"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: liaa

Beqliaau | a city in Yunlin County | 麥寮
Korngliaau | a city in Taipei County | 貢寮
Pangliaau | a city in Pingtung County | 枋寮
Tiongliaau | a city in Nantou County | 中寮
Toaxliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 大寮
Zhanliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 田寮
bengliaau | understand clearly; clear; distinct; perspicuous | 明瞭
bie jii liaam | beautiful and cheap | 美而廉
boxliaau | staffs; secretaries; advisors | 幕僚
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
buliaau | ennui; dejected; purposeless; unhappy; uneasy; silly; tiresome; tasteless | 無聊
but bie kex liaam | excellent quality and reasonable price for merchandise | 物美價廉
bøliaau | nonsense; bored | 無聊
chialiaau | car shed, railway roundhouse | 車寮; 車房; 鐵路迴旋處
chiliaang | desolate; lonely | 悽涼
ciøqliaau | stone bench; long stone slab used for a seat; stone bench | 石條; 石條板
cviuløfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 樟腦寮
cynliaau | medical examination and treatment | 診療
eng siaq liaam | to solder | 銲錫; 用錫黏
hagliaau | student dorm; school dormitory | 學寮; 學生宿舍
hanliaau | gossip; waffle | 閒聊
haxliaau | subordinates | 下僚; 屬下
hayliaam | sea catfish | 海鯰
hiøhliaang | keep away from heat; rest and cool (oneself) | 歇涼; 乘涼; 放暑假
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hongliaang | desolation; bleak; savageness; desolate | 荒涼
hoxliaam | hurry up | 雨黏; 快點
iliaau | cure or treat (a disease); medical treatment | 醫療
iliaau-ioxngkhu | medical instruments | 醫療用具
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
imliaang | shady and cool; shaded and cool | 陰涼
kangliaau | a shack used by workers; simple hut for workmen at a construction site; construction shack | 工寮
kauliaang | sorghum; sorghum liquor | 高粱; 高梁
khaliaau | shackles, fetters | 腳銬
khaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 跤鼻臁
khitciaqliaau | beggar's hut | 乞丐寮
kiliaau | brothel | 妓寮; 妓女戶
kinpurn tixliaau | thorough treatment | 根本治療
kuyliaau | how many | 幾寮
kviliaau | guard-house | 更寮; 守更亭
kvoaliaau | bureaucrats; government official | 官僚
køliaang | sorghum; kaoliang | 高梁
labliaang | cool oneself on a hot day | 納涼
laliaang | chat | 拉涼; 閒談
larliaang | open one's clothing for coolness; cool oneself; cool off | 乘涼; 納涼
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
liaam bøextiaau | fail to stick or adhere | 黏無住
liaam thithy | very sticky (adhesive) | 黏巴巴的
liaam | catfish | 鯰; 黏; 廉; 粘
liaam-thithy | adhesive and sticky | 黏黐黐
liaang | good; fine; excellent; peaceful; virtuous; very; quite | 良; 涼
liaarng'liangliaang | cool | 涼涼涼
liaau khear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau khoear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau | ;to wade through or across water bright; clear sighted; sharp eyed | 瞭; 寮; 涉木; 蹽; 條
liaau-pofpor | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
liaau`løqkhix | get involved; participated | 蹽落去
liamliaam | be sticky; be glutinous; be adhesive | 粘粘; 粘粘的
liangliaang | cold | 涼涼
liauliaau | to have a chat | 聊聊
liogliaam | six virtues of a magistrate: goodness, ability, reverence, uprightness, regard for law, discrimination | 六廉 (善, 能, 敬, 正, 法, 辨)
løfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 腦寮
moaliaam | stinging catfish | 刺鯰魚; 鰻鯰
nahliaang | relax in cool place | 乘涼
narliaang | relay in cool place | 乘涼
pafnliaau | the rest and beat of music; orderliness | 拍子; 板眼
pengliaang | icy cold | 冰涼
pengpengliangliaang | icy cold | 冰冰涼涼
phahlaliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remark | 拍拉涼; 閒扯; 講風涼話
phahlaqliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks | 打抐涼; 說風涼話
phahlaxliaang | make fun of | 打抐涼; 無為閒談
phvialiaau | mid-section of an animal (exclusive of front and hind quarters) butchered for food | 背料; 背脊肉; (豬)
piliaang | desolate | 悲涼
porliaau | narrow cloth strip | 布條
putliaam | not cheap | 無廉
sexngliaang | take a rest under tree shadow | 乘涼
siauliaang | to amuse .. at; pastime; recreation; pass away the time | 消涼
sidbut-tixliaau | therapy by food-control, food-control therapy | 食物治療
sidliaau | diet | 食療
siliaau | operate a free medical clinic | 時設; 義診
sinliaau | new village | 新寮
siøliaam | joined together | 相黏; 粘在一塊
svaliaam | stick together | 相黏; 粘起
tangliaau | colleague | 同僚; 同僚的
tekliaam | screen or blind made of bamboo | 竹簾
tekliaau | store where bamboo is sold; bamboo hut; bamboo shed | 竹寮
thaosimliaang | penetrating coolness (said of cold drinks) | 透心涼
tiexnliaau | electrotherapy; electrotherapeutics | 電療
tikongliaau | male pig farm | 豬公條
tiongliaang | loyal and kind | 忠良
tixliaau | to treat or cure; cure; therapy; treatment; treat or cure (a disease); treatment | 治療
tixliaau-seg | treatment room | 治療室
tixliaau-sw | a surgeon | 治療師
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tongliaau | fellow officials; colleagues | 同僚
uoliaang | chill with ice | 冷敷
yliaau | backless wooden bench | 椅條; 長板凳
zarnliaau | warehouse | 棧寮; 倉庫
zengsiin tixliaau | psychological therapy | 精神治療
zhaeliaau | vegetable garden | 菜寮
zhaliaau | wooden yard | 柴寮
zhaokhaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 臭腳鼻黏; 脛骨瘡
zhawliaau | a shelter made of straw | 草寮
zheliaang | chilly; cold feeling | 淒涼
zhengliaam | incorrectness; rectitude; upright; incorruptible; integrity | 清廉
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengliaang | cool; pure and cool; refreshing | 清涼
zhøeliaang | blow cool | 吹涼
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條

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