"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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befliw | tail; end | 尾溜
boefliw | the tail end; the end; the tip | 尾端; 尾鰍
bøefliw | end; tail | 尾抽; 尾溜; 末尾; 尾端
ciefnliw'ar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 剪綹仔; 扒手
ciefnliwar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 扒手
gvofliwkw | Tainan’s famous fish dish | 五柳居
gvofliwky | weet and sour fish especially in Tainan | 五柳居
hiboefliw | fish's tail | 魚尾鰍
hiliw | the loach (tiny fish lives in mud) | 泥鰍; 魚鰍
hoahoong-liwlek | luxuriant and colorful (said primarily of vegetation) | 花紅柳綠
hoakef-liwhang | streets of ill fame | 花街柳巷
hoakøef-liwhang | the red-light district | 花街柳巷
hoaliwkaix | demi-monde | 花柳界
hoaliwpve | venereal disease; social disease | 花柳病
hoaliwpvi | social disease | 花柳病
holiw | a loach; mudfish a kind of freshwater fish; small fish a few inches long that lives in ditches and pools | 鰗鰍; 鰗鰡; 鰍魚; 泥鰍
khorliwar | fly on a pair of trousers | 褲扣子
kudliuliw | slippery | 滑溜溜
kudliw | slippery | 滑溜
liuliw | glide | 溜溜
liuliw-chiuchiw | in great disorder | 溜溜瞅瞅; 零亂
liuo liwar | button | 鈕鈕仔
liw cy taixkied | leave stealthily; to leave without notifying others; slip out | 溜之大吉
liw hofkhaw | draw lots on who will pay how much money | 溜虎口; 捉大頭
liw pai'ar | draw cards from the pack | 抽牌仔
liw | extract; draw out; draw lots; pull up | 抽; 溜
liw'afkhafng | button-hole | 鈕仔孔; 鈕仔空; 鈕扣孔
liw'ar | button, stud | 鈕仔; 鈕扣
liw`løqkhix | slipped away (as thing fallen out of one's hand); slide down | 溜落去
liwafbak | button-hole | 鈕仔目; 鈕扣眼
liwafkaw | hook and eye (for button) | 鈕仔; 鈕扣眼
liwafkhafng | button hole | 鈕仔孔
liwafkhiefn | button; fastener | 鈕仔栓
liwar | buttons | 鈕扣; 扣子
liwar-po | trickery | 鈕仔步; 騙術
liwaxm hoabeeng | dense willow trees and bright flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳暗花明
liwbaai | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwbii | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwchiu | willow tree | 柳樹
liwchiuxky | willow branch | 柳樹枝
liwchiuxlaxm | willow | 柳樹湳
liwcixn | draw nearer | 拉近; (船)
liwhiøh | the leaves of a willow tree; willow leaves | 柳葉
liwhiøqbaai | willow leaves- like eyebrow shape | 柳葉眉
liwixm | shade of a willow tree | 柳陰
liwiøf | willowy waist; slender waist; slim and slender waist | 柳腰
liwkhaux | button | 鈕釦
liwkhiog | to distort the fact | 扭曲
liwky | soft willow branch; willow branch | 柳枝
liwlag | to dispose of; to arrange | 扭轆; 處置
liwlak | deal or cope with; handle; do something perfunctorily; make do | 扭搦; 應付
liwlek-hoahoong | green willow trees and red flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳綠花紅
liwliab | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliah | nimble; agile; quick-witted; quick at work; nimble; sporty | 扭掠; 敏捷
liwliap | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliuo | button | 扭扭
liwliuo-liapliab | unmanly in behavior, swinging from side to side | 扭扭擰擰
liwoar | draw nearer | 扭倚; 拉近
liwsafm | willow cedar | 柳杉
liwsaxng | seize and turn over to (police; etc.) | 扭送
liwsiofng | to sprain | 扭傷
liwsux | catkins | 柳絮
liwsy | fine willow branch | 柳絲
liwtefng | orange; navel orange; tangerine | 柳丁; 橙丁
liwtengciab | orange juice | 柳丁汁
liwthoo | dig up earth | 挖土
liwtiaau | willow branch | 柳條
liwtiau | take off clothes, to strip | 扭掉
liwtoan | to break by twisting | 扭斷
liwtong | to wriggle, twist | 扭動
liwtvar | to grapple | 扭鉤
liwtvia | pull up anchor | 拉碇; 拉起碇
liwzoarn | to wring; to wrench; to twist | 扭轉
oliuliw | black | 烏溜溜
onghviaf-liwti | dubious friend | 王兄柳弟; 無三不四的朋友
paang liwafkhafng | hemstitch a buttonhole | 縫紉扣子孔
phvayliwlak | hard to cope | 歹扭搦
siexnliw | eel | 鱔鰡
soaliw | loach | 沙鰍
svoabefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoaboefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoabøefliw | very top of a hill; the extremity of the base of a hill | 山尖上
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
tah-liw`khix | miss one's footing; one's foot slips | 踩滑去
takliwar | button | 觸鈕仔
tauhliw'ar | a snap (used on a garment as a fastener) | 鬥鈕仔; 子母扣
tholiw | a small fish; a few inches long; which lives in ditches and pools; a loach (lives in the mud) | 泥鰍
thvi liwar | sew on buttons | 縫扣子
tidliuliw | straightforward | 直溜溜
zhengkhieliuliw | very clean | 清氣溜溜

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