"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Iasof Haolwhoe | FI: Daughters of Jesus (Catholic) | 耶穌孝女會
Zuxiuu lwsiin | Goddess of Liberty | 自由女神
alwmiq | aluminum | 鋁; 輕銀; 源自日語アルミ(arumi)
bexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
boexlwntid | be unbearable 'pain, cold, sorrow, etc' | 未忍得; 受不住
citlwchvy | Vega | 織女星
gølwhuq | golf | 高爾夫
haysiong lwkoarn | floating hotel | 海上旅館
holwborng | hormones | 荷爾蒙; 源自日語ホルモン(horumon)
hongtiin-lwloong | a call girl | 風塵女郎
huxlwcied | women's Day; March the 8th | 三八節; 婦女節
huxlwhoe | women's association | 婦女會
høflwteg | good and refined woman; quiet; understanding (wife) | 好女德; 賢慧的女人
hør-lwteg | good feminine virtue | 好女德
iafgoa-lwheeng | outing; excursion | 野外旅行
iux-lwtongkwn | Brownie | 幼女童軍
kalwnsurn | shiver with cold or fear; or as a result of eating something sour | 交懍恂; 打寒顫
khalwsiwmuq | calcium | 鈣質
kilwho | licensed brothel | 妓女戶
kwnlwnzun | much twisted (as a rope or the root of a tree) | 滾忍慄; 扭曲; 捲纏
lamlamlwluo | men and women | 男男女女
liedlwtoan | menology; biography of distinguished ladies | 烈女傳
lw thaumngg | have a hair cut with clippers (not with scissors) | 理髮
lw | push away; to thrust away; oppose or resist (by pressing against); to deal with | 推; 堅持; 應付
lw'iofng | woman servant | 女傭
lw'iong | for ladies, for woman use | 女用
lw'iong-piexnsor | a woman's lavatory | 女用便所
lw'oong | queen | 女王
lw'y | a lady doctor | 女醫
lw'ym | vulva, female private part | 女陰
lw'øh | girls' school | 女學; 女子學校
lwbuu | a sorceress, a witch | 女巫
lwbø | a bonnet | 引擎蓋; 女帽
lwchiaujiin | superwomen | 女超人
lwcioxng | female warrior, strong woman | 女將; 女傑
lwee | female shoes | 女鞋
lwgu | temporary lodging | 旅寓
lwhak | female school | 女學
lwheeng | a trip; to travel; journey | 旅行
lwheeng-ciphiøx | a traveler's check | 旅行支票
lwheeng-sia | travel agency | 旅行社
lwheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lwhefng | an elder sister | 女兄
lwhengsia | tourism agency | 旅行社
lwhengte | travelling | 旅行地
lwhengthoaan | a traveling party | 旅行團
lwhiaf | lady's boots | 女靴; 女長靴
lwhofng | the bride's family; the bride's side (of marriage arrangements); on the woman's part | 女方
lwhoong | women's needlework; empress | 女紅; 女皇
lwhuix | travelling expenses | 旅費
lwiaw | female demon | 女妖
lwiuu | tour; see sights | 旅遊
lwjii | a daughter | 女兒
lwjiin | a woman | 女人
lwjinkog | country with females only | 女人國
lwkaf | the bride's family | 女腳; 女家; 女方
lwkafng | female laborers; a girl working in a plant | 女工
lwkaix | the world of women | 女界; 婦女界
lwkheq | traveler; tourist | 旅客
lwkiet | heroine; Amazon; outstanding woman | 女傑
lwkoaan | women's rights | 女權
lwkoarn | hotel; inn | 旅館
lwkoaxn | the female members of a family | 女眷
lwkongzuo | princess | 女公主
lwkuo-lwhør | the longer (in time) the better | 愈久愈好
lwkvoaf | a female court official | 女官
lwlaam | female and male | 女男
lwlailuo | the more .. the more | 愈來愈
lwlan | female hardship | 女難
lwleeng | an actress | 女伶
lwlii | daughter | 女兒
lwliin | women | 女人
lwliuu | the womenfolk; the weak | 女流
lwloo | a female slave; slave girls | 女奴
lwloong | a maiden | 女郎
lwmiaa | nickname | 乳名
lwn | stretch out (the head when looking for something); extend; straighten out slowly | 伸
lwnbextiaau | unable to bear it; unable to suffer more; insufferable; intolerable | 忍無住
lwnchiuo | to hold back one's hands | 忍手; 畏縮; 膽怯而鬆手; 做事有節制
lwnchiøx | to hold back laughter; to stifle a laugh | 忍笑
lwncide | stun | 懍一下
lwnii | a nun | 女尼
lwnjiø | endure urine | 忍尿
lwnkhix kiuzaai | restrain one's anger for the sake of gain | 忍氣求財
lwnkhix | swallow insult and humiliation; restrain anger; repress manifestation of anger | 忍氣; 忍住怒氣
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
lwnkhuix | short of breath; suffocate | 忍氣; 憋氣
lwnkvoaa | to bear the cold | 忍寒; 省儉
lwnliab | (adj) timid | 懍懾; 恐慌; 膽怯
lwnlui | to hold back one's tears | 忍淚
lwnlurn | (adj) timid | 懍懍; 餘悸; 膽怯
lwnneq | to be afraid; to be scared; panic; panic-stricken; dread; (adj) timid | 忍凹; 畏; 按捺
lwnthviax | bear pain | 忍怕; 忍痛
lwntvar | to be afraid; to be scared | 忍膽; 害怕
lwntviuu | burnt field | 懍場
lwnzhuix | hold back and not say it out; forbearance mouth | 忍嘴; 忍住無說
lwoaf | name of goddess who in her fight against another spirit caused a crack in the sky | 女媧
lwongthaau | queen's head | 女王頭
lwoong | sovereign queen, a queen regent | 女王
lwphvoa | a lady companion | 女伴
lwpi | maidservant; slave girl | 女婢
lwpok | a female servant; a maid | 女僕
lwsaix | son-in-law | 女婿
lwsaxn | a parasol | 女傘
lwsefng | female students; school girl; female voice | 女生; 女聲
lwseg | feminine charms; women as sex | 女色
lwserng'ee | female | 女性的
lwsexng | female; woman | 女性
lwsexng-sox | estrogen, female hormone | 女性素; 雌激素
lwsia | inn; hotel | 旅社
lwsiin | a goddess | 女神
lwsinsiong | foddess statue | 女神像
lwsiuu | female prisoner | 女囚
lwsoafn | women's missionary | 女宣; (傳教); 女宣道會
lwsu | Lady, Madam, a lady | 女士
lwsuo | a woman of learning; a woman scholar | 女史
lwswn | granddaughter | 女孫
lwtaixhagsefng | female college students | 女大學生
lwteg | feminine virtues; chastity; feminine beauty | 女德
lwtheeng | the route a traveler takes from one place to another; a journey | 旅程
lwtheeng-py | milestone | 旅程碑
lwthoaan | a tourist group | 旅團
lwtiofng | girls middle high school; maid, servant, waitress | 女中; 下女
lwtoo | journey; during one's trip | 旅途; 女徒
lwtviuo | commander of a brigade | 旅長
lwy | a lady doctor | 女醫
lwym | female voice, soprano; vulva | 女音; 女陰
lwzhux | during one's trip or tour; while sojourning abroad | 旅次
lwzofng | ladies outfit | 女裝
lwzuo | a girl; a woman | 女子
lwzøe-lwhør | the more the better | 越多越好
lwøf | name of goddess who in her fight against another spirit caused a crack in the sky | 女媧
olw | pitch dark | 黑溜
oxlw-thaau | bareheaded | 光頭
palwn | whole | 囫圇
palwn-thwn | bolt one's' food, swallow without chewing | 巴囫圇; 急吃(不加咀嚼)
sienlwee | angel shoes | 仙女鞋
siulwsefng | aspirant (Catholic) | 修女生
siwho-lwsiin | patroness | 守護女神
svalwn'afchiaf | tricycle | 三輪仔車
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
tørlwn | draw straight back (the head or the whole body) | 倒縮
tørthealw | driving backwards | 倒退推

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