"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bengliang | bright; clear; clear and distinct; bright | 明亮
bøliang | ungenerous | 無量
hatliang | bright; light | 豁亮
hiafngliang | loudness; loud and clear | 響亮
hoatliang | shining, polished | 發亮
hongliang | sonorous | 宏亮
høfliang | generous, magnanimous, broad-minded | 好量; 雅量; 有度量
kauliangciuo | kaoliang wine; wine made from sorghum | 高粱酒
kngliang | bright and clear; illumination; brightness; bright; light | 光亮
køliangciuo | kaoliang wine | 高梁酒
liaarng'liangliaang | cool | 涼涼涼
liang | clear and high (sound); light; bright; transparent; clear and loud (voice) | 亮
liang'ar | little bell | 鈴仔; 喨仔; 鈴鐺; 鈴噹
liang'ee | sandals; summer shoes; slippers | 涼鞋
liang'ie | summer chair | 涼椅
liang'ix | to be getting chilly | 涼意
liang'iøh | refrigerants (medicine) | 良藥
liang'øee | sandal; slippers | 涼鞋
liangbø | straw hat; summer hat | 涼帽
liangchiøh | sleeping mat (usually made of straw or bamboo) used in summer | 涼蓆
liangchiøqterng | sleeping mat top | 涼蓆頂
lianghied | blood refrigerant; (some foods are considered as) blood coolants | 涼血; 涼性
lianghofng | cool breeze; cool; soft breeze | 涼風
lianghongtiofng | in a breeze | 涼風中
lianghurn | jelly made from agar-agar | 涼粉
liangkhiafng | sarcasm | 涼腔; 俏皮話
liangkhix | cool air | 涼氣
liangkhoaix | nice and cool | 涼快
lianglerng | cool; pleasantly cool | 涼冷
liangliaang | cold | 涼涼
liangliang'ar | coo, breaze | 涼涼仔
liangliangkiøx | making sharp noise | 喨喨叫
liangpvee | awning (for shelter from the sun's rays); a shed to provide shade (from the sun) | 涼棚
liangpvii | a mat awning; veranda; mat shed | 涼棚
liangsea'ar | easy | 涼勢仔
liangseaafliangsex | in ease; piece of cake | 涼勢仔涼勢
liangsex | light; relaxed | 涼勢; 輕鬆
liangsiin | easy going, heedless | 涼神; 漫不經心
liangsinmia | destined to be a person of leisure (rich, elderly, or occupying an honorary position) | 閒身命
liangsorng | cool and comfortable | 涼爽
liangsyn | person of leisure (rich; elderly; or occupying an honorary position) | 閒身; (涼身)
liangtaizeeng | In front of the terrace | 涼台前
liangtee | cold tea | 涼茶
liangteeng | awning spread for coolness; summer house; arbor; bower; gazebo | 涼亭
liangteng'afkhaf | arcade (covered avenue); passageway; corridor | 涼亭仔腳; 騎樓
liangteng'ar | pavilion | 涼亭仔
liangtengthiau | pavilion column | 涼亭柱
liangtheeng | pavilion; traveler's sheltered station | 涼亭
liangzuie | soda; pop; cold water | 涼水; 汽水; 冷飲
liangzuyzuar | cold water droplets water | 涼水珠仔
pengpengliangliaang | icy cold | 冰冰涼涼
phiauliang | beautiful; handsome; beautiful; remarkable; brilliant; splendid | 漂亮
torngliangzhaai | pillars; capable great statesmanship person | 棟梁材
zhengliangzef | refrigerant | 清涼劑
zukatliang | a fictional character | 諸葛亮

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