
lw'oong | queen | 女王
lw'y | a lady doctor | 女醫
lw'ym | vulva, female private part | 女陰
lw'øh | girls' school | 女學; 女子學校
lwbuu | a sorceress, a witch | 女巫
lwbø | a bonnet | 引擎蓋; 女帽
lwchiaujiin | superwomen | 女超人
lwcioxng | female warrior, strong woman | 女將; 女傑
lwee | female shoes | 女鞋
lwgu | temporary lodging | 旅寓
lwhak | female school | 女學
lwheeng | a trip; to travel; journey | 旅行
lwheeng-ciphiøx | a traveler's check | 旅行支票
lwheeng-sia | travel agency | 旅行社
lwheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lwhefng | an elder sister | 女兄
lwhengsia | tourism agency | 旅行社
lwhengte | travelling | 旅行地
lwhengthoaan | a traveling party | 旅行團
lwhiaf | lady's boots | 女靴; 女長靴
lwhofng | the bride's family; the bride's side (of marriage arrangements); on the woman's part | 女方
lwhoong | women's needlework; empress | 女紅; 女皇
lwhuix | travelling expenses | 旅費
lwiaw | female demon | 女妖
lwiuu | tour; see sights | 旅遊
lwjii | a daughter | 女兒
lwjiin | a woman | 女人
lwjinkog | country with females only | 女人國
lwkaf | the bride's family | 女腳; 女家; 女方
lwkafng | female laborers; a girl working in a plant | 女工
lwkaix | the world of women | 女界; 婦女界
lwkheq | traveler; tourist | 旅客
lwkiet | heroine; Amazon; outstanding woman | 女傑
lwkoaan | women's rights | 女權
lwkoarn | hotel; inn | 旅館
lwkoaxn | the female members of a family | 女眷
lwkongzuo | princess | 女公主
lwkuo-lwhør | the longer (in time) the better | 愈久愈好
lwkvoaf | a female court official | 女官
lwlaam | female and male | 女男
lwlailuo | the more .. the more | 愈來愈
lwlan | female hardship | 女難
lwleeng | an actress | 女伶
lwlii | daughter | 女兒
lwliin | women | 女人
lwliuu | the womenfolk; the weak | 女流
lwloo | a female slave; slave girls | 女奴
lwloong | a maiden | 女郎
lwmiaa | nickname | 乳名
lwn | stretch out (the head when looking for something); extend; straighten out slowly | 伸
lwnbextiaau | unable to bear it; unable to suffer more; insufferable; intolerable | 忍無住
lwnchiuo | to hold back one's hands | 忍手; 畏縮; 膽怯而鬆手; 做事有節制
lwnchiøx | to hold back laughter; to stifle a laugh | 忍笑
lwncide | stun | 懍一下
lwnii | a nun | 女尼
lwnjiø | endure urine | 忍尿
lwnkhix kiuzaai | restrain one's anger for the sake of gain | 忍氣求財
lwnkhix | swallow insult and humiliation; restrain anger; repress manifestation of anger | 忍氣; 忍住怒氣
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
lwnkhuix | short of breath; suffocate | 忍氣; 憋氣
lwnkvoaa | to bear the cold | 忍寒; 省儉
lwnliab | (adj) timid | 懍懾; 恐慌; 膽怯
lwnlui | to hold back one's tears | 忍淚
lwnlurn | (adj) timid | 懍懍; 餘悸; 膽怯
lwnneq | to be afraid; to be scared; panic; panic-stricken; dread; (adj) timid | 忍凹; 畏; 按捺
lwnthviax | bear pain | 忍怕; 忍痛
lwntvar | to be afraid; to be scared | 忍膽; 害怕
lwntviuu | burnt field | 懍場
lwnzhuix | hold back and not say it out; forbearance mouth | 忍嘴; 忍住無說
lwoaf | name of goddess who in her fight against another spirit caused a crack in the sky | 女媧
lwongthaau | queen's head | 女王頭
lwoong | sovereign queen, a queen regent | 女王
lwphvoa | a lady companion | 女伴
lwpi | maidservant; slave girl | 女婢
lwpok | a female servant; a maid | 女僕
lwsaix | son-in-law | 女婿
lwsaxn | a parasol | 女傘
lwsefng | female students; school girl; female voice | 女生; 女聲
lwseg | feminine charms; women as sex | 女色
lwserng'ee | female | 女性的
lwsexng | female; woman | 女性
lwsexng-sox | estrogen, female hormone | 女性素; 雌激素
lwsia | inn; hotel | 旅社
lwsiin | a goddess | 女神
lwsinsiong | foddess statue | 女神像
lwsiuu | female prisoner | 女囚
lwsoafn | women's missionary | 女宣; (傳教); 女宣道會
lwsu | Lady, Madam, a lady | 女士
lwsuo | a woman of learning; a woman scholar | 女史
lwswn | granddaughter | 女孫
lwtaixhagsefng | female college students | 女大學生
lwteg | feminine virtues; chastity; feminine beauty | 女德
lwtheeng | the route a traveler takes from one place to another; a journey | 旅程
lwtheeng-py | milestone | 旅程碑
lwthoaan | a tourist group | 旅團
lwtiofng | girls middle high school; maid, servant, waitress | 女中; 下女
lwtoo | journey; during one's trip | 旅途; 女徒
lwtviuo | commander of a brigade | 旅長
lwy | a lady doctor | 女醫
lwym | female voice, soprano; vulva | 女音; 女陰
lwzhux | during one's trip or tour; while sojourning abroad | 旅次
lwzofng | ladies outfit | 女裝
lwzuo | a girl; a woman | 女子
lwzøe-lwhør | the more the better | 越多越好
lwøf | name of goddess who in her fight against another spirit caused a crack in the sky | 女媧
ly'afkvoaf | dried plum | 李仔干; 李子乾
ly'afkøf | plum jam | 李仔膏; 李子醬
ly'iuu | reason for action, ground for action | 理由
ly'iuu-sw | affidavit | 理由書; 口供書
lyafchiarm | plum tree | 李仔攕
lyafchiu | plum | 李仔樹
lyafhoef | plum flower | 李仔花
lyafkiaam | dried plum | 李仔鹹
lyafkøf | preserved plums | 李仔糕; (蜜餞)
lyafsngf | plum | 李仔酸
lyafthngg | plum | 李仔糖
lyar | plum | 李仔; 李子
lybiin | community resident | 里民
lybin | inside | 裏面
lycioxng | female warrior; Amazon | 女將
lygam | slang | 俚諺
lygiap | manage an estate | 理業; 營業
lyguo | slang; colloquial speech; colloquialisms | 俚語
lyhagsu | bachelor of science; BS | 理學士
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak seksu | Master of Science (M. Sc.) | 理學碩士
lyhak | the moral theories of the Neo-Confucian scholars | 理學
lyhak-hagsu | Bachelor of Science | 理學學士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
lyhak-seksu | Master of Science | 理學碩士
lyhap | duty-bound; as a matter of course; the proper course to take is… | 理合
lyheeng chiwzheq | travelers guidebook; an itinerary | 旅行手冊
lyheeng ciphiøx | traveler's check | 旅行支票
lyheeng gixbu | carry out obligations | 履行義務
lyheeng | travel; fulfill; carry out (a promise; pledge;); discharge (an obligation; a responsibility); perform (a duty); observe (a treaty) | 旅行; 履行
lyheeng-sia | travel agency | 旅行社
lyheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lyhengchiaf | station wagon | 旅行車
lyhengciar | traveller | 旅行者
lyhengsia | travel service agency; tourism agency | 旅行社
lyhengte | traveling bag | 旅行袋
lyhengthoaan | tourist group | 旅行團
lyhicviaf | the carp | 鯉魚精
lyhii | carp; the carp | 鯉魚
lyhoad | to have a haircut; cut the hair; get a haircut | 理髮
lyhoad-siøfciar | a woman barber | 理髮小姐
lyhoatpo | barber shop | 理髮部
lyhoatsw | a barber; a hairdresser; barber | 理髮師
lyhoattiaxm | barbershop | 理髮廳; 理髮店
lyhoax hagkaf | physicists and chemists | 理化學家
lyhoax | physics and chemistry; abbreviation for physics and chemistry | 理化
lyhoe | to understand; to comprehend | 理會; 注意到
lyhofng | on the woman's part (when the other party concerned is a male) | 女方
lyhoong | empress | 女皇
lyhuix | traveling expenses | 旅費
lyhuu | carp | 鯉魚
lyiog | to keep a promise or pledge; keep an agreement; keep a promise or pledge | 履約
lyiuo | lady friend; girl friend | 女友; 女朋友
lyiutiofng | travelling | 旅遊中
lyiuu | reason; sake; cause | 理由
lyiw | actress | 女優; 女演員
lyjii | daughter | 女兒
lyjiin | woman; women (in general) | 女人
lyjiin-sym | weak minded; feminine | 女人心
lyjim | to accept office | 理任; 履任
lyjinkog | kingdom where all the people are females | 女人國
lykae | to comprehend; to understand; understanding; comprehension | 理解
lykaf | manage family and home; bride's own relations | 女家
lykafng | science and engineering; factory girl; woman working in a plant; women labor | 理工; 女工
lykangkhøf | department of natural sciences and engineering (college) | 理工科
lykarmsu | board of directors | 理監事
lykaux | religious sect which advocates clean living | 理教
lykaylek | faculty of comprehension; perception | 理解力
lykef | manage domestic affairs; manage family affairs (as a wife does) | 理家
lykheq | passenger; traveler | 旅客
lykhix | principle; reason; truth; real principle | 理氣; 合理
lykhuy | to have no justification | 理虧
lykhøf | the natural sciences; science; science course; (college or university) department of natural sciences | 理科
lykoaan uxntong | women's lib | 女權運動
lykoaan | women's rights | 女權
lykoarn | hotel | 旅館
lykoaxn | female members of a family | 女眷
lykongzuo | your daughter (a polite reference to another's daughter); daughter of a famous personality | 女公子
lyky | temporary lodging; stay in a place for a while | 旅居
lylae | to be annoyed; to be vexed | 煩
lylat | scrofula swellings on the neck | 瘰痢
lylegpiør | one's personal history | 履歷表
lylegsw | one's personal history; one's curriculum vitae; resume | 履歷表; (履歷書)
lylek | personal history or background; one's personal history or background; statement of one's antecedents; resume | 履歷
lyliam | reasonable concept; ideality | 理念
lyliauvi | nursing home | 療養院
lyliaxmsiong | conceptually | 理念上
lyliuu | women (generally); women's world | 女流
lylo | reason; logical thinking; sense; justification | 理路; 物理; 理由; 路; 道理
lyloo | slave girls | 女奴
lyloong | young woman; very able woman | 女郎
lylun kab sidzex | theory and reality; ideal and fact | 理論與實際
lylun khøhak | theoretical; pure sciences | 理論科學
lylun | discuss, theory | 理論
lylun-khøhak | theoretical or pure sciences | 理論科學
lyluu | a precinct division | 里閭
lyluxnkaf | theorist | 理論家
lyluxnsexng | theoretical | 理論性
lyluxnsiong | theoretically | 理論上
lyløh | pay attention to; take notice of | 理落; 理會
lym ciuo | drink wine or liquor | 吃酒; 喝酒
lym sinniuu ciuo | attend a wedding feast | 喝喜酒
lym tee | drink tea | 啉茶
lym thngf | drink tea | 啉湯
lym zuie | drink water | 啉水
lym | drink; drinks | 飲; 啉
lym`koex | have drank | 啉過
lymciar | ninja | 忍者
lymjieen | magisterial | 凜然
lymkvii | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 斂墘; 邊緣
lymlaau | high tide; rising tide | 斂流; 漲潮
lymliet | piercingly cold | 刺骨; 凜冽
lymlirm | severely cold; icy; just about to fall short | 凜凜; 臨臨
lymlirm`ar | almost | 臨臨仔
lymlym'ar | just; barely; scarcely; close to; (adv) almost; just about to; just enough; be approaching; just barely enough | 斂斂仔; 臨臨仔; 略少於; 幾乎; 僅僅; 差點兒
lymnai | endure | 忍耐
lymsiu | bear | 忍受
lymsym | bear it | 忍心
lyn | milk; breast of a woman | 奶; 乳
lynniaa | your mom | 恁娘
lynpe | your dad | 恁爸
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
lyoong | sovereign queen; a queen regent | 女王
lypefng | to walk on ice- cautious | 履冰
lyphex | a principle; a sense; reason; logic; a truth | 道理
lyphvoa | female inmates; female companion | 女伴
lypi | female slaves; female servants | 女婢
lypok | female servant; maid | 女僕
lysefng sioksiax | girls school dormitory | 女生宿舍
lysefng | woman students school girl | 女生
lyseg | venery; pleasure of feminine companionship; female beauty (especially as inciting to lust) | 女色
lysexng | rationality; senses; reason; reasonable; female; the fair sex; feminine gender | 女性; 理性
lysi'ar | tiny amount | 哩少仔; 極少
lysia | hotel; hostel; inn | 旅社
lysiin | goddess | 女神
lysiofnghoax | idealize | 理想化
lysiofngkaf | idealists | 理想家
lysiofngkog | an ideal state; a Utopia | 理想國
lysiofngzwgi | idealism | 理想主義
lysiorng siaxhoe | ideal society | 理想社會
lysiorng | ideal; dreamy; ideality; ideal; idea; thought | 理想
lysiorng-hoax | to idealize | 理想化
lysiorng-khiethea | ideal gas | 理想氣體
lysiuu | female prisoner | 女囚
lysiuvi | convent | 女修院
lysoftongjieen | of course | 理所當然
lysoftonglieen | of course | 理所當然
lysu | board directors; educated girl; women; lady; Miss...; Mrs... | 理事; 女士
lysu-hoe | board of directors | 理事會
lysuxhoe | the board of directors; a council | 理事會
lysuxkog | member country of the United Nations Security Council | 理事國
lysuxtviuo | chairman of the board of directors; board chairman | 理事長
lysy | tiny amount | 釐絲; 一點點
lyteg | womanly virtues; chastity | 女德
lytheeng | a milestone; a landmark; plan of one's journey; an itinerary; distance to be covered; a traveler's route from one place to another | 里程; 旅程
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
lythengpy | milestone; landmark; milestone; milepost | 里程碑
lytiesvoax | sanity line | 理智線
lytiofng | girls middle school | 女中
lytit | niece | 女姪
lytix | intellect; reason; intelligence; reason (as opposed to emotion) | 理智
lytoo | journey; trip; route; on one's way (to a destination+D1699n); during one's trip | 旅途
lytviuo | head of a small district; village elder ─ (100 families was reckoned a li; head of a subdivision of the district; borough in a city or township | 里長
lyzaai | financing; economy; finance; manage or administer finances | 理財
lyzaikaf | economist; financier | 理財家
lyzexng-giensun | right reason with fitting words | 理正言順
lyzhae | take notice of; pay attention to | 理睬
lyzofng | female dress | 女裝
lyzuo zhamzexng | women's suffrage | 女子參政
lyzuo | daughter; womankind; girl | 女子
lø'iah | labor service | 勞役
lø`ee | plough | 犁的
løar | small gong | 鑼仔; 小鑼
løbang | net; network | 羅網; 網羅
løbansw | romance; love affair; romantic story | 羅曼斯
løbiin siongzaai | tire the people and waste the resources (said of big construction projects of questionable economic value) | 勞民傷財
løbiin | belabor the people; employ people in toilsome service | 勞民
løbiin-siongzaai | to tire the people and waste the resources | 勞民傷財
løborng | net; network | 羅網
løciafm | compass; swords | 羅針; 指南針
løcib | logic | 邏輯
løcip | logic | 邏輯
løciuo | muddy liquor | 濁酒
løcvii | request money; ask over and over for money | 要錢
løea | abusiveness; to scold | 詈
løea'ar | file | 鑢仔
løea`laang | curse | 罵人
løecviu | run aground | 犁上
løee | (ship) go aground, head bowed | 垂(頭)
løefcix | be greatly discouraged | 餒志
løefme | to scold, rail at; scolding, railery | 雷罵; 詈罵
løeh | bamboo hat | 笠; 笠帽
løekaw | a furrow | 犁溝
løeløee | head down on disappointment | 笠笠; 犁犁; 低低
løepee | plows and harrows | 犁耙
løepvix | handle of plough | 犁柄; 犁把
løeqar | bamboo hat | 斗笠
løethaau | plowshare | 犁頭
løethaau-chiu | box-leaf eugenia | 犁頭樹
løex | to polish with rasp | 鑢; 礪
løex`tiøh | bruise skin | 鑢著; 擦破皮
løezhaan | plow a field; to till; plough rice fields | 犁田; 耕田
løf | to peck; suck or gobble up like a duck | 鴨; (鵝)用嘴取食的動作
løfboo-chimsoaxn | scheming and calculating | 老謀深算
løfchiuo | an old hand | 老手
løfciar | an old man | 老者
løfcienpoex | a senior (person); one's (elders and) betters; a predecessor | 老前輩
løfcioxng | an old officer; a veteran | 老將
løfciuo | vintage wine | 老酒
løfgarn | eyesight is dimmed | 老眼
løfhiuo | old and useless; old and worthless; decrepitude; time worn | 老朽; (自稱)
løfhoax | to become old, to become aged, to worn out | 老化
løfhu | old woman | 老婦
løfhun | be irritated and filled with hatred | 惱恨
løfhw | my old self | 老夫
løfiaa | the Honorable Oldman, lord | 老爺
løfiuo | an old friend, an intimate friend | 老友
løfiuu | camphor oil | 腦油; 樟腦油
løfiux | everybody old or young | 老幼
løfjiin | old in age | 老人
løfjiok | aged and weak | 老弱
løfkerng | late years of one's life | 老境
løfkofciøh | coarse coral; coral reef | 珊瑚礁
løfkuun | the fist | 老拳
løflaizuo | a son born in one's old age | 老來子
løfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 腦寮
løflieen | old age; old age; advanced age | 老年
løflien | diplomatic; ripe; tact; sophisticated | 老練
løflienkii | old age | 老年期
løfliern | shameless | 老臉
løfloo | an old servant | 老奴
løfloong | old farmer; a veteran farmer | 老農
løflui | tears of an old person | 老淚
løfmai | senillity, decrepit, aged | 老邁
løfmai-buleeng | old and powerless; aged and impotent | 老邁無能
løfno | be irritated and angry | 惱怒
løfofng | an old man; respectful address to an old man | 老翁
løfpang-sengzw | a pearl from an old oyster; a son born in one's old age | 老蚌生珠
løfpeng | a chronic ailment; an inveterate habit | 老病
løfphox | old shop | 老舖
løfpi | an old housemaid | 老婢
løfpiao | old cousin | 老表
løfpoex | ancestors; seniors | 老輩
løfpok | old servant | 老僕
løfseeng | (adj) experienced; trained | 老成
løfsiao | old and young | 老少
løfsiaux | young and old | 老少
løfsoef | old and weak | 老衰
løfsyn | an elderly woman referring to self | 老身
løftiaf | one's father | 老爹
løftø | a Taoist priest | 老道
løfzhøfji | confused or carelessly written characters; ill formed or scrawled character | 潦草字
løfzhøfsiar | write in a confused or scribbled manner; scribbled writing | 潦草寫
løfzhør | scratchy; slipshod; careless in managing affairs; in a careless off hand manner | 潦草; 草率
løfzoad | my clumsy self | 老拙
løgak | a prison | 牢獄
løh iutviar | be thrown into a caldron of boiling oil or melted fat (an ancient punishment) | 下油鍋
løh khoanthøx | be trapped or swindled | 落圈套
løh laang ee kekaux | receive submissively the rule of the family she enters as a bride | 受人的家教
løh lauthuy | there is a way open to set the matter straight without too much sacrifice of one's dignity | 下台; 下樓梯
løh texgek | go to hell | 下地獄
løh | fall; drop; let drop; descend; lose; scatter; die; dwelling place; village; hamlet | 落
løh'au`jit | three days from now | 落後日
løh'au`lit | two days after tomorrow | 落後日
løh'au`nii | two years later | 落後年
løh-iutviar | cauldron of boiling oil | 下油鍋
løh-texhuo | go into hell | 下地府; 下地獄
løh`laai | come down | 下來
løharnkha'ar | single- typically about male | 羅漢跤仔
løharnkhaf | a bachelor; a single male; vagabond | 單身漢; 光棍
løharnkuun | a game played by Taiwanese during drinking alcohol | 羅漢拳
løharnkør | mangosteen | 羅漢果
løharnzay | special vegetarian dish | 羅漢齋
løhaxn | Buddhist arhat; Buddhist saint; five hundred disciples of Buddha (often used of those who enjoy an easy life) | 羅漢
løhaxn-khaf | bachelor | 羅漢腳; 單身漢
løhoaan | trouble; please; ask someone to do something | 勞煩; 麻煩; 勞駕
løhuix | cost trouble and expenses | 勞費
løhzøh`jit | two days ago | 落昨日
løhzøh`lit | two days ago | 落昨日
løiuo | inmate | 牢友
løjiedzexng | hectic | 癆熱症
løkae | reform through labor | 勞改
løkafng kyliaxmjit | Labor Day (the 1st Monday of September) | 勞工紀念日
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng | labor; factory work; laborers; workers | 勞工
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
løkax | excuse me; I have troubled you to come. I have troubled you to visit me. | 勞駕
løkhor | to work hard; toil; labor; efforts; fatigue; affliction | 勞苦
løkihoad | labor law | 勞基法
løkix | make a point of remembering; keep firmly in mind | 牢記
løkofsay | gong and drum master | 鑼鼓師
løkofzhef | gong | 鑼鼓吹
løkor | gongs and drums | 鑼鼓
løkor-tin | array of gong and drum | 鑼鼓陣
løkox | secure | 牢固
løkvef | compass | 羅經; 羅盤; (測定方位的儀器。風水師常備用具)
løkvy | compass | 羅經; 羅盤; (測定方位的儀器。風水師常備用具)
løkwn | cheer up troops with gifts; cheer troops; entertain troops | 勞軍
lølafng | include; comprehend | 牢籠
lølek | struggled; make an effort to; endeavor; attempt; weary toil; bodily labor; physical labor | 努力; 勞力; 賣力工作
lølie-løsøf | troublesome (as a man constantly talking; asking or making difficulties) | 囉哩囉嗦
løliet | to spread out; arrange | 羅列
lølogmia | doomed to live a painful; toilsome life | 勞碌命
lølok | to drudge; to toil and moil; wearied and distracted; to drudge; busy oneself with drudgery | 勞碌
lølok-Mia | severe toilsome life | 勞碌命
lølok-mia | hard life; have slaved for a whole life | 勞碌命
lølyløsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉哩囉嗦
løløo | (adj) muddy; turbid; dirty | 濁濁; 混濁
løløo-søsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉囉嗦嗦
løløthithy | involved (affair; difficult to set right); confused and involved (talking; especially when it comes to nothing) | 囉囉黐黐
lømar-sorji | Roman numerals | 羅馬數字
lømoaa | conger eel; type of big fresh water eel, rascal, hoodlum | 鱸鰻; 糯鰻
løo jii buu kofng | toil in vain; fruitless attempt | 勞而無功
løo | labor; a surname; an instrument; muddy; toil; labor; suffer; trouble one; ill; exertion; merit; worthy action; services the state; careworn; burdened; wearied; fatigued | 勞; 騾; 羅; 濁; 鑼
løo-jii-bukofng | work hard but no reward | 勞而無功
løo-thithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐; 囉囉嗦嗦
løor'løløo | extremely muddy | 濁濁濁
løpeng | tuberculosis | 癆病
løpvi | tuberculosis | 癆病
løpør | worker insurance | 勞保
løq | Particle of assertion | 啦
løqaau | swallow; be swallowed | 落喉; 嚥下
løqbak | to start writing or painting | 落墨
løqbaq | lose flesh | 消瘦
løqbea | dismount; alight from a horse; dismount | 落馬; 下馬
løqbefchiuo | last; at the end | 落尾手
løqbiin | fall into sleep | 入睡; 落眠; 入眠
løqbo | end; closure | 落幕
løqboea | las;at the end | 落尾
løqboefar | las;at the end | 落尾仔
løqboefchiuo | las;at the end | 落尾手
løqbong | be buried into a tomb | 入墓
løqboong | become misty or foggy | 落雺
løqchiaf | get off | 落車
løqchiuo | hands-on | 落手
løqha | fell | 落下
løqhae | fall into the sea | 落海; 出海
løqham | sink | 落陷
løqhayzex | falling sea festival | 落海祭
løqhiøqar | falling leaves | 落葉仔
løqho | rain | 下雨; 落雨
løqhoxmee | raining night | 落雨暝
løqhoxsviaf | falling rain sound | 落雨聲
løqhoxthvihvoq | (is it a )raining day? | 落雨天乎
løqhoxthvy | raining day | 落雨天
løqjidteeng | sunset booth | 落日亭
løqjip | fell into | 落入
løqkafng | work out | 落工
løqkex | reduce price | 落價; 跌價
løqkhakhix | beriberi | 落跤氣
løqkhiehiaf | go down there | 下去那
løqkhix | fall off | 落去
løqkhoarn | write an inscription on a scroll | 落款
løqkia | down slope; go down a slope, down ward slope, downhill road, slope down | 落崎; 下坡
løqkoex | fell | 落過
løqkvef | midnight | 落更
løqkvekor | midnight drump | 落更鼓
løqlaai | come down | 落來
løqlaiciaf | come down here | 下來這
løqlaikhix | going down | 落來去
løqlan | be in trouble | 落難
løqlang'ezhuix | being criticized by others | 落人的喙
løqlaxm | dilemma | 落湳
løqleng | drop the order | 落令
løqliao | fell | 落了
løqlip | fell into | 落入
løqlui | to shed tears | 落淚
løqmiaa | sign one's name | 落名; 簽名
løqniar | descend a steep hill | 下嶺; 下山
løqnngr | come nearer the terms of the other party; (one's attitudes) go soft or become conciliatory | 軟化; 無再堅持
løqoef | prune; trim | 剪枝
løqphaang | putting down sail (on the boat); let down the sail; pull down the sail of a ship or boat | 落帆; 收帆; 下帆
løqphauh | hail | 下雹
løqpheg | down in one's luck | 落魄
løqpid | to start writing | 下筆
løqpngr | to flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落榜
løqpuii | spread fertilizer | 下肥; 落肥; 施肥
løqpurn | capital investment | 落本; 下資本
løqpuxn | manure; fertilize with dung or excrement; to manure | 施肥; 施糞肥 (堆肥)
løqseq | snow | 下雪
løqsexng | tame | 落性; 馴服
løqsit | implement | 落實
løqsngf | frost; hoarfrost forming | 下霜; 降霜
løqsoef | bad luck | 落衰
løqsurn | fit mortise and tenon; fit tendon and mortise | 落榫; 套準; 套榫
løqsvoaf | go down the slope; come down from a hill; (the sun) sets behind a hill | 下山; 落山
løqsvoahofng | falling wind | 落山風
løqsym | feel at ease; set one's mind at rest | 入心; 靜下心
løqsyn | miscarriage | 落身; 流產
løqsøeq | snowing; snow | 落雪; 下雪
løqtaai | exit | 落台
løqtafng | winter | 落冬
løqte | be born; fall to the ground | 落地
løqtexkviax | floor mirror | 落地鏡
løqthay | to abort; to effect an abortion | 落胎
løqthoo | sits on the floor | 落土; 落塗; 呱呱墮地; 生下
løqthosii | on the ground | 落塗時
løqtin | go into battle | 落陣; 下陣
løqtiøh | fell | 落著
løqtoaxho | heavy rain, pouring | 落大雨
løqtux | place a bet | 落注
løqtviax | to lie at anchor | 下碇; 船停泊
løqtøe | to be born | 出生; 落地
løqtøe-sengkwn | born; take root | 落地生根
løqtøe-svekyn | plant; a leaf of which if placed on the ground takes root and grows; pick a wrestler whom an opponent cannot move | 落地生根
løqtøea | near the bottom | 落底
løqtøexkefng | a leaf of which if placed on the ground takes root and grows | 落地根
løqui | abdicate, leave the throne | 下位; 遜位
løquii | lower a mast | 落桅; 下桅
løqun | bad luck | 落運; 衰運
løqym | go into hell | 落陰; 下陰府
løqzhaan | farming | 落田
løqzhaf | drop | 落差
løqzhao | to become a bandit | 落草
løqzoxng | to bury | 落葬
løqzuie | to fall into water | 落水; 下水
løqzuun | go by boat; go ashore; leave the ship; disembark | 下船; 坐船; 裝船
løqzuyterng | falling water top | 落水頂
lør | brain; camphor | 腦; 惱
lør`laang | tall person | 高人
lørafm | long neck | 高頸
lørkha'ar | tall guy | 躼跤仔
lørkhabarng | tall person (Lit. long legged mosquito) | 長腳蚊; 高個子
lørkhaciawar | long feet bird | 躼跤鳥仔
lørkhaf | long legs | 長腳; 躼跤; 長得高大; 高個子
lørkhalaang | tall person | 躼跤人
lørkhazaai | tall person | 躼跤才
lørlaang | tall person | 高人; 身高者
lørlørtngg | lengthy | 躼躼長
lørløx | tall | 高高
lørsafnkaau | skinny tall guy | 躼瘦猴
løsaf | muslin | 羅紗
løsaux | tuberculosis; TB | 癆嗽; 肺結核
løsef | gauze | 紗布; 羅紗
løsiofng | tuberculosis; TB; consumption; tuberculosis; weakened by over exertion | 癆傷; 肺結核
løsoaan | spiral; spiral shape | 螺旋
løsoaan-khurn | spirochete | 螺旋菌
løsoancviuo | propeller of an airplane | 螺旋槳
løsviaf | gong | 鑼聲
løsym | to labor mentally; to be anxious; thinking deeply or anxiously about something | 勞心
løsym-pehpag | much vexed or anxious about matters | 勞心疾苦
løsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉嗦
løtae | dirt; filth; dregs; sediment | 濁滓; 沈澱物
løtao | hut | 廬斗
løtaxngpo | ministry of labor | 勞動部
løthex | work out | 勞退
løthithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐
løthoex | work out | 勞退
løthuii | gongstick; stick used to beat a gong; clapper for a gong | 鑼槌
løtix | to round up | 羅致
løtong | labor; working; labor (physically); ill; sweat; work; give trouble | 勞動
løtong-buxntøee | labor question | 勞動問題
løtong-ciar | laborer, worker | 勞動者
løtong-cied | Labor Day | 勞動節
løtong-kaikib | working classes | 勞動階級
løtong-kaix | working class | 勞動界
løtong-kayzø | to reform through forced labor | 勞動改造
løtong-køeato | overwork | 勞動過度
løtong-poxtviuo | Secretary of Labor (U.S.) | 勞動部長
løtong-sikafn | hours of labor | 勞動時間
løtong-thoanthea | labor body | 勞動團體
løtoxngciar | laborers; workers; laborer; workman | 勞動者
løtoxngcied | Labor Day | 勞動節
løtoxngkaix | world of labor | 勞動界
løtoxnglek | labor force | 勞動力
løtoxngpo | ministry of labor | 勞動部
løurn | firm and reliable | 牢穩
løuyhoe | labor council | 勞委會
løx | tall (person) | 高; 躼; 高(人)
løx`ee | tall person | 高的; 高個子
løxthea | naked; nude; undress | 裸體
løxthea-byjiin | naked beauty | 裸體美人
løxthefoe | nude painting | 裸體畫
løzeg | the fruits of hard work; accomplishment; merit | 勞績
løzexng | tuberculosis | 癆症
løzog | manual labor; manual work or training (at school) | 勞作
løzuie | dreggy water; muddy water | 濁水
løzuykhepvy | the longest river in Taiwan | 濁水溪邊
løzw chiongtut | clash between capital and labor; labor management relations | 勞資衝突
løzw | labor and capital; labor and management; labor versus management | 勞資
løzw-kiuohwn | disputes between capital and labor; labor management relations | 勞資糾紛
m-kvialaang | not timid | 無驚人
m-liawjieen | not in vain | 無枉然
m-zailaang | unconscious; insensible | 無知人; 不省人事
maflasofng | marathon race | 馬拉松
maflengcicvix | French fries | 馬鈴薯糋
maflengcii | potatoes | 馬鈴薯
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
maflengzuu | potato | 馬鈴薯; 洋芋
mafmahlaq | mom | 媽媽啦
mahoanlaq | troublesome | 麻煩啦
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
maixlong | show off | 賣弄
malaflyar | malaria | 瘧疾; 源自日語マラリヤ(mararia)
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
malasorng | marathon | 馬拉松
mauloo | thatched hut | 茅廬
maw`løqkhix | knoick it down; concave | 癟落去
mef`khylaai | pick; gather up (sugar; sand) with your hand | 抓起來
mefliah | nimble; shrewd; keen | 敏捷; 猛掠; 猛烈
mehliah | fierce, furious, keen)competition) | 猛捉; 兇猛的
melorng | Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) | 香瓜; 源自日語メロン(meron)
meqlie | philosophy of the pulse | 脈理
mexlang'ee | scold people | 罵人的
miali | repute and wealth; fame and gain; fame and wealth | 名利
miaxlie | a theory such as palmistry | 命理
milit | night and day | 暝日
miphexlai | inside the quilt | 棉被內
miqliau | material | 物料; 材料
mixlek | cajolery, flattery, flirtation | 麵力; 媚力; 哄騙; 奉承; 調情
mixlui | noodles kind | 麵類
mnglai | inside | 門內
mngleeng | door knob | 門拎; 門把; 門鈴
mngli'ar | curtain | 門簾仔
mnglieen | double inscriptions on sides of a door; antithetic couplets pasted on doors and doorposts at New Year | 門聯
mnglii | curtain; door flap; hanging door-screens | 門簾
mnglo | opening or connections for securing jobs; tricks of the trade | 門路; 門廊
mngxlo | ask for directions; ask the way | 問路
moaa laang ee bak | deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞人的眼
moabylao | Taiwanese desert typically coated with sugar | 麻米粩
moachioklyar | a type of majon | 麻雀子仔
moaf`khylaai | put on or wear thrown over the shoulders | 批起來
moafluie | baseball with runners on 3 bases | 滿壘
moailaang | matchmaker | 媒麻; 媒人
moalao | brittle confection made of sesame | 麻荖; 麻花捲
moaliaam | stinging catfish | 刺鯰魚; 鰻鯰
moalo | brown night heron | 棕色夜鷺; 麻鷺
moalop'ar | hemp bag | 麻橐仔
moar`zhutlaai | overflow | 滿出來
moasvelangbak | practice deception | 騙人耳目
moateaflai | inside sack | 麻袋仔內
moe'iuloo | kerosene stove | 煤油爐
moeflaang | everybody | 每人
moeflefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
moekhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
moelaang | marriage broker; matchmaker; go-between | 媒人
moelangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
moelanglea | matchmaker gifts | 媒人禮
moelangpøar | atchmaker | 媒人婆仔
moelangpøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒人婆
moelangzhuix holuieluix | marriage brokers are a mealy-mouthed lot | 媒婆的話; 多誇張
moelangzhuix | good talker like matchmaker | 媒人喙
mofmylaang | someone | 某乜人
molek | magic power; wizardly ability | 魔力
moli | approximate interest; gross earning | 毛利
moliau | material; woolen material | 毛料; 毛織品; 料子
molien | chasten; intensive training; discipline; steel oneself; endurance; discipline | 磨練
molixlut | gross profit margin | 毛利率
moluhine | morphine, morphia | 嗎
moq`løqkhix | to become hollow or sunk down | 腫消平; 癟掉口
mothienlaau | skyscraper | 摩天樓
mozhatlek | friction | 磨擦力
muikhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
muilaang | marriage broker; matchmaker; go-between | 媒人; 媒婆; 媒人,
muilangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
muilangpøar | female matchmaker | 媒人婆仔
muilangzhuix | good talker like a matchmaker | 媒人喙
muy'lefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
muycidee laang | every man; each person; everybody | 每人; 每一個人
muylaang | every man; each person; everybody | 每人; 每人,每一個人
muyliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 每粒
muylit | everyday | 每日
mxbiefnlaq | no need | 毋免啦
mxcvialaang | scrawny looking person ; mischievous person | 毋成人
mxkoafnlaq | don't care | 毋管啦
mxlaq | no, won't | 毋啦
mxsi-laang | a beast; not a person | 毋是人; 人面獸心
mxsixlaang | inhuman | 毋是人
mxternglaang-thviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 毋順人聽; 逆耳
mxternglang'ix | not according to one's desire; not to one's taste | 毋順人意
mxternglangbak | bad-looking (thing; action) | 毋頂人目; 不順眼
mxthafng`laq | don't | 毋通啦
mxtiøh-lo | wrong direction | 毋對路
mxtiøqah'laq | not right | 毋著矣啦
mxtiøqlaq | not right | 毋著啦
mxzailaang | unconscious; lose one's senses; become insensible; faint; swoon | 毋知人; 不省人事
mxzailo | don't know the way, got lost | 毋知路
mxzaiviaflaang | unconscious | 毋知影人
na'aulai | in the throat | 嚨喉內
na'auleng'ar | Adam's apple | 嚨喉鈴仔
naaflai | in the basket | 籃仔內
nafkalea | person like a puppet | 哪傀儡
naflie | where | 哪裡; 那裡
naflieen | what year, which year (in the future) | 怎年; 那年
nahliaang | relax in cool place | 乘涼
nahlit | get some sun | 爁日
nailorng | nylon | 尼龍
naixkiuo-lek | durability | 耐久力
naixkiwlek | durability; endurance | 耐久力
naixlek | stamina | 耐力
naixløo | endurance; able to endure | 耐勞
naq`løh | concave | 塌落
naq`løqkhix | concave | 凹落去
narliaang | relay in cool place | 乘涼
nauxliet | lively; full of people | 鬧熱
nauxloan | create a big scene | 鬧亂
nawhaylai | in one's mind or memory | 腦海裏
nawkyn lengbirn | Man's brain is very sharp | 腦筋靈敏
nawlai | inside of the mind | 腦內
nawlat | mental power | 惱力; 腦力
nawlek | mental power; intelligence; brainpower; brains; mental capability; mental exertion; mental energy | 腦力
nawliuu | brain tumor | 腦瘤
nawlo | brcrf, angry | 惱怒
nawsiw senglo | feel anger from embarrassment | 惱羞成怒
neh oar`laai | squeeze in the hand | 捏緊
ngkym-lut | the Golden Rule | 黃金律; 金科玉律
nglah | yellow wax | 黃蠟
nglenghvoa | | 黃龍岸
nglieen | the golden thread (a plant; coptis japonica; famous for its bitter taste the seeds of which are used for making medicine) | 黃連; (有名的苦藥材)
ngx laang ee pangzo | idlers rely on other's help | 依賴他人幫助
ngx lauxpe ee cvii | rely on father's wealth | 依賴父親的錢
ngx løqho | hoping for rain | 盼雨
ngzerng-laang | yellow race people | 黃種人
niaflamlaang | | 嶺南人
niafniar`leq | go to receive it | 領領啦; 領領咧
niar limciofng Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niar pvexlaang huoiuu Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niar seflea | receive baptism (Protestant) | 領洗
niar`laq | received | 領啦
niawlui | birds; avis | 鳥類
niawluixhagkaf | ornithologist | 鳥類學家
niawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
nihnihlaau | person who cries easily; a crybaby | 淚人兒
nilai | within a year | 年內; 年來
nilau | aged; old; aged; grow old | 年老
nile | in case | 年例
nileeng | one's age | 年齡
nilek | calendar for the year | 年曆
nilok | cheese, cream | 乳酪; 奶酪
niluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
ninii`leq | hang up cloths | 晾晾咧
niny`leq | pick up with fingers | 拿拿咧
niqlefng | squeeze milk | 擠乳
niulea | mother | 娘禮; 娘嬭; 母親
niuxlaang phvy | very good-tempered in bearing insult or scolding; very easy in money matters; letting others get the better of us | 讓人偏; 讓人佔便宜
niuxlaang | yield to others; be yielding; be concessive; be conciliatory | 讓人
niuxlo | make way | 讓路
nngflat | save energy; labor-saving; working with aid of an appliance | 省力; 巧勁; 輕力
nngflaxm | springy; elastic; soft (cushion) | 柔軟富彈性
nngfliarm | fleshy part of man or beast (as of the upper arm) | 軟肉; 腰左右無骨之處
nngfliøh | soft; elegant and graceful | 軟略; 柔弱; 柔軟
nngflo | gentle; relaxed; profitable; making large profits; earning big wages | 軟路; 斜路; 輕易賺取的; 輕鬆
nngflun | soft and delicate | 軟膜; 軟韌
nngxkanglai | within two days | 兩工內
nngxlaang | two persons | 二人
nngxlangsvakhaf | two persons with 3 feet | 兩人三跤
nngxliap | two(count of something round) | 兩粒
nngxliin | egg yolk | 卵仁
nngxluie | two (flowers, eyes) | 兩蕊
nngxsvaliab'ar | two to three | 兩三粒仔
nngxzaau longzerng | ovarian cyst | 卵巢曩腫
noafnoar`leq | knead the wet clothes, rub | 揉揉咧; 撋撋咧
noaxliawliao | rotten | 爛了了
noaxloklog | full of rotten sores | 爛漉漉; 腐爛透了
noflaai-kviar | late to have kids | 老來仔
noflek | endeavor, make an effort, strive to | 老力; 努力
noflieen | old; aging | 老年
noflien | having rich and varied experience | 老練
nylaai | until now; up to the present | 爾來
nyliau | dyes; stains; colors; dye stuff | 染料
o'khaf sailaam | very black southwest storm | 西南方烏雲密佈
oaan`liao | finished; completed | 完了
oadlaai-oadkhix | turn back and forth; turn one's head this way and that | 轉來轉去; (頭)轉來轉去
oadlafmseg | reading room | 閱覽室
oadlaioadkhix | turning back and forth | 越來越去
oadlarm | reading; read | 閱覽
oadliam | recite; repeat from memory | 虹誦; 越唸; 背念
oadlierntngr | turn one's self round; turn and go back | 斡輾身
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
oafjiblaai | lean into inside | 倚入來
oafkhørlaang | rely on people | 倚靠人
oaflaai | come near | 偎來; 靠過來
oaflaai-oafkhix | one minute support this one then the next minute support another one; one minute rely upon this one then the next minute rely upon that one | 靠來靠去; 騎牆
oaflek | detritus | 瓦礫
oafloa | depend on, rely on | 倚賴
oafn`laang | afar people | 遠人
oafnchyn putjuu kixnliin | A neighbor at hand is better than a relative far off | 遠親無如近鄰
oafnlaai ee langkheq | visitors from afar | 遠來之客
oafnlek | muscular strength; brute force; strength of wrist | 腕力
oafnli | separated by distance; far away from; depart for a distant place | 遠離
oafnlong | resort to; engage in; play with | 玩弄
oafnlu | be concerned about distant future | 遠慮
oafsuhloo | gas stove | 瓦斯爐
oafsw-loo | gas-stove | 瓦斯爐
oailie | fallacious | 歪理
oaioailiqlih | crooked and broken | 歪歪裂裂
oalek | debris; rubble; detritus | 瓦礫
oanciulut | the circular constant pi | 圓周率
oankef-loxøeh | enemies will meet in a narrow alley | 冤家路窄
oankelaq | enemy | 冤家啦
oankeløqzex | have a feud or violent quarrel | 爭吵結冤
oanlaang | bay area people | 灣人
oanlaioatkhix | winding | 彎來斡去
oanlap | pay in full | 完納
oanleeng | an imperial tomb | 圓靈; 園陵
oanliao | finished | 完了
oanliim | a landscape garden | 園林
oanlo | a roundabout way; a tortuous road; alternate route; detour | 繞道; 彎路
oansiulaang | enmity | 冤仇人
oanzoaan toglip | complete autonomy | 完全獨立
oaqlaang | living person | 活人
oaqlangzeq | Living Man's Day | 活人節
oaqlat | vitality; energy; vigor | 活力
oaqlek chiongphaix | brimming with energy or vitality | 活力充沛
oaqlek | vitality; (vital) energy; vigor | 活力
oaqlengleeng | very active | 活龍龍
oaqlernglexng | alive and active | 活生生
oaqliah | take a person prisoner; capture alive; bring'em back alive | 活捉
oaqliam | memorize | 活念; 背誦
oaqliao | survive | 活了
oaqliao-sien | tired of living | 活了倦; 得無耐煩
oaqlo | mode of escape from death or imminent danger | 活路
oaqløqkhix | survived | 活落去
oar`laai | come over | 偎來
oar`laang | depending on others | 靠人
oarnkhix lansiaw | hard to calm down; hard to get rid of anger | 怨氣難消
oatlaai | make a turn | 斡來
oaxnle | to quote a precedent | 援例
oaxnluo | raccoon | 浣女
oay laang ee cvii | filch (defraud) other's money (property) | 騙別人的錢; (財產)
obixnlaxpoef | Black-faced Spoonbill in Tainan | 烏面抐桮
oeaflai | Inside the pot | 鍋仔內
oeafzhaelui | lettuce | 萵仔菜類
oealaang | infect | 傳染
oeatiøqlaang | infect | 染著人
oeflaang | shorty | 矮人
oex lahsab | soil (clothing); to dirty | 染污; 弄髒
oex lasaam | soil (clothing); to dirty | 染污; 弄髒
oex`laang | infect; contagious | 穢人; 傳染
oexhoflan | telling a big lie | 畫虎𡳞
oexliao | finish drawing | 畫了
oexliau | painting material | 畫料
oexloong | picture (art) gallery | 畫廊
oexoe`leq | draw something, sketch | 畫畫咧; 劃劃咧
oexsud sulexngpo | garrison headquarters | 衛戌司令部
oextoo`khylaai | start drawing | 畫圖起來
ofnglaai | go and to come; mix with; associate with; personal contacts between two parties; have intercourse | 往來; 來往
ofnglit | in the past | 往日
ofor`leq | dig a little | 挖挖咧
og-sealek | evil power; wicked influential person; pressure groups | 惡勢力
og`laang | a wicked person | 惡人; 罵人
ogieen-loaxnguo | mumbo-jumbo | 胡言亂語
okalefar | black puppet | 烏傀儡仔
oklaang | fierce person; a wicked fellow; an evil man; bad man; fierce; savage man; overbearing; imperious man | 惡人
okle | bad example | 惡例
okliam | evil thoughts; evil intentions | 惡念
okliin | bad neighbour | 惡鄰
okload | of very poor quality; very inferior; rude; revolting | 惡劣
okloat | evil, wicked, wrong | 惡劣
okserngliuu | malignant tumor | 惡性瘤; (毒瘤)
okulaq | okra | 黑秋葵
okulaxm | | 烏龜湳
olaang | Africa American; black | 黑人; 烏人
olanglafng | dark | 烏櫳櫳
olayhoeq | hematoma (haematoma); a swelling filled with extravasated blood | 烏滓血; 瘀血
olayhuiq | hematoma (haematoma); a swelling filled with extravasated blood | 烏滓血
olegbaq | the dark (black) color of a chicken's skin | 烏肋肉; 雞肉顏色是黑的
oleng'ar | cricket | 蟋蟀仔
oliab-peqliab | chatter at random; speak recklessly; fabricate slanders | 烏捏白捏; 亂講; 捏造
olieen | black silver carp; spotted silver carp; Hypophthalmichthys | 黑鰱
oliern | a Japanese cuisine | 黑輪; 源自日語おでん(oden); 日語漢字為「お田」
oliin | dark lenses | 烏仁
olinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
oliong'ar | black cricket | 烏龍仔
oliongtee | oo-long tea | 烏龍茶
olioong | cricket | 烏龍; 黑蟋蟀; 蟋蟀
olioong-tee | Oolong tea | 烏龍茶
oliuliw | black | 烏溜溜
oloan | anyhow or any old way; carelessly; recklessly | 胡亂
olofbogzeatorng | louzy gang or political party | 烏魯木齊黨
olofbogzee | amorphous; jumbly; mess | 亂七八糟; 烏魯木齊
olofbogzex | rough; rude; blunt; do as one please; easygoing; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 馬馬虎虎; 隨便; 粗魯
olog | corrupt | 黑漉; 腐敗發黑
oloklog | black | 烏漉漉
oloksym | wicked; evil (Lit. black heart) | 壞心腸; 心黑
olokto | bad heart; scoundrel; lout; evil intention; ill will | 壞心腸
oloo | the black slave | 黑奴
oluthaau | baldhead, bald | 黑禿頭; 烏甪頭
olw | pitch dark | 黑溜
omulezu | an omelette | 煎蛋捲
onghviaf-liwti | dubious friend | 王兄柳弟; 無三不四的朋友
ongkionglai | inside the palace | 王宮內
onglaai | pineapple | 鳳梨; 王梨
onglaai-køf | pineapple cake | 鳳梨糕; 王梨膏
onglaai-sof | pineapple cake | 鳳梨酥; 王梨酥
onglaai-sy | pineapple fiber | 鳳梨絲
onglaicviux | pineapple jam | 王梨醬
onglaihngg | pineapple farm | 王梨園
onglaikvoaf | dried pineapple | 鳳梨干
onglaikøf | pineapple cake | 鳳梨糕
onglaisof | pineapple cake | 鳳梨酥
onglaisym | pineapple core | 王梨心
onglaithaau | pineapple head | 王梨頭
onglaizaang | pineapple tree | 王梨欉
ongliog'ar | medicine hawder | 王絨仔; 王祿仔; 走江湖賣藥者
onglog'afsiefn | traveling doctor; quack; or fortune teller; (also said in scolding) a liar; You quack! | 王碌仔仙; 江湖術士; 庸醫
onglog'afzhuix | deceitful lips | 王碌仔嘴; 江湖的人的話; 亂講
onglog'ar | swindler; cheater; incompetent physician or quack; a cheat or swindler; traveling medicine salesman | 王祿仔; 郎中; 江湖郎中; 走江湖賣膏藥的; 庸醫; 賣藥郎中; 騙子
oong`køf-liuo`køf | a pair of funny guy | 王哥柳哥; 一對活寶; 小丑
opela | an opera | 歌戲
opeqlaai | do things without rules | 烏白來
or`zhutlaai | scoop out | 挖出來
osw-loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
othauafchiaf`laq | black sedan | 烏頭仔車啦
otiablaan | one kind of orchid | 蝴蝶蘭
otiap-laan | butterfly orchid | 蝴蝶蘭
oxlw-thaau | bareheaded | 光頭
oxnglaai | pineapple | 旺梨
oxnglaikhef | | 旺萊溪
pa`liao | to forget it; to drop it | 罷了; 算了吧
paai zøx cidliet | line up to form one line of (people) | 排成一列
paai-zenglie | to mediate with reasoning | 排情理
paang liwafkhafng | hemstitch a buttonhole | 縫紉扣子孔
padlaang | somebody else; anybody else; different person; another man; others; outsiders; people who do not belong to one's own circle; organization or family | 別人
padlidar | some other days | 別日仔
padlit | another day | 別日
padliuu | different style | 別流
padlui | different kine | 別類
paelaglefpaix | weekend | 拜六禮拜
paelak | Saturday | 拜六
paeleeng | to make a courtesy call to the body or memorial service with respect | 拜靈
paelerng | accepted with thanks | 拜領
paeli | Tuesday | 拜二
paflaa | obese | 吃膩; 肥胖
paflat | stout | 強力; 飽力
pafliin | plump beans | 飽仁
pafnlaa | suet | 板膋
pafnliaau | the rest and beat of music; orderliness | 拍子; 板眼
paglak | size and bind | 綁聯; 逮捕
paglieen | bind together | 綁聯; 結連
pahheanilau | live long and die well | 百歲年老
pahhoeanilau | after one is dead | 百歲年老
pahhoex liawau | after death (Lit. after a hundred years of age) | 百歲之後; 身後
pahhoex nilau | to an advanced age (Lit. to a hundred years of age) | 百歲年老; 臨終
pahhunlut | percentage; percentage | 百分率
pahli | 120 | 百二
pahlidaang | crape myrtle | 百日紅
pahlidsaux | pertussis | 百日嗽
pahlit | 100 days’ ceremony after death | 百日
pahsu suxnli | May you prosper in everything! | 百事順利
pai texlie | disturb the good luck of a place | 敗地理; 敗風水
paihoee liulieen | walk to and fro hesitatingly with a reluctance to leave | 徘徊流連
pailaau | celebration arch | 排樓
pailie | rules of a card game | 牌理
pailien | to rehearse; rehearse for a show; rehearsal | 排練
pailiet | to line up; to arrange in order; arrange in series; rows; stand in lines or ranks; line up (at a bus or train station); place in line; to form in a row; permutation; arrangement | 排列
pailiet-zohap | permutation and combination | 排列組合
pailoarn | ovulate | 排卵
pailoarn-kii | the period of ovulation | 排卵期
pailoo | a monumental or decorated archway | 牌樓
paithaulaai | according to the order | 排頭來
paitii baxnlaan | overcome all difficulties | 排除萬難
paitui`laq | line up | 排隊啦
paix khoflo | make the Way of Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦路
paixliao | to lose one's family possessions completely | 敗了
paixliawliao | lost | 敗了了
paixlo | disclosure; to fall through and be exposed (crime; polt; etc.); be ruined by discovery (of a plot); fail and be exposed (said of a crime; plot) | 敗露
paixlui | the scum; the dregs; the degenerate; ruin; corrupt one's fellows; corrupted people; dregs of society; a bad class | 敗類
paizuie-liong | displacement | 排水量
paizuyliong | displacement of a ship; displacement of water; tonnage of a vessel | 排水量
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
pak`khylaai | tube ligation | 綁起來
pak`laang | to contract out | 綁人
pakkeglaang | Arctic people | 北極人
pakkoarlo | a meaze | 八卦路; 迷陣
paklai | inside the belly; entrails; viscera; the interior; abdomen; used in many figurative senses (as for everything on the inside of one; in the esophagus region; guts; entrails) | 腹內; 內臟
paklaixbøkøf | lack of knowledge | 腹內無膏
paklengciao | lark | 百靈鳥
pakløh | to come off; to peel off | 剝落
pakpag`leq | peal all off, tear off | 綁綁咧
paktoflai | in the stomach | 腹肚內
paktoflai`loq | in the stomach | 腹肚內囉
paktor leksuun | the abdomen flabby and flapped | 肚子皺紋
palafng | horse mackerel | 巴郎
palasofng | parathion (insecticide) | 巴拉松
palea | ballet | 芭蕾
palea-buo | the ballet; ballet dancing | 芭蕾舞
palea-bwluo | ballerina | 芭蕾舞女
palea-mngg | folding door | 芭蕾門; 雙扇門
palee | Paris | 芭蕾
palefbuo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
paloong | amberfish, blue mackerel scad | 琥珀; 銅鏡鰺
palorng | scad, amberfish, big eyed scad, goggle eyes | 琥珀; 紅帶鰺
paluie-buo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
palwn | whole | 囫圇
palwn-thwn | bolt one's' food, swallow without chewing | 巴囫圇; 急吃(不加咀嚼)
pan'un-kanglaang | porter, docker | 搬運工人
pan-bøexlaai | too difficult for me (you; him) to handle; beyond one's ability | 辦無來
pan-bøexliao | too much for one to finish or accomplish | 辦無完
panbuun loxnghuo | wield an axe before Lo Pan; the God of carpenters ─ be conceited; show off one's talent or skill before an expert | 班門弄斧
panbuun-loxnghuo | to show off in front of experts | 班門弄斧
pang'aflai | of the same clan members (relatives) | 房仔內; 同宗族人
pangkeng'aflai | in the bedroom | 房間仔內
pangkenglai | in the bedroom | 房間內
panglai | in the bedroom | 房內
panglie | help | 幫理
panglih | split open and slide | 崩裂
pangløqlaai | crashing | 崩落來
panliet | order, rank | 班列; 行列
panliuu | to detain | 攀留
panlong | to show off, to display, to move about, to fiddle with | 班弄; 扳弄
parnghøeflong | to set fire work | 放煙火
parngkhuilaq | let go | 放開啦
parnglaang | release a person; set free | 放人
parnglaau | release | 放流
parnglai | lend money in order to earn interest | 放利
parngleeng jibhae | release a dragon into the sea ─ give a man an opportunity to show what he can do | 放龍入海
parngleng | to make loose; loosen; slacken | 放寬; 放冗; 放鬆
parngleng'ar | use one kind of long net to surrounding fish | 放鈴仔; 用一種長網圍魚仔
parngli | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child) | 遣離; 放棄; 離棄
parnglixseg | lend money for interest | 放利息
parngsytuaflaau | dump dead pigs to the river | 放死豬仔流
parngtaxnglai | lend money at high interest; practice usury | 放重利
parngzuylaau | water flow | 放水流
pathionglui | reptiles; Reptilian | 爬蟲類
pathiongluixhak | Herpetology | 爬蟲類學
patlaang | know someone | 捌人
patli | able to read | 捌字
patlixkhaf | splayed feet | 八字跤
pauhaam zaixlai | be included in | 包含在內
paukhylaai | wrap | 包起來
paukoad zaixlai | include in it | 包括在內
paulam | contract | 包攬
paularm itzhex | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
paularm | to take everything into one's hands | 包攬; 包攬,總攬
paulea | gifts | 包禮
pauløo baxnsiong | all embracing; inclusive of everything | 包羅萬象
pauzaixlai | included | 包在內
paw lie bøo taixcix | guarantee your immunity; guarantee that there will be no trouble | 保證你沒事
paw`khylaai | wrap it up | 包起來
pawloarn sw im'iok | lewd thoughts arise from fullness of food and the comfort of warm clothing; i.e.; from easy living | 飽暖思淫慾
pawloarn | well-fed and well-clad | 飽暖
paxlun | quit arguing | 停論; 罷論
paxng bøe løqchiuo | cannot (or unwilling to) stop doing something | 放無下手
paxng bøe løqsym | cannot stop worrying | 放無下心; 放心不下
paxng bøexli | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
paxng taxnglai | lend at usury | 放重利; 高利貸
paxng-lixseg | lend money to make high interest | 放利息
paxng-taxnglai | lend money at heavy interest | 放重利; 放高利貸
paxnliao | done | 辦了
paxnlie | manage an affair; to conduct; to transact; undertake; do; handle | 辦理
pea`leq | block or hinder | 攔住
pee-lengzuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pee-liongzhuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngkofng zhwlie | act strictly according to official procedures or rules | 秉公處理
pefnglaai pefngkhix | say yes and no at different times; saying contradictory things to different men or at different times; now one thing; now another | 翻來翻去
pefnglaai-pefngkhix | to turn over and over; to roll about; to toss from side to side | 翻來翻去
pefnglaipefngkhix | back and forth | 反來反去
pefnglaixlie | to turn inside out | 翻內裡
pefngliao | inverted | 反了
pefnglie | to turn inside out | 翻裡
pefngliernkawar | turn a somersault | 翻輾狗仔
pefnglierntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion; invert; turn upside down; turn over (in bed) | 翻過來; 顛覆; 翻轉
pefnglirntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion | 翻輾轉
pefngpefngzhutlaai | inverted | 反反出來
peg`laang | overawe | 逼人
peglaiphirn | imported goods; foreign goods | 舶來品
pegsiuo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
peh-holii | white fox | 白狐狸
pehjit kernglea | octave (Catholic) | 八日敬禮
pehliao | wasted | 白了
pek'iulo | asphalt pavement; macadam | 柏油路
pekcied putlao | unmoved by a hundred difficulties; unflinching; unbending | 百折無撓
pekleeng-ciao | Formosan skylark | 百靈鳥
peklengciao | a lark having a sustained; melodious song | 百靈鳥
peklie | thyme | 百里
peklieen chiuxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
peklieen suxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
peklieen taixkex | great plan covering a very long period; long range program | 百年大計
peklieen | a hundred years; a century; one's lifetime | 百年
peklien sengkngx | Mastery comes from long training Expertise is the result of long and hard practice | 百練成鋼
peklioong uichiofng | force good women to be a prostitute | 逼良為娼
pekløo | shrike (bird) | 伯勞
peleeng | spinach | 菠薐
peleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
peleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
pelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
pelengzuun | dragon boat | 扒龍船
pelip | craw in | 扒入
peng'iwlagzap | all the friends | 朋友六十
penghenglek | equilibrant | 平衡力
penghofng englie | square miles | 平方英里
pengkhylaai | ice up | 冰起來
pengkiliim | icecream | 冰淇淋
pengkiliin | icecream; ice cream | 冰淇淋
penglat | military strength; armed forces | 兵力
penglaxmgiaam | warship rock | 兵艦岩
penglek | military strength; military force | 兵力
penglerng | icy cold; cold as ice | 冰冷
penglerng`ee | iced; ice-cold; frozen; icy | 冰冷的
pengliaang | icy cold | 冰涼
pengliok | military strategy and tactics | 兵略
penglit | usually | 平日
pengloan | use military force to keep in peace; suppress a rebellion; revolt | 平亂; 兵亂
penglok | peace and joy | 平樂
pengpengliangliaang | icy cold | 冰冰涼涼
pengseg honglong | quiet the strong wind and waves | 平息風浪
pengsioong-laang | the average people | 平常人
pengtulai | in the refrigerator | 冰櫥內
peq lauthuy | climb stairs | 爬樓梯
peq`khylaai | to get up out of bed | 爬起來
peqkalai | Gingo fish | 白銀杏魚; 白臘
peqkalek | Gingo fish | 白加力; 白臘; 白銀杏魚
peqlaai | wasted one's time in coming | 白來
peqlaang | white people; white man; Caucasian; white race | 白人
peqlah | white wax; insect wax; type of insect secretion | 白蠟; 白臘
peqlaixciaxng | eye cataract | 白內障
peqlaixcioxng | cataract | 白內障
peqleeng | wagtail | 白靈
peqlek | white herring | 白鰳; 長鰳
peqlengsy | egret; egret; white heron | 白鷺鷥
peqlexngsy | white ling | 白翎鷥
peqliaksiag | very white | 白皚皚
peqliao | waste; all lost or spent uselessly | 白費; 白白損失
peqliawkafng | waste time | 白了工
peqlieen | silver carp | 白鯉; 白鰱
peqliin | protein; sclera | 白仁
peqlo | egret | 白鷺
peqlok | white deer | 白鹿
peqloxsy | white screw | 白螺絲
peqly'ofng | Formosan little forktail | 白里翁; 白里鶲
peqlym | drink for nothing | 白飲
peqsinlaang | man with no official standing | 平身人
peqthihlo'ar | stainless steel stove | 白鐵爐仔
peqzerng-laang | caucasian | 白種人
peqzhaelor | cabbage marinade | 白菜滷
perng-lirntngr | turn over, capsize, turn completely around | 翻輾轉; 反輾轉; 反轉
perngliet | to put close together | 併列
pernglip | to stand side by side | 併立
pethanglui | reptile | 爬蟲類
pethiøo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pexbuo-lat | natural strength by birth | 爸母力; 天生的力氣
pexlau-kviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexlauxkviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexngliet | stand side by side; be juxtaposed | 並列
pexnglip | exist side by side; exist simultaneously | 並立
pexnglun | comment | 並論
phaang laang ee pngxvoar | be a wife; be in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下; 當人家的媳婦
phachialiefn | tumbling | 拋捙輪
phachialyn | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phaelaai | sent | 派來
phaeleng | deputed; order of appointment in written form | 派令
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglit | sun exposure | 曝日
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phahhor-liaqzhat iaxtiøh chyn-hviati | strike a tiger; to catch a thief; you should have your own brother to help you In emergencies only a brother will help | 打虎捉賊須靠親兄弟。
phahkalauh | (v) lose due to carelessness; demolish; let fall | 拍交落; 弄丟; 遺失; 掉下去; 丟掉
phahkalauqsyn | cause a miscarriage | 打弄丟身; 小產; 流產
phahkaqlauh | loss | 打交落; 遺失
phahkoealaai | hit it back | 拍過來
phahlaan | scaling a fish; scale a fish; take off fish scales | 打鱗; 刮魚鱗
phahlaang | hit people; hit someone | 打人
phahlah | hunt; hunting; rub or treat with wax; to wax | 打蠟; 拍獵; 打獵
phahlahsab | cause something to get dirty; to dirty; to spoil; to stain | 打垃圾; 弄髒
phahlaliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remark | 拍拉涼; 閒扯; 講風涼話
phahlaqliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks | 打抐涼; 說風涼話
phahlaxliaang | make fun of | 打抐涼; 無為閒談
phahliao | hit | 拍了
phahliuosog | make a noose | 打鈕束; 套結
phahlixky | typewriter | 拍字機
phahloan | confuse | 打亂; 弄亂
phahlofmi | southern Taiwan noodle stew | 打滷麵
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phahlud`khix | let something slip out of place | 搓脫去; 弄脫掉
phahluii | to thunder | 打雷; 拍雷
phahluitaai | join a contest in feats of prowess on stage (said of Chinese pugilists) | 打擂台
phahløh | shot | 拍落; 打下; 擊落
phahløkor | play gongs and drums | 打鑼鼓; 敲鑼鼓
phahløo | to hit a gong; strike a gong; beat a gong | 打鑼
phahløqkofng | confiscate | 打落公; 充公
phahphaq`leq | beat, strike | 打打咧
phahphoax cienle | depart from precedent | 打破前例
phahphoax kieliok | break the record; set a new record; rewrite the record | 打破記錄
phahphvayliawliao | damaged completely | 拍歹了了
phahsitløh | hit down | 打失落
phahtng laang ee oexpvex | cut short a man's talk; so that he does not gain his end | 插嘴; 打斷人的話
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phakiliin | lateral somersault | 拋麒麟
phakixnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phalaai-phakhix | toss about in one's sleep | 翻來覆去; 輾轉難眠
phalierntao | somersault | 拋輾斗
phalirnkao | somersault | 拋輾狗
phalirntao | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalirntngr | turn a somersault | 翻觔斗; 翻跟斗
phalyntao | somersault | 拋輦斗
phang'onglefng | queen bee honey | 蜂王乳; (漿)
phanglah | bees wax | 蜂蠟; 蜂臘
phangliau | spices | 香料; 芳料
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
phanlieen | involve; implicate | 攀連
phanlioong huohong | hang on a dragon and stick to a phoenix ─ establish oneself by riding on the coat-tail of a brilliant master | 攀龍附鳳
phanlong | to tamper with (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin); to temper with | 攀龍; 盤弄
phaolam | gunboat | 砲艦
phaoluii | cannon mine | 砲雷
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaq lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污
phaq-ho`laang | sells; transfer | 打給人; 出讓
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
phaulong | throw | 拋弄
phauloong | scrotum | 陰囊
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phawlaai-phawkhix | run to-and-fro | 跑來跑去
phawlo | to travel on foot, on runaway | 跑路
phaylit | bad day | 歹日
phe'nisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林; (外來語)
phealiau | ingredients | 配料
pheklek | verve; the ability to make decision; guts; courage to plunge ahead in big endeavors; power | 魄力
pheklip | stand up perpendicularly | 壁立
pheklok | a person who is good at locating talented people | 伯樂
pheleng | instructions (usually given in reply to inquiries) | 批令
pheloong | envelope | 信封
phenglie | ask a third party to judge which side is right | 評理
phenglioong | evaluation | 評量
phenglun | comment; criticise; criticism; comment; deliberate on | 評論
phengluxnciar | critic | 評論者
phengluxnkaf | critic | 評論家
phengphenglie | comment | 評評理
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
phernglea | money and presents sent by bridegroom at betrothal; gift for inviting one to a post; betrothal presents sent to the girl's family | 聘禮
phernglim | appointment | 聘任
phex`khylaai | carry objects or keep them from falling (by spreading a cloth or catching them in the lap of one's dress) | 撂起來
phexloong | quilt cover | 被囊
phexnglaang | compare one's moral character | 並人
phexnglat | compare one's muscle | 並力; 較力氣
phiak`laang | hit someone | 擊人
phiaulaai phiaukhix | tossed about at the mercy of winds and waves (e.g.; disabled vessel) | 飄來飄去
phiaulaai | drift in | 飄來
phiauliang | beautiful; handsome; beautiful; remarkable; brilliant; splendid | 漂亮
phiauliubok | driftwood | 漂流木
phiauliubut | flotsam | 漂流物
phiauliulaai | drift in | 漂流來
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phiauliuu | float; be carried away by water; to drift; carried away (by a flood) | 飄流; 漂流
phiaulok | prostitute | 嫖樂
phiaulong | drifting | 漂浪
phiauløh | falling | 飄落
phiauphietlaq | fluttering | 飄撇啦
phie kek thaix laai | all things are smooth after hardship | 否極泰來
phielu | metaphor | 譬喻
phielun | analogy; instance; comparison; for example; suppose that... | 譬論; 譬如; 例如; 譬喻
phieluu | for example | 譬如
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phieluxnzøx | for example | 譬論做
phienkoealaai | fooling people | 蹁過來
phienli | turn aside | 偏離
phienliet | arrange | 編列
phienlo | shortcut | 偏路; 斜路; 捷徑; 歧途; 旁道; 偏道
phienphiaq-lo | rarely used street | 偏僻路
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phiernkaq putliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲無留; 落花流水
phiernlaang | to deceive people; to cheat others; swindle; cheat another | 騙人
phiernliawliao | cheated | 騙了了
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phiexn`laang | fool people | 騙人
philo | pull the plug on; show | 披露
philøo | tired; exhausted; utterly weary in body and spirits; exhaustion; fatigue; weariness | 疲勞
phiørlo | bleach | 漂露
phoah`jiblaai | be dashed in (e.g.; rain or waves) | 濺進來
phoahzuie lansiw | Spilled water cannot be retrieved (literally) ─ One cannot undo an accomplished fact | 潑水難收
phoaq lefngzuie | pour cold water on the idea | 潑冷水
phoaqlien | necklace; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊; 項鏈
phoargoaxlo | distance from end of journey still far off; a long way to travel yet | 破外路; 還差很遠
phoarlau | leak (roof, etc.) | 破漏
phoarle | break a precedent or a custom; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phoarliern | flat tire | 破輪
phoarliet | rupture | 破裂
phoarlih | tear, lip | 破裂
phoarsiaolieen | weak young man | 破少年
phoatlah | pungent | 潑辣
phoax cidlih | seek or be in the limelight; presumptuous; smug; tacky; vain; focus on one's appearance; meddlesome; officious | 破一個裂縫
phoax kielok | break a record; record shattering; record breaking | 破記錄
phoaxlien | [[phoaqlien]]; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊
phoealap | pay | 配納
phoealiau | ingredients | 配料
phoealiong | formula | 配量
phoee pvef khaq-aan`leq | tighten your skin in preparation for a beating | 準備挨打
phoelai | letter | 批內
phoeliau | leather | 皮料
phoelofng | an envelope | 批囊
phoelog | an envelope | 信囊; 批囊
phoelok'ar | an envelope | 信橐仔; 信盒
phoelong'ar | an envelope | 批囊仔
phoeloong | an envelope | 信封; 郵筒
phoexlai | inside comfort | 被內
phoexlofng | envelope | 批囊
phoexloong | envelope | 批囊
phofliok | approximately, about, nearly, not all, some | 普略; 大約
phofløbinjiasviaa | | 普羅民遮城
phofngzuie lym | drink water out of the hands | 捧水喝
phofthonglaang | ordinary individual; ordinary people; the hoi polloi | 普通人
phofthonglangtaw | ordinary house | 普通人兜
phog`khylaai | projecting forth; coming out; rise in large blisters (e.g.; plaster on a wall bulging out and ready to fall; ill fitting wall paper) | 凸起來
phog`zhutlaai | protuberant; bulging out; jutting out | 凸出來
phokhylaai | pave up | 鋪起來
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
phoklarm | to be well-read; read extensively | 博覽
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
pholaarnphaf | flatter | 扶𡳞脬
pholaxnphaf | flatter; curry favor with; fawn upon | 拍馬屁; 諂媚
pholo | pave road; surface a road; pave a road; pave the way | 鋪路
phoo-laxnphaf | to curry favor with | 拍馬尼; 扶脬
phoo`khylaai | lift up | 抬起來
phorlo | traveling distance; a journey | 路程
phorngkhylaai | puff up | 膨起來
phornglab | concave | 凸凹
phoxng`khylaai | project; jut out; to swell; expand | 凸起來; 膨脹
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phu`zhutlaai | boil over; burst out | 舖出來
phud`løqlaai | chop; cut down | 砍下來
phuhlofphehlar | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機
phuieliao | pooh | 呸了
phulat | buoyancy | 浮力
phulek | buoyancy | 浮力
phuli | drift away | 浮離
phuloong | floating bag | 浮囊
phuloxngciar | surfer | 浮浪者
phuloxngkoxng | float | 浮浪貢
phulun | sandbar | 浮崙
phun'aflai | pots | 盆仔內
phunliuu | rush | 奔流
phunphøf løkhor | the toil and anxiety of life | 奔波勞苦
phunphøf lølok | the cares and toils of life | 奔波勞碌
phurnphuxn`leq | sprinkle, spout | 噴噴咧
phutliawliao | cut and pulled | 刜了了
phutphud`leq | cut them with swords | 砍砍咧
phuzhutlaai | rush out | 浮出來
phvai henglie | carry baggage on the back | 背行李
phvai'aflai | in the back | 揹仔內
phvalirntao | summer saw flip | 拋輾斗
phvarlerng | to dread cold | 怕冷
phvaykawlaang | villain | 無賴漢
phvaykhvoax`laq | look bad | 歹看啦
phvaylaang | miscreant; vermin; gangster; bad man; evil persons | 歹人; 壞人
phvaylangkheq | bad customer | 歹人客
phvayliawliao | completely broken | 歹了了
phvayliwlak | hard to cope | 歹扭搦
phvaylo | bad road | 歹路
phvaylym | drink bad | 歹啉
phvaymiaxlaang | bad luck person | 歹命人
phvaysex`laq | sorry | 歹勢啦
phveolaang | Penghuer | 澎湖人
phvi'aflai | inside nose | 鼻仔內
phvialaai-phviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
phvialiaau | mid-section of an animal (exclusive of front and hind quarters) butchered for food | 背料; 背脊肉; (豬)
phvialiaubaq | meat on the ribs of an animal; flesh on the back | 背脊肉
phvialiaukud | pig's backbone | 背脊骨; (豬)
phvialøh | throw away | 抨落
phvilaang | overreach; defraud of small sums by overcharging | 摒人; 佔人便宜
phvixkhanglai | inside the nose | 鼻空內
phvixkhylaai | smelled | 鼻起來
phvixleeng | ridge of the nose; sinusitis | 鼻龍; 鼻樑; 鼻竇炎
phvixlioong | nasal polyps | 鼻龍
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
phvoa langkheq | entertain guests | 陪客
phvoarle | a legal precedent; a test case; legal precedents; precedent (said of court decisions) | 判例
phvoartoarnlek | power of judgment | 判斷力
phvoartoaxn-lek | discernment, ability to judge | 判斷力
phvoaxchiwlea | gift | 伴手禮
phvoaxlaang | accompany laang | 伴人
phvoaxlu | companion; pal; buddy; chum | 伴侶
phvy`laang | one-sided; to lean; to slant; prejudiced; inclined to one side | 偏人; 佔人便宜; 偏
phwnliawliao | distributed | 翸了了
phykegthaelaai | from; after deep misfortune comes bliss | 否極泰來
phylin | vulgar | 鄙吝
phylo | shallow | 鄙陋
phyncid iulioong | of sound quality | 品質優良
phynliau | product materials | 品料; 材料; 菜料
phynlui | product type; classes | 品類
phynsexng liongsien | good character | 品性良善
phø`leq | hold in one's arms; to embrace; holding in one's arms | 抱著
phøealiau | trimmings for food | 配料
phøeaphøex`leq | mate, dispatch, send | 配配咧
phøeloong | envelope | 信封; 皮囊; 批囊
phøfliog'ar | approximately | 頗略仔
phøfliok | approximately, about, nearly, not all, some | 頗略
phølaan | great waves; billows | 波瀾
phølong | waves; waves; billows; breakers | 波浪
phøløbit | jackfruit | 波羅蜜
phøløo | pineapple | 波羅
phørhai tionglip | violation of neutrality | 破壞中立
phørhaixlek | destructive power | 破壞力
phørhoaixliawliao | completely broken | 破壞了了
phørlan | tattered and torn | 破爛
phørle | exception; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phørliet | burst; explode; erupt; rupture; cracked; torn; split; to end in a rupture; break off | 破裂
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phøtong-leghak | wave mechanics | 波動力學
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
phøxlarm | embrace | 抱摟
pi laang khihu | be bullied by others | 被人欺負
pi'hoafn lixhap | sorrows of parting and the joys of reunion that life has | 悲歡離合
piahlai | intramural | 壁內
piahloo | a fireplace | 壁爐
piahluii | barrier | 壁壘
piahtulai | in the closet | 壁櫥內
piaklih | split open | 破裂; 裂開
piawbin tviulek | surface tension (physics) | 表面張力
piawhiexnzhutlaai | behave | 表現出來
piawlie ittix | honest and sincere | 表裏一致
piawlie | outside and inside | 表裏
piawlo | make plain; to express; expose | 表露
piaxng`løqlaai | explosion | 爆落來
piebo tiefnlea | closing ceremony | 閉幕典禮
piedli | parting; separation; to leave; depart from | 別離
piefn`kealaai | turn over | 扳過來
piefn`khylaai | draw out with the hand (a peg); pull off with some force (a tight lid; cover) | 扳起來
piefn`koealaai | turn over | 扳過來
piefn`zhutlaai | draw out (a stiff drawer) | 扳出來
pielat | secret power | 秘力
pielieen | to border on; to be adjacent to | 毗連
pielo | secret road | 秘路
pielo-tiexnsi | closed circuit TV; cable TV | 閉路電視
pien lauxpe | stepfather | 現成的父親
pienlaai | edit | 編來
pienliet | arrange | 編列
piern laang ee cvii | cheat people out of money | 騙人的錢
piern`laang | cheap on someone | 變人
piernbøliern | run out of tricks | 變無輪; 無法可變
piernbølo | run out of tricks | 變無路; 無法可變
piernliao | changed | 變了
piernliern | work around | 變撚
piernloan | a turmoil; rebellion; revolt; upheaval; chaos | 變亂
piernpurn kale | push it to an extreme; get worse; worsening | 變本加厲
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piexn bøo liern | no way | 沒辦法使
piexnlarm | a brief guide book | 便覽
piexnli | convenient; handy; suitable; serviceable; profitable; expedient; expediency | 便利
piexnli-siongtiaxm | convenience store | 便利商店
piexnlin | identify | 辨認
piexnlixpaw | convenience bag | 便利包
piexnlun | debate; discuss; argue; plead; discussion; plea | 辯論
piexnluxnhoe | speech contest; debating team | 辯論會
piexnluxnkaf | apologist; controversialist; polemist | 辯論家
piexnluxnteeng | debate court | 辯論庭
piexnmoelaang | be a matchmaker after bridegroom and bride decide to marry | 便媒人; 形式上的媒人
piexnmuilaang | handy matchmaker | 便媒人
pihkhylaai | squeeze up | 撆起來
piin liongsym | as one's conscience dictates; fair in dealing | 憑良心
piliaang | desolate | 悲涼
piload | poor; mean; sleazy; mean; depraved | 卑劣
piloan | sad love | 悲戀
pinhae konglo | highway along the sea | 濱海公路
pinkhofng liapzø | without substantial support or proof | 憑空捏造
pinlea | guest ceremony | 賓禮
pinliim taixhae | on the brink of the sea | 濱臨大海
pinliim | on the verge of | 瀕臨
pinliongsym | honestly | 憑良心
pinlut | frequency | 頻率
pinpyn iwlea | refined; courteous; dignified (gentleman) | 彬彬有禮
pipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
pit'ha liuzeeng | have some restraint when attacking others in writing; be merciful in writing | 筆下留情
pitgiap luxnbuun | thesis | 畢業論文
pitgiap tiefnlea | commencement exercises; commencement; graduation ceremony | 畢業典禮
pitjienlun | inevitable | 必然論
pitlek | pen power | 筆力
pitliawliao | cracked completely | 裂了了
pitlieen | inevitable | 必然
pitliet | pen crack | 筆裂
pitlih | cracked; crack; fissure; line of cleavage | 龜裂; 裂開; 裂痕
pitliok | take down a record in the police station or in the court; deposition; written record | 筆錄
pitlo | technique of writing; calligraphy; or drawing | 筆路
pitlok | take down a record in the police station or in the court, deposition, written record | 筆錄
pitløar | Shrike | 伯勞仔
pixbongliok | memorandum (book) | 備忘錄
pixbonglok | a memorandum | 備忘錄
pixboong-lok | memo, reminders, tickler, memorandum | 備忘錄
pixhaixliin | victim | 被害人
pixlan | to take refuge; escape calamity; avoid disaster; find refuge; keep out of the way of great calamities; war; rebellions | 避難
pixlaxnsor | refuge; haven; sanctuary; refugee center | 避難所
pixliah | be caught | 被捉
pixloan | avoid chaos | 避亂
pixlui | be involved | 被累
pixluiciafm | a lightning rod; needle gap arrester; lightning arrester | 避雷針
pixluii-ciafm | lightning rod | 避雷針
pixluo | female slave; maid servant | 婢女
pixpeg karngløh | forced landing; be forced to land | 被迫降落
pixzuolaan | remarks column | 備註欄
piøfaflien | watch chain | 錶仔鏈
pngxle | drainer for rice | 飯隸
pngxliab'ar | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒仔
pngxliap | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒
pngxloe | rice | 飯鑢
pngxlui | rice | 飯類
po laang hiøxtiin | follow another's footsteps | 步人後塵
poadsiap løkhor | hardships of travel | 跋涉勞苦
poah`løqkhix | fall down from a place somewhat higher | 跌落去
poahcvii heeng laang | make an effort to get money to pay a debt; e.g.; taking money that was set aside for some less urgent purpose | 撥款還人
poahlaang | accommodate a person; e.g.; by lending money; things | 撥人
poahlong | to stir up, to move to and fro, to fiddle with, to toy with | 撥弄
poanlong | fiddle | 搬弄
poaqliawliao | lost all- gamble | 跋了了
poaqløh | fell | 跋落
poaqløqbea | fell from riding horse | 跋落馬; 跌落馬
poaqløqkhieaq | fell | 跋落去矣
poaqløqkhix | fell | 跋落去
poaqløqlaai | fell | 跋落來
poaqløqlailaq | fell down | 跋落來啦
poarnlefpeeng | the 113th radical (written at the side) | 示; (部首)
poatlong | fiddle | 撥弄
poaxnkokloo | traitor (to one's country) | 叛國奴; 賣國賊
poaxnloan | sedition; rebellion; revolt | 叛亂
poe hancileeng | set up potato beds with the plough | 培蕃薯畦
poe kamciarleeng | set up sugarcane beds with the plough | 培甘蔗畦
poe laang ee yn | act ungratefully towards a person | 背負人的恩惠
poealui | shellfish | 貝類
poee langkheq | sit with guests; keep visitors company | 陪客
poeh`zhutlaai | pluck up; draw out; to extract (a thorn) | 拔出來
poehli | 8 words used for horoscope | 八字
poeiofngseklai | training room | 培養室內
poekhypoeløh | fly off | 飛起飛落
poelaai | fly over | 飛來
poelaang | compensate; pay for; stand a loss | 賠人
poelaipoekhix | flying around | 飛來飛去
poelea | express regret; ask for forgiveness; make apologies; do something to appease another | 賠禮
poeleeng | spinach | 菠菱; 培靈
poeleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
poeleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
poelengky | plane | 飛行機
poelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
poeliao | flied away | 飛了
poeliawliao | flied away | 飛了了
poeqlexngsy | white feathers | 白翎鷥
poetngflai`laq | fly back | 飛轉來啦
poexkutlo | spine | 背骨路
poexliam | recite | 背念
poexlie | offensive to good taste | 背理
poexluun | against logic | 背倫
poexzvea lixhiofng | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
poezhutlaai | fly out | 飛出來
poflau | to stop the leakage; stop leaks; plug the leaks | 補漏
pofliao | made up | 補了
poflo | repair the road | 補路
pofpii lixsuie | tonic; diuretic | 補脾利水
pog`zhutlaai | to bulge | 補出來; 鼓出來
poghoatlek | explosive force | 爆發力
poglea | a small present to express politeness | 薄禮
poglek | violence; brute force; naked force | 暴力
poglek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pogli | narrow margin (on profit) | 薄利
pogliedtaan | bomb | 爆裂彈
pogliedtvoaa | bomb | 爆裂彈
pogliet | burst; erupt; pop open | 爆裂
poglo | disclosure; exposure; reveal; disclose; bring to light; debunk; expose; be discovered; be disclosed; be exposed | 曝露; 暴露
pogzarlek | explosive force; impact of explosion | 爆炸力
pogzengloong | heartless lover; unfaithful husband; man who abandons a woman with whom he has cohabited | 薄情郎
porkørlaan | bulletin board | 佈告欄
porleng | burling | 布令; 修布
porli'ar | cloth curtain | 布簾仔
porliaau | narrow cloth strip | 布條
porliau | fabric; material used to make a cloth | 布料
porliau'ar | narrow strip of cloth | 布條仔
porlie | lining material; cotton lining | 布裡; 布裏襯
porlii | woven blinds; cloth curtains; door curtain made of cloth; screen | 布簾
porliuo | bottoms made of cloth; knot of cotton cord used as a button | 布鈕; 布鈕扣
porlong | to sow discord | 播弄
porluar | mop | 布攄仔
porlui | cloth | 布類
portexlyn | cloth bag | 布袋乳
portøxlun | theory of evangelism, evangelistic writings | 佈道論
portøxseklai | inside sermon room | 佈道室內
poxjwlui | mammals; mammalian | 哺乳類
poxliern | on foot; go on foot | 徒步; 步輦; 步行
poxlip | step into | 步入
poxlok | a tribal unit; a tribe; aboriginal tribes; village; hamlet; tribal settlement | 部落
poxlui | division; category | 部類
poxngkhanglai | in the tunnel | 磅空內
poxngliao | weighted | 磅了
pud senglip | failure; miscarriage; fail; fall through | 無成立
puhlaang | pus | 暴膿
puhliap | germination | 萌粒
puhzhutlaai | erupted | 暴出來
puii-lutlud | very fat | 胖嘟嘟
puii`khylaai | become fat; put on weight | 胖起來
puiliau | fertilizer; fertilizer in general | 肥料
puiliauxchviuo | fertilizer plant | 肥料廠
puilutlud | plump | 肥朒朒
pulawkhok'ar | | 瓠佬觳仔
punkuilui | separate by category | 分歸類
punlee | blow a wailing sound as a signal or warning. | 吹螺; 吹螺(賣肉的)
punli | separate from | 分離; 分攤
punlih | break up, dismember, disintegrate | 分裂
punlii | separate | 分離
punliuu | rush | 奔流
punlo | separate roads; branch roads; go different ways; to part company (at a fork in the road) | 分路
punpuun`leq | blow slightly | 吹吹咧
punpwn`leq | distribute, divide them, give a share of | 分分咧
puolaang | pus | 冒膿
puq liab'ar | have boils | 冒粒仔; 生瘡
purnsørlarng | garbage can | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsørtviulie | in the dung yard | 糞埽場裡
purnsøx hunhoarloo | waste incinerator | 垃圾焚化爐
put'hablie | unreasonable | 無合理; 不合理
put'hap-løcip | illogical | 無合邏輯; 不合邏輯
put'heng ee laang | misfortune people | 無幸的人
put'kafnglie | unreasonable | 無講理; 不講理
put'khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能; 不可能
put'khøftix-lun | agnosticism | 無可知論; 不可知論
put'liawkae | not to understand, not to be understood | 無了解; 不了解
put'liuheeng | not in fashion | 無流行; 不流行
put'lixheeng | to breach, a breach | 無厲行; 不厲行
put'lykae | not to understand | 無理解; 不理解
put'seglien | unskilled | 無成年; 不熟練
put'uii ulek | spare no efforts | 無遺餘力
putkhud putlao | not to be bent or cowed; unswerving; fight to the very end; not to give up | 無屈不撓
putkhøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
putkhøfty-lun | agnosticism | 無可知論
putkhør khornglek | irresistible force; act of God | 無可抗力
putkiuliin | as one wishes in mahjong; itching device | 不求人
putkuilo | no return | 無歸路
putlaam putlie | neither a male nor a female (a disapproving description of someone's manner; dress; make up); grotesque | 無男不女
putlaam-putluo | gender-bender | 無男不女
putlaan | not difficult, easy | 無難; 不難
putlai | not bad | 無賴
putleeng jintø | impotence (male) | 無能人道
putleeng zuxpoat | cannot free oneself from evil or a bad habit | 無能自拔
putleeng | unable | 無能; 不能
putli | disadvantageous; disadvantage; unfavorable; be against one's interests | 無利; 不利
putliaam | not cheap | 無廉
putliam kuxog | forget past grudges; let bygones be bygones | 無念舊惡
putliau | unexpectedly; unexpectedly | 無料; 不料
putliausefng | unable to survive | 無聊生
putlie | to ignore, to disregard | 無理
putlie-putzhae | to brush off | 無理不睬
putliin | heartless | 無仁
putliofnglip | incompatible | 無兩立
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
putlioong zok'iong | bad effect | 無良作用
putlioong | unhealthy; unwholesome; bad; poor; inferior; wicked; depraved | 無良; 不良
putlioong-siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 無良少年; 不良少年
putlioxnglek | underestimate | 無量力
putliuu ute | without leaving leeway or elbow room | 無留餘地
putlun | no matter whether; no matter what | 無論; 不論
putluu | not as good as | 不如
putluun | immorality; immoral; illicit | 無倫
putløo jitid | obtained without labor | 無勞而得; (獲)
putlør tiongsefng | perennial youth and longevity | 長生無老
putlør | immortal | 無老
putpud`leq | scrape up, rake together, gather up | 耙起來
putsefng-hauxlek | invalid | 無生效力
putsii løkhor | not shirking any trouble or inconvenience | 無辭勞苦
putsiu hoangeeng ee laang | unwelcome visitor; persona non grata | 無受歡迎的人
putteg iaolerng | nothing to the point | 不得要領
putteg-iaolerng | pointless, vague | 不得要領; 不得要領
puttekliao | startling; wonderful; it's no go; My goodness!; cannot be stopped; Good heavens! It's serious! | 無得了; 不得了
putty hexløh | do not know their location | 無知下落
putty-lun | agnosticism | 無知論; 不知論
putzaixlai | won't come | 無再來
putzhud sor liau | it turned out as expected | 無出所料
putzuxliong | no self-esteem | 無自量
puun lapaf | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun lapaq | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puxlaang | to fester; to suppurate; suppurate; form pus; come to a head (e.g.; a boil) | 化膿; 孵膿; 化濃; 腫膿
pvelo | even road; without up and downs; good road | 平路; 坦途
pvepolaang | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔人
pvetexlaang | people who live in the plains | 平地人
pvexgoanlun | etiology | 病原論
pvexlaang | sick man; patient | 病人
pvexle | incidence of a particular disease | 病例
pvexlegpiør | chart | 病歷表
pvexlek | chart; (medical) history | 病歷
pvexlie | pathology | 病理
pvexlyhak | pathology | 病理學
pvi'ar ee laang | bystanders | 邊仔的人; 旁人
pviaf`leq | no more use; put away | 丟置
pviaflo | cakes; pastry | 餅路; 餅餌
pviafloo | furnace for making cookies | 餅爐; 烤箱; 煎餅爐
pvialaai-pviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
pviarlat | make one's effort (power; strength) | 拼力; 用力
pviarlo | to hurry on one's way | 趕路
pviarpviax`leq | clean up (room) | 拼拼咧
pviarsenglie | compete business | 拚生理
pviax`jiblaai | rush in | 拼進來
pviebøliern | can't juggle; can't play tricks | 變無輪; 弄無出花樣
pviekaulang | playing tricks | 變猴弄
pviekaulaxnglaq | playing a monkey trick | 變猴弄啦
pvielang | annoy; fool; make fun of | 變弄; 戲弄
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvii`khylaai | even | 平起來; 排平
pvipof-lo | smooth road | 平埔路
pvix-bøloxlaai | can not do it; unable to accomplish | 變無路來; 做無來
pvix-kaulang | play a trick | 變猴弄; 變戲法
pvixlaang | patient; sick person | 病人
pvixlan | sickness and trials | 病難
pvixle | a case of disease | 病例
pvixlek | patient's medical history | 病歷
pvixlek-piør | patient's case history | 病歷表; 病歷單
pvixlie | pathology | 病理
pvoaf-kalea | put on a puppet show | 演傀儡; 演傀儡戲
pvoalaai | move in | 搬來
pvoalaai-pvoakhix | carry hither and thither; carry; move here and there | 搬來搬去
pvoaliao | moved | 搬了
pvoaløh | move down | 搬落
pvoaløqlaai | move down | 搬落來
pvoarcviu-løqe | give up halfway; leave something unfinished | 半上落下; 半途而廢
pvoarkuxløh | half worn out; worn; but still quite usable | 中古的; 半新無舊
pvoarlaau | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮; 頂樓
pvoarlafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarlamhaa | hung up unfinished (an affair); before one is through with one's work; do (a thing) by halves | 半罩圍; 半途 (做事)
pvoarlamniu'ar | a bisexual person | 半陰陽仔
pvoarlamviuu | a bisexual person; doubtful sex; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人; 無男不女; 半
pvoarlauafterng | high rise | 半樓仔頂
pvoarlauar | house with high ceiling- so upper area can be another floor | 半樓仔
pvoarlauxlaang | half old people | 半老人
pvoarlauzuie | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮水
pvoarlit | half day | 半日
pvoarlo huzhef | cohabit | 半路夫妻; 露水夫妻
pvoarlo zhutkef | switch to a new profession one knows little about; change professions when one is no longer young; to start midway | 半路出家
pvoarlo | half-way; half of the way; half of the road; at the middle of a journey; on the way; on the road | 半路
pvoarlo'ar | half way | 半路仔
pvoarloxsay | amaeture | 半路師
pvoarløflau | middle aged | 半老老; 中年老
pvoarsielaang | half of one's life; half a lifetime; very long time | 半輩子; 半生
pvoarsiølerng | tepid (water); lukewarm (food water etc) | 半燒冷; 微溫; 溫的; 半冷半熱
pvoax geqlit | half month | 半月日
pvoax-løflau | middle-aged | 半老老
pvoaxpvoa`leq | whisk; flick | 拂一拂
pvyliuo | flat button | 扁鈕
pwn suilaang | divide family property to set up separate fraternal households | 分隨人; 分家
pwn`laang | distribute to people, give a child for adoption | 本人; 分給人
pwnkoklaang | fellow countryman; compatriot | 本國人
pwnlaai biexnbok | the true look; the color | 本來面目
pwnlaai | originally; from the first; in itself; essentially | 本來
pwnlaang | personal; one's own self; the man himself; I; me; himself; herself; yourself; personally | 本人
pwnlai | initially | 本來
pwnleeng | instinct; faculty; innate powers | 本能
pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent; capacity; skill; talent | 本領
pwnlerng`loq | ability | 本領囉
pwnluie | home base (baseball) | 本壘
pwnlun | main discourse, this subject, body | 本論; 本題
pwnsefnglaang | native of this province | 本省人
pwntexlaang | native | 本地人
pwnthea-lun | ontology | 本體論
pwntheflun | ontology | 本體論
pylaxnsor | refuge | 避難所
pyle | a ratio; ratio; parallel; proportion | 比例
pylexchiøq | scale (of a map; model) | 比例尺
pyli | separate; separation | 仳離
pylieen | neighboring | 比連; 此連; 比鄰
pyliin | neighboring | 比鄰
pylu | metaphore | 比喻
pylun korng | for instance; for example | 比如說
pylun | for example; comparison; suppose that... | 比論; 譬如; 比如
pylut | a ratio; a rate; proportion | 比率
pyluu | for example | 比如
pyluxnkorng | for example | 比論講
pytngg-luxntea | criticize | 比長論短
pøefpøea`leq | drive away (fly, dust) | 拂拂咧; 掰掰咧
pøehliap | eight number of (circular objects) | 八粒
pøeleeng-zhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜; 菠薐菜; 波菜
pøelengzhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜
pøexleeng | retreat | 培靈
pøexleeng-hoe | revival meeting; retreat | 培靈會
pøexloo | oven for making tea leaves | 焙爐; 乾燥機; 焙茶之爐
pøexpøe`leq | toast in a pan | 賠賠咧; 焙焙咧
pøfafn-liim | protection forest | 保安林
pøfanliim | security forest; protected (national) forests | 保安林
pøfchii kuxli | keep at a safe distance | 保持距離
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfciøqlaam | sapphire blue | 寶石藍
pøfhoxliim | forest preservation; conservation | 保護林
pøfioglui | conservation | 保育類
pøfjixnlaang | guarantor | 保證人
pøfkoafnliau | storage fee | 保管費
pøfleeng kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøfleeng | bowling | 保齡
pøfleeng-kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøflengkiuu | bowling ball; bowling | 保齡球
pøflexlioong | styrofoam | 保麗龍
pøflinkiuu | bowling ball | 保齡球
pøfliongkiok | protecting people bureau | 保良局
pøfliuløqlaai | save it; keep it | 保留落來
pøfliute | land reserved for a certain purpose; territory set apart for a certain class of people | 保留地
pøfliuu ee zoe | reserved sin (Catholic) | 保留的罪
pøfliuu | defer; preserving; retain; reservation; preserve; retain (officials); to reserve (a decision) | 保留
pøfloarn | keep warm | 保遠; 保暖
pøfluie | earthwork for defense; fortress | 堡壘
pøfluii | fortress | 堡壘
pøfzerngliin | guarantor | 保證人
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
pøh-lielix | very thin | 極薄的
pøhhvoaxlai | inside revetment | 駁岸內
pøle'aw | glass cup | 玻璃甌
pølee kan'ar | glass bottle | 玻璃矸仔
pølee | glass | 玻璃
pøleiuo'ar | tiny pieces glass | 玻璃幼仔
pølekafn | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølekhix | glassware | 玻璃器; 玻璃器皿
pølekoaxn | glass tubing | 玻璃管
pølekviax | mirror | 玻璃鏡
pølepaan | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølephoex | glass crumbs | 玻璃杮
pølephviear | glass pieces | 玻璃片仔
pølephvix | glass panel | 玻璃片
pølepoear | glass cup | 玻璃杯仔
pølepoef | glass; tumbler | 玻璃杯
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pøletuu | glass cabinet; show case | 玻璃櫥
pølezhaix | cabbage | 玻璃菜; 高麗菜
pølezoar | cellophane | 玻璃紙
pølezw | glass beads | 玻璃珠; 玻璃球
pøløbit | pineapple | 婆羅蜜
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
pøløchiu | pineapple tree | 婆羅樹
pøløsøf | to commend and to appease | 褒囉唆; 褒獎安撫
pøqlea | cheap gift; shabby presents; a meager present; my humble gift (a polite usage) | 薄禮
pøqli tøsiaw | small profits and quick returns (S P Q R); quick turnover | 薄利多銷
pøqli | a narrow margin of profit; small profits; little advantage | 薄利
pøqlisy | very thin; thin; light; slight | 薄如絲; 薄薄的
pøqlo | expose; detect; bring to light; bring out | 暴露
pør`zhutlaai | bail out (of custody) | 保出來
pørernglaq | retribution | 報應啦
pørlo | report the way | 報路
pørloxlaq | report the way | 報路啦
pørzhunlaan | primrose | 報春蘭
pøx laang zay | inform a man | 告人知
pøx zhanle'afoafn | seize opportunity to retaliation; revenge on account of a grudge | 乘機報小恨
pøxlek | violence; brute force; naked force | 暴力
pøxlek-hoaxnzoe | violent crime | 暴力犯罪
pøxlek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pøxli | profiteering; undue profits | 暴利
pøxlioong | tyrannosaurus | 霸龍; 暴龍
pøxlo | expose; disclose; bring a matter to light; debunk | 暴露; 暴怒
pøxloan | a riot; a rebellion; a revolt | 暴亂
pøxlok | to drop suddenly | 暴落
pøxluii | thunder storm | 暴雷
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
sa'aflarng | cloth baset | 衫仔籠
sae lirn-lauxbør | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁老母
sae lirn-niaa | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁娘
saelabhøo | | 塞納河
safnkao siax zwlaang | A lean dog is a disgrace to its owner. A skinny dog brings shame on its owner | 狗瘦主人羞
safnkiløqhiøh | skinny branches with falling leaves | 瘦枝落葉
safnlaang | dkinny huy | 瘦人
safnleeng | production capacity | 產能
safnliong | output; the quantity of output; yield | 產量
safnlym | to drink liquor without eating anything | 瘦凜; 喝酒而沒什麼配菜
safnløx | thin and tall | 瘦高; 又瘦又高
sag`løqkhix | push down | 推落去
saiciørlit | sunshine from west side | 西照日
sailaam | southwest | 西南
sailamhofng | southwest | 西南風
sailekiøo | a bridge on top of the longest river in Taiwan | 西螺橋
saimr`laq | teacher's spuse | 師姆啦
sakløh | thrust | 推落
salaai | bring it | 捎來
salafiuu | salad oil | 沙拉油
salarm | embrace | 相攬; 相抱
saliah | plunder | 捎掠
salongpasuq | Sharon Bass | 沙龍巴斯
sam'unloarn | sauna | 三溫暖
samhoafn liofngzhux | time and again; repeatedly | 三番兩次
samhunliogpheg | souls | 三魂六魄
samkaix-loo | incense burner in worship of three gods | 三界路; 三界公香爐
samkaux-kiwliuu | Lit. the three religions (Confucianism; Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools (Confucianist; Taoist; Astrologist; Legalist; Nominalist; Mohist; Diplomatist; Miscellanist and Agriculturist) ─ people of all walks of life | 三教九流
samkoaan hunlip | separation of the legislative; executive and judicial functions of a government | 三權分立
samkux putli pwnhaang | talk shop frequently when conversing with people outside the talker's own profession; talking about one's own trade | 三句無離本行
samleeng-kviax | a prism | 三棱鏡; 三菱鏡
samleng gvofsyn | repeated orders and injunctions | 三令五申
samliau | pine or fir (material) | 杉料
samseklaang | diversity | 三色人
samsimliofng'ix | undecided; hesitate | 三心兩意
samsip jii lip | thirty years of age; when a man should stand on his own two feet | 三十而立
samsuliofng'ix | 2nd thought | 三思兩意
samsvoarlo | fork | 三線路
samsym liofng'ix | irresolute; vacillating; changeable; waver | 三心兩意
samsyn-gvofleng | give repeated orders | 三申五令
samthiøo-liogpix | resourceful person | 三頭六臂
samtiaau-goanlør | high statesman of three reigns | 三朝元老
samzhelo | junction of three roads | 三岔路
sanliim | forest; forest; mountain forests | 山林
sanliin | mountain people | 山人
sansuylie | | 山水里
saoluii-therng | a minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saoluitherng | minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saoløh | sweep | 掃落
sarn`løqkhix | lost weight | 瘦落去
sarnchiahlaang | poor and miserable person | 散赤人; 窮人
sarnciaqlaang | poor people | 散食人
sarnglaai | send | 送來
sarnglaang | say farewell to someone | 送人
sarnglea | give a gift; give a fee to a teacher or doctor; give a congratulatory present | 送禮; 送禮(物)
sarnglidar | marry date | 送日仔
sarnhenglaang | poor people | 散凶人
sarnhionglaang | poor people | 貧鄉人
sarnlaang | poor person | 窮人
sarnloan | disperse; scatter around; dispersed; scattered; confused; in disorder | 散亂; 分散
satliao | killed | 殺了
satliin | murder | 殺人
satliok | slaughter, massacre | 殺戮
saxng langkheq | see a guest off | 送客人
saxng lefbut | present a gift | 送禮物
saxng-lefmih | give a gift | 送禮物
saylang | teasing | 使弄
saylee | plow the field with an ox-drawn plow | 耕田; 耕犁
sayliø | shit and urine | 屎尿
saylong | incite; provoke; secretly instigate trouble for another person | 煽動; 使弄; 唆使; 慫恿
sayløee | plough back | 駛犁
saysae`leq | after driving a person so hard, after using a man rudely | 使使咧
sea'ilaq | mistress | 細姨啦
sea-bøexkhylaai | stain incapable of being washed off; indelible | 洗無起來
sea-bøexlud | incapable of being washed off; indelible | 洗無掉
seahonglidha | the world is going down | 世風日下
seakaix kieliok | world record | 世界紀錄
seakaix tiauliuu | world trends; trend of the times | 世界潮流
seakanlaang | human | 世間人
sealat | little strength | 細力
sealek hoaxn'uii | one's sphere of influence; one's domain | 勢力範圍
sealek | power; influence; power; influence | 勢力
seali | careful; snobbish; cautious; prudent | 小心; 勢利
seali`ee | careful | 細膩的
sealiabcie | little guy | 細粒子
sealiap | little one | 細粒
sealih | small rent or tear (in a garment) | 小裂
sealixgarn | cautious | 小心眼
sealo | little street | 小路
sealui | subcategory | 細類
sealun | world theory | 世論
sealut | tax rate | 稅率
seapaw hunliet | cell division | 細胞分裂
seaputliofnglip | enemy; swear not to stand side by side with the enemy between heaven and earth | 誓不兩立
seasealiab'ar | little | 細細粒仔
seasealuyar | little flower or small eyes | 細細蕊仔
seasioglaang | people other than Buddhist monks and nuns | 世俗人
seatiaulo'ar | small ally | 細條路仔
seflea | baptism | 洗禮
sefliao | washed | 洗了
sefnglat | save energy or labor | 省力
sefngliau | save material | 省料
sefngliok huhø | ellipsis; apostrophe; abbreviation | 省略符號
sefngliok | to abbreviate; to abridge; to omit; omit; abridge; omission; abridgement | 省略
sefnglip haghau | school chartered by the provincial government | 省立學校
sefnglip | provincial; established by the provincial government | 省立
sefngpurn tøli | making large profits with small capital | 省本多利
seglaang | acquaintance | 熟人
seglien | practiced; skilled | 熟練
segliuoliux | practiced; experienced | 熟溜溜; 精通; 精湛
seglo | well acquainted road | 熟路
segsaixlaang | an acquaintance | 熟似人
seh cidliexn | go round in a circle; take a short walk and come back again; (a wheel) makes a revolution | 繞一圈; 轉一圈
sehtøsiaxlaq | say thanks | 說多謝啦
sek'ernglun | adaptation theory | 適應論; 適應說
sekkhialaai | sweetsop; sugar-apple | 釋迦梨
seklai zonghoong | indoor decoration | 室內裝璜
seklai | chamber; in the room; indoor (as opposed to outdoor) | 室內
sekleeng | suitable or right age; the required age (for schooling; military service; marriage) | 適齡
sekliau | color material | 色料; 顏料
seklieen | in the past | 昔年
sekliong | right amount | 適量
seklo | to stop one's anger | 息怒
sekloong | lecher | 色狼
seksu lengjiin | settle disputes and bring peace | 息事寧人
selaam | west-south | 西南
selafng | loose | 疏櫳
selamhofng | southwest | 西南方
selampeeng | southwest side | 西南爿
selampo | southwest | 西南部
selangselafng | loose | 疏櫳疏櫳
selek | Christian era; A.D.; Gregorian calendar | 西曆
selenium | selenium | 硒
seløtien | | 西羅殿
seng'ioglek | fertility | 生育力
seng'ioglut | birth rate | 生育率
seng'oah kileeng | vital functions | 生活機能
seng'oaqkhoanlai | in the life circle | 生活圈內
seng'oaqlo | way of life | 生活路
seng'oaqlok | life record | 生活錄
sengbexnglek | vitality | 生命力
sengbut-lui | animals | 生物類
senghaglut | enrollment rate | 升學率
sengjii ioglie | give birth to children and rear them | 生兒育女
sengkaf libgiap | get married and start a business (said of a man reaching adulthood) | 成家立業
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
senglaai | come first | 先來
senglarm | manage or undertake a task; project | 承攬
senglea | immolation; meat offerings; offerings of flesh to the dead or the gods | 牲禮; 牲醴; 葷祭
sengleeng | living being | 生靈
senglegkwn | fresh troops | 生力軍
senglie hagciar | physiologist | 生理學者
senglie oexsefng | physiology and hygienics | 生理衛生
senglie | physiology; business; trade | 生理; 生意
senglie-hak | physiology | 生理學
senglie-oexsefng | physiology and hygiene | 生理衛生
senglie-tviuu | place of business | 生意場; 生理場; 商場
senglieen luygoat | year after year; month after month | 成年累月
senglieen | become an adult; grow up; adult; come of age; to reach adulthood | 成年
senglieen-laang | adult | 生年人; 成年人
senglienlea | coming-of-age ceremony | 成年禮
senglii-swpiet | separation in life and parting at death ─ the bitterest of sorrows to man | 生離死別
sengliin | adult | 成人
senglin | admit | 承認
senglip taixhoe | inaugural meeting (of an organization) | 成立大會
senglip | establish; found; establish; found; come into existence (e.g.; an organization or society) | 成立
senglo | rage | 盛怒
senglogsw | written agreement | 承諾書; 同意書
senglok | promise; agree to...; to consent | 承諾
senglok-sw | written consent | 承諾書
sengluo | gave birth to a daughter | 生女
senglybin | business | 生意面
senglyhak | physiology | 生理學
senglyhor | business oriented person | 生理虎
senglykaix | business | 生理界
senglylaang | business man; businessman | 生意人; 商人
senglysiong | physiologically | 生理上
senglytviuu | business world; affairs of trade; the business district | 生意場
senglyzhuix | tricks of the trade: saying what is not exactly true | 生意嘴
sengsafnlek | productivity | 生產力
sengsafnliong | production | 生產量
sengsarn-lek | productive capacity | 生產力
sengseg kuxle | speak in a harsh tone and with a severe expression | 聲色俱厲
sengsenglo | Indian cattle egret (bird) | 聲聲鷺; 黃鷺
sengsidlek | reproductive powers | 生殖力
sengsit kileeng | reproductive functions | 生殖機能
sengtiofnglut | growth rate | 成長率
seqhngxlo | route the long way | 踅遠路
seqkholiexn | go round in a circle | 踅箍輾
seqlaiseqkhix | go round in a circle | 踅來踅去
seqlethuy | spiral ladder | 踅螺梯
seqlierntngr | go round in a circle | 踅輾轉
seqlinlofng | children round in a circle | 轉圈子; 繞圈子
seqlinlongbea | merry go round horse | 踅玲瑯馬
seqseqliam | nagging | 踅踅念
serngkalaan | | 聖佳蘭
sernglea | sacrament | 聖禮; 戢禮
serngleeng | efficiency; performance; qualities and capabilities of machinery | 性能
serngli | victory (not only in battles) | 勝利
sernglixciar | winner | 勝利者
sernglole | sex slave | 性奴隸
serngluo | holy woman, saint | 聖女
serngpoglek | sex violent | 性暴力
serngtaxn lauxlaang | Santa Claus | 聖誕老人
serngtaxn lefbut | Christmas gift | 聖誕禮物
seviulaang | westerners | 西洋人
seviuu liauxlie | Western cooking | 西洋料理
seviuu-laang | occidentals, westerners, European | 西洋人
sex pud liofnglip | to vow to fight till oneself or the other party falls | 誓無兩立
sexngliaang | take a rest under tree shadow | 乘涼
sexnglioong khoaesaix | ideal son-in-law | 乘龍快婿
si`laq | yes | 是啦
siablau kunky | let out military secrets | 洩漏軍機
siablau piebit | leak a secret | 洩漏秘密
siablau thienky | disclose a divine secret | 洩漏天機
siablau | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 洩漏
siablo | disclose; reveal | 洩露
siaflag`khix | write out | 寫掉去
siaflau | write omission | 寫漏
siafli | writing | 寫字
siafliao | finish writing | 寫了
siafløqlaai | wrote it down | 寫落來
siafmlaq | stay away | 閃啦
siafmli | avoid, get out of the way | 閃離
siag`løqlaai | dash on the ground | 摔下來
siakløqlaai | fell down | 摔落來
sialaang | sell on credit | 賒賬
sialeeng | evil spirit, demon | 邪靈; 魔鬼
sialiam | evil thoughts or intentions | 邪念
sialo | evil way | 邪路
sialongkwn | Taiwanese love story main character | 蛇郎君
siang laixbin ee laang | persons living in the same house | 同一家人
siangchiuo baxnleeng | with these two hands one can work miracles | 雙手萬能
sianghie limbuun | have simultaneously two happy events in a family (as a son getting married on his father's birthday) | 雙喜臨門
siangkølun | southern Taiwan pastry | 雙糕潤
sianglaang | two people | 雙人
sianglangpaai | two people brand | 雙人牌
siangliau | thick; firm (said of goods or people) | 雙料
sianglie | assistant manager (in bank) | 襄理
sianglieen | double connection | 雙連
siangluie | two flowers (eyes) | 雙朵; (兩隻眼睛)
siangzhelo | branching roads; forked road | 雙叉路; 交叉路
siangzheloxkhao | double junction | 雙叉路口
siaoliam | give thought to (a person); to miss (something or someone) | 想念
siaolie | a girl; a young woman; young girl | 少女
siaolieen hoatteeng | juvenile court | 少年法庭
siaolieen løfseeng | young but competent; accomplished though young | 少年老成
siaolieen soxng hu | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
siaolieen zoexhoan | juvenile criminal | 少年罪犯
siaolieen | young man; be young; boy; a juvenile; a youth | 少年; 年輕人
siaolieen-hoan | a juvenile delinquent | 少年犯
siaolieen-laang | young people | 少年人
siaolieen-sitai | boyhood, girlhood, youth | 少年時代
siaolien'ar | young people | 少年仔
siaolien'ee | young people | 少年的
siaolienhoan | juvenile offender | 少年犯
siaolienhviaf | young man | 少年兄
siaolienkear | young people | 少年家仔
siaolienkef | young man | 年輕人
siaolienkhuix | youthful | 少年氣
siaolienlaang | young person; a youth | 少年人
siaolienpoex | young generation | 少年輩
siaoliensii | youthhood | 少年時
siaoluo | girlish; young lady; maid; girl | 少女
siap`zhutlaai | ooze or leak out in small quantities (through a crack) | 洩出來
siaplaai | Formosan crabapple | 澀梨
siaplai | Formosan crabapple | 澀內; 海棠
siaqliuu | pomegranate | 石榴
siarliawliao | diarrhea | 卸了了
siarlim | resign | 卸任
siarlixzuo | relic | 舍利子
siarm-bølo | have no way of escape | 閃無路; 無路可逃
siarmliø | urine oozing | 滲尿
siarmsayliø | shit | 滲屎尿
siarzeklim | shirk responsibility | 卸責任
siauhoax putlioong | indigestion; dyspepsia | 消化無良
siaukud-løqbaq | skinny | 消骨落肉
siaulaang | crazy people | 痟人; 臺灣肖楠
siaulap | digest | 消納; 消化
siauli | melt away | 消濾; 溶解
siauliaang | to amuse .. at; pastime; recreation; pass away the time | 消涼
siauliao | sold out | 銷了
siauliong | sales volume | 銷量
siaulo | salability; a market; market for goods; circulation or sales | 銷路
siauløqkhix | fade away | 消落去
siausafnløqbaq | lost weights | 消瘦落肉
siausarn løqbaq | become very weak and thin | 消瘦憔悴
siausid lengthofng | well informed | 消息靈通
siausiuxliong | sales volume | 銷售量
siawkhao lengloong | delicate and fragile; small; trim; and lovely (woman); small and exquisite (decorative item) | 小巧玲瓏
siawlaam | crazy man | 痟男
siawlaang | lunatic; madman; crazy man | 瘋子
siawlii | children | 小兒
siawliin | unethical person | 小人
siawliong | a sprinkle, a small quantity | 小量
siawluo | little girl; my daughter (self-depreciatory term) | 小女; (謙稱自己的女兒)
siawphyliern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siawthamløqkhix | lost weight | 痟貪落去
siax ho padlaang | relieve oneself of responsibility; spread infectious diseases | 推給他人
siaxhoe hokli suxgiap | social welfare work | 社會福利事業
siaxhoe hokli | social welfare | 社會福利
siaxhoe kaylioong | social reform | 社會改良
siaxhoe konglun | public opinion | 社會公論
siaxhoe simlie | social psychology (as a phenomenon) | 社會心理
siaxhoe simlyhak | social psychology (as a science) | 社會心理學
siaxlai | community | 社內
siaxlaixkef | community streets | 社內街
siaxlea | honorarium; remuneration; stipend; gift sent as a token of gratitude; a present in return | 謝禮
siaxlie | village | 社里
siaxliuu | pomegranate | 石榴
siaxlun | an editorial | 社論
siaxmlør | provide for the elderly | 養老
siaxnglaang | same person | 同人
siaxnglui | men or things of the same sort | 同類
siaxngløqboea | the last | 上落尾
sibjixlo | cross roads | 十字路
sibjixloxkhao | cross-roads; intersection | 十字路口
sibjixloxterng | intersection | 十字路頂
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
siblixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
siblixkex | cross | 十字架
siblixlo | intersection | 十字路
sibzoanlo | perfect road | 十全路
sid`laang | real person | 實人
sidbut hunluixhak | classificatory botany | 植物分類學
sidbut liauhoad | diet therapy | 食物療法
sidbut pvexlyhak | phytopathology | 植物病理學
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidbut-tixliaau | therapy by food-control, food-control therapy | 食物治療
sidcien lunlyhak | practical ethics | 實踐倫理學
sidgiam longtviuu | experimental farm | 實驗農場
sidgiam simlyhak | experimental psychology | 實驗心理學
sidgiam-lun | postivism | 實驗論
sidlai | inside diameter; interior size (length of room or house measured within the walls) | 內徑; 裏面實積
sidle | actual instance, real example | 實例
sidlek | strength; strength (often said of collective strength; including resources and potentialities); real power; merit; efficiency | 實力
sidli | net profit | 淨利; 實利
sidliaau | diet | 食療
sidliau | food; provisions; groceries; foodstuffs | 食料
sidlie | principle, actually practised, utility | 實理
sidliong | food intake; quantity of food one consumes; capacity for eating | 食量; 實量
sidlok | draw government pay; be in public service; salary of an official | 食祿
sidlun | realism | 實論
sidthionglui | insectivores (zoology) | 食蟲類
sidzai-lun | realism | 實在論
sie bølaang khaux | May you die with none to lament for you! | 死了沒人哭
sie-liawliao | they are all dead | 死了了
sie-loaxlaang | kill one's self so as to cause trouble to one's opponent ─ entreat to urgently | 死賴人
sie`laq | dead | 死了
siekhof-lirntngr | surrounding; in every direction | 四箍輾轉; 四周圍
siekholierntngr | on every side; in every direction; | 四箍輾轉
siekuolieen | quartet | 四句聯
siekuolien'ar | quartet | 四句聯仔
sielaang | one's whole life | 世人; 一輩子
sielamsuii | tearful; tears welling up | 四南垂; 眼淚汪汪流
sieliap | four pieces | 四粒
sieliaxmhox | tied at right angles (with string) | 四捻耗; 綁十字綁
sieliern | Four wheels (feet) pointing skyward (a car; person; or animal upended) | 四腳; (四輪)朝天
sieniwlaang | Insignificant people | 四兩人
sienle | precedent | 先例
sienlie | angel | 仙女
sienliet | advance | 先列
sienlii | fairy donkey | 仙驢
sienliin | immortal | 仙人
sienluo | angel | 仙女
sienlwee | angel shoes | 仙女鞋
siensvilaang | doctor; teacher | 先生人
siensvilea | school fees, tutor's fees | 先生禮; 教師薪水
siernløh | slap off | 搧落
sietlaai | design | 設來
sietlip | to establish; erect; establish (a school; society); to set up | 設立
siexnlaam | good man | 善男
siexnlaang | good man | 善人
siexnlamsirnlie | religious people | 善男信女
siexnlamsirnluo | religious people | 善男信女
siexnlang'ar | gecko | 蟬蟲仔; 壁虎
siexnliam | kindness | 善念
siexnlioong | gentle; abide to the low | 善良
siexnliw | eel | 鱔鰡
siexnluo | good girl | 善女
sih`løqkhix | light went off | 閃落去
sii thaulo | quit office (one's job) | 辭職
sii`laang | dismissed | 辭人
sikanlai | in time | 時間內
sileng | season, time | 時令
siliaau | operate a free medical clinic | 時設; 義診
siliin | poet | 詩人
silioong | velvet | 絲絨
silit | date and time | 時日
siliø | whistle to encourage the child to urinate | 噓尿
silut | poetry | 詩律
sim'afn lyteg | have achieved a perfect peace of mind; feel no qualm | 心安理得
simhied laitiaau | hit upon a sudden idea; have a brain storm | 心血來潮
simhoaf buxnliuo | seek carnal pleasure (said of a male) | 尋花問柳
simkonghefliet | heart frenzy | 心狂火熱
simkvoaf liaqzai | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 拿定主意
simkvoalai | in the heart | 心肝內
simlai | inner heart; in one's heart; in one's mind; mentally | 心內; 心裏; 內心; 心裏,內心
simlaixix | inwardly | 心內意
simlaixoe | inner words | 心內話
simlaixpiaq | inner wall of the heart | 心內壁
simlaixsu | inner matter | 心內事
simlat | mental power, vigor, mental strength | 心力
simleeng | spirit; mind; mind; spirit; spiritual; mental | 心靈
simlek | mental power, vigor, mental strength | 心力
simlenghak | psychics; spiritualism | 心靈學
simlengsiong | spiritual | 心靈上
simliam | thnk of | 心念
simlie hagciar | psychologist | 心理學者
simlie hagkaf | psychologist | 心理學家
simlie hiexnsiong | mental phenomena | 心理現象
simlie hunseg | psychoanalysis | 心理分析
simlie isefng | psychiatrist | 心理醫生
simlie kiexnkhofng | mental health | 心理健康
simlie oexsefng | mental hygiene | 心理衛生
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
simlie zhekgiam | psychological test | 心理測驗
simlie zok'iong | imaginary perception; mental reaction | 心理作用
simlie zoxngthaix | state of mind | 心理狀態
simlie | mental; mentality; psychological; mentality; thought and ideas; psychology; mental; psychogenic | 心理
simlie-ciexn | psychological warfare | 心理戰
simlie-hagkaf | psychologist | 心理學家
simlie-hak | psychology | 心理學
simlie-siong | psychologically, mentally | 心理上
simliim | forest | 森林
simlimsvoax | forest line | 森林線
simlioong | ginseng | 參茸
simlo | spirit experience | 心路
simloan | perplexed, confused | 心亂
simloexmoh | endocardium | 心內膜
simloong | pericardium | 心囊
simlorng | happy heart | 心朗
simluie | center of a flower | 心朵; 芯蕊
simlut | heart rhythm | 心律
simlyciexn | psychological warfare | 心理戰
simlyhak | psychology | 心理學
simlysiong | mental; mentally | 心理上
simløo-baxnsiong | all things in the universe; the (whole) universe | 森羅萬象
simpag ee laang | trusted person; very intimate friend; confidential adviser | 心腹之人
simpuaflee | depressed; withdrawn; remote; conduct of one with an inferiority complex | 媳婦仔螺; 孤伶; 羞澀; 愕呆狀
simsym-liaxmliam | mindful | 心心念念
simte siexnlioong | good natured; kindhearted | 心地善良
sinhwn lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 新婚旅行
sinkaf lanpør | live in great danger; no safety for oneself and dependents | 身家難保
sinkefng koanlengpve | neurosis | 神經官能病
sinkefng zhørloan | nervous disorder; mental disorder | 神經錯亂
sinky logseeng | the completion of a new house | 新居落成
sinlaai | having just come or arrived | 新來
sinlaang | people of a new type; new personality; talent; newlywed | 新人
sinlat | charismatic power, spiritual strength | 神力
sinle | modern custom | 新例; 新習慣
sinleeng | gods; spirits | 神靈
sinleeng-kaix | spiritual world | 神靈界
sinlek | solar calendar | 陽曆; 神力; 新曆
sinliaau | new village | 新寮
sinlim | new | 新任
sinlioong | spiritual food | 神糧; 靈糧
sinliukarm | new flu | 新流感
sinlo | new road | 新路
sinloghngg | new paradise | 新樂園
sinlongciorng | Shennong award | 神農獎
sinloo | servant; staff | 新僕
sinloong | bridegroom | 新郎
sinlun | essay | 申論
sinluo | prostitute; harlot; whore | 神女; 喜鵲
sinlut | divine law | 神律
sinluxntee | thesis | 申論題
sinløo | travail; great care or effort; pains; exertions | 辛勞; 夥計
sinniupanglai | in the bridal room | 新娘房內
sinpu`laq | bride | 新婦啦
sinsefng hurnlien | Student orientation at the beginning of a school year | 新生訓練
sinsioklek | elasticity | 伸縮力
sinsvef-lea | school fees, tutor's fees | 先生禮; 教師薪金
sinthea legheeng | practice what one preaches | 身體力行
siofngsiong-lek | power of imagination | 想像力
siofngsioxnglek | imagination; imaginative power | 想像力
siogle | customary practice | 俗例
siogleeng | spiritual | 俗靈; 屬靈的
siokbeng-lun | fatalism | 宿命論
siokbeng-luxnciar | fatalist | 宿命論者
siokbexnglun | fatalism | 宿命論
sioklie | gentlewomen; ladies; unmarried girls of respectable reputation; good; clever woman | 淑女
sioklip | come to attention; stand upright in respectful attention | 肅立
siokluo | lady | 淑女
sioklychiaf | lady's car | 淑女車
siongle | regular order or procedures; usual or common practices | 常例
sionglegchiu | evergreen trees | 常綠樹
sionglek-chiu | an evergreen | 常綠樹
siongliaq | scars | 傷跡
sionglie | assistant manager; assistant manager (of a bank); to assist in managing a matter | 襄理
sionglieen | to join; to connect; joined; connected; in ordinary years; regular | 常年; 相連
siongliin | mutual sympathy | 相憐
sionglioong | consult; discuss; talk over; advise; consult; exchange opinions or views; discuss; discussion | 商量
siongluie | tired | 相累
sionglut | commercial law | 商律
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongthienhaixlie | hurting the world- immoral | 傷天害理
siorngphvie'lai | in the photo | 相片內
sioxngliuu jinsu | classes contrasted with the masses | 上流人士
sioxngliuu kaikib | higher classes | 上流階級
sioxngliuu siaxhoe | higher classes | 上流社會
sioxngliuu | upflow; gentility; upper stream of a river; high society | 上流
sioxngtefnglaang | upper class level | 上等人
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
siq`løqkhix | the water recedes | 蝕落去; 消落去
sirngiorng liauhoad | faith healing | 信仰療法
sirnliam | belief; conviction; faith | 信念
sirnlie | female Buddhist disciple | 信女
sirnlim | trust | 信任
sirnluo | believer- female | 信女
sirnsviulai | in the mailbox | 信箱內
sisu phenglun | editorial commentary; news analysis | 時事評論
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sitchietlut | theft rate | 失竊率
sitgiablut | unemployment rate | 失業率
sithaulo | resign | 辭頭路
sitlanglea | lost manner | 失人禮
sitlat | lose strength, become weak | 失力; 無力
sitlea | disrespect; impoliteness; commit a breach of etiquette; be impolite; be rude; I beg your pardon for my want of politeness | 失禮
sitlea`oq | rude | 失禮喔
sitleeng | fail to operate properly, fail to work | 失能; 失靈
sitli | suffer a defeat or setback | 失利
sitliah | lose one's prestige or reputation | 失拘
sitlit | eclipse | 蝕日
sitlo | lose one's way | 失路
sitloaan | disappointed in love; broken hearted | 失戀
sitløh | lose; lost; lose | 失落
siu liongsym ee zekpi | suffer remorse | 受良心的責備
siujiblaai`ee | from income | 收入來的
siukiøo poflo | Lit. repair or build bridges and mend roads ─ works of merit | 修橋補路
siulaai | receive | 收來
siulap | accept (something); adopt | 收納
siularm jinsym | win the people's hearts | 收攬人心
siularm | collect extensively; win (the people's hearts) | 收攬
siulea | accept a present or gift | 收禮
siuliafmzef | astringents | 收斂劑
siuliam | put a corpse into a coffin; coffining rites | 收殮
siuliao | received | 收了
siuliarm | collect (tax; grain); draw together; to contract; become less flagrant in behavior | 收斂; 收殮
siuliawliao | removed thoroughly | 收了了
siuliawliawaq | removed thoroughly | 收了了矣
siulie | mend; repair; recondition; to repair (slang) to fix or torture | 修理; 修女
siulien | practice asceticism; cultivate one's physical and mental capabilities according to Taoist rules | 修鍊; 修練
siuliok | included | 收錄
siulip | income | 收入
siuliuu | give shelter to (a person); detain; to harbor; take in (orphans or refugees) | 收留
siulixli | takeaway | 收離離
siulo | street repair | 修路
siulok | included | 收錄
siuloxky | steam roller | 修路機
siuluo | nun; sister; vestal | 修女
siulwsefng | aspirant (Catholic) | 修女生
siulycide | repair | 修理一下
siuløh | reward | 酬勞
siuløkym | reward | 酬勞金
siuløo | remunerate; reward | 酬勞
siuo ciamlefjit | observe a feast day or holy day | 守瞻禮日
siuo kuilut | observe discipline | 守規律
siuo tionglip | observe neutrality; keep away from disputes or conflicts | 守中立
siuole | elegant; beautiful; graceful | 秀麗
siuolui | animals; fauna | 獸類
siusip henglie | make preparations for a trip; get the baggage ready | 收拾行李
siusiukhylai'aq | collect | 收收起來矣
siusixlut | ratings | 收視率
siuxhenglaang | prisoner | 受刑人
siuxhengliin | prisoner | 受刑人
siuxkhix-lagtoaq | be very short with (a person); be hopping mad | 怒氣沖天
siuxlan | suffer trials and tribulation | 受難
siuxlap | be accepted | 受納
siuxlaxnciar | sufferer | 受難者
siuxlea | birthday gifts | 壽儀; 壽禮
siuxliah | be arrested | 受捉; 被捕
siuxlie | be accepted by a court for prosecution (said of a legal case); accept (a petition; complaint) | 受理
siuxlieen | longevity couplets; couplets presented to a person on his birthday wishing him a long life | 壽聯
siuxthokliin | rustee | 受託人
siw-bøextngr`laai | words cannot be recalled; (debts) cannot be collected | 收無回來
siw`khylaai | accept; receive; put away; to collect | 收起來; 收下
siwciamlea | to observe feasts | 守瞻禮
siwho-lwsiin | patroness | 守護女神
siwlah | hunting; chase; venery | 狩獵
siwleeng | keep watch by a corpse | 守靈
siwlerng | raja; Lit. head and neck ─ leader; chief | 首領
siwliao | kept | 守了
siwzailoo | miser; niggard | 守財奴
sixafnzvoar`laq | why? | 是按怎啦
sixlai | inside the temple | 寺內
sixlat | eyesight, power of vision | 視力
sixlegpiør | sight testing chart; visual acuity chart | 視力表
sixlek kiafmzaf | test of visual power | 視力檢查
sixlek zhekgiam | vision test; visual acuity test | 視力測驗
sixlek | eyesight; power of vision; vision; visual acuity | 視力
sixtoaxlaang | a superior; parents | 序大人; 長上; 父母
sizofng tiefnlarm | fashion show | 時裝展覽
siøciwlee | snail marinated with alcohol | 燒酒螺
siøf-liensoax | continuously | 相連續
siøf-lientoax | relatives; objects or associates so closely connected that when you take away one the other comes with it | 相連帶
siøfkelang'ar | small chicken kage | 小雞籠仔
siøflegthaang | little green worm | 小綠蟲
siøfli | small profit | 小利
siøfliabcie | little twerp; a short person | 小粒子; 身材短小
siøflibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøflikhøf | pediatrics | 小兒科
siøfliong | a sprinkle; a small quantity; minor amount | 小量
siøfliukiutør | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球島
siøfliukiuu | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球
siøflo | path; trail | 小路
siøflo'ar | path | 小路仔
siøflui | small item | 小類
siøfmoe`laq | younger sister | 小妹啦
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpurn tøli | small capital and great profits | 小本多利
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøhlat | cherish strength | 惜力
siøhliøh | careful, carefully | 惜略; 小心(用)
siøkhanlieen | implicated | 相牽連
siølam | mixed together | 混合; 摻在一起
siølarm | embrace together | 相擁
siølerng | heat and cold, temperature | 燒冷; 冷熱
siøliaam | joined together | 相黏; 粘在一塊
siøliao | burned | 燒了
siøliarmchiuo | direct; guide; give directions in secret | 相捏手; 暗中指點
siøliawliao | burned down | 燒了了
siølieen | connected; successively; in rapid succession | 相連
siølienciab | connected | 相連接
siøliensoax | continuously | 相連紲
siølin | recognize one another | 相認
siøliorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøloah | fever | 燒熱
siøloo | stove; furnace; burner; heater | 火爐; 烤爐; 燒爐
siøloxng | bump into each other | 相撞
siølø | pleasantly warm (weather or food), uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 燒暖; 燒烙; 溫暖
siøløafsiølø | cozy | 燒烙仔燒烙
siøløf | pleasantly warm (weather or food); uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 暖和; 心痛; 過度花費
siøløh | pleasantly warm (weather or food); uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 暖和; 心痛; 過度花費
siør-lionghee | crayfish | 小龍蝦
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
siør-zuyliux | small water pipet | 小水鷚
siøsutlo | miss; let slip | 相捽路; 擦身而過
siøzhutlo | pass each other on the road without knowing it; miss each other on the road; to cross (letters) | 相出路; 互相錯過
siøzuyloo | water heater | 燒水爐; 熱水爐
sngfliao | played | 耍了
sngfsngr`leq | just in fun, flirt with, play pranks, for joke | 玩玩咧
sngftngxlaang | spoiler | 損斷人
snglafm | slightly sour or acid; so as to be pleasant to the taste | 酸罩; 略微酸酸的
snglamtvy | slightly sour and sweet; so as to be pleasant to the taste | 酸攬甜; 又酸又甜
snglerng | ice-cold | 酸冷; 冰冷
sngrkhylaai | count it up | 算起來
sngrlaai-sngrkhix | count or consider over and over again | 算來算去
sngrlangthaau | count the number of people | 算人頭
sngrsngx`leq | roughly count | 算算咧
sngrzhutlaai | figure it out | 算出來
sngtarngloxsib | frost and dew | 霜凍露溼
sngx-zaixlai | reckon with, include in counting | 算在內
soaflaai | push | 徙來
soafli | remove, move apart | 移離; 遷離
soafloan | chaos | 徙亂
soafn`laai | came | 旋來
soahliao | end; finale; come to an end | 完了
soahliawtai | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
soalau | sandglass | 沙漏; 過濾器
soaliab'ar | sand grains | 砂粒仔
soaliap | sand grains | 沙粒
soaliefnky | grinder | 沙輪機
soaliw | loach | 沙鰍
soalo | pond heron | 苍鹭; 沼鷺
soalun | dune | 沙崙
soanlut | rhythm; canto; tune; melody | 旋律
soanpox toglip | declaration of independence | 宣佈獨立
soarløqkhix | next | 紲落去
soarløqlaai | next | 紲落來
soarløqlaioq | next | 紲落來喔
soarn`zhutlaai | voted | 選出來
soarnlioong | minced garlic | 蒜茸
soat'hoglek | power of persuasion | 說服力
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soax`løqkhix | next | 紲落去
soe'aflaang | person be out of luck | 山大人; 倒霉的人
soeagoat juu liuu | the months and years run by like a stream; time and tide wait for no man | 歲月如流
soeali | tax collectors; tax officials | 稅吏
soealiabcie | fine particles; may also describe a person who is tiny | 細粒子
soealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
soebeftøxliin | person who tends to have bad lucks | 衰尾道人
soeflea | baptism | 洗禮
soelau | infirmity of old age; senility | 衰老
soeliok | weak | 衰弱
soeløh | decline; turndown; fading; decline and fall (of a nation; family fortune); go into oblivion | 衰落
sof jii putlau | is loose but never misses ─ (justice) is slow but inexorable; The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow but they grind exceedingly fine | 疏而無漏
sog khylaai | bind (with a band) | 束起來
sokkaf lok'ar | plastic bags; vinyl bags | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaliab'ar | P.V.C. compound | 塑膠粒仔
sokkalok'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠橐仔
sokkate'aflai | inside plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔內
soklut | speed; rate; velocity | 速率
soløo | to call together, to collect | 唆使; 搜羅
somliim | forest | 森林
somlimhak | forestry | 森林學
somlimhe | department of forestry (in a university) | 森林系
somlimhoad | forestry law | 森林法
somlioong | ginseng | 參茸
songlea | funeral rites | 喪禮
sorlaai | heretofore; up till now; up to the present | 素來
sorlaang | several people | 數人
sorli | number | 數字
sorlieen juu itjit | with perseverance and consistency | 數年如一日
sorliong | the amount; quantity | 數量
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sorngsid liongsym | lost one's conscience | 喪失良心
sorsimlaan | cymbidium (orchid) | 素心蘭
sorsiong taixlyjiin | legal representative | 訴訟代理人
su ie paixlo | story is out | 事已敗露
su-loong-kafng-siofng | scholars; farmers; workers and merchants ─ the social castes of old China; in that order | 士農工商
subunlaang | polished person; cultured people | 斯文人
sudliawliao | ate them all | 術了了
suhhuihloong | bloodsucker | 欶血狼
suhlaang | extraction of pus | 吸膿; 吸血
suhlefng | suck milk | 吸乳; 吮乳
suhliawliao | suck them all | 欶了了
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
suhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
suie`laq | pretty | 媠啦
suilaang laai | coming forward one by one | 隨人來; 個別來
suilaang | independently; every man for himself | 隨人; 各隨人; 各管個的
suilangciah | one by one eating separately; as in a cafeteria; start a separate family | 隨人吃; 個別吃; 分伙
suiliab'afsuiliap | one at a time | 隨粒仔隨粒
suiliam | have gracious thoughts towards | 垂念
suilieen | although | 雖然
suiliin | your kindly compassion | 垂憐
suiliuo | weeping willow | 垂柳; 水柳,垂柳
suilui | to shed tears | 垂淚
suiløh | hang down | 垂落
suiløqlaai | hang down | 垂落來
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
suiwliim | privately owned forest or woodland | 私有林
suizaixlie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨在你
sujip soealut | import tariff | 輸入稅率
sukhøflek | power to think; analyze and speculate | 思考力
sulaang | inferior to other people | 輸人; 地位低的人
suleng | commander | 司令; 辭令; 司令官
suleng-kvoaf | prefect | 司令官
sulexngkvoaf | commander | 司令官; 司令
sulexngpo | headquarters | 司令部
sulexngtaai | review stand | 司令台
suli | expedience; one's own interests (account); self-interest; personal gains | 私利
suliam | think of; remember; remember or miss (the old days; friends; parents); to recall | 思念
suliao | lost | 輸了
suliawliao | lost all | 輸了了
suliet | sequence, order | 私立
suliin | private | 私人
sulip haghau | Private School | 私立學校
sulip | private; established by a person; established by a private; private operated or established by private funds (usually said of schools; hospitals) | 私立
sulo | one's way of thinking | 思路
suloaan | cherish the memory of | 思戀
suloong | private pocket | 私囊
sulu | consideration; consider; careful weighing | 思慮; 思濾
sului | document; documents; papers | 書類; 詞彙; 文書; 辭類
suluixzhutlaai | part of speech | 詞類出來
sunhoee cynliausor | traveling clinic | 巡迴診療所
sunlaai | patrol | 巡來
sunlan | die as a martyr or patriot | 殉難
sunlea | pilgrimage to a holy land | 巡禮; (聖地朝拜)
sunli | net profit | 純利
sunlie | comply with the custom or rule, reasonable | 循理
sunlieen | pure | 純然
sunlioong | gentle and good; pure; trustworthy; kind; honest; good | 純良; 馴良
sunlok | reindeer | 馴鹿
sunluo | granddaughter | 孫女
sunløchiaf | patrol car | 巡邏車
sunløo | patrol; patrol; make the inspection rounds | 巡邏; 巡警
sunløo-therng | a patrol craft, a patrol ship | 巡邏艇
sunløo-tui | a patrol team | 巡邏隊
sunløtherng | patrol boat | 巡邏艇
sunløtui | military patrol | 巡邏隊
sunviulam | cruiser | 巡洋艦
sunviuu-lam | cruiser (ship) | 巡洋艦
suo buu cienle | unprecedented in history | 史無前例
suohwn gvofliet | fall to pieces; total disintegration | 四分五裂
suokibølat | weak limbs | 四肢無力
suomar lantuy | team of four horses cannot overtake ─ a spoken word | 駟馬難追
supwlynguq | springs in a easy chair or sofa; bed springs | 彈簧
suq kionglegkoo | suck glue; sucker | 吸強力膠
suq lefng | sucking breast milk | 欶奶
susiorng loggvor | old-fashioned in thinking; out-dated ideas | 思想落伍
susuliaxmliam | miss badly | 思思念念
sutlerng | head; lead (troops; team); to head (a mission) | 率領
sutliawliao | ate them all | 捽了了
suxbu koafnlie | office administration (management) | 事務管理
suxle | case | 事例
suxlie | principles involved; way of doing business | 事理
suxliet | sequence | 序列
suxliok | fried fact | 事略
suxlip | erect; implant | 豎立
suxloong | servant | 侍郎
suxlun | preface; foreword; introduction | 緒論; 序論; 敘論
suxn'exng tiauliuu | conform to modern trends; go with the tide | 順應潮流
suxnlaau | favorable tide | 順流
suxnli | easy; smooth; without any snags; going smoothly; easy (going); having no trouble; encountering no difficulties | 順利
suxnlie | logically | 順理
suxnliuu | downstream | 順流
suxnlo | just on the road we are going; in passing; while on the way; do something on the way to a place which requires no additional travel | 順路
suxnsuxnlixli | smoothly | 順順利利
suykeaflaxnglaau | float up | 水雞仔弄鐃
suylo | sea route | 水路; 海路
sva'aflie | inner layer of a dress | 衫仔裏
svaf-lienciab | be connected, be linked together | 相連接; 相連(接)
svaf-lienkied | be connected, be linked together | 相連結
svaf-liensoax | be connected in succession | 相連續
svaf-lixpiet | take leave of one another | 相離別; 相別
svaf-ofnglaai | have fellowship, have social intercourse | 相往來
svaflaang | who is that? | 啥人
svafmih laang | Who? | 什麼人; 誰
svafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
svahunlo | 3-way | 三分路
svakag loan'aix | love triangle | 三角戀愛
svakaklagkefng | on person who has good shape | 三角六肩
svalaau | the second floor (Eng.), the third floor (Am.) | 三樓
svalam | mixed together | 混合; 相混
svalarm | embrace one another | 相攬; 互相擁抱
svalarng | clothes basket | 衫籠; 衫囊
svali | take leave of one another | 相離; 相別
svaliaam | stick together | 相黏; 粘起
svaliap | three | 三粒
svaliau | dress material | 衫料; 衣料
svalieen | be connected, be linked together | 相連; 相連(接)
svaliefn'afchiaf | tricycle | 三輪仔車
svaliefnchiaf | pedicab; three-wheeler; tricycle; pedicab | 三輪車
svaliern-chiaf | pedicab | 三輪車
svaliuu | 3rd class | 三流
svaloxng | collision | 相撞
svaluie | third base (baseball) | 三壘
svaluychiuo | third baseman | 三壘手
svalwn'afchiaf | tricycle | 三輪仔車
svatuaflai | shirt cabinet | 衫櫥仔內
svatvoaxlun | 3 stages theory | 三段論
svazarnlaau | building of three stories | 三層樓
svazatlagkhiaw | three sections with 6 melodies | 三節六曲
svazhelo | junction of three roads | 三叉路
svazheloxkhao | junction where three roads meet | 三叉路口
svazhutlo | missed each other | 相出路
sveamiaxlek | vitality | 性命力
svef lauxkviar | beget a child in old age | 生老囝; 晚年得子 (女)
svef liab'ar | have a boil or swelling | 生粒仔; 生瘡疔
svef lixseg | produce interest (by deposit or loan) | 生利息
svef phvixleeng | have a sinus condition | 生鼻龍; 鼻竇炎
svef-bøexzhud`laai | unable to bring to birth | 生無出來
svehuxnlaang | stranger; unacquainted person | 生份人; 陌生人
sveioglut | birth rate | 生育率
svekinløqhiøh | rooting and deciduous; people who settle in a new place | 生根落葉
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
svelai | produce interest (by deposit or loan) | 生利
sveliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
sveliao | after birth | 生了
sveliuu | have a tumor | 長瘤
svelo | way out | 生路
svesiefn-lahkae | be red with rust | 生銹污穢
svezhutlaai | give birth | 生出來
sviaa`laang | tempt; seduce; lure somebody | 眩人; 誘惑人
sviafhex`laq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥貨啦
sviaflaang | Who? Which person?; who; whom? | 甚人; 啥人; 什麼人; 甚麼人
sviafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmiqlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmiqlaq | what's up? | 啥物啦
sviafmylaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviahtngflaai | allure back | 啥轉來
svialaang | lure people | 誘人
svialaau | tower in a city wall | 城樓
svialai | inner city; within the city (walls) | 城內
svialap | sonar | 聲納
svialie | inside city | 城裡
svialiong | volume of sound | 聲量
sviapøflai | inside castle | 城堡內
svihun-laang | stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
svihuxnlaang | stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
sviliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
sviliap | grow grain | 生粒
svilit | birthday | 生日
svilo | way out | 生路
svisilidgeh | birthday and horoscope | 生時日月
sviu khaq-khuy`leq | Don't take it (failure; misfortune) too seriously. Cheer up! | 想開
sviu khvoarbai`leq | try to call to mind; think over again | 想想看
sviu-bøe khie`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe zhud`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe-khylaai | unable to call to mind | 想袂起來
sviu-bølo | in dire straits, unable to figure out | 想無路
sviuaflai | inside the box | 箱仔內
sviularng | cage; coop; basket; container | 籠子
sviuloklog | sticky | 濕糊糊
sviuxkhix`laq | angry at | 受氣啦
sviuxkhylaai | think about it | 想起來
sviuxlaai-sviuxkhix | thinking back and forth | 想來想去
sviuxlaisviuxkhix | thinking back and forth | 想來想去
sviuxliam | give thought to (a person); to miss (something or someone) | 想念
svoabefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoaboefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoabøefliw | very top of a hill; the extremity of the base of a hill | 山尖上
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
svoaf-khofleng | Asia bell-tree, Formosan ash, Hocker beggartick | 山苦楝
svoaf-onglaai | Taiwan adina | 水王梨; 鳳梨
svoaf-teglaan | Japanese eupatorium | 山澤蘭
svoagamlai | inside mountain cliff | 山岩內
svoakoklai | In the valley | 山谷內
svoalaai | mountain pear | 山梨
svoalai | mountainous country; within the mountains | 山裏; 山內
svoalaixtawtea | remote mountains | 深山裏頭
svoalee | mountain peach | 山梨
svoalip | black-capped kingfisher | 黑頭翡翠
svoaliux | accentor, prunella bird | 山鷚
svoalo | ghaut; mountain path | 山路
svoaloah | mountain snake | 山剌
svoalok | deer | 山鹿
svoaloxpvy | mountain roadside | 山路邊
svoalun | small mountain; mesa; plateau | 山崙
svoalun'ar | long, low, flat hill | 山崙仔
svoanalai | mountain forest | 山林內
svoarliawliao | scattered | 散了了
svoarlo | electrical circuit; (railway) line; (air) route | 線路
svoarluun | electric coil | 線輪
svoatexlaang | aborigine | 山地人
svoatoaxlaang | palm tree | 棕櫚的一種
svy-liab'ar | have a boil | 生瘡仔; 生粒仔; 長瘡
svy`zhutlaai | born | 生出來
sw laang mxsw tin | its all right to be inferior to an individual but not to a whole group; Keep up with the Joneses | 無讓人後
sw`laang | behind; lost to people | 輸人
swioxnglaang | servant | 使用人
swliau | historical data | 史料
swlie tøsefng | escape death by a narrow margin; have a close call | 死裏逃生
swliok | history | 史錄
swnhaux-lut | rate of waste; wear rate | 損耗率
swnhvox-lut | rate of waste | 損耗率
swnjiin lixkie | profit oneself at the expense of others | 損人利已
sybonglut | death rate | 死亡率
syboong-lut | death rate | 死亡律; 死亡率
sybølaang | dead | 死無人
sykhix-oaqlaai | in great pain or distress | 死去活來
sylaang | dead person, corpse | 死人
sylan | death | 死難
sylang'aq | dead person | 死人啊
sylangbin | dead face | 死人面
sylangkhoarn | dead mood | 死人款
sylangthaau | dead head | 死人頭
sylangtiau | dead tune | 死人調
sylangzea'm | no debt to the dead | 死人債毋
sylangzex | dead debt | 死人債
sylaq | dead | 死啦
syliao | after death | 死後
syliau-bixkib | unexpected | 始料未急
syliawau | after death | 死了後
syliawliao | dead | 死了了
sylie-tøsefng | escape death by a narrow margin; have a close call with death | 死裏逃生
sylo | no way; road to death; way to death | 死路
syloa | blamed on someone persistently | 死賴
syloa`laang | scapegoat | 死賴人
syloan ciongkhix | desert a girl after robbing her of her chastity | 始亂終棄
syloaxlaang | blamed on someone persistently | 死賴人
sylog'ar | dead deer | 死鹿仔
syloxpoong | dead | 死路旁
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym hoaan ix loan | fretful and confused | 心煩意亂
sym hofng ix loan | lose one's wits totally; be shaken and perturbed; extremely nervous | 心慌意亂
sym lerng | my heart received it ─ phrase used when declining an invitation or a present | 心領
sym loan jumoaa | entangled; perplexed | 心亂如麻
sym loan | confused and perturbed | 心亂
sym tok chiuo loah | callous and cruel; cold blooded; merciless in heart and deed | 心毒手辣
symliao | deliberated | 審了
symlie | deal with a case | 心理; 審理; 處理
syn hoaai liogkaq | be pregnant | 身懷六甲
syn kielok | new record | 新記錄
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
syn taixliok | new continent | 新大陸
syn tiauliuu | new trend; new movements | 新潮流
søeali | tax-collector | 細吏; 稅吏
søealiap | little round object | 細粒
søealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
søee`løqkhix | hang down | 垂落去
søeflea | baptism | 洗禮
søehlaang | snow man | 雪人
søex`laang | rent to people | 細人; 稅人; 租給人
søflien | ball and chain; chains; fetters | 鎖鏈
søfsilien | keychain | 鎖匙鍊
søhlefng | suck milk | 吸乳; 吮乳
søjiblaai | snek in | 趖入來
sølaai | sneak in | 趖來
sølaai-søkhix | crawl or walk about here and there | 逛來逛去; 爬來爬去
sølong | instigate | 唆弄; 唆使
søløo | thoreau | 梭羅
sør`khylaai | lock | 鎖起來
taai sylaang | bury the dead; bury a corpse | 埋死人
taai texluii | to plant or bury land mines; set a mine | 埋地雷
taam-loklog | soaking wet | 澹漉漉
taan zuylee | to whistle | 鳴汽笛; (警報器)
taau`laang | complained | 投人; 訴惡
tab`laang | answer people | 答人
taboflaang | women | 查某人
taelerng | take the leadership of; conduct; guide; lead | 帶領
taeliam | out of regard for a person; in consideration of; with attention to | 顧念; 帶念; 體諒
taeliaxmtiøh | with thoughts | 帶念著
tafløh | there; that place; where | 佗落; 那裡; 何處
tafmafkalo | street paved with asphalt | 打馬膠路
tafmlek | courage | 膽力; 膽量
tafmliim | gallstone, biliary calculus | 膽結石; 膽石
tafmliong | belly; courage; daring; nerve; gut; courage; bravery; guts | 膽量
tafng-say-laam-pag | all directions | 東西南北
tafnglo | carry gift when visit someone | 禮物
tafnlaang | wait for people | 等人
tafnlo | for presents brought home for children | 禮物; 等路
tag'lefpaix | every week | 逐禮拜
tag`laang | everyone | 每人
taglaang | everyone; each man | 每人; 逐人; 每個人
taglefpaelak | every Saturday | 每星期六; 每週六
taglefpaix | every week | 逐禮拜
tagliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 逐粒
tah-liw`khix | miss one's footing; one's foot slips | 踩滑去
tahlaau | build sories higher | 搭樓
tahlieen | money belt | 褡褳袋
tahlitahpiaq | build the fence and wall | 搭籬搭壁
tai-putliao | the worst case | 大無了
taibunlo | Taiwanese literary career | 台文路
taigylaang | Taiwanese | 台語人
taikanglaixhae | | 台江內海
tailøh | buried | 埋落
tailøqthoo | to place or bury in the ground | 下落葬
taixcix`laq | business | 代誌啦
taixgi-tviwlør | representative elder | 代議長老
taixgienliin | spokesperson | 代言人
taixhoad luiteeng | become very angry | 大發雷霆
taixkarkongliim | welcome | 大駕光臨
taixlan | great disasters | 大難
taixlap | take the place of payment | 代繳
taixlea | big gift | 大禮
taixleeng | great power | 大能
taixlefhok | formal or full dress | 大禮服
taixlegsu | Hercules; muscleman | 大力士
taixli | full strength | 大力
taixliam | cover a coffin ready for interment | 大斂
taixlie hoextviuo | acting president | 代理會長
taixlie zwkaux | prefect apostolic | 代理主教
taixlie | substitute; by proxy; act for; agency; take the place; agent (of a business firm; organization); a substitute; procurator; serve as agent of; act as the deputy of; stand proxy for; to act on behalf of another | 代理
taixlie-zwkaux | vicar | 代理主教
taixliin | police during Japanese era | 大人
taixliog'ar | Chinese mainlander | 大陸仔
taixlioglaang | Chinese mainlander | 大陸人
taixliok | mainland; briefly; superficially; brief; general outline; almost; about; nearly; in general | 大陸; 大略
taixliok-sexng | continental | 大陸性
taixliong sengsarn | production on a large scale; mass production | 大量生產
taixliong | mass; a large quantity; a great deal of; generosity; liberality; magnanimity; generous; large minded | 大量; 慷慨
taixloan | upheaval in a state; in great confusion | 大亂
taixlyciar | agent | 代理者
taixlyciøh | marble | 大理石
taixlyjiin | representative (legal); agent; attorney | 代理人
taixlykoaan | proxy; power of attorney | 代理權
taixlysiofng | business agent; agent | 代理商
taixlytiaxm | agency | 代理店; 代理商
taixlyzhux | agency | 代理處
taixløo | do somethig for someone; do something for another; to labor on behalf of another; lend a hand | 代勞
taixputliao | at the worst; alarming; serious | 大無了
taixsox lantøo | one cannot escape from fated death | 大數難逃
taixsuxliok | record of important events | 大事錄
taixthofnglerng | President (Japan) | 大統領
taixzuxlieen | nature | 大自然
takliwar | button | 觸鈕仔
tali | quite dry; (a house is) dry and comfortable; as after wiping off sweat | 乾燥
taliau | dried food | 乾料
talyar | dahlia (flower) which is native to Mexico and Central America | 乾李仔
tamlim | take charge of | 擔任
tamloaan | fall in love | 談戀
tamloan'aix | fall in love | 談戀愛
tamloklog | completely wet | 澹漉漉
tamlun | speak about; talk about; talking; discuss | 談論
tan'itsinlun | henotheism; monotheism | 單一神論
tanglaam saipag | east; south; west and north ─ all directions | 東南西北
tanglaam | southeast; southeast ward | 東南
tanglaang | metal statue | 銅像
tanglaau | flow together, do the same thing | 同流
tanglamhofng | southeast wind | 東南風
tanglamkag | southeast corner | 東南角
tanglampeeng | southeast side | 東南爿
tanglampo | southeast | 東南部
tangleeng | brass bell | 銅鈴
tangliaau | colleague | 同僚; 同僚的
tanglien | copper, brass, or bronze chain | 銅鍊
tanglui | be of the same kind | 同類
tangløo | copper gong | 銅鑼
tangsailampag | all directions | 東西南北
tangsailampaklo | | 東西南北路
tangsay-lampag | all directions | 東西南北
tangsym hiablek | with one mind and united strength | 同心協力
tanlek | elasticity; elastic force; tension | 彈力
tanli | vocabulary | 單字
tanloaan | unrequited love; one sided love | 單戀
tanluii | thundering; thunder pearls | 打雷; 雷鳴
tanluikofng | thunderstorm | 霆雷公
tanluikongsviaf | thunde | 霆雷公聲
tanpyle | simple proportion (Math) | 單比例
taolat | pit one's strength against another | 鬥力
taolauxjiet | add trouble to; join in the fun | 湊熱鬧
taolauxliet | join in the grand event | 鬥鬧熱
taoliao | done with match | 鬥了
taonauxliet | join in the grand event | 鬥鬧熱
taplea | reciprocate another's courtesy; return a salute; to reciprocate presents | 答禮
tapolaang | men | 查埔人
taq liauar | put up a shed; to set up a little cottage; hut or stable | 搭寮子
taq zhunlieen | put up scrolls at New Year's time | 貼春聯
taqlab | collapse | 踏塌
taqlip | step in | 踏入
taqoe`loq | speak clearly beforehand | 踏話囉
tarn`laang | to wait for someone | 等人
tarn`leq | just a second | 等咧
tarnglerng | freezing | 凍冷
tarnglo | freeing dew | 凍露
tarngloxzuie | date; to have a date (slang) | 約夜會
tarnløh | threw | 擲落
tauafleeng | long raised bed of beans | 豆子畦
tauaflui | bean | 豆仔類
tauhliw'ar | a snap (used on a garment as a fastener) | 鬥鈕仔; 子母扣
tauky senglie | speculative business | 投機生意
taulip | participate | 投入
tauliuu | detain a person; detain some valuable thing; detain forcibly | 扣留
taulong | mockery; derisive; kid; mock; mordancy | 嘲弄
tauqtauqlaai | come (go) very frequently; constantly coming (going) | 常常來; (去)
taux-gaulym | good at drinking | 鬥賢啉
taux-zhutlat | to help | 鬥出力
tauxlefng | soybean milk | 豆乳; 豆漿
tauxluo | soybean cheese cut into smaller squares and salted | 豆乳
tauxlyn | soybean milk | 豆奶
tawlarng | basket | 斗籠
tawliong | measure with a liter | 斗量
tawløeh | bamboo hat | 斗笠
taxm`løqlaai | to point downwards | 垂下來
taxn`køealaai | throw it here | 丟過來
taxng loxzuie | accepting drew- imply dating in the evening | 凍露水; 晚上約會
taxng`khylaai | moved | 動起來
taxnglai | usury | 重利; 高利貸
taxngli | usury | 重利; 高利貸
taxngliong | weight; heaviness; pounderancy | 重量
teaflai | inside pocket | 袋仔內
tealangzao | ran away | 綴人走
tealo | side trip | 綴路
tefkhoxng-lat | power of resistance | 抵抗力
teflengjii | mentally retarded child | 低能兒
teflo | shorter way; short cut; kill oneself; commit suicide | 捷徑; 短見 (自殺)
tefloa | to repudiate | 否認; 抵賴
tefngkhviw lih`khuy | cleft palate | 上顎裂
tefnglefpaix | last week | 頂禮拜
tefnglek | able to lift a tripod ─ great strength; Herculean strength; exerting oneself very much | 鼎力
tefnglidar | previous day | 頂日仔
tefnglit | some days ago | 頂日
tefngliuu | top stream | 頂流
tefnglui | class, kind | 上類; 等類
tefngløh | top down | 頂落
tefngsielaang | previous life | 頂世人
teg'vi-kongleeng | special nature; unusual powers | 特異功能
teglaan | a non-aromatic mint water-willow, eupatorium | 澤蘭
tegle | special case; special instance; exceptional case | 特例
tegliin | enemy | 敵人
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
tehsie laang | crush a man to death | 壓死人
tehsylaang | crash someone to death | 硩死人
tek'ui'aflai | inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔內
tekkofng'aflai | inside bamboo tube | 竹管仔內
teklangsiøq | pity; lovable | 得人惜
teklarng | bamboo basket | 竹籠
teklat | get strength | 得力
tekleeng | virtue and ability | 德能
tekleqar | bamboo hat | 竹笠仔
tekli | obtain profit or advantage | 得利
tekliaam | screen or blind made of bamboo | 竹簾
tekliaau | store where bamboo is sold; bamboo hut; bamboo shed | 竹寮
tekliau | bamboo as material, made of bamboo | 竹料
teklii | bamboo fence | 竹籬
tekliim | bamboo grove | 竹林
teklipaf | fence | 竹籬笆
teklok | to excerpt, to make an extract | 祿祿; 摘錄
teknaaflai | bamboo forest | 竹林仔內
tekphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
teksitlaang | offend a person | 得罪人
tektviaxløqlaai | shall fall down | 得定落來
tekzoe laang | offend a person | 得罪人
teloong | tea farmer | 茶農
tenglaai | again | 重來
tenglaan | Macaranga tanarius (orchid) | 登蘭; 橙欄
tenglarng-zhao | Chinese lantern plant; Physalis angulata | 登籠草; 燈籠草
tengleeng | remind; repeat an order; reiterate; enjoin on; repetition | 叮嚀
tengliogciexn | landing operation | 登陸戰
tengliogpoxtui | assault troops; amphibious military forces | 登陸部隊
tengliogtherng | landing craft; landing ship tanks | 登陸艇
tengliok | landing; to go ashore; take the ground; to land | 登陸
tenglok | log in; log on; to register | 登錄; 註冊
tengloong | a lantern; glim | 燈籠
tengsirnliok | financial report; statement of income and expenditure (of a foundation; charity organization) | 徵信錄
tengteeng gioglip | slim and graceful (said of women; especially young women) | 亭亭玉立
tengthaulaai | start over | 重頭來
teq liefnpør | to gamble with the lian-po ─ a kind of dice | 押輾骰
teq liefntaau | to gamble with the lian-tau a kind of dice | 押輾骰
teq`løqkhix | bet; follow up | 硩落去
terng geqlit | last month | 頂月日
terng-lefpaix | last week; a former week | 上星期
ternglangthviaf | get people to listen | 釘人聽
terngtexng`khylaai | nail it | 釘釘起來
texha thihlo | subway | 地下鐵路
texkiuu ynlek | terrestrial gravitation | 地球引力
texlagkarm | the sixth sense; extrasensory perception | 第六感
texleeng | earth spirit | 地靈
texli | geographical advantages; advantages of situation; land productivity | 地利
texlie siensvy | geomancer | 地理師
texlie | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | 地理; (學)
texlie-hak | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | (學); 地理
texlixkae | 2nd time | 第二改
texlixzhwn | 2nd marriage | 第二春
texluii høefphaux | military mines | 地雷火炮
texluii | land mine | 地雷
texlysiefn | geomancer | 地理師
texlysien'ar | geography fairy | 地理仙仔
texlysw | geomancer | 地理師
texløo | dungeon | 地牢
texng kanlok | to spin a (toy) top | 玩陀螺
texng`khylaai | nail it | 釘起來
texngle | fixed regulation, well-established example | 定例; 定條例
texnglie | axiom | 定理
texnglii | ripe fruit (guava) | 芭樂果實成熟
texngliong | fixed amount; fixed quantity; fixed amount; fixed quantity; fix the amount or quantity | 定量
texngliong-hunseg | fixed quantity analysis | 定量分析
texnglioxngsuu | quantitative words | 定量詞
texnglip | to fix on; draw up; conclude or sign (a contract; agreement; treaty) | 訂立
texnglun | a conclusion | 定論
texnglut | a law; the statute law; a scientific law | 定律
texsiong ee loghngg | Earthly Paradise | 地上樂園
texsym ynlek | terrestrial gravitation | 地心引力
thaai cidlih | inflict a long slash or cut | 割一大痕
thaai onglaai | to peal off the skin of a pineapple | 削鳳梨
thaai`khylaai | started killing | 殺起來
thab`løqlaai | old roof sinks down; making hollows | 塌下來
thad`leq | stopped up; blocked up | 塞住
thaeiongleeng | solar energy | 太陽能
thaeionglek | solar power | 太陽力
thaeloong | Taro | 太郎
thaeluq | tiles | 磁磚
thafm siawli | covetous of small gains | 貪小利
thafng'aflai | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔內
thafnlieen | frankly | 坦然
thagliao | finish reading | 讀了
thagzhehlaang | scholar; an intellectual; literati | 讀書人
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzw-laang | literate person | 讀書人
thailaai-thaikhix | armies in battle; men in single combat fight with each other | 殺來殺去
thailaang poemia | pay damages; make reparations for killing a man | 殺人賠命
thailaang | homicide; murder | 殺人
thailai | intrafetal | 胎內
thailangparnghoea | killing and robbing | 刣人放火
thailiao | killed | 刣了
thailiawliao | killed all | 刣了了
thaisylaang | kill a person with a knife or sword | 殺死人
thamkvoaf-uoli | avaricious government officials and grasping underlings; corrupt officials | 貪官污吏
thamkvoauoli | corrupt officials | 貪官汙吏
thamlaam | covet | 貪圖; 貪婪
thamli | keen for gain; avaricious | 貪利
thamliam | greed | 貪念
thamlin | covetous; avaricious | 貪吝
thamloaan | to desire or long for (usually women); to hanker after or dote on improper things; unwilling to part with something one loves | 貪戀
thamloan | crazy, idoiotic | 貪亂; 發狂
thang'aflai | inside the window | 窗仔內
thang'aflieen | window curtain | 窗仔簾; 窗簾
thang'aflii | curtain | 窗仔簾
thanglaai | in order to | 通好; 以便
thanglui | worm; bug; insect; insects or reptiles; as a species | 蟲類
thao-bøe khie`laai | unable to untie | 解無開
thaolaau | rapids | 透流
thaolau | leak out; disclose; reveal | 透漏; 透露
thaolaxmtiøh | mixed | 透濫著
thaolit | whole day | 透日
thaolo | leak out; disclose; reveal; unrip; divulge; reveal; let out; leak out | 透露
thaosielaang | all; throughout one's life | 透世人; 一生
thaosimliaang | penetrating coolness (said of cold drinks) | 透心涼
thaosixlek | clairvoyance | 透視力
thaplaai-thapkhix | arrange things well in packing; so as to fit well into each other and take up as little room as possible; cut cloth carefully so that there is no waste; by arranging the patterns to fit well; to rob Peter to pay Paul | 補來補去; 東挪西借
thaqlaau | build a story higher | 疊樓
thaqlauar | build a story higher | 蓋樓房
tharmlo | pathfinding | 探路
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharnciaqlaang | man who lives just on what he earns; a man who earns just enough to support himself | 賺食人; 趁食人; 工人
tharnlaang | follow others; imitate others | 趁人
tharnlauzuie | take advantage of the flowing water | 趁流水
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
thatlau | stop a leak; to caulk | 塞漏
thatlo | block the road | 堵路; 塞路
thatsylaang | to kick to death; to kill by kicking | 踢死人
thaukafng kiafmliau | do less work and use less or inferior materials than agreed up upon (especially in a building job); to jerry build | 偷工減料
thaukelaang | boss | 頭家人
thaukhag lelee | the head is bent down | 低頭
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thaukhaklai | In the head | 頭殼內
thaulaai-armkhix | come and go secretly | 偷來暗去; 陳倉暗渡
thaulaang | head man | 首長; 頭人; 領袖
thaulai'armkhix | secret correspondence | 偷來暗去
thaulaiboefkhix | from head to tail- expose the whole story | 頭來尾去
thaulelee | dejected | 頭犁犁
thauliah | catch secretly; steal (a domestic animal); seize or catch secretly | 偷捉; 偷掠
thauliaxm | pinch (skin) secretly; to steal a little | 偷掐; 偷一點點
thaulo | job; employment; business; situation; a calling; an occupation | 頭路; 職業; 工作
thauluie | stolen base; base stealing; steal a base | 盜壘
thaulyloxtit | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩路直; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaulytidlo | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩直路; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
thaumngg larnglaxng | hairs in disorder; in a mess | 頭髮鬆亂
thaumngg lud-liawliao | become bald | 頭髮落了了
thautheqliawliao | stole completely | 偷提了了
thauxlaang | poison people | 毒人
thauxsylaang | kill a person by poison | 毒死人
thaw`laang | cheat me, cheat a person | 偷人; 騙人
thaxm laang ee oexix | find out a man's meaning by apparently desultory talk | 探人的話意
thaxn laang ee viu | follow a man's example | 學人的樣子
thaxn siaolieen | while yet young | 趁年輕
thaykønoaxløo | filthy | 癩哥爛癆
thealaang | for; substitute | 替人
thealaau | ebb tide | 退潮
thealangsie | die for others | 替人死
thealiet | fever came down | 退熱
thealo | the path of retreat | 退路
thefladputcy | lack of energy | 體力無支
theflai | inside body | 體內
theflat | stamina; muscle; physical strength | 體力
thefle | general form of a writing | 體例
thefleeng | physical agility; stamina | 體能
theflek | physical strength; stamina | 體力
thefliam | be understanding; make allowances for; be sympathetic toward | 體念
thefliong | to be understanding or sympathetic toward; to be considerate of; allow for; be tolerant of; forgive; to excuse | 體諒
thefnglip | to stand stiff, to stand straight | 挺立
theh`khylaai | lift up (a small object) | 拿起來
theh`laai | bring; fetch; take | 拿來
theh`tngflaai | to demand back; bring back | 拿回來
thelaai thekhix | refuse to accept a present; assignment by pushing it back and forth | 推來推去
thelaai | mention | 提來
thelien | refining; distill; extract; abstract | 提煉
thenglek | hearing; audition; ear | 聽力
thengliuu | stay; lay over; make a stop; to stop (at a certain stage); to delay | 停留
thenglui-hoarhabbut | hydrocarbons (chemistry) | 停留化合物; 烴類化合物; 碳氫化合物
thengløqlaai | stop here | 停落來
theqkhylaai | lift it up | 提起來
theqlaai | fetch; take; bring (a small article) in the hand | 拿來
theqløqlaai | bring it down | 提落來
theqtheqløqlaai | bring them down | 提提落來
theqtngflaai | carry them back | 提轉來
theqzhutlaai | show | 提出來
thex laang siogzoe | atone for the sins of mankind | 替人贖罪
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thiabløhaxn | stacking people | 疊羅漢
thiahciah løqpag | tear or rip body to pieces to eat | 碎屍而吞食
thiahciaqløqpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食落腹
thiahli | to tear apart | 拆離
thiahliao | torn down | 拆了
thiahliawliao | torn down completely | 拆了了
thiahlidar | ask fortune teller to pick a good date | 拆日仔
thiahlih | to tear (cloth or a garment) | 拆裂; 拆開
thiahløh | to unfix, to take down | 拆落
thiaolaai | jumped | 跳來
thiaolaan | hurdle race; the hurdles | 跳欄
thiaolaau zuxsad | jump to death from a building | 跳樓自殺
thiaolaau | jump from a building | 跳樓
thiaoløh | jump of | 跳落
thiaoløqlaai | jump of | 跳落來
thiaoløqlai'ee | jump of | 跳落來的
thiap'hiexnlut | discount rate | 貼現率
thiap`khylaai | pile up; books; bricks | 疊起來
thiaplangciah | pay someone to cook for you | 貼人食
thiaq hoeflo | clear a fire trail; tear down structures adjacent to a fire to prevent the fire's spread | 折火路
thiaq-hunli | separate | 拆分離; 拆離
thiauaflai | inside the column- campaign circle | 祧仔內
thiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 刁工來; 專程來
thiaulaan | deliberately; create difficulties; make things difficult for others | 刁難; 為難
thiaulang | on purpose | 挑俍
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
thiaux`khylaai | to jump up; begin to jump or dance | 跳起來
thiaxmløqhae | throw into the sea | 投入海
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thiefn kaxng kamlo | Heaven sends down sweet dew ─ blessing from heaven; good fortune; peace and prosperity | 天降甘露
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thiencyn loxngban | innocent and carefree (child) ─ lovely; honest and without affectation (like a child); simple hearted; unsophisticated | 天真浪漫
thienhux zaileeng | natural ability | 天賦才能
thienkawciaqlit | Tengu eclipse sun | 天狗食日
thienkawliet | Tengu fever | 天狗熱
thienky putkhør lauxsied | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 天機無可洩漏
thienlaam texpag | poles apart; be far apart; (to chat or talk casually about) anything and everything under the sun | 天南地北
thienlamseg | sky blue | 天藍色
thienlie ciauciaw | Heaven's justice is manifested (in calamities coming on the wicked); The law of heaven always prevails | 天理昭昭
thienlie | Natural law; the reason of Heaven; the laws or principles of Heaven's justice as to right an wrong; especially; as to punishment | 天理
thienlieen | natural | 天然
thienlienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thienlioong | one's conscience; to speak to truth; one's better feeling; one's conscience | 天良; 良心
thienlo | the road to heaven | 天路
thienluo | angels | 天女
thienlut | divine law, the law of heaven | 天律
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
thienluun | family affection; heavenly moral obligations; natural relationships of man | 天倫
thienlykaux | Tenrikyo (Japanese religion) | 天理教
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thienløo | imperial prison | 天牢
thiensefng lexcid | born beauty | 天生麗質
thiensii putjuu texli | advantages of time are not equal to those of situation | 天時無如地利
thiente liongsym | to speak the truth; in fact; from the bottom of my heart; in all fairness or justice | 天地良心
thietli | withdraw (troops); (the troops) are withdrawing | 撤離
thihki'aflo | railway | 鐵枝仔路
thihkilo | rail; railroad; railway track | 鐵機路; 鐵枝路; 鐵軌
thihkiloxpvy | railway side | 鐵枝路邊
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thihkiloxterng | railway top | 鐵枝路頂
thihkyn khoxngkulie | reinforced concrete | 鋼筋水泥
thihlaan | rock calamus, rock flag (flower) | 鐵欄; 石菖蒲
thihlaang | an iron man; strong man; a man of great physical strength; iron man; tough guy; a jack for raising weights | 鐵人
thihlang'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihlarng | iron cage | 鐵籠
thihlien | iron chains | 鐵鏈; 鐵鍊
thihlien'ar | iron chains | 鐵鍊仔
thihlo | a railroad; a railway; railway; railway track | 鐵路
thihlo-kiok | railway administration | 鐵路局
thihlong'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihloo | a railroad; | 鐵路
thihloxbang | railway network | 鐵路網
thihloxkiok | bureau of railway; Railway Administration | 鐵路局
thihloxpo | rail road breau | 鐵路部
thihloxpvy | railway side | 鐵路邊
thihthafng'aflai | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔內
thihtøxlo | railroad | 鐵道路
thioktiexnliong | capacity for storing electricity; capacity of a storage battery | 蓄電量
thiokzuyliong | water storage | 蓄水量
thiornglok | exciting and happy | 暢樂
thitthølaang | man fond of low or licentious pleasures; a prostitute | 拭桃人; 流氓
thitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人
thiuliao | extract | 抽了
thiuløx | rowing taller quickly | 抽躼
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thiusioxnglun | abstract discussion | 抽象論
thiw`zhutlaai | pull it out | 抽出來
thngkølai | massecuite | 糖膏內
thnglaang | child to be adopted takes the surname of the adopting family | 人收養而入別人的姓
thngliau | sugar | 糖料
thngliøxpvi | diabetes | 糖尿病
thnglo | soup | 湯路; 湯頭
thngrkhorlan | not wearing trousers; (child or fisherman) naked below the waist; with out pants | 脫褲𡳞; 光著屁股
thngrlaang | to sell to another person | 傳人; 轉售予人
thoaan tøxlie | transmit; proclaim; teach; or preach doctrine | 傳道理
thoaan`løqkhix | to hand down; bequeath | 傳落去
thoaf lauxmia | risk life; make death defying effort | 拼老命
thoaf`zhutlaai | pull out (a drawer) | 拉出來
thoah'aflai | inside drawer | 屜仔內
thoahlien | chain | 挩鍊
thoahlien'ar | chain | 挩鍊仔
thoalaai | drag | 拖來
thoalat | tensile force | 拖力
thoalee | draw a plow | 拖犁; 拉犁
thoalui | cumber; encumber; involve or implicate (in a debt or some dangerous affair) | 拖累; 連累
thoaluixtiøh | dragged down | 拖累著
thoaluun | a tug, a tugboat | 拖輪
thoaløh | to pull down | 拖落
thoankiet'uilek | solidarity withy power | 團結為力
thoankietlek | capacity for unity | 團結力
thoanlaai | came | 傳來
thoanleng | to deliver or give orders; command convection; deliver or give orders; a dispatcher | 傳令
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
thoanliarm | infect | 傳染
thoanlien | militia, volunteer home guards | 團鍊; 團練
thoanløo | beating a gong on giving information | 傳鑼; 鳴鑼
thoanthea lyheeng | traveling in a party | 團體旅行
thoarnlien | to train; to exercise; forge metal; to temper | 鍛鍊
thoasaylieen | sloppy, hesitant | 拖屎連
thoatcy gulefng | skim milk | 脫脂牛乳
thoatlan | escape troubles | 脫難
thoatli koanhe | sever relations; to divorce; disown | 脫離關係
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thoatli | to break away; away from; divorcee; out of; sever one's relation with; get off | 脫離
thoatliap | to husk, to shell | 脫攝; 脫粒
thoatlii | break away | 脫離
thoatløh | drop off, shed, fall off | 脫落
thoaxliao køq thoa | rinse a second time | 汰了擱汰; 沖了再沖
thoeqlaai | presented | 提來
thoflaang | native; aborigines; a rowdy; a roughneck | 土人; 粗人
thoflat | manual labor; without machinery or cattle; unskilled labor | 蠻力
thofluii | blind person (slang) | 瞎眼; (罵人)
thofngkeazhutlaai | statiscally | 統計出來
thofnglerng | commanding officer; commander of troops | 統領
thofnglie | prime minister | 統理
thofnglieen | unification | 統聯
thofonglaai | organic pineapple | 土王梨
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thoklisor | nursery | 托兒所
tholaang | a type of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel; rice mill | 土礱; 碾米機器
tholangkeng'ar | place of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel room | 碾米間仔
tholeeng | a species of marine eel | 土龍
tholioong | ell | 土龍
tholiw | a small fish; a few inches long; which lives in ditches and pools; a loach (lives in the mud) | 泥鰍
tholui | earth-made object | 土類; 泥類
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcibleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thonglaang | all the people | 通人
thonglangzay | known by everybody; non-secret | 通人知
thonglek habzog | to join forces; cooperate for a common cause; to work in concert | 通力合作
thonglek | united strength; join forces | 通力
thongleng | communicate orders; issue a circular order | 通令
thonglioong | compromise | 通量; 妥協
thonglo | thoroughfare; access; a passageway; a route; passage; way; open roads | 通路
thongpvoaa khøflu | consider every possible angle; take into consideration every aspect of matter | 全盤考慮
thongsirnlok | address book | 通信錄
thongtilaq | notify | 通知啦
thor`zhutlaai | protrude; stick out; be forced (pressed) out; to bulge | 凸出來; 伸出; 突出
thorlaux | disclose | 透露
thorlo | tell; reveal; confide; emit; give voice to; speak out one's mind; confess; disclose | 吐露
thorthorzhutlaai | split out | 吐吐出來
thotauxjinlao | hulled peanuts pastry | 塗豆仁粩
thotauxlao | peanut pastry | 塗豆粩
thotauxliin | peanut kernel | 塗豆仁
thox`zhutlaai | vomit food; disclose; to speak out (the whole truth) | 吐出來
thudliern | losing a wheel off a car; motorcycle; bicycle | 脫輪; 脫軌
thudluun | become dislocated | 脫輪
thuilek | thrust | 推力
thuilie | to reason; logic; reasoning; reasoning; ratiocination; infer from | 推理
thuilun | infer; follow out a train of argument; inference; deductions | 推論
thuitong-lat | motivation force, impelling force | 推動力
thun`løqkhix | to empty (earth) into a pit or hole | 填落去
thunciah`laang | to swallow up another's money or property wrongly; to belittle another person | 欺負人; 侵佔別人
thunlurn | abide; brook; tolerance; tolerant; tolerate; abide; endure; just have patience; don't get into a quarrel so quickly | 吞忍; 忍耐; 容忍
thunløh | swallow down | 吞下
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
thuolip | stand | 佇立
thuq`khylaai | to support with a prop; e.g.; to support an awning with a pole or bamboo | 托起來
thutluu | bald ass | 禿頭的屁股
thuxnkhylaai | fill up | 坉起來
thuxnlo | fill up and level up road completely | 填路
thvaliin | other people | 他人
thvex`khylaai | to prop up or support by pushing upwards | 托起來; 頂起來
thvi liwar | sew on buttons | 縫扣子
thviaf tøxlie | listen to preaching | 聽道理
thviaf-løqhvi | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf`khylaai | sounds | 聽起來
thvialai | inside the hall | 廳內
thvialek chiegiam | audiometric test; take an audiometric test | 聽力試驗
thvialek | keenness of hearing | 聽力
thvialiao | listened | 聽了
thviarlaang | love people | 疼人; 愛人
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
thviax`laang | love somebody | 疼人
thvihoarn texloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvikongloo | a vessel; which symbolizes Thi-Kong for burning incense | 天公爐
thvilie | principles of Heaven's justice; especially in reference to vengeance | 天理
thvilo | road to the heaven | 天路; 天露; 露水
thvoalap | pay by installments | 攤還; 分期繳納
thvoarkhanglai | inside coal mine | 炭空內
thvoarloo | charcoal stove; brazier | 炭爐
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
thvy løh angho | inconceivable; enigma | 下紅雨; (無可思議)
thwn-bøe løh`khix | unable to swallow; unpleasant to swallow; unable to defraud a man as we intended | 吞無落去
thwn-bøe løqaau | difficult to swallow (unpleasant food) | 嚥無下; (喉頭)
thwn`løqkhix | bolt down; gulp down; swallow up | 吞落去
thøciaplie | graft a plum on a peach | 桃接李; 改良的李子
thøeali | withdraw from | 退離
thøfhaylaang | fisherman | 討海人; 捕魚人
thøfhii-laang | fishermen | 討魚人; 漁夫
thøflaang | demand back a man who had been sold; seized; imprisoned or who has died or been lost while under another's care | 討人
thøfliah | to fish in the sea | 打魚
thøflun | talk over; to discuss; deal with; discuss; to debate; discussion | 討論
thøflun-hoe | discussion meeting, debate | 討論會
thøfluxnhoe | discussion meeting; forum | 討論會
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thølie | peaches and plums ─ pupils; students | 桃李
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
thør`laai | to demand, request | 討來
thør`tngflaai | to demand back against money or thing lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討回來
thørlaang | plan with others | 透人; 與外人共謀
thørlie | put in lining | 套裡; (衣服)
thørlo | to reveal, to disclose | 透露
thørtoxng`løh | I've got it! I am sure of success. | 妥當啦; 很幸虧
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
ti`leq | present | 正在; 佇咧
tiaam-løqzuie | sink into water | 沉下水
tiaam`løqkhix | sink into r | 沉落去
tiabtiap laai | coming over and over again | 常常來
tiafmliao | clicked | 點了
tiafmmafkalo | asphalt | 打馬膠路
tiahliok | select and record | 摘錄
tiaochialiern | Hang on to the back (side) of a train; bus (figure of speech) | 吊車輪
tiaohor lixsafn | induce the enemy to leave their entrenchments | 調虎離山
tiaolaai | transfer | 調來
tiaolaang | call other to do | 召人; 召集自己的人
tiaoli | transfer away | 調離
tiaolieen | marriage custom in which the family of the bride and relatives of the bridegroom present a quilt, blanket or pieces of cloth decorated with 500 or 1000 dollar bills that are hung on the wall of the bride grooms home during the season or time of the wedding | 吊聯
tiaoloo | censer; thurible; hanging burner | 吊爐
tiarm hoehlo | strike him with the point of the finger in some part that causes great pain; weakness or sickness | 點血路; 點穴
tiarmlai | inside shop | 店內
tiarmlie | inside shop | 店裡
tiaubixliau | seasoning | 調味料
tiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 專程來
tiaulaan | deliberately; create difficulties; make things difficult for others | 刁難
tiaulai | inward | 朝內
tiaule | rules; bye law; regulations; regulations; or laws | 條例
tiauleng segkae | issue an order in the morning and change it in the evening ─ change rules very frequently | 朝令夕改
tiaulie | logical; orderly; method; sequence; reasonable; logical | 條理; 調理; 治療
tiauliuu | current; a tendency; current or flow of the tide ─ the tide of public opinion; carried by the tide of the masses | 潮流
tiaupøflai | inside the bunker | 碉堡內
tiauqtiauh laai | come (go) very frequently | 時常來; (去)
tiautiaau iwlie | there is reason in every clause; orderly | 條條有理
tiaux kanglaang | call for workers in an emergency; ask a man to work for us though he has sufficient employment elsewhere | 召工人; 調工人
tiaux laang | call; convene; summon; solicit; recruit; call together | 召人
tiaw`laang | tease; make fun of | 刁人
tiaw`løqlaai | bends down (a branch) | 刁落來
tibwleng'ar | sow tax | 豬母奶仔
tibwlyn | Hauil fig tree, Harland fig | 豬母乳; 豬母奶
tibøfleng'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tibøflin'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
ticiog sioong lok | contentment brings happiness | 知足常樂
tid langsiøq | amiable; beloved | 得人惜
tid langthviax | amiable; beloved | 得人疼; 可愛
tid`laai | come straight | 直來
tidkaloxngsia | | 直加弄社
tidlaitidkhix | straightforward | 直來直去
tidlaksag | very straight | 直落推
tidle | to be directly under the jurisdiction of; report to | 直隸
tidlie | brother's daughter; niece | 姪女
tidliuliw | straightforward | 直溜溜
tidliutien | direct current | 直流電
tidliuu | direct (electric) current | 直流
tidlo | straight road | 直路
tidluo | niece | 姪女
tidlysaix | husband of a niece | 姪女婿
tidtidlaau | flow directly | 直直流
tiedsu taixloan | in great disorder; in pandemonium; in total disorder | 秩序大亂
tiefnlafmhoe | exhibition; exposition; a fair | 展覽會
tiefnlafmphirn | exhibit | 展覽品
tiefnlarm | put on display; exhibit; show; exhibition; to display; show to the public | 展覽
tiefnlarm-hoe | exposition, exhibition | 展覽會
tiefnlea | ritual; ceremony; rite | 典禮
tiefnlefsiong | at the ceremony | 典禮上
tiefnli | ionization | 電離
tieleeng ke | mental retardation | 智能低
tieleeng zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智能測驗
tieleeng | intellect; intelligence; brain power; intelligence and capability; knowledge and ability | 智能; 知能
tielek zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智力測驗
tielek | to devoat; dedication; dedicate; devote one's strength | 致力; 智力
tielenghoan | an intellectual crime | 智能犯
tienlaai tienkhix | stagger about; stumble like a drunk | 顛來顛去; 搖搖擺擺
tiernliam | to reflect on | 惦念
tietlie | philosophical principle; philosophical doctrine; philosophy | 哲理
tiexnkhix liauhoad | electrotherapy | 電氣療法
tiexnkhix-loo | electric range | 電氣爐; 電爐
tiexnkølai | inside the electric pot | 電鍋內
tiexnlarm | electric cable | 電纜
tiexnlat | electric power | 電力
tiexnleeng | a buzzer; teleseme; an electric bell; door bell | 電鈴
tiexnleghak | electrodynamics | 電力學
tiexnlek kongsy | electric power company | 電力公司
tiexnlek | electric power; electricity; voltage | 電力
tiexnli | ionization | 電離
tiexnliaau | electrotherapy; electrotherapeutics | 電療
tiexnliam | to reflect on, to be concerned about | 電念
tiexnliauhoad | electrotherapy | 電療法
tiexnlienchiaf | electric train | 電聯車
tiexnliong | electricity | 電量
tiexnliukex | galvanometer, ampere-meter | 電療計; 電流計
tiexnliuu | current; electric current | 電流
tiexnlo | electric circuit | 電路
tiexnloo | electric stove; hot plate | 電爐
tiexnloong | a tenant farmer or share-croppert | 佃農
tiexnnawlai | in the computer | 電腦內
tihlaai-tihkhix | striking one another gently in play | 逗來逗去
tihløh | drip | 滴落
tihløqlaai | dripped | 滴落來
tihtihlaau | dripping | 滴滴流
tiim`løqkhix | sink; swag; subsidency; gravitate; sink into water | 沈落去
tikag-lek | perception, power of perception | 知覺力
tikongliaau | male pig farm | 豬公條
tilaan jithex | retreat from difficulties | 知難而退
tilie | know what is the right way | 知理
tilo | Chinese pond heron (bird) | 池鷺; 沼鷺
timhii loggan | beautiful woman; dazzling beauty that makes fish sink and geese settle; graceful; elegant | 沉魚落雁
timlek | be addicted to, be engrossed in, be submerged to | 沈力; 沉溺
timluun | to down and perish; wallow | 沈淪; 沉淪
timløh | sink | 沉落
tinliedkoarn | exhibition hall | 陳列館
tinliedphirn | articles on display; curiosa; exhibits | 陳列品
tinliedsor | exhibition hall; display room; saleroom; showroom | 陳列所
tinliet | to arrange and display; exhibit; expose; show; arrange and display | 陳列
tinnii løfciuo | alcoholic drinks that have been preserved for a long time; aged wine | 陳年老酒
tiofnglaam | first born son; the eldest son | 長男
tiofnglaang | excessive number of people | 長人; 多出來的人
tiofnglie | eldest daughter | 長女
tiofngluo | first born daughter; the eldest daughter | 長女
tiofnglør | village elders; elder; senior monk | 長老
tiofnglør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tiogliok | lands (an airplane); alight; descend to the ground | 著陸
tioglok | with the result that; find the way to | 著落
tioklo | build roads | 築路
tiong'iongkonglo | Central Highway | 中央公路
tiong'ionglo | Central road | 中央路
tionghaux liofngzoaan | both loyal to one's country and filial to one's parents; be perfect both as a national hero and as a dutiful son | 忠孝兩全
tionghvoaikonglo | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫公路
tiongkoklaang | Chinese | 中國人
tionglaang | middleman in making a bargain or agreement; go-between; broker | 掮客; 中人; 中間人; 經紀人
tionglambie | Central South America | 中南美
tionglamhae | Central South America Sea | 中南海
tionglampo | central south | 中南部
tionglangcvii | commission or money present given to a middle man | 中人錢
tionglanglea | commission or money present given to a middle man | 中人禮
tionglek | tension | 張力
tiongliaang | loyal and kind | 忠良
tionglibhoad | law of neutrality | 中立法
tionglibkhw | neutral zone | 中立區
tionglibkog | neutral nations | 中立國
tionglibphaix | neutral party | 中立派
tiongliedsuu | temple set up by the government for canonized mandarins who died for their country; the Martyrs Shrine (in Taipei) | 忠烈祠
tionglieen soxng zhef | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
tionglieen | middle ages | 中年
tionglieen-laang | middle aged person | 中年人
tionglienlaang | middle-aged | 中年人
tiongliet | neutrally; neutrality; neutralism; neutral | 中立
tionglioong | middle weight | 中量
tionglioxngkib | middle weight (in sports) | 中量級
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
tionglip textaix | neutral zone | 中立地帶
tionglip zernghuo | neutral government | 中立政府
tionglip | neutrally; neutrality; neutralism; neutral | 中立
tiongliuu | midstream | 中流; 中等
tionglok | a sudden fall of one's family fortune; to decline | 中落
tiongsefng-punlør | longevity without being old; immortality | 長生無老
tiornglaau | upflow | 漲流
tiorngliao | bingo | 中了
tiornglioong | important or useful | 中樑; 棟樑
tioxng'iaux sului | important documents | 重要書類
tioxng`zhutlaai | overflow | 漲出來
tioxngkym lefphexng | employ with a high pay | 重金禮聘
tioxnglaam khengluo | honoring men and despising women | 重男輕女
tioxnglek | gravity | 重力
tioxngliong | weight; ponderancy | 重量
tioxnglioong | measure | 丈量
tioxnglioxngkib | heavyweight (in boxing) | 重量級
tiq`løqlaai | dripped | 滴下來
tiq`zhutlaai | dripped | 滴出來
tiqlytiqtuh | stutter in speaking; to stammer in speaking; as a liar who has to invent new lies on the spot | 吞吞吐吐
tirnlai | in the town | 鎮內
tirnlo | impede the way; hinder communication | 擋路; 鎮路; 妨礙交通; 阻礙通路
tirnloxthaau | obstruct the landing place | 擋路頭
tit-lorngloxng | straight | 直曠曠
titiaulai | inside sty | 豬牢內
titlang'aix | lovely | 得人愛
titlangsiøq | lovely | 得人惜
titlangthviax | to be favored; pet | 得人疼; 討人喜愛; 受寵
titlat | get power or strength | 得力
titphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
titthøo-laang | playboy, man of pleasure | 拭桃人
titulaang | spiderman | 蜘蛛人
tiuxzhawlaang | scarecrow | 稻草人
tix cy putlie | disregard it totally | 置之無理
tix leqar | wear a sun hat | 戴斗笠
tixlang | chopsticks receptacle | 箸籠; 筷籠; 筷子簍
tixleq | in the middle of | 佇咧
tixliaau | to treat or cure; cure; therapy; treatment; treat or cure (a disease); treatment | 治療
tixliaau-seg | treatment room | 治療室
tixliaau-sw | a surgeon | 治療師
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tixliauhuix | doctor's fee | 治療費
tixlie | hold sway; manage; govern; administer; regulate | 治理
tixliq | in the middle of | 佇咧
tixloan | suppress a revolt; peace and upheaval | 治亂
tixm khvoarbai`leq | try to weigh by poising on the hand (one thing or comparing the weight of two things) | 量量看; (用手)
tixnboong ciorngsu kyliaxmpy | monument in honor of servicemen killed in action | 陣亡將士紀念碑
tiøh kvoaliedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
tiøh lie | come to your turn | 輪到你
tiøh`laq | correct | 著啦
tiøq`zhutlaai | must get out | 得出來
tiøqlo | site of a proposed public road | 著路
tiøqlof | be scorched black; be charred; be burnt; (a dog or cat is) mangy | 狗); 生疥癬的 (貓; 燒焦了
tiørli | bait | 釣餌
tng'afliet | devoted | 腸仔熱
tng'ar thad`leq | intestinal obstruction | 腸仔塞咧; 腸阻塞
tng'axmlok | giraffe | 長頸鹿
tngf siaolieen | in one's youthful days | 正年輕
tngf-siaolieen | turn young | 轉少年
tngf`laang | lay a trap for a man | 捕人; 以陷阱害人
tngflaai | Let us go back! | 回去; 轉來; 回來
tngflaai-tngfkhix | turn back and forth | 轉來轉去
tngfluun | turn (one's eyes) | 轉輪; 轉動
tngftoaxlaang | turn big person | 轉大人
tngliauheeng | long strip | 長條形
tnglørløx | have much time | 長高高; 很久
tnglørsøx | tall | 長躼埽
tngr lamhofng | change to a south wind | 轉南風
tngr toaxlaang | become an adult or of marriageable age; puberty | 青春期; 成熟期
tngr`laai | come back | 回來; 返來
tngr`lai'oq | come back | 轉來喔
tngr`laikhix | let us go back! | 轉來去; 回去
tngr`laikhix`aq | going home | 轉來去矣
tngr`lailaq | come back | 轉來啦
tngr`løqkhix | sit down; plump down into a chair | 轉落去; 重重地坐落
tngrlapze | fall on one's buttocks (seat); totter backwards | 跌凹坐
tngsvoalaang | people in Taiwan came from China | 唐山人
tngthaupeqlit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthvy-libsex | call Heaven to witness | 當天立誓
tngtoo-lyheeng | long journey; long distance travel | 長途旅行
tngxlefng | weaning; ablactation; wean | 斷乳
tngxlo | not having any communication; not coming and going; having no means of livelihood; cut off a road for retreat | 斷交; 沒來往
tngxlyn | weaning; ablactation; wean | 斷奶
toa-koanleeng | almighty, all-powerful | 大權能
toa-køelo | big streets | 大街路
toa-zailan | great calamity ─ pestilence; flood or famine | 大災難
toaaftoaxlat | full strength | 大仔大力
toadli | grasping for gain | 奪利
toadlie | wrest justice | 奪理
toarlaai | bring here | 帶來
toarli | accuse falsely; bring a false charge against a person | 誣賴
toarliao | been there | 蹛了
toarlo | to act as a guide | 帶路
toarloa | accuse falsely; bring a false charge against a person | 誣賴
toarlui | to involve others in | 帶累
toarluii | to involve others in | 帶累
toarnlien | exercise | 鍛鍊
toarsinlaang | carrier | 帶身人
toax-bøe løh`khix | cannot accommodate (because of limitation of space) | 住無落下
toax`jiblaai | live in | 住進入
toax`laai | to bring | 帶來
toaxau`lit | the 3rd day from now | 大後日
toaxbuo-luie | large eyes | 大拇蕾; 大眼
toaxbwlaang-toaxbwzerng | grown up | 大武人大武種
toaxciamlea | big feast day (Catholic) | 大瞻禮
toaxhaxn-laang | giant, large person | 大漢人; 巨人
toaxkelo | big street | 大街路
toaxkhytoaxløh | big ups and downs | 大起大落
toaxlaang | my Load; panjandrum; adult; grown-up; full grown person | 大人; 成人
toaxlaang-khiekhaix | lofty quality as a big guy | 大人氣概
toaxlaau | a multistoried building; mansion; palace; edifice | 大樓
toaxlan | a disaster; a calamity | 大難
toaxlangtoaxzerng | grown up | 大人大種
toaxlao | great swindler | 大扭; 大騙子
toaxlat | energetically; vigorously; with a great effort | 大力
toaxlaxnphaf | big penis | 大𡳞脬
toaxlea | most solemn of ceremonies ─ including three kneeling and nine kowtows ─ performed in paying respects to a new master; foster parents (in old China) | 大禮
toaxlefbø | silk top hat | 大禮帽
toaxlefhok | formal or full dress | 大禮服
toaxleftngg | auditorium | 大禮堂
toaxlienbeeng | big alliance | 大聯盟
toaxliong | generous | 大量
toaxlit | big day | 大日
toaxlo | the highroad; avenue; highway; boulevard; main road; highway | 大路
toaxloah | very hot | 大熱
toaxloan | great turmoil; social or political upheaval; chao | 大亂
toaxloeh | big hat | 大笠
toaxloxloong | mainlander | 大路郎
toaxloxngzuo | big prodigal son | 大浪子
toaxloxpvy | big roadside | 大路邊
toaxloxterng | big road | 大路頂
toaxloxthaau | highway, main street, main road | 大路頭
toaxluie | big (eyes, flowers) | 大蕊; 大眼
toaxlym | to swig | 大喝; 大啉
toaxløo | big gong | 大鑼
toaxløtoaxkor | big gong and drum | 大鑼大鼓
toaxnliet | to fracture, to break | 斷裂
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxphvaylaang | big bad guy | 大歹人
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toaxsøealuie | view others unfairly | 大細蕊
toaxthonglo | road; street | 大馬路
toaxtiaulo | big street | 大條路
toaxzhuolai | in the big house | 大厝內
toaxzøh`lit | previous 3rd day | 大昨日
tochi leghoax | plant trees in the city | 都市綠化
tochixlaang | city people | 都市人
tochixlai | inside city | 都市內
toealaang | follow others; imitate another; follow another's example; follow suit | 跟人; 仿傚別人
toealangzao | elope | 綴人跑; 私奔
toealo | follow on the road | 綴路; 愛跟班
toex laang kviaa | follow another; go along in company with others | 跟著人走
toex laang liuheeng | follow new fashions | 趕時髦
toex`laai | follow | 綴來
toexli | convenient location | 地利
toexlie | geography | 地理
toexluii | landmine | 地雷
toexlysw | Feng Shui master | 地理師
tofnglai | inside the party (party member) | 黨內
tog'itbuli | one and only | 獨一無二
toggafnlioong | somebody blind in one eye | 獨眼龍
toglaang | suppuration | 毒膿
toglek | single handedly, by oneself only | 獨立; 獨力
toglib'ee | independent | 獨立的
toglibkog | independent nation or country | 獨立國
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
toglip kyliaxmjit | Independence Day; national day | 獨立紀念日
toglip soangieen | Declaration of Independence of the USA | 獨立宣言
toglip zengsiin | spirit of independence; independent minded | 獨立精神
toglip | independence; independent; self-contained; independence; independent | 獨立
togliuu | malignant tumor | 毒瘤
togsyn`laq | single | 獨身啦
tok`laang | to poison people | 毒死人
tok`lang | to poison people | 毒人
toli | to desire to make profit; to make money; desire to make money or profit; to plan to make money | 圖利
toliau | coating; paint | 塗料
toløo bueg | toil in vain | 徒勞無益
toløo bukofng | work without achieving anything; to labor without success; vain efforts | 徒勞無功
toløo | labor in vain, waste | 多勞; 徒勞
tong-bølo | get lost on the road | 撞無路; 迷路
tongky libtoaxn | make prompt decisions | 當機立斷
tonglai | in the hall | 堂內
tonglek habzog | cooperation | 同力合作
tongleng kiuozex | relief of the poor during winter months | 冬令救濟
tongleng | winter time; winter months | 冬令
tongliaau | fellow officials; colleagues | 同僚
tonglieen | childhood; that year | 童年; 當年
tongliin | colleagues | 同仁
tongliong | equivalence (chem.) | 同量; 當量
tonglit | same day | 當日
tongliuu hab'ux | wallow in mire with somebody | 同流合污
tonglo | same route; same goal | 同路
tongloghoe | gay party | 同樂會
tonglok boafnhoe | evening party (held within an organization; school) | 同樂晚會
tonglok | to enjoy together; rejoice together | 同樂
tonglui | be an associate (usually of a bad party); same class or kind | 同類
tongluo | virgin girl | 童女
tongpvi-siongliin | fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy; misery loves company | 同病相憐
tongserngloaan | homosexuality; homosexual love; lesbian love | 同性戀
tongterng haglek | with the same intellectual capacity and scholastic achievements (said of persons without a diploma in comparison with those who have one) | 同等學力
tongtexlaang | local people | 當地人
tongzengluo | virginity; a virgin | 童貞女
tongzwkwn toaxloxviaa | camporee; jamboree | 童子軍大露營
tor-gafnlek | exert one's power of sight; as in examining an article before buying; to scrutinize | 賭眼力
torngliangzhaai | pillars; capable great statesmanship person | 棟梁材
torngliong | equivalent | 當量
tornglioong cy zaai | great statesmanship person | 棟樑之才
tornglioong | the beams; the ridgepole; a man of great ability; lesser and greater beams ─ pillars of the State | 棟樑
tornglo | block the road; in the road; bar the way | 擋路
tosw koafnlyoaan | librarian | 圖書管理員
tox`laang | infect people | 傳染別人
tox`lang | infect people | 渡人
toxkoex lankoafn | tide over a difficulty | 渡過難關
toxlai | came | 渡來
toxliong toa | broad minded | 度量大
toxliong | large-minded; instrument for measuring; capacity for forgiveness; degree of magnanimity | 肚量; 度量
toxliong øeh | sordid; petty minded; stingy | 度量小
toxlioxngheeng | weights and measures, lengths, capacity and weight | 度量橫
toxliuu | layover; linger; remain; stay; make a stop; stick around | 逗留
toxng'goanleng | order for mobilization | 動員令
toxng`leq | stop | 擋咧
toxngbut hunluixhak | systematic zoology | 動物分類學
toxnglaai-toxngkhix | move around | 動來動去
toxnglai | in the cave | 洞內
toxnglat | motive power, driving force, impetus | 動力
toxngleghak | dynamics | 動力學
toxnglek | dynamic force; power; driving force; mechanical power; dynamic force | 動力
toxngliefnchiaf | motor vehicle | 動輪車
toxngliin | moving | 動人
toxngliong | momentum (phys.) | 動量
toxnglo | to get angry, become angry | 動怒
toxngloan | disturbance; disorder; agitation; unrest; commotion; agitation | 動亂
toxngloan`ee | restive | 動亂的
toxngmeqliuu | aneurysm | 動脈瘤
toxngzhad-lek | insight | 洞察力
tuaflai | in the cabinet | 櫥仔內
tubøfløqzuie | beach where a sow tried to save her babies | 豬母落水
tudlienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tuhai anlioong | suppress the evil and pacify the good | 除害安良
tui`løqlaai | get lowered to us by a rope; hang down heavily; like a branch loaded with fruit almost bent to the ground | 墜下來
tuielaang | personal, personnel, to person | 對人
tuielai | domestic, internal | 對內
tuielieen | Chinese couplet (often written and mounted on scrolls to be hung up on the wall) | 對聯
tuielip | to be opposed to each other; opposite; opposition; opposed to each other; in opposition to each other | 對立
tuieliuu | convection (in physics) | 對流
tuielo | proper, suitable (medicine) | 對路; 對症
tuietab jii liuu | give answers fluently | 對答如流
tuiliah | to pursue and apprehend; to chase | 追掠; 追捕
tuiliam | remember with nostalgia or gratitude; to think on kindness or good deeds done to us in times long past; review the past | 追念
tuilin | ratify | 追認
tuimngxløqkhix | questioning | 追問落去
tuisw-lefpaix | Requiem Service (Protestant) | 追思禮拜
tuix laang bøextid køex | offend people; act so that men will blame; unable to justify one's action | 對人無得過
tuixlaau | commit suicide by jumping from a building; to fall from a building | 墜樓
tuixlioong | hernia | 墜腸
tuixløh | to indulge in evil ways; to sink in moral standard; to degenerate; degenerate; sink low | 墮落; 墜落
tulaau | go against the stream | 推流; 逆流
tuliao | except that; beside; apart from | 除了
tupø-anlioong | drive out the rascals and protect the people | 除暴安良
tuqlan | unhappy; uncontent; resent | 揬𡳞
tuu`khylaai | divided to be | 除起來
tuxlan | feel wronged and act irrationally (vulgar language) | 賭氣; (粗話)
tuxlang | chopsticks basket | 箸籠
tuy-laixbin | from inside | 從內面
tvafkeklut | batting average | 打擊率
tvafliao | disturb | 打擾
tvafliong | to meas | 打量; 測量
tvaflong'iam | cholelithiasis; cholecystitis; inflammation of the gallbladder | 膽囊炎
tvafloong | gallbladder; bile bladder | 膽囊
tvafloong-iam | have cholecystitis, have inflammation of the | 膽囊炎
tvafluii | thunder | 打雷
tvafløo | to salvage, to refloat | 打羅; 打撈
tvealat | with all one's might; gather all one's strength; as when raising a heavy thing or suffering from constipation; strain or exert all one's strength | 用力
tveasiao-lagtiefn | act in a clownery; making people laugh | 詼諧滑稽; 裝瘋賣傻
tvexlefng | squeeze the breast; to milk | 擠乳
tviaf`løqkhix | person falls down | 跌落去; 跌倒落去
tviafaflai | inside ding pot | 鼎仔內
tvialaai-tviakhix | be staggered; to reel | 搖搖晃晃
tviar`laang | threaten; intimidate; menace; imperil | 鼎人; 威嚇人
tvielat | make a great effort, with all of the power or endeavor | 纏力; 瞪力; 全力以赴; 用力
tviesiao lagtiefn | act in a clownery; making people laugh | 詼諧滑稽; 裝瘋賣傻
tvilaai-tvikhix | be a persistent bother; tangled (thread or cord) | 糾纏無休; 纏來纏去
tviliau | sweeten materials | 甜料
tvilo | sweet road | 甜路
tviukoafn lytaix | wrong attribution; mistaken identity (Lit. put Mr. Tiu's hat on Mr. Li) | 張冠李戴
tviulai | In the field | 場內
tviulau | prepare for your funeral | 張老
tviulee | five Dutch acres; a long-plow of land; unit of area about 4.85 hectares | 張犁; 5甲; 25犁
tviulek | tension, tensile strength | 張力
tviuolaang | abscess; full of matter and about to burst; e.g.; a boil or carbuncle | 鼓膿; 脹膿; 化膿; 膿腫
tviuolek | tension, tensile strength | 脹高
tviuolii | screens or curtains for doors or windows | 帳簾; 廉子
tviuxlaang | father-in-law; wife's father | 丈人; 岳父
tviuxlaang-paa`ar | father-in-law; wife's father | 丈人爸仔; 岳父
tviuxlangkofng | father-in-law | 丈人公
tviuxlangmar | mother-in-law | 丈人媽
tviuxlangpaa | father-in-law | 丈人爸
tviuxlangpeq | elder brother of wife's father | 丈人伯; 妻之伯父
tviuxlangzeg | younger brother of wife's father | 丈人叔; 妻之叔父
tviwlør | village elders; elder; senior monk | 長老
tviwlør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tvix`zhutlaai | pretend | 裝出來
tvixlaau | high tide | 滇流
tvoagoanzuo-lixzuo | monoatomic ion | 單原子離子
tvoalat | elastic force | 單力; 彈力
tvoasinlaang | single | 單身人
tvoaxløh | end (of a paragraph; section; stage; period) | 段落
twlaai | just arrive | 剛來; 剛到
tykhornglat | resistance | 抵抗力
tykhornglek | power of resistance | 抵抗力
tykhoxng-lat | power of resistance | 抵抗力
tøealaang | follow others | 跟人
tøealo | accompany | 隨路
tøeflo | short circuit | 短路; 捷徑
tøex-liuheeng | follow the fashion | 隨流行; 綴流行; 學時髦
tøex`laang | follow people | 隨人
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
tøexlak | sixth | 第六
tøexlak-karm | sixth sense, hunch | 第六感
tøexlat | fertility of the land | 地力
tøexlie | geography | 地理
tøexlie-hak | geography | 地理學
tøexlie-sw | geomancer | 地理師; 風水先生
tøexluii | a land | 地雷
tøexsym-khiplat | gravity | 地心吸力
tøfliawliao | fall down | 倒了了
tøflo | have gone bankrupt, have died | 倒路; 破產
tøfloan huxnzuo | one who gives trouble; disturbing element | 搗亂份子
tøfloan | bother, disturb | 搗亂
tøftngflaai | come back | 倒轉來
tøgoaan-lun | pluralism | 多元論
tøgoanlun | pluralism | 多元論
tøh`khylaai | burst into flames; blaze up; flare up; begin to burn | 燃起來; 燒起來
tøhterng laqjit | desk calendar | 桌上日曆
tølaan | very difficulty | 多難
tølan | to seek refuge from calamities; seek safety inflight; seek refuge from calamities | 逃難
tøliong | great quantity | 多量; 大量
tølo chym | doctors asking high fees; the charges are exorbitant | 刀路深; 索價昂(醫生)
tølo | cutting technique | 刀路; 切菜技術
tøqkhylai'aq | the fire blazed up | 著起來矣
tør laang ee cvii | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的錢; 倒人的帳
tør laang ee siaux | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的數; 倒人的帳
tørliam | repeat backwards | 倒念
tørliao | loss instead | 倒了; 反而虧損
tørliuu | backflow | 倒流
tørlwn | draw straight back (the head or the whole body) | 倒縮
tørpaw`laai | upside down | 倒包來
tørsiaolieen | younger than before | 倒少年
tørtah lienhoef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tørthealw | driving backwards | 倒退推
tørtngflaai | come back | 倒轉來
tørtngflai'aq | back home | 倒轉來矣
tørtøx-zhutlaai | pour out | 倒倒出來
tøx`laai | came back | 到來
tøx`løh | pour down | 倒落
tøxlafm'oaan | guide | 導覽員
tøxlan | escape | 逃難
tøxlarm | guided tour | 導覽
tøxlie | reason; mean; doctrine; reason; rationality; the right way; the proper way | 道理
tøxlimzoar | ordinary printing paper (for books) | 道林紙
tøxlo | course; path; road; way; road | 道路
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
tøxteg tuixløh | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德墮落
tøzay tølan | be plagued by frequent ills; be dogged by bad luck | 多災多難
u hauxlek | validity | 有效力
u hexløh | one's whereabouts; responsibility (in acting); well behaved; correct in conduct; esp. as to money matters; safe to deal with | 有下落; 有著落
u kaolat | has the strength to do it; powerful; capable enough | 能力夠; 勝任
u lang'ieen | likable; popular (person) | 有人緣
u lefsox | be polite | 有禮數
u loxiong | be useful | 有用; 有用途
u tafmliong | have courage or guts | 有膽量
u tøxlie | reasonable; plausible; convincing | 有道理
u-khuielat | energetic, with strength | 有氣力
u-kuilut | disciplined | 有規律
u-lang'ieen | likeable, captivating | 有人緣
u-langseg | widely known and good in social intercourse | 有人色; 有人情
u-lefmau | polite, courteous | 有禮貌
u-lefsox | polite, knowing general custom | 有禮數
u-leng'exng | efficacious and powerful (god) | 有靈應; 有靈驗
u-leng'uy | majestic and powerful (god) | 有靈威
u-lenglek | capable, able | 有能力
u-lengsviax | efficacious and powerful (god) | 有靈聖; 有靈驗
u-loxeng | useful | 有路用; 有用
u-loxiong | useful | 有用
u-ly'iuu | with certain reason | 有理由
u-lykhix | reasonable, common-sense | 有理氣; 講理
u-sealek | influential, powerful | 有勢力
u-zaileeng | gifted | 有才能
u`laq | has | 有啦
ud laang ee jinzeeng | put on value on other's kindness | 抹殺人的好意
uibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
uibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論
uicie`loq | stopped | 為止囉
uielaan | flinch; can not tide over difficulties | 畏難
uielaang | timid, afraid to meet people | 畏人
uielerng | have an anguish chill; be afraid of eating things considered too cooling; e.g.; ice; have a cold fit | 覺冷; 怕冷; 畏寒
uieliuu | try to retain (a person intending to resign) in office | 慰留
uieloah | fear of heat | 畏熱
uielø | consolation | 慰勞
uieløkym | monetary reward for a person's services; a bonus | 慰勞金
uieløo | giving recognition to someone for the service rendered; to console the laborers; acknowledgment for services rendered; entertain and cheer (sometimes by means of material gifts) | 慰勞
uihofng-lymlirm | awe inspiring; imposing | 威風凜凜
uii lipaf | put a fence around property | 圍籬笆
uii`khylaai | surround something or somebody | 圍起來
uii`laai | surround | 圍來
uijiin siexnlioong | he is a good; kind hearted man | 為人善良
uikhoxng bexngleng | disobey orders | 違抗命令
uilaan | baffle; under the harrow; be difficult; be troublesome; troubled; distressed; in a difficulty or dilemma; make things difficult (for another) | 為難
uilau | omition; to leave out; to miss out; to pass by; to neglect and forget an item | 遺漏
uileeng | prestige | 威靈
uilegmi | cup of noodles | 維力麵
uilek | might; power; strength; force; force that inspires awe; destructive force (of a typhoon; earthquake; nuclear device) | 威力
uileng | disobey orders | 違令
uilengtien | prestige hall | 威靈殿
uili'ar | fence | 圍籬仔
uilie-lun | rationalism | 唯理論
uilii | fence | 圍籬
uiloo | meal taken together by all the members of a family on New Year's Eve (Lit. surrounding the fireplace) | 圍爐
uilozhaix | fired dishe | 圍爐菜
uilylun | anti-rationalism | 違理論
uipoe liongsym | betray one's conscience | 違背良心
uiuii`khylaai | surrounded | 圍圍起來
uix-siawlea | be shy, bebashful | 畏小禮; 害羞的人
uixbeeng-uixli | for fame and wealth | 為名為利
uixhoflan | mislead, tell a lie | 畫虎𡳞
uixlaang | humanness | 為人
uixliao | for the sake of; on account of | 為了; 為著
ulek | energy to spare | 餘力
uli | marging of profit | 餘利
uliafmgoaan | pollutant | 汙染原
uliarm | pollution | 汙染
ulun | public opinion; popular opinion | 輿論
uluxnkaix | journalistic world | 輿論界
un'wn`leq | warm up | 溫溫咧
unlioong | gentle and good; amiable; good natured | 溫良
unliuu | gentle | 溫柔
unloarn | warm; mildness; warm; warmth | 溫暖
unzenglaang | benefactor | 恩情人
uo'ux`leq | lightly touch with it | 沾沾咧
uoliaang | chill with ice | 冷敷
urn'uxn`leq | apply a little soybean sauce | 沾沾咧
urn`laang | promise others | 允人
urnliau | spice | 搵料
ut'ud`leq | iron the clothes; bend or fold them | 熨熨咧
utloah | scorching heat | 鬱熱
uxciah køq uxliah | have both eat and take away | 有吃擱有捉; 可吃又可帶回
uxcidlit | one day | 有一日
uxcvilaang | wealthy man | 有錢人
uxkaolat | has strength | 有夠力
uxlaai-uxkhix | reciprocal (said of exchanging gifts or rendering help to others) | 有來有去; 禮尚往來
uxlaang | somebody; someone | 有人
uxlang'ieen | popular | 有人緣
uxlat | powerful., strong | 有力
uxlea | be polite | 有禮; 有禮貌
uxlefuxkax | polite and educated | 有禮有教
uxli | profitable, advantageous | 有利
uxliau | anticipate; estimate; forecast | 預料
uxlie | logical; reasonable; acceptable manner; be reasonable and right | 有理
uxliong | liberal; generous; forbearing | 慷慨; 有量; 有雅量
uxliuu | reserved | 預留
uxlo | there is a road or way; to have the means; have a good appetite; like to eat | 有路; 胃口大
uxlo-bøzhux | said of a wandering vagrant or very poor man; who has no place to live; bum; vagabond | 無家可歸
uxloxbøzhux | a street has no home | 有路無厝
uxloxeng | useful | 有路用
uxloxiong | useful | 有路用
uxloxlaai | know how to do, with a method to deal with | 有路來; 能做
uxnliong | volume | 運量
uxnlut | rhythm; cadency; meter; rhyme scheme | 韻律
uxnsulam | naval supply ship | 運輸艦
uxntoxngliong | momentum | 運動量
uxtøxlie | makes sense | 有道理
uxzenglaang | passionate | 有情人
uy'uie-loglok | obsequious, servile, say alway yes | 委委命命; 唯唯諾諾
vai pvixlaang | carry a sick person piggyback | 背病人
vaixcviu-vaixløh | take care of; tend (Lit. carry up and down) | 背上背下
vaixkhie-vaixløh | take care of; tend (Lit. carry up and down) | 背上背下
valiawliao | took them all | 偝了了
varlaam | structure facing south (east; west; north) | 朝南 (東; 西; 北)
varløh | stoop down; bend down; bow; stoop | 俯落; 彎腰
varløqkhix | kneel down | 向落去
vax`løq | stoop down; bend down; bow; stoop | 俯落; 彎腰
vax`løqkhix | turn one's face downward; stoop down | 俯落去; 彎腰
viafliaq | shadow | 影跡
viciulut | the circular constant | 圓周率
viciw-lut | pi | 圓周率
vii-lirnlixn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vikho'aflai | inside the circle | 圓箍仔內
viliap | pellets | 圓粒
viliernliexn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vilirnlixn | round and rolling | 圓輾輾
viubahloo | lamb hot pot | 羊肉爐
viukhorngloo | smelting furnace | 鎔礦爐
viukhoxng-loo | melting pot, crucible | 鎔礦爐; 坩鍋
viulaau | foreign styled building | 洋樓
viulefng | goat's milk | 羊乳; 羊奶
viuliuo | willow | 楊柳
viuu jip longkuun | perilous (Lit. sheep entering a pack of wolves) | 羊入狼群
viwlogtøf | Yakult | 養樂多
vixleeng | talent | 異能
vixløh | back yard; garden | 院落
vixpafng-laang | gentile person, foreigner | 異邦人
vixpanglaang | Gentiles | 異邦人
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
voa lengkhie | change baby teeth for the permanent set | 換牙; 換乳齒
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
voaflai | bowl inside | 碗內
voafliau | porcelain | 碗料; 搪瓷; 瓷器
voaivoailaau | leaking water all over the place | 四散流; (形容到處是水)
voarlaai | come late | 遲到
voax khie`laai | get up late | 晏起來
voaxlaai | change | 換來
voaxlaang | change people | 換人
wliong | rainfall; amount of rainfall or precipitation | 雨量
wlioxngkex | rain gauge; udometer | 雨量計
wlioxngkib | bantamweight | 羽量級
wlioxngpiør | rain gauge | 雨量表
wn`løqkhix | fall down on the ground or floor; double over | 殷落去; 倒在地上
wnlek | conceal, keep secret | 隱力; 隱匿
wnthaulo | seeking for jobs | 允頭路
wtiu-lai | in the universe | 宇宙內
wtiu-lun | cosmology | 宇宙論
wtiuxlaang | cosmic people | 宇宙人
wtiuxlun | cosmology | 宇宙論
wtiuxlut | laws of the universe | 宇宙律
yiet-taixløo | wait in comfort for an exhausted enemy; conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march | 以逸代勞
ylaai | since then, thereafter, up to now | 以來
ylai | within; in | 以內
ylea thaixjiin | take notice of one | 以禮待人
yliaau | backless wooden bench | 椅條; 長板凳
yliauafterng | bench top | 椅條仔頂
yliaupvy | bench side | 椅條邊
yliauterng | bench top | 椅條頂
yloong libkog | nation having an agricultural economy | 以農立國
ym-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 陰離子
ymliau | beverages; drinks | 飲料
ymsit-lamluo | people's basic instincts are food and sex | 飲食男女; 食色性也
ymzuie-zhwlie | drinking water processing | 飲水處理
ynlaai | attract | 引來
ynle | give an example, use an illustration, quote a precedent | 引例; 舉例
ynlek | gravitational force; gravity; attraction; gravitation; the (earth's) gravitation force | 引力
ynlerng | lead | 引領
ynlip | introduce | 引入
ynlo | guide the direction | 引路
ynloong jibseg | usher the wolf into the house (Lit. bring in a troublemaker) | 引狼入室
ynthaulo | looking for job | 允頭路
ysien uilok | take pleasure in virtue | 以善為樂
zabji-kenglo | twelve meridians and collaterals | 十二經絡
zablagkhay | sixteen or sextodecimo; the suffix mo refers to book size or paper size resulting from folding a ream sized sheet of paper into sixteen leaves of equal dimension in preparation for printing a book | 十六開
zablak | sixteen | 十六
zabli svisviux | 12-zodiac | 十二生相
zabliam | intrusive thought; nag; incessant complain; speak out of turn; shoot off one's mouth; grumbling; make idle complaints; worldly thoughts | 雜念; 雜唸; 嘮叨; 多嘴
zabliap | ten granular pieces | 十粒
zabliaxmpøo | critical woman | 雜唸婆; 發牢騷的女人
zabliok | notebook, miscellaneous record | 雜錄
zablixhwn | very | 十二分
zabloan | in a mess; in confusion | 雜亂
zabloan-buciofng | untidy | 雜亂無章; 亂七八糟
zablyhiofng | jasmin | 十里香; 月橘
zabofgyn'aflaang | girl | 查某囡仔人
zabofkviaflit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zaboflaang | woman | 查某人; 女人
zabor-laang | woman, wife | 查某人; 婦人妻
zabpøeq-løhaxn | the eighteen saints or disciples of Buddha | 十八羅漢
zabseg laang | many kinds of people | 雜色人; 各種人
zabzhørlaang | every kind of people | 各種人
zae'exløh | enough space to carry something | 載得落
zaeciab-zaele | forge ahead disregarding obstructions or failures; make a determined effort; undismayed | 再接再勵
zaehunlui | resort | 再分類
zaelaai | come again; come again | 再來
zaeliim | Come back again (polite term); Advent Season | 再臨
zaelip | loading | 載入
zaetaxngliong | loading capacity | 載重量
zaetioxngliong | loading capacity | 載重量
zaflaai | to come early | 早來
zaflit | once upon a time | 早日
zah laang ee oexthaau | interrupt a man when speaking; to cut short another's long story | 打斷人的話
zah lit | block the sun | 閘日
zahlaai | carry | 紮來
zailaang | come to consciousness; aware of one's surroundings; be unconscious | 知人; 神志清明,; 恢復意識; 醒過來; 清醒
zailan | calamity; disaster; calamity; catastrophe | 災難
zailaq | understand; know | 知啦
zaileeng | ability; capability; talent; capacities | 才能
zailek | pocket; means; financial resource; the power or force of riches or money | 財力; 才力
zaili | profit | 財利
zailiau | figure; statistics; information for writing an article; such as: data; ingredients of a preparation like food or medicine; story; raw materials; material; novel | 材料
zailiauxhaang | material shop | 材料行
zailiauxkhøf | material science | 材料科
zailiauxtiaxm | material shop | 材料店
zailie | talented woman | 才女
zailo | know the road direction; direction to make a fortune; source of income; wealth | 知路; 財路
zailuo | talented lady | 才女
zaitix-liofngkiafm | talented and smart | 才智兩兼
zaiviafahlaq | understand | 知影矣啦
zaiviar`laq | understand | 知影啦
zaixcitlie | virgin | 在室女
zaixlaai | hitherto; before now; original and local; conventional; up to this time | 原來; 一向; 向來
zaixlaang | varies from person to person; personal choice | 在人; 因人而異; 在於人
zaixlai | consist in; including; inclusive | 在內
zaixlaibie | the customary rice; local rice; an inferior quality of rice | 在來米
zaixseklaam | male virgin | 在室男; 處男
zaixseklie | virgin | 在室女; 處女
zaixsekluo | female virgin | 在室女; 處女
zaixtexlaang | local people | 在地人
zaixthiefn-cy-leeng | in the heaven | 在天之靈
zaixtoexlaang | local people | 在地人
zaixtøexlaang | native | 本地人
zaizexng khurnlaan | financial embarrassment | 財政困難
zangluo'ar | brush made by drying mellon | 棕鑢仔
zangluu | Chinese coir palm | 椰棕; 木優櫚
zanhoaf paixliuo | prostitutes (Lit. faded flowers and withered willows) | 殘花敗柳
zanlirm | cruel | 殘忍
zanliubut | vestigial; rinsing; leavings | 殘留物
zanliuciar | the Remnant (Isaiah) | 殘留者
zanliuu | remnant; residuary; rudiment; remains; remnants; remain | 殘留
zao-bøexli | cannot escape | 跑無了; 走袂離; 逃不及
zao`laai | came | 走來
zaokhalai | in the kitchen | 灶跤內
zaokhanglai | stove | 灶空內
zapjiblaai | pierce in | 紮入來
zapof-laang | man | 查哺人; 查埔人; 男人
zapolaang | man; male | 查哺人; 男人
zapolanghii | mermaid | 查埔人魚
zaq`khylaai | bound it | 紮起來; 束起來
zaqlo | take a shortcut; cut corner; obstruct the road; impede or detain one on the road; obstruct an exit | 擋路; 欄路
zarnkenglai | in the warehouse | 棧間內
zarnlat | support | 贊力
zarnlea | ceremony | 讚禮
zarnliaau | warehouse | 棧寮; 倉庫
zatlat | apply just enough force or effort; to estimate one's strength or resources before acting; estimate one's own ability act according to one's strength | 量力; 適當用力
zauliawliao | gave away all the changes | 找了了
zauqliam | censorious, hyper-critical | 糟念; 嘮叨; 批評
zawbefloong | walkway hallway | 走馬廊
zawbexli | unable to get away | 走袂離
zawboexli | unable to get away | 走袂離
zawbøexli | can't escape | 走無掉
zawbølo | no way of escape; no outlet; no means of fleeing or escaping; no way out; no place to go | 走無路; 無處可去
zawkhylaai | get up | 走起來
zawlaai-zawkhix | run about | 跑來跑去
zawlaq | go | 走啦
zawlau | overlook; divulge; leak out or give away secrets | 走漏
zawli | succeed in running away | 走離; 跑離; 逃離
zawliawliao | gone | 走了了
zawlo | on the run; be on the run; on the lam | 走路; 逃亡; 逃債; 亡命
zawloan | not in order | 走亂
zawlonglai | in the corridor | 走廊內
zawloong | corridor; corridor; aisle | 走廊
zawsiøliah | chase each other | 走相捉
zawsiølib | chase | 走相逐
zawsvaliah | chase | 走相掠
zawsvalib | chase | 走相逐
zawtaau-bølo | have no one to turn to | 走投無路
zawthaubølo | nowhere to go | 走頭無路
zawtngflaai | came home | 走轉來
zawzhutlaai | cme out | 走出來
zawzhutlai'aq | came out | 走出來矣
zawzhutlaineq | came out | 走出來呢
zaxmlo | take a shortcut; cut corner | 踐路; 走捷徑
zay`løqkhix | fell down- typically head down | 擠落去
ze-bøexløh | unable to be seated | 坐無下
ze-kaq langlafng | there are many vacant seats | 坐得鬆鬆; 坐的人零零落落
ze`laq | plenty | 濟啦
ze`loq | plenty | 濟囉
ze`løqkhix | sit down; Sit down! | 坐落去
zealea | rule or regulation for sacrifice; sacrifices offered to gods or the deceased | 祭禮
zealiong | dose | 劑量
zeaseakiuoliin | save the world | 濟世救人
zeateng hoatlut | institute laws | 制定法律
zeeng-lefpaix | last week | 前禮拜
zefnglie | trimming; clear up; arrange | 整理
zefngliukhix | rectifier; commutator (physics) | 整流器
zefngliuu | tumor | 腫瘤; 腫(月留)塊; 整流
zefngliuu-khix | a rectifier, a commutator | 整流器
zefnglui | category; variety; class; kinds | 種類
zefnglylie | tidy | 整理理
zefngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
zeg liab'aflaang | squeeze the pus out of a boil | 擠瘡; 擠疔膿
zeg-kongløo | accumulate credit | 積功勞
zeglee | thorny medicinal plant | 棘手的藥用; 蒺藜
zekjim koanliam | sense of responsibility | 責任觀念
zekkek ee laang | very active person | 積極的人
zeklaan | scold; blame | 責難
zeklaang | squeeze out the pus | 擠膿; 積膿
zeklim | responsibility | 責任
zekloong | pus collect | 集膿; 積膿; 集膿液
zeklui | candle tears | 燭淚
zekløo sengcit | fall sick from persistent overwork | 積勞成疾
zekløo | overwork to ill | 積濁; 積勞
zeliong | dosage; dose | 劑量
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zenghablie | reasonable | 情合理
zenghwn kieliam | crystal (the 15th) wedding anniversary | 晶婚紀念
zengkalut | rate of increase | 增加率
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zenglaai | come | 前來
zenglaang | ex lovers | 前人; 情人
zenglaau | bell tower | 鐘樓; 鐘塔
zenglangkviar | stepchild; wife's son by former husband; husband's son by former wife | 前人囝; 前妻或前夫之子女
zengle | precedent | 前例
zengleeng | goblins; ghosts; spirits | 精靈
zenglek oxngseng | very energetic and vigorous; full of vitality | 精力旺盛
zenglek | energy; vigor; stamina; vitality | 精力
zengli | scramble for wealth | 爭利
zenglie lan'ioong | contrary to reason or common sense; absurd | 情理難容
zenglie | sense; chaste woman; a virgin | 情理; 貞女
zengliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列腺
zenglien | fine; fining; extract; soldiers well drilled in marching procedures; refine oil or metal | 精煉; 精練
zengliet | honest; straightforward; courageous and virtuous; maintain chastity even unto death | 貞烈
zengliin | lover | 情人
zenglim | ex | 前任
zenglioong | very high quality; exquisite; excellent | 精良
zenglit | some days ago | 前日
zengliukhix | a still; a distiller | 蒸溜器
zengliuu | distillation; distill; distillation; distil | 蒸溜; 蒸餾
zengliuzuie | distilled water | 蒸溜水; 蒸餾水
zenglo | front road | 前路
zengloaan | love | 情戀
zengloong | a man being loved by a woman; seminal vesicles | 情郎; 精囊
zenglorng | clearness; fine; shiny; unclouded | 晴朗
zenglu | monk | 僧侶
zenglun | wrangle; dispute; argument; argue | 爭論
zengluo | virgin lady | 貞女
zengløh | front part of a house | 前屋; 前院; 前落; 前房
zengpefng-leng | draft call | 征兵令; 徵兵令
zengsielaang | past life | 前世人
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zengsiin hunliedzexng | schizophrenia | 精神分裂症
zengsiin khie`laai | wake up | 精神起來; 醒過來
zengsiin koanlengpvi | neurosis | 精神官能病
zengsiin liauhoad | psycho therapy | 精神療法
zengsiin løtoxngciar | white collar worker | 精神勞動者
zengsiin tixliaau | psychological therapy | 精神治療
zengsiin zhørloan | dementia; mental derangement; insanity; paranoia | 精神錯亂
zerng`khylaai | swell up | 腫起來
zerngkaux hunli | separation of church and state | 政教分離
zerngkhaklut | correct rate | 正確率
zernglaang | general public; all the people; everybody; the multitude | 眾人; 證人
zerngleng | a government order; laws or regulations; government ordinance or decree | 政令
zernglie | justice; proper manner or way | 正理; 正確的道理
zerngloan | political chaos | 政亂
zernglun | political comments | 政論
zerngphaix ee laang | virtuous person | 正派的人
zerngsionglaang | normal people | 正常人
zerngtofng ee lyiuu | just cause; proper reason | 正當的理由
zexhøealaang | old aged | 多歲人; 高齡
zexlaam | fact south | 坐南
zexløo | be imprisoned | 坐牢
zexløqlaai | sit down | 坐落來
zexng-pyle | direct proportion | 正比例; 正比
zexnglek | static force | 靜力
zexngli | net profit | 淨利; 實利
zexngløqlaai | come quietly | 靜落來
zexngmeqliuu | varix; varicose vein | 靜脈瘤
zexpag-hiornglaam | house facing the south most ideal situation in Taiwan because it's warm in winter and cool in summer | 坐北朝南
zexpag-ngrlaam | house facing the south most ideal situation in Taiwan because it's warm in winter and cool in summer | 坐北向南
zhaa-bøe zhud`laai | cannot find out a fact; cannot check out a figure | 查無出來
zhabzhabløh | keep raining | 㴙㴙落
zhadlaang | thief | 賊人
zhadloq | thief | 賊囉
zhaechi'aflai | traditional market | 菜市仔內
zhaehiøqlui | vegetables | 菜葉類
zhaeliaau | vegetable garden | 菜寮
zhaelui | different kinds of vegetables | 菜類; 菜頭
zhaeluo'ar | a tool for shredded daikon, yum, etc | 菜鑢仔
zhaf cyn-lixkefng | very different | 很離譜; 差真離經
zhafbøo-loaxze | there isn't much difference | 差不多
zhafkelaxtheh | noisy family fighting all the time | 吵家抐宅
zhafla | annoy, cause disturbance | 吵抐
zhafloan | noisy | 吵亂
zhafmliet | severe; furious; desperate; terrible | 慘烈
zhaglaang | sting a person | 刺人
zhahløh | insert | 插落
zhahsit laan poef | completely surrounded (Lit. Even if you were given wings; you couldn't fly away.) | 插翅難飛
zhailap | receive and adopt | 裁納
zhailiau | material; data; stuff; ingredients | 材料
zhailoong | wolf; wolves | 豺狼
zhaixlip | pillar; to set; to place; to plant | 豎立
zhalaang | puppet | 柴人; 木偶
zhaliaau | wooden yard | 柴寮
zhaliau | timber; lumber; furniture | 木料; 木材; 柴料
zhaliauxhaang | firewood shop | 柴料行
zhalo | the wrong way | 叉路
zhamlam | mix in | 參混; 摻濫; 混合
zhamleq | mix together | 合著
zhamliet | participate | 參列
zhamluo | silkworm girl | 蠶女
zhamsiongcidexlaq | consultation | 參詳一下啦
zhamsoafnliin | candidate | 參選人
zhanhvoa-lo | footpaths between rice fields | 田岸路; 田間小徑
zhanhvoaaflo | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔路
zhanhvoaxlo | ridge | 田岸路
zhanlai | in the farm | 田內
zhanlear | farm snail | 田螺仔
zhanlee | paddy snail; fresh water or paddy snail; pond; mud snail | 田螺
zhanlo | s small road in the rice field | 田路
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanzngf-laang | country-man; villager | 田庄人
zhanznglaang | grange people | 田庄人
zhaohiielaang | deaf | 臭耳聾
zhaohixlaang | deaf | 臭耳聾
zhaohvi-laang | deaf person | 臭耳人; 聾子
zhaohvixlaang | deaf; deaf person | 臭耳人; 重聽; 聾; 聾人
zhaohøefløf | scorched; burnt | 臭黑囉; 燒焦
zhaokhaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 臭腳鼻黏; 脛骨瘡
zhaolaang | shameless people | 臭人; 無廉恥的人; 卑鄙的人
zhaolau | old-appearing; appearing much older than one really is | 老醜; 臭老; 老態; 未老先衰; 看起來比本人老
zhaolauxhiexn | odor of old people | 臭老獻
zhaolenghiexn | very young and inexperienced like a sucking child; the smell of a sucking child | 乳臭味; 乳臭未乾
zhaolengtaibi | slur | 臭奶呆味
zhaolengtay | speak with a lisp; baby talk | 臭奶呆; 齒語音無正
zhaolintay | slur | 臭奶呆
zhaoliøxhiafm | smelly urine | 臭尿薟
zhaplam | indiscriminately | 插濫
zhaq laqzeg | put candles in a candlestick | 插臘燭
zhaq`khylaai | stick into | 插起來
zhaq`løqkhix | stick into | 插落去
zhar`laang | bother a person by being noisy; hollering or requesting things; disturb someone | 擾人; 打擾人
zhar`sie-laang | make someone angry; annoy; bother; disturb; also used as a light swear word with the meaning; You are driving me nuts. (Lit. You are so disturbing it's killing me.) | 吵死人
zharmhoealiok | confessions | 懺悔錄
zharnlan | brilliant; dazzling; splendid; brilliant; splendid; dazzlingly bright | 燦爛
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zharnlan-konghuy | brilliant and glorious | 燦爛光輝
zhat khaq-og laang | A thief becomes ferocious on being detected | 賊比失主還兇; 強詞奪理。
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhathaulaang | wooden head people | 柴頭人
zhatliau | material for painting | 漆料
zhatlie | investigate the principle involved | 察理
zhaulien | drill; exercise; to drill troops; exercise the body | 操練
zhauliok | make a copy of | 抄錄
zhaulok | copy | 抄錄
zhauløo koeato | be excessively loaded with cares | 操勞過度
zhauløo | over work to become tired; be under the weight of cares; be loaded with cares | 操勞
zhauqzhauh-liam | keep on talking | 嘈嘈唸; 喋喋無休
zhaux khazhngf kviaf laang ngf | afraid that one's own secret or fault will be disclosed | 怕人揭瘡疤。
zhaw`khylaai | to copy something | 抄下來
zhaw`laq | copy | 抄啦
zhawlaan | cold orchid | 草人; 寒蘭
zhawlaang | scarecrow | 草人
zhawlarng | straw basket | 草籠
zhawlau | create a disturbance | 草漏; 吵鬧
zhawlegseg | green grass color | 草綠色
zhawleh | sun or rain hat; made of grass or palm | 草帽; 草笠
zhawlek-seg | grass green color | 草綠色
zhawleqar | sun or rain hat; made of grass or palm | 草笠帽; 草笠
zhawliaau | a shelter made of straw | 草寮
zhawliau | herb family; animal feed; fodder | 草料
zhawliauar | straw hut | 草寮仔
zhawloeh | Straw hat | 草帽
zhawloeqar | grass hat | 草笠仔
zhawlui | grass family | 草類
zhawlyar | paramecium | 草履仔
zhawløeh | a bamboo leaf hat | 斗笠; 草笠
zhawpolai | inside turf | 草埔內
zhawtexlaang | countryman; bumpkin; a rustic; a hick | 鄉下佬
zhawtoexlaang | Taiwanese redneck | 草地人
zhawtøe-laang | country man, rustic | 草地人
zhaykoarnlaq | lottery | 彩券啦
zhaylaau | temporary platform decorated with festoons for celebration | 彩樓
zhaylap | adopt; naturalize; adoption; accept or adopt an idea; opinion or proposal | 採納
zhazhutlaai | find out | 查出來
zhe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhealat | abrupt force; cut precipitously | 快力; 猛力忽而中斷
zhealuii | short and abrupt thunder; peal of thunder; close thunder | 霹雷; 響雷; 近雷
zhef li zuo saxn | family break up (Lit. wife leaving and children dispersing) | 妻離子散
zhef`khylaai | pick up with a fork | 叉起來
zhefng zhud uu laam | to surpass one's master or teacher in learning (Lit. Green comes from blue; but it excels blue.) | 青出於藍
zhefngleng | apply for permission; ask for guidance | 請令
zhegzhek`leq | move backward and forward | 甩一甩; (含有上下甩勻之意)
zhehtuaflai | inside bookshelf | 冊櫥仔內
zhekawlee | dog howling | 吹狗螺
zheklegkex | hand dynamometer | 測力計
zhekli | red dysentery | 赤痢
zhekliap | rice grain | 稻粒
zhekliok | stratagem; strategy; tactic; device; a trick; policy | 策略
zhekliong | calibrate; calibration; measure; measurement; geodetic survey; to survey | 測量
zhekliong-hak | surveying | 測量學
zhekliongtui | survey team | 測量隊
zheklioong | survey | 測量
zheklioxng'oaan | land surveyor | 測量員
zheklioxnghak | surveying | 測量學
zheklioxngkhix | surveying instrument | 測量器
zheklioxngkiok | surveying office | 測量局
zheklioxngsw | land surveyor | 測量私; 測量員
zhelerng | dreariness | 淒冷
zheliaang | chilly; cold feeling | 淒涼
zhengkhieliuliw | very clean | 清氣溜溜
zhenglerng | cold | 清冷
zhengliaam | incorrectness; rectitude; upright; incorruptible; integrity | 清廉
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengliaang | cool; pure and cool; refreshing | 清涼
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhengliangzef | refrigerant | 清涼劑
zhenglie | put in order; check up; clear; liquidation; sort out; liquidate debts; settle accounts; arrange; tidy up; clearance sale | 清理
zhenglieen | youth | 青年
zhenglienhoe | YMCA or YWCA | 青年會
zhenglienkii | puberty; adolescence | 青年期
zhenglienlaang | young people | 青年人
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhenglioong | very strong dragon | 青龍
zhengliuu | clear stream | 清流
zhenglo | clear dew | 清露
zhenglorng | loud and clear like a sound or voice; clear and crisp like the weather | 清朗
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengsiaolieen | adolescent; juvenile; teen-ager; youngsters and young adults | 青少年
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengzhaykhylaai | energetic | 清彩起來
zhexlaai | seek | 揣來
zhexng`khylaai | rise like vapor or smoke | 昇起來
zhexng`zhutlaai | well up; gush forth | 湧出來; (衡出來)
zhexngliao | wore | 穿了
zhngf`zhutlaai | passing through | 穿出來
zhnglai | in the cabin | 艙內
zhoafnbøexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘未離; 無過氣來
zhoahlaau | strongly flowing stream or river | 急流; 水流急
zhoanliau | prepare material | 拴料
zhoanliuu putseg | constant flow; an incessant flow; continuous flow of traffic; people or conversation | 川流無息
zhoanlok | village | 村落
zhoaq`zhutlaai | involuntarily pass; let slip out involuntarily | 泄出來
zhoarnlieen | insert in series | 串連
zhoarnlip | become an unlawful ruler | 篡立
zhoaxliø | enuresis | 泄尿
zhoaxlo | lead the way; guide; guide | 帶路; 𤆬路; 領路
zhoaxlo`ee | guide | 帶路的; 嚮導
zhoaxloxkef | gift for bride visiting her parents 1st time after getting married | 帶路雞; 岳父母送給女婿的一對雞; 新娘首次回娘家
zhoaxloxkoef | chicken gift from bride's family symbolized to bring bride to where she was from | 𤆬路雞
zhoe laang ee khangphang | find fault with others; look for defects in others; watch for a chance | 找人孔縫; 別人的缺點
zhoe laang | look for someone; visit someone | 找人
zhoe sylo | act so as to bring death and ruin on one's self | 找死
zhoe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhoekawlee | howl of a dog; see a ghost | 狗長鳴; 狗看到鬼魂而叫
zhoelaai | blow | 吹來
zhoelarng | steamer for cooking | 蒸籠
zhoeløh | blow off | 吹落
zhoexlaai | guess | 揣來
zhoexthaulo | look for a job | 揣頭路
zhoextngflaai | look back | 揣轉來
zhoexzhutlaai | found it | 揣出來
zhofliok | roughly, generally | 初略
zhohak-siuluo | novice (female) | 初學修女
zholaang | a person behave in a rough manner; person of much muscle but little refinement; person of little education | 粗人
zholo | rough, rustic (house, furniture) | 粗陋; 簡陋
zholoaan | first love | 初戀
zholoan | first love | 初戀
zholofoe | vile and obscene language | 粗魯話; 粗話
zholofzholor | rude | 粗魯粗魯
zholoong | junior middle agricultural school | 初農
zholor | impertinent; wanting in refinement; rude; rough | 粗魯; 粗糙; 簡陋
zholør | awkward, uncultivated (person) | 粗魯
zhongliim | a jungle; bush; grove; brush; thicket; a large monastery; forest; jungle | 叢林
zhongliim-tøextaix | a bushfield, jungle area | 叢林地帶
zhopalihvay | very rough cloth or hands | 粗巴離哼; 很粗糙
zhornglibciar | founder; organizer | 創立者
zhornglip | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhornglip-uyoaan | organizing committee | 創立委員
zhorngsviaflaq | what's up? | 創啥啦
zhorngzo-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzø-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzøhzhutlaai | created | 創作出來
zhorngzøxlek | originality; creative ability; the talent to create | 創造力
zhozex-laxmzø | turn out products in large quantity without any regard for quality | 粗製濫造
zhu`løqkhix | tumble over; slide down | 栽落去; 仆倒
zhud`laai | come out | 出來
zhuieciøqlo | gravel road | 碎石路
zhuielafm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuielai | inside the mouth | 口中
zhuieliern | the face, feature | 嘴撚; 喙臉; 嘴臉
zhuieliet | broken to pieces | 碎烈; 碎裂
zhuielo | good taste | 嘴路; 吃興
zhuielofm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuilie siawsoad | detective story; a whodunit | 推理小說
zhuilie | reasoning; reasoning; inference; induction; to reason; infer the unknown from the known | 推理
zhuilui-gafsuq | tear gas | 催淚瓦斯
zhuiluixtvoaa | tear gas bomb | 催淚彈
zhuilun | reasoning; infer; deduce; inference; infer (in mathematics) corollary | 推論
zhuiløh | urge down | 催落
zhuix lalahao | said in praise of a child beginning to talk a good deal; or in blame of a man who talks too much | 嘴啦啦叫; 多嘴
zhuliuloong | slide | 趨流籠
zhuløh | slide down | 趨落
zhuløqlaai | slide down | 趨落來
zhun'aflai | inside the village | 村仔內
zhunlaan | orchid in the spring | 春蘭
zhunleng | spring weather | 春令
zhunlie | village | 村里
zhunlieen | a poetry put on gate during Lunar New Year; new year couplets written on strips of red paper and pasted on doors usually containing words of luck | 春聯
zhunloarn | warm spring | 春暖
zhunlok | dorp; settler | 村落
zhunluii | spring thunder | 春雷
zhunluun | give a stretch; stretch one's limbs | 伸倫; 伸懶腰
zhuo lo putthofng | road closed to vehicle or pedestrian | 此路無通
zhuo`laai | to fetch, to bring | 取來
zhuobixlaq | interesting | 趣味啦
zhuolaam | male virgin | 處男
zhuolai | inside of house; indoor; in the house | 屋內; 厝內; 家中
zhuolaixlaang | insider | 厝內人
zhuolie | conduct; disposal; disposition; do; handle; manage; second daughter | 處理; 處女; 次女
zhuoluo | virgin | 處女
zhuoluo-moh | hymen | 處女膜
zhuolymøh | hymen; maidenhead | 處女膜
zhuolyte | virgin land or soil | 處女地
zhuolyzog | first work of an author; first work | 處女作
zhuopvilaang | neighbor | 厝邊人
zhurnkym lanbøea zhurnkong'ym | an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time | 寸金難買寸光陰
zhurnpo lan'ii | hard to walk even an inch | 寸步難移
zhurnpo lanheeng | difficult to advance even an inch | 寸步難行
zhurnpo putli | follow closely without allowing the distance to widen more than an inch | 寸步無離
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhut'svialaai | speak out | 出聲來
zhutgoaxlaang | outsider | 出外人
zhutkelaang | monk or nun | 出家人
zhutkhielaq | went out | 出去啦
zhutlaai | come out; bring out | 出來
zhutlaang | run with pus; suppurate | 出膿
zhutlab'oaan | cashier | 出納員; 出納
zhutlabzof | cashier group | 出納組
zhutlai'aq | out already | 出來矣
zhutlaiee | out | 出來的
zhutlaikhix | get out of here | 出來去
zhutlap | a cashier; a treasurer; a teller; a pay clerk | 出納
zhutlarng | become current; appear in the market | 上市
zhutlat | help by donating manpower; put forth one's strength | 出力; 用力
zhutleng | issue or publish an order | 下令; 出命令
zhutliao | paid | 出了
zhutlim | take office | 出任
zhutlip | in and out | 出入
zhutlo | escape hatch; outlet; way out; exit; the road to success | 出路
zhutloo | baked | 出爐
zhutlui | better than average, superior, above average | 出類; 出類拔萃; 拔群
zhutsenglut | birth rate | 出生率
zhutsvialaai | speak out | 出聲來
zhutzai lie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨你的便
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhux-lioxngzwsox | secondary quantum number | 次量子數
zhvea`khylaai | return to consciousness; wake up; brought to one's senses | 醒過來; 醒了
zhvebin-liaugee | evil looking; coarse looking | 青面獠牙
zhvebixnliaugee | green-faced fangs | 青面獠牙
zhvef-gulefng | fresh milk | 鮮牛乳; 鮮牛奶
zhvegulefng | fresh milk (not condensed or powdered) | 鮮牛乳; 鮮奶
zhvehunlaang | stranger | 生分人
zhvehuxnlaang | a stranger | 陌生人
zhvekonglat | working very vigorously like a strong young man who does not economize his strength; sometimes too roughly or rashly | 青狂力; 蠻力
zhvelek | turquoise | 青綠
zhvelengtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese | 青龍刀
zhvelerng | cold; frigid | 寒冷; 生冷
zhvelernglexng | greenish | 青蘢蘢
zhvemelaang | blind | 青盲人
zhvezhaelui | lettuce | 生菜類
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhvoarlo | short cut | 閂路; 走捷徑
zhvoarzhvoax`khylaai | bolt up | 閂閂起來
zhw`løqkhix | slide down a slope | 滑落去
zhwkietlea | Purification ceremony | 取潔禮
zhwlaai | fetched | 取來
zhwli | receive interest, profit | 取利
zhwlie | handle; manage; dispose; disposition; to handle | 處理
zhwloarn | to warm oneself | 取暖
zhwlok | get one's jollies; make merry; have a good time | 取樂
zhwluo | virgin | 處女
zhwlytiau | dispose of | 處理掉
zhøef-kawlee | dog howling | 吹狗螺
zhøelag | to blow off | 吹掉; 吹落
zhøeliaang | blow cool | 吹涼
zhøeløh | to blow off | 吹落
zhøexlaang | to find a person, to visit (a friend), to look for someone | 尋人; 揣人; 找人
zhøfliok | roughly, generally | 草略
zhøfzhør-liawsu | dispose of a thing carelessly or hastily | 草草了事
zhøhlaang | scold people obscenely | 操人; 辱罵人
zhøliau | coarse material | 粗料
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zhørlanghi | too loud that might cause deaf | 噪人耳
zhørlanghvi | disturb somebody | 擾人耳; 很吵
zhørliawliao | all went wrong | 剉了了
zhørloan | erroneous and mixed; disorderly; confused; abnormal; distraction | 錯亂
zng'aflai | inside village | 庄仔內
zngf-bøe løh`khix | no more space to cram it in; can not hold any more | 裝無下
zngkhaf-laang | country man | 莊跤人; 鄉下人
zngkhalaang | country people | 庄跤人
znglaam | south of the village | 庄南
znglai | inside of a village | 村內; 庄內
znglie | inside village | 庄裡
zngterng-laang | village people | 庄頂人
zngthaulai | inside village | 庄頭內
zngx`zhutlaai | drilled through | 鑽出來
zo itpix-cy-lek | lend a hand | 助一臂之力
zoaa-lui | snake family | 蛇類
zoad`zhutlaai | to leak out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoadlo | dead end | 絕路
zoadluun | without match; peerless; unparalleled | 絕倫
zoadtuielun | absolutism | 絕對論
zoafhuilengky | paper airplane | 紙飛行機
zoaflaang | paper servants (burned in funerals) | 紙人; (陪葬用)
zoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 紙籠
zoafli | paper word | 紙字
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoafliau | quality of paper | 紙料; 紙錢
zoafliau'ar | paper strip | 紙條仔
zoafliauar | long strips of paper torn evenly | 紙條子
zoaflog | bag | 紙橐; 紙袋
zoaflok'ar | paper bags | 紙袋仔; 紙橐仔
zoafnlaai | turn around | 轉來
zoafnlaai-zoafnkhix | walk back and forth; change one's residence frequently; go from company to company; pass from hand to hand | 轉來轉去
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zoafnlim | transfer | 轉任
zoafnlip | transfer in | 轉入
zoafnlok | transcription | 轉錄
zoafnloo | a converter | 轉爐
zoafnluntaai | transmigration of souls wheel in hell (Taoist term) | 轉輪台; (陰間)
zoafnløo | a converter | 轉羅
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoalui | snakes | 蛇類
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoanbuun-kileeng | a specialized technique | 專門機能; 專門技能
zoangiap-hurnlien | training in a specialty | 專業訓練
zoanjim ee lauxsw | full time teacher | 專任的老師; 專任教員
zoanlaan | special column in a newspaper or magazine | 專欄
zoanlaan-zokkaf | columnist | 專欄作家
zoanlaang | a special person, by an assigned person | 專人
zoanleeng | almighty; omnipotent; almighty; all round athlete | 全能
zoanleeng-uxntong | decathlon for men; pentathlon for women | 全能運動
zoanlek ie hux | spare no efforts | 全力以赴
zoanlek | with all one's strength; with whole hearted dedication | 全力
zoanli teghie | patent | 專利特許
zoanli | patent; exclusive to one person monopoly | 專利
zoanli-koaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlieen | all-union | 全聯
zoanliin | dedicated person | 專人
zoanlim | full-time | 專任
zoanlixkoaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlixphirn | patented articles | 專利品
zoanluytvar | home run; a homer | 全壘打
zoanløo | romaziation | 全羅
zoansimzoanlek | wholeheartedly | 全心全力
zoantix-zoanleeng | omniscient and almighty | 全智全能
zoaq`zhutlaai | spill out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoarnlieen | to get connected in a series, to exchange experiences with others | 轉聯
zoatload | clumsy, bad, poor | 絕劣
zocid ee hunliet (zongkaux) | schism | 組織的分裂
zoeachitlit | perform 7th day memorial rites after his death | 做七日
zoeageqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zoeakanglaang | worker | 做工人
zoeakøf koanlek | supreme power | 最高權力
zoealaang | behavior; be a man; act humanely | 為人; 做人
zoealiao | finished | 做了
zoealinzeeng | do someone a favor | 做人情
zoeasenglie | do business | 做生理
zoeasvilit | birthday celebration | 做生日
zoeazhaolaang | be a stinker | 做臭人
zoehlit | festival | 節日
zoex-byle | the most beautiful | 最美麗
zoex-bøexlaai | cannot do it | 做無來
zoex-bøexliao | cannot finish it | 做無了
zoex-exlaai | able to do it | 做會來
zoex-exliao | able to finish it | 做會完
zoex-høflaang | be a good person | 做好人
zoex-langtai | be a human being | 做人代; 人情事
zoex-senglie | do business | 做生理
zoex-sinloong | be a groom | 做新郎
zoex-tionglaang | be the middleman | 做中人
zoex-titlaai | able to do it | 做得來
zoex`laang | matched | 做人; 配嫁
zoexliin | sinner | 罪人
zof`laang | rented out | 租人
zoflaan | stop; prevent; retard | 阻攔
zoflat | power to obstruct | 阻力
zofleeng | ancestral spirits | 祖靈
zoflek | the force of resistance | 阻力
zofngkaolien | chief coach of a sports delegation | 總教練
zofngkenglie | president | 總經理
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofnglarm | monopolize; take over the entire management of an affair | 包攬; 總攬
zofngle | general rule | 總例; 總則
zofnglefngsu | consul general | 總領事
zofnglefngsuxkoarn | consulate general | 總領事館
zofnglefngtui | team leader | 總領隊
zofnglie | chancellor; president; director; to manage; to control; prime minister; premier; chairman (of a political party) | 總理
zofngliong | gross; total amount | 總量; 總共
zofnglun | general discussion; summary; introduction | 總論
zofngsuleng | commander in chief | 總司令
zofngsulexngpo | general headquarters (military) | 總司令部
zofngtaixlie | general agent (business) | 總代理
zofngtaixlyjiin | general agent | 總代理人
zoglai | within the clan | 族內
zogliin | tribe | 族人
zoglui | clans or tribes | 族類
zoglør | clan elders | 族老
zoklang | tease | 作弄
zokliau | food for cook | 作料
zokloan | rebel; make insurrection; stage armed rebellion; rebel; start an uprising | 作亂
zoklok | make merry; have fun; enjoy | 作樂
zoklong | annoy or possessed by a demon); play tricks on; to fool; instigate | 作弄; 搗蛋
zolip | establish | 組立; 組織
zongkviarliin | hidden, behind the mirror people | 藏鏡人
zonglaai | come | 傱來
zonglaai-zongkhix | move about rapidly back and forwards; hop from place to place (on business) | 跑來跑去; 四處奔走
zonglamzawpag | go south and north | 傱南走北
zongtoo taixsuxliok | Acts of Apostles (Catholic) | 宗徒大事錄
zongzaix-liong | load capacity | 裝載量
zoong`laai | rush | 奔來
zorng kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng-kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
zorng-suleng | commander-in-chief | 總司令
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zorngle | grand; magnificent; splendid; grand and imposing; splendid; grandeur; splendor | 壯麗
zornglea | funeral rite; funeral; burial service | 葬禮
zornglieen | the prime of a person; the prime of life | 壯年
zornglienkii | prime of life | 壯年期
zorngliet hisefng | die a martyr; die a hero's death; die for one's country | 壯烈犧牲
zorngliet | great | 壯烈
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。
zoxlat | to help | 助力
zoxlek | help | 助力
zoxlie kokbuxkhefng | Undersecretary of State | 助理國務卿
zoxlie | assistant (in organization); an assistant; to assist | 助理
zoxlie-hoxsu | practical nurse | 助理護士
zoxlyoaan | assistant | 助理員
zu pud lioxnglek | not to recognize one's own limited strength or resources; do something beyond one's ability | 自無量力
zu siim hoanlør | bring trouble upon oneself | 自尋煩惱
zu sit kii lek | live by one's own wits | 自食其力
zuaflien | beads chain | 珠仔鍊
zuie løh ciøh zhud | Stones come into view with a drop in the water line (literally) The truth comes to light eventually | 水落石出
zuie-lagiaa | water spider | 水蛤蜊; 水蜘蛛
zukatliang | a fictional character | 諸葛亮
zukeaaflai | inside bookshelf | 書架仔內
zulaau | library | 書樓
zulai | in the book | 書內
zulee | a kind of sea snail; Lunella coronata coreensis; a kind of snail; Turbo setosus | 珠螺
zulegpiør | qualification form | 資歷表
zulek | experience; qualifications and experiences (of an applicant); professional background | 資歷
zulekee | zulekøee; pickled snail | 珠螺膎
zulekoee | pickled Taiwanese snail | 珠螺膎
zuliau | data; materials | 資料
zuliauxkhox | database | 資料庫
zuliauxliong | data volume | 資料量
zuliauxtear | Information bag | 資料袋仔
zulien | pearl necklace | 珠簾; 珍珠項鏈
zulii | bead curtain | 珠簾
zulo | Japanese crested ibis | 朱鷺
zului | books; tears | 書類; 珠淚
zulun | moisten; do good to; strengthening medicine or food | 滋潤
zun`khylaai | screw out | 旋起來; 旋開
zun`løqkhix | screw down | 旋落去; 旋牢
zunlai | within the boat | 船內
zunleafsviaf | the sound of boat | 船螺仔聲
zunleeng | age of a ship | 船齡
zunliuu | keep; hold in one's possession | 存留
zunlo | sampan road | 舢路
zunlor | sculling oar | 船櫓
zunsym putlioong | cherish an evil intention | 存心無良
zuo'ix-lat | power of concentration, attention | 注意力
zuo'ix-lek | power of concentration, attention | 注意力
zuo-lioxngzwsox | principal quantum number | 主量子素; 主量子數
zuo-soanlut | (in music) main theme | 主旋律
zuoboglea | parade salute (military) | 注目禮
zuoielek | power of concentration; attentiveness | 注意力
zupwnlun | Capital (Das Kapital) (by Karl Marx) | 資本論
zuq`zhutlaai | exuded | 注出來
zurnlaam | handsome man | 俊男
zurnlo | a small road along a brook | 圳路
zuu-lioxngzwsox | magnetic quantum number | 磁量子數
zuxhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
zuxiulaq | free | 自由啦
zuxiuo tøxlie | There must be a reason (for it) | 自有道理
zuxiuu loan'aix | freedom of choice (between a man and a woman); as opposed to the old fashioned idea of arranged marriage | 自由戀愛
zuxjieen liauhoad | naturopathy, natural ways of healing without drugs | 自然療法
zuxjienlek | forces of nature | 自然力
zuxjienlut | law of nature | 自然律
zuxkafm tuixløh | abandon oneself to wanton ways, indulge in debauchery out of one's own free will | 自甘墮落
zuxkefng-loong | owner farmers | 自耕農
zuxkengloong | owner farmers | 自耕農
zuxkor ylaai | since ancient times | 自古以來
zuxlaai | since | 自來
zuxlaau-tøe | a private plot, a household plot | 自留地
zuxlaicvie | artesian well | 自來井
zuxlaizuie | running water; domestic water; central water supply | 自來水
zuxlaizuychviuo | waterworks | 自來水廠
zuxlaizuykorng | water pipes; water main | 自來水管
zuxlaizuypiør | water meter | 自來水錶; 水錶
zuxlek kengsefng | achieve self renewal through one's own effort, attain or develop a new way of life all by oneself, stand on one's own two feet | 自力更生
zuxlek | one's own strength | 自力
zuxli | think of nothing but one's own gain, self profit, beneficial to oneself | 自利; 自身利益
zuxliam | gather | 聚歛
zuxlibzuxkioong | self-reliance | 自立自強
zuxlie | responsible for self; pay personal attention to | 自理
zuxlieen | natural | 自然
zuxliefnchiaf | bike | 自輪車
zuxliin | indulge in self-pity | 自憐
zuxlin | admit oneself | 自認
zuxliok | self-kill | 自戮
zuxliong | have a general idea of one's own abilities or resources | 自量
zuxlip | independent, self supporting | 自立
zuxlixn'uii | I think | 自認為
zuxlok | make one's self comfortable, take one's ease | 自樂
zuxlut sinkefng | autonomic nervous system | 自律神經
zuxlut | control oneself, exercise self restraint or self control, (in ethics) autonomy | 自律
zuxlut-sinkefng | parasympathetic nerve | 自律神經
zuxnleng | loosen the screw | 轉鬆
zuxsatlut | suicide rate | 自殺率
zuxsuzuxli | selfish | 自私自利
zuxsw-zuxli | selfish; selfishness | 自私自立
zuxsyn lanpør | unable even to protect oneself | 自身難保
zuxtaau-løborng | walk right into a trap; fall into a snare through one's own fault | 自投羅網
zuxtixlerng | a dominion | 自治領
zuxty lykhoad | realize that one is on the wrong side | 自知理缺
zuykhut'aflai | water cave | 水窟仔內
zuylaai | a special kind of juicy pear | 水梨
zuylai | in the water | 水內
zuylai'ar | peach | 水梨仔
zuylat | hydraulic; hydrodynamic; waterpower | 水力
zuylau | funnel | 水漏; 漏斗
zuylauciøh | water flow stone | 水流石
zuylausviaf | sound of water | 水流聲
zuylausy | dead body flowing in the water | 水流屍
zuylaux | watery stool | 水凳; 拉稀
zuylauzhaa | water flow wood | 水流柴
zuylee | horn made of seashell; a steam whistle | 水螺; 號角; 汽笛; 警報器
zuyleeng | a fire engine | 水龍; 水蛇
zuyleghak | hydraulics | 水力學
zuylegpiør | hydraulic gauge | 水力表
zuylek hoattien | hydro electric generation (physics) | 水力發電
zuylek hoattiexnchviuo | hydro electric power plant | 水力發電廠
zuylek hoattiexnky | hydro electric generator | 水力發電機
zuylek khytioxngky | hydraulic crane | 水力起重機
zuylek | hydraulic power | 水力
zuylengchiaf | fire-engine | 水龍車; 救火車
zuyli | hydraulic utility; water conservation; irrigation schemes | 水利
zuyli-kangtheeng | hydraulic engineering | 水利工程
zuyliamtong | cave behind water falls | 水簾洞
zuylieen | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮; 大萍
zuylieen-hoef | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮花
zuylienhoef | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮花
zuyliok liofng'iong | amphibious | 水陸兩用
zuyliok liofngzhef-toxngbut | amphibian | 水陸兩棲動物
zuyliok | water and land; land and water | 水陸
zuyliong | amount of water; water volume; amount of water | 水量
zuyliongchiaf | fire engine (with pump) | 水龍車; 救火車
zuyliongthaau | water faucet | 水龍頭
zuyliuo | Warburg's willow, water willow | 水柳
zuyliuu | water current, water flow | 水流
zuyliux | smaller water pipit | 水溜; 小水鷚; 吸管
zuylixhoe | water conservancy | 水利會
zuylixkiok | Water Conservancy Bureau | 水利局
zuylo | water route; voyage; by sea | 水路
zuyloa | mizose | 水瀨
zuylok | Formosan sambar | 水鹿
zuyloxtoo | hydrographic map | 水路圖
zuyluii | torpedo | 魚雷; 水雷
zuyluitherng | mine layer, torpedo boat | 水雷艇
zuyløh-ciøqzhud | come to the bottom | 水落石出
zuyløo | ,muddy water; water jail | 水濁; 水牢
zuytea løo goat | grasp the moon in the water vain and ineffectual effort | 水底撈月
zuytea tiexnlam | trans oceanic cable(s) | 水底電纜
zuyti'aflai | in the pool | 水池仔內
zuytiofng-løgoeh | make obviously futile efforts; (Lit. try to fish the reflected moon out of water) (literally) | 水中撈月
zvax`khylaai | block the flow of water; to impede the flow | 撈起來
zvoa`laang | splash people | 濺人
zvoafviu`laq | what's wrong? | 怎樣啦
zvoaliuu | stream | 熬油; 溪流
zvoaxliao | splashed | 濺了
zwkoanlun | subjectivism | 主觀論
zwlaai | cook | 煮來
zwlaang | master; owner; host; employer | 主人
zwlang'ofng | respectful term for host | 主人翁
zwlangkaf | host | 主人家
zwlangkef | host | 主人家
zwlangthaau | master | 主人頭
zwlat | main force | 主力
zwlea-jiin | master of ceremonies | 主禮人; 司儀
zwlek | the main force | 主力
zwleng | master order | 主令
zwlerng | lead a meeting, a leader | 主領
zwlie | sons and daughters; children | 子女; 主理
zwlim | director | 主任
zwliuu | main influence | 主流
zwliuu-jinbut | very influential person | 主流人物
zwliuu-siaxhoe | mainstream society | 主流社會
zwluo | children | 子女
zwpør ciamlea | feast of one's patron saint (Catholic) | 主保瞻禮
zøealaang | act a part in the society, act kindly or hospitably | 做人
zøex-lefpaix | worship, go to church | 做禮拜
zøex-senglie | engage in merchandising | 做生理
zøexlaang | many people | 濟人
zøexlea | over courteous | 濟禮
zøfiu uilaan | not know which side to turn to; be indecisive; be in a dilemma | 左右為難
zøfliau | cooking ingredient | 佐料
zøfliin iuxsiax | neighbors | 左鄰右舍
zøfloong | jujube farmers | 棗農
zøflunzhexng | revolver | 左輪槍
zøh`lit | the day before yesterday | 昨日
zøhsitlaang | farmer | 做事人; 作穡人; 農人; 農夫
zøhzhanlaang | farmer | 農夫人
zølan | have a disaster; meet with difficulty; misfortune; or death | 遇難; 遭難
zøloan | messed up | 遭亂
zøo`laang | disturbing | 嘈人
zørexlaai | can be done | 做得來; 有能力做
zørgoeqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zørhieaflaang | performer | 做戲仔人
zørhielaang | performer | 做戲人
zørkang'aflaang | worker | 做工仔人
zørkanglaang | workers | 做工人
zørkhylaai | do it | 做起來
zørlaai | do it | 做來
zørlaang cinhør | behave kindly or well; a man of personality | 做人很好
zørlaang cinphvae | behave wickedly or cruelly | 做人很壞
zørlaang | behavior; be a man; act humanely | 做人; 為人
zørli | malaria | 做痢
zørliau | auxiliary material for cook | 佐料
zørlong | teasing | 做弄
zørsenglie | eloquence in business speech | 做生理
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zørsitlaang | a farmer | 農夫
zørsu cyn-løfzhør | do things carelessly | 做事很草率
zørsu khythaau laan | Beginning is the hardest part of any enterprise | 做事起頭難
zørtitlaai | accept the consequences of one's action | 做得來
zørzhanlaang | peasant | 農夫
zørzhaolaang | be a bad guy | 做臭人
zørzhutlaai | made it | 做出來
zøx lie | go ahead; do as you please | 隨你 ...好了
zøx-bøe løqchiuo | cannot bring oneself to do; hindered from doing | 下無了手
zøx-bøexlaai | can't do it | 做無來
zøx-bøloxlaai | cannot do it properly | 做不路;來; 無得要領
zøx-gøeqlai | celebrate childbirth | 做月子
zøx-langkheq | be a guest | 作人客
zøx-lefpaix | attend Sunday services (Protestant) | 做禮拜
zøx-moelaang | act as a go between; a matchmaker | 做媒人
zøx-senglie | do business | 做生意; 做生理; 做買賣
zøx`laang | be a human being | 做人
zøxgvo liofng'iong | reclining chair that can also be used as a bed | 坐臥兩用
zøxhoax loxngjiin | be a plaything of fate | 造化弄人
zøxlan | meet with misfortune (ill luck) | 遭難
zøxliim | afforestation, reforestation, to afforest | 造林
zøxlip | sitting and standing | 坐立
zøxlo | make roads | 築路
zøxlok | housed; perch on; sit; stand; site or locality | 坐落; 座落
Ørtexli | Austria | 奧地利
øe kviaf`laang | cause people to scare | 會驚人
øe kvialaang | cause people to scare because dirtiness | 會驚人
øe'øef`leq | do push, jostle, play, grind | 擠擠咧; 挨挨咧
øeflaang | a short person; a dwarf; a midget | 矮人
øex`laang | be contagious, be infectious | 穢人; 傳染
øexkviaf`laang | frightening | 能驚人
øexlaai | can accomplish, can be done | 能來; 會來
øexli | be able to make it | 會離; 來得及
øexliao | able to finish, can finish | 能了; 會了
øexlurn-tid | be bearable (suffering) | 能忍得; 會忍得; 忍得住
øexløh | will fall | 能落
øh bexlaai | unable to learn | 學無來; 學不會
øh laang ee viu | follow the example of others | 學人的樣; 模倣他人
øh`laang | follow the example of; emulate | 學人; 效法
ølee | spiral univalve shellfish | 蠔螺
ølør | extol; praise | 呵咾; 稱讚; 讚美; 誇獎
øqlaang | imitate a man | 學人
ørbuo Cinlykaux | Aum Shinrinkyo Sect | 奧姆真理教
Angsiblixhoe | Red Cross | 紅十字會
labsex | pay tax | 納稅
lioxngzuo-leghak | quantum mechanics | 量子力學

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Match position:PartialExactFrontCenterBack

Cut and paste ø or Ø for searching, if needed.
Searching is case sensitive, except when you select English as an input.
How to pronounce a vocabulary | Spell checker | Sentence examples

Buttons: Partial, Exact, Front, and Back:
Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

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