"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bixnmau | countenance; looks; face; features; one's complexion; one's appearance; appearance; features of a person | 面貌
bymau | handsome; good-looking; attractive looks; beautiful face of a woman | 美貌
bølefmau | impolite, discourteous | 無禮貌
bømauturn | self-consistent, not contradictory | 無矛盾
bøo lefmau | rude | 無禮貌
cienhiø mauturn | inconsistent; contradictory | 前後矛盾
giogmau | beautiful figure; fair face | 玉貌
goaxmau | profile; appearance; outside appearance; outside looks; outward appearance | 外貌
hengmau | appearance of a person; countenance | 形貌; 外貌
hongmau | appearance; handsome appearance | 風貌
iongmau | one's appearance; countenance | 容貌
jiin putkhør mauxsioxng | Men cannot be judged by their looks. Don't judge a book by its cover | 人無可貌相
khaemau | a bird's-eye view | 概貌
lamzaai-lymau | The man is able; and the woman is beautiful ─ an ideal couple | 男才女貌
lefmau | politeness; good manners; civility; courtesy; etiquette | 禮貌
lefmauxee | polite | 禮貌的
lefmauxsexng | polite | 禮貌性
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
lienmau | age and description (in registration; etc.) | 年貌
mau | face; profile; outline; emit; give off; petty; slight; face; appearance; countenance; figure; form; manner; appear or pretend to be like | 貌; 冒; 藐
mau'og | bothie; bothy | 茅屋
mauhkhie | missing tooth | 缺牙
mauhmauq | mouth without teeth | 卯卯
mauhtuun | lips | 凹唇
mauhzhuix | mouth without teeth | 卯嘴; 唇內縮
mauloo | thatched hut | 茅廬
maupeeng | a thatched shed | 茅棚
maupeng | defect, fault | 毛病
mauq | gnaw; chew; indentation; concave; embezzle; swallow up; shriveled; shrunken; eats slowly (a toothless child or old person); to dent | 凹; 卯; 癟; 侵吞; 嚼,凹; 嚼
mauq`khix | atrophy | 癟去; 洩氣而萎縮
mausia | a cottage, a hut | 茅舍
mausiax | straw hut; my humble cottage | 茅舍; 茅?
mautiaxm | straw shop | 茅店
mauturn | conflict; incompatible; contradictory; contradiction; antinomy; inconsistency; paradox | 矛盾
mauxgieen | features and the way of talking ; a general appearance and the way of saying | 貌言
mauxsid | abrupt | 冒失
mauxsidkuie | imposter, pretender | 冒失鬼; 騙子
mauxsit | pretend, act as an imposter | 冒失; 假裝知道
mauzhao | cogon-grass | 茅草
mauzheg | an earth-closet | 茅粟; 茅廁; 地下壁櫥
mimimauhmauq | crooked; askew; What a mess! | 歪七扭八; 糟透了
mimy-mauhmauq | damaged; out of shape | 凹凹癟癟
phynmau | countenance; expression; character and appearance | 品貌
piernmau | change the countenance, be transfigured | 變貌; 改變容貌
sienhiø mauturn | contradictory | 先後矛盾
sinmau | new looks | 新貌
siorngmau | feature; lineament; physiognomy; countenance; physiognomy; facial features | 相貌; 像貌
u-lefmau | polite, courteous | 有禮貌
u-mauturn | self-contradictory, to be at variance | 有矛盾
unnar mauq | munch slowly; as a toothless person does | 慢慢地嚼
ymau zhwjiin | judge a person by his appearance or looks | 以貌取人
zaimau | talent and nice looking face; talents and countenance | 才貌
zaimau-siangzoaan | having both beauty and talents in full measure; a women both pretty and talented | 才貌雙全
zoanmau | overall picture or appearance | 全貌
zu-siofng-mauturn | self contradiction | 自相矛盾
zumau | beauty | 姿貌
zuxsiofng mauturn | inconsistent; self contradictory | 自相矛盾

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