"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngkaux zornglea | ecclesiastical burial | 聖教葬禮
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Tuisulea | absolution after Requiem Mass | 追思禮
Zwkaux Taixlea Misad | Pontifical Mass (Catholic) | 主教大禮彌撒
anzornglea | burial service; prayers at the grave (Catholic) | 安葬禮
arnchiwlea | imposition of hands (Catholic) | 按手禮
arnsiuo-lea | the etiquette of shaking hands | 按手禮
arnsiwlea | lay on hands | 按手禮
baizornglea | funeral ceremony | 埋葬禮
batlea | polite; acquainted with the rules of etiquette | 識禮; 識大體
benglea | understand the rules of propriety; courtesy | 明禮
biefnlea | be excused from usual courtesy gestures | 免禮
bulea | impolite | 無禮
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
bølea | insolence; impolite | 無禮; 沒禮貌
chiarnglea | sing | 唱禮
ciamlea | feast day (Catholic) | 瞻禮
ciaolea | according to the ceremony | 照禮
cirmlea | baptism by immersion; baptism by immersion | 浸禮
citkholear | nearby | 這箍麗仔; 這附近
ciulea | a classical book in ancient China | 周禮
ciuxcid tiefnlea | inaugural ceremony | 就職典禮
ciwlea | libation of wine | 酒奠; 奠酒
gilea | properties; ceremony; convenances | 儀禮
gvoflea | the five ceremonies | 五禮
hablea | to greet together | 合禮
haxlea | bow in reverence | 下禮; 施禮
haxzuylea | ceremony of launching a ship | 下水禮; (船)
haylear | dory | 海鱺仔
henglea | to salute, salutation | 行禮
hiernlea | ceremony of offering presents | 獻禮
hmlanglea | money to appreciate the matchmaker | 媒人禮; 送媒人的禮金
hoanlea | return a salute; send a present in return | 還禮
hoe sitlea | offer an apology | 說抱歉; 回失禮
hoelea | to return a salute; to present a gift in return; give a present in return | 回禮
hoxlea | generous gifts | 厚禮
huilea | impolite; rude; indecorum; to molest sexually; indecent; improper morally; assault a woman sexually | 非禮
hunlea | wedding; a marriage service; a matrimonial; rites of marriage | 婚禮
hylea | a wedding ceremony | 喜禮
høe-sitlea | to offer an apology | 賠失禮; 會失禮; 道歉
høelea | present in return | 回禮
høflea | courteousness; polite; politeness | 好禮; 有禮貌; 客氣
høxlea | a congratulatory present; present given as a token of congratulation | 賀禮
isefng-lea | doctor's fee | 醫生禮; 診察費
kafleafhofng | tornado | 絞螺仔風
kalea | puppet; a lay figure; cipher in algorism | 傀儡; 嘉禮
kalea-hix | puppet-show | 傀儡戲
kalea-png | curry rice | 咖喱飯; 咖哩飯
kalea-zernghuo | puppet government | 傀儡政府
kanlea | monetary gift | 干禮; 現金 (送紅包時用)
kaolea | polite | 到禮; 多禮; 禮數周到
katlea | ritual circumcision | 割禮
kauxlea | over courteous; rich gifts | 多禮; 厚禮
kernglea | salute | 敬禮
khaibo-tiefnlea | inauguration; opening or unveiling ceremony | 開幕典禮
khaihak-tiefnlea | ceremony held to signal the beginning of a school semester | 開學典禮
khaq-sitlea | rather embarrassing | 很抱歉; 較失禮
khulea | strict adherence to social etiquette | 拘禮
kielear | file device | 鋸鑢仔
kiensirnlea | confirmation | 堅信禮
kiet'hwn-tiefnlea | wedding; nuptials | 結婚典禮; 結婚式
kietgiap-tiefnlea | commencement (ceremony); graduation exercises | 結業典禮
kngfleafhofng | tornado, cyclone, twister, sand pillar | 捲螺仔風
kngfleafzng | an eddy, whirlpool | 捲螺仔旋
kngfleafzuie | swirl | 捲螺仔水
koahlea | circumcision | 割禮
koflea | ancient propriety; ancient rules of politeness; ancient ceremonies | 古禮
kornglea | the presents offered as tribute | 貢禮
kviaa toaxlea | pay the highest respect by kowtowing; make a deep obeisance | 行大禮
kvialea | to pay a respect by kowtowing; salute; bow; make a bow to | 行禮; 敬禮
kyheeng tiefnlea | hold a ceremony | 舉行典禮
lamlea | baptism by pouring | 淋禮; 灑水禮
lea sor tongjieen | etiquette requires it | 禮所當然
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
lea | curse; scold; revile; vituperate (le or loe is feminine in gender) | 詈; 禮
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
lea`tiøh | a scratch, scratched | 詈著; 擦過傷; 受微傷
lear | snails | 螺仔
lioglea | the six ceremonies in classics: capping; wedding; funeral; sacrifice; communal festival; presentation | 六禮; 冠,婚,喪,祭,鄉飲酒,相見
logseeng tiefnlea | dedication ceremony (for a building) | 落成典禮
moelanglea | matchmaker gifts | 媒人禮
nafkalea | person like a puppet | 哪傀儡
niar seflea | receive baptism (Protestant) | 領洗
niulea | mother | 娘禮; 娘嬭; 母親
palea | ballet | 芭蕾
palea-buo | the ballet; ballet dancing | 芭蕾舞
palea-bwluo | ballerina | 芭蕾舞女
palea-mngg | folding door | 芭蕾門; 雙扇門
paulea | gifts | 包禮
pehjit kernglea | octave (Catholic) | 八日敬禮
phernglea | money and presents sent by bridegroom at betrothal; gift for inviting one to a post; betrothal presents sent to the girl's family | 聘禮
phvoaxchiwlea | gift | 伴手禮
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
piebo tiefnlea | closing ceremony | 閉幕典禮
pinlea | guest ceremony | 賓禮
pinpyn iwlea | refined; courteous; dignified (gentleman) | 彬彬有禮
pitgiap tiefnlea | commencement exercises; commencement; graduation ceremony | 畢業典禮
poelea | express regret; ask for forgiveness; make apologies; do something to appease another | 賠禮
poglea | a small present to express politeness | 薄禮
pvoaf-kalea | put on a puppet show | 演傀儡; 演傀儡戲
pøqlea | cheap gift; shabby presents; a meager present; my humble gift (a polite usage) | 薄禮
sarnglea | give a gift; give a fee to a teacher or doctor; give a congratulatory present | 送禮; 送禮(物)
seflea | baptism | 洗禮
senglea | immolation; meat offerings; offerings of flesh to the dead or the gods | 牲禮; 牲醴; 葷祭
senglienlea | coming-of-age ceremony | 成年禮
sernglea | sacrament | 聖禮; 戢禮
siaxlea | honorarium; remuneration; stipend; gift sent as a token of gratitude; a present in return | 謝禮
siensvilea | school fees, tutor's fees | 先生禮; 教師薪水
sinsvef-lea | school fees, tutor's fees | 先生禮; 教師薪金
sitlanglea | lost manner | 失人禮
sitlea | disrespect; impoliteness; commit a breach of etiquette; be impolite; be rude; I beg your pardon for my want of politeness | 失禮
sitlea`oq | rude | 失禮喔
siulea | accept a present or gift | 收禮
siuxlea | birthday gifts | 壽儀; 壽禮
siwciamlea | to observe feasts | 守瞻禮
soeflea | baptism | 洗禮
songlea | funeral rites | 喪禮
sunlea | pilgrimage to a holy land | 巡禮; (聖地朝拜)
søeflea | baptism | 洗禮
taixlea | big gift | 大禮
taplea | reciprocate another's courtesy; return a salute; to reciprocate presents | 答禮
tiefnlea | ritual; ceremony; rite | 典禮
tionglanglea | commission or money present given to a middle man | 中人禮
toaxciamlea | big feast day (Catholic) | 大瞻禮
toaxlea | most solemn of ceremonies ─ including three kneeling and nine kowtows ─ performed in paying respects to a new master; foster parents (in old China) | 大禮
uix-siawlea | be shy, bebashful | 畏小禮; 害羞的人
uxlea | be polite | 有禮; 有禮貌
ylea thaixjiin | take notice of one | 以禮待人
zarnlea | ceremony | 讚禮
zealea | rule or regulation for sacrifice; sacrifices offered to gods or the deceased | 祭禮
zhanlear | farm snail | 田螺仔
zhwkietlea | Purification ceremony | 取潔禮
zornglea | funeral rite; funeral; burial service | 葬禮
zunleafsviaf | the sound of boat | 船螺仔聲
zuoboglea | parade salute (military) | 注目禮
zwlea-jiin | master of ceremonies | 主禮人; 司儀
zwpør ciamlea | feast of one's patron saint (Catholic) | 主保瞻禮
zøexlea | over courteous | 濟禮

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