"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: lofng

Bilofng | Meinung in Pingtung County | 美濃
Bylofng | Meinung in Pingtung County | 美濃
beflofng | sort of bells on horse | 馬瓏; 馬鈴
chimlonglofng | very deep | 深瓏瓏; 很深
hoahlinlofng | compete in selling; sell groceries along the way | 喝輪瓏; 叫賣雜貨; 競賣
iøkoflofng | drum toy witha pendant | 搖鼓瑯
khiabeflofng | sit astride of; sit on a person | 騎馬瓏; 跨騎
khiaulinlofng | crooked | 曲鈴瓏; 彎彎曲曲
linlofng | a toy for children looks like small drum; children running about (at play); pleasing sound of bells; small bell | 鈴瓏; 逗圈圈; 叮噹
lofng | arrange things in a bag; hole; put wood on the fire; shove (a stick) endwise into a hole; put (a pillow) into its case; put a cap on a fountain pen | 套; 瓏; 穿; 玲璫
lofng'aix | love them all | 攏愛
lofng'u | have them all | 攏有
lofng`jibkhix | enter stealthily and unobserved; slip one's arm into the sleeve of one's garment | 套進去
lofng`køealaai | push (a beam) through (a window or hole) | 穿過來
lofngbøo | there isn't any at all | 都沒
lofnghoad | to tie up hair | 束髮; 攏髮
lofngkiong | total, whole amount | 攏共; 總共
lofnglok | to enmesh; to secure allies; win friends with favors | 籠絡; 佈下陷阱
lofngma | always | 攏嘛
lofngsiong | declaim; intonation; recital; recite | 朗誦
lofngthogkør | read aloud transcript | 朗讀稿
lofngthok | to read in clear voice, to recite | 朗讀
lofngtoan | to monopolize, to forestall, monopoly | 壟斷
lofngtoaxn | to corner the market; to monopolize | 壟斷
lofngzofngsi | totls is ... | 攏總是
lofngzorng | total; sum; total amount; total; all | 攏總; 總共; 全部; 都
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phoelofng | an envelope | 批囊
phoexlofng | envelope | 批囊
seqlinlofng | children round in a circle | 轉圈子; 繞圈子

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