"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: mih

Siogmih bøo høfhøex | Cheap articles are no good Penny wise and pound foolish | 價賤無好貨。
ang'afmih | toys | 尪仔物
ang'ar-mih | toys | 尪仔物; 玩具
bauh siogmih | buy things cheap by lot | 貿俗物; 大買便宜貨
baxnmih | all things on earth; the whole creation | 萬物
be siauhoax ee mih | indigestible things | 袂消化的物
bofmih laang | Mr. So-and-so | 某某人
bofmih | certain things | 某物
bofmih'laang | Mr. so-and-so | 某個人; 某物人
bofmihlaang | so-and-so; what-you-call-him (often said when for some reason if it is undesirable to mention his name) | 某物人; 某某人
bølun symmih laang | no matter who; whoever | 無論甚麼人
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bølun symmih | no matter what; whatever | 無論甚麼
bøo sviafmih | not any; not too; nothing; it doesn't matter; never mind | 沒什麼; 無什麼
bøo symmih | nothing | 無什麼
bøo-symmih | nothing particular, not particularly, not very | 沒什麼
bøzhae mih | waste of money (thing; etc.) | 無彩物; 浪費物
chitthømih | toy, plaything | 拭桃物; 𨑨迌物; 玩具
chitthømih'ar | toys | 𨑨迌物仔
ciaqmih | food; vivers; scran | 吃物; 食物; 吃的東西
cinmih | real object | 真物
ciøqmihia | asbestos tiles; chrysotile | 石綿瓦
cviamih | to become a decent person; be something | 成器; 成物; 像樣
cviarmih | real staff | 真物
engmih | idle object; things not in use | 閒物
gyn'ar-mih | toys | 囡仔物; 玩具
hafnmih | rare thing | 罕物
haixmih | bad thing | 害物
hiexnmih | goods on hand | 現物
hiharn-mih | (n) curio | 稀罕物; 珍品
hoeamih | rubbish | 廢物
høeamih | goods, chattels, merchandise | 貨物
høfciaqmih | eatables | 好吃物; 食物
høfmih | good things; something good | 好物
hømihkhor | there is no earthly reason to; why bother | 何麼苦
iuoliabmih | small particle | 幼粒物; 細軟
kefmih | fake stuff | 假物
koaemih | freak, monster, demon, ghost, specter | 怪物
korngmih | goods offered in tribute | 貢品; 貢物
korthea-ciaqmih | solid food | 固體食物
lahsapmih'ar | garbage | 垃圾物仔
lansafn-mih | small item | 零星物
lasammih | garbage | 垃儳物
lefmih | gift | 禮物
mih | thing; article; object | 物; 東西
mih'ar | stuff | 物仔
mihiuu | cotton padded coat or jacket; cotton-padded; quilted jacket | 棉裘; 棉襖
mihoef | raw cotton | 棉花
mihoef-thngg | candy floss | 棉花糖
mihoezu | cotton sponge | 棉花墊; 棉花苴
mihsae | Why? What is the reason of ~? | 何事; 何必; 為什麼
mihtai | what matter; what thing | 何事
mxcviamih | not very good; does not come to much; something inferior | 毋成物
mxsi-mih | useless person | 毋是物; 不成器之人
mxsixmih | bad (men; things) | 毋是物; 無像話
oaqmih | living creature | 活物; 生物
padmih | other thing | 別物
phoarmih | broken object | 破物
phof-mihiuu | comfort | 舖綿裘
phomihiuu | padded jacket; quilted coat | 鋪棉襖
phvaixmih | carrying stuff | 背物
phvaymih | bad egg; scoundrel; bastard | 歹物; 妖物; 壞東西; 壞蛋
phvaymih'ar | bad stuff | 歹物仔
piexnmih | feces | 便物
piin symmih | on what basis; why; on what grounds? | 憑甚麼
pofmih | nourishing food | 補物; 補品
pøfmih | precious, valuable thing | 寶物
sarngmih | gift | 送物; 送禮物
saxng-lefmih | give a gift | 送禮物
serngmih | holy thing | 聖物
siogmih | cheap article | 俗物; 便宜的東西
svafmih laang | Who? | 什麼人; 誰
svafmih | What? | 什麼; 什麼東西?
svafmihhoex | what is it? | 啥物貨
svafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmih | What? What thing? | 什麼
sviafmih'aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmih`aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmihhex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨
sviafmihhoex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨
sviafmihhoex`aq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨啊
sviafmihkhoarn | what do you think? | 啥物款
sviafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
symmih cie | What? | 甚麼子
symmih khoarn | What kind? What sort? | 甚麼樣
symmih sii | At what time? When? | 什麼時; 何時
symmih sofzai | Where? | 甚麼所在
symmih taixcix | What's the matter? | 甚麼事
symmih voafkøf | What kind of stuff... (always used with sim-mih; unpolite way to ask the stuffsl) | 什麼碗糕; 什麼玩意
symmih | What; Which; what kind of; no matter what | 什麼
thitthømih | toys | 拭桃物
thitthøo-mih | plaything | 𨑨迌物
tiexntoxngmih'ar | electric objects | 電動物仔
titthøo-mih | plaything, toy | 拭桃物
togmih | poison stuff | 毒物
tvoaa-mihoef | to bow cotton | 彈棉花
ui symmih | What for? Why? | 為什麼
ui-symmih | why? For what reason? | 為什麼
uixsviafmih | why? For what? | 為啥物
zabmih | miscellaneous articles | 雜物
zeamih | food for worship | 祭物
zharngmih | hide something | 藏物
zhosiogmih | common; cheap; inferior articles | 粗俗物; (便宜)的東西
zhosiogmih'ar | vulgar goods | 粗俗物仔
zhuieciaqmih | food | 喙食物
zhuieciaqmih'ar | food | 喙食物仔

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