Alar | salad oil | 阿拉; 阿賴
afnglarng | obstinate, ill-tempered, grumpy | 頑固; 聬儱; 乖戾
arnglarng | secretly hate | 暗恨
benglarng | bright and cheerful | 明朗
biqlarng | large bamboo basket for rice | 微薄; 篾籠; 竹籃
bølarm | acting mechanically without heart in the work; cannot keep one's mind on one's job | 無攬; 無精打采
bølarm-bølef | lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 懶洋洋
bølarm-bønef | which takes a sentence subject: in a mechanical manner; without heart or interest; lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 無攬無拈; 無氣力; 做事不專心
bøo larngtng | incessantly; unceasingly | 無曠斷; 沒有間斷
ciaularm | collect; gather together; (in commerce) induce or solicit customers | 招攬
ciawlarng | a birdcage; birdcage | 鳥籠
cidkhaf larng | a basket | 一跤籃子
cidlaang larm | one embrace | 一人攬
cidsutlar | little amount of something | 一些, 少許
gularm | sirloin | 牛腩
hielarng | case for carrying costumes for a play | 戲籠; 裝戲服的箱子
hoarnlarm | to read extensively | 汎論; 泛覽
hoege tiefnlarm | flower show | 花藝展覽
iarlarn | dreary; tired of | 厭懶; 疲倦; 厭倦
iedlarm | perusal; inspect; to read | 逸覽; 閱覽
iedlarm-seg | a reading room | 閱覽室
ienlarm | to invite and employ | 延攬
itlarm | detailed list, detailed schedule | 一覽
iularm | to go sightseeing; sightseeing | 遊覽
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
jixzoar-larng | waste basket; trash basket, wastepaper basket | 字紙簍; 字紙籠
kengciølarng | banana basket | 香蕉籠
khalarn-chiwlarn | indisposed to handle difficulties | 無精打采; 提無起勁; 腳懶手懶
khoaq-larnglaxng | loosely | 闊閬閬
koanlarm | inspect, look carefully at | 觀覽
kuylarng | how many | 幾籠
lafmlarm | weak | 弱弱; 無結實
lafmlarm`leq | embrace | 攬攬咧
lafnglarng | every basket | 籠籠
lafnlarn | lazily; spiritless; without purpose or energy; to feel ill; a bit tired | 懶懶; 倦怠,不舒服; 倦怠; 懶洋洋; 無舒服
larkhuy | open shirt or coat | 扯開; 納開
larliaang | open one's clothing for coolness; cool oneself; cool off | 乘涼; 納涼
larm sinmia | in delicate health; frail health; have a weak constitution | 身體虛弱
larm | inferior, weak | 摟; 荏; 擁抱; 攬; 弱
larm-khakud | embrace blackmailed | 攬腳骨
larm-sinmia | poor health | 弱身命
larm`khylaai | embrace each other | 抱起來; 攬起來
larm`tiøh | embrace | 攬著
larmkhud | muddy spot; a mire | 窪穴
larmlaxm | not tight; (dress) loosely; hanging too loosely about one (clothing too loose or long) | 攬攬; 寬大而下垂; 寬長而下垂
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
larmto | big belly | 攬肚; 肚皮而下垂
larmtor | bulging; swollen; puffy; potbelly; portly; paunch | 凸肚
larmtøe | marshy soil | 濘地
larmzhaan | muddy field | 泥田
larn | we, us (inclusive of you), our | 咱; 懶; 累,倦
larn-ciaf | here; place where we are | 咱此; 咱遮
larn-laang | we; the human being | 咱人
larn-taixkef | we all | 咱大家
larn-taw | our home | 咱家
larng khox | pull pants | 攏褲
larng | a type of basket; pull the pant or skirt | 籠; 拉
larnggeh | every other month | 閬月
larnggoeh | every other month | 閬月
larngho | lull (letup) in the rain | 閬雨; 趁雨停
larnghuun | clear sky | 曠雲; 破雲
larngjit | every other day | 隔日; 隔天
larngkafng | skip work; walk out on work | 曠工; 閬工; 歇工; 空閒
larngkarng | run away; escape | 閬港
larngkhafng | an interval of space or time | 閬孔; 留間隔
larngkhuy | to partition; leave a space | 曠開; 隔開
larngkoex | next | 閬過
larnglaxng | scarce, leaving spaces | 曠曠
larngphang | an interval of space or time; leave a space (as in writing); take the opportunity to make off | 曠縫; 間隔; 乘隙
larngsii bøo larngjit | coming very frequently | 閬日無閬日; 不間斷
larngtaux | absent at noon | 曠午
larngthaxng | bribe; conspire with | 串通
leglarm | to travel and see | 歷覽
liularm | to skim over; to read through | 瀏覽
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
oadlarm | reading; read | 閱覽
paularm itzhex | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
paularm | to take everything into one's hands | 包攬; 包攬,總攬
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phoklarm | to be well-read; read extensively | 博覽
phuhlofphehlar | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機
phøxlarm | embrace | 抱摟
piexnlarm | a brief guide book | 便覽
purnsørlarng | garbage can | 垃圾桶
sa'aflarng | cloth baset | 衫仔籠
salarm | embrace | 相攬; 相抱
senglarm | manage or undertake a task; project | 承攬
siularm jinsym | win the people's hearts | 收攬人心
siularm | collect extensively; win (the people's hearts) | 收攬
sizofng tiefnlarm | fashion show | 時裝展覽
siølarm | embrace together | 相擁
svalarm | embrace one another | 相攬; 互相擁抱
svalarng | clothes basket | 衫籠; 衫囊
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
sviularng | cage; coop; basket; container | 籠子
tawlarng | basket | 斗籠
teklarng | bamboo basket | 竹籠
tenglarng-zhao | Chinese lantern plant; Physalis angulata | 登籠草; 燈籠草
thaumngg larnglaxng | hairs in disorder; in a mess | 頭髮鬆亂
thihlarng | iron cage | 鐵籠
tiefnlarm | put on display; exhibit; show; exhibition; to display; show to the public | 展覽
tiefnlarm-hoe | exposition, exhibition | 展覽會
tiexnlarm | electric cable | 電纜
tøxlarm | guided tour | 導覽
zhawlarng | straw basket | 草籠
zhoelarng | steamer for cooking | 蒸籠
zhutlarng | become current; appear in the market | 上市
zoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 紙籠
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofnglarm | monopolize; take over the entire management of an affair | 包攬; 總攬
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
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