"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Jixkao-mee | end of the Lunar New Year | 二九夜; 二九暝; 除夕
Jixkawmee | lunary new years eve | 二九暝
Serngtarnmee | Christmas Eve | 聖誕夜; 聖誕前夜
Sioxnggoanmee | eve of Jan 14- lunar calendar | 上元暝
Tiong'iofng svoameh | Central mountain range (in Taiwan) | 中央山脈
Zhvemekef toktiøh thaang | lucky guess or shot; win by a fluke; (Lit. A blind chicken pecked a worm.) | 瞎眼雞啄到蟲; 瞎撞瞎著。
armmee | night | 暗暝; 夜晚
arnmeh | check the pulse | 把脈; 按脈; 按脈,把脈
auxpvoarmee | after midnight; wee hours of the morning | 後半暝
bafnmef | convulsions | 痙攣
bafnmeh | shivering; cramps | 挽脈; 打顫; 抽筋
bexngmeh | the life vein; the life pulse; where life of nation depends | 命脈
bongmeh | examine the pulse | 摸脈; 診脈
bømebøjit | | 無暝無日
bømee bøjit | day and night without ceasing | 無暝無日; 無分晝夜
bømee | edge blunted; as by use | 無刃
bømee-bøjit | night and day | 無暝無日; 不分晝夜; 日夜無停
bømeqbogsef | Taiwan osmanthus, Osmanthus enrivius | 無脈木犀
chiwmeh | the pulse | 手脈
cidmee-cidjit | one day one night; twenty four hours | 一天一夜
cimeh | branch of a mountain range | 支脈
ciuome | curse and scold | 咒罵
ciwmee | vigil | 守暝
expvoarmee | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
goeqarmmee | a moonless night | 月暗暝
goeqkngmee | moonlit night | 月光暝
hauxmeh | feel (take) the pulse | 候脈; 切脈; 把脈; 按脈
hietmeh | blood vessels; large and small blood vessels | 血脈
hietoxngmeh | pulmonary artery | 肺動脈
hiezexngmeh | pulmonary vein | 肺靜脈
hiøhmee | stop night | 宿夜; 歇暝
hoefsvoameh | volcanic range | 火山脈
hoehmeh | consanguinity | 血脈
huihmeh | blood circulation | 血脈
hvoaikoaxn-svoameh | mountain range running from east to west | 橫貫山脈
hvoaxmeh | check pulse | 按脈
jidmee | day and night | 日暝; 晝夜
kehmee | pass the night; left overnight (as food) | 過暝; 隔夜
khafmmea | abrupt; fast | 緊猛; 快一點
khahmea | fiercely | 較猛; 趕快
khiemeh | pulse | 氣脈; 脈搏
khuiemeh | breath and the circulation system; pulse | 氣脈
khvoarmeh | take the pulse | 看脈; 把脈
kinmeh | tendons and artery | 筋脈; 脈絡; 動脈
koeamee | stay overnight | 過夜
kormee | keep night watch | 守夜
kvoaf-toxngmeh | hepatic artery | 肝動脈
kvoafmekafng | hurry work at night | 趕夜工
lailioong-khiemeh | beginning and subsequent development of (an incident) | 來龍去脈
lengmeh | winding mountain range | 龍脈
liaqmeh | to feel the patient's pulse | 捉脈
liongmeh | winding mountain range | 龍脈
loxme | abusiveness; to curse in rage | 怒罵
løefme | to scold, rail at; scolding, railery | 雷罵; 詈罵
løqhoxmee | raining night | 落雨暝
me bøo hiøhkhuxn | curse without ceasing | 罵個無停
me | blame; scold | 罵
me'iøqar | get medicine | 搣藥仔
mea | blazing fiercely | 燄; 烈
meboea | deep night almost daybreak | 夜尾; 夜將盡
mechi'ar | night market | 暝市仔
mechiaf | night bus | 暝車
mee | sharp edge (of a knife) | 刃; 暝; 夜
mee`sii | in the night | 暝時; 晚上
mef | handful of (rice; sugar; salt; sand); take up a handful of | 把; 抓
mef`khylaai | pick; gather up (sugar; sand) with your hand | 抓起來
mefchvie | wake up | 猛醒
mefhea | fire | 猛火
mefhoea | blazing fire | 猛火
mefhøea | high flame (for cooking) | 快火; 強火
mefjit | blazing sun | 炎日; 烈日
mefkhoaix | easily done; quickly done; rapid; speedy; prompt | 輕快; 很迅速
mefliah | nimble; shrewd; keen | 敏捷; 猛掠; 猛烈
mefmea | fierce | 猛猛
mefzhvea | wake up | 猛醒
mefzhveftiøh | wake up | 猛醒著
meh | pulse; vein | 脈; 脈搏
meh'afzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
mehliah | fierce, furious, keen)competition) | 猛捉; 兇猛的
mehmehhao | crying out loud | 咩咩吼
mejit | day and night | 日夜; 暝日
mekafn | during the night | 暝間; 夜間
mekafng | night work | 夜工
mekag | sharp edge; sharp corner; key-point; table with sharp edges (not rounded); essential points; important points | 尖角; 鋩角; 要領
melorng | Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) | 香瓜; 源自日語メロン(meron)
memef | younger sister | 妹妹
memekakkag | essential details | 鋩鋩角角
meni'ar | next year | 明年仔
menii | next year | 明年
meq | goat’s voice | 咩
meqkngr | blood vessel | 脈管
meqkor | pulse drum | 脈鼓
meqlie | philosophy of the pulse | 脈理
meqmng | veins | 脈門
meqphog | pulse | 脈搏
meqthoad | asystole; pulseless | 脈脫; 停止脈動
mesii | nighttime; at night | 晚上
mex`ee | scold | 罵的
mexar | baby goat | 羊囡; 小山羊
mexkoeaaq | scolded | 罵過矣
mexlang'ee | scold people | 罵人的
mexthvy | quarrel with Province | 罵天
mexthvy-oarnte | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
o'armmee | very dark night | 黑暗暝
patkoarsvoameh | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山脈
phahme | scold | 打罵
phofmeqar | slightly; rather | 頗脈仔; 大概; 稍微
pviarmekafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviax mekafng | do night work | 拼夜工
pvoarmear | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmee | midnight | 半夜
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
pvoarmesvakvef | midnight | 半暝三更
sin-toxngmeh | renal arteries | 腎動脈
sioxnggoanmee | eve of Jan 14- lunar calendar | 上元暝
siøme | quarrel; verbal dispute | 口角; 相罵
siømexpurn | reserved for used in scolding | 相罵本
siør-toxngmeh | arterioles | 小動脈
siør-zexngmeh | venules | 小静脉
sokmeh | fast pulse | 速脈
svakvef-pvoarmee | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svakvemepvoax | midnight | 三更暝半
svakvepvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svame | revile one another | 相罵
svoameh | mountain chain; hump; mountain range | 山脈
tagmee | every night | 逐暝
tangzehmee | winter solstice eve | 冬節暝
tefngpvoarmee | upper midnight | 頂半暝
terng-pvoarmee | before midnight | 上半夜
texmeh | veins or strata in the ground | 地脈
thaau-zexngmeh | cephalic vein | 頭静脈
thaomee | in dead of night; whole night | 漏夜; 整晚
thiafmme | scold severely | 諂罵; 痛罵
tiongchiumee | mid autumn festival eve | 中秋暝
toa-zexngmeh | vena cava | 大靜脈
toaxtoxngmeh | main artery | 大動脈
toxngmeh gvexhoax | arteriosclerosis; sclerosis of the arteries | 動脈硬化
toxngmeh | an arterial; artery | 動脈
toxngmeqliuu | aneurysm | 動脈瘤
tømee | cutting edge of a knife | 刀刃
tørme | reviling or scolding others after doing thing wrong | 倒罵; 反罵
viumeh'ar | sheep | 羊咩仔
zamee | last night | 昨暝
zarnmeh | the arteries are abundant | 脈博
zatme | take the pulse | 節脈
zatmeh | feel the pulse | 按脈; 把脈
zatmeq | take the pulse | 節脈
zekme | blame, scold | 責罵
zexngmeh khioktiofng | varicose veins | 靜脈曲張
zexngmeh zuosia | intravenous injection | 靜脈注射
zexngmeh | veins; venae; vena | 靜脈
zexngmeqiam | phlebitis | 靜脈炎
zexngmeqliuu | varix; varicose vein | 靜脈瘤
zhawmeh | grasshopper | 蚱蜢
zhawmeh'afkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢仔公
zhawmeh'ar | grasshopper | 草蜢仔
zhawmehkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawmeq | grasshopper, locust | 草蜢; 蝗蟲
zhvemee mxkviaf zhexng | Ignorance is bliss. What you don't know won't hurt you. (Lit. A blind person doesn't fear a gun.) | 瞎子無怕槍; 初生之犢不畏虎。
zhvemee | blind | 盲目; 青盲; 瞎眼; 盲人
zhvemee`ee | blind person | 青盲的; 瞎子
zhvemeguu | blind cow (scolding) an illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
zhvemelaang | blind | 青盲人
zuymeh | vein of water | 水脈
zwmeh | mkain vein | 主脈
zwtoxngmeh | aorta | 主動脈
zøqjidmee | night before last | 前日晚; 前天晚上
zøx-mekafng | do night work | 做夜工

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