"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: liaux

befliauxsøq | horse rope | 馬繚索
huiliauxchviuo | fertilizer factory | 肥料廠
iuliauxkhox | oil depot, POL depot | 油料庫
jienliauxhuix | fuel fee | 燃料費
jienliauxiuu | oil for fuel | 燃料油
jienliauxsøex | fuel (consumption) tax | 燃料稅
liaux | scratch | 抓; 癢
liauxbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料袂到
liauxcvii | materials cost | 料錢
liauxkoarn | a lumber company | 料館
liauxkvia | materials | 料件
liauxlie kasu | administer; direct family affairs; business | 料理家事
liauxlie | to manage; to dispose of; cooking; cooking; cookery; cuisine; a dish; to cook; to dress (fish); prepare a dish; deal with; manage | 料理
liauxlie-tiaxm | Japanese restaurant | 料理店; 餐館
liauxpoef | cup | 料杯; 水杯
liauxsiao | tiny, unimportant | 料小
liauxsiofngbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiofngboexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiorng bøexkaux | had no idea the matter would go so far | 料想無到
liauxsiorng | to reckon; to imagine; to suppose; reckon; imagine; suppose; to guess; to conjecture | 料想
liauxsngx | anticipate | 料算
liauxsoaxn | reckon; estimate | 料算
liauxsu | to foresee the matter or happening | 料事
liauxsøq | rope | 繚索
liauxtiofng | to guess correctly | 料中
liauxtiøh | make a good guess; guess right or correctly; expect beforehand | 料中
liauxto | reckon; imagine; to infer | 料度
liauxtvoaf | the list of materials; the list of stuff | 料單
liauxzhud | expected | 料出
liauxzurn | guess correctly | 料準
puiliauxchviuo | fertilizer plant | 肥料廠
seviuu liauxlie | Western cooking | 西洋料理
zailiauxhaang | material shop | 材料行
zailiauxkhøf | material science | 材料科
zailiauxtiaxm | material shop | 材料店
zhaliauxhaang | firewood shop | 柴料行
zuliauxkhox | database | 資料庫
zuliauxliong | data volume | 資料量
zuliauxtear | Information bag | 資料袋仔

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