"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bøloaxkuo | not very long | 無若久
bøo loaxkuo | not for long | 無多久
hogieen-loaxnguo | lies or wild talk; talk nonsense; talk incoherently or unintelligibly | 胡言亂語
hosw loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
huihuy-loaxnzøx | do evil | 胡作非為; 非非亂做
khoaetøf zarm loaxnmoaa | straighten up a complicated or messy situation by taking drastic steps with dispatch; cut the Gordian Knot (Lit. chop a bunch of tangled hemp with a sharp knife) | 快刀斬亂麻
laixloaxnzoe | treason | 內亂罪
loaxhør | How good? | 多好
loaxkuo | how long | 偌久
loaxloa | aimlessly, unhurriedly | 賴賴; 漫步的
loaxloaxsøo | aimlessly walking to | 賴賴趖; 四處徘徊
loaxn'eng | make improper use of; to abuse | 濫用
loaxn'goaan | source of chaos | 亂源
loaxn'iim | lewdness; lustful; lascivious | 亂淫
loaxn'iong | use recklessly; make improper use of | 亂用
loaxn'oe | paint at random | 亂畫
loaxnbang | bad dream | 戀夢
loaxnbea | messed up coding- unrecognizable characters | 亂碼
loaxnbeng | orders given when the giver is not in a healthy state of mind due to illness; etc. | 亂命
loaxnbiin | mobs, rebels | 亂民
loaxnchipazaw | messy | 亂七八糟
loaxnciexn | trembling and upset; start a confused fight; engage in a scuffle; have a melee | 亂戰
loaxncyn | good enough to pass for the genuine | 亂真
loaxngieen | to talk at random | 亂言; 胡扯
loaxnhoad | elflock, tousled hair | 亂法; 亂髮
loaxnhoaq-loaxnkiøx | clamor; hubbub; talk wildly | 亂喊亂叫
loaxnhoat | to mete out unjustified punishment; mete out unjustified punishment | 亂罰
loaxnhofng | degenerate social customs and practices | 亂風
loaxnhuun | chaos cloud | 亂雲
loaxnhwn | incestuous marriage; marriage between blood relatives | 亂婚
loaxniq | How? (used only before adjectives) | 多麼
loaxnjiorng | clamor; hubbub | 亂嚷
loaxnkarkax | (idiom) in a mess | 亂糟糟
loaxnkaw | form undesirable companionships | 亂交
loaxnkefng | chaos | 亂經
loaxnkharm | to slash | 亂砍
loaxnkhaxm | to slash enix | 亂蓋
loaxnkiøx | to clamor, a hubbub of voices | 亂叫
loaxnkoaf | love song | 戀歌
loaxnkorng | (n) ballocks; blather; (vi) blather; talk nonsense; drivel; to make irresponsible remarks; speak foolishly or recklessly; speak without thought or regard for facts and truth; say what should not be said | 亂講
loaxnlaai | to act foolishly; do something wrong; act capriciously; do something without following proper procedure or method | 亂來
loaxnlak | random grab | 亂抓
loaxnliab | talk nonsense; drivel | 亂懾; 說狂言
loaxnliam | nagging | 亂念
loaxnliuu | turbulence | 亂流
loaxnloan | messy | 亂亂
loaxnloaxnhunhwn | chaos | 亂亂紛紛
loaxnloaxnkaw | promiscuity; to act recklessly | 亂亂交
loaxnloaxnkorng | to talk nonsense | 亂亂講
loaxnloaxnlaai | to act recklessly | 亂亂來
loaxnloaxnpoef | chaotic flying | 亂亂飛
loaxnloaxnsviu | caotic thinking | 亂亂想
loaxnloaxnzoong | to run recklessly | 亂亂傱
loaxnluun | commit incest; incest | 亂倫
loaxnma | violent abuse | 亂罵
loaxnmoo | snarled hemp; skein | 亂麻
loaxnpefng | rebels | 亂兵
loaxnpø | random violence | 亂暴
loaxnpøf | random praise | 亂褒
loaxnsad | ruthless and reckless slaughter | 亂殺
loaxnsaf | random grab | 亂捎
loaxnsex enghioong | hero in a turbulent age | 亂世英雄
loaxnsex | time of anarchy and disorder; troubled times; age of anarchy and confusion | 亂世
loaxnsexng | to upset the presence of mind | 亂性
loaxnsi | astigmatism | 散光; 亂視
loaxnsiar | to scrawl, to scrabble | 亂寫
loaxnsiin | insanity | 亂神; 亂臣; 精神錯亂
loaxnsiin-zhadzuo | ministers or generals who rebel against the monarch or collaborate with the enemy | 亂臣賊子
loaxnsiok | bad custom | 亂俗
loaxnsiong | chaos | 亂象
loaxnsip | evil custom | 亂飲; 亂習
loaxnsoad | to say what should not be said | 亂說
loaxnsuo | do something wrong; do something without permission; without permission; without reason; at random; recklessly; indiscriminately | 亂使
loaxnsviu | fantasy | 亂想
loaxnswlaai | mess up | 亂使來
loaxnsym | insanity | 亂心; 精神錯亂
loaxntaxn | to litter, to throw about | 亂丟; 亂擲
loaxnthak | desultory reading; read at random | 亂讀
loaxntiarm | badness, weakness; random order; random point | 亂點
loaxntid | messy | 亂得
loaxntorng | rebel party or faction | 亂黨
loaxntui | fall in disorder | 亂墜
loaxntvoa | say what should not be said; to fire (shoot) at random; take a pot shot | 亂說; 亂打
loaxntvoaa | play with mixed and unorthodox combination of instruments | 亂彈
loaxnzao | run wildly or desperately; run away in disorder; run all over the place | 亂走; 亂跑
loaxnzap | mixed up, confused | 亂雜
loaxnze | sit without regard to precedence | 亂坐
loaxnzeeng | romance love | 戀情
loaxnzefng | alarm clock | 亂鐘; 鬧鐘
loaxnzeng'ar | alarm clock | 亂鐘仔
loaxnzexng | misgovernment | 亂政
loaxnzhauzhaw | in confusion; topsy-turvy; noisy and disorderly | 亂糟糟
loaxnzhoaxn | to run riot | 亂篡; 亂竄
loaxnzuo | disturbance; trouble | 亂子
loaxtngg | How long? | 多長?
loaxze | How many? How much? | 偌濟; 多少
ogieen-loaxnguo | mumbo-jumbo | 胡言亂語
osw-loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
sie-loaxlaang | kill one's self so as to cause trouble to one's opponent ─ entreat to urgently | 死賴人
syloaxlaang | blamed on someone persistently | 死賴人
zhafbøo-loaxze | there isn't much difference | 差不多

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