"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: liø

kauxliø | frequent urination | 厚尿
kauxsayliø | not straightforward | 厚屎尿
lagsaylagliø | shitting and peeing describe the hard work of taking care of people | 搦屎搦尿
lixliø | diuretic | 利尿
liø | urine | 尿
liøbaq | cut slices of meat; slice meat (horizontally) | 剮肉
liøh | slight; weak | 略
liøiuu | slice oil horizontally | 撩油
liøo | to provoke; to stir up; slice horizontally; skim; draw off (foam); fish up; drag out of the water | 撩; 撇; 剮
liøq | to look down from a higher place | 瞭
liøqar | a little bit | 略仔; 稍微; 稍為
liøqliøh | a little bit | 略略
liøqliøqar | a little bit; slightly | 略略仔; 約略; 稍微地; 些微
liør | to look down from a higher place; glance; glimpse; to gaze; ogle; give a quick glance | 瞭; 瞥
liør`cide | wink; quick glance | 瞥一下
liør`tiøh | wink; quick glance | 瞥著
liøx | tall (person); long (limbs) | 高; (個子)
liøxhiaf | urine ladle | 尿桸
liøxoo | urinal | 尿壺
liøxphea'ar | diaper | 尿帕仔
liøxtae | urine and poo | 尿滓
liøxtao | urinal | 尿斗
liøxtharng | piss bucket | 尿桶
liøxtø | urethra | 尿道
liøxzu'ar | diaper | 尿苴仔
liøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
liøxzuar | diaper | 尿苴仔
nngfliøh | soft; elegant and graceful | 軟略; 柔弱; 柔軟
sayliø | shit and urine | 屎尿
siarmliø | urine oozing | 滲尿
siarmsayliø | shit | 滲屎尿
siliø | whistle to encourage the child to urinate | 噓尿
siøhliøh | careful, carefully | 惜略; 小心(用)
thngliøxpvi | diabetes | 糖尿病
zhaoliøxhiafm | smelly urine | 臭尿薟
zhoaxliø | enuresis | 泄尿

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