"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: lut

arnlut | according to the law | 按律; 照法律
budcid putbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質無滅律
bøo kuilut | undisciplined, disorderly | 無規律
chienphiefn itlut | harp on a single theme; without change; dull; monotonous (said of literary compositions) | 千篇一律
chienphiefn-itlut | following the same pattern; thousand pieces of the same tune | 千篇一律
chitlut | an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line | 七律
ciarm'iwlut | possess percentage; share | 占有率
cietlut | rhythm, beat | 節律; 韻律
cirnkhao soealut | import tariff | 進口稅率
citliong putbiedlut | law of conservation of mass | 質量無滅律
ciukilut | periodic law (chemistry; physics) | 週期率
ciulut | frequency | 週率
hauxlut | efficiency | 效率
hegjienlut | probability | 或然率
henglut | the criminal law | 刑律
hoatlut tiaubuun | regulations | 法律條文
hoatlut | law | 法律
hoatlut-suxbuxsor | law office | 法律事務所
hoaxnpvixlut | incidences of a sickness; percentage of contraction | 患病率
hoelut | currency exchange rates | 匯率
hoexlut køtioxng | exchange rate rises up (between currencies) | 匯率高漲
hoexlut | currency exchange rates | 匯率
hokhib-lut | respiration rate | 呼吸量; 呼吸律
huielut | rate | 費率
imlut | (music) temperament; tonality; pitch of a sound; tone; musical pitch according the standard of ancient pitch-pipes | 音律
inkøflut | law of cause and effect | 因果律
inkør-lut | the law of causation | 因果律
iongzeklut | volume rate for housing construction | 容積率
itlut khvoarthai | treat all in the same way | 一律看待; 一視同仁
itlut | without exception; uniformly; equally; indiscriminately | 一律
iuhui-søealut | import tariff rates for goods imported from a favored nation | 優惠稅率
jiedleghak-hegjienlut | thermodynamic probability | 熱力學或然率
kaelut | purohit rules; discipline (Buddhist); don'ts; commandments | 戒律; 誡律
kangzog-hauxlut | labor efficiency | 工作效率
kaolut | Law of Moses | 教律
khaelut | probability | 概率
kielut | discipline | 紀律
kilut | probability | 機率
knglutlud | smooth; glossy; shining | 光禿禿
konglut | public law, common law | 公律
kuilut | laws; rules or regulations; discipline; regularity | 規律
kylut | dicipline | 紀律
lenglut | efficiency | 能率
lioglut | six temperament; six law | 六律
liutoxnglut | flow rate | 流動率
lixlut | rate of interest | 利率
lut chiwngr | tuck up the sleeves; pull up one's sleeve | 挽袖子
lut gulefng | milk a cow | 擠牛乳
lut | lead (troops; a team); to act in accordance with; rash and hasty; generally; for the most part; simple and candid; frank; straightforward; to point (lut means rate; proportion or modulus) | 率; 捋; 律
lut'ar | swindler; cheater; cheat; a swindler; impostor | 甪仔; 拐子; 郎中; 騙子
lut'hiøh | trees and plants lose their leaves | 落葉
lut'ui | lose one's throne | 黜位; 失去王位
lutcid | lose an office, lose a situation | 落職; 罷黜職務
lutcvii | swindle money out of a person | 騙錢
luthaumngg | haircut with a clipper | 攄頭毛
luthoky | bulldozer | 推土機
lutjim | to expel | 黜任; 革職; 開除
lutkex | price reduction | 降價
lutkhix | slip out of its place; lose an office or situation; (a knot) loosens | 脫落
lutkhu | dislocate; dislocation of joints | 脫臼
lutkøef | pluck a fowl | 拔雞; 甪雞; 拔雞毛
lutmngg | bald; decalvant; lose hair; falling fair; loosen (hair or feathers by scalding with boiling water) | 禿毛; 黜毛; 脫毛
lutmoh | take off the thin film (of a peanut) | 脫膜
lutoong | as is | 如同
lutphiexn | deceive; commit fraud | 甪騙; 詐騙
lutsiefn | wash off the dirt | 搓銹; 搓身垢
lutthaau | bald | 禿頭
luttiau | dump it | 甪掉
molixlut | gross profit margin | 毛利率
ngkym-lut | the Golden Rule | 黃金律; 金科玉律
oanciulut | the circular constant pi | 圓周率
oluthaau | baldhead, bald | 黑禿頭; 烏甪頭
pahhunlut | percentage; percentage | 百分率
pinlut | frequency | 頻率
puii-lutlud | very fat | 胖嘟嘟
puilutlud | plump | 肥朒朒
pylut | a ratio; a rate; proportion | 比率
sealut | tax rate | 稅率
seng'ioglut | birth rate | 生育率
senghaglut | enrollment rate | 升學率
sengtiofnglut | growth rate | 成長率
silut | poetry | 詩律
simlut | heart rhythm | 心律
sinlut | divine law | 神律
sionglut | commercial law | 商律
sitchietlut | theft rate | 失竊率
sitgiablut | unemployment rate | 失業率
siuo kuilut | observe discipline | 守規律
siusixlut | ratings | 收視率
soanlut | rhythm; canto; tune; melody | 旋律
soealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
soklut | speed; rate; velocity | 速率
sujip soealut | import tariff | 輸入稅率
sveioglut | birth rate | 生育率
swnhaux-lut | rate of waste; wear rate | 損耗率
swnhvox-lut | rate of waste | 損耗率
sybonglut | death rate | 死亡率
syboong-lut | death rate | 死亡律; 死亡率
søealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
tekphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
texnglut | a law; the statute law; a scientific law | 定律
thiap'hiexnlut | discount rate | 貼現率
thienlut | divine law, the law of heaven | 天律
titphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tvafkeklut | batting average | 打擊率
u-kuilut | disciplined | 有規律
uxnlut | rhythm; cadency; meter; rhyme scheme | 韻律
viciulut | the circular constant | 圓周率
viciw-lut | pi | 圓周率
wtiuxlut | laws of the universe | 宇宙律
zeateng hoatlut | institute laws | 制定法律
zengkalut | rate of increase | 增加率
zerngkhaklut | correct rate | 正確率
zhutsenglut | birth rate | 出生率
zuo-soanlut | (in music) main theme | 主旋律
zuxjienlut | law of nature | 自然律
zuxlut sinkefng | autonomic nervous system | 自律神經
zuxlut | control oneself, exercise self restraint or self control, (in ethics) autonomy | 自律
zuxlut-sinkefng | parasympathetic nerve | 自律神經
zuxsatlut | suicide rate | 自殺率

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