aswphylirn | aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid | 阿斯匹靈
hoafn-lirntngr | turn over | 倒轉身; 翻轉; 翻輾轉
kaxn lirn-niaa | Fuck your mother! (Not to be used- for hearing only!) | 幹恁娘
khøflirn | pity; pitiable; it is a pity that.. | 可憐
lirn | you (plural, exclusive) | 恁; 你們
lirn'goq | apples | 蘋果
lirn-hiaf | your place | 恁遐; 你那裡
lirn-niaa | Your mother! (used for cursing) | 恁娘
lirn-pe | vulgar and contemptuous expression for I | 恁爸
lirnkiuu | dribble | 滾球
lirnlixn | rolling | 滾滾
lirnlixn-lorngloxng | loud noise and turmoil (of heavy things moved about; men treading heavily; or loud rapid knocking) | 輾輾隆隆
lirnlornghao | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnlorngkiøx | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnloxng | loud noise | 滾隆
lirntao | (v) do a full somersault | 輾斗; 筋斗; 跟頭
lirntngr | turn around, in the opposite direction, circuit, rap, round | 輾轉; 反轉
lirnzu'ar | ball rolling | 輾珠仔
pefnglirntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion | 翻輾轉
perng-lirntngr | turn over, capsize, turn completely around | 翻輾轉; 反輾轉; 反轉
phalirnkao | somersault | 拋輾狗
phalirntao | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalirntngr | turn a somersault | 翻觔斗; 翻跟斗
phe'nisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林; (外來語)
phenisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林 (外來語)
phvalirntao | summer saw flip | 拋輾斗
sae lirn-lauxbør | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁老母
sae lirn-niaa | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁娘
siekhof-lirntngr | surrounding; in every direction | 四箍輾轉; 四周圍
vii-lirnlixn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vilirnlixn | round and rolling | 圓輾輾
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