"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: luxn

businluxnciar | atheist | 無神論者
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
ciuxsu luxnsu | confine the discussion to the matter at issue | 就事論事
ciuxsu-luxnsu | to confine the discussion to the matter at issue | 就事論事
gienluxnkaix | press; journalistic world | 言論界
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
hoafnluxn | moist; damp | 潮濕
hoeluxn | moist; damp | 潮濕
ibudluxnciar | materialist | 唯物論者
kudluxnzef | lubricant | 潤滑劑
lurnluxn | wriggle | 蠕蠕; 濕濕
luxn | wriggle | 蠕; 濕濕的
luxn'eg | profits; gains; returns; earnings | 潤益
luxn'geh | leap month | 閏月
luxn'goeh | intercalary month | 閏月
luxn'og | to enrich the house with material wealth | 潤屋
luxnbuun | dissertation; essay; treatise; monograph; discourse | 論文
luxnchyn | on Marriage | 論親
luxnciexn | a war of wars; controversy; debate; a argument; battle of words; polemics | 論戰
luxncinkorng | speaking the truth | 論真講
luxncyn | actually; in fact; really | 論真; 說真的
luxngoeh | extra month inserted seven times in nineteen years to make up the deficiency between the solar and the lunar cycles; intercalary month | 閏月
luxnguo | Analects | 論語
luxngøeh | intercalary month | 閏月
luxnhix | exert a restorative influence on the lungs; moisten dry lungs (in Chinese herb medicine) | 潤肺
luxnhoad | logic of | 論法
luxnjit | February9 in a leap year; intercalary day in leap year; February 29th | 閏日
luxnkaux | speak of; with reference to.. | 論到
luxnkeq | scale of professional fees charged by painters; writers or calligraphers | 潤格
luxnkex | negotiate prices | 論價
luxnkhie | talk about; with reference to.. | 論起
luxnkip | talk about; as regards; with reference to; touch upon (in an exposition or argumentation) | 論及
luxnkofng hengsviuo | reward according merits; evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luxnkofng-hengsviuo | to evaluate services and grant rewards accordingly | 論功行賞
luxnkudiuu | lubricating oil; lubricant | 潤滑油
luxnkut | oiling; lubricant; smooth; shining; glossy; slippery; smooth; lubricate | 潤滑
luxnkut-iuu | lubricating oil | 潤滑油
luxnkux | basis of opinion | 論據
luxnlaai-luxnkhix | talk on and on; prolonged discussion | 論來論去
luxnlie | to reason; logic; logic; to reason | 論理
luxnlie-hagkaf | logician | 論理學家
luxnlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 論理學
luxnliongsvoaf | | 崙龍山
luxnlun | soggy | 潤潤
luxnlyhak | logic | 論理學
luxnlysexng | on reason | 論理性
luxnmia | perseverance | 韌命
luxnnii | leap year; intercalary year; composed of thirteen lunar month | 閏年
luxnpid | brush moistener; i.e.; fees for writing or painting | 潤筆
luxnpog | argue against, refute | 論駁; 駁斥
luxnporpox | tugh and unbreakable | 韌布布
luxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese vegetable roll | 潤餅捲
luxnpviar | vegetable roll; thin tough cakes like scones; spring rolls | 潤餅; 春捲
luxnpviar-phøee | skin of vegetable roll | 潤餅皮
luxnseg | decorate; embellish | 潤色
luxnsexng | moist nature | 潤性
luxnsoad | a treatise; theory or thoughts; essay | 論說; 論述
luxnsut | discourse | 論述
luxnsyn | make life fuller and happier | 潤身
luxntee | thesis; subject of one's argument; topic for discussion | 論題
luxntek | smooth and soft | 潤澤
luxntiarm | point under discussion, point of an argument | 論點
luxntiau | tone or argument | 論調
luxntngg | exert a restorative influence on the digestive organs | 潤腸
luxntoaxn | discuss, to judge, conclude, pass a verdict | 論斷
luxntvia | final judgement | 論定
luxntvoaa | forum; tribune of opinions; the world of criticism | 論壇
luxnzefng | controversy; contestation | 論爭; 爭論
luxnzexng | a demonstration; proof; to discuss politics; argument; demonstration; demonstrate; prove; give proof of; argue for | 論證; 論政
luxnzoe | to be considered as an offense; decide on (s.o.'s) guilt; be considered as an offense | 論罪
lyluxnkaf | theorist | 理論家
lyluxnsexng | theoretical | 理論性
lyluxnsiong | theoretically | 理論上
phengluxnciar | critic | 評論者
phengluxnkaf | critic | 評論家
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phieluxnzøx | for example | 譬論做
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
piexnluxnhoe | speech contest; debating team | 辯論會
piexnluxnkaf | apologist; controversialist; polemist | 辯論家
piexnluxnteeng | debate court | 辯論庭
pitgiap luxnbuun | thesis | 畢業論文
pyluxnkorng | for example | 比論講
pytngg-luxntea | criticize | 比長論短
sinluxntee | thesis | 申論題
siokbeng-luxnciar | fatalist | 宿命論者
thøfluxnhoe | discussion meeting; forum | 討論會
uisimluxnciar | spiritual person, idealist | 唯心論者
uluxnkaix | journalistic world | 輿論界

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