"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Goxlidzoeq | Dragon Boat Festival | 五日節
Svalidzoeq | tomb sweeping on Ching Ming Festivak | 三日節; 清明節
cidlidkaoaxm | all day long | 一日到暗
cidpvoarlidar | few days | 一半日仔
lidau | in the future | 日後
lidcie | life | 日子
lidcix | diary | 日誌
lidgoadhafm | a Taiwanese special clam | 日月蚶
lidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
lidia | day and night | 日夜
lidkafn | day time | 日間
lidkek | Japanese drama | 日劇
lidkii | date | 日期
lidkiok | Japanese drama | 日劇
lidkix | diary | 日記
lidkongtefng | fluorescent light | 日光燈
lidpwnpøo | Japanes women | 日本婆
lidpwntauxcviux | Japanese miso | 日本豆醬
lidsarn | Japanese products | 日產
lidseg | Japanese | 日式
lidsi'ar | Japanese er | 日時仔
lidsiofng | Japanese businessmen | 日商
lidsioong | usually | 日常
lidteeng | schedule | 日程
lidthaau | sun | 日頭
lidthauhoef | dizzy | 日頭花
lidthaukngf | bright sun | 日頭光
lidzhud | sunrise | 日出
padlidar | some other days | 別日仔
pahlidaang | crape myrtle | 百日紅
pahlidsaux | pertussis | 百日嗽
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
sarnglidar | marry date | 送日仔
seahonglidha | the world is going down | 世風日下
svisilidgeh | birthday and horoscope | 生時日月
tefnglidar | previous day | 頂日仔
thiahlidar | ask fortune teller to pick a good date | 拆日仔

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