"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bexnglexngkux | imperative sentence | 命令句
chvilernglexng | green vegetation | 青蘢蘢
haxlexng'viaa | summer camp | 夏令營
kefngpi-sulexngpo | Garrison Command | 警備司令部
khahlexngkhuix | living be better off | 手頭鬆; 較鬆氣
khawgieen-lexngseg | sweet words and insinuating manners (which are seldom associated with virtue) | 巧言令色
kwnlexng | struggle hard with hands; feet; and body | 掙扎
laulaulex | take a stroll; to go for a walk | 逛一逛
lex | put down | 放著
lexbie | beauty | 麗美
lexcid thiensefng | born beauty | 麗質天生
lexcid | beauty(especially feminine) | 麗質
lexcix sidheeng | determined to put it into operation | 勵志實行
lexcix | bend the mind to; pursue a goal with determination | 勵志
lexgieen | gen. remarks on points of detail of a book | 例言
lexgoa | exceptions; exception; unusual | 例外
lexheeng | to enforce or practice with determination; enforce or practice with determination; strict (rigid) enforcement | 勵行; 例行
lexhii | freshwater carp | 鱺魚; 鱧
lexhoe | a regular meeting | 例會
lexji | clerical script (Chinese writing style) | 隸字; 隸書
lexjuu | for example | 例如
lexkar | statutory holiday; customary holiday | 例假
lexkax | statutory holiday; customary holiday | 例假
lexkhie | excite, excitation | 勵起
lexkhie-leeng | excitation energy | 勵起能
lexkhie-zoxngthaix | excited state | 勵起狀態
lexkixm | severe restrictions | 厲禁; 例禁
lexkux | a sentence serving as an example; sentence serving as an example (in a textbook; to show proper structure; arrangement of words) | 例句
lexkuy | statutes; regulations; specific rules; custom; usage; precedent | 例規
lexkøf | song of farewell | 驪歌
lexle | every example | 例例
lexliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
lexng | stretch one's feet; kick with one's feet; to struggle with feet | 踢; 躘; (掙扎)
lexng'aix | your daughter | 令嬡; 令愛
lexng'axn paxnlie | be handled as a separate case | 另案辦理
lexng'iuo | your friend | 令友
lexng'oan | your daughter | 令媛; 令愛; 令千金
lexngbeeng | good reputation | 令名
lexngchyn | your parents | 令親
lexngcie | emperor's wish | 令旨
lexngcvix | formerly; mil. order given with an arrow | 令箭
lexnggarn | fondness | 另眼
lexnggi | be discussed or negotiated separately | 另議
lexnggiaam | your father | 令嚴
lexnggiok | your daughter | 令玉; 令嬡
lexnggoa cidhongbin | there is another side to it; on the other hand | 另外一方面
lexnggoa | besides; another; in addition; besides; another; other; additionally | 另外
lexngheeng | later on, after-wards | 另行; 令行
lexnghefng | your elder brother; your elder brother | 令兄
lexnghoe | next meeting, subsequent meeting | 另會; 下一次會議
lexngjidar | another day | 另日仔
lexngjiin put'afn | cause people to feel uncomfortable | 令人無安
lexngjit | someday; sometime; another day; some other day; on a future day | 另日; 改天
lexngkaf | additional | 另家; 另加
lexngkafng | another day | 另工
lexngkii | formerly; flag of command | 令旗
lexngku | your mother's brother | 令舅
lexngleng | extraneous; plenty; enough; go easy; unhurried | 冗冗; 充裕; 從容
lexnglit | another day | 另日
lexngloong | your son(used in formal speech); your fine son | 令郎
lexngsii | another time | 另時; 改日
lexngsiog | your uncle | 令叔
lexngsw | your teacher | 令師
lexngte | your younger brother | 令弟
lexngtit | your nephew; your nephew | 令姪
lexngtoo | your pupil | 令徒
lexngtoong | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
lexngzea | your elder sister (used in formal speech) | 令姊
lexngzeg | your uncle | 令叔
lexngzhaxn | your son-in-law | 令倩; 令婿
lexngzoa | next time; next trip | 另趟
lexngzuu | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
lexngzwn | your father(used in formal speech); your father (honorific term) | 令尊
lexnii | average (normal) year; usual year | 例年; 歷年
lexpefng | make army combat-ready | 厲兵
lexsefng | harsh voice | 厲聲
lexseg | to look angry; angry-looking | 厲色
lexsiok | to be attached to; under the command of | 隸屬
lexsw | clerical style of Chinese calligraphy; square; plain style of Chinese writing | 隸書
lextee | exercise; an example; a sample question; problem; paradigm | 例題
lextøee | an example; a question for which an answer is provided | 例題
lexut | eastern oystercatcher | 蠣; 蠣行鳥
lexzexng | example; case in point; evidence; circumstantial evidence; an antecedent used to clarify or explain a point | 例證
lexzhunhoef | corn poppy | 虞春花; 麗春花; 虞美人
oaqlernglexng | alive and active | 活生生
oexsud sulexngpo | garrison headquarters | 衛戌司令部
peqlexngsy | white ling | 白翎鷥
poeqlexngsy | white feathers | 白翎鷥
pylexchiøq | scale (of a map; model) | 比例尺
pøflexlioong | styrofoam | 保麗龍
sulexngkvoaf | commander | 司令官; 司令
sulexngpo | headquarters | 司令部
sulexngtaai | review stand | 司令台
thiensefng lexcid | born beauty | 天生麗質
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
zhvelernglexng | greenish | 青蘢蘢
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zofngsulexngpo | general headquarters (military) | 總司令部

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