"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Amosu | Amos | 亞摩士
Esukimo | an Eskimo, an esquimau | 愛斯基摩
Sekkia'monihut | Shakyamuni; founder of Buddhism | 釋迦牟尼佛
Siøfmoar | a season of the year according to the Farmers Calendar from the end of March to the beginning April; the eighth period of the year's solar periods which falls about May1 or2 in the modern calendar) | 小滿; (四節氣之一, 約在舊曆三月末至四月初)
Tadmoo Zofsw | a fictional character | 達磨祖師
Tekkog moa'ar | rubella; German measles | 德國麻仔; 麻疹
Themothaix Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Protestant) | 提摩太前後書
afmmoear | congee | 泔糜仔
afmmoee | rice porridge; rice gruel | 薄粥; 泔糜; 稀飯
ammoaa | conceal | 掩瞞
amoaa | flax | 亞麻
angmof | red hair | 紅毛
angmohoafn | Westerners especially the Dutch in old Taiwan; red-haired barbarians | 紅毛蕃
angmothoo | cement; cement | 紅毛土; 水泥
angtauxmoee | red bean congee | 紅豆粥
anmonia | ammonium | 安摩尼亞
armtiofng mosøq | grope in the dark | 暗中摸索
arnmoo | massage | 按摩
arnmoo-sut | massage | 按摩術
arnmosut | massage | 按摩術
arnmosw | masseur; masseuse | 按摩師
axmmoe'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 𧌄梅仔
bagciumof | eyelashes | 目睭毛; 眼睫毛
bagciumoo | eyelashes | 目睭毛; 眼睫毛
bagciw-mof | eye-lash | 目睭毛; 睫毛
banmoaa | cover with sack-cloth 'as shoes in mourning' | 披麻
baxngmoh | retina of the eye | 網膜; (眼睛)
bengmoee zerngzhuo | formal wedding or marriage | 明媒正娶
bixmoar | not full; not expire; not reach to; not yet at the age of… | 未滿
bixnmof | facial hair | 面毛
bixnmoh | face | 面膜
bogmoa'ngg | casuarina | 木麻黃
bogmoaa | coniferous hardwood tree | 木麻
bogmoahoong | beefwood | 木麻黃; 番麻黃
bykøf-moee | sweet rice gruel with nuts and dates | 米糕粥; 臘八粥
bykømoee | glutinous rice porridge | 米糕糜
bymoar | harmonious and beautiful | 美滿
chiammoo | cilia | 纖毛
chiemothaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛蟲; 毛毛蟲
chietzhøf-tokmoo | to learn from each other by an exchange of views | 切蹉琢磨
chiongmoar | swarm with; fill with; full; abundant; replete; abundance; overflowing; to fill | 充滿
chirnmoee | Cold porridge; overnight gruel | 凊粥; 冷稀飯
chirnmoq | urticaria | 蕁膜; 蕁麻疹
chitcymoe | seven sisters | 七姐妹
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chyn cymoe | sisters born of the same parents | 親姐妹
ciaqmoee | eat porridge | 食糜
ciefnthaumof | get a haircut | 剪頭毛; 理髮
cimoaa | sesame | 芝麻
citmoar | now | 現在
cvimoaa | eel with special skin full of small cricles | 錢鰻
cviumoh | serous membrane | 樟膜; 漿膜
cymoai | sister | 姊妹
cymoe | sister | 姊妹
cymoeafphvoa | female close friends | 姊妹仔伴
cymoexchi | sister cities | 姊妹市
cymoexhoef | famous sisters due to their beauty; beautiful sisters | 姊妹花
cymoexphiefn | twin literary products usually by the same author that run in the same vein | 姊妹篇
engmoar | to be filled; to be full | 盈滿
gixmoe | sworn younger sister | 義妹
gumoe | (formal self reference) your stupid younger sister | 愚妹
gømof | goose feathers | 鵝毛
hancimoee | rice and sweet potatoes boiled to congee | 甘薯粥; 地瓜粥
hangmoo | to subjugate evil spirits | 降魔
hanmoo | fine hair on human skin | 寒毛
haxnmoar | reach the limit | 限滿; 滿期
haymoaa | sea eel; sea univalve | 海鰻
haysafnmoee | seafood congee | 海產糜
hengkehmoh | diaphragm | 胸膈膜; 橫隔膜
hengmoh-iam | pleurisy | 胸膜炎
hiemoh | pleura | 肺膜
hiemoh-iam | pleurisy | 肺膜炎
hiemoqiam | pulmonary; pneumonia | 肺膜炎
hoan'afmoaf | cloak | 番仔幔
hoatmof | grow hair or feathers (refers to animals) | 長毛
hofmoaa | pike eel | 虎鰻; 灰海鰻
hogmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hongmoaf | cloak | 風幔
hongmoh | iris of the eye | 風膜; 虹膜
hongmoo | wild goose's feather or down; very light matter (swan's down) | 鴻毛
hoxmoaf | raincoat; rainwear; raincoat | 雨披; 雨幔; 雨衣; 雨外套
huimothuie | fast runner | 飛毛腿
hviamoe | elder brother and younger sister; man and his young sister | 兄妹
hviatixcymoe | my dear friends | 兄弟姊妹
hviukobahmoee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hwmof | to stroke, to pat | 撫摸
høfsu tøf moo | road to happiness is strewn with setbacks | 好事多磨
iaumoo | demon; bogy; evil spirit | 妖魔
iaumoo-kuykoaix | evil spirits of all kinds | 妖魔鬼怪
immoo | pubic hair | 陰毛
ipiao-cymoe | female maternal cousins | 姨表姊妹
isit kakmoh | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
itmoo | a penny | 一毛
itmoo-putpoat | too stingy (to pull out a hair) | 一毛無拔
iumoaa | sesame | 油麻
iuomoaa | fine linen | 細麻; 細麻布; 幼
jiafmtiøh kafmmo | caught a bad cold | 染著感冒; 感染感冒
jiamoaa | to hide the truth; to conceal | 遮瞞; 隱瞞
jiongmoo | fine down; floss | 絨毛
jixmmoar | end of one's tenure | 任滿
jixmoe | second younger sister | 二妹
kae mopve | correct a fault | 改毛病
kaemoh | tectorial membrane | 蓋膜
kafmmo | catch cold; cold | 感冒; 感冒症
kafmo sviemiaa | falsely use another's name | 假冒姓名
kafmo | counterfeit; assume the identity of somebody else | 假冒
kafmoxzoe | forgery | 假冒罪
kakmoh | cornea | 角膜
kakmoh-isit | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kakmoqiam | inflammation of the cornea | 角膜炎
katmoaa | with hemp- Taiwanese funeral ceremony | 結麻; 帶麻
kawmof | dog's hair | 狗毛
kehmoh | diaphragm; estrangement | 隔膜; 膈膜; 隔閡
kehmoqiam | diaphragmatitis; inflammation of the diaphragm | 隔膜炎
kemof | chicken feathers | 雞毛
kemoo | chicken feathers | 雞毛
kemozherng | feather duster | 雞毛撢
kengmoaf | cape, veil, benediction veil | 經披; 披肩; 祝福語
khamof | leg hair | 腳毛
kheacymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 契姐妹; 結拜姐妹
kheamoe | adopted sister | 契妹; 乾妹妹
kheasiøfmoe | adopted sister | 契小妹
khehmoar | be full up (with passengers; spectators). Full house | 客滿
khemoaa | fresh-water eel | 溪鰻; 淡水鰻
khengmoh | iris of eyes | 傾膜
khexngmoaa | sisal hemp | 瓊麻
khexngmoh | iris of eyes | 虹膜
khimoaa | deceive | 欺瞞
khimofciq | emotion; mood | 情緒; 奇檬子; 心情; 源自日語きもち(kimochi); 日語漢字為「氣持ち」
khiumoo | curly hair | 捲毛; 捲髮
khoaetøf zarm loaxnmoaa | straighten up a complicated or messy situation by taking drastic steps with dispatch; cut the Gordian Knot (Lit. chop a bunch of tangled hemp with a sharp knife) | 快刀斬亂麻
khofmo'ar | fine hair on human body | 苦毛仔; 乳毛; 汗毛
khofmoaa | screw tree | 苦麻
khumoo | exercise; drive out evil spirits | 驅魔
khychirnmoh | urticaria | 起凊瘼
khymof bae | unhappy | 起毛䆀
khymof giafng | happy; enjoy | 起毛婸
khymof | emotion; frame; state of mind; mood (transliteration of the Japanese word; kimo) | 起毛; 心境,; 情緒; 心情; 心境
khøfmoee | thick rice gruel | 濃粥
khøfthaumoee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
kiammoaai | a salted soft rice porridge | 鹹糜; 鹹粥; 鹹稀飯
kiammoai'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiammoe'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiammoee | a salted soft rice; congee flavored with pork; vegetables | 鹹粥; 鹹糜; 肉粥; 鹹稀飯
kietmoh | conjunctiva | 結膜
kietmoqiam | conjunctivitis | 結膜炎
kietpaix-cymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 結拜姐妹
kii moar | at the expiration of the period; term expired | 滿期; 期滿
kimoar | term or period has expired | 期滿
kiwgiuu-itmoo | drop in the ocean | 九牛一毛
koanmoo | to emulate the good points of others; to compare notes; see the good in another and strive to emulate it | 觀摩
koanmoo-hoe | invited meeting of observation | 觀摩會
kofmoh | ear-drum, tympanic membrane | 鼓膜
komof | having no brother; sister or son | 孤毛; 無親無戚
komof-zeqzerng | having no relatives and children (a curse) | 絕子絕孫
komoo | loner | 孤毛
kopiao-cymoe | paternal female cousins; a-ko's daughters | 姑表姊妹
kumof | evasive; secretive | 古毛; 無乾脆
kunmoee | cook rice gruel | 煮糜
kutmoh | thin membrane of bone; periosteum; part of the bone that generates new bone | 骨膜
kutmoqiam | periostitis; inflammation of the periosteum | 骨膜炎
ladcie-moh | chestnut shells | 栗子膜
lahmoe | fashionable girls | 辣妹
lakmof | shed hair; lose hair from the head; falling hair | 落毛; 脫毛
lauxmopve | old ailment | 老毛病
laxnmoa | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself | 跋扈; 驕傲
laxnmof | male pubic hair | 屌毛
legmoh | pleura (physiology) | 肋膜
legmoqiam | pleurisy | 肋膜炎
legtauxmoee | congee or rice porridge cooked with lentils | 綠豆粥
lemorng | lemon | 檸檬
liammoh | mucous membrane | 黏膜; 粘膜
liammoqar | mucous membrane | 黏膜仔
liuheeng-sexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhengsexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
loafnkud-moh | perichondrium | 軟骨膜
loah thaumof | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 捋頭毛; 梳頭
loaxnmoo | snarled hemp; skein | 亂麻
loexmoh | mucous membrane, inner lining | 內膜
logko'afmoaai | muddy | 漉糊仔糜
logko'afmoee | muddy | 漉溝仔糜
logkomoaai | muddy | 漉糊糜
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoee | muddy | 漉糊糜
logtømoo | camel's hair | 駱駝毛
lomoaa | rascal; roughneck; type of big freshwater eel; conger eel; vagabond; roughneck | 流氓; 鱸鰻
lomoaa-hii | common wax-plant | 流氓魚; 櫻蘭
lomoaa-torng | ruffians as a group | 流氓黨
lomoagyn'ar | gangster | 鱸鰻囡仔
lomoapøo | female gangster | 鱸鰻婆
lomoasap'ar | juvenile delinquent | 小流氓仔
lomoathaau | ringleader of a bond of evildoers | 流氓頭; 老大
lomoatorng | gang of rascals | 流氓黨
loxko'afmoee | muddy | 路溝仔糜
loxkomoaai | muddy | 路糊糜
loxkomoee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
lutmoh | take off the thin film (of a peanut) | 脫膜
lømoaa | conger eel; type of big fresh water eel, rascal, hoodlum | 鱸鰻; 糯鰻
mo hong'uo | face wind and rain | 冒風雨
mo kørkae | sacrilegious confession (Catholic) | 冒告解
mo niar Serngsu | receive a Sacrament sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖事
mo niar Serngthea | receive communion sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖體
mo | emit; give off; go on rashly; rush on recklessly; to risk; to feign; to counterfeit | 冒
mo'oong | king of the demons; prince of the devils; tyrant | 魔王
moa | Brassica campestris; ; creeper; to spread | 蔓
moa'afzay | eel babies for eel farming | 鰻仔栽
moa'ar | measles | 痲仔
moa'hok | clothing made of sackcloth (used in mourning; cf moa5-san) | 麻服; 喪服
moa'iuu | sesame oil | 麻油
moa'y | hemp cloth- typically used in funeral | 麻衣
moaa laang ee bak | deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞人的眼
moaa | deceive; cheat; fool; hemp; eel; sesame; hemp; sisal; numb; torpid; inactive; drugged | 瞞; 鰻; 白鰻; 麻
moaafkyn | linen towel | 麻仔巾
moaafzay | eel fry | 鰻仔栽
moaai | porridge; rice congee; rice gruel | 糜; 稀飯
moabak | throw dust in the eyes of; deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞目
moabylao | Taiwanese desert typically coated with sugar | 麻米粩
moachiog | sparrow; mahjong | 麻雀; 麻將
moachiokjyar | sparrow | 麻雀子仔
moachioklyar | a type of majon | 麻雀子仔
moacii | Japanese soft rice cake; rice cake (made from glutinous rice) | 麻薯; 麻糍; 米麻薯
moacirn | measles; morbilli; measles hives | 麻疹
moaf | throw a garment over the shoulders; wear a sleeveless garment; put on or wear thrown over the shoulders (an article of dress that has no sleeves) wear without putting the arms into the sleeves; lay one's arms on another's back or over his shoulders | 披; 幔; 勾肩; 披上; 披肩
moaf`khylaai | put on or wear thrown over the shoulders | 批起來
moafbin zhunhofng | the whole face beaming with pleasure; looking happy and cheerful | 滿面春風
moafbin | whole face; all over the face | 滿面
moafbixnphoee | full of skin | 滿面皮
moafciog | satisfied; contented | 滿足
moafgeh | newborn who is one year’s old | 滿月
moafgiah | have reached the fixed amount or quota | 滿額
moafgoan | fulfill the wish | 滿願
moafgoeh | month after childbirth | 彌月; 滿月
moafgoeqciuo | wine for celebrating one month old baby | 滿月酒
moafgøeh | completion of the first month after birth of a child | 彌月; 滿月
moafgøeh-ciuo | rice wine for celebrating one month old infant | 滿月酒
moafhwn | perfect score; full marks | 滿分
moafieto | satisfaction | 滿意度
moafix | to be satisfied; to be pleased; satisfied; pleased | 滿意
moafix`aq | satisfaction | 滿意矣
moafjim | complete a term; complete one's full term of office | 滿任
moafkhao | mouthful | 滿口
moafkii | at the expiration of the period; term expired | 滿期; 期滿
moafkvii | fullness nead the edge of a bowl; brimful; be filled up | 滿漧; 滿出來; 盈滿 (滿到邊緣)
moafluie | baseball with runners on 3 bases | 滿壘
moafmoafmoar | very full | 滿滿滿
moafmoafsi | everywhere in great abundance | 滿滿是; 到處都是
moafmoar | fullness; full of; full to the brim; brimful | 滿滿; 滿滿的
moafpag buncviw | very learned; erudite | 滿腹文章
moafpag | bellyfull; wholehearted | 滿腹; (一肚子)
moafpvoaa | whole dish | 滿盤
moafsiekex | everywhere | 滿四界; 到處
moafsiekoex | everywhere | 滿四界
moafsiesvoaf | whole mountain | 滿四山
moafsviaa | whole city | 滿城
moafsviahong'uo | imply bad news spread fast | 滿城風雨
moafsvoa'aang | reddish mountain | 滿山紅
moafsvoaf | whole mountain; full mountain | 滿山
moafsvoaphiern'iar | mountains and plains | 滿山遍野
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
moafsym hvoahie | filled with joy | 滿心喜樂
moafsym | have one's heart filled with something; wholeheartedly | 滿心
moafsyn | with full intention; the whole body | 滿身
moaftao | full peck | 滿斗
moafte | all-over; all over the ground | 滿地
moafthvi'e | all under heaven | 滿天下
moafthvia'aang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant; joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moafthvizhvef | gypsophila | 滿天星
moafthvy | all-over the sky | 滿天
moaftviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
moaftøe | the whole area | 滿地
moafzaix | fully laden | 滿載
moafzhuix | mouthful; constantly asserting | 滿嘴
moafzø | full (no seats left) | 滿座
moahii | pike-eel; eel | 鰻魚; 灰海鰻
moahofng | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋
moahok | hemp mourning garment | 麻服; 孝服
moahong'vi | leper asylum; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 痲瘋院
moai'afpviar | plum cake | 梅仔餅
moai'ar | plum | 梅仔
moailaang | matchmaker | 媒麻; 媒人
moaiuciuo | sesame oil wine | 麻油酒
moaiukef | sesame oil chicken | 麻油雞
moaiuu | sesame oil | 麻油
moajiaf | cover with a canopy | 披遮; 蓋上雨遮
moajiin | sesame seed | 麻仁
moajioong | hemp | 麻絨
moakhaxm | to hide; to conceal | 瞞勘; 隱瞞; 隱藏
moakin'ar | small eels; hoodlum | 鰻巾仔; 小流氓
moakyn | cape; shawl | 披肩
moakør | dried peeled hemp stalks | 麻莖; 麻桿
moalao | brittle confection made of sesame | 麻荖; 麻花捲
moaliaam | stinging catfish | 刺鯰魚; 鰻鯰
moalo | brown night heron | 棕色夜鷺; 麻鷺
moalop'ar | hemp bag | 麻橐仔
moanii | next year | 明年
moape-phiernbør | deceive parents | 欺騙父母
moaphear | little blanket wrapping up baby for carrying | 幔被仔
moaphiexn | deceive; cheat; fool; deceive; lie; hide the truth | 欺騙; 瞞騙; 騙
moaphoe'ar | eel skin | 鰻皮仔
moaphoear | little blanket wrapping up baby for carrying | 幔被仔
moaphviaf | rainwear made of straw (rush) | 披背; 田間工作之防雨具
moaphøee | eel skin | 鰻皮
moapng | eel rice | 鰻飯
moapox | hessian; flax; burlap; sackcloth; hemp fabrics; linen | 麻布
moapøtauxhu | sesame toufh dish | 麻婆豆腐
moar | fully satisfied; the whole of; complete | 滿
moar-seakaix | whole world | 滿世界; (全世界)
moar-sengkhw | whole body | 滿身軀
moar-siekøex | can be found everywhere; (n) everywhere | 滿四界; 比比皆是; 四處都是
moar`zhutlaai | overflow | 滿出來
moasat'hii | milk fish | 麻虱魚; 虱目魚
moasatbag'ar | milk fish | 麻虱目仔
moasatbak | milk fish | 麻虱目
moasef | cambric | 麻紗
moasioxngkhiha | deceive | 瞞上欺下
moasof | sesame cake | 麻酥
moasvaf | clothing in mourning; mourning garments worn by the bereaved relatives at the time of a death and burial in the family | 麻衫; ?衫; 披衣; 孝服; 麻衣
moasvelangbak | practice deception | 騙人耳目
moasvoax | flaxen thread; linen thread; twine | 麻線
moasy | plant fiber | 麻絲
moasøq | hemptwist; rope made of hemp | 麻索; 麻繩
moate | jute-bag (to contain rice etc); gunny sack | 麻袋; 布袋
moateaflai | inside sack | 麻袋仔內
moateg | big-bamboo; type of bamboo with large leaves and long joints | 麻竹
moateg-surn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
moatek'hiøqar | bamboo leaves | 麻竹葉仔
moateksurn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
moathvy | deceive the whole world | 瞞天
moathvy-køeahae | practice deception | 瞞天過海
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
moatøe | gunnysack; sack; jute bag; gunny-bag | 麻袋
moaxhiøh | owl | 鴟鴞
moazexng | measles | 痲症; 痲疹
mobiet | deface; defacement; wear out; obliterate | 磨滅
mobok | insensitive, numb | 麻木
mociarng | clutches of the devil | 魔掌
mocid | wool cloth; wool fabric; wool weave(knit) | 毛織; 毛質
mociefn | coarse woven cloth | 毛煎; 毛氈
mociorng | clutches of the devil | 魔掌
mocitphirn | woolen textiles; woolen goods; woolen fabrics | 毛織品
moe | younger sister | 妹
moe'ar | plum | 梅仔; 酸梅
moe'iefn | soot; lampblack | 煤煙
moe'iuloo | kerosene stove | 煤油爐
moe'iuu | kerosene | 煤油
moea | each | 每
moeafciuo | plum wine | 梅仔酒
moeafpviar | plum cookies | 梅仔餅
moeafthngf | plum soup | 梅仔湯
moear | plum | 梅仔
moee | go-between | 媒; 煤; 糜; 稀飯
moefcidee | everybody | 每一個; 每一个
moefciw | every week, weekly | 每週
moefee | each, every | 每個
moefgøeh | every month | 每月
moefjit | every day | 每日
moeflaang | everybody | 每人
moeflefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
moefnii | every year | 每年
moefpae | each time; every time | 每擺; 每次
moefpiexn | every occasion | 每遍
moefsofzai | every place | 每所在
moeftiafmzefng | every hour | 每點鐘
moefui | every place, every person | 每位
moehoef | plum blossom | 梅花
moekaix | mediation, medium | 媒解; 媒介
moekhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
moekhix | coal gas | 煤氣
moekhoxng | coal-mine; colliery; mine shaft | 煤礦
moekhvy | coal-pit | 煤坑
moekiuu | briquette, a coal ball | 煤球
moekuiehoef | rose (flower) | 玫瑰花
moekuix | rose | 玫瑰; 玫瑰(花)
moelaang | marriage broker; matchmaker; go-between | 媒人
moelangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
moelanglea | matchmaker gifts | 媒人禮
moelangpøar | atchmaker | 媒人婆仔
moelangpøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒人婆
moelangzhuix holuieluix | marriage brokers are a mealy-mouthed lot | 媒婆的話; 多誇張
moelangzhuix | good talker like matchmaker | 媒人喙
moemoee | gluey | 糜糜
moepng | cooked rice | 媒飯; 糜飯; 飯和稀飯
moepøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒婆
moesox | enzyme | 媒素; 酶素; 酵素
moethvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
moetieen | coal-field | 煤層; 煤田
moetok | syphilis | 梅毒
moexhw | younger sister's husband | 妹夫
moexmoe | younger sister | 妹妹
moexsaix | a brother-in-law (husband of a younger sister); younger sister's husband | 妹婿; 妹夫
moezaan | a coal-seam | 煤層
moezaf | coal cinders | 煤楂; 煤渣
moezhaan | coal field | 煤田
moezhngg | coal-bed | 煤床
mof | hair; fur; feather; down; ten cents; dime | 毛; 摸
mof`khix | steal | 摸去; 偷走
mofmylaang | someone | 某乜人
moh | cuticle; membrane; film; septum; inner skin; leaf; any thin membrane in plants; animals; film on peas; nuts | 膜
mohe | fresh-water crab | 毛蟹; 螃蟹
mohkhix | deflates (balloon); haggard; pinched and weak | 癟瘦; 消瘦
mohmohmoq | dead flat | 癟癟癟
mohmoq | very flat; haggard; gaunt; emaciated | 癟癟
mohoad | enchantment; magic; wizardry; sorcery; witchcraft | 魔法
mohoat'sw | magician | 魔法師
mohoatpaan | magic jar | 魔法瓶
mohoatpviar | magic cooky | 魔法餅
mohoatsw | magician | 魔法師
mohphvi | flat nose; low nasal bridge | 癟鼻
mohpiahkuie | eavesdropper | 貼牆鬼; 竊聽者
mohtiaau | hold on | 抱住
mohtiautiaau | clinging and hindering; cling together | 摟牢牢; 抱緊
mohuy | morphine; goldbrick | 嗎啡; 開溜; 偷懶
mohvo'ar | an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔鬼仔
mohvof | a Taiwanese pastry | 毛呼
mohøe | small fresh- or brackish-water crab; mitten crab | 毛蟹; 螃蟹
mojiao | tentacles or claws of the evil one | 魔爪
mokhaf | hairline on a human head | 髮際
mokhi'ar | a small crab | 毛蜞仔
mokhii | leech | 水蛭
mokngfkhafng | pores | 毛管孔; 氣孔
mokngr | pores | 毛管; (孔)
mokoarn hiexnsiong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon | 毛管現象; (作用)
mokof | mushroom; white mushroom | 蘑菇
mokud-sofngjieen | absolutely terrified | 毛骨悚然
mokuie | devil; demon; monster; fiend | 魔鬼
mokuyoong | devil; Satan; the prince of evil | 魔鬼王
mokuytorng | devil party | 魔鬼黨
mokyn | towel | 毛巾
molek | magic power; wizardly ability | 魔力
moli | approximate interest; gross earning | 毛利
moliau | material; woolen material | 毛料; 毛織品; 料子
molien | chasten; intensive training; discipline; steel oneself; endurance; discipline | 磨練
molixlut | gross profit margin | 毛利率
moluhine | morphine, morphia | 嗎
momoo | hairy | 毛毛
moo | grow hair or feathers (refers to animals) | 毛
mopaix | worship | 膜拜
mopid | writing brush | 毛筆
mopit'oe | drawings done with a writing brush | 毛筆畫
mopitji | calligraphy | 毛筆字
mopve | defect; fault; trouble | 毛病
mopvi | defect; fault; disease | 毛病
moq | press(cling) close to; nestle up against; hold a thing in the arms (under one's arm; cling to; fling one's arms around something | 摟; 癟; 抱; 貼近
moq`khix | to become hollow or sunk down | 癟去; 壓平
moq`løqkhix | to become hollow or sunk down | 腫消平; 癟掉口
moqzoar | film paper | 膜紙
mor | a particle used in the phrase | 麼
mortaq | motor | 馬達
moseakngr | a capillary | 毛細管
mosexng | evil spirit | 魔性
mosiin | devil; monster | 怪物; 妖魔; 鬼神
mosin'ar | specter; apparition; ghost; an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔神仔
mosudchiøq | magic ruler | 魔術尺
mosudkaf | magician | 魔術家
mosudsw | magician | 魔術師
mosurn | wear away | 磨損
mosut | magic; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry | 魔術
mosøeakngr | capillaries | 毛細管
mosøq | grope(fumble) about; feel(fumble) for; scrabble; try to find out | 摸索
motang | gross weight (as opposed to net) | 毛重; 總重量
motefng | modern; fashionable | 摩登
mothaang | caterpillar; a wooly bear; hairy caterpillar | 毛蟲
mothaau | evil head | 魔頭
motharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
mothiefn | cloud-kissing; sky scraping | 摩天
mothienlaau | skyscraper | 摩天樓
motng'iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
motngg | cecum | 盲腸
moxbeeng | to assume the name of | 冒名
moxchiofng | imitating; imitation; to assume the identity of; to pretend; pretend to be; assume | 冒充
moxcixn | adventurous advance | 冒進
moxhiafmkaf | adventurer | 冒險家
moxhiarm ee zengsiin | spirit of adventure | 冒險的精神
moxhiarm | risk; venture; hazard; adventure; jeopardy; take a chance; take risks | 冒險
moxhoan | offend; affront; offend (a superior; elder; gods): to insult | 冒犯
moxhorng | imitate | 冒倣; 模仿
moxhø | colon | 冒號
moxiefn | give forth smoke | 冒煙
moxjim | lay a false claim to | 冒認
moxjin | impersonating | 冒認; 冒領
moxkøx | accuse falsely | 冒告; 誣告
moxmai | presumptuous; rash | 冒昧
moxmiaa | forge a name; use a false name | 冒名
moxmui | presumptuous, headlong, to take the liberty of | 冒昧
moxniar | made a fraudulent application and claim; get or take something by posing as someone else for whom it is intended | 冒領
moxpaai | (adj) fake; imitation; counterfeit a brand or trade mark; a fake | 冒牌
moxsid | rush | 冒失
moxsie | risk death | 冒死
moxtok | to disturb, to bring trouble to | 冒督; 冒瀆
moxuo | to walk in the rain, to brave the storm | 冒雨
moxzaux | make to the emperor a false accusation | 冒造; 誣告
moxzexng | perjury | 冒證; 偽證
moxzhefng | prentend; claim falsely; make false claim to a title | 冒稱
moxzø | to forge; to falsify; to fake up | 冒造; 偽造
moy | sweater; woolen; knitwear | 毛衣
mozhad | rub; take a rubdown; fricative; friction; trouble; friction; rubbing; chafe | 摩擦
mozhae | draw lots to determine the prize winners in a raffle or lottery | 摸彩
mozhao | talk about density of hairs | 毛皮; 毛色 (有關毛髮的美; 疏密等)
mozhatlek | friction | 磨擦力
mozhaykngx | lottery slip | 摸彩券
mozhaykoaxn | lottery slip | 摸彩券
nawmoh | meninges (the three membranes investing the brain and spinal cord) | 腦膜
nawmoh-iam | meningitis | 腦膜炎
nawmoqiam | meningitidis; meningitis; brain fever | 腦膜炎
ngmoaa | jute; a plant for rope; jute | 黃麻; (做繩索用的一種植物)
ngmoo | yellow hair | 黃毛
niauafmof | cat hair | 貓仔毛
nngfmoh | Pia master | 軟膜
noaxkomoear | muddy | 爛糊糜仔
noaxthomoaai | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthomoee | muddy | 爛塗糜
oanmoar | satisfactory | 完滿; 圓滿
oex-kaq moafsiekex | be scattered all about | 四處弄得雜亂
ohixmoaa | ell | 烏耳鰻
ohvixmoaa | dark ear eel | 烏耳鰻
okmoo | demon; fiend; evil demon | 惡魔
oksexng kafmmo | bad cold | 惡性感冒
omoa'ar | black hemp seed | 黑麻仔
omoaa | black sesame | 黑麻; 烏麻
omoaafhurn | black sesame powder | 烏麻仔粉
omoaafpafn | black sesame spot | 烏麻仔斑
omoai'afciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
omoaiuu | black sesame oil | 烏麻油
omoeafciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
omoee | black plum | 烏梅
omof | black hair | 烏毛
omofciaq | a toy, a plaything | 囝玩具
pafmoar | full (of); full-(faced); inclusive; complete; well-stacked; plump | 飽滿
pakmoh | the peritoneum | 腹膜
paumoe | sister | 胞妹
paumoh | encapsulated aberdeen | 包膜
paumoqar | encapsulated aberdeen | 包膜仔
pawmoar | full, fat | 飽滿
paxnmoh | valve of heart | 瓣膜
peqmoa'ar | white sesame | 白麻仔; 白芝麻
peqmoa'iuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
peqmoaa | sesame; Sesamum orientale; white eel | 白麻; 白鰻
peqmoaiuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
peqmoee | flowering apricot | 白梅
peqmoh | albuginea | 白膜
peqmoqar | albuginea | 白膜仔
phahmoachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
phaomoh | foam, froth | 泡沫; of; from; Mandarin?); is; (maybe; froth; reading
phaq wmokiuu | play badminton | 打羽毛球
phimoaa taehaux | wear hemp garment in mourning | 披麻帶孝
phimof | superficial opinion | 皮毛
phimoo | superficial opinion | 皮毛
phoemoo | superficial | 皮毛
phomoar | cover completely | 舖滿; 鋪滿
piao-cymoe | female first cousins of another surname; daughters of maternal uncles and aunts and of father's sisters | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piao-siøfmoe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piawcymoe | cousin | 表姊妹
piawhviamoe | cousin | 表兄妹
piawmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表妹
piawsiøfmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小妹
pienmoo | flagellum | 鞭毛
piernmoar | extend all over | 變滿; 遍滿
piexnmoelaang | be a matchmaker after bridegroom and bride decide to marry | 便媒人; 形式上的媒人
pimoa'iuu | castor oil | 蓖麻油
pimoaa | castor-oil plant | 蓖麻
pimoaa-zaang | caster oil tree | 蓖麻欉; 蓖麻叢
pimoacie | castor bean plant | 蓖麻子
poaqmoachiog | mahjong | 跋麻雀
pofmoar | make up a full amount, supplement | 補滿; 充滿
pormoar | besprinkle; bestrew; bestrid | 布滿
putmoar | discontented, displeased, unsatisfied, resentful | 無滿; 不滿
putmoo cy te | sterile (barren; waste) land | 無毛之地
putmoo | sterile; poor; unfruitful; barren | 無毛
pvexmoo | demon of ill health; curse of disease | 病魔
pvixmoo | the devil of sickness | 病魔
pvoarmoar | half-filled | 半滿
pøqmoh | thin membrane | 薄膜
saicymoe | group of women who studied under the same teacher (They refer to each other as sai-chi or sai-moe.) | 師姊妹
satjinmoo | killer | 殺人魔
sea thaumoo | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
seamoapox | fine linen | 細麻布
sia'moo | demons; devils | 邪魔
siamoo | evil spirit | 邪魔
siarmoe | my sister | 舍妹
siaumoo | to consume; consumption; while away (time) | 消耗; 消磨
siaumophirn | expendable goods | 消耗品
sidkofmof | wing feathers | 翼股毛
simloexmoh | endocardium | 心內膜
simoo | fashionable | 時模
siøfmoe | younger sister | 妹妹; 小妹
siøfmoe`ar | younger sister | 小妹仔
siøfmoe`laq | younger sister | 小妹啦
siøfmoexmoe | younger sister; little girl | 小妹妹
siømoaa | conceal | 相瞞
siømoaf | put arms around one another's shoulders or necks | 相披; 鉤肩搭背
siømoq | mutually embrace; to hug | 相抱; 擁抱
sumoe | junior (female); reference to teacher's daughter younger than oneself; oneself; younger (female) fellow student under the same master or teacher | 師妹
sunmoo | all wool; 100% wool | 純毛
svamoaa | deceive by concealment | 相瞞; 相暪
svemoo-taekag | bad people dubious; nondescript | 生毛帶角; 比喻非善類; 無三不四之人
svoa-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaf-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaf-ngmoaa | dense-flowered false nettle, India charcoal tremas | 山冀麻; 大苧麻
svoamoa'ar | dense-flowered false nettle | 山麻仔; 大苧麻
svoamoaa | fibrous plant to make rope | 山麻
svoarmoaa | a deep-sea eel | 線鰻
svoaviumoaa | arbor; tall tree | 一種喬木
sym loan jumoaa | entangled; perplexed | 心亂如麻
søemoaa | card hemp | 唆麻; 梳麻
tammoaa-cirn | google | 蕁麻疹; 風疹
tangmoee | winter plum | 冬梅
tarmoar | cover entirely | 貼偎; 遮滿
tauxmoh | thin tofu sheet | 豆膜
taxngkafmmo | bad cold | 重感冒
tefmoar | fill up | 貯滿
tekmoh | the interior skin or membrane of bamboo | 竹膜
texmoe | sister-in-law (younger brother's wife) | 弟妹; 弟媳婦
thaemoe | female juvenile delinquent; wild teenage girl; tomboy; bobby soxer; teenybopper | 太妹
thaimoo | intrafetal | 胎內
thaumoboea | back part of hair | 頭髮尾
thaumof | hair on the head of a person | 頭毛
thaumoiuu | pomade; hair oil | 頭毛油
thaumoo chix høea | to rush into evident danger; throw an egg into the electric fan (Lit. see if fire will burn my hair) | 以髮試火; 跳進火坑
thaumoo sarmsaxm | hair disheveled | 頭髮散亂
thaumotiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumozafng | hair | 頭毛鬃
thaumozhaix | edible hair-like seaweed | 頭毛菜
thauthaw momof | stealthily; surreptitiously; do something secretly | 偷偷摸摸
thiammoar | to stuff full | 添滿
thinmoar | pour until full | 斟滿
thoamoaa | wear hemp rope around one's waist at a funeral | 纏麻; 穿麻衣
thoatmoh | decidua, drop off of skin | 脫膜
thokaumoee | muddy | 塗溝糜
thokomoear | muddy | 塗糊糜仔
thomoaai | muddy | 塗糜
thomoear | muddy | 塗糜仔
thomoee | mud | 泥漿; 塗糜
thotauxmoh | the thin film of bran on a peanut kernel | 花生膜
thuxnmoar | fill completely | 儲滿; 填滿
tien thaumof | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭毛; 燙頭髮
tiexnthaumotiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiorngmoar | overflow (water) | 漲滿
tirnmoar | be crowded, be overflowing | 擋滿; 佔滿
titw-moh | arachinoid | 蜘蛛膜
tiøqchirnmoh | hive | 著凊瘼
toaxmoa'iefn | marijuana | 大麻煙
toaxmoaa | hemp; marihuana; marijuana | 大麻
toaxmoaf | cope (clothes) | 大披; 大袍
tunmoar | store to the full, have a storehouse full of goods | 屯滿
tviuomoar | overflow (water, flood) | 脹滿; 漲滿
tvixmoafmoar | very full (of liquid); very crowded | 滿滿的
twnmoar | to store to the full | 囤滿
tøefmoar | fill up, filled up | 添滿; 貯滿; 裝滿
tørmoar | fill full | 倒滿
urnmoaa | mud eel | 泥鰻; 魚單魚
viumoaa | jute; a sort of coarse hemp used as the material of rice-bag or cord | 黃麻
viumoee | berry | 楊梅
viumoh | amnion | 羊膜
viumoo | wool | 羊毛
viumoqek | amnion fluid | 羊膜液
viumosvaf | woolen sweater; wool (clothing) | 羊毛衣
wmokiuu | badminton | 羽毛球
wmoo | feathers; plumes | 羽毛
wnmoaa | to conceal; to cover up; deceive by concealment; deceive; cover up; conceal from; hide the truth | 隱瞞; 蚓鰻
zabcymoe | ten sisters (bird's name) | 十姊妹
zadmoh | fastidious, finicky | 節膜; 苛求的囉唆的; 挑剔的
zawhøea-jibmoo | stand in harm's way | 走火入魔
zekpehcymoai | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehcymoe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpeq-cymoe | female cousins of same surname | 叔伯姐妹; 堂姊妹
zengsiin pafmoar | in high spirit; vigorous and energetic; full of spirit and energy | 精神飽滿
zhaekoemoee | snake melon conge | 菜瓜糜
zhahmoar | full | 插滿
zhanmoaa | mud eel | 田鰻; 鱔魚
zhaomomof | stinky | 臭毛毛
zharngmokngr | get goosebumps | 氅毛管; 起雞皮疙瘩
zharngmoo | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zhengmoaai | congee | 清糜
zhengmoee | thin rice gruel | 清粥
zhexngmoaa-toarhax | wear very deep mourning clothes | 披麻帶孝
zhoaq moo | pluck feathers | 拔毛
zhoemokiuzhuu | pick fault unfairly | 吹毛求疵
zhuimoo | criticises; find quarrel in a straw | 吹毛
zhuimoo-kiuzhuu | try to find out trifling faults (Lit. blow apart the hair to find out the defect of a fur) | 吹毛求疵
zhunhofng moafbin | smile broadly; cheerful look | 春風滿面
zhuoluo-moh | hymen | 處女膜
zhutmoa'ar | have the measles | 出麻仔
zhutmoaa | break out with measles | 出麻; 出麻疹
zhuymoo | investigate, search out | 揣摩
zhørmoo | to harass | 挫摩; 挫磨
zngmoar | fill up; pack until no space is left | 裝滿
zoamoaa | snake eel, serpent eel | 蛇鰻
zoeamoar | finished | 做滿; 完成
zoex-moafgøeh | celebrate one month old newborn | 做滿月
zuymoh | water film | 水膜
zwmoee | cook congee | 煮粥
zøx-moelaang | act as a go between; a matchmaker | 做媒人

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Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

Match Error #:

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