Iofnglogtøf | Yakult | 養樂多
Mologkøf | Morocco | 摩洛哥; (國名)
Teksatlognii | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Catholic) | 德撒洛尼; (德前後)
anhøo-logli | peaceful and happy | 安和樂利
anky loggiap | live in peace and be content with one's lot or occupation | 安居樂業
anky-loggiap | live and work in peace | 安居樂業
anlog'ie | easy chair; rocking chair; easy chair | 安樂椅; 搖椅
anlogsie | euthanasia | 安樂死
anpiin logtø | happy to lead a simple virtuous life | 安貧樂道
chiwlog | gloves; mittens | 手套; 手橐
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
goxlogseg | recreation room; rumpus room | 娛樂室; 康樂室
goxlogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
gulogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
gulogtviuu | amusement place | 娛樂場
gvoxlogtviuu | playground | 娛樂場
haylog'efng | heroin | 海洛因; 海洛英
haylog'yn | heroin | 海洛因; 海洛英
hoanlogtviusor | places where people seek casual pleasure; place of amusement | 歡樂場所
hoeloklog | very colorfully decorated to the point of distracting the eye; a person talks so much and so fast that the listener becomes confused | 花碌碌; 無懂; 不清楚; 很吵; 衣服很花
hoklogsiu | happiness; wealth; and longevity; the three ingredients of a full life | 福祿壽
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
huipang logkhofng | swing a stick or a baseball bat | 揮棒落空
iuloghngg | playground; an amusement park | 遊樂園
iulogkhw | amusement park | 遊樂區
iulogtviuu | amusement park | 遊樂場
jitoong-loghngg | kiddy-land; children's amusement park | 兒童樂園
kamsym-log'ix | freely; cordially | 甘心樂意
karnglogsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
kernggiap-logkuun | respect work and enjoy company | 敬業樂群
khonglogseg | recreation room (center) | 康樂室
khonglogthviaf | recreation room (center) | 康樂廳
khulogpo | club | 俱樂部
khuxlogpo | club | 俱樂部
kielogphvix | a documentary, a documentary film, news reel | 記錄片
kulogpo | club | 俱樂部
kuxlogpo | club (i.e. a group or organization); club (transliteration of the English word; club) | 俱樂部
laam-kaq tamloklog | soaked through by rain | 淋得濕透
lienlog'oaan | liaison officer | 聯絡員
lienlogpho'ar | contact book | 聯絡簿仔
lienlogzam | liaison office; station | 聯絡站
log | to put into an envelope, a box | 放; 橐; 落; 將某物裝入某袋類之中
log'afbaq | deer meat | 鹿仔肉
log'afkag | antlers | 鹿仔角
log'ar | deer | 鹿仔
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
log'imky | recording machine; tape recorder | 錄音機
log'impid | recording pen | 錄音筆
log'imseg | recording room | 錄音室
log'imsvoax | recording line | 錄音線
log'imtoax | recording tape; magnetic tape | 錄音帶
log'imtorng | recording file | 錄音檔
log'iong | hire | 錄用
log'ioong | deer penis used for health sake | 鹿陽
log'ix | to like; willingly; gladly; cheerful | 樂意
log'ixn | brand for animals | 火印; 烙印
log'ui | rank and post | 祿位
log'viaftoax | video tape | 錄影帶
log'viar | take a photograph; film a scene; (to) tape (as TV Show) | 錄影
log'ym | recording; transcription; record on tape; transcribe a program; record sound | 錄音
log`køf-sog`køf | miscellaneous articles; odds and ends; people of all walks of life | 樂哥束哥; 零星雜物; 三教九流
log`løh | put it inside | 放入
logbahkee | pickled deer meat | 鹿肉醬
logbaq | venison; deer meat | 鹿肉
logbo | to drop the curtain; bring to an end | 落幕
logbok | desolate and scattered; let alone | 落寞
logbuo | a doe | 鹿母; 母鹿
logbøea | deer's tail(a rare delicacy) | 鹿尾
logcix | be disappointed | 失望; 落志
loggiap | professional enthusiasm; content with one's lot; like one's job or trade | 樂業
loggieen | make a promise; words of promise or consent; pledge | 諾言
loggvor | backward; out-of-date; backward; over conservative; be behind the times; anachronistic; outmoded; outdated; fall behind; lag behind; straggle | 落伍
loghiø texkhw | underdeveloped areas | 落後地區
loghiø | fall behind; backward | 落後
loghngg | Eden; paradise; fairyland; paradise; Elysium | 樂園
logho | fall behind; lag (technologically; etc.); backward | 落後
loghoaf liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream ─ (a person's condition) completely ruined; (of a fight) turn everything topsy-turvy; very miserable | 落花流水
loghoaf-liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream – the saddening state of a fallen family or country | 落花流水
logjioong | young antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿茸
logkag | antlers; deer horn | 鹿角
logkag-kaf | gelatin made from deer horn | 鹿角膠
logkak'hii | trigger fish | 漉角魚; 曳絲單棘魨
logkakjioong | oung antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿角茸
logkerng | happy situation; surroundings | 樂境
logkhofng | end up in nothing; suffer loss; fail in an attempt; the effort has failed; come to naught | 落空
logkhogbea | horse | 碌硞馬
logkhogbefar | horse | 碌硞馬仔
logkhok | disappointed or unsuccessful in life | 遊盪; 潦倒失搖
logkhutkaw | ditch | 鹿堀溝
logkiøo | bridge over street | 陸橋
logko'afmoaai | muddy | 漉糊仔糜
logko'afmoee | muddy | 漉溝仔糜
logkoafn zwgi | optimism | 樂觀主義
logkoafn | optimism; donate; donate voluntarily | 樂觀; 樂捐
logkobe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkobee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoaai | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkuun | group play; group life as part of education | 樂群
logkwn | deer's sinews(regarded as a delicacy) | 鹿筋
loglaai | avocado | 酪梨
logliern | down and out | 丟臉; 落魄
loglioong | deer antler | 鹿茸
loglok | rocking sound of the collision | 碌碌; 搖晃碰撞聲
logloong | dairy farming; a dairy farmer | 酪農
logny | deer's milk | 鹿乳
logpheg | jobless and listless; down and out; down on one's luck | 落魄
logphoee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logphor | loop; contraceptive device; an IUD | 樂普
logphøee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logpiefn | the penis of a stag | 鹿鞭
logpngr | to flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落榜
logseeng tiefnlea | dedication ceremony (for a building) | 落成典禮
logseeng | finish; complete; completion (of a building); house warming | 落成
logseeng-seg | dedication ceremony for new construction | 落成式
logsien-hvorsy | willing to do good and give help to the poor; charitable; benevolent | 樂善好施
logsiin-hoef | roselle (flower) | 洛神花
logsinhoef | roselle | 洛神花
logsit | practical | 落實
logsoarn | lose in an election; be defeated in an election; fail in an election | 落選
logte | remain in the same class in school; fail in a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落第; 留級
logtexthafng | French windows | 落地窗
logthea | a falling body | 落體
logthiefn tibeng | accord with the decree of Heaven; be content with what one is | 樂天知命
logthiefn zwgi | optimism | 樂天主義
logthiefn | acceptance of fate and happy about it; be content with one's lot; be optimistic; be easygoing | 樂天
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
logthiente | optimistic land | 樂天地
logthioxng | delightful; fond of low and bad pleasures; leading an idle or fast life; cheerful and easygoing | 樂暢; 樂觀; 無知憂愁; 快活; 暢快
logthiq | hot irons | 烙鐵
logthor | paradise; land of happiness; place free from sorrow | 樂土
logtiøh | recoded | 錄著
logtøe | fail to pass, remain in the same grade | 落第; 留級
logtømngg | camel's hair | 駱駝毛; (絨)
logtømoo | camel's hair | 駱駝毛
logtøo | camel; idler; lead an idle life; idle one's time away; loaf around | 駱駝; 遛蕩; 偷懶; 駝駱; 摸魚
logtøo-mngg | camel hair | 駱駝毛; 駝駱毛
logzex | recoded | 錄製
logzhuix | gargle; rinse the mouth | 漱嘴
logzhuo | to select from candidates; pass examinee; admit student to college; be selected for a position; be accepted as a student | 錄取
logzhux | fun; amusement; joy; pleasure | 樂趣
logzhør | to join the bandits | 落草
lølogmia | doomed to live a painful; toilsome life | 勞碌命
noaxloklog | full of rotten sores | 爛漉漉; 腐爛透了
olog | corrupt | 黑漉; 腐敗發黑
oloklog | black | 烏漉漉
onglog'afsiefn | traveling doctor; quack; or fortune teller; (also said in scolding) a liar; You quack! | 王碌仔仙; 江湖術士; 庸醫
onglog'afzhuix | deceitful lips | 王碌仔嘴; 江湖的人的話; 亂講
onglog'ar | swindler; cheater; incompetent physician or quack; a cheat or swindler; traveling medicine salesman | 王祿仔; 郎中; 江湖郎中; 走江湖賣膏藥的; 庸醫; 賣藥郎中; 騙子
phoelog | an envelope | 信囊; 批囊
senglogsw | written agreement | 承諾書; 同意書
sinky logseeng | the completion of a new house | 新居落成
sinloghngg | new paradise | 新樂園
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
susiorng loggvor | old-fashioned in thinking; out-dated ideas | 思想落伍
sviuloklog | sticky | 濕糊糊
sylog'ar | dead deer | 死鹿仔
taam-loklog | soaking wet | 澹漉漉
tamloklog | completely wet | 澹漉漉
texsiong ee loghngg | Earthly Paradise | 地上樂園
timhii loggan | beautiful woman; dazzling beauty that makes fish sink and geese settle; graceful; elegant | 沉魚落雁
tongloghoe | gay party | 同樂會
uy'uie-loglok | obsequious, servile, say alway yes | 委委命命; 唯唯諾諾
viwlogtøf | Yakult | 養樂多
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zoaflog | bag | 紙橐; 紙袋
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