"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Iamhae | Dead Sea | 鹽海; 死海
Kimhofng | a city in Taitung County | 金峰
Lamhaan | South Korea | 南韓
Lamhae | South Sea | 南海
Lamhoax | a city in Tainan County | 南化
Lamhoee | The South Link | 南迴
Lamhoekuisvoax | Tropic of Capricorn | 南回歸線
Lamhong'øx | a fishing port in eastern Taiwan | 南方澳
Lamhuy Kioxnghøkog | Republic of South Africa | 南非共和國
Lamhuy | South Africa | 南非
Limhngg | a city in Kaohsiung County | 林園
Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
Pilamhiofng | aboriginal village in eastern Taiwan | 卑南鄉
Serngbør Sirnsimhoe | Children of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母信心會
Serngsimhoe | confraternity of the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 聖心會
Tionglamhae | Central and South ocean | 中研院
amho | cover friendly troops on a special assignment; camouflage; to camouflage | 掩護
armhai | injure another secretly; assassinate or murder | 暗害
armheeng | walking in the dark | 暗行
armheng | cunning; crafty; deceitful | 暗行; 內心陰險
armhin | secretly hate | 暗恨
armho | rain in the dead of night | 暗雨; 入夜之雨
armhoe | evening gathering; meeting; party | 晚會
armhoea | a secret fire | 暗火
armhoong | secretly prevent | 暗防
armhorng | make secret inquiries; investigate in secret | 暗訪
armhun | harbor resentment | 暗恨; 懷恨在心
armhuun | dark cloud | 暗雲
armhwn | dusky; dim; twilit | 暗昏; 黑夜; 昏暗
armhø | secret sign; secret mark; sign; signal or password | 暗號
awsimhied | work hard | 嘔心血
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
buxnliuo simhoaf | associate with prostitutes | 問柳尋花
bysut tiefnlafmhoe | art exhibition | 美術展覽會
chiamhok | to be dormant | 潛伏
chiamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
chimhae higiap | deep sea fishing | 深海漁業
chimhae toxngbut | deep sea fauna | 深海動物
chimhae | deep sea | 深海
chimhai koanli | encroach upon the privileges of another | 侵害權利
chimhai | infringe or encroach upon rights of another | 侵害; 侵犯
chimho | long and close friendship or relationship; profound learning or training | 深厚
chimhoan | encroachment; infringement; violation; encroach upon other's rights; invade (term used in law) | 侵犯
chimhokhib | deep breath; breathe deeply | 深呼吸
chixkimhii | support good-looking young man | 飼金魚; 養小白臉
ciamheeng | stealth; go secretly | 潛行
ciamhiøh | needle-leaf | 針葉
ciamhiøh-chiu | needle-leaved tree, a conifer | 針葉樹
ciamhiøqchiu | conifers; coniferous trees | 針葉樹
ciamhoad | stitch | 針法
ciamhoef | wearing | 簪花
ciamhofng | sharp attack; pin point | 針鋒
ciamhogkii | incubation period; latent period | 潛伏期
ciamhogsexng | latency | 潛伏性
ciamhok | lurk; dormancy; be in hiding; lie hidden; latent; hidden; concealed | 潛伏
ciamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
ciaxmheeng | temporary; provisional | 暫行
ciaxmhenghoad | provisional laws; temporary laws | 暫行法
ciaxmhoaan | temporarily reserved, reprieve | 暫緩
ciaxmhoan | temporarily reserved | 暫緩
ciaxmhoat | temporal punishment (Catholic) | 暫罰
cirmho | bath in the rain | 浸雨
efngkix simhoaai | keep something in mind forever | 永記心懷
giamhaan | severely cold; severe cold (weather) | 嚴寒
giamhad | severely exercise control over | 嚴轄; 嚴格
giamheeng | harsh punishments; tortures; inflexible administration of justice; severe punishment | 嚴刑
giamhoat | severe punishment; heavy punishment | 嚴罰; 嚴懲
giamhoong | be strictly on guard against; take strict precautions against; keep a sharp lookout for; guard carefully | 嚴防
giamhu | stern father; severe father; father; my father (honorific) | 嚴父
giaxmhoeq | blood test | 驗血
giaxmhofng | to inspect and seal up | 驗封
giaxmhuiq | blood test | 驗血
gvofkimhaang | hardware store | 五金行
gyimhak | phonology; phonetics | 語音學
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
hafmhoea | to regret in mind | 後悔
hamhaam-hohoo | (of a statement) vague; ambiguous; confusing | 含含糊糊
hamhafm | somewhat swelled up | 腫脹
hamhied phurnjiin | make false accusations against others | 含血噴人
hamhoo | inattentive; uncertain; obscure; muddled | 含糊
hamhun | to cherish resentment or disappointment | 含恨
hamhuun | chasm | 含痕; 有裂痕
hamhwn | unclear | 含混
harmhaxm | pompous | 諏諏; 譀譀; 不實,誇誕; 浮誇不實; 無實
haxmha | to collapse, to sink | 陷下
haxmhai | to harm another with a trumped-up charge; entrap or to ensnare a person | 陷害
haxmhoea | to regret in mind | 憾悔
hiabtamhoe | conference | 協談會
hiafmhiarm | almost | 險險; 險些兒; 差一點兒; 幾乎
hiafmhiw | cold to stop | 喊咻
hiamhiafm | pungent | 辛辛; 薟薟
hiamhoaan | to dislike the trouble | 嫌棄; 嫌煩
hiamhoan | a suspect in a crime | 嫌犯
hiamhoex | not to be satisfied with something | 嫌貨
hiarmhoaq | shout | 喊喝; 大聲叫
himhie | (vi) joy; rejoice; (vt) rejoice; joyful | 欣喜
himhie-jiogkoong | be beside oneself with joy | 欣喜若狂
himhoong | happy to be present on a joyful occasion | 欣逢
himhym | happily; prosper | 欣欣
himhym-hiorng'eeng | blooming like flowers in spring; (said of business; financial; situation prospering; flourishing | 欣欣向榮
himhø | joyfully congratulate | 欣賀
hmh | silent; write from memory | 無作聲; 噷; 陰險; 沈默(寡言)
hmhsie | kill someone by heavy | 撼死
hmqhmh | remain silent | 噷噷
ho pud chimhoan | refrain from invading each other | 互無侵犯
hoat'imhak | phonetics | 發音學
huilaai iaxmhog | an unexpected romance or affair with a beauty | 飛來豔福
høfsimheng | virtuous; kind hearted | 好心行
iafmho | to shelter, to protect | 掩護
iamhoear | little salt | 鹽花仔; 一點點鹽巴
iamhun | percentage of saltiness salinity | 鹽份
iamhwn | salt content; salinity | 鹽分
iarmhoaan | to be fed up with; wearied | 厭煩
iarmhun | detest; hatred | 厭恨; 憎恨
iaxmha | hot summer | 炎夏
iaxmhoea | blazing fire | 炎火; 烈火
iaxmhog putchiern | have a lot of good fortune or successes in love affairs; have a beautiful girl friend or wife | 豔福無淺
iaxmhog | good fortune or success in love affairs (of a man) | 豔福; 艷福
iaxmhøea | burning fire; burning hot | 炎火; 大火
iezoarn-simhoee | change one's mind | 意轉心回
imhau | sound effects | 音效
imheeng | immoral sexual conduct | 淫行
imhek | (music) range (of a voice or other musical instruments); compass (music) | 音域
imhiarm | sinister; insidious; tricky; crafty; treacherous | 陰險
imhiorng | (n) acoustics; sound; audio; sound field (i.e in a room or theater); (n) speakers (electric) | 音響
imhiorng-hauxkør | effects of sound vibrations (physics) | 音響效果
imho | vagina | 陰戶; 陰道
imhu | wanton (loose) woman; adulteress | 淫婦; 陰阜
imhuo | hades; nether world; Hades; the under-world | 陰府; 陰間
imhut | clitoris | 陰核
imhuu | musical notation; notes in music | 音符
imhuun | dead spirit; ghost; soul; soul or spirit of a dead person | 陰魂
imhw | adulterer | 淫夫; 姦夫
irmhoaf | extinguish by covering up (as burning charcoal); smother | 蔭熄; 熄滅
jiafzhao liamhoef | have one love affair after another (said of males) | 惹草拈花
jixmhøo | any; whatever | 任何
kafmhoarlek | influence | 感化力
kafmhoarvi | reformatory | 感化院
kafmhoax jinsym | move the hearts of men | 感化人心
kafmhoax zoexjiin | convert sinners | 感化罪人
kafmhoax | influence; moralisation; reform; reform (a person); influence (a person) by personal examples of moral uprightness | 感化
kafmhoax-kaoiok | reformatory instruction or training | 感化教育
kafmhoax-lat | moral influence | 感化力
kafmhoax-suxgiap | reformatory work | 感化事業
kafmhofng | catch (a) cold | 感風; 傷風; 得感冒
kafmhok | persuade someone to obey his order | 感服; 佩服
kamhiw | willingly give up | 甘休
kamho | be a child's guardian | 監護
kamhoan | a prisoner | 監犯
kamhoeq-buxthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kamhoeq-phuqthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kaoiok-kikimhoe | educational foundation | 教育基金會
karmho | wardship; guardianship; ward ship; act as a guardian | 監護
karmhoxjiin | guardian | 監護人
karmhut | examine (a case) and make decision | 鑑核
khafmhoat | chop down; hag; lop | 砍伐
khaojiin simhieen | very touching (said of music; writing) | 扣人心弦
kharmhe | cover | 蓋下
kharmhvi | cover the ear | 蓋耳
khawhok simhok | to win people's heart; with sincerity and willingly; concede defeat; to admit somebody's superiority | 口服心服
khiamhw | humble and willing to receive instruction | 謙虛
khiamhy | humility; condescension; modest; unassuming | 謙虛
khiamhøo | meekly; modest and good-natured; mild; meek | 謙和
khiarmhang | still one thing to do; not finished | 欠項; 缺一樣 (東西)
khiarmhied | anemia | 貧血
khiarmho | crops lacking rain | 欠雨; 缺雨
khiarmhoat | shortage; lack; deficiency | 缺乏
khiarmhoeq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmhuiq | anemia | 欠血
khimhefng | chest muscle or breast (of birds; chicken; duck) | 襟胸; 禽之胸部
khimhek | arrest; to capture | 擒獲
khimhieen | chord; string | 琴絃
khimhoan | impunity | 欽犯
khimhok | adore; respect; reverence | 欽服
kiafmheeng | to shorten or commute (judicial) sentence; commute a sentence; mitigate punishment | 減刑
kiafmhied | blood test | 檢血; 量體溫
kiafmhoad | (in arithmetic) subtraction; subtraction (in arithmetic) | 減法
kiafmhofng | prosecutor | 檢方
kiafmhø | the minus sign (-) | 減號
kiamheeng | to manage or handle simultaneously | 兼行
kiamhii | salted fish | 鹹魚
kiamhuu | salty fish | 鹹魚
kiarmhoad | swordsmanship | 劍法
kieliaxmhoe | memorial service; commemorative gathering | 紀念會; 記念會
kikimhoe | foundation; board of directors of a fund; a fund | 基金會
kikøf-limha | command a view from a high position; enjoy strategic advantage by holding high ground overlooking the enemy position | 居高臨下
kimhabhoafn | sweet acacia | 金合歡
kimhibak | protruding eyes | 金魚眼; 凸目
kimhii | goldfish | 金魚; 鬥魚
kimhioong | finance, currency | 金融
kimhizhao | an aquatic plant | 金魚草
kimhiøh | gold leaf | 金葉
kimhurn | woman's face powder; gold dust | 金粉
kimhuu | golden fish | 金魚
kimhviuzeg | refers to paper money, incense and candles | 金香燭
kimhw | ashes of idolatrous paper money | 金燼; 冥紙灰
kimhwn | golden wedding; the 50th wedding anniversary | 金婚
kirmheeng | forbidden to walk | 禁行
kirmhoad | the forbidden law | 禁法
kirmhwn | No smoking allowed; give up smoking | 禁煙; 禁薰
kirmhøea | prohibit fire | 禁火
kirmhøex | contraband; prohibited merchandise | 禁貨
kyliaxmhoe | memorial service; commemorative gathering | 紀念會
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
lafmhaxn | coward | 弱漢; 懦夫
lafmhefng | cross one's hands; fold one's arms | 攬胸; 袖手
lamha | go down south | 南下
lamhe | the male line; the spear side | 男系
lamhngf | the south; south | 南方; 男方
lamho | pouring rain; get wet in the rain; be exposed to the rain | 淋雨
lamhofng | south wind; bridegroom's family; relatives and friends collectively | 南風; 南方; 男方
lamhui | south latitude | 南回; 南緯
lamhvoaai | Southern Cross-Island | 南橫
lamhvoaikonglo | Southern Cross-Island Highway | 南橫公路
lamhwn-lykex | man should take a wife; and a woman should marry a husband | 男婚女嫁
laxmhoat somliim | log without (or not according) plan; excessive felling of trees | 濫伐森林
laxmhoat | excessive or undue penalty; punishment | 濫罰
laxmhoeq | mixed with blood | 濫血
laxmhuix | spend money immoderately; to waste money | 濫費
liafmhoad | tax law | 斂法
liamhap | to cohere, to stick together | 黏合
liamhii | a catfish | 鯰魚
liamhoef | twist flowers; womanize | 拈花
liamhuu | flat head lake fish with no scales | 鯰魚
liamhviw | to offer incense in worship; offer incense (powder before a coffin just before burial) | 上香; 拈香
liaxmhut | repeat the name of Buddha as an expression of devotion | 念佛
limhae-tøxlo | coastal road | 臨海道路
limheeng | at parting | 臨行
limhiarm | endanger | 臨險
limhiaw | brown wood owl | 林梟; 大木鴞
limhngg | wooded land; a park of trees and vegetation | 林園
lixmhøo | any | 任何
ngkimhøo | golden river | 黃金河
o'armhiin | dizzy, faint | 烏暗暈
oarmhiin | dizzy, faint | 烏暗眩
otimhviw | ebony (tree) | 黑檀香
pafnkoaan chimhai | infringement of copyright; literary piracy | 版權侵害
phaq armhø | give a pre-arranged signal; give a cue | 打暗號
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
phvaysimheng | evil spirits | 歹心行
put'hamhoo | really good, not ordinary, unambiguous, unequivocal, explicit | 無含糊; 不含糊
pvoarlamhaa | hung up unfinished (an affair); before one is through with one's work; do (a thing) by halves | 半罩圍; 半途 (做事)
pøfhiafmhuix | premium on an insurance policy; insurance fees | 保險費
safmhurn | spread flour on top of ... | 糝粉; 擦粉
sailamhofng | southwest | 西南風
samhaang | lumber shop | 杉行
samhabthoo | mortar made of sand, lim, clay | 三合土
samhabthor | mortar | 三合土
samhieen | three-stringed mandolin | 三弦; 三絃
samhoafn liofngzhux | time and again; repeatedly | 三番兩次
samhof baxnsoex | three cheers | 三呼萬歲
samhunliogpheg | souls | 三魂六魄
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
samhuun | three souls of man: one ascends to heaven; one goes to earth; one stays with the corpse | 三魂
sarmhurn | to powder | 撒粉
selamhofng | southwest | 西南方
serngchimhai | sexual assault | 性侵害
siafmho | take shelter from the rain | 避雨
siafmhofng | take shelter from the wind | 避風; 閃風
siau'iaxmhurn | anti-inflammation powder | 消炎粉
sieliaxmhox | tied at right angles (with string) | 四捻耗; 綁十字綁
simhae | heart | 心海
simhea | enthusiasm or anger | 心火
simheeng | heart shape | 心形
simhefng | mind | 心胸
simheng | intentions | 居心; 心行; 心性
simhexng | interest, desire | 心興; 慾望
simhied laitiaau | hit upon a sudden idea; have a brain storm | 心血來潮
simhied | Lit. heart's blood ─ one's whole mind; all one's heart; a sudden idea or thought | 心血
simhioxng | intention; purpose | 心向; 意思
simhoaai | bosom | 心懷
simhoaan | impatience; impatient | 心煩; 心情煩躁
simhoaf buxnliuo | seek carnal pleasure (said of a male) | 尋花問柳
simhoea | enthusiasm or anger | 心火
simhoef khuy | heart blossoming ─ be brimming with joy; feel very happy | 心花開
simhoef | heart | 心花
simhoeq | (one's) energy | 心血
simhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服
simhok-khawhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服口服
simhoong | cautious | 心防
simhorng | search and visit | 尋訪
simhuiq | (one's) energy | 心血
simhy | afraid of being found out | 心虛
simhøea | enthusiasm or anger | 心火
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
somlimhak | forestry | 森林學
somlimhe | department of forestry (in a university) | 森林系
somlimhoad | forestry law | 森林法
symhek | examine and consider | 審核
symhoan | trial | 審犯
symhut | examine and consider | 審核
tafmhaan | fearful, anxious, worried | 膽寒
tamhu | responsible | 擔負
tamhuxtiøh | bear | 擔負著
tanglamhofng | southeast wind | 東南風
taxmhae | fresh sea | 淡海
taxmhoax | desalition; to play down | 淡化
thamhoef | canna (flower) | 塘花; 曇花
thamhuo | corruption | 貪腐
tharmhiafmkaf | explorer; adventurer | 探險家
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharmhiarm | to undertake an exploratory trip; exploration; explore; set out on an adventure+E26673 | 探險
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
tharmhoef | detective | 探花
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
thiamhog | add luck | 添福
thiamhoksiu | lunar leap month’s gift from married daughter | 添福壽
thiamhux | append (to a document) | 添副; 記入; 填上
thiamhøo | to fill up a stream | 添河
thiaxmhae | to fill up the sea | 填海
thongsimhurn | macaroni | 通心粉
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
tiafmhiet | acupuncture | 點穴
tiafmhix | select from a list the performances one desires to see | 點戲
tiafmhviw | light a stick of incense | 燒香; 點香
tiafmhøea | light a fire | 點火; 點火(燈)
tiafmhøex | count the number of articles; take an inventory | 點貨
tiarmho | store; shop | 店戶; 商店
tiarmhø | the name of a business establishment | 店號
tiaxmhofng | no wind; a calm | 風靜
tiaxmhux | pay cash for someone | 墊付
tiefnlafmhoe | exhibition; exposition; a fair | 展覽會
timhii loggan | beautiful woman; dazzling beauty that makes fish sink and geese settle; graceful; elegant | 沉魚落雁
timhuu | mallard, wild duck | 鳧; 野鴨
timhviw | lign aloes; garrow wood | 沉香
tionglamhae | Central South America Sea | 中南海
tngr lamhofng | change to a south wind | 轉南風
utkimhiofng | tulips | 鬱金香
ymhied | swallow the blood | 飲血
ymhun | grievance | 飲恨
zafmhek | ingathering; crop | 斬獲
zengtiafmhuix | remuneration for teaching paid by the hour | 鐘點費
zhaaftiarmhang | old ally | 柴仔店巷
zhafmheeng | atrocity, dreadful deed | 慘行; 暴行
zhamhap | mix; blend with other materials | 攙合
zhamhiw | ginseng | 參香
zhamhoe | participate in a meeting, attend a meeting | 參會; 參加開會
zhamhorng | visit | 參訪
zhamhør | mix well | 摻好
zhaohiamhiafm | pungent urine odor | 臭薟薟
zharmhoea | repent of sin; repentance | 懺悔
zharmhoealiok | confessions | 懺悔錄
zharmhoefkhix | repent | 懺悔偈
zharmhoex zuxsyn | repent and turn over a new leaf | 懺悔自新
zharmhoex | repent of one's sin | 懺悔
zharmhøea | repent of sin, repentance | 懺悔
zhaux-simhefng | wicked, vile, with evil intention | 臭心胸
zoaan-imhuo | whole note | 全音符
zøx samhiexn | celebrate Taoist rites of thanksgiving in order to obtain good fortune or avert calamity (A larger version is called cho-chio.) | 做三獻; (普渡)
zøxtamhoe | discussion, a symposium, panel discussion | 座談會

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