Ialoxsatlerng | Jerusalem | 耶路撒冷
Kongloxkiok | Highway Bureau | 公路局
Thihloxkiogtviuo | director of the Railway Administration | 鐵路局長
Thihloxkiok | Railway Administration | 鐵路局
angloxciuo | red rice wine | 紅露酒
aploxky | roller for road-surfacing | 壓路機
befloxcvii | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路錢
befloxsoex | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路稅
bøloxeng | useless | 無路用
bøloxiong | futile | 無路用
bøloxlaai | helpless; way less | 無路來; 不會做
bøo loxeng | no use; no good; unfit for anything; useless; not of any help; not valid; ineffective | 無路用
bøo loxiong | useless | 無路用
bøo loxsae | useless | 無路駛; 沒用
bøo-loxeng | useless | 無路用
bøo-loxiong | useless | 不中用; 沒有用
chiahsyn loxthea | completely naked | 赤身露體
chiahsyn-loxthea | nude | 赤身露體
chiwloxzhaix | est dishes | 手路菜
cyloxpaai | road sign; direction sign | 指路牌
cyloxphiaw | signpost | 指路標
gvofloxlaang | people from all parts | 各地的人
hoaloxzuie | eau de cologne; cologne water; Florida water; face lotion; perfume | 花露水
iofngloxtui | track force | 養路隊
kaoloxboea | in the end, finally | 到路尾; 最後; 後來
khaoloxthaau | mourning done by daughter | 哭路頭; 父母死出嫁女兒一路跪哭回娘家
khoahlorngloxng | vast, broad | 闊閬閬
khoaq-lorngloxng | spacing and loosely | 闊閬閬; 面積寬廣
kirmcie hengsuo loxkefng | Don't drive on the shoulder (freeway) | 禁止行駛路肩
koealoxlaang | passer-by; pedestrians | 過路人
koealoxsoex | a toll | 通行稅
kongloxkiok | Department of highway transportation | 公路局
korng bøloxlaai | cannot express it properly | 講無來
kvialoxkafng | money for hard work | 行路工
køealoxlaang | pass by on one's way | 過路人
lamloxefng | gray face hawk | 南路鷹
lirnlixn-lorngloxng | loud noise and turmoil (of heavy things moved about; men treading heavily; or loud rapid knocking) | 輾輾隆隆
lirnloxng | loud noise | 滾隆
liuloxngciar | wanderer | 流浪者
liuloxngkao | street dog | 流浪狗
liuloxngkix | wandering | 流浪記
lormloxm | boggy; spongy; marshy; muddy | 泥窪; 泥濘的
lorngloxng-khorngkhoxng | very spacious (house); (clothes) too large and loose | 撞撞曠曠; 寬敞開闊
lox | expose | 露
loxbefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbin | to show up; appear (in public); road surface; road surface | 露面; 路面
loxboea | end of road; end of the matter or affair | 路尾;最後; 路的盡頭
loxboefar | in the end | 路尾仔
loxboefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbok | angry look | 怒目
loxborng | escape from net | 漏網
loxbøea | end of the road; finally; at the end; at last; the end of the street; later on | 路尾; 最後
loxbøefchiuo | afterwards; later | 路尾手; 落尾手; 後來
loxchiofng | building face the end of road | 路沖
loxciøx | passport | 路照; 護照
loxcviu | on the road | 路上
loxeng | useful | 路用
loxexng | use | 路用
loxgiø | shallot; scallion | 冬蔥; 蕗蕎; 薤
loxgoa | off-road | 路外
loxhefng | expose the bosom | 露胸
loxhiap | allowing some movement | 鬆動無牢穩 [*]
loxhien | expose, reveal | 露現; 顯露
loxhin | full of rage and spite | 怒恨
loxhoad chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮衝冠
loxhoe | aloe | 蘆薈
loxhorng | road conditions | 路況
loxhuix | travel expenses | 路費
loxhun'ar | road mark | 路痕仔
loxhuun | road mark | 路痕
loxhø | to roar angrily | 怒號
loxia | the dead of night | 漏夜
loxiaam | cure with salt, to salt, slightly salted | 滷鹽, 醃
loxiong | use | 路用; 用途
loxioong boafnbin | face flushed with rage | 怒容滿面
loxioong | angry looks | 怒容
loxix | anger; wrath; indication of anger | 怒意
loxkaw | street ditch | 路溝
loxkef | streets | 路街
loxkefng | to pass by; en route | 路經; 路過
loxkekthien'iaau | far away from the destination | 路隔天遙
loxkerng | policemen patrolling railways or highways | 路警
loxkexng | path | 路經; 路徑
loxkhao | entrance to a road or street; street intersection | 路口
loxkheg | hourglass or water clock; a short interval of time | 漏刻
loxkhix chiongthiefn | The fire of anger fills the air; The flame of wrath pierces heaven; in a great rage | 怒氣沖天
loxkhix | anger | 怒氣
loxkhuie | railway tracks | 路軌
loxkiø | lotus buckwheat | 蕗蕎
loxkiøq | lotus buckwheat | 蕗蕎
loxkngf | exposure to light | 露光
loxkngf-piør | exposure meter | 露光表
loxko'afmoee | muddy | 路溝仔糜
loxkobee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxkomoaai | muddy | 路糊糜
loxkomoee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
loxkud | to have corpse exposed; candid; outspoken; emaciated; showing the bones; the bones of the unburied dead; undisguised; open; conspicuous; suggestive; outspoken | 露骨
loxky | road foundation | 路基
loxlaang | pedestrian | 路人
loxlaebaq | screwdriver | 桿錐; 起子
loxlee | snail; type of snail | 露螺; 蝸牛
loxlekhag | snail shell | 露螺殼
loxliefn'ar | wheel | 路輪仔
loxloxhiern | shake, be unstable | 路路撼; 震撼
loxm | boggy; spongy; marshy; muddy | 泥窪
loxma | to revile angrily | 怒罵
loxme | abusiveness; to curse in rage | 怒罵
loxmiaa | street name | 路名
loxng kor | drumming | 挵鼓
loxng thienzvea | dig a well; make a atrium; create a skylight | 挵天井
loxng zefng | ring the bell | 挵鐘
loxng | spacious; hit; punch with the hand; thrust with a rod; butt; bump in; strike with the end of a heavy beam | 曠; 挵; 撞; 奔跑
loxng'ioong | publicize; make known | 弄揚; 宣揚; 張揚
loxng`tiøh | to collide with, to crash into | 撞得; 撞著
loxngban zwgi | romanticism | 浪漫主義
loxngban | romantic | 浪漫
loxngciofng | play with jade; birth of a boy | 弄璋
loxnghiarm | playing with risk; get insurance | 弄險
loxnghoaf | the foam of breaking waves | 浪花
loxnghoetiofng | in the waves | 浪花中
loxnghuix | spend extravagantly or wastefully | 浪費
loxngjiin | a hobo; vagabond; ruffian; vagrant; dismissed courtier; unemployed person; jobless worker | 浪人
loxngkawsiøka | incite | 弄狗相咬
loxngkef svoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 家破人亡
loxngkesvoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 弄家散宅
loxngkhao | try to do something very clever; but turn out stupid; bungle an ingenious scheme; suffer a setback in trying to take advantage of a situation | 弄巧; 弄巧成拙
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
loxngkheg | distort | 弄曲
loxngkoaan | abuse one's authority | 弄權
loxngkoad | to sweep up everything | 弄決
loxngkuie | to hatch plots; (v) secretly make mischief | 弄鬼; 搞鬼
loxngkuie-loxngkoaix | set people against one another by carrying tales; cause others to quarrel; tease dogs and make them fight | 弄鬼弄怪; 挑撥離間
loxnglaai-loxngkhix | egging on each party against the other | 弄來弄去
loxnglong-hao | rattle; ringing sound (in the ears) | 隆隆響; 鈴鈴響
loxngpex | fraud; to cheat; to plagiarize | 弄弊; 作弊
loxngsoaan | swing boat | 浪船
loxngsorng | incite; instigate | 煽動
loxngsu | hermit | 浪士
loxngtong | profligate, ill-behaved | 煽動; 浪蕩; 放蕩不
loxngtoxnghaxn | dissolute | 浪蕩漢
loxngtoxngzuo | prodigal; debauchee; loafer | 浪蕩子
loxngtør | destroy a person by falsehoods | 弄倒; 毀掉
loxngzhøx | make mistake | 弄錯
loxngzuo hoethaau | return of the prodigal son | 浪子回頭
loxngzuo | loafer; prodigal son; prodigal; debauchee | 浪子
loxphiaw | a road sign; landmark; signpost | 路標
loxpiaw | landmark | 路標
loxpongsy | corpse lying on the roadside | 路傍屍
loxpoong | roadside | 路旁
loxpvitva'ar | street vendors | 路邊擔仔
loxpvitvarar | street stand | 路邊擔仔
loxpvy | roadside | 路邊
loxpvy-tiafm'ar | roadside stores | 路邊店仔
loxpvy-tvax | a street vendor | 路邊攤; 路邊擔
loxsae | action; actions; acts; effect; to play a role | 路使; 用途; 作用
loxseg | angry air or look | 怒色
loxsex | road situation | 路勢
loxsi | to look black at, to give black looks | 怒視
loxsiin | road God | 路神
loxsiog | to stay overnight in open field; pass night in the open; sleep in the open air | 露宿
loxsiong | on the way, along the way, enroute | 路上
loxsip | bad customs | 陋習
loxsitefng | a screw | 螺絲釘
loxsoex | road tax | 路稅
loxsvoax | route; (political) course; railroad line; route; course; bus line | 路線
loxswnciab | asparagus juice | 蘆筍汁
loxsy | screw | 螺絲
loxsy-tefng | screw | 螺絲釘
loxtaai | a topless balcony or terrace where emperors observed heavenly phenomena | 露台
loxtaiterng | terrace roof | 露台頂
loxtao | a funnel | 漏斗
loxtea | street end | 路底
loxteeng | distance | 路程
loxtefng | street lamp; road lights; street lights | 路燈
loxteng'ar | street lights | 路燈仔
loxtengkhaf | under the street lights | 路燈跤
loxtengkngf | street lights | 路燈光
loxterng | on the road | 路頂; 路上
loxthaau | way; beginning of a journey; way; road; route; distance | 路頭; 路途; 路上
loxthauloxboea | end of the road | 路頭路尾
loxthea | nude; undress; expose one's body; expose the naked body; in the nude | 裸體
loxtheeng | a journey; traveling distance; distance to be traveled; traveling distance; a stage | 路程
loxthiefn haghau | open air school | 露天學校
loxthiefn tiexnviar | open air movie | 露天電影
loxthiefn | openair; outdoor; in the open; unsheltered | 露天
loxtiaau | violent radicalism; angry waves; tides; a traveling passport | 怒潮; 路條
loxtiarm | dew point | 露點
loxtiofng | in the road | 路中
loxtng | (communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage | 路撞; 通道
loxtong | a flaw in argument | 漏洞
loxtoo | road | 路視; 路途
loxtosiong | on the road | 路途上
loxtotiofng | on the roa | 路途中
loxtui | road team | 路隊
loxtvax | a street vendor | 露店; 路邊攤
loxtvoa | road section | 路段
loxviaa | open-air camping; a jamboree; to bivouac | 露營
loxzaai | to display one's talent or knowledge; to show wealth unintentionally | 露才; 露財
loxzam | traveling station; station; stopping place on a road | 路站; 路程
loxzef | too bad; how terrible; what bad luck | 陋災; 糟糕
loxzeg | to fulminate | 怒齌; 富麗堂皇; 齌怒
loxzex | road festival | 路祭
loxzhao | street grass | 路草
loxzhud befkhaf | the horse's hoof shows ─ the plot is out; reveal one's true form or character; to slip; leave loopholes in one's story; the cloven foot appears | 露出馬腳
loxzhud | expose, disclose, lay bare | 露出
loxzuie | dew; scent; dewdrops | 露水
loxzw | dewdrops | 露珠
oankef-loxøeh | enemies will meet in a narrow alley | 冤家路窄
panbuun loxnghuo | wield an axe before Lo Pan; the God of carpenters ─ be conceited; show off one's talent or skill before an expert | 班門弄斧
panbuun-loxnghuo | to show off in front of experts | 班門弄斧
peqloxsy | white screw | 白螺絲
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phuloxngciar | surfer | 浮浪者
phuloxngkoxng | float | 浮浪貢
pvix-bøloxlaai | can not do it; unable to accomplish | 變無路來; 做無來
pvoarloxsay | amaeture | 半路師
pørloxlaq | report the way | 報路啦
siangzheloxkhao | double junction | 雙叉路口
sibjixloxkhao | cross-roads; intersection | 十字路口
sibjixloxterng | intersection | 十字路頂
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
siuloxky | steam roller | 修路機
siøloxng | bump into each other | 相撞
sngtarngloxsib | frost and dew | 霜凍露溼
svaloxng | collision | 相撞
svazheloxkhao | junction where three roads meet | 三叉路口
svoaloxpvy | mountain roadside | 山路邊
syloxpoong | dead | 死路旁
tarngloxzuie | date; to have a date (slang) | 約夜會
taxng loxzuie | accepting drew- imply dating in the evening | 凍露水; 晚上約會
thaulyloxtit | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩路直; 簡單; 省麻煩
thiencyn loxngban | innocent and carefree (child) ─ lovely; honest and without affectation (like a child); simple hearted; unsophisticated | 天真浪漫
thihkiloxpvy | railway side | 鐵枝路邊
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thihkiloxterng | railway top | 鐵枝路頂
thihloxbang | railway network | 鐵路網
thihloxkiok | bureau of railway; Railway Administration | 鐵路局
thihloxpo | rail road breau | 鐵路部
thihloxpvy | railway side | 鐵路邊
tidkaloxngsia | | 直加弄社
tirnloxthaau | obstruct the landing place | 擋路頭
tit-lorngloxng | straight | 直曠曠
toaxloxloong | mainlander | 大路郎
toaxloxngzuo | big prodigal son | 大浪子
toaxloxpvy | big roadside | 大路邊
toaxloxterng | big road | 大路頂
toaxloxthaau | highway, main street, main road | 大路頭
tongzwkwn toaxloxviaa | camporee; jamboree | 童子軍大露營
u loxiong | be useful | 有用; 有用途
u-loxeng | useful | 有路用; 有用
u-loxiong | useful | 有用
uxloxbøzhux | a street has no home | 有路無厝
uxloxeng | useful | 有路用
uxloxiong | useful | 有路用
uxloxlaai | know how to do, with a method to deal with | 有路來; 能做
zhoaxloxee | guide | 帶路的, 嚮導
zhoaxloxkef | gift for bride visiting her parents 1st time after getting married | 帶路雞; 岳父母送給女婿的一對雞; 新娘首次回娘家
zhoaxloxkoef | chicken gift from bride's family symbolized to bring bride to where she was from | 𤆬路雞
zuyloxtoo | hydrographic map | 水路圖
zøx-bøloxlaai | cannot do it properly | 做不路;來; 無得要領
zøxhoax loxngjiin | be a plaything of fate | 造化弄人
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]