"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: liuo

arnliuo | press a button | 按鈕
auxliuo | hinge of a door or box | 後鈕; 門後栓; 門後扣
buxnliuo simhoaf | associate with prostitutes | 問柳尋花
ciefnliuo | thief; pickpocket; cutpurse | 剪扭; 扒手
ciøqliuo | box-tree | 石榴; 黃楊
hoaliuo-khøf | department of venereal diseases | 花柳科
hoaliuo-pvi | venereal disease | 花柳病
hoaliuo-tok | venereal disease | 花柳毒
hoeliuo | decorative button | 花鈕
iongliuo | willow; poplar and willow | 楊柳
kngliuoliux | quite bare; naked | 光禿禿
kudliuoliux | very slippery | 滑溜溜
liuo bagciw | gouge out eyes | 挖眼睛
liuo liwar | button | 鈕鈕仔
liuo | button | 鈕
liuo`khylaai | button up | 鈕起來
liuo`zhutlaai | dig out; gouge out | 挖出來
liuobø | take off one's hat | 脫帽
liuochiuo | (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods; etc.); let fall from one's hands | 溜手; 失手; 滑下手
liuohiah | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿頭; 禿額
liuokao | catch a dog with a noose | 套狗; 捕狗
liuoliuokviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
liuoliuozao | little child runs steadily | 溜溜走; 跑得很穩
liuoliux | fluently (in a language), agile | 溜溜
liuophee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophie | dried scab comes off; become penniless | 脫痂; 倒霉
liuophoee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophyar | last part of wounded skip peeled off | 遛疕仔
liuophøee | graze the skin; skin comes off; shed skin | 脫皮; 遛皮
liuosiofng | to sprain, a sprain | 扭傷
liuosok'ar | rope with running noose (to catch animals) | 套節仔
liuosøq | escape | 溜索; 脫
liuotiau | take off clothes | 遛掉
liuoty | catch a pig with a noose | 套豬; 捉豬
liuozao | to escape | 溜走; 脫身跑
liuozuo | young culprit; hoodlum; scallywag | 溜子; 狡猾童
liwliuo | button | 扭扭
liwliuo-liapliab | unmanly in behavior, swinging from side to side | 扭扭擰擰
oong`køf-liuo`køf | a pair of funny guy | 王哥柳哥; 一對活寶; 小丑
phahliuosog | make a noose | 打鈕束; 套結
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
porliuo | bottoms made of cloth; knot of cotton cord used as a button | 布鈕; 布鈕扣
pvyliuo | flat button | 扁鈕
segliuoliux | practiced; experienced | 熟溜溜; 精通; 精湛
simhoaf buxnliuo | seek carnal pleasure (said of a male) | 尋花問柳
suiliuo | weeping willow | 垂柳; 水柳,垂柳
viuliuo | willow | 楊柳
zanhoaf paixliuo | prostitutes (Lit. faded flowers and withered willows) | 殘花敗柳
zuyliuo | Warburg's willow, water willow | 水柳

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