"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: law

laulaw | step by step | 蹓蹓
law | ramble | 遶; 逛; 漫步
law'ar | swindler | 佬仔; 拐仔; 騙仔
lawar | cheater; swindler; swindler; a cheat; confidence man; racketeer; impostor | 老仔; 老千; 拐子; 騙子
lawchiuo | experienced craftsman; an old hand at it; an expert | 老手
lawciao | an old bird; an old hand | 老鳥; 老練者
lawcioxng | an old officer; a veteran | 老將
lawcviuo | for CKS | 老蔣
lawhefng | my dear friend | 老兄
lawhoaf | presbyopia | 老花
lawhoan | experienced prison | 老犯; 前科犯
lawhviaf | my dear friend (used among males) | 老兄
lawjixhø | brand name | 老字號
lawkhud | torsion flexion | 撓屈
lawku | old | 老舊
lawkøf | elderly gentleman | 老高; 老大哥
lawlao-sidsit | honestly | 老老實實
lawlien | experienced; skilled; expert; experienced; veteran | 老練
lawpaai | brand or trademark which has been in use for a long time (which means the merchandise concerned must be very good); veteran (actor; actress; player) | 老牌
lawpafnniuu | proprietor's wife; proprietress; proprietor's wife; boss's wife; mistress | 老闆娘
lawparn | boss; master; proprietor; keeper; boss; proprietor of a shop; husband | 老闆; 老板
lawphiernsut | old tricks | 老騙術
lawphiexn | deceive | 老騙; 拐騙
lawpoex | a person of higher rank than oneself; the older generation | 老輩
lawpurn | capital investment | 老本
lawseeng | well-experienced and steady | 老成
lawsidar | honest person | 老實仔
lawsidlawsit | honest | 老實老實
lawsidloq | honest | 老實囉
lawsit | honest; truthful; honest; well disposed; trustworthy | 老實
lawsøex | younger brother | 老細; 小弟
lawtaux | (adj) experienced; trained | 老到; 老練
lawtiin | rattan | 荖藤; 龍絞水; 蔞藤
lawtiøh axmkurn | get a crick in the neck | 扭傷脖子
lawtiøh chiuo | sprained one's arm | 扭傷手
lawtiøh kyn | sprain; have a strain (sprain); pull a muscle; ligament | 扭傷筋
lawtoa | supervisor | 老大
lawtoaxkøf | a reference to one's senior of equal standing | 老大哥
lawzar | very early; long ago; long time ago; former time | 老早
pulawkhok'ar | | 瓠佬觳仔

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