Alysafn | a mountain in Chiayi County | 阿里山
Anlyhoe | Security Council of the United Nations | 安理會; 安全理事會
Chienlygarn | supervision | 千里眼
Hudlølytat | Florida | 佛羅里達
Huxlycied | Women's Day (March 8) | 婦女節
Huylypeg Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians (Catholic) | 腓利伯書
Leng'y Siulyhoe | MI: Ministri Infirmorum (Miss. Camil.) (Catholic) | 靈醫修女會
Lienhabkog anzoaan lysuxhoe | U.N. Security Council | 聯合國安全理事會
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
Oexlykonghoe kaotoo | Methodists | 衛理公會教徒
Oexlykonghoe | Methodist Church | 衛理公會
Palytør | Bali Island | 巴里島
Polysia | name of Puli in 19th century | 埔裏社
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Siulyhoe | MIC: Miss Srs of the Immac Concept (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪修女會
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Thoankaux Siulyhoe | SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪傳教修女會。
Thokkoarn lysuxhoe | The Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations) | 託管理事會
alyputtat | saliva; useless; not to the point | 無三不四; 亂七八糟
bidgoat lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 蜜月旅行
bonglyn-hang | an narrow alley in Logkarn | 摸乳巷
budlyhagsiong | physical | 物理學上
budlyhak | physics | 物理學
bylyn | rice milk | 米乳
bøextaxng lykae`ee | inexplicable | 無法理解的
bølyiuu | illogical, unreasonable | 無理由
bølykhix | unreasonable, contrary to commonsense | 無理氣
bøo lykhix | contrary to common sense | 無理氣
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
chienlybea | a winged steed; a horse that covers thousand li a day | 千里馬
chienlygarn | a farsighted person; farsightedness; (in mythology) eyesight that can reach the sky | 千里眼
chienlykhw | a horse that covers thousand li a day | 千里駒
chienlykviax | telescope | 千里鏡; 望遠鏡
chienlymar | horse with enormous speed and stamina | 千里馬
chitlyhiofng | rutaceae | 七里香
chiuxlyn | gum; rubber | 樹乳; 橡膠; 橡皮
chvy-gulyn | fresh milk | 生牛乳; 鮮奶
ciaqlym | to eat and drink | 吃飲; 食啉
cidlylo | one ''li distant | 一里路
citlyzhvef | the Spinning Maid; the star Vega in the constellation Lyra | 織女星
ciuboat lyheeng | weekend trip | 週末旅行
eklyn | regurgitate some milk (baby) | 嗌奶; 溢奶; 漾奶
erngtiaux lyloong | call girl | 應召女郎
gygieen simlyhak | linguistic psychology | 語言心理學
hablyhoax | rationalize | 合理化
harnglyn | swell with milk, develop (breasts), milk-fed | 腫乳; 肨奶; 漲奶
henglychiaf | baggage car; baggage coach | 行李車
henglypaang | baggage room | 行李房
henglyphiøx | ticket for baggage transportation | 行李票
henglysviw | suitcase | 行李箱
hernglym | fond of drinking | 喜歡喝
hiongpalyniaw | Wicked shape wicked shape | 兇巴里貓; 惡形惡狀
hoatlyhak | jurisprudence | 法理學
hoatsefng simlyhak | genetic psychology | 發生心理學
hoatteng taixlyjiin | legal representative | 法定代理人
hoaxnzoe simlyhak | criminal psychology | 犯罪心理學
hoef-lyløo | confusion; chaos; (idiom) in a mess | 花哩囉; 混亂; 亂七八糟
hoelylø | mixed up and cause confusion | 花里囉; 混亂無清
hoepaf-lyniaw | overly colored | 多斑而醜
hoxlyhaghau | nursing school | 護理學校
høflyteg | good and refined woman, quiet, understanding (wife) | 賢淑的女人
iøqlyhak | pharmacology | 藥理學
jitoong-simlyhak | child psychology | 兒童心理學
kalyhurn | curry powder | 咖哩粉
kalykøef | curried chicken | 咖哩雞
kalylienløo | beginning gong for a puppet show - imply the beginning | 咖哩嗹囉
kalypng | curried rice | 咖哩飯
karmlyoaan | overseer, supervisor | 監理員
karmlysor | inspecting and licensing section of the highway department | 監理所
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
khiaxlym | saving water | 豎飲
khiechiaf-lykoarn | motel | 汽車旅館
khoankiuu-lyheeng | travel around the world | 環球旅行
khoantør-lyheeng | make a tour of the island | 環島旅行
khulymuq | cream | 鮮奶油
khøfzhad-lyheeng | inspection tour | 考察旅行
kilyho | brothel | 妓女戶
koafnlyciar | administrator; caretaker | 管理員
koafnlyjiin | administrator; manager; supervisor; trustee; custodian | 管理人
koafnlykiok | administration department | 管理局
koafnlykoaan | authority over | 管理權
koafnlyoaan | caretaker; keeper; administrator; manager; janitor | 管理員
koankofng-lyheeng | sight-seeing tour | 觀光旅行
koankofng-lysia | tourist hotel | 觀光旅社
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
laam pan lyzofng | disguised as a woman | 男扮女裝
lahsaplyløo | filthy | 垃圾哩囉
laixlyn | inner tube | 內奶
lamhwn-lykex | man should take a wife; and a woman should marry a husband | 男婚女嫁
lamjiin-lythea | man with effeminate or feminine look or manner | 男人女態
lamlamlylie | men and women | 男男女女
lamzaai-lymau | The man is able; and the woman is beautiful ─ an ideal couple | 男才女貌
lienlyky | trees whose branches interlock or join together ─ couple very much in love | 連理枝
lily | very thin | 極薄
lily-khokkhog | untidy | 哩哩刻刻
lily-laklag | crumbling; lacking in cohesion; be rickety (as an old chair) | 稀鬆無牢
lily-løløf | prolixity; speak indistinctly, utter inarticulate words | 哩哩囉囉; 拉拉雜雜; 囉哩囉嗦
limlym`leq | drink up | 飲飲咧; 啉啉咧
limsilym'iaw | temporary | 臨時臨要
ludlyn | milking | 擠乳
lunlyhak | ethics; moral philosophy | 倫理學
lunlykarm | sense of ethics | 倫理感
lunlysiong | morally | 倫理上
luxnlyhak | logic | 論理學
luxnlysexng | on reason | 論理性
ly'afkvoaf | dried plum | 李仔干; 李子乾
ly'afkøf | plum jam | 李仔膏; 李子醬
ly'iuu | reason for action, ground for action | 理由
ly'iuu-sw | affidavit | 理由書; 口供書
lyafchiarm | plum tree | 李仔攕
lyafchiu | plum | 李仔樹
lyafhoef | plum flower | 李仔花
lyafkiaam | dried plum | 李仔鹹
lyafkøf | preserved plums | 李仔糕; (蜜餞)
lyafsngf | plum | 李仔酸
lyafthngg | plum | 李仔糖
lyar | plum | 李仔; 李子
lybiin | community resident | 里民
lybin | inside | 裏面
lycioxng | female warrior; Amazon | 女將
lygam | slang | 俚諺
lygiap | manage an estate | 理業; 營業
lyguo | slang; colloquial speech; colloquialisms | 俚語
lyhagsu | bachelor of science; BS | 理學士
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak seksu | Master of Science (M. Sc.) | 理學碩士
lyhak | the moral theories of the Neo-Confucian scholars | 理學
lyhak-hagsu | Bachelor of Science | 理學學士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
lyhak-seksu | Master of Science | 理學碩士
lyhap | duty-bound; as a matter of course; the proper course to take is… | 理合
lyheeng chiwzheq | travelers guidebook; an itinerary | 旅行手冊
lyheeng ciphiøx | traveler's check | 旅行支票
lyheeng gixbu | carry out obligations | 履行義務
lyheeng | travel; fulfill; carry out (a promise; pledge;); discharge (an obligation; a responsibility); perform (a duty); observe (a treaty) | 旅行; 履行
lyheeng-sia | travel agency | 旅行社
lyheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lyhengchiaf | station wagon | 旅行車
lyhengciar | traveller | 旅行者
lyhengsia | travel service agency; tourism agency | 旅行社
lyhengte | traveling bag | 旅行袋
lyhengthoaan | tourist group | 旅行團
lyhicviaf | the carp | 鯉魚精
lyhii | carp; the carp | 鯉魚
lyhoad | to have a haircut; cut the hair; get a haircut | 理髮
lyhoad-siøfciar | a woman barber | 理髮小姐
lyhoarhe | Department of Physics and Chemistry | 理化系
lyhoatpo | barber shop | 理髮部
lyhoatsw | a barber; a hairdresser; barber | 理髮師
lyhoatthviaf | barbershop | 理髮廳, 理髮店
lyhoattiaxm | barbershop | 理髮廳; 理髮店
lyhoax hagkaf | physicists and chemists | 理化學家
lyhoax | physics and chemistry; abbreviation for physics and chemistry | 理化
lyhoe | to understand; to comprehend | 理會; 注意到
lyhofng | on the woman's part (when the other party concerned is a male) | 女方
lyhoong | empress | 女皇
lyhuix | traveling expenses | 旅費
lyhuu | carp | 鯉魚
lyiog | to keep a promise or pledge; keep an agreement; keep a promise or pledge | 履約
lyiuo | lady friend; girl friend | 女友; 女朋友
lyiutiofng | travelling | 旅遊中
lyiuu | reason; sake; cause | 理由
lyiw | actress | 女優; 女演員
lyjii | daughter | 女兒
lyjiin | woman; women (in general) | 女人
lyjiin-sym | weak minded; feminine | 女人心
lyjim | to accept office | 理任; 履任
lyjinkog | kingdom where all the people are females | 女人國
lykae | to comprehend; to understand; understanding; comprehension | 理解
lykaf | manage family and home; bride's own relations | 女家
lykafng | science and engineering; factory girl; woman working in a plant; women labor | 理工; 女工
lykangkhøf | department of natural sciences and engineering (college) | 理工科
lykarmsu | board of directors | 理監事
lykaux | religious sect which advocates clean living | 理教
lykaylek | faculty of comprehension; perception | 理解力
lykef | manage domestic affairs; manage family affairs (as a wife does) | 理家
lykheq | passenger; traveler | 旅客
lykhix | principle; reason; truth; real principle | 理氣; 合理
lykhud | be on the wrong side, cannot appeal to good reasoning | 理屈
lykhuy | to have no justification | 理虧
lykhøf | the natural sciences; science; science course; (college or university) department of natural sciences | 理科
lykoaan uxntong | women's lib | 女權運動
lykoaan | women's rights | 女權
lykoarn | hotel | 旅館
lykoaxn | female members of a family | 女眷
lykongzuo | your daughter (a polite reference to another's daughter); daughter of a famous personality | 女公子
lyky | temporary lodging; stay in a place for a while | 旅居
lylae | to be annoyed; to be vexed | 煩
lylat | scrofula swellings on the neck | 瘰痢
lylegpiør | one's personal history | 履歷表
lylegsw | one's personal history; one's curriculum vitae; resume | 履歷表; (履歷書)
lylek | personal history or background; one's personal history or background; statement of one's antecedents; resume | 履歷
lyliam | reasonable concept; ideality | 理念
lyliauvi | nursing home | 療養院
lyliaxmsiong | conceptually | 理念上
lyliuu | women (generally); women's world | 女流
lylo | reason; logical thinking; sense; justification | 理路; 物理; 理由; 路; 道理
lyloo | slave girls | 女奴
lyloong | young woman; very able woman | 女郎
lylun kab sidzex | theory and reality; ideal and fact | 理論與實際
lylun khøhak | theoretical; pure sciences | 理論科學
lylun | discuss, theory | 理論
lylun-khøhak | theoretical or pure sciences | 理論科學
lyluu | a precinct division | 里閭
lyluxnkaf | theorist | 理論家
lyluxnsexng | theoretical | 理論性
lyluxnsiong | theoretically | 理論上
lyløh | pay attention to; take notice of | 理落; 理會
lym ciuo | drink wine or liquor | 吃酒; 喝酒
lym sinniuu ciuo | attend a wedding feast | 喝喜酒
lym tee | drink tea | 啉茶
lym thngf | drink tea | 啉湯
lym zuie | drink water | 啉水
lym | drink; drinks | 飲; 啉
lym`koex | have drank | 啉過
lymciar | ninja | 忍者
lymjieen | magisterial | 凜然
lymkvii | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 斂墘; 邊緣
lymlaau | high tide; rising tide | 斂流; 漲潮
lymliet | piercingly cold | 刺骨; 凜冽
lymlirm | severely cold; icy; just about to fall short | 凜凜; 臨臨
lymlirm`ar | almost | 臨臨仔
lymlym'ar | just; barely; scarcely; close to; (adv) almost; just about to; just enough; be approaching; just barely enough | 斂斂仔; 臨臨仔; 略少於; 幾乎; 僅僅; 差點兒
lymnai | endure | 忍耐
lymsiu | bear | 忍受
lymsym | bear it | 忍心
lyn | milk; breast of a woman | 奶; 乳
lynniaa | your mom | 恁娘
lynpe | your dad | 恁爸
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
lyoong | sovereign queen; a queen regent | 女王
lypefng | to walk on ice- cautious | 履冰
lyphex | a principle; a sense; reason; logic; a truth | 道理
lyphvoa | female inmates; female companion | 女伴
lypi | female slaves; female servants | 女婢
lypok | female servant; maid | 女僕
lysefng sioksiax | girls school dormitory | 女生宿舍
lysefng | woman students school girl | 女生
lyseg | venery; pleasure of feminine companionship; female beauty (especially as inciting to lust) | 女色
lysexng | rationality; senses; reason; reasonable; female; the fair sex; feminine gender | 女性; 理性
lysi'ar | tiny amount | 哩少仔; 極少
lysia | hotel; hostel; inn | 旅社
lysiin | goddess | 女神
lysiofnghoax | idealize | 理想化
lysiofngkaf | idealists | 理想家
lysiofngkog | an ideal state; a Utopia | 理想國
lysiofngzwgi | idealism | 理想主義
lysiorng siaxhoe | ideal society | 理想社會
lysiorng | ideal; dreamy; ideality; ideal; idea; thought | 理想
lysiorng-hoax | to idealize | 理想化
lysiorng-khiethea | ideal gas | 理想氣體
lysiuu | female prisoner | 女囚
lysiuvi | convent | 女修院
lysoftongjieen | of course | 理所當然
lysoftonglieen | of course | 理所當然
lysu | board directors; educated girl; women; lady; Miss...; Mrs... | 理事; 女士
lysu-hoe | board of directors | 理事會
lysuxhoe | the board of directors; a council | 理事會
lysuxkog | member country of the United Nations Security Council | 理事國
lysuxtviuo | chairman of the board of directors; board chairman | 理事長
lysy | tiny amount | 釐絲; 一點點
lyteg | womanly virtues; chastity | 女德
lytheeng | a milestone; a landmark; plan of one's journey; an itinerary; distance to be covered; a traveler's route from one place to another | 里程; 旅程
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
lythengpy | milestone; landmark; milestone; milepost | 里程碑
lytiesvoax | sanity line | 理智線
lytiofng | girls middle school | 女中
lytit | niece | 女姪
lytix | intellect; reason; intelligence; reason (as opposed to emotion) | 理智
lytoo | journey; trip; route; on one's way (to a destination+D1699n); during one's trip | 旅途
lytviuo | head of a small district; village elder ─ (100 families was reckoned a li; head of a subdivision of the district; borough in a city or township | 里長
lyzaai | financing; economy; finance; manage or administer finances | 理財
lyzaikaf | economist; financier | 理財家
lyzexng-giensun | right reason with fitting words | 理正言順
lyzhae | take notice of; pay attention to | 理睬
lyzofng | female dress | 女裝
lyzuo zhamzexng | women's suffrage | 女子參政
lyzuo | daughter; womankind; girl | 女子
lølyløsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉哩囉嗦
malaflyar | malaria | 瘧疾; 源自日語マラリヤ(mararia)
moachioklyar | a type of majon | 麻雀子仔
peqly'ofng | Formosan little forktail | 白里翁; 白里鶲
peqlym | drink for nothing | 白飲
phachialyn | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalyntao | somersault | 拋輦斗
phofngzuie lym | drink water out of the hands | 捧水喝
phvaylym | drink bad | 歹啉
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
portexlyn | cloth bag | 布袋乳
put'lykae | not to understand | 無理解; 不理解
pvexlyhak | pathology | 病理學
safnlym | to drink liquor without eating anything | 瘦凜; 喝酒而沒什麼配菜
senglybin | business | 生意面
senglyhak | physiology | 生理學
senglyhor | business oriented person | 生理虎
senglykaix | business | 生理界
senglylaang | business man; businessman | 生意人; 商人
senglysiong | physiologically | 生理上
senglytviuu | business world; affairs of trade; the business district | 生意場
senglyzhuix | tricks of the trade: saying what is not exactly true | 生意嘴
siaxhoe simlyhak | social psychology (as a science) | 社會心理學
sidbut pvexlyhak | phytopathology | 植物病理學
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidcien lunlyhak | practical ethics | 實踐倫理學
sidgiam simlyhak | experimental psychology | 實驗心理學
sim'afn lyteg | have achieved a perfect peace of mind; feel no qualm | 心安理得
simlyciexn | psychological warfare | 心理戰
simlyhak | psychology | 心理學
simlysiong | mental; mentally | 心理上
sinhwn lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 新婚旅行
sioklychiaf | lady's car | 淑女車
siulycide | repair | 修理一下
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
sorsiong taixlyjiin | legal representative | 訴訟代理人
supwlynguq | springs in a easy chair or sofa; bed springs | 彈簧
taixlyciar | agent | 代理者
taixlyciøh | marble | 大理石
taixlyjiin | representative (legal); agent; attorney | 代理人
taixlykoaan | proxy; power of attorney | 代理權
taixlysiofng | business agent; agent | 代理商
taixlytiaxm | agency | 代理店; 代理商
taixlyzhux | agency | 代理處
talyar | dahlia (flower) which is native to Mexico and Central America | 乾李仔
taux-gaulym | good at drinking | 鬥賢啉
tauxlyn | soybean milk | 豆奶
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
texlysiefn | geomancer | 地理師
texlysien'ar | geography fairy | 地理仙仔
texlysw | geomancer | 地理師
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
thaulyloxtit | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩路直; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaulytidlo | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩直路; 簡單; 省麻煩
thienlykaux | Tenrikyo (Japanese religion) | 天理教
thoanthea lyheeng | traveling in a party | 團體旅行
tibwlyn | Hauil fig tree, Harland fig | 豬母乳; 豬母奶
tidlysaix | husband of a niece | 姪女婿
tiqlytiqtuh | stutter in speaking; to stammer in speaking; as a liar who has to invent new lies on the spot | 吞吞吐吐
tngtoo-lyheeng | long journey; long distance travel | 長途旅行
tngxlyn | weaning; ablactation; wean | 斷奶
toaxlym | to swig | 大喝; 大啉
toexlysw | Feng Shui master | 地理師
tosw koafnlyoaan | librarian | 圖書管理員
tviukoafn lytaix | wrong attribution; mistaken identity (Lit. put Mr. Tiu's hat on Mr. Li) | 張冠李戴
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
u-ly'iuu | with certain reason | 有理由
u-lykhix | reasonable, common-sense | 有理氣; 講理
uihofng-lymlirm | awe inspiring; imposing | 威風凜凜
uilylun | anti-rationalism | 違理論
zablyhiofng | jasmin | 十里香; 月橘
zefnglylie | tidy | 整理理
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zerngtofng ee lyiuu | just cause; proper reason | 正當的理由
zhawlyar | paramecium | 草履仔
zhuolymøh | hymen; maidenhead | 處女膜
zhuolyte | virgin land or soil | 處女地
zhuolyzog | first work of an author; first work | 處女作
zhwlytiau | dispose of | 處理掉
zofngtaixlyjiin | general agent | 總代理人
zoxlyoaan | assistant | 助理員
zuxty lykhoad | realize that one is on the wrong side | 自知理缺
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
ørbuo Cinlykaux | Aum Shinrinkyo Sect | 奧姆真理教
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]