"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Boxliim | a city in Kaohsiung County | 茂林
Ciongliim tøexid Zwjit | First Sunday of Advent | 將臨第一主日
Hoxngliim | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 鳳林
Hunliim | a county in Taiwan | 雲林
Hunliim-koan | Yunlin County | 雲林縣
Jixliim | a city in Changhua County | 二林
Kiongliim | a city in Hsinchu County | 芎林
Longliim chiegiaxmtviuu | Government Experimental Farm and Nursery | 農林試驗場
Oanliim | a city in eastern Changhau County | 員林
Pekliim | Berlin; Germany | 柏林
Phveliim | a city in Taipei County | 坪林
Samliim | a city in Kaohsiung County | 杉林
Serngleeng karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Serngsiin karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Siuoliim | a city in Hualien County | 秀林
Suxliim | a town in Taipei | 士林
bidliim | dense forest | 密林
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
biexnliim | encounter; face; meet or face | 面臨
bwliim | the world or circle of boxers | 武林
chinliim | to come in person; someone like a superior or elder attend or come in person | 親臨
chiuliim | autumn rain | 秋林; 秋霖; 秋雨
ciongliim | about to come; advent | 將臨
ciwtii jiogliim | debauchery on a magnificent scale; unprecedented luxury or wealth (Lit. ponds of wine; woods of meat) | 酒池肉林
goansie simliim | virgin forest | 原始森林
guxliim-kwn | palace guard | 御林軍
haxnliim | the Imperial Han-lin academy; a member of Han-lin; the literary circles | 翰林
hexngliim | medical profession; a term used in praise of a good and kind physician or the medical profession in general | 杏林
hoansuliim | Vaseline, petroleum jelly | 凡士林
hoansuxliim | Vaseline | 凡士林
honghongliim | windbreak; shelter belt | 防風林
juliim taixtek | like confronting a dangerous enemy--very careful or cautious; take all possible precautions; make all preparations | 如臨大敵
juliim | the Confucian scholars; the circle of Confucians; collection of the writings of Confucian scholars | 儒林
kamliim | timely rain after long drought | 甘霖
kamliim-phofkaxng | Seasonable rain has fallen everywhere | 甘霖普降
karliim | your gracious presence; give (our humble place) the honor of your visit | 駕臨
karngliim | come down from heaven | 降臨
khapte-kongliim | please come with your whole family (a conventional term used in Chinese invitation cards) | 闔第光臨
kongliim | (usually used in an invitation) Please grace our place with your presence; arrival of a visitor (Lit. brightness approaching ─ polite expression) | 光臨
lailiim | come; arrival; come down to | 來臨
laxmhoat somliim | log without (or not according) plan; excessive felling of trees | 濫伐森林
lexliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
liim | forest; a wood | 林
liogliim høkiet | highwaymen; robbers | 綠林豪傑
liogliim | greenwood; outlaws (who live in thick forests) | 綠林
liogliim-kheq | men of the greenwood ─ brigands | 綠林客
lixliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
longliim | agriculture and forestry; agriculture and forestry | 農林
oanliim | a landscape garden | 園林
pengkiliim | icecream | 冰淇淋
pinliim taixhae | on the brink of the sea | 濱臨大海
pinliim | on the verge of | 瀕臨
pøfafn-liim | protection forest | 保安林
pøfanliim | security forest; protected (national) forests | 保安林
pøfhoxliim | forest preservation; conservation | 保護林
sanliim | forest; forest; mountain forests | 山林
simliim | forest | 森林
somliim | forest | 森林
suiwliim | privately owned forest or woodland | 私有林
tafmliim | gallstone, biliary calculus | 膽結石; 膽石
taixkarkongliim | welcome | 大駕光臨
tekliim | bamboo grove | 竹林
zaeliim | Come back again (polite term); Advent Season | 再臨
zhongliim | a jungle; bush; grove; brush; thicket; a large monastery; forest; jungle | 叢林
zhongliim-tøextaix | a bushfield, jungle area | 叢林地帶
zøxliim | afforestation, reforestation, to afforest | 造林

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