"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
liafm zhanvef | catch a dragonfly between finger and thumb | 捉蜻蜓
liafm | take up a small thing with the tips of fingers | 拈; 跕; 躡; 拿
liafm'oaxn | to accumulate hatred | 斂怨
liafm-zhanvy | to catch a dragonfly | 拈蜻蜓
liafmbien | outward show of honor | 臉面; 體面
liafmbin | prestige, respectability | 斂面; 臉面; 面子
liafmciog | to hold one's steps and not go forward; to go on tiptoe | 斂足
liafmciør | to reduce the amount | 斂少
liafmcvii | hoard money; curtail; economize | 斂錢; 節省錢
liafmhoad | tax law | 斂法
liafmjiaq | to abstain from vice; to be subdued | 斂跡
liafmliarm | not quite enough | 斂斂; 稍無足
liafmpo | to hesitate to advance further | 斂步
liafmseg | to curb one's passions or desires | 節慾; 斂色
liafmserng | frugal; thrifty | 節儉; 節省; 斂省
liafmsiuo | to refrain from doing something | 斂手
liafmtor | fish maw | 膁肚
liafmzaai | to collect wealth illegally or immorally | 斂財
liafmzeg | to stop visiting places | 斂跡; 節儉累積
liafmzoxng | to shroud and bury | 殮葬
liafng | ring; bell | 鈴聲
liafsu | get into trouble | 惹事
liafsuxsenghuy | make trouble | 惹事生非
liaftaixcix | get into trouble | 惹代誌
liaftiøh | to provoke | 惹著
siuliafmzef | astringents | 收斂劑
uliafmgoaan | pollutant | 汙染原

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