"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Chitniumafsvef | Taiwan’s legend | 七娘媽生
Chitniumafsvy | Taiwan’s legend | 七娘媽生
Chitniumar | Taiwan’s legend | 七娘媽
Kimmar | Quemoy and Matsu; two groups of islands off the Fukien coast remaining free from communism | 金馬; 金門馬祖
Koan'im'mar-svy | the birthday of the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀音媽生
Koan'immar | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha; the feminine form of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva | 觀音媽
Koan'ym-mar | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha; the feminine form of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva | 觀世音
Ladmakaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Lama-kaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Larmakaux | Lamaism | 喇嘛教
Lømafhoad | Roman law | 羅馬法
Lømafji | Roman; Roman alphabet; romanization; Roman letters | 羅馬字
Lømafkaux | Roman Catholicism | 羅馬教
Lømafli | Roman letters | 羅馬字
Lømafsw | Epistle of Paul to Romans (Catholic and Protestant) | 羅馬書
Lømar Kaohoe | Roman Catholic Church | 羅馬教會
Lømar Serngpo | Roman Congregation (Catholic) | 羅馬聖部
Lømar Teakog | Roman Empire | 羅馬帝國
Lømar | Rome (capital of Italy); Rome | 羅馬; 羅馬書
Lømar-Kaux | Roman Catholic Church | 羅馬教
Pahamar-kuntør | the Bahamas | 群島; 巴哈馬
Panafmar uxnhøo | Panama Canal | 巴拿馬運河
Panafmar | Panama | 巴拿馬
Panafmar-uxnhøo | the Panama Canal | 巴拿馬運河; 運河
Panama | Panama | 巴拿馬
Saeofng sid mar | look for the blessing in disguise (A phrase from a story in which an old man named Sai-ong lost his horse but the horse returned with another horse upon which his son could ride. Then; his son fell from the horse and broke his leg; because of this in | 塞翁失馬
Sumar | a last name | 司馬
Thaemalie | a city in Taitung County | 太麻里
aemai heng'uii | scandal (especially an illicit affair) | 曖昧行為
aemai | ambiguous; obscure; vague | 曖昧
aima | to be scold | 哀罵
amar | grandmother; grandmother | 阿媽; 祖母; 奶奶
aymai | dubious | 曖昧
baxnma | abuse or slander at random | 謾罵
beeng liet cienmaau | head the list of successful candidates | 名列前茅
bengmar | clear code | 明碼; 電碼
bidmar | secret code; secret code | 密碼
bixnmau | countenance; looks; face; features; one's complexion; one's appearance; appearance; features of a person | 面貌
bogmahoong | casuarina | 木麻黃
bogmar | wooden horse | 木馬
bymau | handsome; good-looking; attractive looks; beautiful face of a woman | 美貌
bølefmau | impolite, discourteous | 無禮貌
bømauturn | self-consistent, not contradictory | 無矛盾
bøo lefmau | rude | 無禮貌
chiekhvoarmai | try me | 試看覓
chienkwn baxnmar | immense army; veteran of many battles | 千軍萬馬
chienlymar | horse with enormous speed and stamina | 千里馬
chinzu zhutmar | go out and take care of something in person; to confront the enemy personally | 親自出馬
chitniumafsvy | a goddess birthday | 七娘媽生
chitniumar | a woman weaver; goddess of the Pleiades; the seven daughters of Atlas placed among the stars to save them from Orion. The invisible one hides either from grief or shame; the stars in the constellation Taurus | 七娘媽; 織女
chvimr-mar | mom | 親姆媽
cie lok uii mar | to confound right and wrong (Lit. call a stag a horse) | 指鹿為馬
cienhiø mauturn | inconsistent; contradictory | 前後矛盾
cienmaau | military patrol; top of the list of successful candidates in an examination | 前茅
citmar | now; this time | 現在; 這馬
ciuoma | scold; abuse | 咒罵; 罵
cykef maxkao | to scold indirectly or in circumlocutions (Lit. point at the chicken and scold the dog) | 指雞罵狗; 指桑罵槐
cymmar | now; just | 現在
engmai | young and old | 英邁
giogmau | beautiful figure; fair face | 玉貌
goaxmar | maternal grandmother | 外婆; 外媽; 外祖母
goaxmau | profile; appearance; outside appearance; outside looks; outward appearance | 外貌
goxmafhoef | entangle and involve | 五馬花; 糾纏無清
gumai | stupid; ignorant | 愚昧
gvofmar hunsy | tear body limb from limb; drawn and quartered | 五馬分屍
haux-kongmar | family shrine for ancestors | 孝公媽; 祭供祖先
haxmafuy | enforcing strict disciplinary action when one first takes office; warn against insubordination | 下馬威
haxmar | to dismount from a horse | 下馬
haxmar-uy | prompt reprisals, instant severity | 下馬威
haxnmar | service in battle. | 汗馬
haymar | hippocampus; sea horse | 海馬
hengmau | appearance of a person; countenance | 形貌; 外貌
hiengaai legmar | rein in the horse on the brink of the precipice; reform before it is too late | 懸崖勒馬
hoahma | to condemn; to reprove | 喝罵
hongmau | appearance; handsome appearance | 風貌
humar | code | 符碼
huxmar | son-in-law | 駙馬
hømai | bold and generous; heroic | 豪邁
høxmar | number for identification | 號碼
iemar-sim'oaan | indecisive; wavering | 意馬心猿
imar | aunt | 姨媽
iongmau | one's appearance; countenance | 容貌
itmar taix liofng'voaf | horse with two saddles; said of man filling two offices; doing two things at the same time | 一馬帶兩鞍
itmar | a horse | 一馬
itmar-tongsiefn | be the first to take on the enemy or do a work | 一馬當先
jiin putkhør mauxsioxng | Men cannot be judged by their looks. Don't judge a book by its cover | 人無可貌相
jinmar | person and the horse he rides A crowd of people and horses; traffic (consisting of people and horses) Troops (consisting of soldiers and horses) | 人馬
jiogma | taunt; hurl insults at; slang; abuse and insult | 辱罵
jixmar | code | 字碼
kaocitmar | up to now; up to the present time | 到現在; 至今
kaymar | decoding | 解碼
khaemau | a bird's-eye view | 概貌
khiefnmar cy løo | labor of a dog or a horse (literally) ─ one's own work; I have merely rendered you the services of a dog or of a horse (depreciatory phrase) | 犬馬之勞
khoaemar-kapiefn | use the whip on a fast horse ─ proceed as quickly as possible (lit) | 快馬加鞭
khoaix zørmar | be grandmother soon | 快當祖母
khvoarmai | to take a look at; to examine and survey; to visit or call on; to see the sights | 看覓; 試試看; 看看
khymar | opening price; minimum; at least | 起碼
kie kaq ma | point at someone; abuse (curse); gesticulating | 指和罵
kimmar | Quemoy and Matsu; two islands off the Fukien coast remaining free from Communism; golden horse | 金馬
kiørma | to scream and use foul language--like a fishwife | 叫罵
koan'immar | goddess of mercy Kwan-yin | 觀音媽
kongmafpaai | ancestral tablets | 公媽牌; 祖先靈位
kongmar | ancestors | 公媽; 祖先; 祖宗
kongmar-paai | ancestor memorial tablet | 公媽牌; 祖先牌位
laixmar | paternal grandmother; father's mother | 內媽; 祖母; 內祖母
lamzaai-lymau | The man is able; and the woman is beautiful ─ an ideal couple | 男才女貌
lau-zofmar | father's father's mother; paternal great grandmother | 老祖媽; 曾祖母
lauxmar | a maidservant; usu. middle aged | 老媽; 祖母
lauxzofmar | grand old grand mom | 老祖媽
lefmau | politeness; good manners; civility; courtesy; etiquette | 禮貌
lefmauxee | polite | 禮貌的
lefmauxsexng | polite | 禮貌性
liedmar | a spirited horse | 烈馬
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
lienmai | advanced in age; side by side | 年邁; 年袂
lienmau | age and description (in registration; etc.) | 年貌
linmar | army and military equipment | 人馬
liongmar | aged but vigorous; old but strong | 龍馬
loatmar | a weak horse | 劣馬
loaxnma | violent abuse | 亂罵
loefma | to scold | 詈罵
lofngma | always | 攏嘛
loxma | to revile angrily | 怒罵
løfmai | senillity, decrepit, aged | 老邁
løfmai-buleeng | old and powerless; aged and impotent | 老邁無能
lømar-sorji | Roman numerals | 羅馬數字
ma beq | also want | 嘛欲
ma boeq | also want | 嘛欲
ma si | too | 嘛是
ma | socld; also, too | 罵; 嘛; 也
ma`cide | scold | 罵一下
maa | numbness; measles | 麻; 痲
maau | spear; reeds; rushes; grass | 矛; 茅
mabok | numb, insensitive | 麻木
machiog | mahjong | 麻將
mae | buy; purchase | 買
maekhix | don't go | 甭去
maekhuq | megaphone; microphone | 擴音; 擴音器
maekorng | say no more | 莫講
maesiuxkhix | Don't be angry | 甭生氣
maf | mother; mama | 媽
mafgong | fool; a dupe | 傻子
mafhw | careless(ly); negligent(ly); in a haphazard way; careless; perfunctory; sloppy; slovenly | 馬虎
mafii | witch; sorceress; female shaman | 媽姨; 女巫; 巫婆
maflengcicvix | French fries | 馬鈴薯糋
maflengcii | potatoes | 馬鈴薯
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
maflengzuu | potato | 馬鈴薯; 洋芋
mafmafhuhw | careless; casual; fair; so-so | 馬馬虎虎
mafmahlaq | mom | 媽媽啦
mafmaq | mom | 媽媽
mafmar huhw | careless; perfunctory; sloppy; slovenly | 馬虎; 馬馬虎虎
mafmar-huhw | careless; casual; just so-so | 馬馬虎虎; 過得去
mafmax | mother; mamma | 媽媽
mafnie-tonghofng | like the wind blowing a horse's ear ─ pay no heed to it | 馬耳東風
mafphid | horses | 馬匹
mafpihofng | diphtheria | 馬脾風; 白喉
mafpoat | threadfins (fish) | 線鰭; 馬?
mafsaekheg | mosic | 馬賽克
mafsef | drunk | 馬西
mafsemafsef | drunk- forgot about oneself | 茫兮茫兮; 馬西馬西
mafsiang | right away; immediately; at once | 立刻; 馬上
mafsiong | immediately; right away; at once | 馬上
mafsun'ar | grand nanny and grand kids | 媽孫仔
maftat | a motor | 馬達
maftøx-sengkofng | to win success immediately upon arrival; to gain an immediate victory; to win instant success | 馬到成功
mafzofbiøxtviaa | Matsu temple front plaza | 媽祖廟埕
mafzofkefng | Matsu temple | 媽祖宮
mafzofkengkhao | Matsu temple front | 媽祖宮口
mafzofkengpvy | Matsu temple side | 媽祖宮邊
mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
mafzor | Goddess; fisher's Goddess | 媽祖
mafzor-kefng | matsu temple | 媽祖廟
mafzor-svy | matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
mahoaan | trouble; bothersome; troublesome; vexatious as tangled hemp ─ troublesome; to trouble (a person) | 麻煩
mahoanlaq | troublesome | 麻煩啦
mahofng | leprosy | 痲瘋
mahong'vi | leprosarium; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 痲瘋院
mahongzexng | leprosy | 痲瘋症
mahoong | (med.) ephedrine | 麻黃
mai | younger sister | 妹
maix jiarng | don't make such a noise; quiet please | 別嚷
maix khix | Don't go | 無要去
maix korng | Don't talk; Don't tell. (him) | 無要說
maix sviu | do not expect it | 甭想
maix | don't (very often used in subjunctive mood) | 勿; 莫; 不; 甭; 無要; 不要
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
maixchiaux | to work as a prostitute; sell laugh | 賣笑
maixcixn | push straight forward; strive for | 邁進
maixhioxng | towards | 邁向
maixiin | to earn a living a sa prostitute; prostitution | 賣淫
maixjip | enter; step in | 邁入
maixkafn | prostitution | 賣姦
maixkog | quisle; treason; betray country | 賣國
maixkokzhat | one who collaborates with an enemy country; a traitor (to one's country) | 賣國賊
maixlong | show off | 賣弄
maixpo | to walk vigorously | 邁步
maixsyn | to sell oneself as a slave; to sell one's body | 賣身
malaflyar | malaria | 瘧疾; 源自日語マラリヤ(mararia)
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
mamaf | mama; mother; mom | 媽媽
mamaq | mother; mamma | 媽媽
manii | next year | 明年
maq | a particle used in the phrase | 麼
mar puttheeng tee | travel on horseback without stop; do something without stop | 馬無停蹄
mar | horse | 馬; 媽; 祖母輩之稱呼
marmarhao | an infant's crying; cry and shout; loud lamentation | 哇哇哮
marmarkiøx | an infant's crying; cry and shout; loud lamentation | 哇哇叫
masarji | massage | 馬嘶雞; 按摩
masatbak | milk fish | 虱目魚
matciq | match, a match | 合意
mau | face; profile; outline; emit; give off; petty; slight; face; appearance; countenance; figure; form; manner; appear or pretend to be like | 貌; 冒; 藐
mau'og | bothie; bothy | 茅屋
mauhkhie | missing tooth | 缺牙
mauhmauq | mouth without teeth | 卯卯
mauhtuun | lips | 凹唇
mauhzhuix | mouth without teeth | 卯嘴; 唇內縮
mauloo | thatched hut | 茅廬
maupeeng | a thatched shed | 茅棚
maupeng | defect, fault | 毛病
mauq | gnaw; chew; indentation; concave; embezzle; swallow up; shriveled; shrunken; eats slowly (a toothless child or old person); to dent | 凹; 卯; 癟; 侵吞; 嚼,凹; 嚼
mauq`khix | atrophy | 癟去; 洩氣而萎縮
mausia | a cottage, a hut | 茅舍
mausiax | straw hut; my humble cottage | 茅舍; 茅?
mautiaxm | straw shop | 茅店
mauturn | conflict; incompatible; contradictory; contradiction; antinomy; inconsistency; paradox | 矛盾
mauxgieen | features and the way of talking ; a general appearance and the way of saying | 貌言
mauxsid | abrupt | 冒失
mauxsidkuie | imposter, pretender | 冒失鬼; 騙子
mauxsit | pretend, act as an imposter | 冒失; 假裝知道
mauzhao | cogon-grass | 茅草
mauzheg | an earth-closet | 茅粟; 茅廁; 地下壁櫥
maw | to strike on the head | 癟; 打在頭上
maw`løqkhix | knoick it down; concave | 癟落去
maxbeq | also want to | 嘛欲
maxboeq | also want to | 也要
maxhør | ok | 也好
maxsi | or; still; nevertheless; also | 嘛是; 也是; 還是
maxsie | scold to death/harsh | 罵死
maxthvy-oarntøe | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
maxu | also have | 也有
may | don't (very often used in subjunctive mood) | 哩*
mayciog | to curry favor with the public | 收買人心 [*]
mayhøea | angry | 冒火
maypan | compradore | 買辦
mazuix | anesthesia; narcosis; to anesthetize | 麻醉
mimimauhmauq | crooked; askew; What a mess! | 歪七扭八; 糟透了
mimy-mauhmauq | damaged; out of shape | 凹凹癟癟
moxmai | presumptuous; rash | 冒昧
naymaf | a wet nurse; a nursing mother | 奶媽
nimai | advance in age | 年邁
nofmai | aged; senile | 老邁
noxma | to revile angrily | 怒罵
of-marmax | dark | 黑嘛嘛
omarmax | very dark; very black; very dirty | 黑漆漆
paekongmar | worship ancients | 拜公媽
paix kongmar | worship ancestors, reverence, honor the ancestors | 拜公媽
panmafsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
panmar | zebra | 斑馬
pengmar | warriors and horses; military resources | 兵馬
phahma | scold | 打罵
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phawmar | house racing | 跑馬
phawmar-tviuu | race course, turf | 跑馬場
phitmar | horse | 匹馬
phynmau | countenance; expression; character and appearance | 品貌
pienmar | coding | 編碼
piernmau | change the countenance, be transfigured | 變貌; 改變容貌
poaqmachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
sienhiø mauturn | contradictory | 先後矛盾
siensvemar | doctor's mother | 先生媽
siensvimar | Madam (mother of 'siensvy') | 先生媽; 老師或醫生的媽媽
sim'oaan iemar | the heart of an ape and the mind of a horse ─ restless and unsettled; cannot make up one's mind; indecision; procrastination | 心猿意馬
sinmau | new looks | 新貌
sinsvemar | Madam (mother of 'sinsvef') | 先生媽
siorngmau | feature; lineament; physiognomy; countenance; physiognomy; facial features | 相貌; 像貌
siøma | quarrel; verbal dispute | 口角; 相罵
siømai | a dim sum item | 燒邁
soahboefar cidtiarfmar | the youngest (latest, smallest) child. | 小尾仔囝
suomar lantuy | team of four horses cannot overtake ─ a spoken word | 駟馬難追
svama | revile one another | 相罵
sviarkongmar | | 聖公媽
sviuxkhvoarmai | let me think | 想看覓
tafmafkaf | asphalt | 打馬膠
tafmafkalo | street paved with asphalt | 打馬膠路
tanchviw-phitmar | single handed alone | 單槍匹馬
tanjiin togmar | solitary horseman ─ alone; single handed | 單人獨馬
tansyn-phitmar | alone; single | 單身匹馬
tauma | to abuse, to rail | 投罵; 嘲罵
thaxn-citmar | at the present moment | 趁現在
thekma | rebuke, scold | 提罵; 斥罵; 剔罵
thienmar | sky horses | 天馬
thomaftøq | tomato; (in central or northern Taiwan); kam-a-bit (in southern Taiwan); chhau-khi-a (in northern Taiwan) | 蕃茄
thørma | to spit on and revil | 透罵; 唾罵
tiafmmafkalo | asphalt | 打馬膠路
tiexn'oe høxmar | telephone number | 電話號碼
tiexnmar | telegraphic code | 電碼
timar | sow | 豬媽
toaxma | violent abuse | 大罵
toaxmaa | hemp | 大麻
tuixmar | to fall off a horse | 墜馬
tvafma | beat and abuse | 打罵
tvafmafkaf | chian; asphalt; tar | 打馬膠; 柏油
tviuxlangmar | mother-in-law | 丈人媽
tørma | reviling or scolding others after doing thing wrong | 倒罵
u-lefmau | polite, courteous | 有禮貌
u-mauturn | self-contradictory, to be at variance | 有矛盾
unnar mauq | munch slowly; as a toothless person does | 慢慢地嚼
ymau zhwjiin | judge a person by his appearance or looks | 以貌取人
zaimau | talent and nice looking face; talents and countenance | 才貌
zaimau-siangzoaan | having both beauty and talents in full measure; a women both pretty and talented | 才貌雙全
zau mahoaan | ask for trouble; pick on somebody; find fault | 找麻煩
zekma | blame; scold | 責罵
zhaoma | scold badly | 臭罵
zhawmaau | my lowly home | 草茅
zhengmuii tekmar | innocent affection between a boy and a girl in their childhood | 青梅竹馬
zhexmahoaan | looking for trouble | 揣麻煩
zhoe mahoaan | ask for trouble; find fault | 找麻煩
zhuimafkapiefn | rush | 催馬加鞭
zhutmar | go forth to battle; offer oneself as a candidate; go out and face something | 出馬
zhøhma | swearing | 惡罵; 罵髒話
zoanmau | overall picture or appearance | 全貌
zoeamar | beacme a grandmom | 做媽
zofmar | female ancestor; great grandmother | 祖媽; 曾祖母
zofngmaxsi | in short | 總嘛是
zu-siofng-mauturn | self contradiction | 自相矛盾
zumau | beauty | 姿貌
zurnmar | steed | 駿馬
zuxsiofng mauturn | inconsistent; self contradictory | 自相矛盾
zuxzhøe mahoaan | look for trouble | 自找麻煩

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