"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: luii

chiokluii | hit a floating mine; step on a land mine | 觸雷
ciofngsefng juu luii | thunderous applause | 掌聲如雷
hiluii | torpedo | 魚雷; 水雷
hoatluii | thundering | 發雷
høefluii | a landmine | 火雷; 地雷
høfsym ho luii cym | unrequited goodness; to do good yet not be thanked but rather criticized (Good people struck by lightning.) | 好心被雷吻; 好心沒好報
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
jixluii | second base | 二壘
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
khyluii | thunder, begin to thunder | 起雷; 打雷
kietluii | to form a drop or droplet or a bead | 結雷; 結成顆狀
luii kor | drumming | 擂鼓
luii | thunder | 雷; 鐳; 磨; 擂
luii`phoax | break it | 褸破
phahluii | to thunder | 打雷; 拍雷
phaoluii | cannon mine | 砲雷
piahluii | barrier | 壁壘
pixluii-ciafm | lightning rod | 避雷針
pøfluii | fortress | 堡壘
pøxluii | thunder storm | 暴雷
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
saoluii-therng | a minesweeper | 掃雷艇
taai texluii | to plant or bury land mines; set a mine | 埋地雷
tanluii | thundering; thunder pearls | 打雷; 雷鳴
texluii høefphaux | military mines | 地雷火炮
texluii | land mine | 地雷
thofluii | blind person (slang) | 瞎眼; (罵人)
toarluii | to involve others in | 帶累
toexluii | landmine | 地雷
tvafluii | thunder | 打雷
tøexluii | a land | 地雷
zhealuii | short and abrupt thunder; peal of thunder; close thunder | 霹雷; 響雷; 近雷
zhunluii | spring thunder | 春雷
zuyluii | torpedo | 魚雷; 水雷

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