"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: laf

Eksuteklaf | Esdras (Catholic) | 厄斯德拉
Mafnilaf | Manila | 馬尼拉; (菲律賓首都)
Osolaf Serngsym Hoe | OSC: Ursulines of the S. Heart (Catholic) | 烏蘇拉聖心會
Sviu-thafm tix kelafm | As the result of covetousness; the thief is caught and covered with a chicken basket (as punishment) ─ The result of greed is complete loss | 貪小失大。捉雞無著; 蝕把米。
ahlafm | basket for ducks | 鴨籠
biqlafm | basket 'made of split bamboo, with short feet to stand on' | 竹籃
bysut tiefnlafmhoe | art exhibition | 美術展覽會
chiwlafn | calluses on the hand | 手繭
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
ciawlafm | cage for birds | 鳥籠
guzhuielafm | muzzle (for calf or ox) | 牛嘴罩; (以防止亂吃農作物)
haytea tiexnlafmsvoax | submarine cable | 海底電纜線
hoeflafng | small charcoal stove for warming the hands or putting under one's clothes | 火籠; 竹製小火爐
høeflafng | a small stove to warm hands or body | 火爐; 火籠; 手爐
høflafmsaf cidtoxpar | He'll eat anything so he won't go hungry | 好壞吃無會餓; 好歹搔一度飽
høflafmsaf | eat anything whatever it is | 好攬捎; 壞都吃
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
itlafmpiao | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itlafmpiør | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
iulafmchiaf | tourist bus; sightseeing car; excursion bus | 遊覽車
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
kekhalafn | hard areas on a fowl's foot | 雞腳繭
kelafm | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
kelafng | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
khalafn | corn | 腳繭
kietlafn | form a callus (indurated); get a lump; a corn | 結繭; 結趼; 長雞眼
koea'exlafng | armpit | 過腋下
koelafm | chicken coop | 雞籠
køeh'exlafng | armpit | 腋下籠
køh'exlafng | armpits | 腋下籠
laf | to pull; to draw; pull; to drag; to hold; seize to draw | 喇; 自悅; 拉
lafliern | a zip-fastener, a zipper | 拉鍊
lafm | a type of basket | 籠
lafm'an'aan | embrace tight | 攬絚絚; 攬緊緊
lafm'oar | embrace closely | 攬倚
lafmbea | weak horse; horse without spirit; raw-boned trotter horse | 弱馬
lafmboea | engage to make up the deficiency (in a subscription); take over; pay for the tail end expenses of a job | 攬後; 處理善後
lafmbøea | ending; wind up | 收尾; 攬買; 善後; 全包; 收拾殘局; 結尾
lafmchiaf | cable car; cable car | 纜車
lafmguu | weak cow | 弱牛
lafmhaxn | coward | 弱漢; 懦夫
lafmhefng | cross one's hands; fold one's arms | 攬胸; 袖手
lafmjiok | delicate; feeble | 虛弱
lafmkhix | takeaway | 攬去
lafmkoaan | to grab power; be in the saddle | 攬權
lafmkongsøq | cable | 攬綱索
lafmlaang | weak person | 弱人
lafmlafm'afbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏仔馬
lafmlafmbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏馬
lafmlarm | weak | 弱弱; 無結實
lafmlarm`leq | embrace | 攬攬咧
lafmlo | weak in health; not prosperous in trade; bad workmanship | 羸弱
lafmnoa | slovenly; untidy (said of person); loose; careless; without order | 荏懶; 邋遢; 窩囔; 懶散
lafmphø | embrace | 攬抱
lafmsinmia | weak physique | 荏身命
lafmsyn | delicate (health), weak (body) | 荏身; 身體虛弱
lafmsyn-lafmmia | lazy bone | 懶身懶命
lafmsøq | cordage; thick ropes | 纜繩
lafmtiaau | hold by the waist; usu. from behind | 抱住; 攬住
lafmtiautiaau | embrace tightly | 攬牢牢
lafmtoea | marshy soil | 沼澤土
lafmtør | take over; hold .. down | 攬倒
lafmvoa | lazy; idle; sloth; | 懶惰
lafn | callus; callous (on hands or feet); callousness; corn; lump | 趼; 繭; 研
lafng | loose; sparse(ly); thin(ly); scattered (here and there) | 鬆; 籠; 零零落落的; 櫳; 稀疏,零零落落的; 提; 稀疏
lafng'aflai | inside the cage | 籠仔內
lafng'aftea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'aftoea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'ar | coop; cage; hutch; cage; basket; bamboo ware | 籠仔
lafngkhoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafngkhox | pull the pant; pull up trousers | 簍褲; 拉高褲子
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafnglarng | every basket | 籠籠
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
lafngtiongciao | restricted and confined; without much freedom (Lit. bird in a cage) | 籠中鳥
lafnkud | lazy bone | 懶骨
lafnlaang | we people | 咱人
lafnlarn | lazily; spiritless; without purpose or energy; to feel ill; a bit tired | 懶懶; 倦怠,不舒服; 倦怠; 懶洋洋; 無舒服
lafnsie | weary | 懶倦; 懶散
lafnsien | tired, weary | 懶倦; 疲倦
lafnsiin | lazily | 懶神
lafnsikud | lazy bone | 懶屍骨
lafnsilafnsy | lazy | 懶屍懶屍
lafnsy | weary; lazy; indolent; lazy-bones; sluggard | 懶屍; 懶惰; 懶洋洋
lafntø | lazy; idle; sloth; indolent; sluggish; idleness (The term used for one of the seven capital sins) | 懶惰
lafpahciao | hornbird | 喇叭鳥
lafpahsviaf | horn sound | 喇叭聲
lafpaq | trumpet | 喇叭
lafsab | rubbish, garbage | 垃圾
lafsab-chiaf | a dirt-wagon, a dust cart | 垃圾車
lafsab-sviw | a dustbin, a garbage can, a garbage container | 垃圾箱
lafsab-tuy | a dirtheap, a garbage heap | 垃圾堆
lalaf`leq | talk idly | 啦啦咧
langlafng | puffy; few; little; scarce; rare; dispersed; scattered | 櫳櫳; 鬆鬆
lølafng | include; comprehend | 牢籠
malaflyar | malaria | 瘧疾; 源自日語マラリヤ(mararia)
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
oadlafmseg | reading room | 閱覽室
olanglafng | dark | 烏櫳櫳
palafng | horse mackerel | 巴郎
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
pvoarlafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
salafiuu | salad oil | 沙拉油
selafng | loose | 疏櫳
selangselafng | loose | 疏櫳疏櫳
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
snglafm | slightly sour or acid; so as to be pleasant to the taste | 酸罩; 略微酸酸的
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
tiefnlafmhoe | exhibition; exposition; a fair | 展覽會
tiefnlafmphirn | exhibit | 展覽品
tøxlafm'oaan | guide | 導覽員
ze-kaq langlafng | there are many vacant seats | 坐得鬆鬆; 坐的人零零落落
zhuielafm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)

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