"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Baxnloaan | a city in Pingtung County | 萬巒
aeloaan | affection, attachment | 愛戀
beloaan | to be infatuated with; to indulge in; be madly in love with; be a slave of; unable to shake off | 迷戀
byloaa | large flat tray for holding rice | 米籮
iloaan | to be attached to | 依戀
izeeng-piedloaan | shift one's love to another person; have a new sweet-heart | 移情別戀
jiedloaan | madly in love | 熱戀
khofloaan | difficult love | 苦戀
koarnloaan | to admire; to feel attachment to someone | 眷戀
liedloaan | in love | 熱戀
liuloaan | to hanker after | 流戀; 留戀
loaa | basket; shallow basket without handles; large; open grain basket | 籮
loaan | to love, fall in love | 戀
loanloaan putboong | strong attachment which one cannot forget | 戀戀無忘
loanloaan putsiar | unable to part from; unwilling to give up; feel a persistent attachment (for a thing or person); feel reluctant to part company with (a person or thing) | 戀戀無捨
loanloaan-putsiar | to feel a persistent attachment | 戀戀無捨
sitloaan | disappointed in love; broken hearted | 失戀
suloaan | cherish the memory of | 思戀
tamloaan | fall in love | 談戀
tanloaan | unrequited love; one sided love | 單戀
thamloaan | to desire or long for (usually women); to hanker after or dote on improper things; unwilling to part with something one loves | 貪戀
tongserngloaan | homosexuality; homosexual love; lesbian love | 同性戀
zengloaan | love | 情戀
zholoaan | first love | 初戀

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